Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016

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Local news and advertising for Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray and Brockport-Sweden, New York.

Transcript of Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016

West Edition

January 10, 2016 Issue No. 2

Distributed to Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray and Brockport-Sweden

Sweden Democrats celebrate new Town and Brockport Village Board membersby Kristina Gabalski

“Special,” “significant,” and “his-toric” were all terms used to describe the swearing-in ceremony held Sunday, January 3 for newly elected Democratic members of the Sweden Town Board as well as a newly appointed trustee on the Brockport Village Board.

Mary Rich, Lori Skoog and Annie Crane were sworn into office by Con-gresswoman Louise Slaughter during ceremonies at The Center, 133 State Street, in Brockport.

Rich and Skoog were elected to the Sweden Town Board in November. They replace outgoing Council Member Rebecca Donohue and Council Member Donald Roberts, who unsuccessfully sought re-election.

Rich Fenton served as Master of Cer-emonies during the January 3 event and noted the election of the two Demo-

crats as well as the appointment of Crane, “says an awful lot about the relationship between the Town and the Village.”

Fenton noted that a mix of Democrats and Republicans on the Town Board will, “increase the amount of transparency and open government,” and commended the Sweden Democratic Party for fielding qualified candidates in the last election - giving voters a choice at the polls.

“Sweden is a model for towns in Monroe County and other surrounding counties,” Fenton said.

Lori Skoog thanked her supporters and Rep. Slaughter, and recognized the mix of Town and Village officials present. “This is a good sign,” she said. “We want to work together with the Town and Vil-lage. This is a very historic day. It has been one heck of a journey and I thank you very much.”

Mary Rich said her 92-year old mother in Minnesota followed the election care-

Congresswoman Louise Slaughter performs the swearing-in ceremony for new Sweden Town Board member Lori Skoog. K. Gabalski photo.

Lori Skoog, new member of the Sweden Town Board, Annie Crane, new member of the Brock-port Village Board, and Mary Rich, new member of the Sweden Town Board (l-r) await their swearing-in ceremony at The Center in Brockport Sunday, January 3. K. Gabalski photo.

fully and, “was my biggest cheerleader.” She read a quote from Margaret Mead printed on a magnet given to her by her mother recently as a Christmas gift.

“Never doubt that a small group of small, thoughtful citizens can change the world,” the quote read in part.

Rich called on her fellow Sweden resi-dents to, “stay committed.... we want to work with you and for you.”

Before the swearing-in ceremony, Rep. Slaughter called the event, “The high-point of the year for me. I’m excited about the people you’ve elected here.”

Slaughter said she took an interest in the campaign early on and was excited to

see what was happening in Sweden.She said the newly elected leaders,

“...want to make a good difference... their only idea is to make it better.”

Skoog and Rich both said they have met more than once with Sweden Supervisor Rob Carges since the elec-tion.

Carges and Town Clerk Karen Sweeting attended the ceremonies. “I will do my best to work with the two new people,” Supervisor Carges said of Skoog and Rich. “I’ve already met with them several times. We all want to do the right things for the community.”

2 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016


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Annie Crane appointed Brockport Village Trusteeby Kristina Gabalski

In addition to the swearing-in of new Sweden Town Board members, Annie Crane was sworn-in as the newest mem-ber of the Brockport Village Board by U.S. Congresswoman Louise Slaughter January 3 at The Center in Brockport.

Crane ran for Sweden Town Supervisor in the November election, but lost to incum-bent Rob Carges. She was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Village Board December 21, and replaces former Trustee Val Ciciotti, who has resigned.

“We are thrilled to have Annie on the Board,” Brockport Mayor Margay Black-man told the Suburban News following the swearing-in ceremonies. “She is known for being a detail person.”

In addition to her involvement in poli-tics, Crane is a familiar face to patrons of the Lift Bridge Book Shop in Brockport, where she has worked for more than two decades.

Mayor Blackman said she could have appointed Crane to fill the seat without Vil-lage Board approval, but asked for a vote. She said trustees were very enthusiastic in approving the appointment.

Rich Fenton, who was master of ceremo-nies during the January 3 swearing-in, noted in his introduction of Crane that she has served as chairperson of the Sweden Democratic Party since 2008 - “a totally thankless job,” he observed.

Fenton credited Crane with keeping the party going, thus making the election of two Democrats (the first time since the 1990’s) to the Sweden Town Board pos-sible. “Maybe she’s the most important (person) in the process this time around,” Fenton said.

During her remarks, Crane said she has been, “getting a lot of thanks right here,” and thanked the voters, “who are the most important part of the process.” She also thanked Mayor Blackman and the Village Board for her appointment.

Crane noted Sweden Town Supervisor Rob Carges and Town Board members have been very welcoming to newly elected council members Mary Rich and Lori Skoog - Crane’s running mates on the town slate in her unsuccessful bid for supervisor.

“I’m looking forward to working together with the village and the town for the bet-terment of the whole community,” Crane said.

Brockport Mayor Margay Blackman, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, Brockport Village Trustee Annie Crane, Sweden Town Council Member Lori Skoog and Sweden Town Council Member Mary Rich (l-r) pose for photos on January 3 at The Center in Brockport, just prior to the swearing-in ceremony. K. Gabalski photo.

Suburban News - West Edition - January 10, 2016 3


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Brockport Barclay third-graders act as librarians and spread the joy of reading

A group of Brockport Barclay third-grade students par-ticipated in an excursion December 17 to teach younger students about librarians worldwide.

The third-graders had been learning about obstacles people around the world face in regards to acquiring books to read, so the activity provided them a chance to make a journey and deliver books to UPK students.

The Barclay group loaded up bags full of books to give to the students, then took turns carrying them as they trekked the “long way” around their school to Ginther Elementary.

Once they arrived at the UPK classrooms, the third-graders each joined up with a pair of UPK students to tell them about their mission and read them a letter they wrote about the book they were gifting.

Following the adventure, the Barclay students wrote about their experience as librarians, comparing and con-trasting it to that of different librarians in the countries they studied.

Provided information

Brockport Barclay third-grader Savan-nah Henson reads to UPK students Zoey Hoyt and Layla McKee. Provided photo.

The Holley Rotary Club sponsored local families for the holi-days. Some of the families received gifts for the children and a gift card to a local market for $100 of food for the holidays. Pictured with some of the gifts is the project chair, John Heise. Rotarian Ed Morgan donated turkeys to each family while School Social Worker Samantha Zelent and former student Emily Radford assisted the club’s project by shopping for each family. Provided photo.

HCSD takes measures to keep students and staff safeHolley Central School District has taken several mea-

sures over the last few years to ensure the safety of stu-dents and staff while they are on campus. This includes employing security officers in both buildings, locking the doors at the beginning of the school day, issuing swipe cards to faculty and staff for building access, using video surveillance throughout the campus and performing lock-down drills.

“Even though there have been no incidents or threats to the security of Holley Central School District, given the current state of the world we’re living in, we’re being proactive by seamlessly integrating these measures into the regular school day,” said Robert D’Angelo, district superintendent.

Several years ago, the Board of Education approved the district contracting with C.O.P. Security to employ security officers in the Elementary School and Middle School/High School buildings during the school day, as well as during evening hours and special events. The security officers are all former police officers or sheriff ’s deputies from local law enforcement agencies.

The officers patrol inside and outside the buildings daily in addition to working at district concerts and sporting events. The students greet the officers daily, and they have become very comfortable with the officers’ presence in the district.

D’Angelo appreciates having them present. “They are part and parcel of the culture of the district,” said D’Angelo. “Everyone knows them. The presence of C.O.P. Security helps us maintain a safe and orderly environment. We gain from their experience with law enforcement, which adds to the safety and security of Holley Schools.”

