Sufi-Saint – Hazrat Naseer Muhammad Faqir Jalalani

Post on 14-Apr-2015

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Collection of Letters

Transcript of Sufi-Saint – Hazrat Naseer Muhammad Faqir Jalalani



Composing and Compilation:


Sufi Saint:

Hazrat Naseer Muhammad



This booklet is not a creation of anyone; it is just a n English translation of the

teachings of this great master.

“Sufi-Saint – Hazrat Nasir Mohammed Sahib”

This small contribution is dedicated to this Great Master whose teachings have

enlightened the lines of so many followers.


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This noble collection of sixty heart-touching letters of Sufi Saint HAZRAT SUFI


Kalawati and Mr. Devidas Bhatia of Bombay. I am extremely thankful to them

and their family for this gesture of theirs. I wish, I could have met this great

saint during his lifetime.

These letters are immediate answers to many day-to-day problems we all face

and above all they give us an idea as to what should be the living of the true

devoted human being. It is just not important to be a man, woman or child.

What is important is that we behave like true human beings, understanding

and respecting the feeling of each others.

I was motivated to translate the basic teachings of these letters in English by

the faith one of my friend in Hyderabad has in “Sain-Sahib”. If you find this

work worthwhile, the credit should go to my friend, but if there are any

shortcomings, please forgive me, and bear with it.

What was my motive in writing these summaries in English was that our

younger generation should read and understand this. They are the future

building blocks of this society, and if by any means we can mould their

character, it can go a long way in improving the moral values of human race.

Let me now reveal to you a little insight into the saint’s letter.




Letter 1

Sain Sahib says that a ‘Guru’ never forget his disciples. Whenever a person is

having any problem and he remembers his “Murshid” with love and affection,

he sees his path. Don’t forget the Lord, place all faith in him and you will

always move on the right path.

Fear of god is the best “Pooja” a man can offer. Keep your heart and thoughts

clean, for that is the House of the Lord. Fix your eyes in the beautiful face of

your “Guru “, and don’t see here and there. This will automatically lead to the

land of the LORD. What is the use of looking here and there? Look into

yourself, and you shall find your almighty right within you. Please the lord and

the whole world would be pleasant for you.

God sent human beings in this world to remember him and move on the

pathways of truth, love, and affection. We do so many tricks to deceive people,

but we forget the trick to win over our lord. So leave everything, and

remember your ‘RAB’ and your death.

Letter 2

Learn and keep good habits. If your habits are good, your actions will be good,

and if your actions are good your character will be good. We all are riding on a

horse, and the reins are to be kept in hand properly – otherwise you shall have

a severe fall. By saying no, Sain Sahib stresses the need to control our senses, if

not, they will land you in trouble. By reins, he means the thought of the lord.

Always remember your death, and this will prevent you from going to the

wrong track. Be patient, patience will get you the best of everything. Here, Sain

Sahib gives an example of ‘Paigambar Hazrat Younus’. He was swallowed by a


gigantic fish, but even there he remembered the lord. He had worms all over

his body, but them too he remembered the lord.

Love for lord Krishna gave so many troubles to Meera Bai, but she never gave


So be god fearing and remember the lord at all times, good or bad, you shall

always get the courage to face any circumstances.

Letter 3

Always attach your thoughts with the lord – there is no reason why irrelevant

thoughts should ever come to your mind? Sain Sahib says that if you want to

know the best possible thought, a human being can have, it is nothing but the

thought of the lord. To have good thoughts about the almighty, you should

always have the picture of your ‘Guru’ or ‘Murshid’ in your eyes. Sain Sahib

says that everyone walks with his legs, but you walk towards the lord with the

true eyes of your heart.

What you can see with the eyes of your guru – you cannot see with your own

eyes. Each and every breath of yours should chant the name of the lord. A

guru helps you by putting in a multi-purposed medicine in your heart through

the “Naam’ – this medicine cures you from all the worldly illness.

A person who always realizes the picture of the lord within himself is always

happy and contended, and moreover no ill can lay him low.


Letter 4 Remember death and die before your death comes. Sain Sahib means to say forget yourself and your existence in the remembrance of God. “FORGETFULNESS OF SELF IS REMEMBRANCE OF GOD” Our basic purpose of coming to this world is to attain the lord by our good deeds and ‘Bhakti’. We all are deaf – why deaf? Because music of the lord is ringing in our ear but we are unable to hear it. Sain Sahib advices his disciples to remove this deafening curtain of ignorance, and dance to the tune of lord’s music. Be god fearing and alert from your almighty who is nowhere else but right within your heart. Try to recognize his presence within yourself. “NO ILL CAN LAY A PRESON LOW IF GOD IS WITH HIM”

Letter 5

Sain Sahib says that in this perishable world, God’s name is the only boat which

can see you through. Don’t lose your life in this myth-dreams and catch-hold of

‘Lord’s Name’ and move from this world which is nothing but huge ocean of


A person who does not realize the presence of god within himself has

forgotten himself. No one on this world can afford to forget the lord, otherwise

he cannot attain “Moksh”, and he will have to undergo constant recycling

through 84 lakh births. See that your ‘True friend’ your ‘rescuer’ is always in

your heat – and don’t part with him even for a single moment.


