Subject Index - Springer978-3-662-00181-3/1.pdf · Subject Index ABCDE rule 1041 ... ocular 699...

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Transcript of Subject Index - Springer978-3-662-00181-3/1.pdf · Subject Index ABCDE rule 1041 ... ocular 699...

Subject Index

ABCDE rule 1041 abdominal purpura 662 Abrikossoffs tumor 1066 abscesses ~ multiple sweat gland ab­

scesses in neonates 172 ~ Munro's microabscesses

11 ~ nodular 720 ~ perianal 1131 absorption 1132 Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease

1116 acantholysis 11 ~ papular 484 acanthoma ~ basosquamous 987 ~ clear cell 989 ~ fissuratum 369 ~ keratoacanthoma 1014 ~ ]arge cell 989 ~ melanoacanthoma 988 ~ pilar sheath 982, 991 ~ plasmoacanthoma 1013 acanthome a cellules

claires 989 acanthosis 10 ~ dermatitis herpetiformis

478 acanthosis nigricans 455,

456 ~ classification 456 ~ malignajmalignant 456,

1124 acarophobia 258 acatalasia 811 accelerators, particle 1193 accessory nipples 590 Accutane 1177 Achard-Thiers syndrome

767 Achenbach syndrome 659 acid mantle 513 acid phosphatase defi­

ciency 890 aciduria, arginine-succinic

890 Acinetobacter 78 acne 717 ~ aestivalis 729 ~ androgenic syndromes

724 ~ bromide 729 ~ comedonica 720 ~ comedonica 725 ~ conglobata (see acne,

conglobata) ~ contact 723

~ cosmetic 723 ~ excoriee des jeunes filles

724 ~ fulminans 723, 728 ~ infantum 725 ~ intertriginous 722 ~ iodide 729 ~ inversa 720, 721, 728,

745 ~ keloid 167 ~ keloidalis nuchae 167 ~ kelp 729 ~ Jesions ( see acne lesions) ~ Mallorca 729 ~ mechanica 723 ~ necrotica 180 ~ neonatorum 725 ~ nodules, persistant 720 ~ oil 723, 724 ~ papulopustulosa 721,

727 ~ pitch 723 ~ pomade 723 ~ premenstrual 724 ~ rosacea 730 ~ rosacea demoides 733 ~ tar 723 ~ tetrad 722 ~ treatment 725, 726 ~ treatment, general princi-

ples 726 ~ triad 722 ~ urticaria 676 ~ varieties 720 ~ varioliformis 180 ~ venenata 723, 724 ~ vulgaris 717, 718 ~ vulgaris, pathogenesis

718 acne conglobata 721, 727 ~ acute febrile ulcerating,

with polyarthralgia and leukemoid reaction 723

~ keloid 722, 104 7 acne lesions 719 ~ inflammatory, second­

ary 720 ~ inflammatory, secondary,

papules 720 ~ inflammatory, secondary,

pustules 720 ~ primary noninflamma­

tory 719 acneiform ~ (acne-like) drug erup­

tion 286 ~ eruptions 728 ~ tuberculid 145

acquired ~ fibrokeratoma 1050 ~ hyperlipoproteinemias

856 ~ hyperlipoproteinemias,

secondary 852 ~ ichthyoses 519 ~ immunodeficiency syn­

drome (see AIDS/HIV / HTLV-III/LAV) 49ff.

~ nail changes 795 ~ phimosis 826 ~ skin atrophies 543 ~ thrombocytopenia (see

also thrombocytopenia, acquired) 651

acrallentigo-like lesion 1036

acro-osteolysis 795 acro-osteopathia ulcero-

mutilans familiaris 683 acroangiodermatitis 638 acroasphyxia 610 acrocalcinosis 914 acrochordon 1048 acrocyanosis 610 ~ chronica anaesthetica

611 acrodermatitis ~ chronica atrophieans

119, 120, 551 ~ continua suppurativa

502 ~ continua suppurativa of

Hallopeau 429 ~ enteropathica 919 ~ papulosa eruptiva infan­

tilis 453 acrodynia 615 acrodystrophy, neuropath-

ic, primary 683 acrogeria 539 acroinfundibulum 716 acrokeratoelastoidosis

521,548 acrokeratoelastosis 548 ~ marginalis of the hand

548 ~ verruciformis 548 acrokeratosis verrucifor­

mis 526 acrolentiginous melanoma

(ALM) 1039 acrolocalized papulovesicu­

lar syndrome, infantile 454

acropachyderma with pa­chydermoperiostosis 588

acropathia ulcero-mutilans ~ acquisita 683 ~ et deformans pseudosyr­

ingomyelitica 683 ~ nonfamiliaris 683 acropathia ulceromutilans

683 acropathy, nonfamilial

pseudosyringomyelic ul­cero-mutilating 683

acropustuloses 502 ~ acuta 505, 507 ~ of infancy 504 acroscleroderma 558 acrosyringium 747 acrotrichoma (follicular

poroma) 991 ACTH 1172 actinic ~ cheilitis 802, 803 ~ elastosis 12, 546 ~ keratosis 999 ~ Iichen planus 450 ~ reticuloid 1077 ~ skin atrophy, senile 543 actinic-traumatic bullous

porphyrin dermatosis 906

Actinomadura 243 Actinomyces 243 actinomycosis 185, 186 action spectrum 385 activated seborrheic kerato-

sis 987 acute intermittent porphyr-

ia (AlP) 899, 904 acyclovir 1158 adenoma ~ sebaceum 966 ~ trichoadenoma 991 ~ of the vulva, tubular

995 adenomatosis of the nip­

ple 995 adiponecrosis subcutanea

neonatorum 599 adiposalgia 1064 adipose tissue 1063 adipositas dolorosa 1064 adipositas oedematosa 604 adnexitis, gonorrheal 68 adrenal insufficiency,

acute 656 adrenogenital syndrome

890 adsorption 1132 afebrile Weber-Christian

disease 598

1198 Subject Index

age spots 693 aggressive infantile fibro-

matosis 1052 aging skin 543 agranulocytosis 820 - infantilis hereditiaria

820 agriculture, contact derma-

titis and eczcma 327 AIDS 49ff. - CDC 49 - classification 49 - clinical findings 52 - confirmatory test 55 - infections 53 - opportunistic tumors 53 - oral hairy leukoplakia

54 - patients, Kaposi's sarco-

ma 1059 - screening test 55 - treatment 55 AIDS-related complex

(ARC) 49 AlP (acute intermittent

porphyria) 899 air-block technique 643 alastrim 37 albinism 388, 698, 764 - ocular 699 - oculocutaneous (OCA)

699, 700 albinism-deafness syn­

drome 702 albinismus partialis 699 albinoidism, oculocutan­

eous 699 Albright's syndrome 690 Albright-McCune-Stern-

berg syndrome 690 alcohol(s) 1150 - flushing 403 alcoholic iodine solution

1150 alcoholic solutions 1137 Aldrich's syndrome 650 Aleppo boil 203 aleukemic reticulosis 1120 Alibert-Brazin form, myco-

sis fungoides 1086, 1087 alkali-containing com-

pounds 1156 alkaptonuria 870, 871 - ochronosis 870, 871 allergens, contact (see also

contact) 324-327, 361 allergic - balanitis 335 - bronchial asthma 346 - cheilitis 335 - conjunctivitis 335 - contact dermatitis (see al-

lergic contact dermatitis - contact eczema (see aller­

gic contact eczema) - contact reactions, mu­

cous membranes 335 - drug-induced exanthem


- dyshidrosiform eczema, chronic 335

- dyshidrosiform eczema, hematogenous 335

- granulomatosis 618 - leukocytoclastic vasculi-

tis, drug eruptions 284 - reactions, clinical disease

equivalents 278 - reactions, humoral 277 - skin changes, streptococ-

ci 178 - stomatitis 335 - urticaria (see also urticar-

ia) 293, 300 vasculitis (see also vascu­litis, allergic) 620-622, 662

- vasculitis, hemorrhagic type 662

- vulvitis 335 allergic contact dermatitis - acute 331 - acute, children 358 - acute, treatment 336 - chronic 332 - hematogenous 335 allergic contact eczema - acute 331 - chronic 332, 358 - chronic, localization 332 - hematogenous 335 allergy - bee and wasp venom

311 - climatic 351 - combined 330 - contact, monovalent

329 - contact, oligovalent 329 - contact, polyvalent 329 - group 329 - photocontact 393 - pollen 347 - pseudoallergic reaction

276, 298 - skin tuberculosis with al­

lergic response 135 ALM (acrolentiginous mel-

anoma) 1039 alopecia 768 - anagen-dystrophic 769 - androgenetic female 773 - androgenetic male 772 - areata (see alopecia area-

ta) - atrophic 770 - caused by pressure 772 - caused by traction 772 - circumscripta, pelade

778 - chronic diffuse, in

women 773 - congenital 769 - diffusa 775 - immediate type 769 - late type 768 - male pattern 772 - mucinosa 895

- parvimaculata 771, 772 - permanent 769 - postinfection, circum-

scribed 778 - prematura 773 - pressure, infantile 777 - scarring 769 - telogen 768, 773 - temporalis congenita

769 - triangularis temporalis

congenitalis 769 - temporary (see alopecia,

temporary) alopecia areata 778, 779 - atrophieans 770 - maligna 780 - nail changes 793 - totalis 780 alopecia, temporary 775 - circumscribed 777 - diffuse 775 alpha-antitrypsin defi­

ciency, panniculitis 600 alpha-fucosidase defi­

ciency 889 alpha-lipoproteins 849 alpha-mannosidase defi-

ciency 889 alteration cavitaire 11 aluminum salts 1161 aluminum subacetate solu-

tion 1157 amalgam tattooing 814 ambustio 370 amelanosis 698 amelanotic melanoma

1037, 1039 - malignant (AMM) 1039 American leishmaniasis

207 - cutaneous form 203,

207 - mucocutaneous form

207 amine colpitis 190 amino acid metabolism,

disorders 869 aminoglycoside( s) 1153 - antibiotics 1174 AMM (amelanotic malig-

nant melanoma) 1039 ammoniated mercury 1152 amphotericin B 1154 amyloid(s) 879, 880 - corresponding diseases

880 - elastosis 884 - macroglossia 881 - rings 881 amyloidoses/amyloidosis

879ff. - bullous (hemorrhagic)

884 - cutaneous 882 - hemorrhagic bullous cu-

taneous 881 - interscapular cutaneous


- macular cutaneous 883 - nail changes 794 - nodularis atrophieans

883 - pericollagenous 879-881 - perireticular 880, 882 - perireticulin 879 - reactive 882 amyloidosis, systemic 881 - idiopathic 881 - musculocutaneous, pri-

mary 881 anaerobic infections 186 anaerobic vaginosis 190 anagen phase, hair cycle

757 anagen-dystrophic - alopecia 769 - effluvium 769 - hair loss 769 anal - abscesses, perianal 1131 - eczema 1129, 1130 - fissure 1130 - fistulas 1131 - perianal thrombosis

1131 - proJapse 1128 -tags 1131 - venous thrombosis,

acute 1131 analphaproteinemia 861 anaphylactic/anaphylactoid - purpura 620, 662 - shock 277 anaphylactic/anaphylactoid

reactions, grading 299 - treatment 307 - type I 277 Ancylostoma braziliense

262 Ancylostoma duodenale

262 Andersen's disease 888 androgenetic alopecia - female pattern 774 - male pattern 772, 774 - in women (female) 773 androgenetic effluvium

772 androgenic syndromes,

acne 724 anemia - Fanconi's 650 - hemolytic 653 - microangiopathic hemo-

lytic 653 - sickle cell 890 anesthetic ulcer/ulcera­

tions 682 anesthetics/anesthetizing

drugs 1155 anetoderma(s) 538, 544 - Jadassohn type 544 - Pellizary type 544

Schwenninger- Buzzi type 544

angina 818 - agranulocytotica 820

- catarrhalis 818 - diphtherica 819 - granulocytotica 820 - lacunaris et follicularis