Bob Lillie, a security officer at the Elementary School, approves of the measures Holley has taken to keep dis-trict employees and students safe. “From what I’ve seen, Holley security is head and shoulders above the other

schools in the area,” said Lillie. “We have to be so security conscious in this age, it just makes sense. Our presence has a calming effect on people because we’re there to ensure everyone’s safety.”

Lillie also enjoys the interaction he has with students. “I enjoy the kids. They crack me up with how honest they are. We’re able to fill in the gaps for the principals and give the kids a neutral person to talk to. In addition to providing security, I see myself and the other officers as ambassadors to get the kids to do right and make good choices.

The Board also approved locking the exterior doors to both buildings, issuing swipe cards to faculty and staff to gain entry, and equipping the campus with security cam-eras. Security at the Elementary School was enhanced with the decision to contain visitors in the foyer by locking the interior doors to the main hallways.

The Board also strives to ensure that enough lights are installed on campus for evening events as students travel between buildings and parking areas. “I am so thankful that the Board of Education has been committed to taking the lead on adding security measures to the district,” said D’Angelo. “Without them, it wouldn’t happen.”

D’Angelo is part of the Superintendents and Law En-forcement Group, where the five Orleans County school superintendents meet with Orleans County law enforce-ment and the District Attorney’s Office to collaborate on maintaining the safety and security of all Orleans County schools. Holley recently performed a lockdown drill in both schools and all agencies came together for the debriefing on the drill. “The cooperation from these agencies has been phenomenal,” said D’Angelo. “They were very complimen-tary about how well the drill went in Holley.”

For more information, contact Communications Special-ist Beth Nash at 349-9028 or email

Provided information

Nominations sought for entrepreneur awards

Rochester Professional Consultants Network (RPCN) will host their Second Annual Entrepreneurs Wall of Fame Gala on Tuesday, April 19. At this Gala, RPCN will recognize Rochester area entrepreneurs and small business owners in each of the five categories. Categories include Consultant’s Consultant, Community Champion and En-trepreneur of the Year.

Nominations are currently being accepted and anyone is eligible to nominate or win an award. For a complete list of categories, descriptions and the nomination form, visit Nominations are due March 4.

The Entrepreneurs Wall of Fame Gala will take place at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, 1111 Jefferson Road. The gala begins with cocktails at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and awards at 7 p.m. Rachel Barnhart from Channel 8 News will emcee the gala. Register online at

For more information about the awards or gala celebra-tion, call RPCN at 348-7142.

Provided information


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Published each Sunday by Westside News Inc., SuburbanNewscirculatesbyprivate carrier and theU.S.Postal Serviceto freedistributionrecipients andpaid subscribers inBergen,Brockport-Sweden, Chili, Churchville-Riga, Clarendon,Clarkson, Hamlin, Hilton-Parma, North Greece, andSpencerport-Ogden. Business offices are located at 1776Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259),. .Spencerport,NY 14559. (585) 352-3411. Entered for mailing at Spen-cerport, NY 14559. Subscription rates are $40 per year;$25 for six months or less.

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Events/Entertainment•Stories of Brockport area’s people and places: Twenty-three years of Doug Hickerson’s human interest stories continue on display at Seymour Library through January. The retrospec-tive with portfolios of 130 clippings from Suburban News, Hamlin-Clarkson Herald, 2015 to 1992, is located in the new Local History Room of the library at 161 East Avenue, Brockport. Phone 637-1050 for information.•Brockport First Baptist Church will offer a free community dinner on Sunday, January 17 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at 124 South Main Street, Brockport. All are invited to join for this free hot meal and conversation.•Upcoming programs and events at Lift Bridge Book Shop: Eclectic Book Club - Thursday, January 14 at 7 p.m. This month’s book is Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walters. Read the book and join the discussion. Open to all. Saturday Author Salon - Saturday, January 16 at 2 p.m. Featuring author Jenny Lloyd. Buy her book, In My Mind’s Eye: A Cornish Girl-hood, and have it signed. Toddler Storytime - Friday, January 15 at 10:30 a.m. for ages one through four. Includes songs, games and stories. Free and open to the public. All programs take place at Lift Bridge Book Shop, 45 Main Street, Brock-port. For more information, contact Cody Steffen at, or call 637-2260.•The Footlight Players will present their winter production of “Anybody For Murder” on Friday, January 15 and Saturday, January 16 at 7:30 p.m. both nights at the Masonic Hall, 133 South Union Street, Spencerport. Tickets are $12 for students and seniors and $14 for general admission and can be pur-chased at the door. Free parking and handicapped accessible. For information, call 225-6163.

Fundraisers•Fundraiser to benefit the Aurora House - Save bottles, cans and pull tabs (aluminum only). The collection is on-going. Call John, 352-7866.•Euchre at the Hamlin Firemen’s Exempts, 1382 Lake Road, Hamlin, every Tuesday at 7 p.m.•Chicken and Biscuit Dinner on Saturday, January 23 at Kendall United Methodist Church. Seatings at 5, 5:30 and 6 p.m. Cost is $7.50 for adults, $4 for children ages four through 12, and free for children under four. Family maximum of $25. For reservations, call 281-1514.•Adams Basin United Methodist Church will hold a Soup-to-go Sale on Wednesday, January 13 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the corner of Canal Road and Washington Street. Pints are $6, quarts are $10 (includes Italian bread). Orders taken at cars. Pre-orders encouraged by Monday, January 11, by calling Debbi at 469-2197.

Government Meetings•Assemblyman Steve Hawley January office hours will take place on Wednesday, January 13 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, inside the Ellwanger Room.•Brockport: Village Board meets the first and third Monday of each month (no meeting January 18) at 7 p.m. Village Board work session meets the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second Monday of each month (January 11) at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first Thursday of the month only upon application. Historic Preservation Board meets the third Thursday of the month at 7:15 p.m. All meetings are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted.•Clarendon: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon. Planning Board meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. Zoning Board of Appeals meets upon necessity, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.•Clarkson: Town Board meets each second and fourth Tues-day at 6 p.m. at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. Planning Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, effective September 1 meetings take place at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the second Wednesday of every month as needed. Architec-tural Review Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month as needed. All meetings are held in the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. The Library Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue. Historical Society meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Clarkson Academy, 8343 Ridge Road. The Town Clerk’s Tuesday office hours have been extended to 6 p.m.•Hamlin: Planning Board meets the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.; Town Board meets the second Monday of each month (January 11) at 7 p.m.; Conservation Board meets fourth Monday of each month (January 25) at 7 p.m.; Zon-ing Board of Appeals meets the third Monday of each month (Tuesday, January 19) at 7:30 p.m. All meetings held at the Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin. For information, call 964-7222.•Holley: Planning Board meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Regular monthly Supervisors Meetings are held prior to the Board of Trustees meetings, beginning at 5:30 p.m. •Kendall: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for regular meetings. The conference sessions (workshop) meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. The Town Board has also scheduled additional work sessions to occur on each Monday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. excluding holidays, and on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. Planning Board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., with optional work sessions held the second Tuesday at 7 p.m.; and the Zoning Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the

Kendall Town Hall. •Murray: Town Board meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. at the Murray Town Hall, 3840 Fancher Road, Holley.•Parma: Town Board will meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Conservation Board meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.; Planning Board meets the first Thursday and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. (no meeting January 18); Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. All meetings held at the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton-Parma Corners Road, and are open to the public. Town offices will be closed Monday, January 18 for Martin Luther King Day.•Sweden: Town Board meets the second and fourth Tues-days of the month at 7 p.m. Town of Sweden offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, contact the Supervisor’s office at 637-7588.

Health/Help•TOPS Chapter #0393 holds weekly meetings at John Knox Presbyterian Church, 3233 West Ridge Road (upper level, back entrance), Rochester on Tuesday mornings from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Annual membership is only $28 per year together with monthly dues of $4. For information visit, contact Sula Baxter 225-5284, or visit weekly meetings.•Green Hut Natural Health Foods Store will host a Head Into a Healthy New Year Luncheon on Wednesday, January 13, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at West Village, 1477 Long Pond Road. It will feature “Supplements - Pros and Cons” with Donna Peasley, owner of Green Hut. Special speaker, Rosie Domes, shares from “Dreams to Reality.” Cost is $14. Call Rita at 352-5271 for reservations.

Historical•The Parma Hilton Historical Society’s (PHHS) monthly meeting will present a program by Mr. Tom Ward speaking on homes designed by famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright on Monday, January 11, at 7 p.m. at the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Parma Hilton Corners Road (Rt. 259) Hilton. Tom’s talk will focus on the early 20th century Darwin Martin house complex in Buffalo. Admission is free and open to the public, refreshments served.

Library•Programs and events at the Seymour Library, 161 East Av-enue, Brockport: Teen Book Festival Book Groups - Mondays, January 11 and 25 or Thursdays, January 14 and 28, from 7 to 8 p.m. Read and discuss books by nine of the authors who’ll be attending the Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival in May. Receive a copy of each book. Sign up for either the Monday or Thursday group. Meetings are every other week until the festival on May 14. One does not have to attend the book festival to join a discussion group. Grades 6 through12. Registration required. Why Diets Don’t Work - Wednesday, January 13 from 7 to 8 p.m. Ann Treacy, a Nutrition and Herbalist Consultant and an enthusiastic Health Coach will discuss why dieting doesn’t work and what to do instead. Pup-petpalooza - Monday, January 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. It’s a creativity speed challenge. Create a puppet, work together to make a show, and perform in just two hours. For children in first through fifth grade. Registration required. Origami Workshop - Thursdays, Jauary 21, February 18 and March 17 frin 7 to 8:30 p.m. Learn the art of Japanese paper fold-ing and create three-dimensional objects from flat sheets of paper. This is a three-session monthly workshop series open to anyone from grade nine to adult. For more information, call 637-1050 or visit

Meetings•The Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park meet on the second Wednesday of the month of 7 p.m. at the Park Office Building.

School Boards•Hilton Central School District Board of Education meets Tuesday, January 12 at 7 p.m. in the Board Room, 225 West Avenue, Hilton. Agendas and minutes are available on the district’s website

Social & Professional•Country Neighbors Quilt Guild meets the second Wednes-day of the month at 7 p.m. at The Landing, 90 West Avenue, Brockport. New members and guests are always welcome. For information, call Nancy Allen at 392-8976 or email•Lifting Spirits Writing Group meets every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Lift Bridge Book Store, 45 Main Street, Brockport.

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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016 5

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See What’s New for the New Year at the Seymour Library!

TELLING TALES*, Every Thursday through March, 4:30-5:30PM - Grades 2-5 *Registration Required

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Spencerport Rangers set season high by Warren Kozireski

Brianna Campbell and Michela Contestible combined to score 56 points as their Spencerport Rangers set a season high for team points in their 72-51 win over Churchville-Chili in girls basketball.

The win broke a four-game losing skid for the Rangers and broke their previous season high of 68 points at Greece Athena in early December.

The Rangers jumped out to a 13-9 first quarter lead as Luca Palmer hit a three-pointer and Joie Culkin a lay-up. After the Saints cut the lead to two points on a field goal from Sydney Hayden to open the second quarter, Spencer-port went on a 12-4 run with Campbell hitting two treys, a lay-up and a pair of free throws.

The lead became as many as 15 points in the third quarter as Spencerport had the offense in high gear with 18 in the stanza. Contestible scored half of her 24 points over the eight minutes.

The Saints continued to hang around and cut the lead to six with six minutes remaining in the fourth quarter as Tiffany Binion scored twice on a drive and put-back plus a lay-up from Abigail Tabone.

But it was all Rangers after that outscoring the Saints 27-12 as Culkin scored eight of her ten points and Camp-bell knocked down three treys and a pair of free throws in the stretch.

Rangers pin Saintsby Warren Kozireski

Five Spencerport wrestlers won via pin to lead the visit-ing Rangers to a 56-25 victory over Churchville-Chili.

Senior Neil Egenlauf, sophomore Dom Ferranti, senior Kyle Pittman, junior Nick Pinkoski and sophomore Ryan Cottom registered falls for the Rangers with three coming in the final period.

Egenlauf had an 8-0 lead in his 132 lb. bout before pick-ing up his pin at 4:50 while Ferranti’s came with only 14 seconds remaining in his 145 lb. match.

Pittman had four takedowns in the opening period be-fore his pin in 1:29 at 160 lb. while Pinkoski used a second period escape to take a 1-0 lead into the third period before his fall in 5:04. Cottom took just 12 seconds to finish off his 220 lb. match.

Rangers senior Alex Rawlings ended his 138 lb. bout by technical fall in the third period leading 20-2. Eighth-grader Mason Wersinger overcame a 2-2 first period to win 8-2 at 120 lb. Noah Wallmer (195), Tyler Mitchell (113) and Joe Curcio (126) all won via forfeit.

Churchville-Chili’s effort was highlighted by a 21 sec-ond pin at 285 lb. by Isiah Moore and a fall registered by Sam Hunt at 152 lb. in 3:14 after initially trailing in the match 4-1.

Ty Raines won a 9-1 major decision at 99 lb. with take-downs in each stanza while Hunter Potts earned a 5-0 decision at 106 lb. The Saints Gavin Podlaski also won via forfeit at 170lb.

Campbell, who entered the game averaging 17 points per game, finished with 32 points and dished out five assists while Contestible scored 24 points with eight rebounds and seven blocks despite picking up her third foul late in the first quarter. Culkin had ten points.

For the Saints, Binion finished with 16 points while Hayden and Skylar Burgess both added ten points.

Spencerport, who last won a Division title in 1996-97, will host the 25th “Coach Chow” Hoops for the Hospital Basketball tournament January 15-16 with Brockport, Irondequoit and Webster-Schroeder.

The tournament, which has raised $74,000 over the years, is named for former and longtime girls basketball coach Don “Coach Chow” Wierzchowski who died in 2001 from pancreatic cancer. All proceeds will be directed to the More Than A Game Foundation for Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong.


6 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016

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Hilton family looks for assistance after losing home and pet to fire incidentIn the early hours of Sunday, January 3, tragedy

struck a home in the town of Parma. Firefighters arrived to the scene of a burning home on Burritt Road around 5 a.m. that ultimately left the house ‘unlivable.’

An electric fire, caused accidentally, started in the basement and soon engulfed the entire residence. By the time the fire crews arrived, the Amico family of four had already made it out of the house. The family pet however, wasn’t so lucky.

The family’s beloved German Shepherd, Missy, didn’t make it out of the home. The father risked his own life to try to save her but the smoke was

The Amico family’s pet German Shep-herd, Missy, lost her life as a result of a fire incident that took the home of the Parma residents on January 3. Pro-vided photo.

too much for him to handle. The family is currently receiving assistance from

the Red Cross with food and clothing. The daughter, Danielle Amico, also set up a GoFundMe account to try to raise money to support them while they get back up on their feet.

Danielle reports that she and her family are very grateful for all of the funds raised so far and “they cannot believe how amazingly generous everyone has been.”