Letter 6 Sain Sahib says maintain your real relation with the lord alone because our real destination is the land where god resides. If we move well with good intentions in this world, there is no danger in our real destination. Be afraid of god and there is no reason why should you go on the wrong road of life which detaches you from the almighty? We should be thankful to the lord for all he has given us. Even if we sacrifice our heads it is not enough. Give the strings of your life in his skilled and loving hands, and you shall gain immortality and peace.

Letter 7 People go about here and there in search of the lord, forgetting the fact that god is always within you; all that is required is to just connect with him. Recognize your own self, and the fact that your master is always within you. If you place faith in god and recognize his presence within yourself your Ah! Can burn this whole world – but what is required is the true love for the lord – your Almighty.

Letter 8 This life is a dream, how long can you run after your own shadow? Your desires and thoughts should centralize towards your ‘Satguru’ – only then your life is a success, and you can attain the goal of life – the goal which has been set by the almighty for you. Sain Sahib says you as a human being itself a musical instrument, but you can produce a lovely tune only when you always have the image of god within your heart. Have faith in God, tell him your desires, and you will lack nothing. Sain Sahib says that your dream should be how you are sitting with the lord? See your true homeland in your dreams, and above all see your lord in the dreams.


Letter 9 Sain Sahib says our luck is in the hands of the lord, if our intentions are true, god will satisfy us and fulfill all our desires wherever we are. Be bold, speak the truth, and god shall always accompany you. Sain Sahib says that even if you have to face the toughest trials – no matter how much you have to suffer – then too speak the truth and walk on the path of truth. We hear, but we don’t understand. We have not controlled our desires. Then how can we reach our ultimate goal? As human beings, we always complain ‘Oh God, why have you sent us to this world? Did you send us to see this day?’ Sit in silence and ask yourself – have you followed or done what god expects of you? Whatever breaths we take that are intermingled with the name of god are really useful. Ultimately god will only help us to swim across this worldly ocean full of ripples and killer waves.

Letter 10 Don’t forget god, but forget those things which you will have to forget after your death. These are really the worldly attachments, which act as a partition between you and the lord. We as human beings are all aware that we have come empty handed, and will go back the same, but then too the race behind the objects of false satisfaction is on. Sain Sahib says detach yourself from this race and attach to the name of the lord. It is he who will see you through this world. Open your inner eyes, have faith in god, and be ready to welcome death. It is death that opens the door to the lord. Be friendlier with your death than with your life. A true relative, a true friend is the one who tells you to sacrifice your life to the ultimate truth – our Almighty.


Letter 11 Sain Sahib appeals to his followers “NEVER FORGET GOD” If you have forgotten god, you have forgotten the basic purpose of life. your life is useless without the remembrance of God. We move to ‘Mandir’, ‘Masjid’, and ‘Gurudwaras’ to know where God is. Sain Sahib says open your eyes and see your lord within yourself. He is right inside our heart, and his image is in our eyes. When we open our eyes, we see the outer world, but when we sit in silence with our eyes closed, we see our lord. Sain Sahib says now you decide for yourself whether to sit with eyes opened or to sit with the eyes closed? When we complete our journey of life, nothing accompanies us – what goes with us is the ‘Nam’. So let us make ‘Naam’ our true friend. Sit in silence and hear the command of your master, who is residing in your heart. You don’t have to run about here and there to find him.

Letter 12 Be friendly with your breath, and with each and every breath remember one ultimate truth – God. These god given breaths are like pearls and don’t lose them. God is always with us in every action and deed – the only thing is that we have to realize his presence. Sain Sahib says no one on this earth is immortal except the name of god. Be afraid of god, but then too place all your faith in him, and you shall lack nothing. “DO AS MUCH GOOD AS YOU CAN TO AS MANY AS YOU CAN, AND ABOVE ALL BE AS SWEET AS YOU CAN.”


Letter 13 Sain Sahib says that people read so many religious books, hear so many saints, go to so many temples, but don’t follow any good thing. He says – be concerned with god alone. A man himself is a book, a living book, and all other religious books have originated from this living book only. Sain Sahib means to say that God had sent a human being on earth, this human being has subdivided his race into different castes and creeds. LOVE – it is the most precious gift from god. It binds people together, and without love man is like a wild animal. Eat and live well, but don’t waste anything. In true sense this means enjoy god creations, but see that not even a single breath of yours goes without chanting his name. God has given us specified breaths, and we are accountable for each and every breath when we go to our ultimate home. See that you don’t have to bow your head in shame.

Letter 14 Think always that god is with you – god shall always think the same way about you. The almighty is so generous that he has blessed us with each and everything we require fresh air, water, food, and everything. The way to express our sincere thanks to the almighty is by chanting his name. One day we all have to move to our true homeland. If we are aware of this, we will always choose a right path and do good things. In each and every effort you make, keep the lord as your companion, and believe the success is yours. Sain Sahib again appeals to his followers. Leave aside everything, and drown yourself in the remembrance of God. No ill can lay you low if God’s name is with you. This fact is well known to all of us that we have to die. But our aim is that when we die we belong to the lord alone, and we die as human beings. To achieve this – all that we have to do is to remember god in each and every moment of life. If God is with you, no ill can lay you down.


