Summer 2011 newsletter

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News from the Footes in Kaharlyk, Ukraine

Transcript of Summer 2011 newsletter


Summer 2011

CHURCHOur church was invited this year by our the city council to participate in Kaharlyk Day. We were asked to help provide festivities for children. So we organized games, snacks, face paint-ing, crasts, and a bible story. God has given us favor with the city and is giving us opportunities to do good in our community. Sometimes that means we are the first people called when orphans need help, sometimes it means we get invited to be a part of Kaharlyk Day.

Kaharlyk Day

REHAB CENTERAt the end of summer the rehab center that our church partners with went through some major changes. It went from being a halfway house aster the initial course of rehab to being the starting point for people wanting to enter rehab. Because of these changes the last group of guys stayed a few months longer at the center to keep things running while the changes took effect which meant that I got to spend more time than usual with them. It was really encouraging for me to see how much they grew in their faith during the time spent at the center, but the best part for me was seeing where they were going when they lest. Usu-ally aster they leave the center these guys go home, try to get a job and osten just end up back in the self-centered lifestyle that brought them to rehab in the first place. But three men enrolled in a bible college and three others moved to a city in the south of Ukraine to help start a new rehab center. It was a good summer of bible study and building rela-tionships with these guys and I’m excited to see what God will do through the lives of these former drug addicts.

MEN’S DISCIPLESHIPOver the spring and summer months we got together with the men in our church to talk about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. By popular demand we also had BBQ’s and even organized one at an old stone quarry that is a popular swimming destination in our region. We invited a church from the town of Rokitne to join us. We are going to continue these men’s groups, and then over the fall and winter begin a more structured approach to discipleship. Please pray that the men in our church would continue to grow and take responsibility in the church.

The Jesus Storybook Bible

This Momentary Marriage

Olya, Marina, Jake, and Danny at an In Lumine business lunch

IN LUMINEThis summer we embarked on our biggest project yet: The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. It should be printed sometime in October. There is no lack of illustrated children’s bibles in Russian or Ukrainian but most are printed, writ-ten, and illustrated poorly. We are doing a print run of 10,000 and are excited to be able to get this great children’s bible to families in the Russian speaking world. We also have purchased the rights to do a Ukrainian language edition and we are networking with ministries to try to give it away in orphanages throughout Ukraine. There are 30,000 orphans in Ukraine, and closer to 100,000 kids in orphanages. Our goal is to get this bible to all of them.

We finished John Piper’s This Momentary Mar-riage and were able to pay for the print run from our book sales.

In May we hired a second employee, Marina, to help with the workload. Marina is our project manager – coordinating translators, correctors, editors, and printers to get our books translated and printed. She is doing great and has freed up Olya to be able to focus more energy on expanding our sales network and get our books into people’s hands.

CRICKETThis summer I did something I never thought I would do: I joined a cricket team of my own free will. A handful of young men in our church started playing last summer with Wayne and I saw it as a way to spend time with them, play ball, and hopefully get some real Indian/Pakistani food. We formed the first majority Ukrainian cricket team and while Wayne taught us how to bat and bowl, I taught the guys how to field and throw. By the end of the season we were doing pretty well.

It was good to get out and play ball (even though it wasn’t baseball) and I realized that I’m not as young as I was when I used to play baseball. I got to eat real Indian food and I got to know the young men that we played with better than in all the years we’ve lived here.

REMODELThis summer we worked hard to finish our remodel and made a lot of headway. We plastered and painted the study and back bedroom, finished painting all the radiators, put up a metal fence along our front yard and a wood fence between our yard and the neighbors, and laid flooring in the back rooms. Now that fall is here we are glad to be done with the majority of the work as we only have small things like baseboards and painting jams lest. Next summer our project will be to build kitchen cabinets.

Our remodel took a lot longer than we had originally planned, but now that it is done we are looking forward to having the time to put into planning a more structured and strategic plan for discipleship in our church as well as the energy to put into other ministries.

PERSONAL NOTEIn August we took a short vacation to some friends’ cabin in the pine forests near the Belarus border. It was some much needed rest and relaxation both physically and spiritually. The cabin is near a sand quarry that filled up with water and is some of the cleanest water for swimming in Ukraine.

Liese was able to can nearly everything that grew in our garden this year. She made various jams, pickles, salsa, pickled peppers, and Indian chutney. Can-ning has saved us a lot of money throughout the year and it is something that we have found can be a ministry. A man in our church is part of a prison min-istry and because the prisoners are not well fed they are always thankful for canned foodstuffs that our church is able to send to them. This year we canned more than we needed so that we would have more to give away.

Personally we are relieved to have our remodel practically done and canning season behind us. We are looking forward to redirecting our time and energy into new ministries. Liese did an allergy test in July that showed that she is allergic to about a dozen fruits and vegetables that have been a major part of our diet over the years. Aster cutting them all out her headaches got better for a few months but then came back again, so we aren’t sure if it is diet that is a trigger for her migraines or not.

Support can be sent to:Calvary SLO Church 4029 S. Higuera StSLO, CA 93401 *please attach a note saying “for Daniel and Annaliese Foote”

or online at

CONTACT INFOUkraine address:

Perevulok Persha Travnya #13Kaharlyk, 09200 Ukraine

PRAY:: pray about the things in this newsletter:: pray for the gospel to be spread throughout Ukraine:: pray for us

STAY IN TOUCH:: leave comments on our blog:: write us an e-mail ( follow us on twitter

GIVE:: be a monthly supporter (see below for giving options):: help us finish our remodel projects:: donate toward publishing a book with In Lumine

COME VISIT:: come see what God is doing in Kaharlyk:: bring a team to minister with us

ways you can partner with us in ministry and be a support to us: