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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 1

Volume VIII Issue 2 Priceless

Metaphysics (from Greek:(meta) = “after”, (phúsis) = “nature”) is the branch of

philosophy concerned with explaining the nature of the world. It is the study

of being or reality.

Summer 2013

2 0 1 3 E V E N T S


Sat. & Sun. July 13 & 14, 2013 10:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Onondaga Community College Whitney Applied Tech Ctr

4585 W. Seneca Tpke

ROME, NY August 17, 2013, Erie Canal Village

MONTOUR, NY August 17, 2013


October 5 & 6, Utica Business Park Holiday Inn


Sept. 29 & 30 Bruce M. Wright Conference Center

1291 Faichney Dr

CORTLAND, NY October 12 & 13

Cortland Psychic Fair and Holistic Living Expo Ramada Inn 2 River St.


TBA Beardsley Castle

ROCHESTER, NY November 2 and 3

New Moon Psychic Festival & Holistic Healing Expo

NEW LOCATIONThe Damascus Shrine Center

979 Bay Road, Webster, NY 14580

lyons falls, NY Nov. 8, 9, &10

3952 Rt 12

Evolving Essence Psychic Fairs, BUFFALO at Hearthstone Manor,

Depew NY ROCHESTER atRochester Radisson

ROCHESTER August 17-18BUFFALO August 24-25BUFFALO November 2-3

ROCHESTER November 9-10


are here!

continued on pg. # 11

Metaphysical Times Psychic Fair July 13th & 14th

Onondaga Community College Details begin on page 20

Most everyone loves birthday candles. For our

family, it is the ones you can’t blow out! When

recently giving a talk on Soul Soothers, a friend

asked me to talk about the “Birthday Candle”

Meditation. Its formal name is the Candle

Burning Meditation and it uses the flame of the

candle to ignite your own healing fire within.

Using something as innocent as a birthday candle

serves two purposes: One, it isn’t scary so no one

thinks you are going to do some weird ceremony.

Two, it burns quick. One or two sessions and you

are done! Many people have found the Candle

Burning Meditation useful, so here it is:

Candle Burning Meditation 1. Choose something you want to release.

For this example, I use letting go of being angry with the neighbor who always parks in my parking spot.

2. Know that you are going to do this exercise for just 5 minutes or so, even if the whole candle has not burned down. You can do the exercise daily until the birthday candle is mostly gone.

3. Safely set up your candle in a candleholder

Igniting the Healing Fire Within

By Cindy Griffith-Bennett

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 2

Metaphysical Times Publishing Volume VIII • Summer 2013

PUBLISHER Georgia E. Cuningham

Distribution - Orion Marketing

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call 800-600-3831 or more information


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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 3

47th Annual Gemworld


Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse, Inc.Sat., July 13th 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun., July 13th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Visit the Metaphysical Times Psychic Fair & Holistic ExpoNext Door at the Whitney AT Center OCC - Only $2 with Paid Admission to Our Show

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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 4

Rambling Along the Metaphysical Path

By Georgia E. Cuningham

Publisher, Metaphysical Times


It is not often a person's birthday occurs that is likewise accompanied by a significant atmo-spheric change.

I suppose people have birthdays where the day starts out sunny or rainy and changes and maybe it snows.

But the barometric pressure change from a low on Sunday to today's Canadian high, felt deeply personal. Yesterday was a bit of a tempest for a while and I enjoyed the show because it was my 55th birthday and I dreaded those double digits; I only ever liked 44.

Twenty-two is okay, when you are 22. But I was not okay when I was 22. Eleven? Oy. Better not to think about.

Thirty-three was a charming year for about six months, and then it got positively dreadful, al-though I was in remarkably good health and I reminded myself that if I just held on I'd outlive Jesus.

Then 44. It was a boring, get-to-work-and-pay-bills year. I still played a bit of basketball then and I didn't mind getting knocked around. But the legs were beginning to ache and the shoulder was beginning to decrepitate. I got an X-ray that year. Not a smart idea. Arthritis was visible. So, there it was: midlife.

I'd already been spooked that year by a brown spot on my forehead that I know I got at a hot springs in Colorado. It was even shaped like Col-orado and it was threatening to get as large as Durango. It was dispatched and left a divit: pre-cancerous. Time to wear a hat. No more lolling around in the sun. Ah.

But 55 – what a weird thing to be! A Speed Lim-it! Do you think it's just because I've seen the number so many times that to resemble it in any way feels ... I dunno, state-mandated? I do drive more slowly. I walk slower too ...

continued on page #25

The First Monday of My 55th year

By Franklin Crawford

Over 2000 years ago the

last Amazon priestess died protecting the secret

that made her kind such legendary warriors.

Now an archaeologist

has found her grave, and in it traces of the secretthat let the Goddesses

fully live in them.

She is changed in ways she can barely comprehend,

and drawn into a deadly battle with forces that have tried to keep the secret of the Amazons dead

and buried for over two millennia.

Blood and Bread, the new thrillerby Stephen L. Burns is availablein Kindle edition at

for $2.99

The fourth annual Metaphysical Times Psychic Fair is July 13th & 14th. Imagining that this will be our fourth show is difficult.

This will be our second year in Whitney Hall on the Onondaga Community College Campus. Of course the Syracuse Gem and Mineral Show will be happening right across the way at the BIG SRC Arena. They are in their 47th year. Come to our show and admission to their show is only $2.00 Go to the Metaphysical times FaceBook Page and there will be an HUGE extra discount to the Psy-chic Fair (FREE).

Your favorite psychics will be available to do read-ings, plus there a couple of people who are new to us, but NOT new to their psychic modalities. As always we will have FREE lectures/seminars with your admission.

Hillwoman, Orion Books and Hathaway's Ele-mental Light will be available with herbs, precious things and of course "books."

Come for a visit, but make sure you check out all the other great shows coming up this fall all over Central and Western NY.

For more information see pages 20, 21 and 22.

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 5

Eleventh in a continuing series by Bob Canino

Was the double landing of UFOs at New Berlin,NY

a repair mission - or something else?

A woman steps out onto her porch on a cool au-tumn night in 1964. Looking up. she sees what appears to be a shooting star fall onto a hillside opposite her, 2/3 of a mile away. Strangely, she sees another "falling light" which she watches descend from the sky in a vertical manner, but then stop before it reaches the ground. It then starts to move horizontally along and above a creek bed that runs parallel to her road. As it comes closer, it becomes "intensely bright" and starts to emit a "low humming noise."

Calling out for her mother-in-law to come out-side, the woman (Mrs. H) steps out into her driveway to have a closer look.Right at that moment, two cars coming up the road pass by with the second one slowing down and pulling off the road to get a better look at the strange object. The UFO then starts to approach the car which pulls back onto the road and speeds away. But now the UFO shifts ever so slightly and comes DIRECTLY towards Mrs. H.

As she runs back towards her house, her moth-er-in-law comes out onto the porch, takes one look at the strange object and runs back inside. From inside the house she pleads with Mrs

H to return to the house and forget about the UFO. But Mrs H ignores her and stands trans-fixed, watching the strange object as yet anoth-er car approaches. Incredibly, the UFO starts to pace the approaching car as soon as it gets directly across from Mrs. H's house. Obviously frightened, the car rapidly speeds up to escape it. Finally the object moves away in a northerly direction and comes to rest in a field across the road, approximately 3800 feet away.

Now inside the house, Mrs. H and her mother-in-law focus a pair of high powered binoculars on the area where the UFO has landed.They can clearly see a "round structure", sitting on what seem to be landing struts. The underneath of the structure is illuminated by some kind of very bright light and in that light they see some-thing else even more stunning ; FIVE OR SIX FIGURES CARRYING BOXES AND WHAT LOOK TO BE SOME KIND OF STRANGE TOOLS.As Mrs. H looks on through the bin-oculars, the men use the "strange hand held tools to extract a large contraption out of the UFO." Then suddenly her mother -in-law utters a sharp cry and directs Mrs. H's attention to the Northeast. There, descending quickly from the night sky is ANOTHER light which comes to rest on the hillside right behind the first UFO. Both Mrs. H and her mother-in-law are more than stunned and can't believe what they are seeing now; MORE figures getting out of the

newly landed UFO and hurrying to assist the other humanoid figures as they work on the first craft.

Sound like a scene out of the X-Files, Twilight Zone or even the 1960's show The Invaders? Actually, the above account of a double UFO landing is true and is just as strange as any-thing that either Rod Serling or Chris Carter could ever imagine.Taking place on the eve-ning of November 25, 1964, just north of the small hamlet of New Berlin, NY (nearest large city - Oneonta- 25 miles away) Mrs. Kathy Hazenbuhler and her mother-in-law were wit-nesses to the whole startling event across from her property on New York State Route 80.

The most astounding part of this encounter of "high strangeness"was, of course, the human-oid figures trying to repair the grounded UFO. As Mrs. Hazenbuhler described them: "they seemed to be dressed in something like a skin diver's wetsuit. It was a dark color and their hands were visible...out from the wrist of the suit. Their skin was lighter than the suit that they were wearing. They were built like men...the only difference [was that they] were slight-ly taller...between 6 1/2 and 8 feet tall...they seemed to have hair like we do, although their hair wasnt seemed to be well barbered, fairly close to their heads."


Pitstop on Route 80?

Continued on page #6

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 6

After the second UFO approached and land-ed just beyond the first one, five more figures exited it to join the crew working on the first object. Mrs. H watched through her power-ful field glasses as almost all of them worked hard to cut long sections of what appeared to be "heavy dark cable".

Hazenbuhler felt quite safe watching the whole procedure, but her mother-in-law grew quite frightened. They both considered calling the authorities, but decided against it as they felt that the police or sheriff might end up harassing the "alien men." Also, both ladies later told investigators that they felt that "the Men" were watching THEM closely the whole time.

The crews from both ships worked non-stop for four hours trying to re-fit the contraption they had removed from the one craft, back up into place.Three attempts failed, but on the fourth try they succeeded. Hazenbuhler explained what she saw after that: "I could see them quickly pick up everything they could pick up and the men who had come down from the vehicle above them on the hill ran back with the materials up there. These men were running with something extremely heavy - (like) two men with a toolbox - one that required two men to car-ry. There were at least two more toolboxes, [and] there were two men who were labori-ously running [and] it looked like they were picking up cable pieces [that] these other men had left.They ran up the hill with them and [then]... I didnt see them anymore."

Then, around 4:55 AM, the whole episode abruptly came to an end. The vehicle on the uppermost part of the hill left first. "It went straight up...almost like an instantaneous disappearance in the direction it had come from - south / southwest," Hazenbuhler re-called. "A minute later the other vehicle rose straight up,went to the crest of the hill, rose

a little further again and shot off in the same direction, at the same speed. And that was it."

The next day curiosity got the better of her and she and her husband (a chemical engi-neer) made their way up to the area where the craft had landed. There they found two sets of evenly spaced triangular depressions, fourteen inches wide and around eighteen inches deep. But they also found something else that amazed them both; there sitting on the ground in full sight was "an apparent piece of cable." Hazenbuhler later described it to investigators:"the outer part of it looked like wrapping, something like a brown paper towel, only it wasnt like OUR paper towel(s). It that and was dark brown in color. It seemed to be [some sort of] tubular cable wrapping. And in the center of it - it had been cut laterally- you could see [a] strip, maybe an inch wide. [It was] something that looked like finely shredded aluminum strips laid in there. [It had] the color and feel of aluminum, al-though it WASNT aluminum. It didnt behave like aluminum. Aluminum will crumple and THIS WOULDNT CRUMPLE. You couldnt crease it. It was inside, strips of this, laying in-side the paper. You could remove the inside, for the outside paper had been cut along the length of the piece, but it was all together." They then gathered a piece of it and took it with them back to their house. But unfortu-nately, before any investigators had a chance to examine it, it was lost.