Letter 15 So many people come out and go from this world; it’s a constant recycling. But there are very few people who remember the basic purpose of life. “Dependence on God, and remembrance of the true homeland where we all are destined after our death.” Detach yourself from this false world and attach yourself to your real, true Friend. Sain Sahib says that “nobody is your true friend on this earth so establish true friendship with god’s name alone.” A guru is essential to attain the lord. Can any one imagine the pains a guru has to bear to liberate his followers from the worldly attachments, and turn them successfully towards the path which shall lead them to the almighty? Sain Sahib says that no ill can lay low a person whose breath chants the name of the lord.

Letter 16 Always look towards the lord, and you shall lack nothing. Never separate yourself from the almighty because you are his creation. Separating yourself from him means separating a son from a father. Sain Sahib asks his followers to peep into themselves to see the great master who resides no where else, but within the hearts of human being alone. Never attach yourself to this world but attach yourself to the world of the lord – which really belongs to you, and from where you have actually come. Sain Sahib says that always keep your thoughts clean, this will not only make you happy, but anyone who comes in contact with you will also be purified.


Letter 17 God is happy with those whose hearts are full of love and affection for him. Sain Sahib says that a person whose heart is full of love for the lord is better than a person who has a pretty face but lacks the desire for the lord. For a sick heart there are four medicines as told by Sain Sahib:

Good company Good knowledge which is constructive Alertness in the night to offer prayers to the lord, and practice ‘Nam’ Always have the desire to meet the almighty.

Don’t mix yourself in these worldly attractions, for they are all perishable. Mix yourself with the immortal that is right inside you. You need not run here and there in search of that lord. Each and every moment of your life should pass chanting the name of one supreme ‘RAB’ Die before your actual death, and be god-fearing. These two practices are sure to lead you successfully to your ultimate goal of life i.e. ‘ATTAINMENT OF GOD’

Letter 18 Sain Sahib cautions his followers and tries to remind them of the basic purpose of their being sent to this world. “Remember the presence of god in each and every action you take – in each and every breath you take.” This will prevent you from going in the wrong direction. We are like pearls in the lord’s necklace – see that this pearl is not thrown away by the almighty because of its unworthy actions. If a person forgets God, it means he has forgotten himself because there is no entity like a human being if he does not chant the name of the lord, and if he does not carry the image of the Almighty in his eyes. Whatever actions you do – do them with the intention to please the lord.


Letter 19 ‘NEVER FORGET GOD’ he is the only supreme power who will protect you from constant recycling in this world, only he can fetch you ‘Moksh’. Hold his sweet name strongly so that no worldly thunderstorm can separate his name from you. Ultimately our ‘RAB’ will come to our rescue. This fact has been accepted over the generations by the kings and emperors. They have sacrificed their kingdoms and reins to find refuge in the HOLY FEET OF THE LORD. Sain Sahib says, give your life to the lord; he will give take care of everything. Your heart should only remember god, god, and god. Nothing else. Do only those ‘karmas’, which make you acceptable to the lord. A guru always expresses this desire for his disciples, that they should not forget the lord. Sain Sahib says, painful remembrance of lord is better than the ‘Majlis’ of external world. Lock up these external means of happiness in one dark room, and enter the room where true lovers of god shed tears to meet their dear ‘Mehboob’, that is lord.

Letter 20 If God is with you, no ill can lay you low. Thoughts should always be with your breath – chanting the name of lord. No one is going to share your sorrows except the holy name of ‘RAM’. Don’t waste your time sleeping – this life is very short. Here, sleeping refers to wasting time in worldly affairs, and forgetting the lord. Offer all your thoughts and desires in the lotus feet of the lord, and you shall lack nothing. Be careful when looking for a ‘Murshid’. Murshid should have no difference in what he preaches and practices.


Letter 21 Don’t tie your heart with a ‘Ghungru’ anklet, which speaks of so many things. Your heart should always remain tied with the name of the lord. You should be happy in whatever state god has kept you – believe that this is the desire of God for you. Sacrifice your desires – if you feel they are against God’s wish. Ultimately you will see that this is beneficial for you. If your heart and thoughts not clean, there is no sense in reading religious books or preaching about God. The more you remember God, the more he remembers and cares for you. Be devoted to the lord alone and he will take care of you.

Letter 22 Sain Sahib says, “Always remember your true homeland (life hereafter), and fear the lord. This will always prevent your from falling in a ditch of ill deeds. We all have to move to a land where there is no sleep (ignorance about God’s existence and supremacy). Your deeds should be such that you always remain a precious pearl in god’s necklace. Always keep your eyes fixed towards the lord so that no other image comes within the eyes. It is for certain that god alone can get us ‘Moksh’, and prevent us from recycling through 84 lakh births. Your eyes, your ears, your lips should all surrender before the lord, and no one should see, hear, and utter god’s name and nothing else. If a fish is taken out of water, and when it dies, then it is again thrown in the water, is this of any use to the fish? Will it live again? No, not at all. We as a human beings may lose our right path, and die like a fish, but when a guru or Murshid throws us in the waters of knowledge, we are alive again. Sain Sahib says, we are not separate from God, and god is not away from us. “LET GOD KEEP YOU IN HIS WORLD OF LOVE. MAKE YOURSELF WORTHY OF LIVING IN THAT”


Letter 23 God has given a fixed number of breaths for each and everyone. See that your each breath is for the lord, and you shall lack nothing. Do good to others, and God shall always be with you. Whatever ‘Karmas’ we do in this world, we are answerable to them in our true world where we go after our death. Be careful, and see that you don’t do anything which makes you feel ashamed before the almighty. Spread goodness, love, and affection all around you. Sain Sahib says – “God has given us so much, but we keep our eyes closed”. Have we ever thought of the beautiful things, which god has given us? No – but we just complain of the little things we lack. Gods will and desire should be accepted as our luck and fate; and we should be happy in that.

