Summer Safety Guide - Mayday - November 2014

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Keep safe this summer. Don't become an statistic. Make sure you read our informative safety guide.

Transcript of Summer Safety Guide - Mayday - November 2014



Be sure to be found with ACR

Trailer Safety

INSIDE THIS ISSUEFebruary 6, 2014, dawned

beautifully and we headed up to do a recce on an orienteering course we were setting for an upcoming event. The terrain was rough, with sinkholes in the area. These were marked on our map and we were being extremely cautious as we moved along.

We had been placing marker tapes for over an hour, when I stepped forward to place one on a small bush. I thought I would drop perhaps a few centimetres, as often happens when travelling in rocky terrain, but I didn’t. I dropped five metres straight down into a cavern, tumbled a further four metres at approximately 160 degrees of angle and then dropped another metre-and-a-half into the bottom of the cavern. All I could think as I was falling was, ‘When is this going to stop?’

I hit the bottom, conscious but a bit stunned. I checked myself for injuries; nothing broken, but I could feel blood on my head and leg. I was carrying a

first aid kit, spare thermal top, hat, jacket, survival blanket, head torch and my ACR locator beacon. I yelled up for my friend but couldn’t initially hear her, so I reached for my beacon. Because I was not directly below the very small hole I had fallen through, I tried to reach as high as I could up the sloping rock to place the beacon in line of sight of the hole, not knowing if it would be received.

By this stage, my friend (who did not have a beacon on her) had realised what had happened and called out that she was on the way for help. Once she contacted emergency services some time later, they had already picked up my beacon and help was on the way. After four hours, a cave rescue team member was lowered down to me, helped me put on a harness and assisted me to the top.

The beacon enabled rescue teams to find me quickly and get me out. I was lucky. I only suffered light injuries:

severe bruising, cuts, and scrapes, and required stitches to my knee.

Cold was the greatest threat, but I managed to avoid hypothermia with the help of my survival blanket, spare clothing and extra blankets thrown down by the first rescue personnel on scene.

I was amazed that the beacon was picked up so rapidly, despite being out of direct line of sight of the opening and so far underground. What an incredible piece of equipment - I was so glad I had it.

By Jill Clendon


Jill and rescuers, looking relieved




Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap is classic and a simple way to remember to be sun smart all year round. Coming up to summer it is important for you to protect yourself and family from the sun and the nasty radiations that come with it.

UV radiation is the culprit, it can be variable making it unpredictable and you don’t see nor feel it and it will turn you into a lobster if you are not prepared. September to April are important times as UV radiation levels are the strongest, especially as it coincides with daylight saving, family adventures and the summer Barbecues.

Having lived in Sydney for four years and surviving four nights in the Egyptian desert where the temperature was 60°C plus, I still believe New Zealand UV radiationis the worst. It is merciless and quick!

Clear skies and low pollution levels are great for the views but not so good for the skin. Both allow for more UV radiation passed through the ozone layer to reach the earth surface and the skin of friends, family and pets! Skin cancers are the most common cancer affecting Kiwis and this is unfortunately augmented by our clean green New Zealand image and love for the outdoors.

The Cancer Society of New Zealand simply recommends:

SLIP on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible.

SLOP on SPF30+ sunscreen that is broad spectrum and water resistant.

SLAP on a hat that protects the face, head, neck and ears.

WRAP on sunglasses that meet the Australian/ New Zealand standard.

Invisible Zinc comes in a range of forms and sizes. It is high protection against both UVA and B which are the forms that get to us most. It is water resistant, dries clear and easy to apply. Suitable for all forms of the family and personally endorsed by Matt Watson from The ITM Fishing Show!

Good health Andrew Harley





Soft cover

LIMITED Signed hardcover collector’s editi on 100 only copies


Need a gi� for the � shing, hunting, outdoorsey kinda

person in your life?

