Successful deployment of systems of engagement: Making it work with the team that will make it work

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Transcript of Successful deployment of systems of engagement: Making it work with the team that will make it work

Successful Deployment of Systems of Engagement Gilbane Conference

Robert Rose (@Robert_Rose) & Scott Liewehr (@sliewehr) November 27, 2012

About us


“The five-year technology plan is as archaic in today’s context as a flintlock rifle on a modern battlefield. Tactics are the new strategy, and ‘business as usual’ is a terminal disease.” -Tim Walters

“Success will require a long-term commitment, a full company transformation, and the willingness to embrace the disruption rather than avoid it.” -Cathy McKnight

“The combination of the social web, open standards, the cloud, and ubiquitous mobility represent a field of dreams for empowered audiences to both collaborate and self-satisfy.” -Scott Liewehr

“Technology should only be scaled where it helps to drive agility and flexibility to react more quickly. Adaptability will be the new competitive advantage in marketing.” -Robert Rose

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Say “Hi” if you see these folks…

3   @Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Systems of Engagement §  Recently, Geoffrey Moore suggested a different way of

looking at the creation, optimization, and delivery of content with his notion of Systems of Engagement (SoE).

4   @Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Systems of Record

Systems of Engagement

5   @Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

The Advantages of SoE


Focus on content


Software categories

Incidental to business


Focus on consumer of content

Touch points of content consumption

Comprehensive system

Central to business / THE point of business


@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

SoE = Can’t go it alone

7   @Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Now let’s talk about what you came for…

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  8  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  9  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  10  

The reality of WCM in marketing

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  11  

§  Less than half of customers trust paid advertising

§  92% trust earned media.

§  But… more than 60% trust owned media.

§  Systems of Engagement that create content-driven experiences are powering this transition.

The reality of WCM in marketing

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  12  

Engagement is an imperative

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  13  

Engagement is imperative §  60% of consumers that engaged

with a brand through social channels are “significantly” more likely to recommend or purchase.

§  “Fully Engaged” consumers represent an average of 23% premium in terms of ‘share of wallet, profitability, revenue and relationship growth”

§  “Actively disengaged” consumers represent a 13% discount in this same measure

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  14  

Business as usual – isn’t

§  The old maxim “adapt or die” is still true. But usually marketers knew what we were adapting into.

§  In today’s marketplace the question for the visionary CMO isn’t “What must we evolve into?” Rather, it’s how can we build an agile marketing organization that can rapidly adapt to . . . the unknown and unpredictable?

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  15  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  16  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  17  

So, what’s the challenge?

Human Capital Index – Corporate Culture Performance Kotter & Keskette

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  18  

Sources of innovation

Systematic Process Swept Into It


Replicated From Previous Job!

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  19  

Producing Engaging Content

2012 Content Marketing challenges

Producing Content Mgmt Buy-In


@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  20  

It’s time for marketing to step up §  We must create and

communicate new processes – anchored around an ability to change.

§  Doesn’t matter whether it’s a new WCMS, or WEM/CXM or SOE

§  Deployment / implementation is the critical factor.

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  21  

So – what’s really going on?

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  22  

So – what’s really going on?

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  23  

So – what’s really going on?

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  24  

So – what’s really going on?

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  25  

How we buy content technology §  We identify all the

shortcomings of our system (real and perceived)

§  We make a wish list to fit the design of our new presentation NOT our new process.

§  We get demos from vendors who show us all the new stuff to differentiate themselves.

Our    Wish    List  

Vendor    New  Stuff  

All  The  Stuff  Our  CMS  

Doesn’t  Do.  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  26  

How we implement the same

Our    Wish    List  

Vendor    New  Stuff  

All  The  Stuff  Our  CMS  

Doesn’t  Do.  

The stuff we don’t understand.

We’ll wait for phase 2 on this

The reason we purchased the technology.

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  27  

Conclusion: §  All WCM’s fail

§  All WEM’s / SOE’s will fail too.

§  Good implementation – that enables CHANGE – is what’s key.

§  How do we, as marketers, test to good implementation.

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  28  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  29  

[Baton passes…]

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  30  

“Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

- Wayne Gretsky

So you want to go shopping...

When  one  goes  clothes  shopping,  they  are  looking  for  more  than  protecUon  from  the  cold  and  a  way  to  cover  their  body.  