Letter 24 Sain Sahib says, if a follower truly follows his guru, the guru is always with him in each and every step of life. He has again stressed that don’t forget your ‘RAB’. Always love him, adore him, and you will see a path leading you to the doorsteps of god. How exciting it is? Every materialistic thing on this earth is perishable; we have to leave everything behind. What we carry with us is the “Nam’, and the blessings of all those to whom you have done good. Unfortunately we run after useless things, but give either little or not time to the lord. Human beings wander about here and there in search of god, but they are unaware of the fact that god is right within them. What is required is to open your third eye. It is the guru who will help you to reach your third eye. Cover yourself with the blanket of truth, and be very sure no heat or cold waves (worldly ills and false attractions) can affect you and no ill can lay you low.


Letter 25 Sain Sahib has again stressed the need to just remember god because it is he, and he above, who will come to our rescue when the soul bids adieu to this body. No other relative will stand besides us when the ‘Kal’ calculates the accounts of our life. Be prepared to move from this world which is full of lies, deception and ‘Fareb’. Fall in love with God and just go on admiring his creations. You can understand a person’s character from his words. In today’s world, man has become an animal, and he is not afraid of death, which is the only eternal truth. Always follow the path of truth, love, and sacrifice; and you shall always remain in the good books of the lord. Do good to others, so that god does good to you, and preserves you as valuable diamond of his necklace.

Letter 26 Remember lord at each and every step of your life, and be satisfied with what god has given you. Never bother about what others possess; be concerned about your possessions alone. Always be in love with the lord and preserve all that he has give you. Sain Sahib says, this young will not last long, don’t wait for the old age to remember god – start right now. If you remember god, both God and your guru will be with you when you bid good bye to this world. One day we all have to move from this world, and as each day goes by, that particular day is coming nearer. Prepare yourself for that so that you are not ashamed before the lord for your deeds. This world and its fascinating things is a hindrance in the achievement of your lord. Jump through these hindrances and meet you ultimate goal – the TRUE MASTER, THE ALMIGHTY. Sain Sahib says, don’t leave the ‘Bhakti-Marg’, this is the only true earning of your life. A man who does not perform his duties is not even liked by his family members. If you are unaware of your duties allotted to you by the lord, how will you be liked in the home of the lord, where you have to go one day? Awake, arise, and perform your duties well.


Letter 27 This letter also begins appeal from Sain Sahib – don’t forget the lord – place all your faith in him, and you will lack nothing. Keep yourself busy with just one work – remembering god’s name. Leave aside all other jobs and remember the lord because this is the only work you have to do when your soul leaves the body. This world is moving, everyone has to move from this world bidding goodbye to all the so called relatives. Will these relatives accompany you at the time of death? or will they be accountable for your deeds? No, not at all. So, be prepared to do all good things so that you don’t feel ashamed before your master. Sain Sahib further adds that from all the enjoyments of this artificial world, the intense desire to meet the lord is far better. Even in sad moments, god’s name should reside in your heart. See that each and every breath of yours is remembering god so much so that even your last breath is having god’s name, when this soul leaves your outer jacket. Human beings run after all the worldly things which attract us and make us forget the truth - the name of our ‘RAB’ – god. If you have sun in your eyes, you will never face darkness. By ‘sun’, Sai Sahib means, the light of God’s name.

Letter 28 A guru never forgets his followers. If you truly remember someone with clean thoughts, and real desire, the other person feels the vibrations and he remembers you ever more. Don’t waste your breaths. See that you do the real earning of God’s name and don’t worry about the so called worldly possessions.


Letter 29 This letter also starts with an appeal from Sain Sahib – “Don’t forget your lord”. In each and every step of your life remember the lord, and there is no reason why you should deviate from the right path. Recognize god in each and every creation of his, let each and every breath of yours chant his name, then even God will recognize you as his own child. Set your target at only one point - the feet of the lord. You can achieve this target with the help of an able ‘Murshid’, but you have to follow him blindly; believe in each and every word of his.

Letter 30 Always remember your death, this thought will always remind you of the lord, this reminder will always lead you to the right path. When you rub iron with ‘Philosopher’s stone’, it gets converted into gold. When you are ready to face each and every difficulty to achieve god, you will get it, and there is no reason why you should not? This life is like a big play ground. We all have to play a part and move ahead. A person who has remembered his motto of being sent into the world wins the game. Sain Sahib says that winning the game means reaching the lotus feet of the lord. Only a person with clean thoughts and clean intentions can win the game. Who is the person who can achieve the goal of life? This also depends on God’s wish. A cloud of God’s mercy sheds rain all of a sudden on a person to whom god wants to be wanted by the lord, to be his near and dear one. Please keep your thoughts clean. Sain sahib cautions that no person who has worldly relation with your can cut across your ‘Karmas’. This job can only be done by a true ‘Murshid’ and the lord.


