Suggested Learning Experiences Years 3-6 - All...

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Transcript of Suggested Learning Experiences Years 3-6 - All...

Suggested Learning

Experiences Years 3-6

Teaching about Catholic Education Week What is Catholic Education Week? Why does it happen every year? Who will celebrate this week? How will our Catholic school celebrate this week? What makes our school special? (name, logo, motto, uniform, teachers, parents, students etc.) Explore with students the visuals (colours, symbols, words) in the Catholic Education Week logo: Introduce the theme for Catholic Education Week 2016: Opening Doors in the Year of Mercy This year all Catholic schools throughout the state of Queensland are stopping to celebrate who they are and how they open their doors to welcome and value all staff, students, families, parish members and volunteers. Lead students in a discussion about the logo that has been designed especially for Catholic Education Week in 2016.

Exploring the Symbolism of Doors

To begin this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis continued an ancient tradition in the church of opening the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome in a very solemn and sacred ritual. It is believed that those who enter through this Holy Door will receive special graces from God. Pope Francis has reminded all to open the doors of their hearts to receive the mercy of God and to show others God’s mercy. People can be like closed doors when they shut others out and like open doors when they welcome others.

Talk with students about doors; their structure and purpose; their significance and their story of being places of hospitality and welcome; the symbolism of entering and leaving, crossing the threshold etc.

This short video (2minutes and 45 seconds) What is a holy door? provides great background for teachers and is suitable as a learning experience for students. Teachers are reminded to consider scaffolding and leading guided discussions about the video for younger students. The presenter talks about doors as metaphors. This is a good springboard into discussing what doors mean to the students and what doors remind us about. Students will hear an explanation of the importance of a Holy Door and see footage of Pope Francis opening the door in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

Planning and Designing Changes for the Classroom Door Plan for ways to change the classroom door so that it has a special message for the Catholic

Education Week. Design a ‘new’ classroom door for Catholic Education Week; a door that has a

message in words, images or symbols that reflect the theme of Catholic Education Week in this Year

of Mercy.

Suggestions include:


The word MERCY (Individual letters could be downloaded and students work in groups to mindfully colour the letters)

Scripture quotes about mercy e.g. God is Mercy; God is kind and merciful; Be merciful as God is Merciful (Luke 6:36); Blessed are the merciful as they will receive mercy (Matthew 5:7). Scripture quotes about Doors e.g. Jesus said’ ‘Knock and the door will be open.’ (Matthew 7:7); Jesus said, “For everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:10);

Jesus says “I am the door.” (John 10:9) Blessings e.g. May goodness and mercy follow you (Psalm 23); May all be blessed with the love and mercy of God. (Acts 15:40)

A door of hearts or circles or crosses

Photos or names of all the students arranged in a Circle of Mercy

Themed doors e.g. an image of one of the Corporal or Spiritual Works of Mercy or the names of the corporal works e.g. Feed the hungry etc. scattered on the door or arranged as door panels.

Creating a Ritual for Students Entering and Leaving Through the Classroom Door

NOTE TO TEACHERS: Create a ritual that involves the classroom door and use this with the students to begin and end the day in the classroom e.g. Teacher to stand at the door and welcome each student in using their name and a greeting. Teacher to stand at the door to exchange the sign of peace with each student as they leave the classroom.

OTHER SUGGESTIONS: As students enter they are given a heart, an image or a word that they can keep in their place for the day. As students leave, they are given a heart, a circle, a word e.g. ‘mercy’, ‘love’, ‘peace’ or an image that they can take home to show and explain to their family.

Creating a Collage of Doors

After discussion about the symbolism of doors and the significance of references to doors in scripture, students are invited to reflect on doors that are or have been special for them in their lives e.g. doors that represent their heritage (Chinese door, Celtic door); doors of special places they have visited (castles, cathedrals, churches, museums, theatres or concert halls, art galleries); doors that are part of their everyday life (bedroom doors, doors to their homes, doors of family homes, past and present); doors to places of care ( hospitals, nursing homes, prisons). Students find an image of a door or take a photo of a door that has meaning or a story for them. Write a word or short reflection and attach to the image of the door that they have chosen. Create a collage with these.

