
Post on 26-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Summermag14


er 14June | July | August

Valley Mills


Exciting summer - While I can’t detail everything here, I’d like to highlight a few items for you to remember:

July6th - “God and Country” rally at both AM services with Jim Book, minister of First Christian Church of Kissimmee, Florida. Invite your friends to this day of worship as it will be very inspirational.

July13th - Gospel rally day with the “Vintage Gospel Lads” and Kurt Honican in both AM services. Also, the “Vintage Lads” will present a concert that evening that you’ll not want to miss if you like Southern Gospel Music.

NorthAmericanChristianConvention - This annual convention attracts thousands of adults, teens, and children every year and is representative of all regional and national Christian Churches just like ours. This years convention is in Indianapolis at the Convention Center, and is being held July 8 - 11. Many of our staff, elders and wives will be attending, and we invite you to consider attending this awesome convention with amazing preaching, worship, workshops, and display booths. There are separate scheduled events for your teens and children.

Please come to the information table for more details about these events.

Have a great summer in the SON!

Bob Beltz, Senior Minister

God has been faithful in so many ways, and I’d like to highlight a few. Newcomers to the family of God - Several people have accepted the invitation to be a part of the kingdom of God. Some through faith and baptism, and some through transfer into the family at Valley Mills. We celebrate these steps of faith, as it is our constant call to “Go into all the world and make disciples…” Newcomer luncheons such as “Starting Point” and “Turning Point” are being offered this summer for those making these decisions. Look for details.

Harmony and Peace - God is continuing to bless the Valley Mills family with a sweet spirit. As we let the Holy Spirit lead us and direct our steps, our walk with God will be strengthened, and we will have love and support for those around us that will honor God. Jesus said that we are to “love our neighbor as ourself.” The Apostle Paul said that when we “walk by the spirit we will not carry out the desires of the flesh.” Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus. Tithes and offerings - As a result of your financial giving, we have been able to hire (two) staff members in the last five months. Ezra Davis as our Student Minister, and Amber Ryan as our Children’s Minister. The future of these positions and our ability to continue ministry to our community depend on your faithfulness in tithes and offerings. Thank you for your faithfulness, and yet, lets remember the importance of our commitments. Remember to “honor God” with the first-fruits He has blessed you with, and even when you are out of town, stay faithful to God with your offerings. We are also reviewing our missions giving, and planning to make some changes in the upcoming months. Soon we’ll be making announcements about these changes, and even mission trips that you can participate in . Thank you for your faithfulness in giving back to God’s work.

by Bob Beltz, Senior Minister


We Arrrrrgh Followers of Jesus!

Day 1

Jesus Be Invitin’ Me...To Follow Him!

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

When I’s Followin’ Jesus...I Be Fearless!

When I’s Followin’ Jesus...I Have Mercy!

When I’s Followin’ Jesus...

I Be Generous!

When I’s Followin’ Jesus...I Be Sharin’ His Good News With Tha World!

Daily PirateTrainin’


The kids will have fun this year with our LOOT WARS that will help support the Stephen-Decatur school kids with school

supplies for the coming year. More info will be coming soon

so start savin’ yer loot!

On the open seas there be an adventure like no other awaitin’ those aboard the Penny Poor! Get ready to discover the

greatest treasure ever known!We want to invite all ye

buccaneers to join us on our adventure! You don’t want to miss it!



Married Couple

Individual (25+)

Adult Day Rate (25+)

Child Weekly(12/U)

Child Day Rate (12/U)

Student Weekly (13-24)

Student Day Rate (13-24)

Family Max. Weekly Rate

Register Online @

Stop by the Information Table for details and registration forms









Liz Curtis Higgs

Rick Warren

Tim Hawkins

Don’t miss out on an opportunity right in our own back yard!

On July 8 - 11, the North American Christian Convention will

be held here in Indianapolis.

The NACC is a great event that will deepen your faith,

expand your world and give you opportunities to hear from

many other Christian ministries throughout the world and the

impact they are making for Christ!

There are workshops, main sessions, a Women’s

Conference and Teen Conference, plus Children’s

programming that is top-notch! There are hundreds of

booths that will have different Christian organizations from

local ministries to missionaries throughout the world. It is a

wonderful way to connect and hear of the great things God

is doing!

If you would like to register your family, please stop by the

Information Table to learn more. Don’t miss out!

