Suhaimi Fadzir Description of Works as at 260713

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Transcript of Suhaimi Fadzir Description of Works as at 260713

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


Suhaimi Fadzir

Works for M&C Saatchi 10th Anniversary

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.



Suhaimi studied art and architecture at Washington University, St. Louis, USA in the 1980s, and has exhibited in numerous solo and group shows worldwide.

He won the Dublin Biennial Award of Excellence in 2012, represented Malaysia at the 12th and 13th Venice Biennale (Architecture), Venice, Italy in 2010 and 2012 and was selected to participate in the Art Saint Louis Residency programs in the USA, and his work has been collected in public and private collections in Malaysia, Korea, Ireland, China, USA, Indonesia, Singapore, UK, Japan, Philippine, Spain, Uzbekistan, Germany and Mexico.

His art practice has displayed a consistently sculptural quality, and he developed the concept of ‘archipainting’ – which blends fine art with the structural intricacies and spatial deconstruction of architecture.

His mixed media works have included canvases daubed with found objects and covered in unusual textures and materials, as well as installation work and sculpture. Much of Suhaimi’s work makes use of, or is inspired by, found objects, which he collects extensively both locally and on his travels around the world. This interaction with the landscape around him is reflected on his work, which comments wittily and astutely on the nature of contemporary society in all its materialism, industrialism and kitschery.

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


Suhaimi’s Exhibition in conjunction with M&C Saatchi’s 10th Anniversary

The theme being “The Next 10 Years”, is based on evolving and progression. Suhaimi has selected his pieces to be exhibited with this theme in mind.

The following pieces below reflects in one way or another the underlying thread of being ahead or progress. This, however, does not necessarily mean all is well as he also captures the essence of the failings in wanting to move forward i.e greed, impatience, progress at the expense of destroying nature, etc.

In the following works, he comments on the price we sometimes pay in pursuit of progress and prosperity, a timely reminder that the process of Evolution and Moving forward must be tampered with care and caution as well.

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


1. HERON AND FISHmixed media on canvas

138 x 138 cm


‘Heron and Fish’ is based on a children's story that teaches being greedy won‟t help you at the end. The heron hunts fish by standing very still in the water, waiting for fish to swim past and then catching them. But this particular heron doesn't catch various small fish that swim past him because he craves a bigger one. At the end of the day, he goes hungry because all the small fish disappear and no particular big fish shows up. Note; RTFO (Recycled Toys and Found Objects) Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


2. HARE AND TORTOISEmixed media on canvas

138 x 138 cm


‘Hare and Tortoise’ surrounds the theme of children's story that being too egotistical can jeopardize your chances of winning or being successful as a result. Looking at tortoise as a slow mover, the hare thinks that he can beat a tortoise anytime, anywhere based on his speed. The tortoise agreed to accept the hare challenge for a race witnessed by friends. The hare saw how terribly slow his rival was, so he decided to take a short nap, but later on, he had awoken too late in order to catch up with his opponent. The hare noticed that the tortoise had beaten him at the finishing line and won the race Note; RTFO (Recycled Toys and Found Objects) Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


3. STANDING TALL (ABDUL RAZAK)mixed media on canvas

210 x 210 cm


‘Standing Tall (Abdul Razak)’ represents Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, the second Prime Minister of Malaysia from the RAHMAN Theory painting set. Is “RAHMAN Theory” a myth? Then look again at a list of Malaysia‟s Prime Ministers in the last 56 years. R = T.A. (Rahman), A = (Abdul Razak) Hussein, H = (Hussein) Onn, M = (Mahathir) Mohamad, A = (Abdullah) Badawi and N = Mohd (Najib) Razak. Note; Merdeka (Freedom) Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


4. 7 (SURGA DIBAWAH TAPAK KAKI IBU)mixed media on canvas

210 X 150 cm


‘7 (Surga Di Bawah Tapak Kaki Ibu)’ was based on Prophet Muhammad (SAW) hadith related by Anas (RA), “Verily, Haven lies under the feet of our mother”. Seven Haven. Note; Survivor Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


5. Ikan Puyu (Anabas Testudineus) With the depleting of resources from the forest, fishing and trapping frogs is a serious business

mixed media with neon light and blades on canvas

150x150 cm 2011-13 is one of my paintings produced after my time spent with Orang Asli (“Original People” in Malay) for my proposal submitted to Smithsonian Institution for my 2012 Smithsonian Fellowship nomination. Here the fish is equated to the Orang Asli in northern states of Peninsular Malaysia where, despite their passive, content nature; they are being intruded by outside elements. Their habitats have been compromised by the building of dams, chopping down of trees and over fishing. Even though the Orang Asli appear to live much in the way they always have, the development of Malaysia has still impacted them on fundamental levels. Note; Merdeka (Livelihood) Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


6. Si Luncai Sungguh Gembira Bermain Dengan Kawan-kawannya Di Luar Istana (Si Luncai So Happy Playing with His Friends Outside the Palace)


Variable Size 2008-10

is an installation works depicting Si Luncai, a Malay folk story about an easy going, poor but smart young boy managing his life. Observing a boy with untidy clothes and fat stomach, many people think he only eats and sleeps everyday of his life. Everybody makes fun of him everywhere he goes. Those people tend to overlook that because of his hardship and unfortunate life style, he has to use his intelligence to survive. Note; Object Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


7. Sama Sama (You’re Welcome) mixed media on canvas

183x137 cm 2007

‘Sama Sama (You’re Welcome)’ is a „thank you‟ painting. This painting was produced celebrating myself believing in what I do for my art practice. I decided to ignore all unnecessary negative comments, not following what other artists have done, staying away from what art collectors want you to do, etc., in order to move forward. By believing in oneself, I‟m now can freely choose what art materials to use, what subject to paint without getting approval from others. Life is tough, but happiness supersedes everything else. Note; Object Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.


2 . HARMONY (Social Contract) mixed media on canvas

96x72 in


Is “Social Contract” honored?

The Social Contract refers to the agreement made by the country's founding fathers before Independence. The social contract usually refers to a trade-off for granting of citizenship to the Immigrants of Malaysia (particularly Malaysian Chinese and Indian), and granting the Natives special rights and privileges.

Note; Merdeka (Freedom) Series

© 2013 M&C Saatchi, Malaysia. Proprietary & Confidential. All Rights Reserved.