Summer quiz meets mega compilation

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This is the Mega Compilation of Quiz Meets held during the Summers of 2014.

Transcript of Summer quiz meets mega compilation

  • 1.Q1

2. Q2 X was assassinated while he was returning from the Deccan by Vir Singh Bundela (who later became the ruler of Orchha) between Sarai Vir and Antri (near Narwar) in a plot contrived by the Mughal Prince Salim, who later became the Emperor Jahangir in 1602, because X was known to oppose the accession of Prince Salim to the throne. X is known better for some other reasons. Identify X? 3. Q3 Each of them is 41.6 m tall and is capped by small capula. Each of them has a letter written on it, which put together spell the word ar-rahman (all merciful) . They not only balance the main structure , but are also placed in such a way that in case of a mishap, they do not fall over the main edifice. 4. Q4 If , USD = US Dollars INR= Indian Rupee BDT=Bangladesh Taka What does ZAR represent?? 5. Q5 The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), commonly referred to as the Farm Bureau, is a nonprofit organization and describes itself as the largest general farm organization in the United States. Facebook Acquired __________ From The American Farm Bureau for $8.5 million in November ,2010. Fill in the blanks. 6. Q6 At birth, he was named Ramachandra . X was given his name because of an unfortunate incident. Before he was born, his parents had three sons and a daughter, with all three boys dying in their infancy. Fearing a curse that targeted male children, young Ramachandra was brought up as a girl for the first few years of his life, including having his nose pierced and being made to wear a nose-ring . It was then that he earned the nickname X . After his younger brother was born, they switched to treating him as a boy. X is the name by which we know him. Give X 7. Q7 In an interview to Siddharth Sivakumar of Tinpahar , Goutam Ghose, the chairman of the selection committee of the Film Federation of India revealed, "Personally I liked ____X____very much. But eventually the eighteen member jury supported ___Y____. Now I can say that some people from Bombay felt that the basic premise of __X__was wrong. Because the __Z____never do such mistakes. Films are after all works of fiction, with the right to cinematic liberty! Although __X____was my personal favourite, but as a chairman one should not impose his or her choice on others. Give X,Y,Z. 8. Q8 The Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Biafran War, 6 July 1967 15 January 1970, was an ethnic and political conflict caused by the attempted secession of the southeastern provinces of Nigeria as the self- proclaimed Republic of Biafra. However in 1970 , both the groups agreed to halt the war for 48 hours? Why ? 9. Q9 connect 10. Q10 An engineer, _____X_____, was murdered in November 2003; ___X___ had blown the whistle in a corruption case in the National Highways Authority of Indias Golden Quadrilateral project. An Indian Oil Corporation officer, Shanmughan Manjunath, was murdered for sealing a petrol pump that was selling adulterated fuel. These events led to something. What? Also give X? 11. Q11 Schweizer Offiziersmesser is its german name. The term _________________was coined by US soldiers after World War II due to the difficulty they had in pronouncing the German name. It was to be suitable for use by the army in opening canned food and disassembling the Swiss service rifle, the Schmidt-Rubin M1889, which required a screwdriver for assembly. 12. X birth name is Richard Alexander Rodgers. He has used the aliases "Jackson Hunt" and "Anderson Cross". He is a writer. His most popular works are a series starring "Derrick Storm"; A Calm Before The Storm, Gathering Storm, Unholy Storm, Storm's Last Stand, Storm Season, Storm Rising, Storm Warning, and Storm's Break. Q12 13. ___X____ is a folk hero in South India, who figures prominently in "a host of folk stories". According to tradition he was a court-poet, or Ashtadiggajas , one of the eight elephants of Telugu poetry, and court- jester of Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire in the 16th century. His work Panduranga Mahatyam, is dedicated to Panduranga, a form of Lord Vishnu Q13 14. ___X______ is a traditional Indian sport in which a gymnast performs feats and poses in concert with a vertical wooden pole or rope. The word also refers to the pole used in the sport. _____X_______ can therefore be translated to English as "pole gymnastics. Q14 15. Mallakhamba 16. Since August Horch was banned from using "Horch" as a trade name in his new car business, he called a meeting with close business friends, Paul and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau, Germany. At the apartment of Franz Fikentscher, they discussed how to come up with a new name for the