Letter 31 Remember the lord and all your sins are washed away. Just chant the name of the lord and utilize each and every breath of yours. You cannot depend on your life – how many days will it last – this is written in God’s diary. Death is your true partner, for it accompanies you to the lord. Don’t waste your time and don’t wait for the sunset of your life when you remember god. Remembering god is not only good for our spiritual health, but it is our prime duty, for which we have been sent to this world. Forget yourself in the remembrance of the almighty. If you satisfy god, and make him happy, he will also take care of your happiness. Sain Sahib again appeals – remember your death – die before your actual death (forget yourself, forget your existence) – and you will always move on the right path.

Letter 32 Remember the lord and move on the pathways of life with faith, courage, and confidence. Your ‘Rab’ will always be with you, and he will enlighten your path. Just go on praying the lord, and you will be rewarded with the fruit of life – the eternal peace of mind. Whatever problems you face in life should be a lesson for you and learning from them and adopting silence try to mix up with the lord. If you do so, these sad moments will not depress you or make you feel frustrated. One by one we all have to move from this world. Have you ever felt we may belong to different castes? May have different relations? Our luck and fate may be different? But we all have one common relation, and that is our relation with the lord. So be careful and don’t forget him.


Letter 33 Strengthen yourself with the name of the lord; so strong that even the rocks of ignorance are broken by you. Nothing is superior to the name of the lord. “Murshid” when seeing his disciple going on the wrong path gets disturbed and frustrated- then too he prays to the lord to help him to move on the right path. See the love and affection a guru has for his followers Sain Sahib has repeatedly said “remember your death – die before your actual death” means forget you existence in the remembrance of the lord. The real day in each man’s life is the day when he has to move towards the eternal adobe, as each day passes by that day comes nearer, so prepare your self for that “great day”

Letter 34 Each and every “Murshid” ask his disciples not to forget the lord. Establish the relation with alone, for all other earthly relationship are perishable. Sain Sahib says-“never turn your face away from the lord” because one day you will have to stand before him and be accountable for all your “Karmas”. You have been sent to this world by the almighty and you will have to go back to him. Death is inevitable. So please your lord, so that he also pleases you when you go back to him – “Your true destination” See that all your thoughts and desires tend towards God and terminate in him. Be sure and you will lack noting. If the god is with you, no illness can lay you low. Your boat shall sail across this worldly ocean smoothly which is full of temptation and ignorance about god

Letter 35 Sain Sahib says - “Don’t forget the lord, let him be your companion in each and every action you take”. If you follow him there is no question about taking a wrong decision. The whole world spins around the decision of almighty. If you


remember your death you will remember your god. Today man is afraid about, how earthly being will react if he does some thing then how come he is not afraid of what god almighty thinks about him? Some people do argue- “What is the point in keeping a Guru’s photograph?” The photographs of “Sufi Saint” give you the vibration to move on the right path. It creates an environment to remember God and do good. A person who remembers his death and who dies before his actual death (forgetting your self and the worldly comforts in the remembrance of god) is person who is dear to God. “No illness can lay you low, no person can harm you” If you are a true “Lover” Almighty resides in your heart.

Letter 36 Sain Sahib blesses his follower- “May God never the day of inadequacy or fear. Always take the road which leads you to the lord” Sain Sahib further adds, “GOD YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE CRATED ISHQ (LOVE) BUT IF YOU CREATED “LOVE” YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE CREATED SEPARATION, BUT IF SEPARATION WAS ALSO IMPORTANT YOU SHOUL HAVE GIVEN US EARLY DEATH” See the love of a true lover for the God. Peep into yourself and take the pleasure of seeing your “almighty” who resides in your own heart. There is no need of going here and there to find him. Get lost in the ocean of love for your lord. For the rest of the world is a false dream.

Letter 37 See the lord in each and every worldly creation and you will automatically start admiring him. It is him who is your true friend and no one else. Always move on the “Sufi path” and you shall always be cheerful and full of contentment. In sickness, suffering and calamities also go on admiring the lord. You will get the strength of facing these situations and you may even enjoy these situations because they remind you of the lord and bring you even more close to him.


Letter 38 Keep your self busy in the thoughts of the lord and you shall always be happy. You will experience that by doing so no ill thoughts can dare to enter your mind. If your thoughts are towards the lord then your body is “Makkah”, your mind is “Madina” and your heart is “Kabbah”. Saying so “Sain Sahib” means to say that if your thoughts are pure and inclined towards God all the religious places are with in you only. We all are on this earth by the wish of the Lord and his desire is that we should remember him. Be alert because when you go back to him you are accountable for your deeds. It is the prime duty of each and every person to keep God as his companion in all actions and activities. He should remember the almighty. People run after the false worldly attractions to such an extent that they behave like worms on a dead animal. “Sain Sahib” warns his followers that leave this worm like attitude and bow down with a true and loving heart before the lord and be greedy for his name. God picks up all your ill things on himself provided you are obedient.