$35 $35Bushcraft ManualAn excellent safety resource

NZ Outdoor First AidFully revised NZ Outdoor First Aid Manual

‘On Target’ DVDSafe and successful hunting in NZ DVD

Chamber Safety Device5 PackInserts into the chamber of a fi rearm and clearly demonstrates that it is free of live ammunition

3 Left

Someting TO AIM FORNew Zealand’s best selling hunting book by Daryl Crimp

Price excludes $7.50 for P&H

11 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson • Phone: 03 548 6495

Lets try and avoid this, SLIP, SLOP, SLAPN




Prepare for the extreme with GME, because your life could depend on it

Digital EPIRBs have been around for quite some time now, and many

are about to reach their expiration date. So next time you’re out

on your boat, double check the expiration date of your

EPIRB. If it has expired, or is approaching expiration, contact your local

Authorised GME Dealer and discuss options for replacement, including

updating to the latest GPS equipped model from GME. With a GPS

equipped EPIRB, you will be located faster, and rescue authorities will

be able to reach you sooner. It could save your life.


Southern Ocean Safety Equipment – Service Specialist

Smart Choice

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YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS✓ Distress signals/fl ares✓ Marine survival supplies✓ Lifejackets & infl atable lifejackets✓ Radio beacons (EPIRBs)

✓ Liferafts sales & servicing✓ Immersion suits✓ Infl atable boat sales & repair

SW42002 models - Open / Centre ConsoleDesign – Ride – Safety – Stability plastics 0800 668534

AT LAST!What the boaties have wanted and needed is all available in this ‘Perfect for Fishing’ Smartwave SW4200.

Wow! You won’t beat this boat for stability, safety, dry and smooth riding even in the rough waters and best of all it is seriously user friendly.

With its flat internal floor and hidden conduits, all cabling for steering etc. is right out of the way allowing for an excellent safe and clean layout. This means the boat is ideal for the serious fishing guru or the whole family - kids and all.

Bow and stern rail test. Loading of 160kg per rail.

Fully swamped with internal loading of 300kg.

Internal loading of 500kg at starboard with list angle of 13°.

Hull cut in half - stern still floats.

10 metre drop test with internal loading of 300kg. Result; no structural damage.

SmartWave Boats are world renowned for their ability to handle the tough and extreme conditions many seas, lakes and rivers contain.

The efficient hull design, the high quality finish and features are the success story SmartWave has proved for over 10 years. The material used in these hulls is the LMDPE (Linear Medium Density Polyethylene) which is UV stabilised, strong and durable. This makes these boats perfect for diving, tenders, hire, charter work, commercial fishing, recreation and many other challenging opportunities. Ocean life has many yet unknown qualities and quantities that only the super quiet and stable ride of the SmartWave boat will give you the experience to discover these creations... Happy Boating.

SmartWave Boats are the uniquely designed craft that we manufacture in New Zealand giving you the features to make your boating experience a pleasure.

The survey swamp testing requirements in accordance with AS1799 and CE Standards have been successfully performed which makes SmartWave the perfect boats for hire operations, life craft and commercial operations.

Foaming... Yes, all SmartWave twin skinned hulls have been injected with marine polyurethane foam that makes SmartWave unsinkable.


Southern Ocean Safety Equipment has a team of qualified staff servicing liferafts and inflatable jackets to Maritime New Zealand and New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (NZCAA) safety standards. With the closure of Safe Air Limited’s liferaft servicing bay in Blenheim late last year, Southern Ocean Safety Equipment are now the only liferaft servicing agent in the South Island for Zodiac and Viking liferafts.

Is your lifejacket safe?

Lifejackets are required to be serviced yearly or to manufacturers’ recommendations. Southern Ocean Safety Equipment specialises in servicing both Marine and Aviation inflatable lifejackets, Southern Ocean Safety Equipment pressure test all inflatable lifejackets and replace the necessary parts to ensure they meet their safety standards.

Is your inflatable boat not holding pressure? Does it have a hole or tear in it?