company. During this meeting, Franz's son was quietly studying Latin in a corner of the room. Several times he looked like he was on the verge of saying something but would just swallow his words and continue working, until he finally blurted out, "Father wouldn't it be a good idea to call it ____X_____instead of horch? "Horch!" in German means "Hark!" or "hear", while X in latin means the same. Q15 17. Feminist women love Eminem The Bechdel test was created by Alison Bechdel as a means of putting numbers to sexist trends in movies. Almost half of all movies fail the Bechdel test. Movies such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Avatar, and the Social Network all fail the Bechdel test. Its important to realize that the test does not necessarily say that a movie is or isnt sexist based on whether it passes or fails the test. Rather its meant to be a way of analyzing movies in broader terms related to feminist themes. What is the Bechdel Test? 18. No guns in this knife fight. 19. An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond, splash! Silence again. My first love was too much for me to hold in my hands so I used my empty heart. Wake up and see how the sun lights the top-most leaves sets astir the delta breeze, shrugs off night and drives darkness down into the flashing sea! 20. Ich bin ein robot? X first came up with the idea for his novel Y in 1962, when researching 'The Man in the High Castle' which deals with the Nazis conquering the planet in the 1940s. X had been granted access to archived World War II Gestapo documents in the University of California at Berkley, and had come across diaries written by S.S. men stationed in Poland, which he found almost unreadable in their casual cruelty and lack of human empathy. One sentence in particular troubled him: "We are kept awake at night by the cries of starving children." X was so horrified by this sentence that he reasoned there was obviously something wrong with the man who wrote it. This led him to hypothesize that Nazism in general was a defective group mind, a mind so emotionally flawed that the word human could not be applied to them; their lack of empathy was so pronounced that X reasoned they couldn't be referred to as human beings, even though their outward appearance seemed to indicate that they were human. The novel sprang from this. 21. Deja Vu?? X (1947) is a Technicolor comedy film, loosely based on the short story of the same name by James Thurber. The film stars Danny Kaye as a young, clumsy, daydreaming proofreader (later associate editor) for a magazine publishing firm and Virginia Mayo as the girl of his dreams. An escapist, he daydreams into a world of fantasy and adventure many times along the day. ID. 22. Nerds And Spods Association. NASA has a program that is allowing private companies like SpaceX to commercially launch cargo and crew, for it, into space. This is called the commercial crew and cargo program. In a nod to popular science fiction, what abbreviation was used to describe it? 23. Im a Barbie girl, in the fetish world... According to Metro UK, McNeill first noticed the dirt-covered X doll lying on the side of the motorway during her commute in May 2014, but she didnt retrieve the doll until many weeks later in early June, when she noticed it for the second time while stuck in traffic. On June 3rd, Twitter user @HarrietScottie tweeted a picture of the X that McNeil had picked up from the roadside, along with a mention that the doll has the name Liam written on its foot, and introduced the hashtag #GetXHome in an attempt to arrange a reunion between the doll and the child. In less than 48 hours, the tweet gained over 5,000 retweets, including one from Y writer Andrew Stanton. ID. 24. Affirmative. Mission can be completed. When asked if he would sue X over certain copyrights on his creation Y "I don't think so," said Keith Chapman. "He's got his finger on the nuclear button and the whole of the US army under his command. I don't want Delta Force coming over my garden wall. He's free to use it as much as he likes." ID X and Y, and the object in question here. 25. Pretty sure he wasnt in Stone Age NBA. In 2003, the remains of a Hominid was found on the island of Flores in Indonesia. There is still much controversy on whether this is a new species or some form of homo-sapiens itself but is often referred to by the name Homo Floresiensis. While some have nicknamed it the Flores man or Flo, what is the most widely used nickname for this organism? 26. Hello Grey, my old friend... In 50 Shades of Grey, Christian Grey enters a BDSM relationship with his mothers best friend, Elena Lincoln at the age of 15. Anastasia Steele (Christian Greys sub/girlfriend/wife/mother of his child depending on which book youre reading) disapproves of the pedophilic Elena and refrains from calling her by name. She instead calls her by what prefixed name, despite Elena being a divorcee? 