Initially, Mrs. Hazenbuhler, her husband and her mother-in-law told no one of the unbe-lieveable events of that night. As time wore on however, and no answers came to light as to what exactly they had seen, they began discreetlu asking around if anyone else had glimpsed anything odd in that general vacin-ity that evening. Eventually word got out and the three largest civilian UFO investigative organizations at that time - NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenom-

ena), APRO (Aerial Phenomenon Research Group) and CSW (Civilian Saucer Watch) did in-depth interviews with the primary witnesses and some ground investiga-tion as well. All three investigations cor-roborated with each other exactly, leaving very little doubt about the facts involved. A few years later, a prominent psychiatrist from the New York City area - Dr. Berthold Schwarz - who had an overarching inter-est in the paranormal - arranged to visit Mrs. Hazenbuhler at her home in Penn-sylvania (she and her husband had since moved from New Berlin). There he inter-viewed her extensively (both consciously and under hypnosis) and also adminis-tered a small battery of psychological tests including the Cornell Medical Index Ques-tionnaire and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test (MMPT). Scharwz found her a happy and well-adjusted woman and the tests showed her to be "healthy,open and straightforward." In his report he also mentioned that she stuck to her story and presented a well organized account [and] when "her data from disparate sources and times were reviewed, there were no incon-sistencies." Outside his report Schwarz made indication that she had been as truthful a witness to a close encounter that he had ever interviewed.

And there the case stands to this day; as puzzling and paradoxical as first report-ed. Did Marianne Hazenbuhler and her mother-in-law witness something so rare that there are hardly any analogues to it in parapsychological research? Or were they terribly mislead in what they saw, either witnessing an elaborate hoax or something else altogether? There is no certainty on ei-ther point, for indeed,with regards to the double landing on that cold night in 1964 in Upstate New York, the truth is still OUT THERE.

Intergalactic Pitstop on Route 80?continued from page #5

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 7

Uncle Threadbear

Part 2

Nowhere Fast As you may know, our small Bear Nowella is the off-white off-spring of a Black BEAR and White MAN … whereas according to Mother Bear, Nowella’s father (whose name she fiercely insisted she would never utter) had been a POLAR BEAR: a performer with Missy Hoolihan’s Tall Ani-mal Revue, whose act consisted of juggling several fish while balancing on a beach ball and smoking a pipe. To further complicate this misinfor-mation, Mother Bear had said that, after their very brief marriage and without a honeymoon, Father Bear had returned to his native South Pole

… although you and I know, and Nowella had to learn, Polar Bears are present only at the NORTH Pole. In addition to being disasterously misinformed, Nowella was direction-ally challanged - constantly getting lost, going in circles, and getting no-where … at the end of the day, sometimes arriving at the very point from which she had started that morning.

This may have been because her small black eyes, so sharp they were nearly pointed, could only see things if they were very close or if they were very far away, but everything in between those extremes was open to interpretation. She was nearly blinded by the light of day, and she got lost in the Great Far Off at night, so wether she traveled by night or by day, she mostly fol-lowed her nose. It was a very good nose, but of limited use in long distance travel … and so her trail tended to loops … in loops which rounded to nearly perfect circles, which ended exactly where they began. In this way, she got nowhere fast. . In her youth, her way of dealing with this problem was to try going FAST-ER… which as one might predict, only got her nowhere faster. It was a long erratic trip, but after many years of global confusion, and despite her directional handicaps, one day while swimming from sea-island to sea-island, Nowella knew by the occasional chunks of drift-ing ice, that she was not far from the South Pole. She climbed aboard an ice chunk about the size of a garbage can.

A cake of ice is in itself not very fast vehicle, so, to bring up the speed as she neared the goal, Nowella plucked some tail feathers from a deceased Albatross and stuck a fan of them upright in the snow. This must have speeded her up some and the wind may even have been blowing her in the right direction, but that was hard to determine, because the gentle tail wind soon became an out-right white-out blizzard. She was moving very fast when her ice chunk collided with a whale, which she could not have seen in that blizzard, because it was a WHITE whale, and she would never have known it was a whale at all, had not the collision caused the whale to vomit some ambergris (that sought after sub-stance from which a perfume base is manufactured). Nowella bashed her head on something in the accident, but was just pres-ent minded enough that she was able to climb up on the ambergris before she passed out. For a time measureless to Bears, our Bear Nowella lay in a coma. She woke inside the dome of an igloo-like hovel of rocks that she at first thought to be the inside of her head. By the light of a fire in a tin can stove, a small man with a big chest and wide nostrils gathered

continued on page # 29

by Oren Pierce, B.A. , B.S, M.S.G.

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 8

Twenty fourth in a continuing series by Sue-Ryn

Coyote Summer My awareness of coyotes goes back a ways .The first time I ever heard a Coyote sing I was home alone on a ranch that bordered the Pacific Ocean in California. I remember the hair on my arms standing up. Oddly enough, once I went outside and sat down to listen I felt more amazed than threat-ened. Years later, back in northern New York, I had started visiting neighbors who had just moved in to a house down the road almost ev-ery evening. I didn’t have a driver’s license, but I had an old red one speed bike…with no lights. One night on my way home long after sunset, a pack of coyotes made their presence known perhaps a quarter of a mile away. Pic-ture Miss Gulch on stimulants, I set a new land speed record! The really funny part was the next day when I asked my family if any-one else in the house had heard the coyotes, my folks told me they thought we were hav-ing some kind of wild party at the neighbor’s farm! My family’s farm had perfect coyote habitat; feral hay fields and healthy hedge rows full of elder shrubs, blackberry bushes, grapevines, and the occasional apple or nut tree. There were also swampy cedar lined creeks and hemlock woods. It remains one of my most favorite “place memories”. We had allowed a neighbor with a dairy farm to cut hay for bedding, figuring it would be a start on bringing the fields back to a healthier state. One evening at din-ner my father mentioned that ‘the hayers’ had asked permission to shoot the coyotes. They became unnerved when the critters started following behind the hay rake scarfing up the hoards of exposed mice who had lived in that meadow undisturbed for who knows how many generations. I was not happy, but permission had been granted. Interestingly, I don’t recall ever hearing any shots….the coyotes probably ate and ran. I heard them regularly and saw their tracks and scat through many seasons. I now live on Wellesely Island which has a large Coyote population. They regularly make their presence known in sort of a ‘call and response’ communication with each other at dusk, reminiscent of the way Crows check in with each other at dawn. There are the occasionally loud hunting parties in the darkness that are usually bad news for some one. In spring the pups can be heard too. Most day light sightings have been of them drifting across roads like shadows or occasionally sitting up on big rocks where the breezes keep them informed via sound and scent. One winter a coyote passed through our back yard every Tuesday for three weeks in a row – then we saw no more of him. Another winter Chloe got into a territorial barking match through the

fence with a coyote who did not want to let it go. Only our presence and calls made the creature back off. They are well adapted to remaining invis-ible and with good reason. Still I think hearing or seeing one is a gift. Early in my wildlife rehabilitation practice I took care of a coyote pup. A rehabber friend had received him from a man who discovered him all

alone while hunting on Ft. Drum. The hunter left the pup alone, but came back to check the area on his way home. The pup was still there, still protesting loudly, so he contacted my friend. She was rehabbing a grey fox pup and the photo the man emailed her looked identical, but upon arrival he was twice the size of the fox pup. I brought him home and proceeded to contact ev-eryone I knew to see if anyone had another or-phan coyote. He was a dumpling of a baby and very lonesome, curling up in my arms or trying to nuzzle up my sleeves when I fed him. He was also a lot smarter than any domestic puppy I ever raised. Any time I put him on a scale to weigh him he would try and escape the slight move-ment it made underfoot, and that was before his eyes were even open. Within a week I found some folks who had two other orphan pups and a pair of non-releasable adults to teach them. I met them a few hours away, handed over the pup, and drove away with a huge lump in my throat feeling like I had just abandoned my baby. They kept in touch, sent me photos and told me he went right to those other pups wanting no part of people. He was known as ‘Jumper’ until his release. Coyotes have joined the list of ‘urban

wildlife’ along with skunks, raccoons, opossums, woodchucks, and deer, primarily due to loss of habitat and also because there is food to be found near humankind. They will eat an assortment of fruits and vegetables, bird-feed, small rodents, rabbits, woodchucks, birds (including domestic chick-ens and ducks) and occasionally house cats and tiny dogs. If you live in an area with Coyotes, you need to be conscientious about your pets, your trash, and your compost pile. If you have a cat with outdoor privileges, make sure the cat is in at dusk or soon after. Walk your dog on a leash at dusk or after dark. Use a ‘bungee cord’ to keep critters from opening your trash can and attracting even more ‘foragers’. A very wise teacher once explained to me why we need them in our midst. Coyotes are natures ‘can opener’. There are many wild creatures who are known to be ‘opportunistic feeders’; if food is easily available, they will eat it. Even Bald Eagles are frequently seen around carcasses. Coyotes are frequently the “first responders” on the scene. Once they have had their fill and move off, other creatures move in to finish the meal. While it’s not the most pleasant picture, the alternative is worse. Coexistence is the way to get along with these intelligent creatures. People have long tried indiscriminant hunting and trapping to lessen the

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 9


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coyote population without success. Coyotes maintain a fairly complex social structure much like wolves. The alphas mate and reproduce and the pack supports the whole. If one or more alphas are injured or killed, the social structure is mangled and during the following breed-ing cycle everyone in the pack will mate and bear young, ensuring an abundant population. If you live amongst a population that includes coyotes you need to respect their terms of existence. Their pups are usually born in early spring and are around their dens until mid-summer. During this time parents may become aggressive and try to move you out of their territory. They will protect their young like anyone else and you need to be observant and careful. If you suspect you are near their den keep your pet leashed and leave calmly but im-mediately. You can also state your own territorial claim without resorting to violence. Even if you don’t plan to use them regularly, installing very bright lights in your yard is a great way to keep coyotes out of it – we’ve done this for years and it works. Motion activated lights work, as do motion activated sprinkler systems. If you find a coyote too close for comfort, use ‘hazing techniques’. Stand your ground and make eye contact. Unexpected sound, light and motion will give you the element of surprise. Popping open an umbrella, flashing your phone camera lights, turning up your tunes, or banging trash can lids together can also help. Be loud, exaggerated and assertive. Coyotes are naturally timid and usually respond quickly to such behavior by leaving. Don’t be surprised if the animal scoots a little way and then stops to see if you are still hazing. Continue your techniques. Because they are creatures of habit you may need to repeat the process a time or two. Obviously if a Coyote seems sick or injured you need to contact a wildlife rehabilitator. Rehabbers can be almost as well camouflaged as coyotes. You can find a list of wildlife reha-bilitators on the NYS DEC or NYS Wildlife Rehabilitation Council websites. Most wild life rehabilitators don’t take all animals, but we may be able to direct you to others who can help. ly ate and ran. I heard them regularly and saw their tracks and scat through many seasons.

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 10

By Don Brennan

One of my intentions when I started writ-ing this series of articles was to disprove the story of a more powerful form of Reiki that Mikao Usui was supposed to have taught to Tendai Buddhist nuns, be-ginning in 1915. It was claimed that Usui was a Tendai Buddhist monk and that one of these nuns was the cousin of Usui’s wife. In the year 2000, she was supposed to have passed these teachings on to a westerner, also a Tendai Buddhist, who was a teacher of martial arts in Japan.