Southern Ocean Safety Equipment

are experts when it comes to inflatable

boat repairs. From minor leaks, valve

replacements, fitting new internal bladders

and outer skins, the team have seen it

all. Why try and patch it yourself when

Southern Ocean Safety Equipment has all

the correct glues and fabrics, to do it once

and do it right?

Southern Ocean Safety Equipment also

sell marine flares, personal locator beacons,

EPIRBS and all manner of marine safety

products and essential boating accessories.

If purchasing a personal locator beacon is

not suitable for you, the team at Southern

Ocean Safety Equipment hire beacons from

$15 for one to three days, $20 for one to

seven days and $10 for subsequent weeks.

Whether you require new or are replacing

old equipment, Steven and Dude at

Southern Ocean Safety Equipment can help

you source almost any item. Contact them

today for a free no obligation quote

We are located at 300 Foreshore Road,






Soft cover

LIMITED Signed hardcover collector’s editi on 100 only copies


Need a gi� for the � shing, hunting,

outdoorsey kinda person in your life?

$35 $35Bushcraft ManualAn excellent safety resource

NZ Outdoor First AidFully revised NZ Outdoor First Aid Manual

‘On Target’ DVDSafe and successful hunting in NZ DVD

Chamber Safety Device5 PackInserts into the chamber of a fi rearm and clearly demonstrates that it is free of live ammunition

3 Left

Someting TO AIM FORNew Zealand’s best selling hunting book by Daryl Crimp

Price excludes $7.50 for P&H

11 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson • Phone: 03 548 6495


McMurdo A5G SmartFind GPS EPIRB

Every boat should have one!

Only $599 RRP

09 238 5617 www.

“Who you gonna call when you’re out of cell phone


McMurdo FastFind 220 GPS Personal Location Beacon

small, light, powerful.Only $599 RRP

Waterproof and Floats

Your position is transmitted to the Rescue Co-ordination

Centre within a few minutes and the search area is narrowed down to a

few square metres. Peace of mind for loved ones.

Saving lives every day!

Can be purchased at all good outdoor and marine stores

Get Found Fast!

Another Fastfind!I was deer stalking in the Tararuas for a

few days when I left the McGregor Bivy and planned on following the Waiohine River down to the Mid Waiohine hut.

We had had a heavy snowfall on Tuesday and heavy rain on Wednesday but Thursday morning dawned fine so I trekked off down the ridge to the Waiohine River.

The river was running clear but about half-metre higher than normal. Most crossings were chest deep and I had to swim through three gorges. By early afternoon my legs had turned blue from the cold and had started to seize up.

By 3pm I was only halfway to my destination and I was having trouble walking and had

another three gorges to swim. I was in big trouble and rain was forecast overnight.

My decision to activate my Fastfind PLB was a hard one as I had been a veteran deer culler in the area years ago but I’m not as young as I used to be and now was in a serious life threatening situation. It was the correct choice to activate and a relief I had the PLB with me.

Within two and half hours a rescue helicopter arrived piloted by someone I used to work with.

Thank you for a brilliant bit of kit. You would be a fool to leave home without one! John McCann.

Know Before You Go: Get Familiar with New Zealand’s Boating Safety CodeNew Zealand is a wonderful

adventure playground with so many outdoor opportunities for you to enjoy. From fishing, kayaking, sailing to rafting … the possibilities are endless.

All boating activities are regulated by Maritime New Zealand and the regional council for each area, so whether you have a kayak, personal water craft, waka, sail or power boat, you must know the rules, have the right equipment, and be a responsible skipper.

To help you stay safe while you enjoy our beautiful country, ‘Know before you go’ - read and follow New Zealand’s Boating Safety Code. The five simple rules are easy to remember and will give you the confidence to explore and enjoy, no matter what you choose to do.

It is really important that we are prepared and that we respect the environment we are in. It can also be a good idea to attend some organised training such as a Coastguard Day Skipper’s course before setting out.

Before you go boating on our seas, lakes and rivers, get familiar with New Zealand’s Boating Safety Code.

