Subramanian Rajagopal To: CC: 01/09/2014 8:59 AM TMSA ... Notes/All Managed Tankers... · 11.0...

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Transcript of Subramanian Rajagopal To: CC: 01/09/2014 8:59 AM TMSA ... Notes/All Managed Tankers... · 11.0...

From: Subramanian Rajagopal To: Subramanian Rajagopal CC: SIDHK Wallem Date: 01/09/2014 8:59 AM Subject: All Managed Tankers: Bridge procedure audit observation in 1H of 2014 Attachments:TMSA Bridge Procedure Audit observations for 1H 2014 (R).pdf; Tankers Bridge audit 1H 2014.pdf To : All Managed Tankers Cc : Fleet C and SID HK Cc : FP Mumbai and WMTC's Cc : QMS Superintendents & PSC Superintendents Cc : Christina Chiu Dear Captains, TMSA 2 requires the Company to carry out analysis of results of Bridge Procedure audits and maintain Trends for the observations/deficiencies. Please find attached the File containing the Analysis for the bridge procedure Audits for the 01st Half of 2014. for Bridge procedure audits carried out by QMS / Marine Superintendents). These have then been bechmarked against Self audit by Masters and observations in Ch 4 and Ch 10 of SIRE Inspections. The attached file also contains a list of common deficiencies. Vessels are requested to check the common deficiencies noted in the attachment for the bridge procedure audit to ensure that their vessels do not have the same deficiencies. Please take a Prinout of the attachment and file in the bridge procedure audit section in your filing system. Best Regards S.Rajagopal | Manager ( Safety - QMS - Security) WALLEM SHIP MANAGEMENT 12/F Warwick House East, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong t: +852 2876 8373 | m: +852 6148 3772 e:



TMSA 2 Compliance Documentation

Bridge Procedure Audits by QMS Superintendents / Marine Superintendents

The below table provides the number of audit and the observation rate for different fleets with respect to the Bridge audits carried out by Marine Superintendents/QMS superintendents. Number of

Audits Number of Observations

Observation rate Observations/Audit

Tankers 14 65 4.64 Bulk fleet 35 238 6.80 Other Dry fleet (Non Bulk)

19 135 7.11

Entire fleet 68 438 6.44 There were No observations under Navigation/bridge procedures items for the 30 PSC inspections on Tankers during the first half of 2014.

Scale on left is for Def and Ins. Scale on right is for Def ratio



TMSA 2 Compliance Documentation

The graph indicates the category of deficiencies in the Bridge procedure audit by Marine Superintendents and QMS superintendents. Bridge Procedure and documentation is the largest category

Bridge Procedure Self Audits by Master Bridge procedure Self audits remain an effective tool to carry out self checks. TMSA 2 and BPM require Self audit to be carried out on change of Masters. This would ensure that there are at least two bridge self audits on each ship by every year. All Masters are reminded that self audit of the important elements needs to be done prior each passage (No documentation is required). However, one documented self audit should be carried out on change of command or every six months if Master is on board for more than 6 months. The below table provides the number of audit and the observation rate for different fleets in Master’s Self-Audit Number of

Audits Number of Observations

Observation rate Observations/Audit

Tankers 43 89 2.07 Bulk fleet 26 26 1.0 Other Dry fleet (Non Bulk)

21 22 1.05

Entire fleet 90 137 1.52



TMSA 2 Compliance Documentation

The graph indicates the deficiency category from Master’s self-audit. As can be seen, the largest number is on Navigational equipment with navigational procedures being the second. We would request Master’s to more pro actively record the deficiency in procedures as this was the top most items in the audits by Marine Superintendents and QMS

superintendents. This would then be a good learning experience for others in the fleet as the observations would be circulated. SIRE Observations on Chapter 4 & 10 of VIQ ( Navigation) Number of SIRE Inspections : 54 Number of observation per inspection in SIRE Inspections on Chapter 4 & 10 : 18 Number of observation per inspection in SIRE Inspections on Chapter 4 & 10 : 0.32 Number of SIRE inspection without an observation in Chapter 4 & 10 : 36 Master and his bridge team members are reminded that two or more deficiency in Chapter 4 of the VIQ can lead to the vessel being rejected by the Oil major as the Oil majors view observation in Chapter 4 very seriously.