This information has been presented in a system of Reiki called Usui Teate. It now appears that the story and the system is a fabrication created by some westerners. It came into being, about a year after Frank Arjava Petter taught his first seminar in the United States, on Japanese Reiki Techniques. It also came into being after the first international classes of Hiroshi Doi, who shares from his knowledge and experience in western Reiki, as well as his training in Usui’s Reiki Society.

The rest of Usui Teate seems to be bor-rowed from martial arts and other esoteric

traditions. Besides presenting eclectically borrowed, yet valid healing techniques, it introduced an awareness of kotodama, pow-erful sacred sounds. Kotodama are certainly part of Reiki. They are in the Gokai, the five Reiki principles carefully crafted by Usui. They are used in a technique for psycholog-ical healing. And they are also in the waka poems of the Meiji Emperor, used during meditation before and sometimes during at-tunements when Usui taught his students.

I was lured by the promise of the original teachings of Reiki, so when the opportunity came up in 2004, I flew to Sedona to take Usui Teate. Laurelle Shanti Gaia, the author of “The Book On Karuna Reiki,” hosted it. The teacher was the French publisher for her book and Frank Arjava Petter’s books. I had also met him in 1999, at Arjava’s Japa-nese Reiki Techniques seminar.

This teacher was also giving a presentation on kotodama at the first Reiki and Sound Healing Congress, the week before. Laurel-le, along with her husband Michael, hosted the event that featured Jonathan Goldman, the sound-healing pioneer. All of this made me excited and confident that I was going to be learning something wonderful.

Unfortunately, the fabricators of Usui Teate, were convinced that kotodama were veiled within the names of the Reiki symbols. They are in the “distant healing” symbol, but not in the others. This led to Jonathan Goldman’s production of the CD, “Reiki Chants.” “Reiki Chants” is a beautiful, meditative sound composition. But, it’s embarrassing because it’s based on flawed information.

It took me a long time to accept the fact that Usui did not teach the chanting of kotodama within most of the Reiki symbol names. Af-ter all, they seemed to work for me. I had several discussions with Laurelle, and we both felt that there seemed to be more en-ergy when we chanted the supposed koto-dama, compared to the energy from more traditional methods. After much contempla-tion, I think the reason is in the chanting it-self. The breath work involved in chanting, along with the internal and external vibra-tions, help us to be an even clearer chan-nel for healing energy and divine guidance. And then, of course, more healing energy is available to us.

Little by little, the revelation of accurate historical facts has been chipping away at the stories in Usui Teate. In the previous ar-ticles, I’ve shown that Usui was born into a family who were members of the Pure Land sect of Buddhism for over 6 centuries. Both he and his wife died as Pure Land Bud-dhists. We know that he was never a monk, but simply a lay practitioner. And it was im-portant to Usui for Reiki to be a lay practice and not a religion. So the suggestions that Usui was a Tendai Buddhist and a Tendai Buddhist monk quickly fall apart.

And the dates are way off, as well. In 1915, Usui hadn’t yet gone bankrupt, experienced his mid-life crisis, and pursued An Jin Ryo Mei. We know he began his 3-year stay at a Zen Buddhist monastery in 1919. We know he went to Mt. Kurama in March of 1922, where he experienced the energy for the first time. And we know that he created his Reiki school in April of 1922.

Just two months before he died in 1926, Usui’s master students gathered to pay trib-ute to their teacher. A photo was taken of Usui and 19 of his 20 master students. The photo of the missing master student was pasted in on the edge of the photo.

The first thing we notice about the photo is that all the master students are men. This was Japanese tradition at the time. Men were encouraged to achieve titles and posi-tions of authority. Women were not. Even within traditions commonly practiced by

These are wonderful times for those who are Reiki:

Just The FactsPart V

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women, like the Japanese Tea Ceremony and the Art of Flower Arranging, the teach-ers were all men.

Usui taught Reiki to far more women than men, but, as culture dictated, he only taught men to be teachers. So the idea that Usui taught the master level of Reiki to Tendai Buddhist nuns in 1915 begins to sound more and more absurd.

In the years following Usui’s death, cultural traditions began to shift and women gradu-ally became teachers of Reiki. Dr. Hayashi taught the master level to some of the wom-en of the Yamaguchi family. It is likely, that he taught other women masters in other villages. His wife Chie Hayashi was a mas-ter and he passed on the responsibilities of his Reiki association to her upon his death. And, arguably, his most important master student was Mrs. Hawayo Takata. Without her, we wouldn’t even know the word Reiki today!

If you missed Part I, II, III, or IV,

you can read it online at

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 11

or you can fill a small cup with salt or sand. Don’t use a cupcake or anything edible for this exercise unless you throw out the food.

4. Take a few deep breaths and ask that you are surrounded with light and all that you release is taken to the light to be transmuted into healing energy for you or the neighbor.

5. With sacredness and purpose, light your candle intending that as the fire burns the candle down, it burns away the core issue that is creating your anger at the neighbor. You are intending that this release be for the highest and most loving good of all those concerned.

6. As the candle burns, focus on the wax disappearing. See the anger that you are releasing represented by the candle and as the candle burns down, the internal issues that supported this anger, the wax, are burned away at the same time.

7. See that as the wax is consumed, it is transformed into heat and in the same way, intend that what is being burned away within you is transformed into healing energy.

8. Once you are done for that sitting. Blow out the candle and with that exhale release what ever might be energetically left over.

9. With the next inhale, bring in Golden Light to surround and permeate your entire being, The Golden Light replaces and fills any void that might have been temporarily created through this release.

Notice this meditation is working on the underlying issue creating the situation, in this case, anger. Often we don’t even know why we are getting upset. Maybe we allow people to take advantage of us, we do not stand up for our self and so we get angry with our neighbor when he takes advantage. Maybe our neighbor reminds us of a person who did not respect our boundaries. The great thing about this meditation is that if you intend that the underlying issue is released, you don’t need to know the “Why.” You can also use this meditation for very specific issues. If you are working on releasing blockages in your Chakras, you can choose the color of the candle to coordinate with the color of the chakra you are working on.

Your inner healer understands exactly what needs to be released and by using the Candle Burning Meditation, you are directing your inner healer to use your inner healing fire to release what limits you.

Who knew that a birthday candle could be a powerful healing tool!

Published by Findhorn Press


Cindy is author of Soul Soothers

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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 12

We Mean Business In New York!Some of the Metaphysical businesses that you should get to know in the New York State

• Cindy Griffith Psychic Consultant 315-685-8395 or toll free 877-511-3510

• Dennis Cole Astrolger & Metaphysical Consultant 315-457-9141

• Sandy (315) 437-1414 email signofspirits

• Two Hawks Gallery (607) 749-2889

• Mother Earth Health Foods 733 South Bay Road North Syracuse, NY 458-2717

• Mystic Side 404 North Main St., North Syracuse, NY (315) 214-0200 (800) 750-4113

• The Mustard Seed 969 Arsenal St, Watertown, NY (315) 788-2463

• Virginia R. Waldron Consulting Hypnotist RoseHeart Center

• Dreaming Cougar Woman Guidance by Deborah 315-383-9752

• Suzanne Masters www.Healingartpassages.

com (315) 426-9987

• Reverend Corbie Mitleid 518-275-9575 corbie@firethespirit

•. Mary Riposo Certified Usui Reiki (315) 449-0040

• Infinite Light Yoga 315-480-1996 Syracuse/Camillus NY

• Kris Faso Seer, Psychic, Medium (315) 483-0074

• Orion Book Sales 315-687-7695

• Libra Services 315-720-8752

• Hill Woman Productions Wellesley Island NY 800-600-3831

• Ted Silverhand Native Seer www.tedsilverhand 607-857-6372

• Healthy Vibrations 315-339-1404

•. Cynthia McCaffrey Donwood Office Park 135 Old Cove Rd., Liverpool, NY 13090 315-559-7120

• Angelic Inspirations Massage Therapy Darlene Mielcarek, LMT (315) 895-7677 1-877-869-9749 • NYLIGHT • Roger (315) 941-6240 Utica, NY ~ Syracuse, NY • Wil Alaura 315-696-6497 or 315-481-3273 cell or

• Krpalu Yoga Center 14029 Route 11, Adams Center, NY 13606 (315) 583-5500 www.kripaluyogaandwellnesscenter.


metaphysicaltimes.comCNY’s most comprehensive Metaphysical event listings

• Barbara Konish & New Moon Psychic Fair 31 Tottenham Road Rochester,

NY 14609 (585) 224-8657 • Wanda Winters Integrated Therapy Master Psychic Intuitive, Spiritual Con-

selor (315) 686-2640 therealmshift.

com • Kimberly Ward Reiki Master/Teacher 223 JB Wise Place, Empsall

Plaze, Suite 27 Watertown, NY 315-783-6867

• Sandra L. Smith Reiki Master (315) 783-1892 Email:

•. Indigo Massage & GiftsCourtney Noel Flynn, LMT3522 James St. Suite #207(315)

• Life Center for Well-BeingReiki with Don Brennan302 Parsons Dr., Syracuse, NY

• CHEROKEE LADY1808 State Route 31Lakeport, New York 13057633-9415

• Barbara Bennett

• Francine Bizzari 315-252-8589 francinebizzari.


• Starlight Enterprises Diane LeBeau 315-699-5812

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• Liverpool Art Center Sandra Fioramonti (315) 234-9333

• Fields of Gold Sue Beehm Waterville, NY (315)861-5917 email:

• Mystery House Marcus and Ginger Royce 315-955-0774 / 315-788-6606 www.

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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 13

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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 14

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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 15


Say this is all illusion as sayIndian sages who have put it sothousands of years since the Indus Valleywhere on a tiny tablet, seated cross-legged is found the image of a horned yogin, perhaps Pashupati himself, Lord of Animals.

Lately, having lights in my eyes glitter so substantially as to renderinsubstantial all photogenic forms,I see my own believing in their presenceas exactly that, my self-delusion, one to which, albeit, I am well accustomed -- as are we all, since when having been told that is not what you are, yet that could be what you own, “if you bow down to me,”as Satan is said to have said to Jesus in a desert way to the west of what is now called Pakistan.

Nation states are of course illusions, borders roped with bloodwhere warriors are pressedto serve because their fathers did with lords who claimed they were descendedfrom the sky.

Men are such tools of the wind and stones.

Instead of the radio news, rather than lament, I laugh and remember my horns, my legs folded under me in meditation, watching my own mindas the game emerges froma thorny thicket and looks back at me wise as a goat, an antlered stag.

By Peter Fortunato






By Peter Fortunato

“Say this” is the final poem of my new collection, Late Morning: New and Selected Poems, and it was rather recently composed. (The book is easily available through and When collecting the poems, I immersed myself in a review of almost forty years, noting especially which of my earliest published works were those I had most often read publicly and which I was most happy to continue to stand with. In forming a cooperative publishing venture, Cayuga Lake Books, with two other veteran

authors who were also tired of the dealing with mass market publishers and elite university presses, I immediately felt empowered to shape the contents of Late Morning to reflect abiding interests of mine that do not necessarily have cache with what the mainstream publishing world promotes. This is the liberating joy of what is currently being hailed as the independent press revolution.

My work has always been animated by a devotion to my spiritual path. Buddhist is probably the best way by which I might indicate the journey I’ve traveled for most of my life. I like to remind people, however, that the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, was not a “Buddhist,” but that rather he referred to himself simply as a person who’d awakened. (The Sanskrit root of the word Buddha refers to the potential or seed of awakening present in all beings.) Timeless as his message remains, the man was also a product of his time: a prince who turned his back on worldly accomplishments, a yogi who experienced deep, often austere meditation practices, and a brilliant philosopher able to communicate the essence of his awakening to others.