Letter 39 Don’t detach yourself from the Lord. You van only be attached to the lord when you detach yourself from all these worldly attractions. A person who is detached from the Lord is the most useless person in the world. Always appreciate the Lord the lord and his creations .Some people go on blowing their trumpet. I did this. I did that. “Sain Sahib” says that such people are devils in the true sense. They are unaware of the fact that with out god’s wish you cannot even take one breath. Even “Bulleh Shah” and “Meera Bai” have said that this life is too short to attain God, so don’t waste even a single moment. Get down to your real task of chanting God’s name. All saints of religion have been repeatedly saying the same thing again and again- “MOVE ONLY ON THE PATH WHICH LEADS YOU TO THE GOD”


Letter 40 In whatever condition you are – good, bad or worst – rely on the God alone. Think and take it for granted that the lord’s desire is your luck and never complain. A true person always prays god “Oh Lord.! Let me for get everything but no your lotus feet, my savior” God is always looking towards you. Be careful, he may catch you red-handed when you forget him or turn your thoughts away from him. Sain Sahib says , “Fill up each and every inch of your heart with the name of the lord so that nothing else can find a place in it” “Blessed are the hearts where God resides”

Letter 41 In this letter Sai Sahib expresses his love and affection for his honest disciple by saying- “I CANNOT FORGET YOU. IF YOU REMEMBER ME, I REMEMBER YOU EVEN MORE NOT ONY IN THIS WORLD BUT EVEN WHEN I LEAVE THIS WORLD” What a lovely expression of love and affection by a “Murshid” for his followers? Lucky are the disciples whose “guru” is also loving and affectionate. If the god accepts your devotion, he makes you his partner in love and affection. Always pray the Lord – “oh lord! Give me a shelter in your lotus feet; let not even a single breath of mine go without your name” If you love the lord all routes lead you towards happiness. If you cover yourself with the blanket of truth no heat or cold waves can affect you. “NO ILL CAN LAY YOU LOW”

Letter 42 In this letter of his, Sain Sahib tells his followers that apart from the breaths that chant god’s name, all other breaths of human beings go waste. We should


only do such deeds that our soul reaches the Lord in the same pure stage in which we came on this earth.

This world is a magic world. People are not alike from outside to inside. They don’t practice what they preach. Sain Sahib says that one simple way to attain God is through a good “Murshid”. Once you discover a “Guru” gives all your desires and thoughts to him and he will lead you to the almighty.

Letter 43 In this letter Sain Sahib ask his disciples to give Good education to their children. Practice and preach “Nam“ before them. The practice of “Naam” is a gradual process. It means that when you take initiation from a guru you have been admitted in a nursery school. With regular practice you go on achieving success. A person has to proceed to his true home land and apart from true love for the lord he cannot carry anything else. A person after his death is remembered if he was true and religious and if he has done good deeds. Whatever action you do, it will come back to you like a boomerang. If you do well to others you will be rewarded well by the lord. If you harm others you are accountable in front of the almighty. In a nutshell- “EVERY MAN IS HIS OWN FRIEND AND FOE”

Letter 44 Don’t waste your breaths. God has given you just a handful of them. Preserve them for a good cause of just chanting the name of the Lord.

Just walk towards the lord and if you are not able to walk on your feet, walk on your hands but don’t stop because life is too short. If you stop today you will repent tomorrow. By saying so “Sain Sahib” wants to point out that there are


many people who say – “it’s not the time for us to do “Bhakti”. We are too young for that. We will do it when we are old enough.” Is there any guarantee for life? Is any one sure that he will die only when he gets old? We see so many people dying at a very young age. Don’t remain in darkness. The ultimate goal of life is to attain god, not just entangling you with the false worldly attractions. Keep the image of your Lord always in your eyes and see that you don’t turn your back on him even for a moment. The greatest “Bhakthi” a man can do is – “FEARING GOD”

Letter 45 Always remain in the love with god and see that he and his thoughts are your companions in each and every stretch of this life. Do not rely on this desirable world. It’s only you, who would be accountable in front of the lord for your “Karmas”.

One day we all have to leave behind all our relations and our possessions. Only thing that will accompany you is “God’s Name”. We should know this fact that only this “Naam” is our true friend but we still keep on running after these worldly attractions.


He appeals to his disciples - “DO EVERYTHING WHICH MOVES YOU CLOSER TO THE LORD”. Remember one simple truth – “you have to go back to the Lord” .It’s him who sent you to this world.

Sain Sahib narrates a beautiful story of an eagle.

An eagle happened to get a piece of meat. Many eagles flew after that eagle to snatch that piece of meat. Poor eagle dropped the steak and sat on a tree. All the other eagles had a tough time fighting for the juicy steak. They all were wounded and bleeding. Steak got covered with mud and became inedible. The first eagle who was watching all these events thought he shouldn’t have taken that steak in the first place.


This is how foolish people sometimes fight for these worldly temptations and ultimately end up loosing everything. God has blessed us “the kingdom”. The kingdom in the form of our own life and we are just wasting that. Enrich your kingdom with the wealth of GOD’S NAME and good deeds

Letter 46 In this letter Sain Sahib appreciates his disciples for arranging a religious gathering. If you remember the lord, he will also remember you and see you through this world which is full of hurdles. Always have the feeling that the almighty is your companion in all your actions and thoughts. If you keep this feeling, there is no reason for you to move in wrong path. A person who forgets this lord actually forgets his own path. The path leading him to lord’s lotus feet. A person goes to “Mandir”, “Masjid” or “Gurudwara” in search for the lord but if you peep in to your own heart, your lord is there only. Some people have recognized him but many others are moving here and there, unaware of this fact.