819 - Ludwig's 46, 177 - monocyte 820 - Plaut-Vincent 819 - syphilitica 92 - tonsillae linguae hetero-

topicae 806 - ulceromembranacea 819 angioblastic lymphoid hy­

pcrplasia with eosinophi­lia 1077

angioblastic reticulosarco­ma of the scalp 1060

angiochondromatosis 1055 angiodermatitis, dissemin-

ated pruriginous 661 angioedema 309, 310 - hereditary 310 angioendotheliomatosis

proliferans 1096 - systemica 1096 angiohemophilia 654 angioimmunoblastic

lymphadenopathy 1078 - with dysproteinemia

1078 angiokeratoma 1056 - corporis (see angiokera­

toma corporis) - digitorum acroasphycti-

cum 1057 - Mibelli 1057 - scroti 1 057 - vulvae 1057 angiokeratoma corporis - circumscriptum 1056 - diffusum 862, 863 - diffusum universale 862 - naeviforme 1056 angiolipoma 1063 angiolopathies 610 angiolupoid (Brocq-Pau-

trier) syndrome 938 angiolymphoid hyperplasia

with eosinophilia 1077 angioma - artcriale racemosum

1056 - of the labial margin

1056 - senile 1056 - serpiginosum 970 angiomatosis - cerebelli et retinae 971 - encephalotrigeminalis

971 - tentinocerebellosa 971 angiomyoneuroma 1058 angioneurotic cdema 309 angiopathy, diabetic 629 - inflammatory 616 angioplastic sarcoma of the

galea 1060 angiosarcoma, skin of the

head and face 1060

angiospasticum, pseudo­leukoderma 612

angiotropic large-celllym­phoma 1096

angitis, malignant granulo­matous 617

angular cheilitis 232, 233, 801' 802

angulus infectiosus 801 anhidrosis 752 - hypotrichotica 752 anhidrotic ectodermal dys-

plasia 752 animal - oils 1144 - parakeratosis 919 - scabies in man 258 Ann Arbor lymph node

classification 1085 Annelida ( ringlet or bristle

worms) 262, 270 annual erythema multi­

forme 30 annular elastolytic giant

cell granuloma 944 annular liehen planus 449 anocutaneous gangrenous

ergotism 1130 anomalies 586 anorectal melanoma 1039 anthelix, elastotic nodules

549 anthralin 431 anthrax 213 antibiotic drugs/antibiot­

ics 1153, 1172 - aminoglycoside 1174 anticholinergic substances

1161 antidepressants 1180 antifungal drugs 1154 antihistamines 1155, 1164,

1176 antiinflammatory drugs/

substances 1164 - nonsteroidal 1164 antimalarials 1177 antimetabolites 1175 antiperspirant drugs 1160 antipruritic drugs 1155 antipruritic formulae 1155 antipsoriatic treatment

431 antiseptic drugs 1150 anxietas tibiarum 613 aortic arteri tis 619 aortopathy, idiopathic

medical 619 aphthae - Bednar's 816 - chronic intermittent re-

current 816 - habitual 816 - Mikulicz's 816 - recurrent, chronic 816 - solitary 816 aphthoid Pospischili­

Feyrter 24, 25 aphthosis Behcet 817

aphthosis, bipolar 817 aphthous disease 816 aphthous fever 41 aplasia cutis circumscripta

586 aplasia cutis congenita 586 - clinical groupings 586 apocrine - hidradenoma 984 - hidrocystoma 984 - miliaria 745 - sweat glands 744 aponeurosis fibrosa plan-

taris 579 apoproteins 849 apudoma, cutaneous 1066 aquagenic urticaria 298 aqueous solutions 1133 arachnida (spiders) 255 arachnodactyly 537 arborizing varices 610, 634 ARC (AIDS-related com-

plex) 49 arginine-succinic aciduria

890 argininosuccinic acid syn-

drome 871 argyria 711 Arndt's sign 810 Arndt-Gottron syndrome

893 Arning's carcinoid 1021 Arning's solution 1137 arrector pili musdes 756 arsenic keratoses 1001 arsenic melanosis 696 arterial circulatory dis-

orders 627 - classification 627 arterial occlusive disease,

chronic 626, 629 - clinical stages 626 - differential therapy 629 arteriosclerosis 628 arteriosclcrosis obliterans

628 arteritis - aortic 619 - cranialis 619 - giant cell 619 - giant cell, systemic 620 - temporal/temporalis 619 arthritis - gonorrheal monoarthri-

tis 73 - Heberden's 578 - psoriatica 429 - urica 923 arthropathia psoriatica

429 arthropod reactions 1076 arthrospores 219 Arthus reaction 277, 278 artificial radiation sources

1187 ascariasis 266 Ascaris lumbricoides 262 Ascher's syndrome 537 ashy dermatosis 405, 696

Subject Index 1199

Aspergillus 240 asteatosis (sebostasis) 351,

716,717 asteatotic cheilitis 802 asteatotic eczema of the

aged 362 asterisk nevus 972 asthma, bronchial, allergic

346 astringent drugs 1157 ataxia telangiectasiajtelean-

giectatica 388, 608 atheroma 980 atherosclerosis 628 athlete's foot 227 atopic dermatitis 348, 349 - humoral immunity 349 - multifactoral pathogene-

sis 349 atopic eczema 346, 348 - adolescents 352 - adults 352 - cellular immunity 350 - childhood/children 351,

357 - Dennie-Morgan line 354 - diagnostic guidelines

355 - infants 357 - neonatal life 351 - nummular 354 - special forms 353 - treatment 356 - vascular response 350 atopic winter feet 358 atopy 346, 347 - inhalation test 347 - nasal test 347 - provocation test 347 - skin tests 34 7 atrichia 769 atrophic - alopecia 770 - disease with tufted hairs

167 - parapsoriasis 443 - skin, rigid 7 - skin, slack 7 atrophie blanche 637 - ulcerated 637 - venous 637 atrophoderma, neviform,

systematized 542 atrophodermia vermicula-

ta 545 atrophy /atrophies 7 - acquired 543 - of the epidermis 10 - genital, primary 840 - genital, senile 841 - inanition 544 - neurogenic 545 - pressure 544 - senile actinic 54 3 - of the skin, acquired

538 - of the skin, congenital

538 - tension 544

1200 Subject Index

atrophy /atrophies 7 - of the vulva, primary

840 - of the vulva, senile 841 - white 637 atypical - fibroxanthoma 1052 - lymphogranulomatosis

1093 - mycobacterial infections

145 - or pseudopyogenic gran-

uloma 1077 aurantiasis cutis 710 auricular appendagc 589 auricular nodule, painful

593 auriculotemporal syn­

drome 750 Auspitz's phenomenon 421 autoerythrocyte sensitiza­

tion 657 autoimmune diseases, nail

changes 794 autoimmune progesterone

dermatitis 490 - of pregnancy 846 automated reagin test 103 automutilation syndrome

924 autosomal dominant ich-

thyosis vulgaris 514 avitaminoses 929 avoidance diet 303 axilla, freckle-like spots

690 axillary - fibromas 1048 - freckling 690 - granuloma 948 azotemic onychopathy 791

bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) 133

Bacillus anthracis 213 bacteria 64 ff. bacterial emboli 616 bacterial flora of the skin

154 Bagdad boil 203 Bagdad button 203 Bahia ulcer 207 bakers, contact dermatitis

and eczema 327 balanitic thrush 234 balanitis 827 - allergic 335 - candidomycetica 234 - erosiva c1rcmata 79, 829 - gangrenosa phagedenica

828 - keratotica et pseudo-

epitheliomatosa 830 - ulcerosa 828 - urethritis 79 - xerotica obliterans 553,


balanoposthitis 191, 826-828

- acute 827 - acute contact allergic

828 - acute infectious 828 - candidomycetica 829 - chronic 828 - chronica circumscripta

benigna plasmacellularis 830

- concomitant 828 - diabetic 828 ballooning 11 bamboo hair 761 Bancroft's filariasis 268 bandage(s) 641 - plasters 1141 Barraquer-Simons syn-

drome 603 Bartholin's gland 836 bartholinitis, gonorrheal

66, 67 bartonellaceae 61 bartonellosis 62 Bart-Pumphrey syndrome

577 Bart's syndrome 473 basal cell - degeneration, hydropic

vacuolar 11 - epithelioma 991, 1018 - layer (stratum basale)

511 - layer, changes 10 - liquefaction 11 - nevus syndrome 1 022 - papilloma 987 - tumor 1022 basal cell carcinoma/can­

cer 991, 1018 - cystic 1021 - differential diagnosis

1023 - giant 1022 - keloidal 1021 - metatypical 1023 - mixed type 1023 - morpheiform 1021 - nevoid 1022 - pagetoid 1021 - pigmented 1020 - solid 1019 - superficial 1021 - ulcerating 1020 basaloma - giant 1022 - keloidiform 1021 - pearls 1 020 - pigmented 1020 - plan um cicatricans 1019 - sclerodermiform 1021 - solidum 1019 - terebrans 1020 - trichotillobasalioma

1018, 1022 bases - incorporation of drugs


- principles for the selec­tion 1147

- for topical treatment 1134

basophil collagen degenera­tion 546

basophilic leukemia 1105 basosquamous acanthoma

987 baths, dermatological

1134, 1135 - indications 1135 - oils 1144 Bauru 207 Bayle's disease 97 B-eeil neoplasia 1086 B-eeil pseudolymphoma

1074 BCG (bacille Calmette-

Guerin) 133 - vaccination 133 Beau-Reillines 786 Becker's - melanosis 957 - nevus 957 Bednar's aphthae 816 bees 253 - venom allergy 311 Beh<;et's - disease 817,818 - disease, classification

818 - pustules 817 - syndrome 81 7 Bejcl 115 Bence Jones plasmacyto­

ma 874 benign - chronic bullous dermato­

sis in childrcn 495 - epithelial tumors 987 - familial chronic pemphi-

gus 482, 483 - giant cell synovioma

1050 - histiocytoses 1113 - inoculation lymphoreti-

culosis 189 - intraductat papilloma

995 - juvenile melanoma 962 - lymphoplasias 1073 - miliary lupoid 937, 938 - mucosal pemphigoid

488 - plaques 807 - tumors 1008, 1046 benzophenone derivatives

1161 benzoyl peroxide 1151,

1157,1164 benzyl benzoate 1160 Berardinelli-Seip syn­

drome 455 berloque dermatitis 391 Bernard-Soulier syndrome

654 Besnier-Boeck -Schaumann

disease 937

Besnier's prurigo 348 beta disease, broad 854 beta-lipoproteins 849 beta-thalassemia 8 90 bile pigments 710 bilharziasis 264 biliverdinemia, hyperbili-

verdinemia 710 biopsy 9 - depth 9 - procedures 9 - site of excision 9 - size 9 - treatment of material 9 birch tar 1150 bird mites 259 birthmark 969 Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome

1049 Biskra boil 203 bismuth 711, 1152 Björnstad's syndrome 761 B-K mole syndrome 963 black - blastomycosis 668 - death 214 - dermographism 712 - dot ringwarm 223 - hairy tongue 808 - heel 368, 369 - piedra, molds 240 - smallpox 37 - tongue 808 - widow spider 255 blackhead 719 Blastomyces 244, 245 blastomycosis 244 - black 668 blenorrhea 62 blepharitis chronica ecze-

matosa 343 blepharochalasis 537 blindness, snow 387 blisters/blistering 5, 367 Bloch-Sulzberger syn-

drome 694 blood extravasation 710 - nomenclature 4 blood vessels 607 - tumors 1 053 Bloom's syndrome 388,

455, 607 Bloom-Torre-Machacek

syndrome 607 blue nevus 959, 1036 blue-rubber-bleb-nevus syn-

drome 1055 blushing 403 body (clothes) louse 248 Boeck's sarcoid 937 bone(s) - eosinophilic granuloma

1119 - tertiary syphilis 96 - tumors 1062 Bonnevie-Ullrich syn­

drome 588 borderline ( dimorphaus)

leprosy 150

Borrelia burgdorferi 118 - infection 115, 116 bosh yaws 207 botryomycoma 1058 Bouchard's nodes 578 boura 113 Bourneville-Pringle disease

967 Bourneville's disease 966 boutonneuse fever 62 bovine papilloma virus

(BPV) 13 bowel bypass syndrome

166 Bowen's carcinoma 1003,

1030 Bowen's disease 1003 - subungual tumors 796 bowenoid genital papules/

papulosis 13, 831 BPV (bovine papilloma vi­

rus) 13 branch varicosis, lateral

634 branchial cysts 589 branchial listulas 589 Brazilian - blastomycosis 245 - pemphigus 482 - pemphigus foliaceus 482 breast cancer 1005 breast, libroadenoma 995 Brill's disease 61, 62 Brill-Symmers disease

1095 broad beta disease 854 Brocq, erythrose pigmentee

peri-buccale 692 Brocq-Pautrier syndrome,

angiolupoid 938 Brocq's disease 439, 441 bromhidrosis 745 bromide acne 729 bromoderma 730 bronze baby syndrome