Five simple rules will help you to stay safe, no matter what kind of boat you use:

1. LIFE JACKETS Take them – Wear them. Boats, especially ones under 6m in length, can sink very quickly. Wearing a life jacket increases your survival time in

the water.

2. SKIPPER RESPONSIBILITY The skipper is responsible for the safety of everyone on board and for the safe operation of the boat. Stay within the limits of your vessel or your experience.

3. COMMUNICATIONSTake two separate waterproof ways of communicating in case you get into difficulties. We can’t help you if we don’t know you’re in trouble.

4. MARINE WEATHER New Zealand’s weather can be highly unpredictable. Check the local marine weather forecast before you go and expect both weather and sea state changes.

5. AVOID ALCOHOLSafe boating and alcohol do not mix. Things can change quickly on the water. You need to stay alert and aware.

Visit It has more information about safe boating education, you can read the Boating Safety Code, and if you intend to explore the outdoors or get into the water you can also read and follow the outdoor and water safety codes. has all sorts of tips and advice to help you prepare for your boating, water or outdoor experiences.


An accident with a tow vehicle can have much greater consequences than carelessness with a small car.

Quality Custom Made TrailersDunlea Products and Mudgway Trailers is a family owned and operated, New Zealand business, based in Kaikoura. Keeping Kiwi’s safe for over 35 years.

We produce high quality, custom-made:Trailers and accessories: to your specifi cations; unique to NZ, thealuminium I-beam.Farming products: extensive range of farm gates, bale feeders, etc.Boats: commercial and recreational.

Safety, Innovation and Excellence

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Our Services Include:

Trailer Maintenance Guide supplied by


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Galvanizing� e galvanize coating on your Mudgway Trailer is sacri cial to the steel it protects. It is made up of 99.5% zinc and acts in the same way as an anode attached to your motor. � is means that the galvanized coating will slowly degenerate in the presence of an electrolyte such as saltwater. � is is why the galvanizing will ‘dull o� ’ a� er a short period of time. It is doing its job of protecting the steel chassis and components. If le� unwashed the zinc coating will eventually disappear.

Caring for GalvanizingTo prevent premature corrosion to your Mudgway Trailer it is best to wash your trailer with a solution of warm water and detergent, this can be brushed or sponged on; the inside of the chassis and cross members can be cleaned out by putting the hose into the drain holes. If possible, one of the best ways to protect your Mudgway trailer is to immerse it in fresh water (river or lake) a� er you have used it in saltwater.

Wheel BearingsAs the wheel bearings are a very important part of your trailer maintenance, they should be checked at least twice a year. To do this, jack the trailer up and spin wheels—check for noise, vibration and excessive endplay. Remove bearing caps or bearing buddies to check the condition of the grease—for water contamination or overheating. Always use a good quality wheel bearing grease do not use water-soluble grease - this can make all the di� erence. Should water be found, replace hub seals and/or wheel bearing caps. If using bearing buddies,

ensure they are kept pumped up with grease, if they are not serviced frequently they will allow water in. Do not over pressurize, as this may result in seal damage.

Couplings and Safety ChainCouplings and safety chains are critical for safe trailer operation. Coupling play when tted on your vehicle should be checked. It is also important to make sure the correct size ball and coupling combination is being used.Make regular checks of securing bolts for rust and ensure they are tight.� ese bolts must be high tensile. � e chain should be bolted to the trailer with a high tensile bolt (not welded); this should be su� cient to hold the boat and trailer if it breaks away.

A safety chain like this will ruin your boating fun, not to mention the consequences if the trailer comes off when your are driving.

NEXT MAYDAY ISSUE we will cover winches, and checking your hydraulic brake system.Safe boating from the team at Mudgway Trailers

When your bearings are brown your wheels are down.



Senator Pontoon Range for Serious Safety

The design of a Senator is leading edge. The unique

hull shape allows each boat to cut through the

water providing the ‘smooth ride’ characteristic of

the Senator range. The smooth ride means a more

pleasant journey for everyone on board.