Shakyamuni, also known as Gautama, had access to a tradition of yogic practices and independent self-examination that had preceded him for many centuries on the Asian subcontinent and in central Asia. These practices and attitudes and the states of consciousness they cultivate might reach back as far as the upper Paleolithic era, 50,000 to about 10,000 years ago, the so called “world of the early hunters.” I believe these ancestors of ours learned how to empty themselves of ordinary ego centeredness in order to

continued on page # 16

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 16

As we traveled across the country these past couple years, I gave many talks. One message that Spirit kept giving over and over was, that to flow through the in-creasing shifts that are coming quicker and quicker, spiritual people will benefit by developing into Authen-tic Beings.

This leads people to ask “What does Spirit mean by Authentic Beings?” This came up so many times that Cindy and I felt it would make a wonderful topic to share.

To become Authentic we have to develop a new way of Being.

If we focus on the prime element of Love and being heart centered then we begin to think and act with loving intention. Love is the key to being “Authen-tic,” yet many people across the country have reminded me, “It is hard to stay focused on loving intentions in today's world.”

I agree. Yet we must develop the discipline despite the challenge and it all starts simply with a deeply sincere and solemn intention to work toward living with loving intentions. Let’s start developing our own personal practices, as opposed to just reading the theories or going to another class. Just like what is recom-mended in the noble eightfold path, it’s time we start taking steps and develop-ing right action now. Our “Being” instinctually knows what is loving; we only need to instill it into our way of living one step and one day at a time. That is a marvelous way to begin and once we step down that path we are immediately making a difference.

by Dave Bennett

Becoming “Authentic Beings”We are all a part of this universe, so we are all a part of the shifts we see today. It is a serious responsibility we all share to make our future and the future of our children a more verdant and peaceful place. As we become more heart centered in our daily tasks we contribute to those goals. Along with a heart cen-tered lifestyle runs parallel the necessity of mindfulness or living with a focus on this moment. The more we focus on this moment, trying to do our absolute best, we are continuously working for a better tomorrow.

This is an ancient way of living that is being brought forward and melded into today's lifestyles to create a togetherness and coherence of old and new. Living in connection to our heart is living a spiritual life. Our true nature resonates to this new way of being, thus supporting us with guidance, enhancing our light connection and inspiration. Gratitude and giving back to our circles and com-munities is an important part of this lifestyle. It allows us to share our inspira-tion, our spark of light with those around us, igniting their light and love. In this way we build stronger communities based on mutual respect and cooperation.

Always know we are human and sometimes we fall down, but we can use our failures to strengthen our spiritual transformation. If we learn from our missteps, we add considerably more knowing to our consciousness and to the greater all. We pick ourselves up and continue on our paths toward developing into Authentic Beings.

Remember ~ Authentic means “of undisputed origin,” let us live true to our hearts in all ways, lifting our loving intentions for the greater good for all, that way we are being true to ourselves and authentic.

David Bennett • Author of "Voyage of Purpose"

become one with the natural world and their fellow inhabitants, on whom their own existence depended. Shamanism is another way of talking about these practices; in the primary sense of the word, shamanism refers to the inner fire or inner light with which a hunter and yogi can “see” into the real nature of things, including her or his own real nature. Such practices are still employed around the planet today among primal peoples. Some have been handed down and are available to us in the modern world.

My poem “Say This” refers to a famous, but still quite mysterious, little clay tablet a few thousand years old that is connected to the Indus Valley civilization. That culture was in its time a highly developed, late Paleolithic city state that seems to have retained its connection to the primal mountain dwellers and hunters and nomad herdsmen who eventually farmed the valley and helped build its civilization. The figure on the tablet is wearing a horned crown and seems to be seated in a yogic posture. Tiny animals float in the space around him. Present day followers

of the Hindu god Shiva, the lord of yogins, claim this ithyphallic figure is a form of Shiva known as Pashupati, or the Lord of Animals. I’d like to think that reading my book Late Morning from beginning to end, you will naturally see why I’ve placed “Say This” at the conclusion. What could be more independent, or for that matter revolutionary, than sitting on the ground and enjoying the play of one’s own mind?

It’s actually evolutionary.

continued from page #15

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 17

PSYCHIC/MEDIUMKris, I have always believed in Psychics with a consideration that some, if not alot, is for entertainment.I have had several readings over my life and some hit on a little, but it takes alot to impress me and I was more than impressed with the reading you gave me on the 19th of August in Rome, NY. When I inquired whether my father was around me, the only person that knew what items of his I was carry-ing was my mother and she was not there. You absolutely blew me away when you mentioned the items in regards to a message from dad-you were spot on 100%. You didn't guess, you told me what they were. Not to mention the issue he was having before passing-again you hit that 100% on the money! It doesn't bring my dad back, but I have been so comfortable in the last days knowing he is around me.You are a great guy and very compassionate! I look foward to dealing with only you for future readings. To anyone reading this feedback, Krisis the real deal!!!! Not to mention a great guy.Thank you Kris-You ROCK! Jeff (from Syracuse)

Questions about Past, Present, FutureAre you interested in Communication with Ancestors, Fam-ily on the other side Call Kris 315-483-0074Hello Kris, You did a reading for me August 12 in Rochester this year. I was there early in the morning with my late partner's sister. Needless to say you blew me totally away. You knew way too many details for it to be coincidence. I walked away from our session feeling a great deal of warmth, knowing my partner has crossed over and is ok. You absolutely floored me when you mentioned his name being around me tosay he was ok.Thank you so much Kris, and I will see you again. John

To experience a Session with KrisPrivate Reading, Home Party, Phone Session / Show Dates

Call Kris 315-483-0074 or go to

Have a Burning Question? Go to click on Burning QuestionTo Schedule a Reading with Kris Call 315-483-0074

See Kris in action @ Message Gallery-see videos.

Kris' Schedule - July - November 2013July 201313/14 Metaphysical Times Psycic Fair at Onondaga Community College27 Appointments being scheduled from Kris' Stone Room.To book an appointment call 315-483-0074August 201317/18 Erie Canal Village Psychic Fair. Held at the Historic ErieCanal Village. Rome, NY24/25 Evolving Essence Psychic Fair. Held at the Hearthstone Manor333 Dick Rd Depew, NYSeptember 20137 Appointments scheduled in Kris' Stone Room.To book an appointment call 315-483-007421/22 Sun in Pisces Psychic Fair. Held at the Clarion Hotel,Batavia, NY28/29 Mystical Journey Psychic and Holistic Fair. Watertown, NYOctober 2013 5/6 The Original Holistic and Psychic Fair. held at the HolidaInn Business Pk. Burrstone Rd. New Hartford/Utica12 Appointments being sceduled at Kris' Stone Room.To book an appointment call 315-483-0074November 20131/2/3 Mystical Journey Psychic and Holistic Fair. Held at BestWestern, Canton Community College. Main street Canton, NY.9/10 Evolving Essence Psychic Fair. Held at the RochesterRadisson Hotel, Jefferson Rd. Rochester, NY.16/17 Evolving Essence Syracuse Psych Fair. Held at the HolidayInn at Carrier Circle, Syracuse, NY.

A Stone Ally By Kris Faso

I cross the boundaries of this world, but not without my medicine.

This world is full of gifts that are meant to empower us on our journey.

And when one walks a road in balance of this fact, ally's become present.

As I moved slowly into the woods attempting to locate a night time power spot, all my senses remain keen.

While my nose is to the air, my eyes scan the forest floor to about three feet off the ground. I am in search of a signature pattern… a reference to an allied place. Before long... for brief seconds at a time, soft violet rays of color caught my attention. They broke the paneled darkness in a wave like display.

I stopped... just then I recalled a predecessor's words describing the difference between organic and inorganic energy. “Like heat off the road”, I recalled a soft commanding voice.

Below my thoughts I could feel the sensation of being pulled to the area emanating the light. And when I became present with my attention, I was sitting at the center on a large stone.

I felt the strangest sensation of rising, yet I was clearly sitting. I felt lightened as if the air, moving through me, was passing between every molecule of my body and lifting me. It was like I could feel each molecule in contact with the air, as if they were moving about.

Quite naturally, I began a rhythm of deep breaths.

I sensed intent rising from my core and with a sudden and familiar (SNAP) the journey began.

Immediately and without hesitation, I was lifted to the sky. I sensed my own immensity as if to say, I became buoyant. As I looked back to see my body slumped over the stone, I had the most perplexing observation of being fractured or segmented. Somewhat baffled, yet without any doubt in my logic, I felt so utterly at ease with the idea that I was not only conscious of observing my body from such a distance, but I saw it in a time laps of itself unfolding from its original position to where I was now. The exact passage I had just made. And what seemed originally immediate in the shift were now a perception of time-lessness and the idea that I had just bi-located. Amazing indeed… I did not even speak my question, when out of the air the voice answered.

“It is as much an illusion as is the idea that you logically locate your body in two places. This is not a matter of bi-location. This is a matter of a shift location in your assembled awareness. You are not on the rock. The ‘you’ on the rock is the product of your imagination and logic within the timelessness you are experiencing.

Here in the Second Attention, time is a matter of being. It does not collect or multiply in its identity. Therefore it just is. You are in contact with it now. You have been in contact before, but never from this point of refer-ence. Logic cannot ascertain the same peace in the Second Attention. You must look away from your body”.

The moment I looked away, I had the most incredible hastening to look back. I did not, and in the timelessness of the new moment, with my whole body, I journeyed to the sky world that night. With a stone ally, I observed the world with a fresh Peace.

Peace on your journey, Kris

Kris Faso

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 18

You are invited to a Conversation with the author David S. Warren, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wed. July 24 at Natur-Tyme. Mr. Warren will read a few short ex-cerpts from his newly published novel, past works, or from his work in progress, in which, as Oren Pierce, he writes about Nowella the half white bear and her special friend Uncle Threadbare. He will also discuss the genesis of the Book of William and he hopes you will make it easier by asking questions about the problems that trying to write creates.

David S. Warren has published three novels, and writes the blog "Dog's Plot." In his latest novel "Dog's Plot: The Book of William," Mr. Warren's imaginary brother William tells about his years living with the beavers near Lake Bonaparte in the Adirondacks, about his feral life in central New York and beyond, including the now famous placing of a pumpkin on the spire of the Cornell Undergraduate Library tower in Ithaca.

Much of the book is set in the Cayuga Highlands, at the little farm that is itself called "Dog's Plot."

Signed copies of "Dog's Plot: The Book of William" will be available.

Refreshments will be provided by the Cafe at Natur-Tyme.


The Metaphysical Times

Publishing Company

ISBN 978-0-9846548-4-0

9 780984654840

The Book of


Author David Warren’s imaginary brother first appeared standing

beside the family dog in their back yard garden: the stunted boy’s head

no higher than that of the dog.

William, as the wild boy would be called, was never traced back to

his origins. He stayed on with the Warrens for years, sleeping mostly in

the bathtub, sneaking out and about at night.

His rambles soon kept him away for nights on end, and then for

weeks at a time. He built one-night nests and more permanent hab-

itations - some laid up neatly of stone, some dug into river banks, a

few in trees, most not much bigger than a refrigerator box, although he

spent a year in the attic of the Cornell University undergraduate Library.

When in the North woods, he often lodged in one of his modified beaver

houses, and for a year while still an adolescent, he was sent to live with

his “Aunt” Sammy on her Florida rooster farm.

Contact between William and the Warrens became infrequent

during his adult years.

Then around 2005, author David Warren moved out to the coun-

try, and soon found himself with a flock of chickens unbalanced by too

many murderous adolescent roosters. If anyone could wrangle roost-

ers, William could. Author Warren located William, and after he was

promised a hand-me-down laptop, William soon moved to Dog’s Plot.