Letter 47 Always bear the thoughts of the Lord and be alert Move forward on the path ways of love, “Bhakti” and affection. Don’t turn your back otherwise you will be attracted by this false worldly attractions and you may lose your true path. Our heart is like a flower. See that your flower attracts good by its good fragrance.

Prepare yourself to leave this artificial world, prepare to move to your home land. How shall you prepare? Be god fearing and die before your death


Letter 48 Forget everything else apart from Lord; move always on the path which you know and liked by almighty. Ultimately, it’s the lord only who is going to rescue you from this world. Sain Sahib says - “Just remember one teaching of mine. Don’t forget the lord and remember your death” A person who remembers the lord and is god fearing, for him even a vast ocean is like a sip of water. Here Sai sahib wishes to elaborate that god’s name has so much “Shakthi” that a person can cross an ocean full of “Kam”, “Krodh”, “Lobh”, “Moh”, “Maya” and “Ahankar” with out any difficulty.

A guru on seeing his disciples in “Shakti” feels that those are his happiest moments in life. After all we have to realize that our purpose of being sent to this world is “Bhakti” and remembrance of God. Don’t waste your time sleeping. Understand your true duty and perform it well. Nobody, however closest relative he may be, is going to accompany you when death knocks on your door. What accompanies you is the name of the god and your good deeds.

For a person who sees his lord in his own heart, no illness can lay him low, no enemy howsoever strong can harm him.

“Blessed are the souls- who dance to the tune of the lord”

Letter 49 Man has heard of the lord, about his beautiful creations, about the duties he has laid down for us but then too no one tries to practice it. We have covered ourselves with a blanket of false believes and superstitions. We are like a piece of rusted iron. If you wish to become gold rub yourself with god’s name. It will convert you in to real gold like “Philosopher’s stone”.


Be aware of the lord at each and every step of life. He is constantly watching your actions. So don’t dare to deviate from the path laid down by him. Leave all the worldly attractions and intermingle yourself with the lord. Ultimately it is he who alone is going to help you. Learn to remain the same in happiness and grief and this can be achieved only by a person who has the power of god’s name.

Letter 50 Sain Sahib tell his followers to follow the path of “Wahdaniat”. “Wahdaniat” means, remove your thoughts from everything else expect “NAME of the LORD”. Grip the name of the lord and you shall attain God. It is the ultimate goal of our life.

Sain Sahib narrates an example of Mansoor, Who was life sentenced. Before being hanged, his wrists, arms, feet and legs were cut. He kept on smiling. When he was questioned about smiling, he answered with our losing his smile-

“You people have not seen my real hands, feet and legs which takes me towards lord” What a lovely example of devotion and faith in god! Any person who loses and forgets the name of god immediately loses his path. Man is so ignorant that he plans for the future of his children, wife and others but forgets his own future that he has to leave this world one day so why not prepare ourselves for that great day?

Sain Sahib says – “People are not ashamed. They just sleep and waste their time. They just turn their eyes away from the truth and waste the precious moments of their life. When we get the chance to attain Lord, We just lurk around and waste our time. When we land up in trouble, we remember the lord. Work hard to attain the lord otherwise you will have to repent one day. Don’t waste your breaths. See that each and ever breath of yours is for the lord. Be


god-fearing as he is the only one who could watch over your boat through this worldly ocean full of false attractions and useless things.

Sain Sahib again warns – “Take care of your life and give its remote control to the lord alone”

Letter 51 A disciple asked “Sain Sahib” to allot him some work. “Sain Sahib” immediately told him that he has already been allotted- “Don’t forget your god”. It is clear that guru’s only interest is that, his followers should have a smooth journey from this world to their eternal adobe. This world and worldly relations are all fakes. Cover yourself with blanket of truth and god’s love nothing will touch you. Move on the pathways of life with faith, coverage and confidence in the lord then you will lack nothing. Sai asks his followers to keep away from unnecessary gossips. People sit in a group and discuss about others, but very few people sit together and talk about God. Useless talks in a group make it a gossip center. If you sit in a group and talk about god; it becomes “SATSANG”. To be a true warrior- control your mind, anger, and desires, then you shall move towards lord. Sain Sahib says, “Prepare yourself to shine in the sky like the sun, there will be so many stars around you .You will project yourself as something different with your “Shakti” and lust for the lord.

Letter 52 Don’t forget the lord. Enclose him and his name in your heart and you shall always on the smooth road to heavens and Moskha. Sain Sahib says that your hands may be busy in the worldly activities but you see that your heart is towards lord alone. Remember him so much that he just looks at you alone.


There are many people in this world who deny the existence of the lord. Sai prays for them also- “Oh Lord.! Let their blanket of ignorance just fly away with a thunder of your name and love”

Sai sahib says, “Remember the basic purpose of yours; coming to this world is to be god fearing and inter-mingle each and every breath of yours with the name of the lord.


Letter 53 No one is immortal. We all have to move from this world, when we move nobody can carry any thing else except the “NAAM.”- The name of the lord. Do not rely on any one but rely on the lord alone. Your sorrows will be converted into happiness. Your problems will be solved effortlessly and you get a ticket to your eternal life. See that when you die, you don’t die as anyone’s relative but as relative of lord alone. Lord resides in your heart but we are not able to see him because our eyes are covered with dark spectacles of “Kan”, “Krodh”, “Lobh”, “Moh”, “Maya”, and “Ahankar”.