Students from St Stephen’s Algester have used images of doors in the Sacred Space for their Blessing Liturgy for all Year 6 leaders.

Exploring the Meaning of MERCY Watch Pope Francis minute explains: The Year of Mercy As this video is short, it is suggested that it might be viewed more than once. Follow up discussions would need to happen to lead the students to a deeper understanding about the Year of Mercy. Invite students to contribute to individual and Class Y-Charts on Mercy. What do Christians believe about God’s mercy? Name and list practical ways that people can BE or DO mercy e.g. kind words.

Students complete this Y-Chart individually: What does God’s mercy look like? What does God’s mercy sound like? How does God’s mercy make us feel?

In groups, students complete this Y-Chart: What does mercy look like in our classroom? What does mercy sound like in our classroom? How do members of our class feel when they experience mercy?

As a class, students contribute to a Y- Chart on Mercy in their Catholic School.

Writing an Acrostic about Mercy Lead students to contribute to this writing by thinking about how mercy happens in the school context. This could be used at the beginning of the School Prayer Celebration for Catholic Education week. M is for Making people feel welcome! E is for Everyone belongs! R is for Reaching out to those in need C is for Caring for our friends Y is for You can DO Mercy! Students could write a Haiku titled Mercy or Doors A Haiku poem consists of 3 lines; the first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.

Mercy Moments Collage

Create a display of photos of students showing mercy and add a quote about mercy below the photo e.g. a student sitting next to a lonely person on the playground or inviting someone to play… with the caption ‘God’s mercy is loving kindness.’ Display these photos on a window or door as a reminder for children to BE and DO mercy inside and outside.

Exploring the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

Use these colouring sheets as a group form of prayer. Explore the text and the images. This time of silence could be accompanied by background music or one of the songs about Mercy that will be used in the prayer celebrations or liturgies planned for Catholic Education Week. Corporal Works of Mercy Colouring Sheet Spiritual Works of Mercy Colouring sheet NOTE TO TEACHERS: It is important to encourage and lead all to move beyond a literal interpretation of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and look for a broader application of each one e.g. visiting the imprisoned could be interpreted as spending time with someone who is house bound or who is struggling with loneliness. Giving food or drink could also imply offering friendship to someone who is excluded or bullied, learning the name of someone who is new, listening to the story of another person or even just giving someone a friendly greeting or a smile.

Engaging with Children’s Picture Books connected to the Works of Mercy

A wonderful book that has its roots in Judaism but is perfect for Mercy. Mitzvah is like an act of mercy. Download at to access eBook of this story. The characters introduce children to everyday acts of kindness such as welcoming new friends, forgiving mistakes, respecting elders, sharing food with the hungry, and much, much more. This story supports learning about the Works of Mercy.

A great book for children who are dealing with someone who is dying because of an illness. It’s an inspirational story about hope and light where hurts on earth are no longer there. It helps to show the reader that even though the person who died was sick and hurting before they died, they are no longer in pain. Christians believe they are resting in peace with their God. This book would support teaching about the Spiritual Work of Mercy: Praying for the living and the dead

A touching story from the perspective of Ben, a boy who, with his older sister, brings food and a warm scarf to Dorrie, a homeless woman living in a box in their neighborhood. The key message is that the smallest kindnesses can make a difference. This story supports learning about the Corporal Work of Mercy: Shelter the Homeless.

A thought provoking story about a soup kitchen, as observed by a boy visiting it with his `Uncle Willie,' who works there every day. The messages are presented sensitively and compassionately. This story supports learning about the Corporal Work of Mercy: Give Food to the Hungry.

