Summer Term 2014 July 2014 HMC Athletics - On your ......boys 80m sprint, and came 5th. Darcey...

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Transcript of Summer Term 2014 July 2014 HMC Athletics - On your ......boys 80m sprint, and came 5th. Darcey...

  • Inside This Issue

    Let’s make Music 2

    Year 3 Invade York 2

    Year 4 Visit to Fairburn Ings 3

    Tea Party Time 3

    Nursery Outing to Sundown 4

    Summer Term 2014

    July 2014

    HMC Athletics - On your marks, get set, go!

    Coram House athletes from Years 3 to 6 travelled to

    Huntington Stadium in York to compete in the

    prestigious HMC Athletics Championships on Friday 6th


    It was a scorching day and all the children had a fantastic

    experience competing at a very high standard.

    Congratulations to all the competitors. Some notable

    performances were:

    Archie Peirson (Year 3) reached the final of the Year 4

    boys 80m sprint, and came 5th.

    Darcey Ducker came 4th in the final of the Year 4 girls’


    Grace Dibb came a magnificent 1st in the Year 4 girls’

    Long Jump.

    William Harrison, 6B

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    Many thanks to the parents who attended and continue to support the children and instrumental music staff in all

    that they do. Sarah McAlindon, Music Teacher

    Let’s Make Music In our morning assemblies on Friday the 20th

    June and Tuesday 24th June, we show-cased the

    musical talents of several of our pupils, from

    both Prep and Pre-Prep. We listened to a wide

    variety of performances and had a glimpse

    behind the scenes of the work that goes on in

    the many instrumental lessons that take place in

    the Music Centre. Both seasoned and novice

    performers enjoyed sharing the triumphs and

    tribulations of learning a musical instrument and

    they inspired us all.

    I enjoyed the trip to Yorvik because it was really fun. I liked going on the ride through the Viking village and seeing

    and smelling what it was really like! I

    would definitely recommend this trip as we learnt lots and even popped into a fudge shop too!

    Bani Bhinder, 3T

    Y3 Invade York

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    Year 4 Visit Fairburn Ings

    Year 4 visited Fairburn Ings on Tuesday 3rd

    June. We were there to examine habitats for

    our Science project. We enjoyed feeding the

    swans and ducks and experiencing pond

    dipping. We caught many insects that we

    hadn’t seen before. It was a thoroughly

    exciting and interesting day despite Mr Grogan

    trying to wet everyone!

    Year 4

    Tea Party Time!

    On Thursday 5th June, Year 4 had been invited to the Senior School Home Economics room to attend a tea party.

    The only catch was that they had to make the food before they could eat it! They created stained glass window

    cookies and smiley-faced pizzas, which they later ate with great enthusiasm. They were joined by their parents to

    share the meal in Centre Library, where there were then yet more smiley faces to be seen!

  • Nursery Outing to Sundown Adventureland

    The nursery children and their lovely ‘grown-ups’ enjoyed a fun outing to Sundown Adventureland on Friday 27th

    June. In between sampling the vast array of outdoor themed play areas, we also enjoyed tractor, train, sleigh and

    boat rides. During the only rain shower, we ended the day in the indoor soft play area, where the children burnt

    off any remaining energy and the adults had a well-earned rest!

    Everyone agreed it had been a great day. The rain mostly stayed away (until we were safely on the coach home)

    and our delightful children were a credit to their parents and Ackworth School.

    Sharon Marsh, Nursery Manager

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