For those who wish to help out the Amico family, go to to donate.

Provided information

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016 7


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Three students tied for the Spencerport High School November Student of the Month award. Alexus Larkin, John Feeney and Tim LaDuca were selected in the category of “Pride.” All three students received a gift of $25 each and a certificate from the Spencerport Lions Club. Shown in the photo with the students are Lion Al Knutowicz, High School Principal Sean McCabe, Ranger Bear and Lion Alex Bagoly. Provided photo.


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B-B student moves closer to Scripps National Spelling Bee competitionSixth-grader Elli Schelemanow bested 22 other participants in the annual Robert

Fowler/Byron-Bergen Grades 6-8 and Buffalo Evening News Spelling Bee held on December 22. Schelemanow now represents Byron-Bergen in the run for regional rep-resentation at The Scripps National Spelling Bee.

In early Februrary, Schelemanow will have to take a written test to determine her eligibility for the regional spelling bee. That competition, The Western New York Oral Final, will take place on Sunday, March 13 at 1:30 p.m. at the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society.

Runners-up this year are Byron-Bergen seventh-grader Joshua Swapceinski and eighth-grader Garrett Swinter. The competition put all the students through their paces, with eight challenging rounds and scores of demanding words before a champion emerged.

Teacher Andrew McNeil moderated the competition; with instructors Charlene Kelly, Laurie Penepent and Diana Walther acting as judges.

Byron-Bergen’s exceptional spelling contestants: •Grade 6 - Corey Abdella, Madison Burke, Sadie Cook, Grace Huhn, Elli Schelemanow,

Alex Toal, Ella Van Valkenburg, Hallie Wade and Corden Zimmerman.

•Grade 7 - Julietta Doyle, Josh Fleming, Gavin Lewis, John Mercovich, Alaura Re-hwaldt, Sarah Streeter and Josh Swapceinski.

•Grade 8 - Siomara Caballero, Alex Dean, Cambria Kinkelaar, Ethan Ray, Garrett Swinter, Justice Towne and Grant Williams.

Byron-Bergen’s Jr./Sr. High School Interim Principal Patrick McGee congratulated Shelemanow, Swapceinski, Swinter and all the participants. “Our schools are proud to have Elli represent us, and I’m confident she will do a great job,” he said. “All our kids did impressive work with very difficult spelling challenges.”

McGee also wished to thank all the teachers at the Elementary School and Junior HS for their support, “especially Jason Blom and Elizabeth Findley and the sixth-grade team.”

Provided information

Robert Fowler/Byron-Bergen Grades 6-8 and Buffalo Evening News Spelling Bee (l-r) runner-up Garrett Swinter, Bee champion Elli Schelemanow and runner-up Joshua Swapceinski. Provided photo.

Student competitors in the 2015 Robert Fowler/Byron-Bergen Grades 6-8 and Buffalo Evening News Spelling Bee. Provided photo.

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016 9

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death noticesbrockport•Blossom, Josephine Holmes, died December 28, 2015. Pre-deceased by her husband Morris Blossom. She is survived by her three daughters, Rebecca (Willard) Bird, Cassandra (Brad) Gettinger and Tamara (Douglas) Harivel; seven grandchildren, Christopher Bird, Kori (Anthony) LaMacchia, Matthew (Laura) Gettinger, Alicia Gettinger, Jaime (Steven) Webber, Daniel Harivel and Kathryn Harivel; six great-grandchildren, Anthony and Gabriella LaMacchia, Weston, Travis and Marcus Gettinger and Jaxon Webber.

A Memorial Service was held January 2 at the First Baptist Church of Brockport. Contributions can be made to the First Baptist Church of Brockport or to the Aurora House, P.O. Box 21, Spencerport, NY 14559 in her memory.

•Smith, Jane A., died December 29, 2015 at age 68. Prede-ceased by her beloved husband, William Smith; mother, Myrtle Sergent; father, Arthur Jacobs; sister, Patricia Habschied. She is survived by her children, Debora (Mike Rogers) Smith, Michael (Theresa) Smith, Tammie Barson; sister, Barbara (Roy Sargent) Sergent; grandchildren, Taryn, Joseph, Tyler, Amber, Zachary; great-granddaughter, Layla Jane; along with her beloved pets, Missy and Sassy.

A Graveside Service was held January 5 at Creekside Cemetery, Churchville. Contributions can be made to the Hildebrandt Hos-pice Care Center, 2652 Ridgeway Avenue, Rochester, NY 14626 in her memory.

•Whited, Ed D., Frances Moroney, died December 31, 2015. Predeceased by her husband, Clark V. Whited P.E.D., her parents, John and Frances Moroney, her sister Marie M. Fox (and spouse Frank), her brothers, John (Jack) Moroney (and spouse Mary Jean) and William J. Moroney, and her nephews William Fox and John Moroney. She is survived by her step-son Clark V. (Barb) Whited II, her step-daughter Mary Beth Willey and grandchildren and great grandchildren. She is also survived by sister-in-law, Jose-phine M. Moroney; nieces and nephews Neil (Eileen) Fox, Mary (Peter) Langworthy, Gregory (Jan) Fox, Emmett Fox, Theresa (Mark) Lehman, John (Anna) Fox, Paul (Jean) Moroney, Timothy (Bobbi) Moroney, Brad Moroney, Jean (Javier) Reliegos, William Fox’s spouse Deborah, John’s spouse Sandra; and many great nieces and nephews, cousins and special friends. Dr. Whited was a professor of Literacy Education in the Education Department at the College at Brockport.

A Mass of Christian Burial was said January 6 at the Church of the Nativity BVM, Main Street, Brockport. Interment will be in Saint Joseph’s Cemetery, Auburn, NY. Contributions can be made to the Frances Moroney Whited Scholarship Fund c/o the College at Brockport Foundation, the College at Brockport, or the Brockport Newman Oratory in her memory.

clarendon•Nix, James A., age 84, died December 29, 2015. He was pre-deceased by his sisters, Joyce Ellwanger and Marilyn Colombo; brother, Kenneth Nix and an infant daughter. Jim is survived by his wife of 59 years, Mable (Ryan) Nix; children, Rosemary (fi-ancé, Gerald Steffen) Nix, Judith (Joseph) Schultz, Linda (Mark) Ross, Nancy (Gary Meyers) Nix, William Nix; nine grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; sister, Betty Fedrau; several nieces and nephews.

His Funeral Service was held January 2 at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, Inc., Holley. Interment with military honors at Mt. Albion Cemetery. Donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association in his memory.

hamlin•DeWinde, Barbara J., died December 28, 2015 at age 69. She was predeceased by her brother, Victor Wilston. She is survived by her loving and devoted husband of 49 years, Robert; children, Dawn Marie (Patrick) Carey, Robert Jr. (Mary Beth), Gerald Michael and Michael Gerald; grandchildren, Christopher, Dustin, Kitryna; great-grandchildren, Liam and Mila and several nieces and nephews.

Interment will be held privately. Donations can be made to the Hamlin Volunteer Ambulance in her memory.

hilton•Kelley, Rebecca, died January 3, 2016. She is survived by her husband, Andrew; her sister, Susan (Bruce) Greene; many beloved friends including Bob and Mary Hall, Mary and Ed Lane and Jack and Sue Trembley; also a group of devoted caregivers.

Her Funeral Service was held January 7 at Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton. Interment, Parma Union Cemetery. Con-tributions can be made to Hilton Lioness Club in her memory.

holley•Campbell, Anne, A., died December 29, 2015, age 95. Survived by daughter, Sharon Campbell (Hilton); sons, Dennis Campbell and William Springer; grandson, Jacob Nersinger. She is also survived by several nieces and nephews, and many special friends.