Senator has developed a series of innovative design

features to meet the needs of boaties throughout

New Zealand. Senator was one of the first boat

manufacturers in New Zealand to pioneer the unique

folded style alloy pontoon.

The pontoon is generally well known for safety.

However, the Senator pontoon takes safety a step

further by taking flotation high into the sides of each

craft, making them virtually unsinkable.

Not only is a Senator a practical boat, its innovative

design makes it a good looking boat too.

Senator also prides itself in providing boats with

many features incorporated in the ‘standard’ boat,

such as hand rails, bollards, cleats and boarding ladders.

Senator also firmly believes everyone buys a boat for

a completely different reason. It may be for fishing,

diving, family fun and adventures, or for business.

Whatever the reason they can customise a boat to your


Visit to find a dealer near

you. Test drive one today.

The spacious cockpit and wide top pontoon design are key features, along with the solid construction and stability ensuring a soft ride. The extra buoyancy high in the pontoon sides combined with the multi-chambered construction provides the ultimate in safety. You will be surprised at the features that Senator call standard, the quality of workmanship and the value that your Senator boat provides

The IS400 has a high level of stability, load-carrying, reserve buoyancy and can be towed on a trailer easily by any family car, which makes these very useful, all-rounder crafts.

Can come in centre console configuration


AIMEX LTD 132 Vickerman St, Port Nelson03 548 1439

Specialists in all types of marine repairs, sales

and service


Save Your Trailer’s Life with Salt Away

Optics for saving lives at seaNelson based specialist optical company

Archetype Precision Systems Limited has developed a range of high-end night vision, thermal imagers, and daylight optics suitable for the most demanding users. Their top of the range systems can spot a person at over 6,000 metres, in total darkness.

Archetype recently sponsored the Coastguard New Zealand 2014 National Conference in Auckland. Company director and spokesperson Christine Stewart-Corke believes that having a close working relationship with such an organisation is key to their product line. Christine says, “It is a great honour to be involved with the New Zealand Coastguard. They are all volunteers who put their own lives at risk saving others. We need to ensure that the optics that we supply minimses the time and effort required to complete a rescue.”

Technical and marketing director Anthony Corke is instrumental in developing the line of leading edge systems, that are competitive with the

best globally available. Anthony says, “I research, purchase, and evaluate products from various manufacturers. Once I am satisfied that the equipment is suitable, I pass evaluation units on to professional users for their assessment. Our product range is merit based.”

Stand-out products include long-range infrared thermal imaging units that can see through fog, smoke, and foliage, and work in total darkness; Generation 3+ (Gen4) night vision goggles that enable navigators to cross river bars in extreme darkness; and a very interesting range of daylight binoculars, that represent amazing value, and have unique features.

For a copy of the NZ Coastguard Collection brochure, phone 03 9700 570, visit, or email

Archetype Precision Systems also supply optics for hunting and security. All their products are available to anyone requiring the best available optical systems.

Pulsar Expert VM Marine Binocular is shockproof, waterproof, and floats. It also has selectable polarizing and haze filters, and remarkable image quality. At only $399, they represent unbeatable value.

Salt can murder trailers, but there’s one way you can save the life of yours, it’s called Salt Away!

Salt Away is the ultimate product for minimising costly maintenance on disc and drum brakes improving safety and extending their life, all with the greatest of ease.

By washing your trailer down with Salt Away after each trip you’ll remove that nasty salt that causes so much destructive corrosion.

The job is simple. Using the Salt Away mixing unit, half fill the mixer cup, connect it to a hose, add a spray nozzle or wand, turn the water on, switch the mixing unit to the rinse position and do a pre-rinse of complete trailer, and brakes.

Then turn mixing unit to Salt Away, spray the complete tralier, brakes chassis rails with this fantastic product.

All you need to do then is scrub any areas of that have built up dirt or road film, then give a final quick Salt Away respray and leave to dry.

