Summary of Member Communications Survey - OCLC world’s libraries. Connected. Summary of Member...

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Transcript of Summary of Member Communications Survey - OCLC world’s libraries. Connected. Summary of Member...

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Summary of Member Communications Survey

Americas Regional Council meeting, January 20, 2012 #OCLC

Cathy De Rosa Vice President for the Americas and Global Vice President of Marketing OCLC

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Who participated?

4,168 member librarians

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Who participated



By library type

Academic Public Community college Law Medical Federal Government School State Government State Library Corporate Museum

The world’s libraries. Connected.

By role

Director/Dean Manager Librarian Other

n = 3,308

Who participated?

n = 3,308




The world’s libraries. Connected.

Who participated?

41% 51%

By library tenure

5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years

n = 3,307

n = 3,307

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Priorities The library:

Use, shape and format

Staying informed

Advice for OCLC

What we asked

The world’s libraries. Connected.

The library: Use, shape and format

Staying informed

Advice for OCLC


The world’s libraries. Connected.

1. Access by mobile devices 2. Demonstrating library value to

funders 3. Digitization projects 4. Facilities/buildings issues 5. Licensed e-collections/e-books 6. Visibility of library’s collection 7. Ensuring Internet access 8. Future of education and the

library’s role

Which of the following is the highest priority for your library right now?

Live survey

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Priorities of public librarians

Tops the list Missed the cut

Ensuring adequate Internet access 36%

Demonstrating value to funders 34%

Licensed e-collections/e-books 32%

Access to new technology 29%

Forming community partnerships 28%

Digitization projects 6%

Integrating social media 6%

Succession plans for library staff 6%

Open-source products 4%

Cloud computing 2%


The world’s libraries. Connected.

Priorities of academic librarians

Tops the list Missed the cut

Licensed e-collections/e-books 51%

Future of higher education and the library’s role 42%

Facilities issues 39%

Visibility of library’s collection 30%

Digitization projects 23%

Succession plans for library staff 7%

Cloud computing 6%

Integrating social media 6%

Data curation 5%

Open access publishing 5%


The world’s libraries. Connected.

Priorities of community college librarians

Tops the list Missed the cut

Licensed e-collections/e-books 57%

Future of higher education and the library’s role 45%

Visibility of library’s collection 43%

Facilities issues 35%

Access by mobile devices 32%

Cloud computing 6%

IR discovery and aggregation 2%

Deaccessioning print materials 2%

Open access publishing 1%

Data curation 0%


The world’s libraries. Connected.

Differences in priorities between academic and community college

Academic Community College

Digitization projects 23% vs. 11%

Access by mobile devices 32% vs. 17%

The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC Americas Regional Council

Top current initiatives

Public Academic Community college E-books 27%

E-sources 10%

Discovery tools 13%

Digital initiatives 11%

E-books 9%

Outreach/instruction 14%

E-sources 13%

E-books 11%

The world’s libraries. Connected.

E-books, e-sources and digital initiatives combined

for 35% of top current initiatives for next year

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Staying informed

Advice for OCLC


The library: Use, shape and format

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Library use will increase







0 50 100


Community College


Online Physical

The world’s libraries. Connected.

72% of online Americans expect personal use of library to remain the same

Patron beliefs on use of library

The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC Americas Regional Council

Service points

The world’s libraries. Connected.

In five years [on my campus], I would ideally like…

Live survey

1. More library locations 2. About the same number

of library locations 3. Fewer library locations 4. Fewer traditional

locations, but more service points (with a small footprint)

5. Don't know

The world’s libraries. Connected.

In five years [on my campus], I would ideally like…

Live survey

1. More library locations 2. About the same number

of library locations 3. Fewer library locations 4. Fewer traditional

locations, but more service points (with a small footprint)

5. Don't know

3 25

5 63


1 2 3 4 5

The world’s libraries. Connected.

40% of librarians would like things to be different

Future number of branches

The world’s libraries. Connected.

46% of public librarians would like things to be different

Future number of public library branches

More branches


The world’s libraries. Connected.