A Memorial Service will be held at a later date.

•Hake, Milo E., died January 3, 2016, age 85. Predeceased by his wife, Dorothy. Survived by his children, Joann Montois, Nancy (Gary) Strevens and Douglas (Carol) Hake; grandchildren, Chris (Stella), Justin (Kristin), Brittany (Kelan) Jason (Yeritt), Nicole, Allison, Brian, Taylor and Brandon; one great-granddaughter, Penelope; sister, Beryl Johnson; brother, Kingsley Hake of Florida; several nieces and nephews. Milo was a retiree of Eastman Kodak Company.

Services were held January 7 at the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili. Donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association or Cottage Grove Memory Care in his memory.

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DROP Off LOCATIONS MAILWESTSIdE NEWS INC.Att: Classifieds P.O. Box 106Spencerport, NY 14559



and 50¢ for eachadditional word


Chimney Cleaning - Repairs, Liners & Caps. Over 25 Years Experience • Fully Insured, 21 Point Safety Inspection. Big Ash Fireplace & Stove. Call 585-638-0300. Check us out on facebook, Prevent Fires![TFN]




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Brockport(585) 391-3571

AlBion(585) 589-9610

Thedeadlinefor next week’s

edition is Thursdayat 4 p.m.

Reynolds Plumb-ing - Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, new homes, sewer & drain cleaning, gas lines, water heat-ers. Plumbing Re-pair Service. Call Joe 585-637-6879, cell 737-6016. [TFN]


Over 38 Years servICe & TrUsT• Complete InsuranCe Coverage• Free estImates • reasonable rates• aerIal buCket820-TREE (8733)

Stephen C. DeVayTree and Landscape





Gravesite care when you can’t get there! Headstone Cleaning, Detailed and Personal-ized Plot Maintenance. Flower Bouquet andWreath placement for holidays or special occasions. Call 585-352-7476 or visit www.persona lgraves i te -ma in tenance . com. Locally owned and operated.[TFN]


Private Piano/Voice Instructions in a well-established studio. Children, adults, flex-ible scheduling. Afford-able. 585-225-7027.[1-24-16]

WEDDINGS/SPECIAL OCCASIONSP r o f e s s i o n a l l y trained soloist, avail-able to add a touch of elegance to your wedding, meeting or social event. Call 585-352-8730.[TFN]

Antique gas stove 1929, “New Process,” white enamel. $150 or B.O. Needs some restor ing. 585-637-8701.[TFN]__________________ACME antique 1930s,35mm movie projector. $200 or B.O. 585-637-8701.[TFN]


Antique gas stove 1929, “New Process,” white enamel. $150 or B.O. Needs some restor ing. 585-637-8701.[TFN]

ART WORKOriginal acrylic paint-ings ... seasonal, land-scapes, portraits, mod-ern folk images, various sizes. Affordable & very interesting. For more information contact Nils R. Caspersson, 585-924-7868.[TFN]


& The Herald


Alternative Fuels -Dry Creek Wood Pel-lets, Bagged Coals and Envi-Blocks. Hendel Farms, Holley. 585-638-6042.[TFN]


Chest of drawers for babies room, oak - $70. Call 585-352-1979. [TFN]


Maple Syrup - 100% Pure and Natura l . Maple Grove Farm - a 5th generation family farm. 4394 South Holley Road, Holley (north of Rt. 31A); 6 miles west of Brockport. 585-638-6245.[TFN]__________________Sentry home fire proof safes; out of the box, good as new. Model 1170 $45; model 1150 $ 3 5 ; m o d e l 11 0 0 - $25. Call 585-352-7476, please leave a message.[TFN]__________________Ain’t it sweet to beat the high cost of heat? Coal, wood pellets, En-viblocks. Pick-up, deliv-ery. Gloves, boots, crit-ter control, hay, straw, pet/farm food and bird seed. 585-594-8300.[TFN]

Clean-Outs, Clean-Ups, Junk Removal, Demolitions, Garage and Basement Orga-nization. Chinappi En-terprises. Call Mike, 585-469-6334.[TFN]


Electrical Work - all phases. In business for 30 years. Master’s license, insured. Qual-ity Job at Reasona-ble Prices! 585-637-8321.[1-10-16]



Complete Home Im-provement including in-terior and exterior work. 35 years experience. Free estimates. Locally owned and operated by S&G Remodeling. Call Cory, 585-352-0747. [TFN]

D&K Handyman Ser-vice - Deck, Remodel-ing, Painting, Flooring, Electrical, Plumbing, Power Washing & more! Fully insured. Call Dave Inc lema , 585 -455 -2593.[12-28-16]


★★★★★★Trade In Your Good Oil or Gas Furnace towards a super 90+ high efficiency. Un iversa l Heat -ing Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

R e c o n d i t i o n e d Furnaces. $480 can install with war-rantee. Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

Gas Furnace Clean or Service Special. $20 Off! Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

Furnace Safety Check, 1/2 off! Reg. $80 now $40 in-cludes adjustments as needed. Univer-sal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]



JIM CERVINI Paint-ing and Paperhang-ing, remodel ing, drywal l hanging, textured cei l ings, gutter cleaning and replacement, and power washing. 585-392-4138.[TFN]

A+ Whelehan Painting- 37 years experience. Father/son business. In-terior/exterior. Painting/staining, powerwash-ing, deck refinishing, wallpaper removal. EPA Lead Certified. Fully-insured. - Credit Cards Accepted. Pat (585) 317-6654 [TFN]__________________PAINTING: Interior/Ex-terior, Powerwashing, Deck Restore, neat, dependable and highly skil led. Reasonablerates, 30 yrs. Experi-ence. Call Phil 585-659-8366.[TFN]


Lighthouse Wall-papering & Painting by Margie. Call 585-392-3249. Free esti-mates, fully insured.[1-10]EOW

Advertisewhere people

Read.Read where people


For information on advertisingCall us at



2003 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS, new tires and brakes, 121,500 miles, power seats, windows, AC, cruise, $2,100, well maintained. 585-750-2748.[1-10]__________________For Sale: 1991 Chevy Silverado, 1 ton dually, 55,000 miles, new tires, new brakes. $16,000. 585-721-7537.[TFN]__________________2002 Hyundai Accent GL, 4 dr., 114K, AC, PW, PD, 4 cyl., auto., AM/FM stereo w/cas-sette. $1,595. Call 585-352-8730.[TFN]


Four aluminum, 12 spoke wheels, from a 2002 Buick LeSabre. $50 each or all four for $175. Call 585-352-8730.[TFN]


Wanted - 2006 to 2012 Cargo Vans, Chevy or Ford with less than 130,000 miles. Call 585-415-5141.[1-3]

Junk Cars, Trucks & Vans Wanted. Cash pa id f o r most, any condi-t ion, running or not!! Always free pick up. Never any charges or fees! No appointment necessary. 585-305-5865.[TFN]



Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide, 2005 FXD, red, mileage is 23,900. Clear title, engine size is 1450 cc. Includes spoked wheels, saddle bags with keys to lock bags to the bike. Small bag in front on forks. Screaming Eagle kit in-stalled and oil changed every 3,000 miles. New tires. Excellent condi-tion. $8,000. Photos available on craigslist. 585-392-1919.[TFN]


2011 Jay Feather X23J hybrid, only used for 6 nights. Double slide, tons of storage. A must see! $16,500. Weighs: 4,739.Call Pat, 703-1427.[TFN]


Bauer Appliance Ser-vice - All makes & mod-els Refrigerators, Freez-ers, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges. Committed to Quality. 585-314-9115.[TFN]

Appliance Repair: Call Lou Borrelli. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges-ovens, micro-waves. 585-352-3440.__________________Top Notch ApplianceService - “A notch above the rest!” Insured. Rea-sonable rates. Profes-sional Service. 585-820-9964.[TFN]




Attorney: Real Es-tate Closings, Divorce, Family Court, Bank-ruptcy and Wills. Free initial consultation. Jennie M. Cooper, 2255 Lyell Avenue, 585-325-7792. A Debt Relief Agency.[2-14-16]




Put your super value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each additional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585-352-3411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and notavailable to busi-nesses. $500 maxi-mum price. [TFN]

12 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016

real estate





NOTICEThe following inserts should befound inside your edition of theSuburban News or Hamlin Clarkson Herald this week.