27. Not Baker Street, My dear Watson! It was a market town in the medieval era, and its official charter was granted around 800 yrs back. The town gets its name from an Old English word for street, and an Old Roman road crossing the river on which it is located. Arthur C Clarke wrote his short story The Curse, based on a post apocalyptic vision of the town, where he served with the RAF. Identify this place. 28. The Japanese content in this quiz Is over 9000! When I was 14, my father was stationed in Japan. I went rock-climbing with a kid from school. He fell and got injured and I had to bring him to the hospital. We came in through the wrong entrance and passed this guy in the hall. He was a janitor. My friend came down with an infection. Doctors didnt know what to do. So they brought in the janitor. He was a doctor. And a buraku. One of Japans untouchables. His ancestors had been slaughterers, gravediggers. And this guy, he knew he was not accepted by the staff, didnt even try. He didnt dress well. He didnt pretend to be one of them. The people around that place they didnt think he had anything they wanted, except when they needed him. Because he was right. Which meant nothing else mattered. And they had to listen to him. The above narrated incident had a significant impact on the life of the narrator. Id the narrator. 29. At this point, I cant really think up of any good headings, so... X had planned several documentaries about with people in their setting in focus, like musicians of Rajasthan, dancers in Ellora, but eventually ended up making only one. The opening sequence of this 1971 documentary is an evocation of atmosphere - beginning with a shot of a parallel ropeway with two carriages advancing towards each other, which prompted X to note, "While they're reaching this point, I cut to a shot of a piece of telegraph wire. It's raining and there are two drops of rain approaching on a downward curve. It's a very poetic seven minutes. And the end is also very lively, very optimistic, with children, happy, laughing, smoking, singing. The whole thing builds up into a paean of praise for the place". Id X and also the documentary. 30. This question is just Small Fry. The name A comes from a pavilion at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Designed by Norman Bel Geddes, the X pavilion depicted how he imagined the world would look in 1959. Many other titles were considered for the series, including "Aloha, Mars!" and "Doomsville", which Y, the creator, notes were "resoundly rejected, by everyone concerned with it". It takes approximately six to nine months to produce an episode of X. Id. 31. Sorry Mario, but the princess is in another concentration camp! Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. ___________. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full. This was the entry in Leon Trotskys diary just before the day he was assassinated. Just fill in the blanks to get the name of a well known movie. 32. Na na na na na na na na na na na... A character called Azrael (Jean Paul Valley) from the DC Universe was an assassin belonging to the Order of St. Dumas who eventually breaks free and turns to righteousness. What critical role does he play in the Batman story arc ? 33. You stink like a pig, Mademoiselle. Kathleen Hanna, the lead singer of the punk band Bikini Kill, knew that her band mate Tobi Vail used deodorant X. To tease her friend about her relationship with Y, Kathleen spray-painted some words to the effect that the fragrance of X was clearly discernible on Y, showing that Y was Tobis lover. Y saw these words, felt that they sounded like a revolutionary message and incorporated them into a current project. The project was a hit, and directly affected the popularity of X, giving it skyrocketing sales in the early 90s. X, Y? 34. Leonardo-no-Oscaro?? TIME magazine released this short but exhaustive list to coincide with the build-up to the Oscars. Some quotes are included. What is the aim of this list? 1. Daddy issues - had he been a father at that time, he'd have thought twice about having the main characters abandon their family so readily 2. Streams of light - that beautiful but awful light, just like fire coming through the doorway - 3. Awestruck faces - to telegraph the wonder or fear that the viewer should hypothetically be experiencing 4. 'This' shot - we see what they are seeing as well as the expression on their face as they see it, without a need for a cutaway shot 5. Music by John Williams - his most famous work must be the opening music of Star Wars 35. Shoot to thrill, Aim to kill. This plant belongs to the genus Saggitaria which means belonging to the arrow in Latin. This is due to the shape of its leaves which look like arrow heads. A common name for these plant species is pretty famous and you would associate it with arrows. What is this common name? 36. Cheesy question... This county in NW England is known for a dense and crumbly cheese which was the most popular cheese in the late 18th century. Farmers would pack and mould the cheese in the form of animals. This inspired which character in fiction? How was this cheese served traditionally? 