TMSA 2 Compliance Documentation

Benchmarking the Various Navigational Deficiencies Benchmarking of the Bridge audit finding against PSC inspections with navigational deficiencies and vetting with navigational deficiencies indicate that the findings are higher in internal navigational audit.

The graph to the left indicates the category of deficiencies in Bridge procedures audits (internal) against navigational deficiencies in PSC inspections in category.

Scale on left is for Def and Ins. Scale on right is for Def ratio



TMSA 2 Compliance Documentation

Please also find attached the Fleet Sharing Experience for the Bridge Procedure audit findings of Managed Tankers for the 01st Half of 2014. Please check through the Fleet Sharing Experience and correct any deficiencies with respect to the Bridge Procedure on board your vessels.

~~ END ~~

Fleet Experience Sharing

This Report shows all reported deficiencies grouped by report type and sorted by

question no.Report printed at 01/09/2014

Report based on Data of 26/08/2014

SHIP_TYPE is set to Chemical Tanker, Crude Oil Tanker, Gas Tanker, Products Tanker ;

Report_Type is set to Bridge Procedures Audit ; INSPECTION_DATE is between

01/01/2014, 30/06/2014 ; ship_mgr is set to Wallem Hong Kong



Type: Bridge Procedures Audit


naire:Section I

11.13 - Monthly security check of each battery and

No monthly security check of GMDSS batteries are carried out

1.0 Navigation Equipment

Performance test of Echo sounder not carried out and verified with charted depth.

BNWAS operation key was being kept on Bridge connected to the equipment

1.3 Radars

Vessel does not have spare magnetrons for X and S band Radars.

1.10 Aldis Lamp

Spare Bulbs for Aldis Lamp not as per Resolution MSC.95(72). (Obs 1 of 3)

Port side Eldis lamp socket found cracked

1.16 ECDIS

ECDIS fitted onboard, but not operational.

Vessel is fitted with two ECDIS . ECDIS No.1 has malfunctioned during the course of the Audit . The monitor is

displaying 'Sync Error.

The ECDIS unit is not accepting AIO updates and this needs to be corrected.

1.17 AIS

AIS was found to be not switched off when alongside oil terminals.

AIS not being switched off in port

The AIS is being used on low power when alongside a terminal, instead of being switched off.

1.18 Sextant

Officers not practising use of Sextant on a regular basis.

The navigating officers are not practicing using sextant adequately for celestial navigation.

1.20 VDR/ SVDR

Officers are not familiar with the procedure of downloading data from the VDR, using the cable/software/hardware


2.0 Navigational Policies and Procedures

Critical Operation & Equipment list not readily available and OOW not aware of same.

Vessel does not have a maneuvering booklet

Emergency c/l from BPM not in use during drills

2.7 Manoeuvring characteristics

Maneuvering poster and booklet, though available, were found to be NOT in accordance with IMO Resolution A


Maneuvering poster and booklet, though available, were found to be NOT in accordance with IMO Resolution A


2.8 Auto / manual changeover

The auto to manual steering changeover procedure does not include a block diagram as required.

2.10 Bridge Checklists

Bridge Procedure Checklist #6 inside the Bridge Procedure Manual not updated as per the new revision

3.9 Error unobtainable entry

Entries not being made in Deck log book for occasions when Compass error in unobtainable

Entries for some watches are being missed out.Error to be recorded or unobtainable entry should be available for

each watch.

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Type: Bridge Procedures Audit

3.11 For Tankers only : Effectiveness of the radar

Performance monitor on X Band radar is not showing the required plume for measurement of performance.

3.12 Hand steering record

The times and location of engaging the hand steering are to be recorded in deck log book or bell book.

The times and location of engaging the hand steering are to be recorded in deck log book or bell book.