• gATES bIg mInside all papers in

Ogden and Spencerport.

• TOPSInside all papers in Bergen, Holley, Kend-all, Clarendon and Murray.

• gREECEnEwSnY.COmInside all papers in Parma (partial).

iteMs For sale/For rent

aMerican jobs!ProDUce local... shoP local... hire local...

contact tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or

every eMPloyMent aD rUns online For free!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★



Medicallift chairs

starting @

$699 352-4011



Adver t ise in the Westside’s only publi-cations with saturation coverage... AND a pro-fessional editorial staff. That spells readershipand response. To ad-vertise in Suburban News and The Ham-lin-Clarkson Herald call 585-352-3411 for details.[TFN]


NOW HIRING first and second shift productionGeneral Laborers $9.00 - $9.25/hr + OT over 40 hrs.

Apply in person at 16677 Rt. 31 Holley, NY.

Quality assurance supervisor - Needs 5-10 yrs experiencewith frozen fruits & vegetables • Starting pay $13.00 • SQF experience $

apply at Holli-pac • 16677 rt. 31 Holley, ny.


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EmployEr offErsCompEtitivE

WagEs,mEdiCal and

dEntal bEnEfitsand 401K.

Persons placingads that

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bUsiness?One of the most important aspects inopening a new business is the promotional work that must be done. The professionals at Westside News all have many years experience in help-ing local businesses - just like yours - to achieve their goals. Plus ... if you are a new business ... we’ve got the break you deserve! Ask about the Westside News New Business Special.

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This is Suburban

News & The Herald.

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elsewants it!

1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd.Spencerport, NY 14559


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Sell it in the Classifieds.It may just be the perfect item to fill somebody else’s need.

Find details about placing an ad on the first page of the Classifieds.

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Put your super value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each addi-tional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585-352-3411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to businesses. $500 maximum price. [TFN]

BERGEN: 1 bedroom apartments available. $500/month.Call 585-683-0995 for informa-tion.[1-31]__________________Spencerport/Greece. Studio/1 BR apart -ments, 2 BR House and Mobile homes. Great lo-cation on W. Ridge near Manitou. Commercial Building 2,000 sq. ft. Subdividable. 585-381-3672.[TFN]__________________Hilton: Cedar Hill Town-houses - The Space your family needs to grow ... away from the crowded city. Affordable two and three bedroom town-houses with 1.5 baths, finished base-ment family rooms, stor-age/laundry rooms with w/d hookups, central air, 24-hour emergency service, and playground for the kids. Cats are welco me. Rates from $850-$875 + security. Call for details 585-392-6015. Professionally managed by Landsman. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Equal Housing Opportunity. We do not participate in Section 8 or DSS programs. [TFN]__________________Brockpor t -Wil low-brooke Manor. Spa-cious two bedroom apts. Appliances, carpeting, 24 hr. emergency ser-vice, free cable TV, recreation and laun-dry facilities. 585-637-3400.[TFN]__________________Brockport Condo - 2bedroom, 1.5 bath, living room, family room, AC, laundry hook-ups, pool access. Available Feb-ruary 1. $875/month. First month, last month + security deposit. 585-944-4139.[1-17]


Reach almost 5,500,000homes in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585-352-3411 and place your ad today![TFN}


Townhouses - HiltonParkwood, have fin-ished basement, stor-age/laundry rooms with w/d hookups 2 bdrm., 1-1/2 baths. Large coun-try kitchen will all ap-pliances $875 month. 585-313-0811.[1-10]


House for Sale: By owner, 2156 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, office, 1-1/2 bath, split level on 5.5 acres, public water, in ground pool, paved driveway, garage, vinyl siding, Kendall schools. $178,000. Shown by appointment. Call 585-659-2570.[TFN]__________________3 bedrooms, 2 bath, well cared for Coloni-al, Batavia area. Nice home - must see! Call Early Sunrise Realty, 585-638-0020. [1-10]__________________Open January 15, 1-3 p.m. 1 Cross Lane, Hilton. 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, fireplaced fam-ily room, tiered deck, fenced yard. All for $126,000. Must see to enjoy! Call Early Sun-rise Realty, 585-638-0020.[1-10]

★★★★★★Skilled grill cook w a n t e d . G r e a t pay & benefits to those who have the “right stuff.” Apply in person. Tillman’s Village Inn, Albion. 5 8 5 - 5 8 9 - 9 1 5 1 . www.t i l lmansvi l [TFN]


Ful l t ime experi -enced dump truck driver. Good pay, ben-efits available. Clean CDL A or B license a must. Send resume to or stop by 50 Owens Road, Brock-port, NY to pick up an application.[TFN]_________________House Cleaner - Days, M-F. Can earn over $500/wk. with perfor-mance & attendance rewards. Must be at least 21 years old & have own car. 585-247-4650.[TFN]




Call Shelley Slaterfor details at

585-964-2157or TTY 711

150 Hamlin Terrace Dr.Hamlin, NY


APARTMENTsAccepting applications

for affordable


1 or 2 bedroom apartments.Brockport Schools.

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Large colonial, 4 bed-rooms, 2 story Carriage house, metal roof, natu-ral woodwork. Must see - Beautiful Home. Call Early Sunrise Realty, 585-638-0020.[1-10]__________________2/3 Bedroom, 1 bath in Hamlet of Waterport - only stones throw from Lake Alice, big yard! All mechanics and roof new in 2014/2015. Must see! Call Early Sunrise Re-alty, 585-638-0020.


Four Unit Apartment House - Village of Hol-ley. Money maker - owner wants an offer. Call for details! Early Sunrise Realty, 585-638-0020.[1-10]


Harper Park Hamlin: New and pre-owned manufactured homes for sale in lovely com-munity. Yard with 2 car asphalt driveway. Short drive to Hamlin Beach State Park. Moderately priced, single floor liv-ing. Take a tour today. 4000 Brick School-house Rd., Hamlin, NY. Call 585-964-2434 or visit us at [TFN]


Three bedroom, 2 bath home in North Cape May, N.J. (10 minutes to the ocean, beaches). Call Keith at 585-352-8730. [TFN]

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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016 13


aMEricaN jObs!PrODUcE LOcaL... shOP LOcaL... hirE LOcaL...

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Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has pur-chased the above classifieds. Determin-ing the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some ad-vertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or cred-it card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free num-bers may or may not reach Canada.

TWO PROFESSIONALS WITH heartsfull of love who will cherish a baby. We are your perfect choice as parents. Expenses paid. Christina and Michael 1-877-298-1945.

HOPING TO ADOPT? Couples like you, working with authorized agencies and attorneys, have had great success connecting with expectant moms seek-ing good homes for their newborns. Reach as many as 3.3 million consum-ers in our low cost-high impact package of print and online classified ads placed statewide, or in regional zones through-out New York State. Visit or call us at 1-877-275-2726.