37. Obligatory Bollywood Question This is a small village 12 miles from Alibaug. The village is hidden in a grove of cocoa-palms at the head of a short broad bay with a shallow sandy beach. Its value was such that it helped the British earn 46,788 from 1874-1882. Later on, it became a port for nefarious activities wherein the mother ships would anchor beyond 12 nautical miles and the cargo would come in smaller launches which would escape detection. It came into public attention in 1990 and then again in 2012. What is the name of this village? 38. I find your lack of Anime Disturbing... X is a Japanese historic term referring to visually-impaired Japanese women, most of whom worked as musicians. Most recently, in Y, a critically-acclaimed anachronistic anime, one of the antiheroes, Sara had been a X. A famous X song Kuzunohas Child Separation was used in Saras performance in Y. It was sung by Tsukioka Yukiko, who studied the recordings of the last of the X, Haru Kobayashi and Shizu Sugimoto, and even walked a pilgrimage of all 88 temples of Shikoku island to understand the harsh life of these traveling performers. ID X&Y. 39. #justforgags #ruiningfanboywetdreamseverywhere An article on states that the new release of this film is simply a higher budget remake of the older, crappy film. It has 4 broad points to make: The plot points are ridiculous The cast is amazing (and completely misrepresented) The military is hilariously reckless It might actually do worse at the box office. 40. Meet my Roman friend, Biggus Dickus. A controversy arose regarding the artwork for the cover for the Classics VHS cassette of X when the film was first released on video when close examination of the artwork revealed an oddly shaped structure on the castle, closely resembling a penis. The cover designer insists it was an accident, resulting from a late night rush job to finish the cover artwork. The questionable object does not appear on the cover of the second releasing of the movie. A second allegation is that a clergyman is seen with an erection during a scene late in the film.The clergyman is a short man, dressed in Bishop's clothing, and a small bulge is slightly noticeable in a few of the frames. ID X. Writtenconnect 41. How do I hold in all these feels? Akiyuki Nosaka is a Japanese novelist, singer, lyricist, and former member of the House of Councillors. As a broadcasting writer he uses the name Yukio Aki and his alias as a chanson singer is Claude Nosaka. Nosaka was born in Kamakura, Kanagawa, the son of Sukeyuki Nosaka, who was a sub-governor of Niigata. Together with his sisters he grew up as an adopted child of Harimaya in Nada, Kobe. One of his sisters died as the result of sickness, and his adopted father died during the 1945 bombing of Kobe in World War II. Another sister died of malnutrition in Fukui. The reason you would know this guy is his semi- autobiographical novel, an apology to his sisters for not being able to save them.. Name the novel Writtenconnect 42. Up, Up and Away! Dr. Jiro Horikoshi (22 June 190311 January 1982) was the chief engineer of many Japanese fighter designs of World War II, including the Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter. After the war, Horikoshi participated in the design of the YS-11 with Hidemasa Kimura. He subsequently left Mitsubishi and taught at educational and research institutions. From 1963 to 1965, he was a lecturer at the University of Tokyo's Institute of Space and Aeronautics, and was subsequently a professor at the National Defense Academy from 1965 to 1969. Between 1972 and 1973, he was a professor of the Faculty of Engineering of Nihon University. Why is he in this quiz? Writtenconnect 43. Zed left me this chopper in his will...Writtenconnect 44. Even our porcine friends feel the need for aviation every now and then... This film was originally planned as a short in-flight film for Japan Airlines based on the directors manga The Age of the Flying Boat, but grew into a feature- length film. The outbreak of war in Yugoslavia cast a shadow over production and prompted a more serious tone for the film, which had been set in Croatia. The airline remained a major investor in the film, and showed it as an in-flight film well before its theatrical release. Due to this, the opening text introducing the film appears simultaneously in Japanese, Italian, Korean, English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, French and German Writtenconnect 45. And, the katana could cut through God. The film was extremely successful in both Japan