Remember the lord with a true heart. Many people pose as if they are drenched in god’s name but their minds are always busy with worldly problems. This attitude is just deceiving yourself .Be afraid of the lord and walk on the path which is liked by him.

Letter 54 “The fear of the lord” is the best possible prayer and so is the remembrance of your own death. If you remember your death you will certainly remember your lord.


Daily we see so many people dying but then too we don’t realize that one day we also have to move from this world.

A person who forgets his death is bound to forget the lord as he moves about here and there fearlessly.

It is the guru who will teach you how to die before your actual death because this is the only simple way to attain the lord. If you are really sincere, you can see the god in the eyes of your guru.

True ‘Ishq’ is the love for the almighty. A person becomes restless, lose his sleep when he falls in love with some one else. This is the right time to be in the deep love with your lord.

Letter 55 Don’t let turn your face from Murshid’s eyes, don’t deviate your thoughts from the lord. Remembrance of the lord is the prime duty of every one. We all know that one day we have to die leaving everything behind.- Our relations, friends, costly possessions – We also know that at that time only god’s name shall be with us. Knowing all this, we waste our lives running after the things which we have to leave back and hardly give any time to our true friend. –“GOD’S NAME” Sain Sahib says, see that every part of your body takes you towards the lord. Tie your knot with the lord and don’t part with him, whatever may be the circumstances. You may be busy with anything but your thoughts should be towards god. Always obey your “guru” because he will always lead you to the right path towards lord. A “Murshid” teaches you so many things and if you sit and analyze- all his teachings are for your betterment and you are the gainer.


Letter 56 Sain Sahib appeals to his followers again - “Remember your lord, fear him, rely on him and you shall always win” Win what? Win a place inside lord’s heart. This life is very short, see that you don’t waste your time and achieve the common human goal. – THE GOD ALONE. “FEAR OF LORD” – is the best prayer a man can offer to the almighty. People who do not fear god often forget him. Sain Sahib says – “You are just running about here and there wasting your time after the worldly attractions – Why don’t you run after the lord? He is going to give you Freedom.

Letter 57 Sain Sahib starts this letter Remember your lord and no one can hurt you. It is not easy to attain the stage when you remember the lord always – it requires lot of practice – so don’t waste time, try to achieve this stage as soon as possible as this life is very short. Unfortunately people today have forgotten lord. - This is the result of them being fearless about the lord. We have forgotten that whatever is the status of a person every one has to stand in front of him as accountable for their deeds. Try to move on the right path to attract the lord much before that actual day comes.

Letter 58 Many people are deeply involved in the love of god but they just keep it to their and adopt silence. There are other people who just move about here and


there but they pose as if they are full of god’s knowledge. God sees everyone; you can deceive the world, but not God. Be his true and silent follower.

The path to the lord is very long but this life is short- So Don’t waste even a single breath of yours. “Say” says that both your “Murshid” and lord are with you – just get up and take the initiative – leave the rest with them.

Man has to come alone in this world and he has to go back alone, so why are you wasting time establishing relations with other people? Establish true relation with the lord alone for it is he who is going to be with you when you part from this world.

Sain Sahib says, you perform your duties whatsoever you have towards your earthly relations but don’t forget the duty towards God.

Letter 59 Be prepared to move to the lord – detach yourself from these worldly attachments and just attach yourself and your thoughts towards lord. In whatever action you take – always imagine that your “Murshid” and the lord are with you. If you do so there is no chance for you to move on the wrong path.

Sain Sahib tells his followers – “Life is very short, as compared to the long road to the lord. Don’t waste your time, see that each and every, breath of yours is bathed in god’s name.

God’s name should stick to your heart and mind so strongly that even if you wish to part with it- you are not able to do so. “Never sit idle for God has given you limited number of breaths and you have to go a long way. Leave aside everything and sit in silence to remember the lord. Sain Sahib points out in nutshell – “Detach your self from everything and attach yourself with the lord alone”

This will fetch you the most wonderful achievement of life – “A PLACE IN THE LOTUS FEET OF THE LORD”


Letter 60 Sain Sahib says – this life is like a morning train. Starting form the birth of a human being and its last destination is God’s land .This train may wander here and there but ultimately each and every passenger has to alight from this train and narrate to the lord all he has done and seen on earth. You cannot hide anything form him good or bad you have to tell him. So involve yourself in only good deeds so that you don’t cut a sorry figure before the lord.

Don’t waste your breaths, for you have a limited number of breaths only. See that you chant the name of the lord from sunrise to sunset and from sunset to sunrise again. As each and every day passes by each – life goes on becoming shorter – so be sensible to prepare yourself for the ultimate day when you will have the transition from this earth to the true home land.

Many people pray the lord – just to show others but in reality they are thinking of something else. This type of “IBDAT” is not acceptable to the lord. When you sit for your prayers see that that you offer you heart, your soul and your mind to the lord

Sain Sahib says - “Talk soothing words, respect your elders, be generous and you shall always be contented and you shall lack nothing.

Never think that you are perfect – always bow down before the people who are far ahead of you in “Bhakti” and try to learn from them. Your ego should not stop you from doing so.

If you are there, god is not there but if god is there, you are not there. Forget and finish your ego and let god find a place in you heart always. When you reach that stage then it is all pleasure, love and affection which will make you for get even the best thing available on earth.