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CASH FOR CARS: Sell your 2002-2015 vehicle the easy way! Nationwide Free Pickup! Call 1-888-416-2208.

New Year, New Career - AVIATION Grads work with Boeing, Southwest and others- Get hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-866-296-7093.

Many RN positions available in your area. Hospitals, correctional facilities, and home health assessments. Great Pay & Benefits. Call: 1-718-387-8181 #202 or email:

A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/ no obligation. CALL 1-800-553-4101.

EXPERIENCED OTR van drivers for trips originating out of WI & delivering to the NorthEast. Avg 2700-3000 iles/week. Home weekends. Paid vacation, 401k, vision, dental, disability & health insurance. Class A CDL, 2 years OTR experience, good MVR, references re-quired. Online application @ or Call Ruth/Mike 1-800-222-5732.

GUN SHOW - J.W. JONES HALL, 354 Leicester St., Caledonia, 14423, Satur-day, January 16, 9-4, Sunday, January 17, 9-3,

IF YOU HAD HIP OR KNEE REPLACE-MENT SURGERY AND SUFFERED AN INFECTION between 2010 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727.

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XARELTO USERS have you had complications due to internal bleeding (after January 2012)? If so, you MAY be due financial compensation. If you don’t have an attorney, CALL Injuryfone today! 1-800-340-6821.

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Say you saw it in the Suburban News &

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald.



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**Part Time positions are a GREAT job for stay at home Moms or Dads while kids are in school!!!!**

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Loomis is an equal opportunity employer. EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability

“Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regards to their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, protected veteran status or disability”


Office Reception Posi-tion available. Part-time hours. Duties include answer ing phones, greeting clients, filing, typing and some clean-ing. Please visit our website at, under the about us heading you will see an employ-ment tab where you can print off our application. Please feel free to drop it off in person or by mail.__________________Church Custodian, 15hours a week, $10.50 an hour. Please send resume to Hilton Bap-tist Church, 50 Lake Ave., Hilton, NY 14468 or email to [1-17]__________________Food Service Helpers: Compliment your fam-ily life! 3-4 hours daily during the school year. Apply online @ or submit a hard copy application to Roberta D’Agostino @ Churchville-Chili, 139 Fairbanks Road, C h u r c h v i l l e , N Y 14428.[1-17]

Each week,52 weeksa year,

the area’s“Best Read”

localnewspaper, Suburban


The Herald, is brought

to youfree


PT Esthetics Instructor PositionWe are currently seeking qualified candidates for a part-time Esthetics

Instructor Position in our Rochester location.

The position requires availability to work Monday - Thursday

evenings and all day Saturday. Please refer to our website @

www.continentalnow.comfor complete job requirements and

available benefits package.

Apply online, email resume to or apply in person @

ConTInEnTalSChool of BEauTy

JOBS/PART TIME Suburban newSis Looking for a

Motor Carrier for ParMa,

a Motor & Walking Carrier

for SPenCerPort,and a Walking Carrier

for Bergen.To be eligible for the walking routes, you

must be at least 11 years old. If you are still in school, you must provide working papers.

Please call 352-3411 x 123for further information.

The Right Blend...

Suburban Newsand The Herald

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Persons placing ads that discriminatecontrary to Federal Law can be liable for fines

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The deadline for next week’s

edition is Thursdayat 4 p.m.!

14 Suburban News - West Edition - January 10, 2016


Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by

Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities.

21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468(585) 392-8761

Rev. Jennifer Green,

E-mail: humc98@rochester.rr.comService: 10am Fellowship: 11am

Sunday School: 11:30amChild care available 9:30am to 12:30pm

Adult Bible Study: Monday 7pm & Thursday 1pm

Handicap Accessible


Permanent Address: 39 Hovey Street, HiltonMeeting Currently at:

Hilton UMC, 21 West Avenue, Hilton(585) 615-6383

www.PCFMinistries.comFacebook: Parma Christian Fellowship Church

Rev. Dr. Myke MerrillWorship Services:

Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 8:30AMTurning Point Teens: Tuesday 6:30PMFamily Midweek: Wednesday 6:30PM

Nursery School:Parma Free Center, 167 Lake Avenue, Hilton

School Phone: (585) 392-5792


635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY 14468(across from Kelly’s Apple Farm)


Please join us for Worship & Sunday School at 10amBible Study on Tuesdays at 11am

ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH1107 Lake Road West Fork

Hamlin, NY 14464(585) 964-2550

Pastor Christian BodeSunday Worship 8:30 & 11AM

Sunday School & Bible Class 9:45AMNYS Licensed Child Care

Mon.-Fri., 6AM-6PM, 964-5859UPK & Preschool

ST. LEO’S CATHOLIC CHURCH167 Lake Avenue, Hilton

(585) 392-2710Father Catanise

WorshipSaturday 4pm • Sunday 9:30am

Lifeteen Mass 6pmWhat is Lifeteen Mass?

Our teens are important to us and we at St. Leo’s are proud to offer a Mass that

engages a drum set, electric guitars, and a host of teen musicians to celebrate

the Mass. Afterwards on Sunday nights there is Religious Education for grades 7-12 that involves a lesson, fun and food.

Everyone is welcome! Please share the experience with us and bring a friend!

Handicap accessible.

ST. MARY’S CHURCH13 South Main Street, HolleyST. MARK’S CHURCH

16789 Kenmore Road, KendallParish Center - Holley 638-6718

www.stmarystmark.orgFather Mark Noonan

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday8:00AM St. Mary’s

Thursday - 7:00PM St. Mary’sFriday - 11:30AM St. Mark’s

Saturday Vigil - 5:00PM St. Mary’sSunday

8:30AM St. Mark’s, 10:30AM St. Mary’s


To Have Your Services Listed Please Call 352-3411

LegaL NoticeS

Legal NoticeVillage of Holley

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley will hold working meetings on the following dates:

Saturday, January 9, 2016

at 9:00 A.M. in the Offices of the Village Clerk, 72 Public Square, Holley, NY 14470 to discuss the progress of the Home Leasing deal. The meetings are open to the Public.

Sarah TrowbridgeVillage Clerk-Treasurer

Legal NoticeTown of Sweden

Permissive ReferendumAuthorize Sign Repairs from Building Reserve Fund

WHEREAS, a Building Reserve Fund was established on No-vember 23, 2004 for the purpose of making improvements to town-owned municipal buildings; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Sweden desires to replace part of the electronic sign at the Community Center, 4927 Lake Road; and

WHEREAS, the Supervisor has secured a quote of $8,677 from Empire Digital Signs, 212 W. Ridge Road Rochester, NY 14615; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board desires that the project be funded from the Building Reserve Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:Sec. 1. That the Town Board of the Town of Sweden does hereby authorize the expenditure of up to $8,677 from the Building Reserve Fund for Type capital improvements to the electronic sign at the Community Center, 4927 Lake Road.

Sec. 2. That the Supervisor is authorized to pay the invoice from Empire Digital Signs from the Building Reserve Fund when the project is complete.

Sec. 3. That pursuant to Section 6-C of the General Municipal Law, this expenditure is subject to permissive referendum.

By Order of the Sweden Town BoardKaren M. Sweeting, Town ClerkDecember 30, 2015

Legal NoticeTown of Sweden

Town Board Organizational Meeting

Date Change

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Organizational meeting of the Sweden Town Board scheduled for Monday, January 4, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. has been rescheduled to:

Organizational Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2016

at 7:00 p.m. at the Sweden Town Hall, 18 State Street, Brockport, NY. The Town Board will hold a work session on Monday, Janu-ary 4, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.