As an adult drifting through coffee houses, William had taken to

the computer like it was a magic slate, and while at the farm, started

the Dog’s Plot Blog, chronicling his days at Dog’s Plot, re-imagining his

past, and expanding beyond his recollections and exaggerations, to offer

contrarian theories on cosmic origins and natural history ...

until a woman from the past arrived at Dog’s Plot.

You are Invited toConversation with the author

David S. WarrenWednesday, July 24th, 2013

5:30 - 7:30 Nature-Tyme

3160 Erie Blvd. East DeWitt, NY 13214This is a free event, however, seating is limited,

to reserve your place please call:


David S. Warrenand "Olive"

This event is sponsored by the Metaphysical Times with the assitance and cooperation of Natur-Tyme

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 19

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Also available at the Orion's Books duringThe Metaphysical Times Psychic Fair

July 13 and 14 at Onondaga Communty College

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 20

presents its 4th Annual

Psychic FairJuly 13th & 14th • 10:30 - 8:00

Onondaga Community College • Whitney Hall4585 W Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, NY 13215

Public Welcome - Lectures Free w/admission

The Northeast’s best known Readers and Healerswill be available for consultations

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Atrium in Whitney AT Center • Onondaga Community College

Admission $6 ($1 off w/coupon) • 2-day Pass $9 Admission Only $2 when you present proof of Gem Show admission



Not valid with other discounts.

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 21

• Georgia - Cheiromancy - The Ancient Art of Reading the Hands

• Sandra Argus - Intuitive - Psychic Tarot - Spiritual Guidance• Barbara Bennett - Psychic, Intuitive Tarot• Francine Bizzari - Psychic Medium• Linda Bloser (Aura Reflections) - Receive an in-depth view from this Aura photography expert• Don Brennan - Life Center for Well-Being: Reiki with Don Brennan• Deborah DeRusha - The Dreaming Gypsy - Spiritual Guidance/Medium• Kris Faso - Psychic/Medium/Stone Reader• Rev. Roger Frank - NY Light Lightworker and Medium• Cindy Griffith - Psychic Reading, Tarot Reading, Spirit Guide Reading & Health Reading• Sally - Psychic and Pet Reader, Card reading• Morgan - Mystic Impressions - Spirit Guided Henna

• Sarina - International Psychic Medium• Robert Steingraber - Past Life Recall Sessions• Kathy Brown - Psychic Medium, Intuitive, Sensitive• Rev. Jane - Medium, Psychic, Healer • Wanda Winters - Psychic Intuitive, Reiki & IET Master

Teacher• Wil Alaura - Intuitive, healer, artist.

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• Hill Woman Productions - Artfully blended herbs, oils, incense & more... “Hill Woman’s Kitchen Herbals”

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The Talented Readers and Healers at the Metaphysical Times Psychic Fair

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 22

Metaphysical Times Psychic FairLecture ScheduLe

at OCC in Whitney Hall Free with your admission

Saturday, July 13, 20131:00 p.m. - Linda Bloser - See your Aura. See your Chakras. What do they reflect?

2:00 p.m. - Bob Canino - “UFOs In Perspective – A discussion of the latest information on the UFO phenomenon

3:00 p.m. - Sally - My discovery through different paths open to Spiritual Communication

4:00 p.m. - Dave Bennett - “Voyage of Purpose” – One man's journey from Near-Death back to life.

5:00 p.m. - Deborah DeRusha - What is Shamanism - the mes-sages we receive in every day life.

Sunday, July 14, 20131:00 p.m. - Robert Steingraber - Past Life Demonstration 2:00 p.m. - Don Brennan - “Reiki Healing Meditation” 3:00 p.m. - Roger Frank- Working with Angels & Spirits4:00 p.m. - Wanda Winters - Working & Healing with Angels of the Energy Field

Barbara Hathaway & Georgia will be lecturing at the Gem & Mineral Show

Lecture schedule subject to change

Past Live RecallNot a reading you experience it

$70.00 per SessionBy appointment only

Robert Steingraber315-476-8823

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Francine Bizzari

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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 23

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 24

continued on page # 26

Greetings!We continue in our series on the “seed potentials” of Life experiences for each of the 12 Signs of the zodiac. Gemini is featured in this Issue. We will look at some excerpts from my book, “Sun Sign Potentials – A Guide to Understanding Self and Others.” Our focus will be on Gemini’s relationship to the 3 other Signs which form a cross of 90 and 180 degrees to Gemini. Using these we can somewhat describe the “WHAT, WHERETO, HOW and WHY?” of Gemini’s Life. To learn more about this Solar Astrology approach to interpretation, in which the time of birth is not necessary, you may refer to the summer 2012 Issue, pg. 25, of the Metaphysical Times, or go to and click on “articles”.

♊ GEMINI(May 21 – June 20)This 1st Solar House Cusp relates to the “WHAT” of your current intended Life Focus

Yours is a mutable air sign, Gemini. This means that beyond any additional qualities you may have - associated with planets in other signs, your underlying qualities are adaptability and flex-ibility, and your underlying tendencies are intellectual and social in nature. Your life energies are tied into the anatomy through your nerves, upper chest, lungs, shoulders, arms and hands; as well as through the senses in general. You will have some of the tendencies of your two air sign “cousins” in the Zodiac - Libra and Aquarius. These include interests and experiences involving loving, harmonious, relationships, public or social activities, friends and goals. Your ruling planet Mercury, relates to the principle of connectivity or association, as well as to the mind, intelligence and communication. Mercury has been referred to as our “perceptive antenna”.

by Dennis Cole

Sun Sign PotentialsA Guide to Understanding Self and Others

GEMINI “Our ‘JOY’ depends

upon where we

choose to focus

our attention”

- Dennis Cole

Discover your natural life focus potentials.Create more loving, harmonious relationships. Transcend limitations and fear-based "realities."Receive guidance about Love, Life, Work, Health, Turning Points and Opportunities, and what your Inner Being most wants you to Know.


Dennis Cole is a professional Transpersonal Astrologer, Metaphysical Consultant, Author and Lecturer. Offering in-depth guidance in such areas as Relationships, Life Focus and Life’s Key turning points.

Contact: Dennis Cole P.O. 122 - MT Liverpool NY 13088Phone # (315)-457-9141

Gift Certificates Available

Visit Dennis at the following:ROME, NY

TBAPsychic FairErie Canal Village5789 Rome-New London Rd.

Rte. 46 & 49

LaQuinta Inn Psychic FairSept. 14-15, 2013

Rte. 65 Exit 33 NYS Throughway

UTICA, NY Oct. 5 & 6, 2013

Holiday Inn 1777 Burrstone Rd.

New Hartford, NY 1341310am Sat. & 11am Sunday

WATERTOWN, NY Sept. 29 & 30, 2013

Bruce M. Wright Conf.Center1291 Faichney Dr.

Watertown, NY 13601 For more information go to

aquariusservices.netCall Dennis for a discount on

any advance booking - (315) 457 9141

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 25

The weather today was new weather, not yester-day's turbulent just-turned-55-weather, but a whole other system. It gave me the illusion of a new start.

At 55, there are no new starts.

But a baby was born into a family I know today. Her name is Vivian. Hi Vivian! You came along on my very first Monday at age 55! Maybe we will meet when you start to burble. You will look odd to me, and I will look odd to you. If I scare you, I am sorry. You'll scare me, too.

A discussion this afternoon about this aging busi-ness led to a strategy session about how to avoid any more double digits without causing trouble. There are these sky jumpers who wear something

like a flying squirrel outfit. Once upon a time I could not imagine hang-gliding or parasailing, but there is some primal attraction to the idea of launching off a 3,000 foot cliff in a flying squir-rel suit.

Like this folks:

Dim lights Embed I'd like to shed a few pounds before that experi-ment, for sure; I mean, even if the event should demand the full measure of my devotion to grav-ity, I wanna glide in the sky for while.

Yes, that's true. I want to glide in the sky before I die. Among the summits, even a water tower. Ah heck, a telephone pole would be okay but the

Water Pig FeverBy David S. Warren

Aboard the old Orient Express on the way from Vienna to Istanbul in nineteen sixty three, Eric Ross, John Irving, and I had eaten nothing but Semmel rolls and cheese for three days. So, as we were nearing Istanbul, we went to the dining car for one regular meal before the trip was over. By the time we finished eating that fateful meal, the train was in the station, we hadn't been given a bill, and the waiter was nowhere to be seen. We went back to the compartment for our baggage, and we got off the train. But as we were dealing with a kid who hooked for a student hotel, the waiter ran up and made us pay.

I don't remember that we added a tip, and I doubt it, but we were going to pay for that meal the rest of our lives; my next payment being made that night, simultaneously into a toilet and the bathtub of that student hotel.

No doubt but that meal was the source of what we might well have called the "Orient Express", and we three later referred to as " Water Pig Fever". Dr. Rudolf Faulkner, the Russian doctor of internal medicine I visited in Vienna, said it was a rare form of dysentery - but in my case (he advised me) was as much a metaphysical as a physical affliction. By my nature, said the doctor, I had the disease of a philosophic mind: a mind unable to turn away from the emptiness at the heart of being. Those, or something like them, may have been the words of the Russian writer Ospenski, whose "Fragments of an Unknown Teaching" Doctor Faulkner prescribed for me to read. I may get around to that someday. Anyway, it was conveniently enough, pretty much what I had come to Vienna to study and would encounter there in the form of Sartre's La Nausea, and Victor Frankl's popular and positive version of Existentialism, none of which you need to read.

I avoid philosophical abstraction now days, my insides are healthy, and I have tediously trained myself to at least imagine pattern and meaning between me and the famous black hole at the heart of being, but I'll never totally rid myself of Water Pig Fever. I may not even WANT to be totally free of it, if only for the reason that, without the con-tinuing story of misadventure and suffering, I might not remember much of my past life at all. And here is great and valuable pleasure in re-membering … even in remembering the pain-ful and wrenching past, which you can always remember differently and in better humor than we actually experienced it. There is great plea-sure and education in remembering together, as we differ in such novel ways in our memories and experiences of the same event. According to Irving, I was the only one who spent the night using the bathtub and the toilet simultaneously … and that does make sense… seeing as there was only one of each, and three of us.. We each came down with our own version of the Water Pig Fever.

continued from page #4wires are worrisome.

Correction: At 55, I think it's still possible to re-invent oneself before a corrosive illness takes charge of the job. I think what this weather is telling me is this: I want to glide. I want to glide like an enormous flying rat, at about 55 mph, in the air at about 3,000 feet, before I die. What-ever happens after that is not important: What's important is that I glide – not inside a plane, but dressed and outfitted as a flying squirrel – just me, just pure motion.

Bucket list!

continued on page # 39

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 26continued from page #25 sun sign PoTenTials - geMini Although you are somewhat of an easy-going person, you probably take pride in your ideas, intelligence and your communicative skills. You may desire respect for your mind - and for the ways you relate to and deal with your daily contacts and circumstances. You are a thinker! You have an active assimilative mind and you’re alert and quick-witted. You’re curious about many things. You are able to use your gift of intelligence and adapt to a variety of circumstances or situations with initiative and spontaneity. Often you can come up with orig-inal ideas and interests. Sometimes you say things twice - you repeat yourself! Sometimes you have a tendency to do two things at once. For example: texting while hiking, or cooking while talking to someone over the phone. You may have a tendency to use your hands active-ly when you express yourself. You do need to be active with your mind or hands. Mental and social stimuli are likely to be important factors in your life. You’re an active, changeable, individual - sometimes to the point of becoming unreliable. A youthful spirit, you value your freedom and independence.Much of your life’s activity centers around words, ideas, communications or connections in some form or another. You’re not likely to stay in any one place for too long. This may be especially true of your childhood. Change and variety can be a natural part of your path through Life. You always seem to be open to new ideas and interests. Often you will be involved in more than one activity at a time. For example, talk-ing with someone while on the phone with an-other person, or receiving a call waiting while on the phone with someone else. You are probably always going to be active - especially intellectually and socially - and you will likely stand out, verbally and intellectu-ally. Your vitality is closely tied in with your mind and your nerves.