710 bronze diabetes 710, 918 brown recluse spider 255 brucella 216 brucellosis 216 Brugia malayi 262 bubo 126, 127 Buckley (hyper-lgE syn-

drome) 350, 354 Buerger's disease 630 bufexamac 1164 bugs 251 bullae 5 bulla repens 160 bulldog scalp syndrome

587 bullous - congenital ichthyosiform

erythroderma 519 - dermatitis herpetiformis

492 - dermaloses in childhood,

chronic 494 - dermatoses, mixed 494

- disease, classilication 467

- eruption, recurrent, of the hands and feet 469

- (hemorrhagic) amyloid-osis 884

- impetigo 158, 159 - liehen planus 450 bullous pemphigoid 485 - childhood 495 - coexistence 479 - differential diagnosis

478 - edematous 487 - erythematous 487 - juvenile 494 - localized 487 - nail changes 794 - nodular 488 - vegetating 487 - vesicular 48 7 bumblebees 253 Bureau-Barriere syndrome

683 Bürger-Grütz syndrome

853 burn(s) 370 - electric 376 - shock 371 - sunburn 382, 386 - Wallace's rule of nines

371 burning feet syndrome 613 burning of the tongue (glos­

sopyrosis) 81 0 Buschke-Löwenstein tu­

mor 1015 - (condylomata gigantea)

17-19 Buschke-Ollendorf syn­

drome 968, 1049 Buschke's heat melanosis,

induced by elcctric pad 695

Buschke's scleredema 562 Busse-Buschke's disease

244 butazones 1164 butcher's warts 13 butterfly rush 565

cafe-au-lait spot 956, 957 Calabar swelling 269 calcaneal petechiae 368 calcifying epithelioma of

Malherbe 992 calcinosis 913 - acrocalcinosis 914 - disseminated 914 - dystrophic 916 - lipogranulomatosa pro-

grediens 914 - metabolicjmetabolica,

circumscripta 913 - metabolic, localized 914 - metabolic, universal 914 - metastatic 913

calcium chloride 1157 calcium nodules, cutane-

ous 916 - edges of the ears 916 calculus cutaneous 916 California disease 246 callositasjcallosities 367 callus(es) 367, 368 - chewer's 368 - eczema 323 - milker's 368 calvities hippocratica 772,

773 Calymmatobacterium granu-

lomatis 129 Cameroon swelling 269 camouflage 1162 cancer (see also carcinoma,

pre- and pseudocancer­oses or tumors)

- basal cell 1018 - breast 1005 - precanceroses 999 cancerization, lield 1030 cancrum oris 815 candida - C.albicans 221,232ff. - balanitis 234 - balanoposthitis 829 - colpitis 233 - folliculitis 237 - granuloma 241 - intertrigo 235 - onychomycosis 235 - paronychia 235 - vulvovaginitis 233 candidamycosis 232 candidiasis 232 candidosis 232 - in the diaper area 235 - endocrinopathy syn-

drome 238 - interdigital 234 - mucocutancous, chronic

237 - of the mucous mcmbrane

of the mouth 232 - of the vagina 233 canities 764 - physiological 764 - praecox 764 - symptomatica 764 capi\laritis alba 637 carate 115 carbamide purpura 659 carbohydrate- and fat-in-

duced hyperlipidemia 855

carbohydrate-induced hy­perlipedemia 855

carbohydrate-induced tri­glyceridemia 855

carbon dioxide snow 1183 carbon monoxide poison-

ing, acute 290 carbuncle 171 carcinoid, Arning's 1021 carcinoid syndrome, flush-

ing 404

Subject Index 1201

carcinoma (see also pre­and pseudocanceroses, cancer or tumors)

- basal cell (see carcinoma, basal cell)

- Bowen's 1003, 1030 - Merke\ ce\1 1066, 1067 - cn cuirasse 1030 - erysipelatoides 1031 - of the esophagus, kerato-

sis palmoplantaris 522 - genital, herpes genitalis

23 - lip 1028 - Iupus 138 - metastatic 1030 - of the oral cavity, verru-

cous 1013 - penis 1028 - radiation 380 - reticul um cell 1121 - roentgen 380 - secondary 1030 - self-healing primary

squamous ce\1 1014 - in situ, penis 832 - of the skin, neuroendo-

crine 1066 - small ce\1, primary 1066 - spinocellular 1025 - squamous ce\1 1025 - tongue 1029 - trabecular 1066 - vulva 1029 carcinoma, basal ccll 991,

1018 - cystic 1021 - differential diagnosis

1023 - giant 1022 - keloidal 1021 - metatypical 1023 - mixed type 1023 - morpheiform 1021 - nevoid 1 022 - pagetoid 1021 - pigmented 1020 - solid 1019 - superlicial 1021 - ulcerating 1020 carotinosis 710 Carrion's disease 62 cartilage 593 cartilage tumors 1062 Casal's collar 931 Caste\lani's solution 1138 - colorless 1138 castor bean tick 260 catagen phase, hair cycle

757 cataphoresis 1185 cataplasms 1184 cataract, congenital poiki-

lodcrma dysplasia 542 caterpillars 255 cativa 115 cat-scratch disease 189 cat's ear (cheek ear) 588 caulitlower ear 593

1202 Subject Index

caustic drugs 1158 cavernous hemangiomas

1054 cell layer - prickle 511 - spinous 511 cellleukoses, undiffer-

ented 1104 cellular blue nevus 959 cellulite 604 cellulitis 175 - eosinophilic 953 centro blastic-centrocytic

Iymphoma 1095 centroblastic Iymphoma

1096 centrocytic Iymphoma

1095 CEP (congenital erythro­

poietic porphyria) 899, 901

cephalosporins 1173 Ceramides 513 cercarial dermatitis 265 cercical fibromas 1048 cerebello-oculo-cutaneous

telangiectasia 608 cerebroside lipidosis 864 cerebraspinal fluid exami-

nation, syphilis 1 08 cervicallipomatosis 1064 cervicitis, gonorrheal 67 Cestoda (tapeworms) 262 cetrimide 1151 chancre, miliary follicular

126 chancre, soft 125 chancriform pyoderma

179 chancroid 125-127 - complement fixation

test 128 - follicular 126 Chediak-Higashi syn­

drome 388, 699, 866 cheek ear (cat's ear) 588 cheek(s), mucous mem-

branes 812 cheilitis 802 - actinic 802, 803 - allergic 335 - angular 801, 802 - asteatotic 802 - contact 802 - exfoliativa 803 - glandular form 804 - glandularis apostemato-

sa 804 - glandularis simplex 804 - granulomatosa 804 - migrating 801 - sicca 802 - simplex 802, 803 cheiropompholyx 750, 751 chemical(s) 377 - causes, toxic substances

378 - cauterization 377 - depigmentation 705

chemosurgery, Moh's 1024 ehest wall, sclerosing peri­

phlebitis 634 cheveux incoiffables 761,

762 chewer's callus 368 chewing pads 577, 578 Cheyletiella infection 258 cheyletiellosis 258 Chicago disease 244 chickenpox 30 chiclero ulcer 207 chilblains 374 - acute spring 375 - autumn 375 - Iupus 568 childhoodjchildren - acute allergic contact

dermatitis 358 - acute irritant dermatitis

358 - atopic eczema 351, 357 - benign chronic bullous

dermatoses(is) 495 - bullous pemphigoid 495 - chronic allergic contact

eczema 358 - chronic bullous derma­

toses 494 - chronic cumulative irri­

tant eczema 358 - dermatitis 357 - dermatitis herpetiformis

495 - eczema 357 - frictionallichenoid der-

matitis 359 - linear lgA dermatosis

495 - marasmus 926 - nummular eczema 357 - papular dermatitis 359 - peridigital eczema 358 - perioral eczema 357 - prurigo of childhood,

acute 673 - scurvy 933 - seborrheic eczema 357 - skin disorders 1 - symmetrical vermiform

facial atrophy 545 Chinese restaurant syn­

drome 403 chlamydiajchlamydiae

120, 121 - C. psittaci 121 - C. trachomatis 123 - trachomatis with urogeni-

tal infections 122 - urethritis 78 chlamydospores 219 chloasma 690 chloramine 1151 chloramphenicol 1153 chlorhexidine acetate 1151 chloroma 1104 chlorquinaldol 1151 - necrosis 833 chlortetracycline 1153

cholesterol emboli 616 cholinergic urticaria 293,

297 chondrodermatitis nodular­

is chronica helicis 593 chondrodysplasia-heman­

gioma syndrome 1055 chondroma 1063 chondromalacia, general-

ized 594 chromhidrosis 746 chromic acid 1158 chromoblastomycosis 668 chromomycetic elephantia-

sis 668 chromomycosis 241 chronic - lymphadenopathy syn­

drome 50 - lymphocytic leukemia

(CLL) 1086, 1102 - mucocutaneous candido­

sis 237 - mucocutaneous candido­

sis with delayed manifes­tation 238

- porphyria syndrome 906 - pyodermas 178 - vegetating dermatitis

178 - venous insufficiency (see

CVI) chrysiasis 711 Churg-Strauss disease 618 Churg-Strauss granuloma

618 chylomicrons 849 cicatrical pemphigoid 488 cicatrices (scars) 7 ciclopiroxolamine 1154 cimicosis 251 cinnamaldehydes 1161 circumscribed - hyperpigmentation 689 - inflammatory alopecia

778 - myxedema 891 - postinfection alopecia

778 - precancerous melanosis

of Dubreuilh 1037 - scleroderma 554 - sebaceous gland hyper-

plasia 965 - skin edema, acute 309 - temporary alopecia 777 - pretibial myxedema 892 circumscript myxoderma in

hypothyroidism 891 circumvallate papillae 806 citrullinemia 888 Cladosporium 241 clavus 368 claw nail 787 clear cell(s) 956 - acanthoma 989 clearing reaction,

Meinicke 1 02 climatic allergy 351

climatic bubo 123 climatotherapy, psoriasis

434 clindamycin 1154 clioquinol 1151 CLL (chronic lymphocytic

leukemia) 1086, 1102 clothes, contact allergens

326 clubbed fingers - Hippocratic 789 - idiopathic, and periosto-

sis 588 coagulation disorders 649,

654, 655 - liver diseases 655 - uremia 655 coagulation - disseminated intravascu­

lar 649 - electrocoagulation 1186 - intravascular, disseminat-

ed (see also DIC) 654 - intravascular, with fibrin­

olysis 655 coagulopathy, consump-

tion 649, 654 coal tar(s) 1149 - solution 1149 cobalamin (vitamin B12)

932 Coccidioides 246 coccidioidomycosis 246 coccygeal sinus 983 Cockayne's syndrome 388,

540 Cockayne-Touraine syn-

drome 472 coiled gland 747 cold 1183 - compresses 1183 - panniculitis (see also

panniculitis) 375, 598 - purpura 376 - sore 27 - urticaria 295, 375 cold-agglutinin disease 375 collagen - biosynthesis 534 - degeneration, basophil

546 - molecular characteris­

tics 533 - types 534 collagenosis, reactive per­

forating 551 collagenaus plaques of

hands and feet 548 collodion 575 colloid degeneration of the

skin 549 colloid milium 549 color changes 4 coloration, nails 790 colored sweat 746 colorless Castellani's solu-

tion 1138 combined allergy 330 combustio 370

comedo 719 - closed 719 - open 719 comedones - fistula ted 720 - following ionizing radia-

tion 724 - giant 980 common - eczema 323, 332 - gnat 253 - warts 14 compact powder 1138 composition 1145 compression bandaging

641 condyloma acuminatum gi-

ganteum 1015 condylomata - acuminata 13, 14, 17, 18 - acuminata, classic type

17 - gigantea (Buschke-Löwe-

nstein tumor) 17-19 - plana 17, 18 confirmatory tests 107 congelation 373 congenital - absence of skin 586 - alopecia 769 - atrophies of the skin

538 - dyskeratosis 541 - ectodermal dysplasia

542 - erythroderma with deaf­

ness 528 - erythrodermia ichthyosi­

formis 761 - erythropoietic porphyria

(CEP) 899, 901 - fistulae of the lower lip

800, 801 - generalized phlebectasia

612 - hypertrichosis lanugino­

sa 765 - hypotrichosis 769 - ichthyosiform erythro-

derma, nonbullous 517 - localized absence of skin

(see congenitallocalized ... )