V I N T A G E G O S P E L L A D SJ U L Y 1 3 , 2 0 1 49 : 0 0 A M & 1 0 : 4 5 A M

G U E S T S P E A K E R :K U R T H O N I C A N

L A D S C O N C E R T A T 6 P M

Austin (Worship Intern) and I returned from the LIFT Conference at Passion City Church in Atlanta a few weeks ago. We had an amazing time. There was a lot of awesome worship and prayer time. I want to remind our congregation of the importance of worship. It’s our response to God’s love, grace and forgiveness. Sermons definitely help fill us up and teach us, but the worship time is the Christian’s response to God. It’s outlined well for us in Psalms 40:1-3. Verse 1-2 says “He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” This is explaining what God does for us when we accept Him, He takes us out of a pit and puts our feet upon sturdy ground. He doesn’t explain to us how to get out of the pit, He doesn’t just stand there while we wallow in the muck, He PULLS us out of our miry bog and puts us on dry ground. This is God’s amazing love and acceptance for us despite our flaws. In the very next verse (3) - “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” As soon as we are pulled out of the pit we should be overjoyed to sing God’s praises. The Bible says that our worship will continue on into Heaven. It’s not something that stops. Have you thanked God lately? Have you sang to Him praises as the Bible says too?

John 4:23 reads “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.” God is seeking true worshipers. He knows when we sing with our lips, but not with our heart. I can say that being able to see everyone’s face that I can see it too! Our church body is so great at doing things for people and representing Jesus in what we do, but I don’t always see that when we worship. I know that Sunday mornings can sometimes be stressful, but the very fact that you have air in your lungs is enough to worship the King of Kings. He is the one who makes that possible!

by Matt Dilley, Worship & Creative Arts Minister



Want to be a part of our Community?

Have a desire to grow deeper in your faith?

Join a Life Group!

Life Groups are not just another ‘program’ that we offer, they are at the core of who we are. We believe Life Groups are a vital part of the Christian walk. Sundays are only part of the experience. In a group you will not only grow deeper

in your faith, but you will ‘do life’ with other Christians. If interested in joining a Life Group please contact

Matt Dilley at or mark it on your Connect Card on Sundays.

Why Join a Life Group?

He can do whatever He wants but He chooses to have an intimate relationship with you. In order to have that relationship you have to be vulnerable before Him in worship. Worship in not reading words off the screen, worship is our prayer and our response to God’s amazing love.

Let us not let a Sunday go by where we don’t praise Him with all that we are. Let us not forget the power of God’s love for each of us. Let us not for one second get over that

God conquered death and our sins for us.


JULY 27, 12:15 PM

Are you new to Valley Mills? Do you want to learn more about Valley Mills? Please join us for our Starting Point & Turning Point Luncheon on July 27, 12:15 PM. Lunch

will be provided and children are welcome to attend. This will be a time to get to know the staff, more about Valley Mills and how you can get connected. Please contact the church office,

317.856.3766 if you would like to attend.

“There are 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it.

I enjoy watching episodes of Phineas and Ferb. Each day for them is a new adventure…mostly the kind of day where they embark on a new project, annoy their older sister with their shenanigans and Perry the Platypus will have to save the day from the evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz, but…it’s always a great day!

The reality is that summer vacations are getting shorter and seemingly busier with everyone going off in different directions. Psalms 20:12 teaches us that there is something wise about putting a number to our time and opportunities. Even in our business and chaos we have opportunities to connect with others and be a light that shines bright for all to see.

This summer the Children’s Ministry is encouraging your family to make the most of the time you’ve been given by getting the entire family involved in connecting with neighbors and people in your community. We want to partner with you to make this a Summer Of Service.

Your family can make this a Summer of Service by ini-tially looking for ways that you can help others and share Christ’s love as you go throughout your day. Ask God to show you opportunities to connect with others through ser-vice. There are several random acts of kindness that your family can do as you clean your house, go to the grocery, hangout at the pool or whatever your summer plans are.

We want to see your S.O.S. (Summer of Service) in action! Connect with us on Instagram or Facebook and share a picture of your S.O.S.

by Amber Ryan, Children’s Minister


(SUMMER OF SERVICE) Needing a little inspiration? Here are some SOS ideas that you and your family can do together.

write thank you letters

make military care packages

treats to someone who could use a pick me up

clean out closets and donate clothes

cash in cans/donate money to a homeless shelter

donate sheets, blankets/towels to an animal shelter

pay for the person behind you in the drive thru

donate books to a library

hold the door open for others

thank you note with your tip- for your waitress

bring your friends with you to church

pass out popsicles to people at the park

invite friends to VBS

take flowers/cards to nursing home residents

make a meal for someone on the prayer list

write/draw encouraging notes on the sidewalk

let someone go in front of you in line


Valley Mills Christian Preschool and Academy

Registration is open for the 2014-2015school year for ages 2 - Kindergarten. If you

would like more information about our Preschool and Kindergarten Academy, please

contact: Heather Skaggs, 317.856.3591.

scripture reading

Volunteer for the summer!

We need summer help in our Children’s Ministry in many areas. We have the best kids and we need students and adults to help teach them about Jesus in fun and exciting ways! Please see Amber Ryan, Children’s Minister for more details or visit the link below to sign up!

V O L U N T E E R S N E E D E D !