Exploring the Theme of Mercy Through Relevant Scripture Stories Read one of the suggested Scripture references and focus the discussion with students on the world in front of the text. How can the words and messages from these readings be followed in the school community? The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-11 The Good Samaritan Luke 10:29-37 The Final Judgment Matthew 25:31-40

Exploring the theme through Song: Theme Song: Catholic Schools In Queensland You can download this song at the following link Sing Mercy by Michael Mangan.

In the Footsteps of Jesus by Andrew Chinn. Download lyrics, PowerPoint at Butterfly Music.

Open Up the Doors of Mercy by Michael Mangan.

We are God’s Hands by Andrew Chinn

Ways to engage with these songs include: Listen to the songs. Explore the lyrics discussing the key words and messages that the composer is wanting people to know about. Reflect on what these songs challenge the school community about DOING and BEING Mercy.

Pray the Act of Contrition

Lead students in recognising and naming in their hearts, times when they know they have “missed

the mark” and need to ask for God’s forgiveness.

Compose and pray a Litany of Forgiveness e.g.

For the times we have used hurtful words.

All: Lord have mercy

For the times we have excluded others. All: Lord have mercy For the times we …………………………………. All: Lord have mercy

Making Connections with Other Catholic Schools: Google Hangout

Teachers organise a Google Hangout enabling two schools to connect and share stories about e.g. how they open doors; what is happening for Catholic Education week; the story of their school e.g. the charism. Google Hangout is a video chat platform that allows up to 10 people or groups to have a conversation face to face over video online. It allows the video chat session to be broadcast live or saved. It also has features to share files and screen presentations. How Educators and Schools Can Make the Most of Google Hangouts

Preparing for Participation in Prayer Experiences and School Events Prepare students to participate in Catholic Education Week Prayer and Liturgy experiences and events organised to celebrate this week. Post stories and photos about key events and celebrations in the school context on the Catholic Education Week Facebook page.

Praying about Mercy Catholic Education Week Prayer for Primary Students A short prayer that might be prayed each day in Catholic Education Week. This prayer could be prayed at the beginning or end of a day, at the beginning or end of a Religion lesson or at a transition time. Computer screens closed Prepare for silence and stillness Sound prayer chime/bell/Insight Timer App/Singing bowl to call all present to stillness and silence.

Leader: Let us begin prayer with a time of silence and stillness….. Let us take time to focus on our breath … let us slow down our breathing and listen to the pattern and rhythm of our breath… the in breath and the out breath. We will close our eyes or look down at our hands …. Let us TAKE 5 ….. Take 5 slow and mindful breaths…. Listen for the count 1… Breathe in and hold… Breathe out and rest. 2… Breathe in and hold… Breathe out and rest. 3… Breathe in and hold… Breathe out and rest. 4… Breathe in and hold… Breathe out and rest. 5… Breathe in and hold… Breathe out and rest. Let us make the Sign of the Cross mindfully making sure that we touch our forehead, our heart or centre, each of our shoulders and then let our hands join together in a prayer gesture. All: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen Lighting of candle Leader: In this Catholic Education week, we light a candle knowing that we are in the presence of a merciful and loving God. Light candle and pause. Leader: Let us pray … Reader: God the Father You are the Creator and life giver You are our shield and our rock Come be with us All: Come be with us Reader: May we be people who honour and respect each other. May we support and challenge each other. Come be with us. All: Come be with us Reader: God the Son You are the light of the world You are our teacher and healer Come be with us All: Come be with us

Reader: May we be people who listen to and care for each other. May we reach out to those who are excluded and treated unfairly. Come be with us. All: Come be with us Reader: God the Holy Spirit You are our helper and friend You inspire us and guide us Come be with us All: Come be with us Reader: May we be people who speak the truth and share our gifts. May we make a difference in our school community. Come be with us All: Come be with us Leader: We make this prayer through Christ our Lord All: Amen Leader: As we end this time of prayer let us leave this sacred space knowing that our God of Mercy goes with us. Extinguish candle and pause