- lymphedema, essential 667

- lymphedema, hereditary 666

- melanosis diffusa 697, 698

- mesodermal dysplasia 542

- nail changes 791 - neurocutaneous sensory

syndromes 682 - pachyonychia 792 - phimosis 826 - poikiloderma (see con-

genitaL poikiloderma) - polykeratosis 792

- porphyria 901 - progressive lipodystro-

phy 603 - self-healing reticulo­

histiocytosis 1115 - syphilis 97-99 - telangiectasis with dyso-

tosis 542 - telangiectatic erythema

607 - white spots 699 congential localized absence

of skin 473 - and associated abnormal­

ities resembling epider­molysis bullosa 473

- epidermolysis bullosa and 473

congenital poikiloderma 540, 541

- with blisters 541 - dysplasia with cataract

542 - with warty hyperkerato-

sis 542 conidia 219 conidiophores 219 conjunctivitis - allergic 335 - gonorrheal 72 - inclusion 123 connective tissue 533-535,

1046 - disease (see connective

tissue d i scase) - collagen fiber 533 - collagen molecule 533 - elastic fiber 534 - fibroblast 533 - ground substance 534 - hereditary syndromes

534 - nevi/nevus, lumbosacral

968 - nevijnevus, !arge nodular

disseminated 968 - panniculitis 601 - reticulin fiber 534 connective tissue disease

577 - feet 577 - hands 577 - panniculitis 601 - penis 577 constitulional face mask

404 constitutional granular gi­

gantism 866 constriction of extremities

587 construction workers and

masons, contact dermati­tis and eczema 327

consumption coagulo­pathy 649, 654

contact acne 723 contact allergens (see also

contact allergy) 324-327, 330

- clothes 326 - cosmetics 326 - environment 361 - jewelry 326 - leather 326 - location of skin reaction

326 - occupational 327 - plants 326 - rubber components

326 - topical treatment agents

326 contact allergy 329, 330 - immune tolerance 330 - lymphocytic transforma-

tion test (L TT) 330 - macrophage migration

inhibition 330 - monovalent 329 - oligovalent 329 - polyvalent 329 - resistance 330 contact cheilitis 802 contact dermatitis 277,

316, 327 - acute (see contact derma­

titis, acute) - agriculture 327 - allergic, acute (see con-

tact dermatitis, acute al­lergic)

- allergic, chronic 332 - allergic, hematogenous

335 - bakers 327 - diagnostic test kit 327 - electricians 327 - hairdressers 327 - housewives 327 - irritant, acute (see con-

tact dermatitis, acute irri­tant)

- irritant, chronic 318 - masons and construction

workers 327 - meta] workers 327 - office workers 327 - professions allied to med-

icine 327 - textile workers 327 contact dermatitis, acute - allergic (see contact dcr-

matitis, acute allergic) - antibiolies 338, 339 - antihistamines 339 - antiinflammatory drugs

338 - antimicrobial sub­

stances 338 - chemotherapeutic

agents 339 - dermatological radiother­

apy 339 - glucocorticosteroids

337, 339 - irritant (see contact der­

matitis, acute irritant) - nonallergic 316

Subject Index 1203

- nonsteroidal antiinflam-matory agents 338

- salicylic acid 338 - saluretics 339 - sulfur 338 - tars 338 contact dermatitis, acute al­

lergic 331 - avoidance of contact al-

lergens 336 - children 358 - cleansing of the skin 336 - removal 336 contact dermatitis, acute ir­

ritant 316-318 - chemical contact irri­

tants 317 - crusted stage (stadium

crustosum) 317 - erythema stage (stadium

erythematosum et oede­matosum) 317

- exudative stage (stadium madidans) 317

- physical irritants 317 - residual erythema stage

318 - scaling stage (stadium

squamosum) 317 - vesicular stage (stadium

vesiculosum et bullo­sum) 317

contact eczema 316 - acute allergic 331 - acute toxic 316 - agriculture 327 - allergic, acute 331 - allergic, chronic (see con-

tact eczema, chronic al­lergic)

- allergic, hematogenous 335

- bakers 327 - chronic (see contact ecze-

ma, chronic) - diagnostic test kit 327 - cleansing of the skin 336 - electricians 327 - housewives 327 - masons and construction

workers 327 - meta! workers 327 - nonallcrgic 318 - office workers 327 - professions allied to med-

icine 327 - removal 336 - textile workers 327 - treatment 336 contact eczema, chronic - allergic 332 - allergic, avoidance of

contact allergens 336 - antibiolies 338, 339 - antihistamines 339 - antiinflammatory drugs

338 - antimicrobial sub­

stances 338

1204 Subject Index

contact eczema, chronic - chcmotherapeutic

agents 339 - cumulative irritant 318 - dermatological radiother-

apy 339 - glucocorticosteroids

337, 339 - nonsteroidal antiinflam-

matory agents 338 - salicylic acid 338 - saluretics 339 - sulfur 338 - tars 338 - therapy 1193 contact urticaria (see also

urticaria) 293, 294 copper - copper II, oleate-tetra-

hydronaphthalene 1160 - deficiency, pili torti 761 - metabolism 918, 920 coproporphyria, hereditary

(HCP) 899, 909 cord-likc superficial phlebi­

tis 634 cord-shaped superficial

phlebitis of the penis 825 Cori's discase 888 corn 368 Cornelia de Lange syn­

dromc 767, 924 corneocyte 512 cornu cutaneum 1002,

1003 corona phlebectatica 610 coronal sulcus lymphangi­

tis 824 coronal sulcus phlebitis

825 corpusdes - Golgi-Mazzoni 671 - Krause's 671 - Pacini's 671 - Ruffini's 671 corrosion 377 corticosteroid( s) 1164,

1165, 1170 - combination prepara-

tions 1167 - high potency 1165 - lipodystrophy 601 - mild 1165 - moderate strength 1165 - potent 1165 - treatment/therapy, side

effects 1166 - treatmentjtherapy,

systemic 1171 corynebacteria 180, 181 cosmetic acne 723 cosmetics, contact aller-

gens 326 Costen's syndrome 810 cotrimoxazole 1174 cough test 640 coumarin necrosis, hemor­

rhagic 284 Cowdcn's syndrome 813

cowpox virus 38, 39 coxsackievirus 42 - exanthem 43 - infections 43 - type A 43 crab louse 248, 250 Crandall's syndrome 761 creams 1145 creeping eruption 254, 267 CREST syndrome 557ff.,

915 crooked nail 787 Crosti's reticulohistiocyto­

sis 1120 Crosti's syndrome 1120 crotamiton 1155, 1160,

1164 Crouzon's syndrome 455 Crowe's sign 690 CRST syndrome 915 crural ulcer 638 crusted scabies 258 crusts 6 cryoglobulinemia 375, 877 - monoclonal 877 - polyclonal 877 cryosurgery 1183 cryptococcosis 244 cryptococcus 232, 244 Cu/ex pipiens 253 culicosis bullosa 254 culicosis, gnat bites 254 cumulative irritant contact

eczema, chronic 318 - children 358 curly hair nevus 968 curly hair syndrome 920 cutaneous - American leishmaniasis

207 - amyloidoses 882 - apudoma 1066 - calcium nodules 916 - diphtheria 184 - extravascular necrotizing

granuloma 618 - histiocytoses 1113 - horn 1002 - larva migrans 267 - lcishmaniasis 203 - leukemias 1102 - Iupus erythematosus 564

mastocytoses 11 07, 11 08 - non-Hodgkin's Iympho­

mas, high malignancy 1096

- paraneoplastic syn­dromes 1125

- polyarteritis nodosa 617 - reticulohistiocytosis

1115 - reticulosarcoma 1121 - reticuloses 1121 - syphilid 94 - T-celllymphomas, stag-

ing classification 1090 - T-celllymphomas, TNM

staging classification 1090

cute 115 cutis - hyperelastica 535 - laxa 536, 537 - marmorata 611 - marmorata telangiectati-

ca congenita 612 - rhomboidalis nuchae

547 - verticis gyrata 587, 588 - verticis plicata 587 CVI (chronic venous insuf-

ficiency) 635, 636 - clinical findings 636 - grades 636 cylindroma 993 cystadenoma, papillary in-

trad uctal 99 5 cyst(s) 720, 977ff. - branchial 589 - dermoid 984 - ear 589 - epidermal 979 - epidermal, secondary

979 - epithelial, traumatic

980 - epithelial, true 801 - epithelioma adenoides

cysticum 991 - erruptive vellus hair 980 - hair, rolled 763 - mucoid dorsal cyst of the

fingers 985 - mucoid, digital 985 - mucous 985 - mucous, traumatic 801 - myxoid finger 985 - neck 589 - pilonidal 983 - proliferating trichilem-

mal 981, 991 - salivary gland 984 - serotat 979 - sebaceus 980, 981 - sebaceus retention 981 - sweat gland 984 - thyroglossal duct 590 - traumatic mucous gland

985 - traumatic mucous reten-

tion 985 - trichilemmal 980, 981 cystic - basal cell carcinoma

1021 - fibrosis 927 - pancreatic fibrosis 927 - tumors 977, 978 - tumors, nevoid 978 cysticercosis 262, 263 cysticercus disease 262 cystinosis 888 cytostatic drugs/cytostat-

ics 1175 - psoriasis vulgaris 435 cytotoxic drugs 1158 cytotoxic reaction, type II


Dandruff (pityriasis simplex capillitii) 319

Darier's disease 10, 524 - nail changw 94 Darier-White disease 524 dark repair 382 Darling's disease 246 Oe Sactis-Caccione syn-

drome 388 dead finger 615 deafness, congenital eryth-

roderma 528 decorative tattooing 712 decubitus ulcer 369 deep mycoses 219, 241 deep thrombophlebitis 632 deer fly fever 215 defibrination syndrome

649,654,655 defluvium 768 degenerative conditions,

chronic 1 008 delayed tanning 688 Delhi sore 203 deltoideoacromial melano-

cytosis 959 delusion of parasitosis 681 demodicidosis 733 demodicosis 733 deodorant granuloma 948 depigmentation 4, 702 - chemical 705 depigmenting drugs 1161 depilatory substances 1161 depressive syndrome, psy-

chopharmaceutic agents 1179

dequalinium chloride 1152 dequalinium necrosis 833 Dercum's disease 604,

1064 dermabrasion 1184 dermal - duct 747 - duct tumor 994 - leishmanoid 203, 206 - melanocytes 956 - melanocytic nevi 958 - mucinoses 890 - mycoses 241 - plexus, deep 607 - plexus, superficial 607 dermatite - bulleuse muco-syne­

chiante 488 - lichenoide purpurique et

pigmentee 660 - polymorphe doulour-

euse 491 - du tobogan 452 dermatitis 316ff. - ammoniacalis ( diaper

dermatitis) 322 - artefacta 680 - autogenica 680 - autoimmune progester-

one 490 - autoimmune progester­

one, pregnancy 846

- berloque 391 - blastomyces 244 - bullosa pratensis 392 - cercarial 265 - children 357 - chronic vegetating 1 78 - congelationis bullosa

373 - congelationis erythema­

tosa 373 - congelationis escarotica

373 - contact (see also con-

tact) 277, 316, 332 - contusiformis 413 - diagnostic test kit 328 - diaper 235, 236, 322 - exfoliativa neonatorum

159 - factitial 680, 681 - frictionallichenoid, chil-

dren 359 - granulomatous 953 - hemorrhagic contact

663 - herpetiformis 491, 492 - herpetiformis, child-

hood 495 - herpetiformis, differential

diagnosis 478 - hidrotica 752 - hiemalis 358 - hot tub 166 - hot-tub-associated 166 - hypereosinophilic 953 - hyperkeratotic, of the

palms 323 - IgE 354 - infants 357 - in ichthyosis 515 - irritant 316 - juvenile dermatitis herpe-

tiformis 495 - livedo-like 289 - lupoid perioral 735 - mite 258 - multiformis gestationis

490 - nail(s) changes 793 - napkin 360 - nummular 344 - occupational 361 - overtreatment 330 - papillaris capillitii 167 - papular, children 359 - papular, pregnancy 847 - papulosa juvenilajjuveni-

lis 359, 452 - pellagra 931 - perioral 734 - phototoxic 389 - phytophotodermatitis

392 - pratensis 392 - purpuric pigmented li-

chenoid 660 - radiodermatitis 379 - recurrent granulomatous,

with eosinophilia 953

- repens 429, 502 - roentgen ray 379 - sandbox 359, 452 - schistosomal 265 - seborrhoides infantum

340 - solarjsolaris 317, 386 - spa pool 166 - superficial, chronic 441 - ulcerosa 179, 623 - verrucosa 668 - (verrucous neurodermati-

tis) 679 - water 267 - whirlpool (jacuzzi) 166 - X-ray 379 dermatoarthritis, lipoid

