Suggested Liturgy and Prayer Resources for Caritas International "One Human Family: Food for All"...

Post on 18-Oct-2015

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Listing of suggested scripture readings, songs, prayers, intentions, and liturgical dates for Caritas International "One Human Family: Food for All" campaign.

Transcript of Suggested Liturgy and Prayer Resources for Caritas International "One Human Family: Food for All"...

Liturgy and Prayer ResourcesOne Human Family, Food for All

I. General resources

1. Bread for the Preacher is a periodic eletter from Bread for the World that contains poverty and hunger related reflections during the liturgical year. See

2. Table of Many Breads prayer service in Preston-Pile, Cindy. Our Prayers Rise Like Incense: Liturgies for Peace. Erie, PA: Pax Christi USA, 1998. pp. 184-6.

II. Key liturgical dates, holidays, commemorations

Consider planning a prayer service, remembering One Human Family, Food for All at Mass, or devoting time to personal prayer for One Human Family, Food for All during any or all of the following days:

1. Earth Day, April 22, 2014 (What is the connection between growing food and care for the earth?)

2. Optional Memorial St. Isidore the Farmer, May 15, 2014 (Saint Isidore, Patron Saint of Farming)

4. Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi, October 4, 2014 (connection between our Patron Saint of Ecology and advocate for those who are poor)

3. World Food Day, October 16, 2014

4. Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014 (we thank God to all blessings, including the intention of the first thanksgivings, a bountiful harvest)

III. Key scripture texts (to determine placement of a text in the Lectionary, see The Lectionary for Mass,

Genesis 1: 1-19Story of creation; amongst other things, God created every form of vegetation and saw that it was good. Used at the Easter Vigil, First Reading, Cycle A, B, C. Also used Monday of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time, Year I.

Genesis 41: 46-57As an adviser to the Pharaoh, Joseph showed foresight to store food during seven years of plenty in order that community would have food during seven years of famine. Used Wednesday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time, Year II.

Exodus 23: 10-11Describes Jewish rule of conduct to allow field to lie fallow the seventh year and to allow poor people to pick from the field that year.

Leviticus 19: 9-10Describes the Jewish rule of conduct to allow poor people to glean your fields.

I Kings 17: 7-16During a severe drought, a widow shares her remaining food supply with Elijah. The family and Elijah would not suffer from hunger throughout the rest of the drought. Used 32nd Sunday, Ordinary Time, Year B and Tuesday of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time, Year II.

Luke 9: 10-17The disciples suggested that Jesus send the multitude away for them to find food. Jesus commanded them to feed the multitude themselves. Used Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Year C

Matthew 14: 13-21The disciples suggested that Jesus send the multitude away for them to find food. Jesus commanded them to feed the multitude themselves. Used 18th Sunday, Ordinary Time, Year A and Monday, 18th Week of Ordinary Time, Years I and II.

Mark 6: 33-44The disciples suggested that Jesus send the multitude away for them to find food. Jesus commanded them to feed the multitude themselves. Used Tuesday after Epiphany (or Jan. 8), Years I and II.

John 6: 1-14The disciples suggested that Jesus send the multitude away for them to find food. Jesus commanded them to feed the multitude themselves. Used in 17th Sunday, Ordinary Time, Year B and Friday, 2nd Week of Easter, Years I and II.

IV. Suggested songs

Christ, Be Our Light, Bernadette Farrell, OCP PublicationsSong of the Body of Christ, David Haas, GIA PublicationsThe Harvest of Justice, David Hass, GIA PublicationsWhatsoever You Do, Willard Jabusch, OCP PublicationsA Place at the Table, Lori True, GIA PublicationsAnthem, Tom Conry, OCP PublicationsThe Cry of the Poor, John Foley, OCP PublicationsThe Harvest of Justice, David Haas, GIA Publications

V. Suggested prayers

1. Latin American Grace (from Schlumpf, Heidi. The Notre Dame Book of Prayer. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2010, p. 49)

O God, to those who have hunger give bread, to those who have bread hunger for justice

2. Remembering the Hungry (Huron Hunger Fund; cited in Schlumpf, Heidi. The Notre Dame Book of Prayer. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2010, p. 50)

For food in a world where many walk in hunger; for faith in a world where many walk in fear; for friends in a world where many walk alone; we give you thanks, O Lord.

3. For an End to Hunger, Rev. David Beckman (cited in Iosso, Christian, and Elizabeth L. Hinson-Hasty. Prayers for the New Social Awakening: Inspired by the New Social Creed. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008, pp. 41-42)

God of Righteous Bounty, We are moved by your grace to work for justice for hungry people. We know that you hear the prayer of the mother in Mozambique whose child is crying food. We know that you hear the prayer of the father in Minnesota who is trying to make ends meet and feed his family. Be a balm to them, our God, and give them strength as they work to better their lives. Please hear our prayers as well. We pray that you will give us the conviction to answer your call to serve and to speak out for hungry people. We pray for the leaders of our nationthe decision makers who can direct billions of dollars of help and opportunity with the stroke of a pen. Help them to hear the cries of hungry people that are ringing in our own ears, the cries that are so close to your very heart. Give our leaders the courage, the vision, and the wisdom to help us create a world where all are fed. Thank you, God, for helping us turn our faith into action, for amplifying our voices. Thank you for when we speak out for hungry people, the miracle of the loaves and fishes happens once again and again. We believe that you are moving in our time to end hunger, and we are grateful that you include us as a part of this great liberation. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who still feeds the multitude. Amen.

4. In Time of Famine or for Those Suffering Hunger (Catholic Church. The Roman Missal: Renewed by Decree of The Most Holy Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, Promulgated by Authority of Pope Paul VI and Revised at the Direction of Pope John Paul II. Collegeville, Minn: Liturgical Press, 2011)

O God, who, being both good and almighty, provide for all creatures,give us, we pray, an effective lovefor our brothers and sisters who suffer hunger,so that famine may be banished and that they may have strength to serve youwith free and untroubled hearts.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,On God, for ever and ever.

O God, who did not create deathand who provide food for all living things,drive out, in your compassion,the hunger of your servants,that our hearts may serve you with greater readiness and joy.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever.

IV. Sample prayers of petition

For the success of the Caritas Campaign, One Human Family: Food for All, let us pray to the Lord

For the needs of those who suffer from lack of healthy food, that their hunger may be satisfied, let us pray to the Lord

For the well being of those who grow, transport, and distribute the healthy food that we enjoy, let us pray to the Lord

For favorable climate conditions for farmers and ranchers who provide our food, let us pray to the Lord

For those who write and execute our laws, that they may serve the common good through public policy that seeks to insure a high standard of nutrition for all men, women, and children, let us pray to the Lord