In Kid Zone, kids will learn to BELIEVE in God and what it means to be a Christian. We seek to

teach Biblical truths in fun and relative ways in hopes of having a lasting impact on your 1st thru

6th grade child. This month we’ve extended a challenge to all kids in Kid Zone. The Challenge is

to memorize the key verses from the #selfiekingssunday lesson series before June 22. The kids

that have memorized all seven verses will have lunch with Amber Ryan on June 22.


V E R S E C H A L L E N G E !

M I S S I O N S Pioneers for ChristNemesio and Terry Carbonilla, Philippines


The ministry just finished up the month-long DVBS in two

new locations in Sagbayan, Bohol (the center of a 7.2

earthquake last year.) It has been a wonderful experience

with over 300 children in attendance between the two loca-


The pictures are just a glimpse of the DVBS that took

place and as you can see, God is working through this

ministry in powerful ways.

The Carbonilla family is very grateful for the

constant support as they continue to do the Lord’s work in

the Philippines. They are currently quite busy with

opening two locations for the ministry in Sagbayan, Bohol

Nemesio and Terry Carbonilla have lived in Bohol in the Philippines since 1982 and pioneered the Churches of Christ/Christian Churches planted in that area. Pioneers for Christ is a ministry that was founded with the desire to reach the lost and make the Gospel accessible to them. Valley Mills Christian Church has been supporting them since 1995.

Please keep the Carbonilla family in your prayers and the people of the Philippines. May God open their hearts to the truth of His salvation through Jesus Christ.

and Catarman, Camiguin. Please be praying for help that

can sufficiently support and maintain these two new

ministry locations.

If you would like to learn more about the

Carbonilla family and the ministry in the Philippines,

please visit their Facebook page at

To learn more about the Missionaries of Valley Mills or if you would like to be a part of the Missions Committee, contact Cindy McCullough, Missions Committee Chairman at 317.627.1558.

The Heritage Group consists of men and

women ages 55+ who gather once a month for

fellowship or service. They have a lot of fun and would love

to have new faces join them!

The group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. If you are interested, please watch for opportunities to sign-up at the

Information Table.

AUGUST 10, 9 AM & 10:45 AM


Our phone goes off. We pick it up knowing it could be one of many different things: a twitter notification, a Facebook update, a sports center announcement, a text message, or even a phone call. Whatever it may be, we live in a world where we want to stay connected. We want to know what is going on. In this ever-changing world of technology, we literally can find out what others are doing within a few moments. Connection is what we crave and what we seek- no matter what the situation.

We spend hours upon hours looking at notifications on a photo that we just posted, we spend even more time talking on the phone to our family and friends. We talk to our relatives that might be thousands of miles away to see how they are doing and stay connected in their lives. If you think about it, we stay connected more today than we ever have. Some would venture to say that we stay connected too much. That might be the case, however, there is a huge question that is missed here. A question that for some is hard to answer- How is your connection with God?

Staying connected with God is something that we all as Christians should be doing, but what does that look like one might ask? There is no step-by-step process to your relationship with Christ, even though essential to what we do, there is no one way to do it. With this however, we begin to limit ourselves on what we can do or how we can stay connected. This is where we need to start looking at other ways of staying connected. When we read in the gospels about the disciples and how Jesus taught them many things during His ministry the big things stick out to us, such as feeding the five thousand, driving out demons and many more. If you take a closer look, Jesus was teaching them different things as well. Jesus taught them how to be a Servant,

by Ezra Davis, Student Minister

He taught them Love, and He taught them Humility.

I had a friend named Dustin when I was growing up. Dustin had different interests than I did and he was a little weird. But one thing always stuck out to me about Dustin. He never stopped encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone. Dustin never once told me that an idea of mine was bad. To him, if a plan failed- then it was back to the drawing board. I connected with Dustin in a way that most never get the opportunity to and he was a true friend.

Staying connected with Christ is going to uncover that same friendship that I had with Dustin. Christ is going to push you to see Him in a different way- to do ministry in a new way. Jesus came to save us from sin, but I believe that He came to make us think out side the box and really look to connect with Him.

Some of the ways that I worship and stay connected is by lifting weights, sitting in the woods waiting for a deer,being apart of the students’ lives here at Valley Mills and by having an open heart to what God might bring to my life next.

Open your heart and listen to God. He desires that relationship with you.




AUGUST 1o, 5:3o -8 PM




ATTENTIONSTUDENTS!Join us for WACKY WEDNESDAYS in July! We will start at 6 PM. Don’t miss out!

July2nd:Wacky Game Night

July9th:Water Balloon Bonanza

July23rd:Mystery Night

July30th:Rascals Fun Land (meet @ 5 PM)

(sign up by July 23rd)





5555 Kentucky Ave. | Indianapolis, IN 46221 317.856.3766


Bob BeltzSenior Minister

Matt DilleyWorship and

Creative Arts

Ezra DavisStudent Minister

Amber RyanChildren’s Minister

Tawnya NallAdministrative Assistant

Heather SkaggsPreschool Director

Austin JonesSummer Intern

find links at

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