1114 dermatochalasis 536 dermatofibroma 1048,

1049 - lenticulare 1 048 - pseudosarcomatous

1051 dermatofibrosarcoma pro­

tuberans 1052 dermatofibrosis lenticularis

disserninata with osteo­poikilosis 1049

dermatographia alba 46 dermatohistopathology 10 dermatological - bases 1133 - diagnosis 1 ff. - tinctures 1137 dermatome 33 dermatomycoses 219ff. - dermatophytes 223 ff. - molds 240 - yeasts 232 ff. dermatomyositis 574 - nail changes 794 dermatopathic Iymphadeni-

tis 1078 dermatopathic lymphade­

nopathy 1078 dermatopharmacology

1132 dermatophytes 220, 221,

223ff. dermatophytoses 223 ff. - immune phenomena

229 - treatment 230ff. dermatosclerosis, stasis

636,637 dermatosesjdermatosis - acute febrile neutrophil-

ic 415 - ashy 405, 696 - bullous, mixed 494 - digitate 441 - drug-provoked 287 - erosive pustular, scalp

505 - of the flexures, reticulat­

ed pigmentary 988 - hemorrhagic-pigmen­

tary 659

- light, Iupus erythemato­sus-like 397

- linear IgA 493 - papular acantholytic

484 - papulo-hyperkeratosique

en stries 529 - papulosa nigra 458 - peridigital 358 - persistent acantholytic

484 - photoallergic 392 - photodermatosis 380 - pigment, small spotted

696 - pigmentaria progressiva

659 - plantar, juvenile 358 - porphyrin, actinic-trau-

matic bullous 906 - of pregnancy 845 - protoporphyrinemic

light 902 - pseudopelade state 770,

771 - pustular, subcorneal 505 - rosacea-like 734 - rosacea-like, familial

734 - systemic treatment 1170 - topical treatment 1132 - transitory acantholytic

484 dermatostomatitis 409 dermatozoal delusion 681 dermis, changes 11 dermographic urticaria

295 dermographism 294 - black 712 - red 294 - white 350, 356 dermoid cysts 984 dermopathic lymphadenop-

athy 446 desensitization 311 desert rheumatism 246 desert ulcer 926 desmoplastic melanoma

1039 desmoplastic trichoepithe-

lioma 991 desquamation 6 - collarette 6 - exfoliative 6 - furfuraceous 6 - ichthyosiform 6 - insensible 512 - psoriasiform 6 - small-lamellar 6 Dharmendra test 147 diabetes - bronze 710, 918 - insipidus, xanthoma dis-

seminatum 857 - mellitus, lipoatrophic

603 diabetic - angiopathy 629

Subject Index 1205

- balanoposthitis 828 - gangreue 629 - macroangiopathy 629 - microangiopathy 629 - vulvovaginitis 837 diachylon ointment 1146 diagnosis, dermatological

1ff. diaper dermatitis (dermati­

tis ammoniacalis) 235, 236,322

DIC (disseminated intra­vascular coagulation) 649, 654

- diseases 655 dichuchewa 115 diet, avoidance 303 diffuse - chronic mucocutaneous

candidosis 238 - fasciitis with eosinophi-·

lia 562 - keratoses 514 - myxedema in hypothyr-

oidism 891 - sclerodermia 556 digital mucoid cyst 985 digitate dermatosis 441 digitus mortuus 615 dilated pore 983, 991 dimple wart 21 dinitrochlorobenzene 1159 diphtheria, cutaneous 184 Diphyllobothrium latum

262 diptera 253 discoid Iupus erythemato-

sus (DLE) 564, 565 discoidal eczema 344 dissection tuberde 135 disseminated - calcinosis 914 - gonococcal infection 74 - intravascular coagulation

(see also DIC) 649, 654 - lipogranulomatosis 865 - Iupus erythematosus

567 - mastocytoma 1108,

1109 - pruriginous angioderma­

titis 661 - seborrheic eczema 343 - superficial actinic poro-

keratosis 527 - syringoma 994 - xanthomas with hepato-

splenomegaly associated with hyperlipidemia 853

DLE (discoid Iupus erythe­matosus) 564, 565

DNA repair mechanism 381

dog tapewarm disease 263 dolichostenomelia 537 Donovaniosis 129 doppler sonography, ve-

nous function 640 dosimeters 381, 1191

1206 Subject Index

dosimetry 381 dracontiasis 269 dracunculiasis 269 dracunculosis 269 Dracunculus medinensis

262, 269 draining sinus 720 dressings, dry 1136 dressings, wet 1134, 1136,

1137 drug(s) - anesthetizing 1155 - antibiotic 1153 - antifungal 1154 - antiinflammatory 1164 - antiperspirant 1160 - antipruritic 1155 - antiseptic 1150 - astringent 1157 - caustic 1158 - cytostatic, psoriasis vul-

garis 435 - cytotoxic 1158 - depigmenting 1161 - eruptions (see drug erup-

tions) - exanthem 275 - hyperemic 1156 - induced Lyell's syn-

drome 281, 282 - intolerance of the skin

275 - keratolytic 1156 - keratoplastic 1157 - nonsteroidal antiinflam-

matory 1175 - panniculitis 598 - pigmenting 1161 - reactions (see drug reac-

tions) - skin necroses 289 - as sunscreens 1161 - virostatic 1158 drug eruptions 275, 276 - acneiform (acne-like)

286 - allergic leukocytoclastic

vasculitis 284 - allergic reactions 27 5 - antibodies 276 - antigens 276 - eczema type 279 - eliciting drugs 280 - erythema multifore 280 - erythematobullous 280 - erythematous-hemor-

rhagic 283 - erythematovesicular 280 - fixed 284, 285 - guidelines to diagnosis

288 - hemorrhagic 283 - hemorrhagic-bullous

283 - maculourticarial 280 - monovalent sensitiza-

tion 276 - morbilliform 279 - para compounds 276

- polyvalent sensitization 276

- pruritus 286 - rubeoliform 279 - scarlatiniform 279 - serum-sickness type 279,

286 - tuberculin type 279 drug reactions 275 - cumulative dose 275 - erythema nodosum-like

284 - lichenoid 285 - overdosage 275 - serum sickness type 286 drug-induced - hypertrichosis 766, 767 - Lyell's syndrome 281 - nonimmunological (pseu-

doallergic) urticaria 293, 298

drug-provoked dermatoses 287

drumstick fingers 789 dry dressings 1136 Dubreuilh, circumscribed

precancerous melanosis 1037

Duchenne's disease 97 duct tumor, dermal 994 Duhring-Brocq disease

491 dumdum fever 206 Dupuytren's finger contrac-

ture 579 dusting powder 1138 dyes 1149, 1150 dysbetalipoproteinemia

854 dyschromatosis universalis

hereditaria 697 dyschromias 710 - endogenaus 710 - exogenaus 711 dysgeusia 810 dyshidrosiform - eczema, chronic allergic

335 - eczema, hematogenous

allergic 3 3 5 - pemphigoid 488 dyshidrosis 750, 751 - lamellosa sicca 751 dyshidrotic eczema 334 dyskeratoma, warty 990,

991 dyskeratosis 10, 514 - congenital 541 - follicularis 524 - follicularis isolata 990 dysplastic nevus 963 - syndromes 963 dysporia enterobroncho-

pancreatica congenita fa­miliaris 927

dystrophia bullosa heredi­taria, typus maculatus seu Amsterdam 473

dystrophia myotonica 540

dystrophic calcinosis 916 dystrophic epidermolyses


ear - check (ear, cat's) 588 - cauliflower 593 - cysts 589 - fistulas 589 - nodule, painful 593 ecchymoses 4, 649 eccrine - hidrocystoma 984 - poroma 994 - spiradenoma 994 - sweat 747 - sweat gland 747 echinococciasis 263 echinococcosis 263 echinococcus 263 - E. granulosus 262 - E. multilocularis 262 ecthyma 176 - contagiosum 41 - gangraenosum terebrans

176 - infectiosum 40 ectodermal dysplasia 792 - anhidrotic 752 ectodermal polydysplasia

752 ectodermose erosive pluri­

orificielle 409 ectopic ossification 913 ectopic sebaceous glands

800, 823 eczema 316 ff. - asteatotic of the aged

362 - atopic (see also atopic ec­

zema) 346, 348 ff. - atopic, infants and chil-

dren 357 - callus 323 - children 357 - chronic allergic dyshidro-

siform 335 - chronic venous insuffi­

ciency 334 - common 323, 332 - contact (see also contact

eczema) 316, 332 - diagnostic test kit 328 - discoidal 344 - dyshidrotic 334 - in the elderly 362 - endogenaus 348 - flexural 352 - forefoot 358 - hand and foot, hyper-

keratotic fissured 323 - hand and foot, tylotic

323 - herpeticatum 24 - herpeticum 26 - hiemalis 362 - infants 357

- intertriginous 322 - iterative traumatic (Ha-

germann) 318 - lichenified 332 - lip-licking 802 - marginatum 226 - molluscatum 22 - nummular (see nummu-

lar eczema) - occupational 361 - peridigital, children 358 - perioral, infants and chil-

dren 357 - seborrheic (sec seborrheic

eczema) - solare 397 - toxic degenerative 318 - vaccinatum 38 - of the vulva 841 eczematid, exsiccation 362 eczematid-like purpura

661 eczernatoid 1021 edema, differential diagno­

sis 668 edematous bullous pemphi-

goid 487 effluviurn 768 - anagen-dystrophic 769 - androgenetic 772 - telogen 768 Ehlers-Danlos syndrorne

535 - clinical classification

536 elasteidose cutanee nodu­

laire a kystes et a com­edones 548

elastic fiber 534 elastoma - diffusurn 547 - intrapapillare perforans

verruciforme (Miescher) 550

- juvenile 968 - perforating 550 elastorrhexis 12 - generalisata et systemica

(Touraine) 549 elastoses/elastosis 546 - actinic 546 - colloidalis conglomerata

549 - generalized 536 - perforans serpiginosa

550, 551 - Roentgen 549 - senilis 546 - solaris 546 - urernic 549 - X-ray 549 elastotic nodules of the an­

thelix 549 electric bums 376 electricians, contact derma-

titis and eczerna 327 electricity 376, 1185 electrocoagulation 1186 electrodesiccation 1186

electrofulguration 1186 electrolysis 1185 electrophoresis 1185 electrosurgery 1185, 1186 elephantiasis 124, 667 - chromomycetic 668 - congenita hereditaria

666 - nostras 668, 669 - tropical 268, 668 eliciting drugs, drug erup­

tions 280 ELISA (enzyme-linked im­

munosorbent assay) 55, 105

emboli 616 - bacterial 616 - cholesterol 616 - fat 616 - malignant tumor 616 - myxoma 616 embolia cutis medicamento-

sa 289,290 embryopathia rubeolica 46 EM 0 syndrome 892 emotional hyperhidrosis

747 emulsions 1144 - liquid (Iotions) 1145 - oil-in-water 1147 - water-in-oil 1146 enchondromas, subungual

797 endangiitis obliterans 630 endarteritis 630 endemic syphilis 115 endemic typhus 62 endocarditis, gonoccocal

74 endogenaus - dyschromias 710 - eczema 348 - hyperactivity 346 - hyperlipemia 855 - hypertriglyceridemia

855 endometrioma 842 endometriosis 842 endometritis, gonorrheal

68 endomycoses 244 endotheliosis, neoplastic

1096 endotheliosis, proliferating

1096 enterobiasis 266 enzyme-linked immunosor­

bent assay (ELISA) 55, 105

eosinophilic - cellulitis 953 - fasciitis 562 - granuloma of bone 1119 - histiocytosis 954 - infiltration of the skin,

acute 953 - leukemia 1105 - leukemoid 953, 1106 - lymphofolliculitis 1077

- pustular folliculitits 508 - pustulosis 508 - reticulosis 953 ephelides 689 epidemic typhus 62 epidermal - cysts 979 - cysts, secondary 979 - Iipid 513 - melanin unit 686 - melanocytes 956 - melanocytic nevi 956 - nevi 964 - pyodermas 156 epidermis 511 - atrophy of 10 - changes 10 - differentiation 512 - function 513 - proliferation 512 epidermodysplasia verruci­

formis (Lewandowsky­Lutz disease) 13, 19

epidermolysesjepidermoly-sis 467

- acuta toxica 281 - bullosa (see epidermoly-

sis bullosa) - classification 467 - congenitallocalized ab-

sence of skin 473 - hereditary 467 - necroticans combustifor-

mis 281 - nondystrophic 467 - toxica acuta 159 epidermolysis bullosa - acquisita 473 - albopapuloidea 472 - Amsterdam type 473 - atrophieans (see epider-

molysis bullosa atrophi­cans)

- dystrophica (see epider­molysis bullosa dystro­phica)

- hereditaria (see epider­molysis bullosa heredi­taria)

