Summary of the Design Report and Next Steps Edda Gschwendtner for the CERN AWAKE Project Team

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Summary of the Design Report and Next Steps Edda Gschwendtner for the CERN AWAKE Project Team. Outline. What happened s ince last collaboration Meeting New Time-scale AWAKE at CNGS Next Steps Outlook. S ince Last Collaboration Meeting. 6-8 March 2013: Collaboration Meeting @ CERN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Summary of the Design Report and Next Steps Edda Gschwendtner for the CERN AWAKE Project Team


Summary of the Design Report and Next Steps

Edda Gschwendtner for theCERN AWAKE Project Team

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN



• What happened since last collaboration Meeting• New Time-scale• AWAKE at CNGS• Next Steps• Outlook

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN


Since Last Collaboration Meeting

• 6-8 March 2013: Collaboration Meeting @ CERN

• 25 March 2013: Submit AWAKE Design Report to CERN management and SPS Committee– Use the CNGS facility for AWAKE (not West Area).

• 9-10 April 2013: SPSC Meeting– Very positive feedback– List of questions – Answers sent back to referees

• Mid May 2013: several discussion with CERN management and finance group– Needed resources for AWAKE@CERN are fully included in the CERN Medium-Term

Plan– MTP (period 2014-2018) must be approved by the CERN council. – AWAKE program has to be stretched.

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN


Since Last Collaboration Meeting

• 17-21 June 2013: Council week– 17/18 June: Scientific Policy Committee recommendation to Council– 19 June: Finance Committee recommendation to Council– 20/21 June 2013: CERN Council Approval

In case it the MTP is not approved:– 16-20 September 2013: Next CERN Council meeting

• 25-26 June 2013: SPSC meeting– Recommendation of scientific case.

• As soon as approved– Secure the manpower in the different departments and groups.

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN


Components preparation Installation

Studies, design,

Components preparation

Civil engineering &


Studies, design Fabrication Installation





data taking

Time-scale for AWAKE in Design Report

Time-Scale as written in the Design Report

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

2013 2014 2015 2016

Proton beam-line

Experimental area

Electron source and beam-line

Needed CERN resources:Costs: 8.5 CHFPerson-Years: 34.2 PY


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Proton beam-line

Experimental area

Electron source and beam-line

Time-Scale as in the CERN Medium-Term Plan

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

Civil Engineering, modifications and installation

Study, Design, Component preparation Installation

Studies, design, Component preparation

Studies, design Fabrication Installation


issioningdata taking


issioning data taking

Time-scale for AWAKE in the MTP

Budget and manpower profile for 5 years

Needed CERN resources:Costs: 8.5 CHFPerson-Years: 34.2 PY





Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

West Area


Comparison CNGS – AWAKE

CNGS is a running facility (since 2006) at the desired beam parameters. Proton beam and secondary beam-line fully equipped and running All services (CV, EL,…) running Underground facility

Adequate site for AWAKE

Parameters CNGS AWAKEProton beam energy from SPS 400 GeV/c 400 GeV/c

Cycle repetition rate 0.17 Hz 0.03 Hz

Number of extractions/cycle 2 1

Protons per cycle 2x2.4E13 3E11

Proton pulse length 10.5 ms 1.5 ns

Beam power (max.) 510 kW 640 W

Beam size at target (s) 0.5mm 0.2mm

Protons/year 4.5E19 4.5E16

AWAKE: ~Factor 100 less protons/extraction ~Factor 1000 less protons/year

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN



Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

AWAKE experiment

AWAKE beam dump




Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

Electron source area

Access gallery to the experimental area

CNGS target area(stays untouched)

Future AWAKE experimental area(will be emptied)

750m proton beam line

11Edda Gschwendtner, CERN EAAC13, 2-June 2013, Elba

Layout of the AWAKE ExperimentIntroduction – AWAKE at CERN – Layout of AWAKE – Summary

12Edda Gschwendtner, CERN EAAC13, 2-June 2013, Elba

Plasma cell: • baseline is vapour cell.• housed in downstream end

of the proton beam-line.• Area can be modified to

house a shorter vapor cell and a helicon and/or discharge source.

Layout of the AWAKE ExperimentIntroduction – AWAKE at CERN – Layout of AWAKE – Summary


Layout of the AWAKE Experiment

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN EAAC13, 2-June 2013, Elba

• Beam Diagnostics• Beam diagnostics for

outgoing protons. • Electron spectrometer

magnet and diagnostics.

Introduction – AWAKE at CERN – Layout of AWAKE – Summary

14Edda Gschwendtner, CERN EAAC13, 2-June 2013, Elba

Laser system:• CNGS storage gallery

modified• Dust-free• Over-pressurized• Temperature regulated.

Layout of the AWAKE ExperimentIntroduction – AWAKE at CERN – Layout of AWAKE – Summary

15Edda Gschwendtner, CERN EAAC13, 2-June 2013, Elba

Electron source and klystron• Housed in the ventilation chamber.• Low radiation area, free of electromagnetic

interference.• Electron beam through new liaison tunnel to

connect electron source and proton tunnel.

Layout of the AWAKE ExperimentIntroduction – AWAKE at CERN – Layout of AWAKE – Summary

16Edda Gschwendtner, CERN EAAC13, 2-June 2013, Elba

• AWAKE area is separated from the CNGS target area• 80cm thick concrete chicane

shielding.• Dust-proof separation doors. • Separate ventilation system.

Layout of the AWAKE ExperimentIntroduction – AWAKE at CERN – Layout of AWAKE – Summary

17Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

Electron Beam Line

See Malika M

eddahi’s Talk

18Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

See Alexey Petrenko’sTalk

19Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

See Eduard Feldbaumer’s Talk


Next Steps• Prepare the CNGS facility for AWAKE

– Install an evaporator for the CNGS water system– Decay tunnel safety– Detailed Radiation protection calculations in the area.– Electron beam line (dedicated studies for magnets around plasma,

space charge effects).

• Close collaboration with institutes– Electron beam injection studies

to be benchmarked with OSIRIS?!

– p, e, laser – synchronization between Laser and SPS RF

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN



• AWAKE@CERN moves from study phase to project phase.– Detailed project-structure with work-packages, etc..– Design, construction, installation and commissioning.

– Aim• First proton beam to plasma-cell in 2016. • Electron beam in 2017/2018.

Edda Gschwendtner, CERN