5.6 Verification by master

Master's verification of charts not carried out. Last verification done in June 2013

5.9 Checked against cumulative


chart corrections are not being checked against Cumulative notices.(Obs 2 of 3)

No evidence found of chart corrections being checked against Cumulative Notices.

No evidence found of chart corrections being checked against Cumulative Notices.

5.14 Chartco / Digitrace system

Chartco back up has not been taken regularly

6.6 Emergency Navigational drills

Bridge emergency drills not carried out since July 2013

Emergency Drills pertaining to Navigation, for example Gyro failure, M/E failure, steering failure, black out, etc.

are NOT being carried out regularly (at least every quarter)

6.7 Navtex warnings

Navtex warnings not being initialled by all OOW. Only 2nd officer

6.8 ETA

ETA Deployment procedues with ship's power not displayed on Bridge.

7.0 Passage Plan

Vessel was using an US chart for the present voyage without correction applied.

7.9 No go areas, wheel over position

and abort positions

Main Engine trying out area not mentioned in Passage plan & not marked on Chart.(Obs 3 of 3)

No go areas, wheel over position and abort positions not marked for present voy

7.22 Historical ship track

Officers not plotting historical ship track forward to identify the projected/anticipate position.

8.0 Position Fixing

No records maintained for cross check of positon fixing by different methods

9.0 Anchoring, Berthing and Mooring Procedures and Operation

Actual UKC & Tug bollard pull not being recorded in Master Pilot exchange card

9.12 Master Pilot exchange card

The actual UKC during transit, is to be recorded by hand, for every pilotage in the Master – Pilot exchange card.

The actual UKC during transit is NOT being recorded in the Master – Pilot exchange card

9.22 Procedure for ‘Emergency Full Astern”

Officers unaware of procedure for Emergency full astern

Procedures for Emergency Full Astern in Engine Room control telegraph modes are not posted on bridge and in


11.0 Radio and Communication Equipment – GMDSS Log

GMDSS Battery On load/Off load test being carried out weekly instead of daily.

11.1 Radio log maintained correctly

Each OOW not signing the GMDSS Log for his period of watch.

11.4 Position of ship recorded every day

Position of the ship was found to have NOT been recorded on some days in the GMDSS Log.

11.5 Condition of radio equipment recorded

Vessel is fitted with two Sat C -JRC and Sailor .JRC Sat C on bridge does not have a Printer .Reqn to be raised

for a new Printer

11.9 Weekly test as per procedures

There is no recorrd of Coast Station acknowledgement for Weekly DSC test calls made.

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Type: Bridge Procedures Audit

12.2 BTM monitoring

The monitoring of ships progress is to include methods such as clearing lines/bearings,leading lights etc.This is

not being done.

The monitoring of ships progress is to include methods such as clearing lines/bearings,leading lights etc.This is

not being done.

The monitoring of ships progress is to include methods such as clearing lines/bearings,leading lights etc.This is

not being done.

The monitoring of ships progress is to include methods such as clearing lines/bearings,leading lights etc.This is

not being done.


naire:Masters self audit

2.14 - Is there a poster on the Bridge showing inc

There is no such poster on the bridge showing increase in draught due to list/heel.

No plotting of historical ship track forward being plotted

No monthly security check of GMDSS batteries are carried out

PA system on bridge not operational

IS sound powered Telephone on bridge not operational

UHF Trans-receiver not functional

IGS panel not operational on bridge

Gas alarm panel not functional on bridge

Instructions for changeover procedures from Non Follow Up Mode to Follow Up Mode of steering was not


Above will be attended and repaired/rectfied in the incoming due dry dock.

GMDSS log entry pages not being duplicated with carbon paper as its mandatory to do so and same stated

therein in the Section C

ECDIS familiarization checklist was not completed for one Navigating Officer.



1.0 Navigation Equipment

Stbd. JRC VHF(No.1) observed transmission and receiving range poor(12NM from Bridge) and very poor when

contol shifted to CCR(3NM from CCR). Electrician unable to find problem. Port VHF can only be used from Bridge

and tested at a range of 25NM.