This by Order of the Sweden Town Board Karen M. Sweeting, Town Clerk

Legal NoticeTown of Sweden

We are now accepting applications for the Senior Citizens’ Exemption in the Town of Sweden. If you meet the following requirements, you may be eligible for this abatement on your School Tax due in September, 2016, and the Town and County Tax due in January, 2017:

1. Owner of record for one (1) year prior to filing;

2. At least 65 years of age by December 31, 2016;

3. Property must be legal residence and occupied by owners; and

4. Total household income must not exceed $37,400. (This in-cludes gross Social Security for the year 2015).

Qualifying for the Senior Citizen Exemption will AUTO-MATICALLY qualify you for the Enhanced STAR exemp-tion for school tax purposes.

Applications are available at the Town Building, 18 State Street, Brockport, New York. If you have any questions, please stop at our office or call 585-637-8683. The filing deadline is March 1, 2016.


Legal NoticeNew York State Department

of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application

Date: 01/06/2016

Applicant: MONROE COUNTY 39 W MAIN ST ROCHESTER, NY 14614-1476


Application ID: 8-2648-00014/00022

Permits(s) Applied for: 1 - Article 24 Freshwater Wetlands 1 - Section 401 - Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification 1 - Article 27 Title 7 Solid Waste Management

Project is located: in RIGA in MONROE COUNTY

Project Description:Applicant Monroe County has submitted applications for per-mits from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“DEC”) to expand the Mill Seat landfill on Brew Rd in the Town of Riga, Monroe County, New York, which is a mixed solid waste landfill accepting non-hazardous solid waste. The currently permitted landfill footprint for this facility is 98.6 acres. At the current rate of disposal, the existing landfill will reach operational capacity in 2018. The proposed landfill expansion includes 118.3 acres of additional double composite lined landfill footprint directly south of the permitted landfill footprint for a total landfill footprint of 216.9 acres. Expansion of the existing support facilities for operation of the Mill Seat Landfill including stormwater management structures, access roads, landfill gas collection and control infrastructure and leachate conveyance infrastructure would also be required. An additional 39.2 acres of overlay on the Permitted Footprint are also proposed. No increase in the currently permitted maximum landfill elevation, currently permitted waste acceptance rate is proposed, or currently permitted waste types are proposed. The proposed expansion would provide approximately 29.9 million cubic yards of airspace, which is projected to provide adequate disposal capacity through 2049 depending on actual waste ac-ceptance rates and actual airspace utilization.

The proposed expansion would result in permanent impacts to 13.4 acres of State regulated freshwater wetland RG-6 and approximately 1,500 linear feet of a Federally regulated inter-mittent stream. To mitigate for these impacts Monroe County is proposing to construct and restore a total of 42 acres of forested, emergent, wet meadow and wet mesic wetlands and enhance 1,965 feet of an unnamed tributary to Black Creek. In addition, the portion of O’Brien Road within the limits of RG-7 would be permanently closed and fill removed to allow for reconnection of this wetland currently bi-bisected by the roadway and to restore hydrologic continuity in an unnamed tributary to Hotel Creek. The proposed wetland mitigation site is located at a 207 acre parcel of property on the south side of Bovee Rd across from the landfill and the stream mitigation site is located at Monroe County’s Churchville Park. A conservation easement will be put in place to permanently protect the mitigation sites and the remaining State regulated wetlands (RG-5 and RG-7) located within County owned property at the Mill-Seat Landfill.

The landfill expansion will also require modification of the facility’s Title V permit. A separate public notice concerning that application, and a draft permit, will be provided at a later date for public review.

Availability of Application Documents:Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure

timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination A final environmental impact statement has been prepared on this project and is on file.

SEQR Lead Agency Monroe County

State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination The proposed activity is not subject to review in accordance with SHPA. The application type is exempt and/or the project involves the continuation of an existing operational activity.

DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29) It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29.

Availability For Public Comment Contact PersonComments on this project must be MATTHEW GRIFFITHSsubmitted in writing to the Contact NYSDECPerson no later than 02/19/2016 6274 E Avon-Lima Rdor 37 days after the publication date Avon, NY 14414of this notice, whichever is later. (585) 226-5469


The CABBAGE CAB, LLC; articles of organization were filed with the New York Secretary of State on December 17, 2015; Office Location is Genesee County. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the company upon whom process against it may be served and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process so served is 7500 Starowitz Road, Elba, NY 14058. The purpose of the business of the LLC is any lawful activity.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeservicesDiscover Real Estate162 South Union StreetSpencerport • office: 352-4896

“Proud to Announce Our Multi-Million Dollar Producers for 2015!”

Michelle Legg

John Puls



Mark Snyder

Al & Cheryl Honan

Mike Jackel

Since 1935

8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia, NY 14020Auction Center Office • (585)343-4529


TERMS: Cash,Approved check w/ID, MC/VISA, 13% B/P.

AT BonTrAger’s AucTion cenTer4 miles west of Batavia, 1/2 mile south of Rt. 338975 Wortendyke rd., Batavia

WeDnesDAy, JAnuAry 13 starting outside @ 4:00 PM, weather permitting.

Three estates combined into one auction: Mission style bookcase; mid-century bedroom set; oak umbrella stand; honey oak side chairs; Victorian furniture; various 60’s bedroom furniture; FP dining room set; kitchen table w/chairs; leather recliner; Chevy paper advertising; chain saws & tools; sports cards; pedal car; Winross trucks; die cast toys; lg. toy cannon; toy steam engine; Marx guided missile truck; 52” R/C model warship USS Crockett; Pepsi-Cola sign; 2 - Gulf gas and oil posters; payphone & coin bank, wall or countertop mounted; coins; 100’s of box lots.See our website @ for photos & complete list. Preview after 3:00 PM. Refreshments are available.

Premium CoinAuCtion

300+ lots of high end coins & currency: silver, gold, key & semi-key dates.

Live preview Fri., Jan. 15, 4:00-6:00 p.m. View for catalog

AT BonTrAger’s AucTion cenTer4 miles west of Batavia, 1/2 mile south of Rt. 338975 Wortendyke rd., Batavia

saturday, January 16, 9 AM

Since 1935

8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia, NY 14020Auction Center Office • (585)343-4529


Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016 15





PatientsAll AgesWelcome

10 Canning St., Hilton (585)

Participating Providers:

Dental Network Savings Program

Same Day CEREC Dentistry

Quality To The CoreZarpentine Farms

www.zarpentinefarmsny.comOpen Mon.-Fri. 9-6,Sat. & Sun. 8-5

Pies ~ 10”

Fritters & sWeet CiDer



Open All Winter!

fanCy Grade APPles$17 Bushel

under 40¢ lb. uTiliTy Grade

APPles$9 Bushel

under 20¢ lb




fresh Pressed

Cider$5.00 Gal.

$3.50 1/2 Gal.

163 Burritt rd., Hilton • 392-3611

all youCan eat


8am-2pmevery Saturday

and Sunday through april

a portion of the proceeds from our pancake breakfast will be

donated to a local charity.

8” No sugar Added Pies Available

Hilton, The Little

Village With The Big Heart!

HCSD invites community to reception for superintendent

Community members, parents and staff are invited to a reception to welcome Hilton Central School District Superintendent Casey Kosiorek on Tuesday, January 12 from 6 - 7 p.m. in the Quest Elementary School cafeteria, 225 West Avenue, Hilton.

Refreshments will be served. Following the reception, the Board of Education meeting will take place in the board room at District Office/Quest.

Provided information

Casey Kosiorek

16 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - January 10, 2016