and English-speaking countries. Miramax Films purchased the film's distribution rights for North America. The director met with Harvey Weinstein, Miramax's chairman; Weinstein demanded that edits should be made to the film. In response, producer Toshio Suzuki sent Weinstein a katana with a message stating "No cuts. The English dub of the film is a translation with some adaptation by fantasy author Neil Gaiman. Some alterations include references to mythology and specific names for groups, such as Jibashiri and Shishigami, that appear in the Japanese version, which are changed to more general terms, such as Mercenary and Forest Spirit, in the English version. Writtenconnect 46. The show must go on. Mamoru Fujisawa, known professionally as W, is a composer and musical director known for over 100 film scores and solo albums dating back to 1981. While possessing a stylistically distinct sound, W's music has been known to explore and incorporate different genres, including minimalist, experimental electronic, European classical, and Japanese classical. Lesser known are the other musical roles he plays; he is also a typesetter, author, arranger, and conductor. Pic on next slide. Writtenconnect 47. Arachnophobia? Aint got no time for dat!! The name X was based on the name of the Greek princess from the Odyssey, as portrayed in Bernard Evslin's dictionary of Greek mythology, translated into Japanese. In his essay On X, printed in volume one of the manga, the creator wrote that he was also inspired by the Princess who loved insects, a Japanese tale from the Heian period about a young princess who preferred studying insects rather than wearing fine clothes or choosing a husband. Among the inspirations for the environmental themes the creator has mentioned the Minamata Bay mercury pollution. The Sea of Corruption is based on the forests on the Japanese island of Yakushima and the marshes of the Sivash, or Rotten Sea, in Ukraine. ID this cult classic Manga 48. How very shocking! There was a rumor that X caused the city of Philadelphia to experience brownouts, that is, a drop in electric voltage levels for a long period of time, however, this was first reported incorrectly by the Philadelphia Bulletin in 1946 and since then has become an urban myth. 49. ... AC to AB and BC to BA Harmoniously equal for ever must stay; Then CA and BC Both extend the kind hand To the basis, AB Unambitiously join'd in Equality's Band. But to the same powers, when two powers are equal, My mind forbodes the sequel; My mind does some celestial impulse teach, And equalises each to each. This is an extract from Samuel Taylor Coleridges poem A mathematical problem, where he is describing the solution a problem poetically. What is the problem? 50. #shortandsweet #kolstylz?? Who was Pushinka Kennedy? 51. Dont count stars, you might stumble. Beta Persei was the first eclipsing binary star to be discovered. This is a variable system 28.5 pc distant, with 2 periods 2.87 days and 680.05 days which are caused by eclipses. The star has been associated from ancient times with creatures like Gorgon in Greek tradition and the demonic xxxxx in the Arabic tradition. Its English name (also the name of a pathbreaking programming language) derives from its Arabic name which means head of the ogre. Arabic name, please. 52. Chop Chop! This famous scientist began his research career in a subject far removed from what he became the founder of. In 1876, he worked as an assistant to Carl Claus, a marine zoologist in Trieste, Italy, studying the life cycle of an animal X. However, after dissecting hundreds of specimens of X over four weeks in a search of the male reproductive tract, he gave up and decided to focus on another system of X. This eventually led him to be interested in the subject for which he is famous. Which scientist, and which animal? 53. My very educated mother... A mnemonic describing a mathematical device : Sift the Twos and Sift the Threes, The ____ of ______. When the multiples sublime, The numbers that remain are xxxx. 54. Scram! Said the little green men... Tweet by the Curiosity rover "Happy b'day ___ ________! My favorite _________ chronicler would have been 92 yrs old today. In tribute, I dedicate my landing spot to you, ___ _______. Greetings from _______ landing ! 