Navtex printout very faint and difficult to read

Forward whistle not operational.

1.1 Magnetic compass

Compass Deviation Curve made onboard by Ship staff. No shore Calibration

Compass Deviation Curve made onboard by Ship staff. No shore Calibration

Spare magnetic compass bottom is cracked and repaired presently by soft patch.

Past records show junior officer unable to compute Compass error

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Type: Bridge Procedures Audit

1.2 Gyro compass and repeaters

Port repeater AC dimmer - out of order

Erorr of No.1 Gyro Compass : 1.7 Deg High . Erorr of No.2 Gyro Compass : 0.7 Deg High.Both Gyros due for

Annual Inspection / Servicing in Feb 2014

Main Gyro on Bridge & repeater in Steering not aligned.

1.3 Radars

Audible alarm not working. Can see only flashes on the screen for warnings

S band radar brilliance very weak and picture cannot be interpreted prudently by any navigator.

Performance monitor though being checked, the values recorded are not correct. Attenuation values need to be

recorded and compared as per the manual.

3.11 - S - Band Radar - Performance monitor not in working condition. Spare not available as per technician who

attended at Singapore in Jan 2014. It will be renewed in next Dry-docking.

1.4 ARPA and Mapping procedures

Officers not familiar with the Mapping procedures of the Radar.

1.5 Echo Sounder

Aft Echo Sounder gives Erratic reading ,sometimes . Fwd Echo Sounder working satisfactory.Supt is aware of

this problem.

The Echo sounder was not marked with reference date and time on each occasion it was switched ON. Records

were not avaIable of performance test on each range and for testing of depth alarm.

1.6 Speed log and Distance indicator

Doppler log gives Erratic water speed reading , sometimes. As per Technician Transducer requires renewal and

can be done in Drydock scheduled to be in year 2016 . Supt is aware of this problem.

1.11 Course recorderd

Course recorder printer inoperative.

1.13 Course recorder at Noon

Course recorder not synchronized at noon and v/l's position not noted on the paper

1.14 GPS / DGPS

Interchanging Switch for DGPS missing.

1.16 ECDIS

AIO Information overlay and Radar Overlay not available.

AIO information overlay not possible on this version of software

1.16 - One ECDIS developed error at sea. Office notified and should be getting technician at next port.

ECDIS inoperational.

1.17 AIS


AIS switching over to 1Watt during Cargo operation notice & instructions not displayed near the AIS.

AIS equipment is not positioned adjacent to either a radar or Electronic chart display i.e display visible from radar /

ECDIS. Presently, Radars not receiving input from AIS.

1.18 Sextant

No record for index error mainatined. Previous sights were calculated using I.E as NIL

Sextant IE monthly check not carried out

1.19 Navtex

Navtex printout very faint, Reqn has been raised and is expected.

1.20 VDR/ SVDR

VDR Cable Missing.

Deck Officers were not familiar with procedure for SVDR operation in cases of Emergency

1.20 - SVDR does not have spare CF card for data storage after taking back up.

1.21 Leadline, gong, bell, flag and

day signals

One of the blocks for the halyard found broken and another halyard rope was in poor condition.

1.22 Navigational watch alarm system (BANWAS)

BNWAS operational but not working on Auto Mode.

BNWAS operational but not working on Auto Mode.

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Type: Bridge Procedures Audit

BNWAS system is old and no sensors, timers are provided and not connected to VDR. Also no external cabin

alarms are provided.

2.2 Hard copy on bridge

No hard copy of DPM and officer licence on brige presenly on board

2.8 Auto / manual changeover

Vessel has change over procedures . However it can be made in block diagrams for better and easy


2.10 Bridge Checklists

Bridge checklists were not filled in detail

2.13 Bridge instruction booklets

Navigating Officers are not in possession of Bridge Instruction Booklet published by Swedish Club.

3 officers are not having the booklet.

None of the Officers had Bridge Instruction Booklet.

2.14 Draught Poster

No poster on bridge showing increase in draught when rolling/heeling

3.1 Deck log book and bell book

Bridge and Engine room UMS timings not matching.