- herpetiformis 469 - junctional 469 - letalis 469 - maculatus type 473 - manuum et pedum aesti-

valis 469 - neurotrophica (progressi­

va) 472 - simplex (see epidermoly­

sis bullosa simplex) epidermolysis bullosa atro­

phieans - generalisata gravis Her­

litz 469 - generalisata mitis Disen-

tis 473 - of hands and feet 469 - polydysplastica 470 epidermolysis bullosa dys­

trophica (Pasini) 470-472

- Disentis type 473 - dominans 472 - Hallopeau-Siemens 470 - with hypacusis 472 - hyperplastica 472 - localisata 472 - nail changes 794 epidermolysis bullosa here-

ditaria - dystrophica 470 - letalis 469 - simplex Köbner 468 epidermolysis bullosa sim-

plex 468 - Ogna type 469 - Weber-Cockayne 469 epidermolytic hyperkerato­

sis 514, 519 Epidermophyton floccosum

220,221 (223),225,227 epidermophytosis 223 epidermopoiesis 512 epidermotropic reticulosis

1092 epiloia 966 epithelial - cysts, true 801 - hyperplasia, pseudoepith-

eliomatous 1012 - mucinosis 895 - nevi 964 - root 756 - tumors 987, 1018 - tumors, benign 987 epithelioid cell granuloma

940 epithelioma - adenoides cysticum 990,

991 - basal cell 991, 1018 - basocellulare 1018 - contagiosum 21 - cuniculatum 1014 - multiple, self-healing

1014 - spinocellulare 1025 epitheliome calcifie des

glandes sebacees 992 epitheliome papillaire nu

1004 epitheliome pavimenteux

mixte, intermediaire 1023

epidemic typhus 61 epizoonoses 248 EPP ( erythropoietic proto­

porphyria) 886, 899, 902,903

epulis 812 - fissuratum 812 erosio interdigitalis blasto-

mycetica 234 erosions 6 erosive Iichen planus 450 - of the mucosa 448 erosive pustular dermatosis

of the scalp 505 eruptive - hidradenoma 994

Subject Index 1207

- lentiginosis 692 - milia 977, 979 - vellus hair cysts 980 erysipelas 174 erysipeloid 211 erysipelothrix rhusiopath-

iae 211 erythema(s) 5, 403 - ab igne 612 - annulare centrifugum

406 - annulare familiale 407 - annulare rheumaticum

407 - arthriticum epidemicum

216 - chronicum migrans 117,

118 - circinatum 407 - congenital telangiectatic

607 - contagiosum 40 - contusiforme 413 - dyschromicum perstans

405, 696 - e pudore 403 - elevatum diutinum 408 - exsudativum multiforme

409 - faciale persistens 404 - figurate 406 - gyratum repens 407 - induratum 143, 144 - infectiousjinfectiosum

43,48 - malignant 575 - marginatum rheumati-

cum 407 - migrans acriforme et pal­

pabile 1075 - migrans borreliosis 115 - multiforme (see erythema

multiforme) - necrolytic migratory 407 - necroticans migrans

407 - neonatorum allergicum

405 - nodosum (see erythema

nodosum) - nodular 409, 414 - palmar 404 - palmare et plantare here-

ditarium 404 - palmare et plantare

symptomaticum 404 - toxic, neonatesjtoxicum

neonatorum 405 erythema multiforme 30,

280, 409-411, 413 - annuale 30 - drug eruptions 280 - majorform 410 - minor form 410 - postherpetic 30, 409 - severe form 410 - simplexform 410 erythema nodosum 413 - gravidarum 847

1208 Subject Index

erythema nodosum 413 ~ nodosum-like drug reac­

tion 284 ~ in pregnancy 847 erythematobullous drug er­

uptions 280 erythematoid 1021 erythematosquamous skin

diseases 403 erythematous ~ bullous pemphigoid 487 ~ mucinosis 895 ~ skin diseases 403 erythematous-hemorrhagic

drug eruptions 283 erythematovesicular drug

eruptions 280 erythermalgia 613 erythralgia 613 erythrasmas 181 erythrocyanosis crurum

paellarum 612 erythroderma 444 ~ exfoliative 280 ~ generalization of derma­

toses 446 ~ hematological disease

446 ~ lymphatic-leukemic 1103 ~ malignant cutaneous

Iymphomas 446 ~ psoriatic 422, 428 ~ seborrheic 343 ~ T -cell 1 090 ~ unknown cause 446 erythrodermia ~ desquamativa 341 ~ ichthyosiformis congeni­

ta 761 ~ ichthyosiformis congeni­

talis bullosa 519 ~ psoriatica 423 erythrodermie pityriasique

en plaques disseminees 441

erythrohepatic protopor-phyria 902, 909

erythrokeratodermia ~ figurata variabilis 527 ~ symmetrica progressiva

528 ~ variabilis 527 erythromelalgia 613 erythromelanosis interfolli-

cularis colli 609, 610 erythromelia 119 erythromycin 1154, 1174 erythroplasia 1004 erythropoietic ~ porphyrias 899 ~ porphyrias, congenital

(CEP) 899, 901 ~ porphyrin-hepatitis 909 ~ protoporphyria (EPP)

886, 899, 902, 903 erythrosesjerythrosis ~ interfollicularis colli 609 ~ peribuccale pigmentaire

Brocq 692

~ pigmentata faciei 692 ~ pigmentee peri-buccale espundia (mucocutaneous

form) 207 essential congenitallym­

phedema 667 essential hypercholesterol­

emia 853 ether, phenol 1158 etretinate (tegison, tiga-

son) 1177 eucerin 1146 eumelanins 687 European blastomycosis

244 euthyroidism, mucinoses

892 exanthem ~ coxsackievirus 43 ~ drug-induced, allergic

275 ~ drug-induced, toxic 275 ~ serum sickness 286 ~ subitum 48 ~ subitum, infectious dis-

eases 43 ~ three-day-fever 48 excision repair 382 excoriations 7 exertion urticaria 297 exfoliatio ~ linguae areata 807 ~ manuum areata 751 ~ oleosa neonatorum 518 exfoliative erythroderma

280 exocytosis 11 exogenous ~ dyschromias 711 ~ heterochromia 765 ~ hyperlipemia 855 ~ ochronosis 711 ~ telangiectasia 609 ~ variant of pseudoxantho­

ma elasticum of the aged farmer 550

Exophiala 221, 240 exostosis, subungual 796 exsiccation eczematid 362 extravasations 649 extravascular necrotizing

granuloma, cutaneous 618

extremities, constriction 587

Fabry's disease 862, 888 Fabry's syndrome 862 facial granuloma 944 ~ with eosinophilia 944 facies scarlatinosa 45 factitial ~ dermatitis 680, 681 ~ diseases 680 ~ lymphedema 670, 681 ~ panniculitis 599 factor VII deficiency 654

factor VIII deficiency 654 factor XII deficiency 654 facultative precanceroses

1007, 1008 false knuckle pad 577 falsepox 40 familial ~ atypical multiple mole

melanoma syndrome 963

~ chronic mucocutaneous candidosis 238

~ hypercholesterolemia 853

~ hyperchylomicronemia 853

~ hyperlipoproteinemias 856

~ idiopathic hypercholes­terolemic xanthomatosis 853

~ lipogranulomatosis 865 ~ pachydermoperiostosis

588 ~ rosacea-like dermatosis

734 ~ thrombocytopenia with

eczema 650 ~ xanthelasma without hy-

perlipoproteinemia 858 Fanconi's anemia 650 Farber's disease 865 fasciitis ~ eosinophilic 562 ~ nodularis pseudosarco-

matosa 1051 ~ ossificans 1051 Faseiotapsis buski 262 fat ~ and carbohydrate-in­

duced hyperlipidemia 855 ~ emboli 616 ~ necrosis of the newborn,

subcutaneous 599 ~ sclerema of the newborn

599 ~ sclerosis, symmetrical

599 ~ syndrome, painful 604 ~ synthetic 1146 ~ wool 1146 fatal cutaneointestinal syn-

drome 631 fatty ointments 1144 fatty tissue 596 ~ newborn 599 ~ subcutaneous 596 Favre-Racouchot syn-

drome 548 favus (ringworm) 224 febrile mucocutaneous

lymphadenopathy syn­drome, acute 412

febrile neutrophilic derma-tosis, acute 415

febris melitensis 216 febris undulans 216 Feer's disease 615 feet/foot

~ athlete's 227 ~ atopic winter 358 ~ burning feet syndrome

613 ~ collagenous plaques 548 ~ connective tissue disease

577 ~ eczema, hyperkeratotic

fissured 323 ~ eczema, tylotic 323 ~ epidermolysis bullosa

469 ~ false foot-and-mouth dis­

ease 42 ~ foot-and-mouth disease

41 ~ foot-and-mouth disease

virus (FMD virus) 41 ~ forefoot eczema 358 ~ hand-foot-mouth exan-

them 42 ~ ichthyosis 515 ~ Madura 188, 243 ~ mycosis 227 ~ recurrent bullous erup­

tion 469 ~ ringworm 227 female external genitalia

836 ~ sebaceous glands 836 female pattern hair loss 773 Fernandez reaction 148 fetal osteoporosis 538 fetus, harlequin 517 Feuerstein-Mims syn-

drome 966 fever ~ aphthous 41 ~ blister 27 ~ boutonneuse 62 ~ deer fly 215 ~ dumdum 206 ~ glandular 820 ~ glandular, Pfeiffer's

820 ~ Haverhill 216 ~ Iemming 215 ~ Malta 216 ~ Mediterranean 62, 216 ~ Oroya 62 ~ Q fever 62 ~ Q fever, rickettsia dis­

eases 62 rat-bite 216

~ rickettsial 61 ~63 ~ Rocky mountain spotted

62 ~ scarlet 43, 45 ~ scarlet, infectious dis-

eases 43 ~ South African tickbite 62 ~ sweating 752 ~ three-day-fever exan-

them 48 ~ tsutsugamushi 62 ~ undulant 216 ~ valley 246 fibroadenoma of the

breast 995

fibroepithelial tumor 1022 - premalignant 1022 fibrocpithelioma 991 fibrokeratoma, acquired

1050 fibrolipoma 1063 fibroma 1049 - axillary 1 048 - cervical 1 048 - dermatofibroma 1048 - dermatofibrosis lenticu-

laris disseminata 1049 - durum 1048, 1050 - of the fingers, multiple

578 - hard 1048 - molle 1048 - pendulum 1048 - simplex 1048 fibromatosis - aggressive, infantile 1052 - cutis, perifollicular, with

colon polyps 1049 - digital, infantile 1052 - hyalin, juvenile 1052 - plantar 579 - pseudosarcomatous, sub-

cutaneous 1051 fibrome en pastille 1048 fibrosarcoma 1053 fibrosis nodularis nasi 1049 fibrosis, nodular, subepi-

dermal 1050 fibrous papule of the nose

1049 fibroxanthoma, atypical

1052 field cancerization 1030 Fiessinger-Leroy syn­

drome 79 Fiessinger-Rendu syn-

drome 409 fifth - disease 48 - obligate cutaneous

paraneoplasia 407 - phakomatosis 1022 fig warts 17 figurate erythemas 406 filarial elephantiasis 668 filiarosis 268 filiform verrucae vulgarcs

15 fillagrin 512 finger(s) - aploplexy 659 - clubbing (hippocratic)

789 - contraction, Dupuy-

tren's 579 - cyst, myxoid 985 - dead 615 - drumstick 789 - idiopathic clubbed, and

periostosis 588 - mucoid dorsal cyst 985 - multiple fibroma 578 - paroxysmal finger hema-

toma 659

- sucker's callus 368 - white 615 - warts 13 fish odor syndrome 872 fissures 7 fistula(s) - branchial 589 - ear 589 - labial 589 - neck 589 - odontogenaus 589 fistulated comedones 720 fixed drug eruption 284, 285 flatworms (platyhel-

minthes) 262 flea(s) 252 - flea bite 252, 253 -human 252 - sand 253 flexural eczema 352 flexures, reticulated pig-

mentary dermatosis 988 flies - gadflies (Tabanus) 254 - house 254 - stable 254 flocculation reaction 102 flora of the skin, bacterial

154 florid oral papillomatosis

1013 flukes 262, 264 5-fluorouracil 1158 fluorescent treponemal an-

tibody (FTA) test 103 fluorescent trepanemal an­

tibody absorption (FTA­ABS) test 104

fluorinated corticosteroids in psoriasis 433

flushing 403 - acute 404 - alcohol 403 - carcinoid syndrome 404 - causes 403 - mechanisms 403 - phenomenal 404 FMD virus (foot-and-

mouth disease virus) 41 foam cells 850 focal - dermal hypoplasia 542 - epithelial hyperplasia