Make sure you’ve already washed the boat down and flushed the motor with Salt Away so you don’t recontaminate your clean trailer.

Check out, for full details.

The last thing you want to do after a fishing trip, but a small investment and time and product protects your boat and trailer


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Investing in a drysuit?SOME THINGS TO CONSIDER

Drysuits have come a long way since their first beginnings. Like other pieces of dive equipment they were once made in the backyard with good old ingenuity and possibly a bit of good luck. Now there are many brands and styles to choose from.

OCEANDRY have 21 years of experience with manufacturing drysuits, we have learnt a thing or two about purchasing, repairing, maintaining and caring for your drysuit. So here are a few things to consider when purchasing one.

Neoprene or Membrane?

Membrane suits are made from a thin material. As the material has no stretch they are made to be oversized for ease of entry and movement. By themselves they have no thermal insulation, so there is the need to purchase a special undergarment to keep warm, especially in winter. Some membrane suits have two separate shells.

A good quality neoprene suit is generally firmer than a wetsuit because wetsuit neoprene has a lot of tiny little air bubbles in it. Drysuit neoprene is compressed neoprene. This allows very minimal compression when you get to depth, meaning minimal effect on your buoyancy. Neoprene suits offer insulation by themselves so you can simply adjust the clothing you wear to suit the season you are diving in. During summer shorts and a t-shirt and during winter a jumper and sweat pants will be fine.

Quality of the fabric

Whether you choose a neoprene or membrane suit you want the shell of your suit to be good quality, hard wearing and long lasting. Cheaper neoprene may collapse within two years and membrane suits can delaminate.

Where has the suit been made and can the valves and zips be serviced or repaired in New Zealand?

More suits now come into the country that can’t, it can be costly for international freight and a long wait with no suit.

Latex or neoprene socks will not last as long as a pair of good quality boots.

Latex or neoprene seals?

This is a matter of choice but latex is more prone to environmental factors affecting it and does take a little more care to prolong their life. Silicone seals are now available.

Ring systems

These can be very useful. It means you can change and replace them yourself, but if you want to be shoving your hands into a cray hole, they can be bulky and get in the way.

Things to be wary of

Heat sealed tape on the

inside seams where the suit folds, will crack over time. They are not normally able to be replaced or repaired in New Zealand and are near impossible to fix.

Curved and horse shoe shaped zips are also difficult to replace in New Zealand, also plastic zips are not widely available and tend not to last as long as other zips.


Looking after your drysuit is important. Ensure it is washed after use and allowed to dry properly inside and out, before storing it on a drysuit hanger. Don’t keep it folded in your bag. Products are available from OCEANDRY and good dive shops for the maintenance and storage of your drysuit. If you invest in a good quality suit and maintain it well, expect 10-15 years of dry comfortable diving all year round.Nelson Marine Radio Association - owned and operated by boaties,

for boaties - JOIN TODAY! Private members $58; commercial $74 p.aJoin your fellow boaties in maintaining this vital facility

Ph 03 528 7629 now.

TURBO CHARGE YOUR VHFMembership of the Nelson Marine Radio Association gives you use of channels 28 and 60 - instantly converting any VHF into a mighty communication tool that reaches into virtually every corner of Tasman and Golden Bays, plus well up and down the West Coast, out into Cook Strait and into Pelorus Sound.

With membership you get:• Enormous peace of mind - for you

and the family• Convenient, easy contact with other

members’ boats everywhere - to chat, compare notes, pass on messages.

• Three daily bulletins of weather (5 sea areas), tides, navigation and safety notices

• Friendly operators who - within reason - will pass messages to and from onshore contacts

• Log-in service for trip and position reports.

Accidents Happen! Do you have a safety product you want

to promote? Book your ad in for the

next issue of Mayday.

Call us on 03 544 7020


AIMEX LTD 132 Vickerman St, Port Nelson03 548 1439

Specialists in all types of marine repairs, sales and service