Noon position entries not made in the Deck Log book

3.9 Error unobtainable entry

"Error unobtainable" entry missing in the deck log book

3.11 For Tankers only : Effectiveness of the radar

Although the performance monitor checks were being carried out at the end of each watch, the measurement of

values noted in “X” band radar log book was way out of the maker’s requirements . Also no spare Magnetrons for

both X and S band radars are on board.

3.12 For tankers only: Engaging the hand steering

Times & locations of engaging hand steering & changing over to auto pilot modes of steering were not

consistently recorded in the deck log book or bell book.

5.2 Adequate charts and publications

Latest Annual Summary of notices to mariners NP 247 (1) & (2) - 2014 Edition not onboard.

6.5 Ships routeings

Vessel has 11th edition on board.

6.8 ETA

Procedures for deployment of Fwd ETA using ships power not displayed on bridge.

7.1 Passage plan is berth to berth

Passage planner Version is 4.9, which is higher than audit check list.

7.7 Publications are current editions

U.S Tide Tables for 2014 not yet received.

The License for Digital Publication Expired, Awaiting License Key.

7.8 Safe margins and minimum UKC

Safe speed and Minimum UKC were not marked on chart

7.12 Echo sounder marked with date and time when switched on

No entry on echo sounder recorder of time/date of passing important land/sea marks

7.13 NTC Squat software

New joining Officer not aware of squat calculation using NTC squat software

7.18 Information on chart as per VIQ

Tidal stream information not marked on chart (pilotage waters - departure from loading port Pembroke, UK

Position Frequency Not as per frequency marked on the chart.

7.22 Historical ship track

Plotting Historical Ship track forward not done every watch.

Historical track not plotted

8.2 Frequency as per passage plan

Position Frequency Not as per frequency marked on the chart.

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Type: Bridge Procedures Audit

The actual position plotting frequency did not match the one indicated on the passage plan.

8.3 Frequency of position fixing is correct

Frequency of Position Fixing on some coastal charts was such that vessel would have been in danger between 2

consecutive fixes.

8.5 Position fixed after each course alterationl

Position Not Fixed after each course alteration

9.12 Master Pilot exchange card

Actual UKC during transit not recorded in the Master – Pilot exchange card

9.13 Personnel at mooring stations

Practice of C/O on bridge during anchoring and berthing stations not being followed.

10.0 Radio and Communication Equipment – GMDSS

Designated person for communication during emergency was not posted near GMDSS console.

10.2 Emergency radio battery log

No records of last capacity test of GMDSS batteries as per solas Ch.4 reg 13.6.2

10.5 Intrinsically safe portable radios

11.2 Summary of Distress, urgency and safety communication

The GMDSS Common Alarm Panel Show alarms for MF-HF And VHF2 DSC.

11.3 Important incident recorded

Last Repair carried out on Sat C not recorded in the GMDSS Log.

11.4 Position of ship recorded every day

The position of the vessel where appropiate is being recorded every day in the GMDSS log book, however

observed that entries by OOW for the period of his watch in the GMDSS Log was not being done regularly.

The position of the vessel where appropiate is being recorded every day in the GMDSS log book, however

observed that entries by OOW for the period of his watch in the GMDSS Log was not being done regularly.

Position was not being recorded every day, a few days were missed during STS operations.

11.5 Condition of radio equipment recorded

PA system on bridge not operational

IS sound powered Telephone on bridge not operational

11.9 Weekly test as per procedures

Instead of weekly tests a monthly test was being carried out.

There is no recorrd of Coast Station acknowledgement for Weekly DSC test calls made.

Test results are stored in memory up to 20 nos, no printer connected to equipment.

11.10 Daily tests as per procedure

Testing of the distress and safety radio equipment by means of a test at least once each day without radiating

any signal was not carried out.

11.11 Batteries tests

No Aldis lamp battery charging record

On Load and Off Load daily test of Batteries not being recorded

14.2 Cargo monitoring

IGS panel not operational on bridge

Gas alarm panel not functional on bridge

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