. Any brothers or sisters would not only play important roles in your life, they would also be somewhat like you in nature and in their ex-pression and experiences.

♐ Sagittarius 7th House Cusp InfluencesThis 7th Solar House information relates to the “WHERETO” of your current intended Life’s Focus You tend to attract a partner who has a sense of humor. This person is rather religious, philo-sophical, creative, and probably shares your in-terest in travel and activity. Your partner is a natural teacher and psychol-ogist type. This person is optimistic and often over- extended. Sometimes this is because they think that they can do more than is possible in a given time. Your mate or partner is adaptable, yet some-times a bit blunt or out-spoken. This is not usu-ally intended to hurt but it is a result oftheir frankness and tendency to get right to the point. Truth, freedom and understanding are important matters to this Sagittarian type per-son They may also like the outdoors, sports and social creative functions.Partner could be someone from a distant place or country. You could meet your partner while traveling or through a social creative function - or college. It would also be natural to travel with this person. You’ll probably please your partner by being your adaptable, communicative, self. Partner will appreciate your intelligence, fairness, ob-jectivity and willingness to talk things over. Through your marriage, or other close asso-ciations, you learn to expand your outlook on life. On the other hand, people who are drawn closely into your life can learn to sometimes put aside, some of their lofty ideas and philoso-phies, and to deal more with everyday reality, including neighbors and relatives. Generally, you are lucky through your rela-tionships - although you may tend to have more

than one person on your mind at times. Cer-tainly you gain much wisdom - you learn a lot about life - through your relationships.

♍ Virgo 4th House Cusp InfluencesThis 4th Solar House information relates to the “HOW” of your current intended Life’s Focus When it comes to matters relating to home, family, property and future foundations, you tend to be more down-to-earth , more practi-cal. You can work hard for stability. Chanc-es are good that you’ll be more involved in work, training, self-discipline and good health practices as time goes on. Your crises in life are actually giving you opportunities to build a solid foundation and roots for your future. Many of your crises are associated with mother or family. Your mother and fam-ily tend to be practical, intelligent and hard working, although they may, at times, be a bit critical or tend to get hung up on details. There can be a number of changes (or repairs) relating to your home. This may also take the form of a number of moves in your life-time. Hard work, self-discipline, training and service to others can help you to feel more stable. At some point in your life you may find yourself doing some kind of work, or a service, from your home. This might also be work relating to families, homes or property. It can also take the form of doing a lot of hard work in or on your home. Your work can often take the form of help-ing or nurturing others in some way. You can put much feeling into your work and your work does tie in with your emotions.

♓ Pisces 10th House Cusp InfluencesThis Solar House influences relates to the “WHY” of your current intended Life’s Focus

continued on next page

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 27

You can sometimes be very dreamy and ide-alistic about what you want for fulfillment in life. You can also be very confused at times, or have self-doubts about your ability to find fulfillment. At times you may sacrifice your fulfillment for the sake of others. You may also tend to delay certain ambitions in order to do what you feel looks “right” in the eyes of others. Many of your dreams tie in with your se-cret or repressed ideals for success or re-spect. Sometimes these dreams impel you to take more action on your ideals when you are awake. There may be secrets or something confus-ing associated with your father, your work, a boss, or some authority figure.

Your father is an idealist, a dreamer, spiritual and sometimes confused - or confusing. He can be sensitive yet of service to others who may be in need. There are times when others see you as being unrealistic or confused. You or others may be somewhat confused about your status, your ca-reer, or ambitions. At times there may be secret or confusing circumstances centering on your reputation or ambitions. You may not be too ambitious to compete or to obtain high social status. However, you can gain respect - perhaps status - through your ability to be flexible, and through a concern for helping others who may be limited or confined in some way! Compassion, sympathy, and a sincere desire

to help others whom you feel are in need can bring rewards, success and fulfillment to you. Creative visualization and faith can help you to find fulfillment or success in life. Keeping in mind that “success”, ideally, involves Joy!

Summary Finally Gemini, may you truly find enjoy-ment with your mental pursuits, your daily ac-tivities and your social contacts. Yes, live life to the fullest in the here and now! In the pro-cess, however, you may find even more fulfill-ment and happiness as you also become will-ing to widen your horizons by searching for the deeper meanings to life, and discovering the underlying order behind your daily activi-ties and relationships.

By Dennis Cole These highlights of your potentials, from birthday to next birthday, will focus primarily on some key cycles through the "WHAT", "WHERETO", "HOW" & "WHY" areas of growth in your Life. These areas were covered in this Is-sue "Sun Sign Potentials" article on Gemini. By factoring in some of those natal highlights you may be able to intuitively garner more details from these forecast cycles. Your "WHAT" of these 4 cycles of birth and growth, is a time of renewal and new beginnings for you each year. It becomes activated more around your birthday and the few weeks following that. This can begin after May 21st when the sun moves into the Sign, Gemini. The Gemini new moon on June 8, 2013 can act as a symbolic "trigger" for this year's new beginnings, information, decision and changes. These opportunities may find you sorting out the truth of how you might want to benefit in managing better with others. A key for you, Gemini, could involve being true to your desires as you pool energies and resources with others – but with the understanding that "heaven is within you." Only we can make ourselves feel happy! Others are not responsible for our choice of – that Gemini word – "thoughts"! The "WHERETO" of your Life Focus is "colored" by anotherside of yourself – which includes your opposite Sign, Sagittarian, energies. The days following the May 25th full moon in Sagittarius, as well as the week-

Some Highlights in the Year Ahead for Geminior-so after the December 3, 2013 new moon can further activate this "WHERE-TO" area of your life. Then, bringing to you illumination and a more optimistic outlook on your long-range direction in your relationships with others. For some, this may involve travel, relatives, or people at some distance from you. The Virgo Solar 4th House... "HOW" factor in your Life Plan,Gemini, comes on more significantly as you "age". Each year this, practical, dis-criminating, work and personal growth part of your Life generally comes more into focus toward the end of summer and into early fall. In your year ahead and as you approach mid-September, 2013, you may come to a turning point, involving conflict and decision in the area of close relationships. I believe this could be a time in which you might be able to get more in touch with your true Inner-Being..."Individuation"! A time for more character development and stabilization in your home and future foundations with those who are close. Finally, Gemini, the "WHY" period of your Life "lights" more each year as the transiting sun moves along the ecliptic through that 30 degree sector we call "Pi-sces" In February, 2014, this starts on the 18th. The end of February and the new moon at the beginning of March, 2014 may find you at a turning point. This could relate to your past dreams and ambitions for fulfillment along your Life Path. By your willingness to conquer your emotions and to operate from the purity of your heart, as you become spiritually Self-directed, more in Oneness Conscious-ness, I feel you will be able to pursue your dreams with total faith. The realization that "heaven is within you" should help a lot.

This article was excerpted from Dennis' forthcoming book: "Sun Sign Potentials"

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 28

“Developing Your Psychic-Mediumistic Abilities”Visiting Mediums/Instructors, Paul and Deborah Rees from

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Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 29

raisin-sized pellets from the floor and dropped them into a wide brim hat of hammered copper. The little man fed the pellets to the stove, then put the copper hat on the ground, and sat on the crown. Now and then a few round-faced rodents the size of a small cats chased across the floor. Copper Man talked to the rodents when they appeared, and sometimes the rodents stopped to listen. He gestured in great detail, and with a martial crispness, with gestures so elaborate and so many as to be words themselves. He talked and gestured to himself when the rodents were not there and to places in the stone dome where no one was, and sometimes to Nowella. His voice was not loud, but it rang like a marble rolling around in a stone bowl. Meanwhile, Nowella was passing in and out of time.

At some points when she happened to be in, the copper man was siting on the hat, other times he was wearing it, and at times it was jammed up into the smoke hole at the top of the dome. Some times the copper man was gone and so was the hat, as if she might be just alone in her head again.

It’s hard for a Bear to know how much time goes by when she is passing in and out of her senses, up and down the storeys of conscious-ness … but she was long enough lying there, a witness to all the mutterings and mumblings and addresses to the Rodents, to the Invisibles, and to her, that she just about learned to under-stand, if not to speak, Copper Man’s language She would never learn his name; but for con-venience, we will call him Copernicus. Suspended from a tripod over the tin can stove, Copernicus kept a pot (copper) of soup made with salt water, sea weed, and small whole ro-dents like tea bags.

When Nowella was able to sit up, Copernicus, served her some of his famous soup in a bowl, also of copper. Nowellae drank the soup, but left the tea bags.

When at last Nowella felt fit to resume her searching journey, she asked Copernicus (in her own mother tongue but with a great deal of ges-turing and hoping for the best) if he might di-rect her to a certain Polar Bear, who might have been observed balancing on a beach ball while juggling fish and smoking a Meerschaum pipe, which (she believed she remembered her mother to have said) was carved in the shape of a man’s head. Also she for some reason thought that this Bear might be wearing a red vest … at least, that is how she pictured him. Copernicus not only understood what she was saying, but was able to indicate (in so many words of his own ringing sort, and with even more gestures) that he had seen no such bear; and he very gently advised her that Polar bears were NOT native to or present at the South Pole, but rather, were limited to the NORTH Pole … from which she was just about as far as a Bear could be. Nowella groaned and words failed her for an almost unbearably long time … but finally the power of speech returned and she was able to ex-plain her directional disability, the whole global disorientation thing, the not knowing right from left much of the time, other times barely up from down, her near sightedness, her far sighted ness, her dark sightedness, and her understandable confusion. Copernicus allowed a long silence, and then, in his most ringing voice, assured her that it it would be easy enough to find her way North if she would follow the spine of the mountains, but beyond the mountains, he let her know, there is a vast jungle where air and water are equals, and everything is green. There she would need a copper hat and a viewing crystal, such as he was prepared to supply. He personally would

go nowhere without both, but he was going nowhere, so she could have his, and he could always hammer out more. According to Copernicus, the very special Salt Crystal would help her locate the sun on a cloudy day or in the dim understory of the rainforest ahead, and then she only need to re-call whether the sun is rising or setting, so as to be able to tell wether to strike right or left from the path of the sun … but Nowella already had trouble following all of this. Most importantly, Copernicus added, she must take care to keep the Special Salt Crystal dry under the hat, because (being a salt) it could dissolve in an unannounced deluge. So, willingly suspending an instinctive disbelief, she put the copper hat on over the special crystal and set off on foot along the rising, Northering ridge of the Andes mountain range. At first - with the ridge to follow - the sun-locator crystal was not required. And the hat itself gave some protection in the rain, but it could get very hot and awfully cold very fast, and in a real thunder storm, she had to shelter at least fifty feet AWAY from the hat, because it attracted lightning. The locator crystal first became neces-sary, as did that hard hat, when she descend-ed into the VAST Amazon basin, where she had to force her way through the thickety under-story and never saw direct sunlight, even on a clear day.

But, in the intense humidity of that rain for-est, as she bulled, copper helmeted through the tangled understory, the somewhat magic salt crystal dissolved and ran down her face like tears Nevertheless, that Copper Hared Hat must have saved her eyes from a thousand thorns and fangs, and will be needed in the next chapter.