They  shop  to  fulfill  an  image.  They  are  looking  to  blend  in,  to  sUck  out,  

or  maybe  to  dress  a  certain  way  for  an  


@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  31  

Whether  buying  a  WCMS  or  hiring  an  agency  to  implement  it,  it’s  not  just  about  checking  the  boxes...  

It’s  about  finding  a  

partner  that  aligns  with  your  

strategy  and  will  help  create  the  experience  you  want  for  

your  audience.  

What experience are you creating?

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  32  

It’s not getting any easier

§  Channels explosion

§  Ubiquity of the Web

§  Global audience

§  Social Web

§  Content proliferation

§  Consumer Expectations

§  Speed-to-market pressure

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  33  

Important elements to consider

§  Enabling technology

§  Aligned philosophy

§  Inspiring trajectory

§  Partnership mentality

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  34  

Enabling technology

§  Give me control

§  Make it easier (not harder)

§  Help me do it faster

§  Tell me what I don’t know

§  Help me improve over time

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  35  

Hone  in  on  focal  needs,  not  just  funcUonal  requirements.    

Aligned philosophy

§  Customer service?

§  Personalization?

§  Channelization?

§  Social?

§  Globalization?

§  Brand advocacy?

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  36  

Do  the  agency  and  technology  support  your  strategic  orientaUon?  

Inspiring trajectory

§  Innovative and strategic

§  Agile, responsive to market

§  Transparent roadmap

§  Stable and supportive

Are  they  skaUng  where  the  puck  is  going?  Are  you?  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  37  

Partnership mentality

§  Understands your needs

§  Sets clear expectations

§  “Gets” customer service

§  Plays nicely with others

§  Has a strong community

§  Fits YOU

These  are  criUcal  for  both  technologies  and  agencies  to  saUsfy  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  38  

Elements of the approach

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  39  

§  Focus on what matters most – Hint: it’s not the technology

§  Identify the elements of your strategy §  Align internally before looking externally

§  Determine your focal needs §  Find the agency and technology that fit §  Be a good partner to get a good partner §  Skate where the puck is going…

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  40  

[Baton passes…]

The Web Engagement Stack

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  41  

Building the process

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  42  

Building the process

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  43  

Building the process

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  44  

Building the process §  FIRST: Successful communication

with customers means our engagement process is BUYER FOCUSED.

§  SECOND: Successful deployment of tools means we are clearly communicating our needs to our implementation team.

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  45  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  46  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  47  


@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  49  

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  50  

[Baton passes…]

Okay, okay…time for a break

Action Storming 4 Groups – Each has an SoE Challenge

1.  Startup Company that just got a lot of money to develop 2.  Fortune 50 Enterprise, siloed organization. This team is in charge of completely re-

designing the web content platforms 3.  Mid-sized company; budget cuts – you’ve got to do more with less… 4.  Large publishing company completely disintermediated…

COMPANY Task – Come up with the 5-10 high level actions that will ensure that if you give this to the Implementors – that they wjll implement the right thing. IMPLEMENTORS Hand off to the next group – Now you are the implementors – regardless of what they have provided you, what will you implement? USERS AND MAINTAINERS Can you use this thing? What questions do you have? What’s missing………?


@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  51  

Case study

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  52  

A teensy pitch…

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  53  

Why Digital Clarity Group?

§  Digital disruption abound

§  Transformation necessity

§  Consumer / employee empowerment

§  Unprecedented opportunity


Because business-as-usual isn’t.

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Research themes and practice areas

55  @Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Innovative Change

Adaptive Technology

Social Enterprise

Consumer Engagement

How we help


Web Content Management Social Media

Content Marketing Platforms Marketing Automation

Email and Campaign Management Collaboration Systems

Digital Asset Management Portals

Web and Behavioral Analytics Enterprise Content Management

Technologies we cover

Technology and process assessments Strategy and roadmap development Requirements / needs assessments Technology selection and acquisition Agency assessment and selection Governance advisory Workshops and speaking engagements Content Marketing strategy Executive and user education Analyst access advisories and retainers

Services we offer

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Values and differentiators §  We are guided by a promise of clarity

§  We believe pragmatism is essential

§  Impartiality is not our goal

§  We are guided by a clear world view

§  We incorporate collaboration, partnership and mutual learning in everything we do

57   @Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  

Sco]  Liewehr  –  President  h]p://  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity    

Robert  Rose  –  Sr.  Analyst  h]p://                                                                                                                                                                                                @Robert_Rose  |  @just_clarity    

Thank you

@Robert_Rose  |  @sliewehr  |  @just_clarity  58