(Heck's disease) 13, 14, 21

- epithelial hyperplasia 13,14,21

- Iichen planus 449 Fölling's disease 698, 869 fogo seivagem 482 folded - pachyderma 587 - skin, generalized 969 - skin with scarring 969 folic acid (pterogylglutamic

acid) 932 follicles 716 - hair 716, 756 - miniatme 779

- mite 259 - sebaceous 716 follicular - chancroid (miliary follic­

ular chancre) 126 - infundibulum, tumor

991 - keratoses/keratosis 522,

565 - keratoses/keratosis, in-

verted 98 7, 991 - Iichen planus 449 - lymphoblastoma 1095 - mucinosis 895, 896 - mucinosis, idiopathic

form 896 - poroma (acrotrichoma)

991 - psoriasis 421 - pyoderma 160, 161 - tumors 991 folliculitis 161, 165 - of the beard region 162 - (barbae) candidomyceti-

ca 237 - decalvans capillitii 164 - decalvans faciei 164, 165 - eczematosa barbae 162 - eczematosa vestibuli

nasi 163 - gram-negative 165 - keloidalis 167 - profound scarring 167 - sclerotisans nuchae 167 - simplex barbae 162 Fonsecaea 241 foot (see feet/foot) Fordyce's disease 800 Fordyce's glands 716 forelock, white 764 forest yaws 207 formaldehyde 1160 formulae 1145 - antipruritic 1155 fourth disease 4 7 Fox-Fordyce disease 745 Fox-Fordyce spots 745 fragilitas ossium 538 fram besia 113 framycetin 1153 Francisella tularensis infec-

tion 215 freckle-like spots in the ax­

illa 690 - neurofibromatosis gener-

alisata 690 freckles/(reckling 689, 690 - axillary 690 friction bullae 367 frictionallichenoid dermati-

tis of children 359 frictional lichenoid erup­

tion 359, 452 Fritz-Hugh-Curtis syn­

drome 74 frostbite 373 FT A (fluorescent trepone­

mal antibody) test 81, 103

Subject Index 1209

FT A-ABS (fluorescent tre­panemal antibody ab­sorption) test 81, 104

Fuchs' syndrome 410, 411 fulminant meningococcal

sepsis 656 fulminating purpura 662 fungi 219ff. - classification 219 - culture 220, 221, 222 - imperfecti 219 - medically important 221 - morpholog 219 - reproduction 219 furrowed tongue 806 furuncle 169 furunculosis 170 fusidic acid 1153

gadflies (Tabanus) 254 galactosemia 888 galactokinase deficiency

888 galea, angioplastic sarco-

ma 1060 galvanoeiehing 1185 gammopathies 874 - lgA 875 - IgD 875 - IgE 875 - IgG 875 - monoclonal 874, 875 - polyclonal 874, 876 ganglion 984 gangliosidosis, GM! 888 gangliosidosis, GM2 888 gangrene - diabetic 629 - of the male genitalia,

acute 832 - of the skin, postoperative

progressive 624 - streptococcal 177 gangrenaus inflammation,

penis 832 gangrenous stomatitis 815 Gardner's syndrome 1063 Gardnerella - vaginalis infection 190 - vaginali.~ infection, vagin-

al discharge 838 - vaginitis 190 - urethri tis 191 Gaucher's disease 864, 888 gels 1141 - hydrogels 1141 - lipogels (water-soluble

bases) 1141 generalized - chondromalacia 594 - elastosis 536 - folded skin 969 - pustuloses 505 general paralysis of the in-

sane 97 general paresis 97 genital - atrophy, primary 840

1210 Subject Index

genital - atrophy, senile 841 - carcinoma, herpes genita-

lis 23 - mycoplasmas 191 - papulosis, bowenoid 831 genitalia, external, female

(see also female) 836 genitalia, male, acute gan­

grene 832 genodermatoses 513 genophenotypic psoriasis

418 genotypic psoriasis 418 gentamiein 1153 genuine hyperhidrosis 747 geographic psoriasis 423 geographic tongue 807 Gerhardt's syndrome 613 German measles 46 germinoblastic sarcoma

1096 Gianotti-Crosti disease 453 giant - basal cell carcinoma

1022 - basaloma 1022 - cell arteritis 619 - cell histiocytoma 1114 - cell tumor of the tendon

sheath 1050 - comedones 980 - lichenification 679 - pigment nevus 961 - warts 16 Gilchrist's disease 244 gingiva 811 - rare syndromes 811 gingivitis 811, 814 - erosiva marginalis 811 - hyperplastica 811 gingivostomatitis - acute 814 - chronic 814 - herpetica 22, 24, 811 gland(s) - Bartholin's 836 - cheilitis, glandular form

804 - Fordyce's 716 - hyperplasia, circum-

scribed sebaceous 965 - nevus, senile sebaceous

965 - sebaceous (see glands, se-

baceous) - secretion, sebaceous 337 - sweat (see glands, sweat) - Theodor's 46 - tumor, sweat 993 - Tyson 823 gland(s), sebaceous 756 - ectopic 800, 801, 823 - female external genitalia

836 - heterotopic 823 gland(s), sweat - abscesses in neonates,

multiple 172

- apocrine 744 - eccrine 747 - pyodermas, 171 glanders 211 glandular fever 820 glans penis 823 Glanzmann-Naegeli syn-

drome 654 glomangioma 1058 glomus tumor 1058 - subungal 796 glossitis mediana rhombi­

ca 807, 808 glossitis, Moeller-Hunter

809,810,932 glossodynia 810 - simplex 810 glossopyrosis 810 glucocorticosteroids, lipo-

dystrophy 60 glucose-6-phosphatase defi­

ciency 888 glucuronidase deficiency

888 glutaraldehyde 1160 glycogenosis 888 glycosphingolipid, genetic

enzyme defect 862 GM1, gangliosidosis 888 GM2, gangliosidosis 888 gnat, common 253 gnatophyma 732 Golgi-Mazzoni corpusdes

671 Goltz-Gorlin syndrome

542, 587 gonococcal endocarditis 74 - sepsis 74 - infection, disseminated

74 gonorrhea 64 - acute 66 - chronic 66 - confirmation of eure 76 - examination for syphilis

76 - follow-up examination

76 - gram stain 65 - men 69 - men, diagnosis 71, 72 - oropharyngeal 72 - paragonorrheal disease

66 - rectal 72 - treatment 74, 75 - urinary tract 65 - vaginal discharge 838 - women 65 - women, diagnosis 68, 69 gonorrheal - adnexitis 68 - bartholinitis 66, 67 - cervicitis 67 - conjunctivitis 72 - disease, extragenital 72 - endometritis 68 - epididymitis 71 - monoarthritis 73

- paragonorrheal disease 70

- perihepatitis, acute (Fritz-Hugh-Curtis syn­drome) 74

- perioophoritis 68 - prostatitis 70 - salpingitis 68 - seminal vesiculitis 71 - urethritis 66, 69 - vulvovaginitis 67 - vulvovaginitis, adults 67 - vulvovaginitis, infants

67 Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

1022 Gottron's - reticulosarcomatosis

1105 - sign 575 - syndrome 528 Gougerot's tri-(penta-)

symptomatic disease 620

Gougerot-Carteaud syn-drome 458

gouttophi 923 gout, pseudogout 924 gram-negative folliculitis

165 granular - cell myoblastoma 1066 - cell tumor 1066 - degeneration 514 - gigantism, constitution-

al 866 - layer (stratum granulo­

sum) 512 granuloma - annulare (see granuloma

annulare) - atypical or pseudopyo-

genic 1077 - axillary 948 - Churg-Strauss 618 - coccidioides 246 - deodorant 948 - eosinophilicum faciei

944 - of the face, Iethai mid-

line 948 - fissuratum 369 - fungoides 1086 - gangraenescens nasi 948 - giant cell, juvenile 1113 - gluteale infantum 949 - inguinale 129 - lipophagic 597 - Miescher's, face 943,

944 - multiforme 943 - of the nose, malignant

948 - paracoccidioides 245 - pyogenicum 1058 - reticulohistiocytic 1114 - telangiectaticum 1058 - trichophyticum 230, 241 - venereum 129

- zirconium 948 granuloma annulare 942 - disseminaturn 943 - perforans 943 - special forms 942 - subcutaneous types 943 granulomatosis - allergic 618 - disciformis chronica et

progressiva 946 - tuberculoides pseudo-

sclerodermiformis 946 granulomatous - dermatitis 953 - dermatitis with eosino-

philia, recurrent 953 - diseases 937 - rosacea 731 - vasculitis 620 granulosis rubra nasi 750 granulosisjhypergranulosis

10 graying hair, caused by

drugs 765 green hair 765 Greither's syndrome 520 grenz ray therapy 1193 Grönblad-Strandberg syn-

drome 549 group allergy 329 Grover's disease 484 growth phase, hair cycle

757 Guarnieri's bodies 37, 38 Günther's disease 901 gustatory hyperhidrosis

750 guttate - hypomelanosis, idiopath­

ic 705 - morphea (scleroderma)

554 - parapsoriasis 439 - parapsoriasis, acute 439,

440 - parapsoriasis, chronic

439 - psoriasis 421

Haber's syndrome 734 habitual aphthae 816 Haemophilus ducreyi 125 Haemophilus vaginalis va-

ginitis 190 Hagemann defect 654 Hailey-Hailey disease 482 hair 756 - atrophic disease with

tufted hairs 167 - bamboo 761 - canal 756 - changes in the shaft 759 - color 763 - cuticle 759 - cycle (see hair cycle) - cysts, eruptive vellus


- deformation 759 - deformation, temporary

759 - disease, kinky 920 - disease, steely 920 - disk tumor 1 049 - dystrophic 759 - exogenaus darnage 759 - follicle (see hair folli-

cle(s)) - green 765 - growth abnormalies 765 - growth, hormonal influ-

ence 756, 757 - keratin 7 56 - kinky disease 761 - Ianugo 756 - loss (see hair loss) - matrix 756 - matrix, degeneration

769 - nevi/nevus (nevus pilo-

sus) 968, 991 - nevi/nevus, woolly 763 - permanent waves 759 - pulling, morbid 777 - ringed 761 - rolled hair cysts 763 - root status (trichogram)

758 - shaft 756 - spun glass 762 - structure 760 - syndrome, curly 920 - terminal 756 - testosterone 7 57

turning white overnight 765

- twisted 761 - types 756 - uncombable 762 - vellus 756 - woolly 763 hair cycle 757 - anagen phase 757-759 - catagen phase 757-759 - growth phase 757 - rest phase 757 - telogen phase 757-759 - transitional phase 757 hair follicle(s) 716, 756,

990 - nevus 991 - pyodermas 160 hair loss - anagen-dystrophic 769 - female pattern 773 - male pattern 772 - telogen 768 hair-nest sinus 983 hairdressers - contact dermatitis and

eczema 327 - granuloma 40 - trichogranuloma 983 hairy - cellleukemia 1093 - leukoplakia, oral 809 - tongue 808

haif-and-half nail 791 Hallopeau-Siemens syn­

drome 470 halo melanocytic nevus

705 halo nevus 705, 962 halogenated compounds

1150 halogens 1150 haloprogin 1155 hamartoma syndrome, mul-

tiple 813 hand(s) - acrokeratoelastosis mar­

ginalis 548 - collagenaus plaques 548 - connective tissue disease

577 - eczema, hyperkeratotic

fissured 323 - eczema, tylotic 323 - epidermolysis bullosa

469 - hand-foot-mouth exan­

them 42 - ichthyosis 515 - paroxysmal hematoma

659 - recurrent bullous erup-

tion 469 · - region, zoster 34 - warts 13 hand-foot-and mouth dis­

ease 42 Hand-Schüller-Christian

disease 1118 hangnails 788 Hansen's disease 146 hanseniasis 146 hard fibroma 1048 hare plague 215 harlequin fetus 517 Hartnup disease 388, 870 Hartnup syndrome 870 harvest itch 259 Haverhill fever 216 HCP (hereditary copropor­

phyria) 899 HDLs (high-density Iipo­

proteins) 849 head louse 248 heart and blood vessels, ter­

tiary syphilis 96 heat 1184 - contact urticaria (see also

urticaria) 297 - prickly 752, 753 - radiant 1184 - scaling 752 - urticaria 297 heavy chain disease 874 heavy meta! salts 1150,