55. Yo mammas so smart... In the 1920s, Stanford psychology professor Lewis Terman thought he had found a way to predict what would happen in peoples lives. His method was a modification of an existing system. Using it, he narrowed a large group of children down to a handful, and predicted they would achieve success in life. He tracked them for years to prove his hypothesis. After decades, however, only a tiny percentage of Termans children excelled. Many were complete failures, and there were no Nobel winners. Ironically, two kids who had not made it into the elite group went on to become Nobel laureates - William Shockley and Luis Alvarez. What would you associate with the above text? 56. Dont look at the meteor shower, pervert! Snick meteorites get their name from (abbrev.) SNC, which stands for Sherghati (India), Nakhla (Egypt) and Chassigny (France). Their compositions are largely igneous and basaltic. Over 61,000 of them have been found on Earth. Where are snick meteorites from? 57. Masyics?? Phythatics?? X was a 20th century physicist renowned for his works in the development of quantum mechanics and electrodynamics. He shared the Nobel prize in Physics with ________ in 1933 for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory. X was the stepfather of Y, a relatively lesser known mathematician whose main works were in the field of graph theory. Identify X and Y 58. FullFatal Alchemist? A special airstrip maintained by the US National Parks Service has the code FFA. Where is this and what does it signify? 59. Humko e phijiks achcha laga re babua! What two-word alliterative term is often used by the popular press to denote Cosmic Microwave Background waves, which are considered the gold standard proof of the Big Bang model of the universe? The words mean ancient, and waves respectively. 60. Sometimes, stupidity pays. The origin of the X Awards can be traced back to posts on Usenet group discussions as early as 1985.An early post cites an example of a person who pulled a vending machine over their head and was crushed to death trying to break into it. Another widely distributed early story mentioning the X Awards is the JATO Rocket Car, which describes a man who strapped a JATO (Jet-Assisted Take-Off) unit to his Chevrolet Impala in the Arizona desert and who died gloriously on the side of a cliff as his car achieved speeds of 250 to 300 miles per hour. This story was later confirmed to be an urban legend by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The official X Awards website run by Northcutt does its best to confirm all stories submitted, listing them as, "confirmed true by X." Many of the viral emails circulating the Internet, however, are hoaxes and urban legends. 61. The cake is a lie... A famous conversation between a king X, and a mathematician Y. X says, "Y, you wrote this whole book on astronomy, and you didn't once mention God." Y replies, "I had no need of that hypothesis." ID. 62. Mary, mother of Jesus! The word X comes from Greek meaning "virgin birth". The term is sometimes used inaccurately to describe reproduction modes in hermaphroditic species that can reproduce by themselves because they contain reproductive organs of both sexes in a single individual's body. In Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Samaritan Snare", Captain Picard explains his heart was replaced with a "X implant" which is faulty and needs another replacement. In the television series "House" in episode "Joy to the World" Gregory House diagnosed the first human case of X to virgin mother in the clinic, which turns out to be a lie. 63. Its not over till the fat lady sings. The 1975-76 European Cup final held between Bayern Munich and St. Etienne at Hampden Park shall always be remembered with bitter agony by St. Etienne fans. In the first half the dominant French team created some gilt edged chances only to be denied by bitter fortune. The manner in which St. Etienne were denied by what was Hampdens famous anomaly as compared to other football grounds led to the French term les poteaux carrs. In the second half Franz Roth scored and Bayern won their third European Cup in a row. What anomaly is that is much maligned by St. Etienne fans to this very day. 64. Thou hast been initiated to the order. The origin of this particular ritual is much disputed. American fans claim they started this in the late 70s while Canadians insist that it was started by them during the Montreal Games. However the most famous one was led by Krazy George Henderson at a MLB game in Oakland. George attributes his discovery as an accident caused by a slight mistake of timing made by a section of the fans. George would later come to perfect this marvellous effect created. The name that we know this by is slightly confusing considering the origin. But probably stems from the fact that the rest of the world saw something like this for the first time at a FIFA World Cup in 86. What ritual ? 65. I once was lost, but now am found. Now a part of Brazilian heritage, X was originally started by African slaves in order to practice martial arts disguised as a dance as martial arts were prohibited for general public in those days. X in Bantu loosely translates to to fight. Full of cartwheels and flips, X was also seen in Oceans 12 practiced by Vincent Cassel. X please. The Y family are the proponents of Brazilian martial arts and are known for their development of Brazilian Z, a Japan inspired martial art. Being great successes in MMA tournaments have seen them acquire cult status and they had upholded an open tournament known as the X challenge which is the precursor to the now UFC. Y and Z please. 