Nowella and Uncle Threadbear - Part 2continued from page #7

continued on page#30

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 30

The Red Hand There is something about a bear that wants to go over a hill, but when she is long lost and can-not tell North from South or left from right, and maybe even up from down, that bear will sooner or later follow flowing water, because surely the water will be going down and that will be getting SOMEWHERE. And so, bewildered in the jungle, plowing head-down through vines and vipers and snake grass, Nowella eventually followed a brook to a creek, and the creek to a river, where she climbed aboard a log and floated on down to a larger river and thence into bay studded with docks, cranes, and many smelly, hustling hu-mans. Nowella, being generally hominidaphobic, (she had a horror of Chimps and Gorillas, though she only has a strong distaste for most humans) stayed hid in a stack of crates until the Long-shoremen went home for the day. Then she climbed through a port hole into the dark hold of a fruit boat, where she curled up among the green bananas.

That boat soon sailed, and very shortly rocked and rolled Nowella into a long Bear Nap …

which is longer and deeper than a Cat Nap or your normal sleep, and, much later, as Nowella slowly emerged from that state, she found her-self staring at something in the half dark for quite a while again, before she quite realized she was awake or staring at a Conch shell - oddly out of place among the green bananas. That was odd enough, but odder yet… f i n g e r s emerged from the mouth of the Conch. HUMAN fingers like yours or mine, only rougher, and red as boiled lobster. .

Extended, the fingers reared and swayed like so many Pit Vipers searching for the body heat of a potential prey. The the fingers … the Conch … the Hand went up on its finger tips, conch held high, and began a slow yet jerky dance-in-place, which just grew slower and jerkier; until Nowella fell back into a sort of sleep.

When she woke, the Hand was atop the banana pile, and it was wearing the copper hat.

For yet another period of uncertain duration, but surely a long one, Nowella sat silent and free of all thoughts. Then she thought she would just let the Hand wear the heavy hat. She no longer had the crys-tal it was meant to shelter, she was safely out of the jungle where it had been valuable protection, and although she had at first found that when she sat on a rock wearing it, it helped her collect her thoughts and her wits, its being a lightning attractor kind of ruined that, and It had become

more of a burden then a practical travel hat. Anyway, and most importantly Nowella was and is a kindly, peaceable bear, so she let the Hand have the hat. And, judging by the way the hand strutted about, occasionally kicking up at the copper brim with a bony knuckle, it was clear he hoped that the hat made the man.

Maybe the hat doesn’t make a man, but It was remarkable how much the Hand could do unasisted by an opposite hand, and how much it could convey with its fingers - how much infor-mation and confidentiality would pass between them during that long voyage of the fruit boat …. but a much longer time would go by before the hand learned penmanship, and wrote his famous memoir, Audobography of a Red Hand, which you may have read. Anyway, the Hand was “born” many years ago,when several Irish Clan Chiefs were rac-ing in Coracles (which are a round basket boat) across a channel of the North Sea. Seeing that the Kennedy Coracle, or whatever Coracle it was, was about to reach the shore be-fore his own the Oneil Chief, dropped his pad-dle, drew his sword, lopped of his left hand , and threw it ahead so that it reached the shore before the coracles with all hands aboard.

So the Oneil’s won that race; but the more im-portant fact here is that the hand tumbled down off the rocks into the green breathing sea, where it lay for a good long time, absorbing oxygen by osmosis through its skin … steeping in that amniotic environment for untold years … until it developed or regained the power of movement, and eventually went crawling across the ocean floor, sheltering in conch shells, traveling like a barnacle on whale fins and boat hulls. Traveling the world like a pirate.

As I was saying … before the interruption about Oneil’s background and family history …

continued on page # 31

Nowella and Uncle Threadbear - Part 2continued from page #29

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 31

although they developed a good rapport very quickly on that voyage aboard the fruit boat, it would be a long time before Nowella learned all that much about the Hand or even that Oneil was his name. So when they were off-loaded in Boston,via separate nets, she didn’t expect to see him again. Nor was she too concerned about that.

Being a small white bear in the Big City, Now-ella was every bit as confused as a small white bear in the jungle, and didn’t even think of the Hand while sneaking through the streets and back yards, looking for trees she could examine to find out which side the moss grew on.

When she finally did reach some forest land, the moss was growing, not just on the North, but on ALL sides of the trees. That same day (or some later day, Nowella doesn’t know) she came across a set of tracks in the mud of a brook-side and she saw that they were her own tracks. Of course the same exact thing had t happened many times before, but it was especially dispirit-ing on this occasion, and so she gave up for the day, washed her face in the brook, and lay out in the leafy shade of a Locust grove. After time had lapsed and been forgotten once again in the near death that is the sleep of bears, Nowella awoke thinking of the Red Hand for the first time since they had been loaded off the boat. An, if seeing is believing, there he WAS, in a crotch of the Locust tree, as if in a thought bubble right over her head.

Maybe she had dreamt of him because he was there … or maybe he was there because she had dreamt of him; or, on a third hand, maybe she saw him simply because she was looking for him. Nowella may never know, but so far as SHE is concerned, it doesn’t really matter which.

The hand was most definitely wearing the cop-per hat that was formerly hers; the copper crown gleamed and glimmered in the dappling shade, as if he had shined it up some to catch her eye. The Hand was pointing in the direction of what she was sure must be north, which it was. And so she started off walking rapidly in that di-rection, and lumbered on for as long as she could keep going straight. Not too very long. After bearly an hour, somewhere in a deep val-ley, she lost her momentum and directional cer-titude. This time she did not panic and speed up, but instead, stopped very deliberately and looked about her for the Hand. And once again there it was up on a rock, pointing the way North. So off she went.

In the following months or years, she con-tinued to get lost at least once a day, but then she would always stop where she was and look around her for the hand, and there on a rock, in a tree, on a hillock up ahead, the copper glint of the hat, and the Proud Hand, always pointing the way. Or usually pointing the way.

Sometimes the finger bent or pointed down, maybe because it was asleep, or maybe to indi-cate something, but regardless, she generally made camp on the spot. The had proved to be more than just a living sign post, He literally took a hand in building shelters for the night which is a great help to a bear, because bears have no thumbs. The hand could spin rope out of rushes,cottonwood fluff, or spider webs, and could tie knots in it that no hand, even it, could untie. In later days the Oneil has been known to do some of his Roping and Writing tricks on stage with the Tall Animal Revue, so there is a chance that you may someday see and meet him. And if ever you DO meet our Oneil , do NOT make the common mistake of trying to shake his hand. Oneil takes such a move as an aggressive insult. And be warned: Oneil has the family strength of pure determination, concentrated all in one mem-ber. He could squeeze blood out of a brass ball. So when you are introduced … No Hand-Shaking ... just salute him or tip your hat and say something appreciative about his own. Mostly by hand and foot, sometimes on Boats of Opportunity,Nowella and the Hand traveled North up the Continental waterways … on past the Great Lakes, past Great Bear, Great Scott, and Great Slave Lakes, inquiring along the way wether anyone had seen a Polar Bear with sev-eral gold teeth, who wore a red vest, and smoked cherry flavoured tobacco in a Meerschaum pipe with its bowl carved in the shape of a bearded head with red rhinestones for eyes which glowed when smoke puffed out of the turban. Some of the details were her mother’s origi-nal lies, and some were added later by Nowel-la’s own struggling memory, but she got no real positive response from any bear, squirrel, hawk, or gossipy Chicadee: mostly skeptical, sidewise looks.

continued on page # 32

Nowella and Uncle Threadbear - Part 2continued from page #30

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 32

Betsy Sams 215 First St. Liverpool, NY 13088

Betsy Sams, soul proprietor, one of the original founders, has brought a fresh new look and feel to the space. The store still carries all of your basic holistic items like; hand crafted essential oils and candles, stones/crystals, jewelry, sage, incense, books, reading cards and more but there has been a deep restructuring of prices that makes stocking up on your favorite items much easier on the budget.

Though she had gotten very good at imagin-ing her Polar Bear father Nowella herself came to suspect that he had never existed. She decided to go and confront Mother Bear about the truth of her paternity . ….if in fact, Mother Bear was still alive after all those un-counted years. In time, and with the good Hand’s help, Now-ella found the way to her native Bonaparte Cave State Forest. The fact is that, happily or not, Mother Bear WAS alive and had long thought that NOWEL-LA was dead. It was a very emotional, if not a tearful reunion. Bears do not cry tears, so much as they simply howl. We are not speaking here about roaring or growling, but about savage howling so horrible

that we can skip that scene…..only to say that in the end, they reached a reconciliation of sorts during which Mother Bear finally broke down and told the truth: that Nowella’s father was not a Polar Bear, but a White Man.

It became known to the author shortly before the publication of this story, that Nowella’s bio-logical father died in a snowmobile accident in nineteen eighty two, but do not bother to mention him to Nowella. At this point in her life, Now-ella is no more interested in that man than in the invented father. She had never known either of them; they and were equally irrelevant and with-out influence in her life; they had very little to recommend them anyway and … come to think about it ... she would not much care to meet either of them. That father search stuff was now quite out of her system. She must have been thirty or forty Bear Years old by then.

So then Nowella went off searching for HERSELF.

Seeing as she was searching for herself, there was no place in particular for her to look except in mirrors, and it is well known that all mirrors are all liars, so she just wandered lo-cally, only to ease her mind Direction was not a problem. Going nowhere, and no longer needing the Hand for guidance, she seldom thought of him. And with the Hand, out of mind is out of sight. She had still not yet found herself, whatever that might mean, but the new millen-nium found Nowella living from rough shelter to shelter (built without hand or thumb) here in the Finger Lakes area, half way between North and South, shoeless and wearing a hat and vest made of burdocks.

404 North Main St. North Syracuse315-214-0200 • 800-750-4113OPEN: WEDNESDAY – SUNDAY

Nowella and Uncle Threadbear - Part 2continued from page #31

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 33


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Blood and Bread, the new thrillerby Stephen L. Burns is availablein Kindle edition at

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Metaphysical Times Psychic Fair July 13th & 14th • Onondaga Community College

Details begin on page 20

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 34 • 315-941-6240

Appointments in Syracuse & Utica NYCall for more information and appropriate fees.


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S p i r i t u a l C e n t e ro f U t i c a , N Y

Visit Roger at the UticaPsychic Fair and Holistic Expo

October 5 & 6

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 35

Recalling Past Lives

By Robert

The idea that the soul/spirit continues its journey through life after life is a well established concept within religious and spiritual beliefs. I have been doing private past life recall sessions for about 39 years and over the past two years have started doing them in a smaller version at Psychic fairs and expos. In addition to my own belief in reincarnation, I have also learned some valuable lessons from helping others to remember a past life or several and this information from a great many clients over the years has helped me to understand what I believe even more. I get asked many great questions by people who stop by my booth at various fairs and decided it was time to discuss some of these issues in detail to help others better understand why it is important to learn more of where you came from in order to better understand where you’re going. Let me begin with a basic note. Reincarnation is a belief not a religion. Belief in reincarnation does not alter or affect whatever religious or spiritual path you are on. It’s like being Catholic and a democrat! It has existed for thousands of years. It was the prevalent belief at the time of Christ and is referred to in the Gospels and is part of many religions and cultures worldwide. It can be an adjunct to all religious and spiritual beliefs. Many don’t know that Benjamin Franklin was a staunch “reincarnationist” long before

his later political life. He wrote an epitaph which he wanted on his tombstone when he was a book printer (which was unfortunately never used) but that said: “Here lies the body of B. Franklin, Printer, Like the cover of an old book, It’s contents torn out, stripped of its lettering and gilding, Lies here food for worms. But the work shall not be lost for it will, as he believed, appear once more, in a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the author.” Voltaire wrote: “It is not more surprising to be born twice than once. Everything in Nature is resurrection.”