46% of public librarians would like things to be different

Future number of public library branches

More branches


Fewer branches

5% Fewer, but more

service points


The world’s libraries. Connected.

38% of academic librarians would like things to be different

Future number of academic library locations

More locations


Fewer locations

6% Fewer, but more

service points


The world’s libraries. Connected.

30% of community college librarians would like things to be different

Future number of community college library locations

More locations


Fewer locations

1% Fewer, but more

service points


The world’s libraries. Connected.





All librarians

Within 3 years 3-5 years More than 5 years Never Don't know

National digital library?

The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC Americas Regional Council

Why use the library?

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Primary reason patrons use their public library

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Use the Internet

Use computers

Access/borrow materials

Access/borrow books

62% expect reason to change over next 5 years

Access/borrow books

50% expect modest change; 12% expect significant change


The world’s libraries. Connected.

Primary reason faculty use their academic library

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Prepare class assignments

Request ILL

Access/borrow books

Access/borrow materials

Conduct research for lecture

Conduct research

Academic librarians

Conduct research n=1,602

46% expect reason to change over next 5 years

38% expect modest change; 8% expect significant change

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Will the primary reason your patrons/faculty use your library change in 3 years?

Live survey

1. Yes 2. No

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Will the primary reason your patrons/faculty use your library change in 3 years?

Live survey

1. Yes 2. No

47 53

1 2

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Books, videos, music 30%

Support literacy 25%

Free internet access 24%

Free information for less fortunate 23%

Library’s role in the community

Books, videos, music 51%

Makes needed information freely available 32%

Place to read 29%

Place to learn 28%

The world’s libraries. Connected.

The library: Use, shape and format

Advice for OCLC


Staying informed

The world’s libraries. Connected.

1. Listserv

2. Email

3. Industry journals

4. Websites

5. Social media (Facebook + Twitter + LinkedIn, etc.)

6. Conferences

7. In-person discussions

What source do you use MOST to stay informed?

Live survey

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Sources used to keep informed

Listservs and email


The world’s libraries. Connected.

Differences in sources used to keep informed

Directors Conferences 53%

Colleagues 48% Managers and Librarians Webinars 49% / 52%

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Differences in sources used to keep informed

6-20 years Conferences 50%

5 years or less Blogs 21%

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Your top three journals

Public Academic Community college

Library Journal American Libraries Public Libraries

The Chronicle of Higher Education Library Journal College & Research Libraries

Library Journal The Chronicle of Higher Education American Libraries

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Top blogs

Library Technology Guides (Marshall Breeding) 11%

Annoyed Librarian (Library Journal) 9%

Public Academic Community college

Annoyed Librarian BlogJunction (WebJunction) Librarian in Black (Sarah Houghton-Jan)

Library Technology Guides (Marshall Breeding) Lorcan Dempsey’s Weblog Annoyed Librarian (Library Journal)

Annoyed Librarian (Library Journal) Library Technology Guides (Marshall Breeding) Librarian in Black (Sarah Houghton-Jan)

The world’s libraries. Connected.


However, most don’t use blogs






Community College


The world’s libraries. Connected.

Even fewer use Twitter






Community College





The world’s libraries. Connected.

The library: Use, shape and format

Staying informed


Advice for OCLC

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Total n=3,418

Served on Council n=72

Informed 30% 56% Somewhat informed 57% 40% Not informed 10% 4%

Are you informed?

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Total n=3,391

Served on Council n=72

OCLC Member Updates 42% 64% Website 19% 29% OCLC Abstracts 15% 46% Facebook 3% 3% Twitter 2% 4%

How do you stay informed?

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Most valuable aspects of membership

Resource Sharing



The world’s libraries. Connected.

• RDA and changing standards

• How to increase record quality

• Discovering library collections

• Advocacy/demonstrating value

• E-resources and e-books

• Cloud

Please research…

The world’s libraries. Connected.

If OCLC could focus on one thing…

Academic libraries

• Improve discovery/access to information Public libraries

• Advocacy and demonstrating value Community college libraries

• Both * Continue cooperative value of keeping costs low

The world’s libraries. Connected. OCLC Americas Regional Council