66. 67. Recently to much credit West Ham United announced the retirement of their No. 38 shirt in response to Xs tragic death by cancer. Considering that West Ham had only retired Sir Bobby Moores shirt previously this was indeed a great honour for this Australian kid who was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. Identify this chap. 68. Mr. Silk could you explain the meaning of this. In 1872, Col. Meriwether Lewis Clark, Jr., grandson of William Clark of the Lewis and Clark expedition, got the idea of starting this after witnessing similar events at London and Paris. Most famous of the 3 events set that X is a part of. X has the distinction of being held every year since its inception. X is even rich in tradition with the Mint Julep being the traditional drink of X. X is even known for The Millionaires Row, Xs expensive box seating area. What is X, something you have to win in order to compete for the Triple Crown ? 69. Maths !! Im gonna leave you. While Moneyball may have brought Maths in Baseball into limelight another event on April 8, 1974 was celebrated by Maths Enthusiasts and Baseball Statisticians alike. When X hit his 715th home run and surpassed Ys until then record tally of 714 home runs, Number Theorist Carl Pomerance noticed the anomaly held by the numbers 714-715 and promptly named them X-Y pairs. These pairs refer to consecutive numbers who have the same sum of their prime factors (Savvy ?). X and Y please. 70. Disregard Women, Acquire Currency. Grenouille: "I cannot go with you to the market today, Crapaud." Crapaud: "But Grenouille, I cannot carry the cow alone." Grenouille: "You know, Crapaud, that I am to be _____ this morning. Who will stop the ______ if I do not?" Extract from Hlas, Je me suis transfigur les Pieds by Malecrit. Fill in the blanks for me. 71. Killed By Death. Which artists take on the hazards of bullfighting aptly titled La Muerte Del Picador ? 72. Watch this space. Being an icon in his sport, Xs leather have a WLF emblazoned on them for Viva La Figa or Long Live Pussy. X is even an Inter Milan fan. Identify this sportsman whose iconic nickname comes from the clinical manner in which he dismantles his opponents. 73. Well this is clearly a difficult task, I mean after a while the wit you seek just eludes you. A tradition used strictly in baseball, a player is usually ______ after a walk off hit. ______ is usually deployed while the player is giving an on-field post game press conference. That way the player is concentrating on something else, can't really run away because they've got equipment hooked up to them and look like a fool on national TV, it's the optimal time. Bleacher Reports description of a Baseball thing really. What is deployed while the player is in a press conference after a walk off hit. 74. French ? I speak it. Xs official website reads. Whatever your label for me, I'm _______ and this is my site. This is my place to share what I think and hear what you think back. I want to shine a light on some of the things that matter most to me and open up a bit of debate. You never know, together we might even help change something. If you're a troll with no purpose or value beyond casual 4-letter abuse, join a few bedfellows on Twitter, it's easier for you there - go knock yourself out. X even describes himself as a ____, Ex-Con, Ranting Anti-Celebrity, Philosopher, Loving Dad and Violent Thug all rolled into one. Simple I guess. 75. Mrs. Smith could be a handful. Headquartered very surprisingly at Metbaut Avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan, this organisation is the governing body of this sport. Unders its ambit come typical organisations like Body and Soul Institute that one expects in this sport. However it seems that until now the organisation has not found a suitable candidate to hold the 2014 World Championship of this sport. What sport/organisation ? 76. Have A Cigar. On 23 February 1958, two un masked gunmen of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement entered the Hotel Lincoln in Havana and kidnapped X, a proponent in his sport at gunpoint. This was after X had exhibited trademark dominance in the 1957 event held in Havana. Later Alberto Lecchi would make Operacion X reflecting on Xs rescue mission from the Cubans. 77. No Scrooges this city, new bike and all. Coming fresh from her 4 Gold medal haul at the 1948 London Games, X was hailed as a Dutch Hero. Coached by the legendary Maureen Gardner who would later on equal one of Xs records, X was Knighted by Queen Julienne of Netherlands. Surprisingly from the city of Amsterdam, X received a new bicycle: "to go through life at a slower pace" and "so she need not run so much".