My personal favorite is also Benjamin Franklin: “I look upon death to be as necessary to the constitution as sleep. We shall rise refreshed in the morning.”

While many people coming to fairs are seeking readings from intuitives, I get many people who stop by to talk or attend the lectures I often give at Expos. Frequent question are: “What will I get out of seeing a past life?” I believe that part of coming to understand WHO you are, also includes understanding some of who you have BEEN. Not necessarily the specific person, but the personality and lessons learned in previous lives that can be recalled as a path to self-understanding. Often problems, fears or issues in this life may have a basis in a previous life and, therefore, do not belong here. Possibly events or issues that were never dealt with in the previous life, pop up when faced with a similar issue in the present life, or you can recognize a repetitive patterns from life to life that needs to be broken. These could have been triggered by similar circumstances in the present life but without the same outcome as in the past life and, once understood, can dissipate. I also personally believe that it is helpful to accept that if you have lived a previous life, you have died a previous death and, therefore,

have already survived death! Many don’t stop to think of this important implication in exploring past lives. “Why don’t we remember our past lives?” Personally I don’t think we’re ready to have total recall. Imagine recounting a story to a friend and realizing it was 400 years ago! I’ve always liked renowned author Sybil Leek, who said “it’s like a book we read 20 years ago. We don’t recall it word for word but we remember the essence!’ Also over many, many sessions I’ve come to recognize that once the person crosses past the death experience, they automatically switch to third person (he, her, their) which seems to imply that once the person has left that life, they no longer identify with it as being ‘themselves!” They took the experiences but have moved on. This may also figure into why we don’t recall individual lives – because they’re no longer “us!” I’ve had many interesting experiences helping others recall a past life. I’ve had three people who remembered lives not on this planet. Several who, after the session, have told me about their personal fears or phobias that tied into the life they remembered: a woman struck by a horse and wagon which caused her death telling me she gets uncomfortable seeing horses even on TV and a 19 year old pilot being shot down over Italy in WWI later telling me he is terrified of heights and stopping by my house 3 days later to show me a box of drawings his mother saved from when he was a kid and all of them were biplanes! To sum up, I believe it is a step in understanding the self to get in touch with where you come from and, for many, one step is to work on recalling past lives. Many have spontaneous recall of one or more lives but many do not or choose to ignore it. Children often will relate stories of who they had been before they “learn” to forget it! I think we carry our own “user’s manual” with us from life to life which contains all the info we need. We just have to learn to access it.

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 36

Metaphysical Crafts and Curiosities Books, Incense, Tarot, Jewelry, Classes and so much more

A place where everyone is welcome Readers and Reiki Healers Available

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Second Friday of the Month 15 minute Reiki or 15 minute Tarot Reading

Your choice for only $20 each

Wednesday Night Social and Spiritual Gatherings 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 37

Visit for spiritual resources, articles,events, calendars, personal appearances by Corbie and more!


Rev. Corbie MitleidIntuitive Counseling • Mediumship

Spirit Guide Conferences Tarot • Past Life Retrieval

Lectures, Seminars & Workshops877-321-CORBIE • 518-275-9575

corbie@firethroughspirit.comFeatured channel in the international best-seller,YOUR SOUL’S PLAN, by Robert Schwartz

Listen to Corbie's show on the Web and get FREE mini-readings every Thursday at 8pm: EMPOWER READINGS

Corbie’s Appearances


July 12-14A WEEKEND AT


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July 19-21FIRST STAR

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•August 2-6FIRST STAR


•August 17-18



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The energies of the Universe speak to me most clearly through nature spirits.

The strength and clarity of the connection between myself and Spirit became magnified as I practiced and

progressed with Reiki. I do many types of spiritual readings, specializing in spirit animal and animal totem messages. The information received during a reading is

simple, positive, full of joy and healing.

To schedule an appointment, ask questions, check event schedule

or register for a class, please...Call: 315-437-7433 or E-mail:


The d

reaming Gypsy

Debbie DeRusha

The Dreaming

GypsyMediumship Readings

Shamanic HealingsFor classes and events check out: 315-383-9752

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 38

“Metaphysics of Love - The Journey to Meet Self” the book will be available soon.Visit for more details

Metaphysics of LoveThe Journey to Meet Self

Dear Dennis,After crying and trying to write my feelings, I have this to ask – Jesus took on pain and suffering so that we would not have to suffer. I believe my twin sister has done that for me – and others in our family. Please help. These feel-ings of mine are deep, and I so feel sad, and so guilty to see her suffer. What can I do and say to her because I do understand and believe... D.I. Dear D, Thank you for submitting this heart-felt question and deep concern. I'm sure it must be especially painful for you because of the special connection with a twin sister. It may soothe you to understand that your concern and "guilt" over someone else';s suffering is based on a false premise. And that is the widespread belief that things just randomly "happen" to us or that we've "sinned". Nothing could be further from the truth because there is a recognizable Universal Law that assembles and or-chestrates all of our relationships, Life experiences and conditions. "Universal", meaning it works on all planes of Creation; it works whether you believe in it or not, and it is in never-ceasing operation, whether you've heard of it or not! You've mentioned that, "Jesus took on pain and suffering so that we would not have to suffer". If that were so, why is your sister suffering and why are we and others suffering? Basically suffering or any "dis-ease" is simply a potential guidance system to let us know when how we're perceiving things is currently not in agreement with how our Source Energy ("God") views the situation. Suffering is a gift – a "wakeup call" to release resis-tance to change. To want to again intend to allow into our lives that better-feeling relationship or life condition that contrast or crisis had once urged us to prefer. The "good news" is that we don't have to join in with that more joy-ful life scenario by next month in order to attract healing. Instead, we simply need to let go of doubt or lack of faith about how it could be possible. That's not our work. Our job, in Edgar Cayce's words, is to "Let go and let God." Our work is to have fun in our now, knowing we've asked and it's given. It will come into our lives when we are imagining more how it would feel if we were already there, more than noticing "what is" and the feeling of lack. It helps to not worry about who, how or when? Solomon, in Proverbs, said, "A cheerful heart doeth good like a medicine." It's so nice to know that we always attract into our Life experience whatever with our free will we choose to think about most – whether we like it or not! Nice, because it nudges us to take full responsibility for our thoughts! Our power as co-Creators is to know how our thoughts are creating our experiences. Jesus said that "The king-

dom is within you" and that the "second coming does not come by observation." Heaven is an ever-expanding Cre-ation. We are in it! We are not our physical bodies and Life is not about "getting it done so I can be happy." In this physical, yin and yang, leading edge of Creation we have joyously agreed to play and co-create as "children of God" or unique viewpoint of the One. All is Source Energy and that includes your sister and the person staring at you with so much Love as you look in the mirror. Nothing is wrong. Nothing needs saving. Our Source is that Presence that knows all is well. How could it be any other way when we understand the words: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap"? It's so soothing to know that "like attracts like". Once we know that, then we will begin to care about and pay attention to how we feel. We've got nothing of value to give to our "siblings in Spirit" if we don't love and care about the unique Part of the All-That-Is which we Are! By unconditionally loving and caring about Self and "Others" we are loving God. That's how it's done! You don't have to feel "guilty" about anything, D. If you want to help your sister – or anyone – come back into Unity Consciousness and the Unconditional Love that this can bring forth. You may best help your sister and others when you choose good-feeling thoughts when you think of them. Know that they, too, are growing as they've "picked up their cross" which was a part of their "Soul's game plan." This is the example that Jesus came to reveal when he said, "Behold God." God is not "out there" because "heaven is within Our midst." When we choose thoughts that make us feel ap-preciation, Joy or Love, we are at One with that "Heaven within." James Allen said it well: "Think good thoughts and they will quickly become actualized in your outward life in the form of good conditions." D. I wish you well as you access your "Inner Guidance" which always points you in the right direc-tion, when you pay attention to it! What is this "hot line to God"? It is your Intuition. And how does it set you on the right Path? By paying attention to your "good feels good; bad feels bad." The short cut to you're having a "second coming" (Momentary Alignments with the Love of your Source), would be to try out that "prayer without ceasing" called "appreciation". You may "borrow" my New year's resolution if you wish: "Notice how GoOD things are." Teachers in non-Physical say that "Appreciation is the se-cret to life." Wishing you Blessings of Love as you apply whatever works for you. In Oneness,Dennis

Addressing Your Concerns - With Dennis Cole Go to to send in your question

Can we suffer enough to make others feel better?

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 39

Saturday, November 2& Sunday, November 3

The Damascus Shrine Center 979 Bay Road, Webster, NY 14580

Saturday 10am - 7pm, Sunday 10am - 6pmTickets: $7 at the door ($10 for a two-day pass) $5 for seniors/students

The New Moon Whole Life Expo is the region’s largest Psychic Faire and Mind-Body-Spirit event offering readers, healers, authors and

wellness-minded & metaphysical vendors.

For Information, Full Listing of Exhibitors or to Contact the New Moon Whole Life Expo Please Visit:

n e w m o o n f o r y o u . c o m

Producer – Barbara Konish – Rochester, New York

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year!in Rochester



Irving's own crisis came af-ter we had taken the boat to Greece, and a ferry from the port of Pirae-us to the Island Hydra where, for a month, we would pretend to be writers. Irving was better at the writing act and had brought along his por-table typewriter, which he lugged to the harbour front cafe each day, but within a week he had his own long, drawn-out bout in the bathroom, after which he lay in a coma for a couple of days, drooling into a pan beside the bed while we waited for the mayor of Hydra: a doctor who traveled the islands seeing patients on a three day rotation. When he finally did arrive, the mayor told us that John had Ty-phoid Fever, or maybe it was Ty-phus, ask him… anyway, the Doc-tor said that if John had gone another day or two without the medicine, he would have died. As for Eric, it might suffice to re-port that he had his rectum rebuilt a few years later, and is functioning well in Colorado. All three lived to tell the tale and I have been telling it over and over for the last forty years. I remember that month in Hydra so very well now, having reinvisioned and told it so many times, and I am likely to tell it again here…. but I don't be-lieve the other two guys about the events of that month, and I am not so sure about myself. Not a problem: It is just marvel-ous what separate worlds we inhab-it, even when we are together and supposedly having the same experi-ence.

Water Pig Fevercontinued from page #25

Metaphysical Times Summer 2013 • Page 40

Wil Alaura’s Energy-Wellnessinvites you to meet

Thursday, October 24, 2013

6p.m. - the

Wellington House

Your Evening will includeMeeting for the first time

the finely carved 31.4 lb gold sheen obsidian crystal skull., whose crystal Powers project healing and messages

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- complimentary crystal skull glass or mug- fruit and cheese tray, hors d'oeurves and

deserts, coffee, tea, etc! ($50 value)- Group Seance with Anesidora

Georgia Cuningham and friends, ($35 value)bring along your own crystal skulls to enjoy!

- your own 2" obsidian carved crystal skull ($85 value)

- Crystal Skull Oracle card reading with Georgia (CD recorded!) ($20 value)

- 4' X 6" picture of Anesidora- lots of prizes and free give aways for you to enjoy and take home!

- Set in a lovely handsome turn of the century Victorian Mansion

an evening to get away and enjoy with the spirits, ghosts, and friends of

The Wellington House, Fayetteville, NY!

Cost for evening is $125 if booked and pd in full by Friday Aug. 14th, 2013 or $145 thereafter.


Call 315 - 373-0683 for information or reservations