1152 Heberden's arthritis 578 Heberden's nodes 578, 579 Hebra's waterbed 1134 Hecks' disease (focal epi-

thelial hyperplasia) 13, 14, 21

heel, multiple fatty tissue hernias 590

Heerfordt's syndrome 940 heliobalneotherapy 1187 heliodermatitis 609 heliothalassotherapy 1187 heliotherapy 1187 hemangiectasia hypertro-

phieans 971 hemangioendothelioma,

malignant 1060 hemangioma 1053 hemangioma cavernosum/

cavernous 1054 - of the lips 1056 - planum 969 - senile 1 0 56 hemangioma-thrombocyto-

penia syndrome 658 hematogenous allergic - contact dermatitis 335 - contact eczema 335 - dyshidrosiform eczema

335 hematogenous metastases

1030 hematogenous photoal­

lergy, systemic 394 hematolymphangioma cir­

cumscriptum cysticum 1061

hematoma 4 hematoxylin bodies 572 heme biosynthetic path-

way 900 hemiatrophia faciei pro-

gressiva 545 hemochromatosis 918 hemolytic anemia 653 hemophilia 654 hemophilia B 654 hemorrhages, artificial 659 hemorrhages, factitial 659 hemorrhagic - bullous cutaneous amy-

loidosis 881 - contact dermatitis 663 - contact eczema 663 - coumarin necrosis 284 - diathesis of the newborn

656 - disorders 649 - disorders, platelet-relat-

ed 650 - drug eruptions 283 - drug rashes 663 hemorrhagic-bullous drug

eruptions 283 hemorrhagic-pigmentary

dermaloses 659 hemorrhoids 1127 hemosiderosis 710 hemostasis, vascular dis-

orders 657 HEP (hepatoerythropoietic

porphyria) 899 hepatic porphyrias 899,

904 - mixed 906

Subject Index 1211

hepatitis, acute gonorrheal perihepatitis 74

hepatocerebral degenera­tion 921

hepatoerythrocytic por­phyria 909

hepatoerythropoietic por-phyria (HEP) 899, 909

hereditary - angioedema 310 - congenitallymphedema

666 - coproporphyria (HCP)

899, 909 - dysplastic nevus syn-

drome 963 - epidermolyses 467 - keratoses 514 - mucopolysaccharidoses

888 - primary lymphedema

666 - protocoproporphyria

906 - Quincke's edema 310 - thrombocytopenia 650 heredopathia atactica po-

lyneuritiformis 516, 861 Herlitz syndrome 469 herpangina 43 herpes - cornae 28 - febrilis 28 - genitalis 24, 28 - genitalis, genital carcino-

ma 23 - genitoglutealis 24 - gestationis 490, 845 - glutealis 28 - impetiginized 28 - sepsis of the newborn

24,25 - simplex (see herpes sim­

plex) - virus, urethritis 79 - zoster 32 (see also Zas-

ter) herpes simplex 24, 27, 28 - genitalis 23 - labialis 27 - persistans et exulcerans

28 - postherpetic ulceration

27 - primary 27 - recidivans 30 - recurrent 28, 30 - traumaticus 28 - virus 22 (see also HSV) herpetic pharyngitis 43 Hertoghe's sign 352 Herxheimer's disease 119 Herxheimer's reaction 109 Herzberg-Potjan-Gebauer

syndrome 765 heterochromia 764 - exogenaus 765 Heterophyes heterophyes


1212 Subject Index

heterotopic lingual tonsils 805

heterotopic sebaceous glands 823

hexachlorocyclohexane 1160

hexachlorophene 1164 hidradenitis suppurativa

171,722 - axillaris 172 hidradenoma 993 - apocrine 984 - eruptive 994 - of the lower Iids 993 - papilliferum 995 - verrucosum 995 - of the vulva 995 hidrocystoma, apocrine

984 hidrocystoma, eccrine 984 high-density Iipoproteins

(HDLs) 849 von Hippel-Lindau syn­

drome 971 hippocratica, calvities

773 hirsuties papillaris penis

824 hirsutism 765, 766 - drug-induced 766 - idiopathic 766, 767 - symptomatic 766 - treatment 768 hirsutoid penis papilloma

824 Hirudinea 262 histidinemia 890 histiocytic Iymphoma 1121 histiocytic medullary reticu-

losis 1120 histiocytoma 1050 histiocytoma, giant cell

1114 histiocytoses/histiocytosis - cutaneous 1113 - eosinophilic 954 - malignant 1116, 1120 -X 1116 - X, differentiation 1117 histoblastic reticulosarco­

ma 1121 histochemical parakerato­

sis 514 histopathological examina-

tions 9 Histoplasma 246 histoplasmosis 246 HIV 49 - infection, lacking Iabara­

tory evidence 49 - infection with Iabaratory

evidence 50 hives (wheals) 5, 292 Hodgkin's - cells 1085 - disease 1 084 - disease, pseudo-Hodg-

kin's disease 1085 Hoigne's syndrome 299

Holländer-Simons syn-drome 603

Homan's sign 633 homocystinuria 872, 888 hordeolum 168 hornets 253 Hornstein-Knickenberg

syndrome 1049 Horton's syndrome 619 hot compresses 1184 hot-tub dermatitis 166 hot-tub-associated dermati-

tis 166 house dust mite 259 house flies 254 housewives, contact derma-

titis and eczema 327 HSV - infection (see HSV infeci-

ton) - primary infections 23 - secondary infections 23 - type 123 - type 223 HSV infection 24 - diseases 24 - localization sites 24 - secondary 27 HTLV-III 49 human flea 252 humoral allergic reactions

277 Hunter's disease 888 Hunter's mucopolysacchar-

idoses 880 Hunt's syndrome 34 Hurler's syndrome 767 Hutchinson-Gilfort syn-

drome 539 Hutchinson's teeth 100 Hutchinson's triad 99 hyalin fibromatosis, juve-

nile 1052 hyalinoses 885 hyalinosis cutis et muco­

sae 885 hydatid disease 263 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate

1151 hydrargyria 712 hydroa 752 - vacciniforme 388, 398 hydrogels 1141 hydrophilic emulsions,

cream type 1162 hydrophobic ointments

1144 hydroquinone 1161 hydroxyquinoline 1151 Hymenalepsis nana 262 Hymenoptera 253 hyper-IgE syndrome 350,

354 hyperbetalipoproteinemia

851' 853, 854 hyperbilivcrdinemia 710 hypercholestcrolcmia 854 - essential 853 - familial 853

- xanthomatoses 852 hyperchylomicronemia

851' 855 - familial 853 hyperemia, active 5 hyperemia, passive 5 hyperemic drugs 1156 hypereosinophilia, inflam-

mations 953 hypereosinophilic - dermatitis 953 - syndrome 953 - syndrome with specific

symptoms 1106 hyperglobulinemic pur-

pura 656, 876 hypergranulosis 10 hyperhidrosis 747 - axillaris 748 - drugs, systemic 749 - emotional 747 - genuine 747 - gustatory 750 - manuum 748 - pedum 748 - symptomatic 747 - treatment recommenda-

tions, specific 749 hyperkeratotic fissured

hand and foot eczema 323

hyperkeratosis 10, 367, 513

- epidermolytic 514 - follicularis et parafollicu-

laris in cutem penetrans 524

- hemorrhagica 368 - lenticularis perstans 526 - monstruosa 518 - palmaris et plantaris with

periodontosis 522 - parahyperkeratosis 10 - proliferation 10, 514 - retention 10, 514 hyperkeratotic bullous

pemphigoid 488 hyperkeratotic dermatitis of

the palms 323 hyperlipemia/hyperlipid­

emia 854, 855 - calorie-induced 855 - carbohydrate-induced

855 - endogenaus 855 - exogenous 855 - fat- and carbohydrate-in-

duced 855 hyperlipidemic xanthoma-

toses 852 hyperlipoproteinemia( s) - acquired 856 - associated with different

conditions 856 - with broad beta bands

854 - classification 850 - familial 856 - primary familial 852

- secondary 856 - secondary acquired 852 - type I 853 - type Ila 853 - type Ilb 854 - type III 854 - type IV 855 - type V 855 hyperlysinemia 890 hyperpigmentation 4, 287,

367 - diffuse 697 - drugs 697 - internal diseases 697 - lentigines 693 - mechanical 695 - nevus-spilus-like 693 - periocular 691 - skin diseases 697 hyperplasie pure 1013 h yperpre betali popro tei ne­

mia 851, 854, 855 hypertensive ischemic

ulcer 626 hyperthyroidism, mucin­

oses 891 hypertrichosis 765 - acquired circumscribed

766 - congenita lanuginosa un-

iversalis 765 - drug-induced 766, 767 - lanuginosa acquisita 765 - lanuginosa congenita

765 - sacral area 766 - symptomatic 766 - universalis 765 hypertriglyceridemia 854 - endogenaus 855 - exogenaus 853 hypertrophic Iichen planus

450 hypertrophic skin, chronic,

and long bones 588 hypervalinemia 888 hypervitaminoses/hyper-

vitaminosis 929, 934 - vitamin A 929 - vitamin D 934 hypercholesterolemia 854 hypochondriac syndrome,

psychopharmaceutic agents 1179

hypodermitis, acute 636 hypohidrosis 752 hypokeratosis 10 hypomelanosis 695, 698 - guttate, idiopathic 705 hyponychium 784 hypopigmentation 4 hypoplasia cutis congenita

542 hypoplasia, focal dermal

542 hyposensitization 311 hypothyroidism - circumscript myxoder­

ma 891

- diffuse myxedema 891 - mucinoses 891 hypotrichosis, congenital


ice pack 1183 !CF (intravascular coagu­

lation with fibrinolysis) 649

ichthammol 1149 ichthyoses/ichthyosis 513 - acquired 519 - congenita (see ichthyosis

congenita) - follicularis 515 - foot 515 - hand 515 - hystrix gravior (see ich-

thyosis hystrix gravior) - hystrix group 518 - lamellosa 518 - Iinearis circumflexa 528,

761 - nigricans 515 - serpentina 515 - simplex 514 - vulgaris (see ichthyosis

vulgaris) - X-chromosomal reces-

sive 516 ichthyosis congenita - fetalis 517 - gravis 517 - mitis 517 - Riecke I 517 - Riecke II 517 - Riecke III 517 - tarda 517 ichthyosis hystrix gravior - Bäfverstedt type 519 - Curth-Macklin type 519 - Lam bert type 518 - Rheydt type 519 ichthyosis vulgaris 514 - group 514 - autosomal dominant

514 ichthyotic idiocy with atax­

ia 518 idiopathic - clubbed fingers and

periostosis 588 - guttate hypomelanosis

705 - hirsutism 766, 767 - hyperlipidemic xantho-

matosis 853 - hypertrophic osteoarth­

ropathy 588 livedo rcticularis 624

- medical aortopathy 619 - systemic amyloidosis

881 - skin atrophy 119 idox uridine 1158 IFT (indirect immunofluor­

escence test) 55

IgA dermatosis, linear 493 IgA gammopathy 875 IgD gammopathy 875 IgE dermatitis 354 IgE gammopathy 875 IgG gammopathy 875 IgM SPHA test 105 IL YEN (inflammatory lin­

ear verucous epidermal nevus 965

imidazole derivatives 1154 immediate pigment darken­

ing (IPD) 383 immediate pigmentation

688 immune-complex reaction,

type III 277 immune-complex vasculi­

tis 620, 662 immunity in syphilis 100 immunoblastic lymphade­

nopathy 1078 immunoblastic Iymphoma

1097 immunoblot assay (Western

blot) 55 immunocytic Iymphoma

656, 876, 1093 immunocytoma 1093 immunesuppressive agents

1175 impetiginized herpes 28 impetigo - Bockhart 160 - bullous 158 - bullous, neonatal 159 - contagiosa (see impetigo

contagiosa) - herpetiformis 429, 506,

845 - staphylogenes 158 impetigo contagiosa 156,

158 - small-vesicle 156, 157 - staphylogenes 158 - streptogenes 156 inclusion conjunctivitis

123 incontinentia pigmenti 11,

694 incontinentia pigmenti

achromians 695 Indian tick typhus 62 indirect immunofluores-

cence test (IFT) 55 indurated nodules 720 indurated phlcgmon 177 induratio penis plastica

580 industrial protectivc oint­

ments 1163 infantile (see also infants,

neonate, newborn) - acne 725 - acrolocalized papulovesi-

cular syndrome 454 - acropustulosis 504 - agranulocytosis hered-

tiaria 820

- digital fibromatosis 1052

- eczema 357 - granuloma gluteale 949 - lipodystrophia centrifu-

galis abdominalis 603 - papular acrodermatitis

453 - pressure alopecia 777 - scleroderma 599 - scurvy 658 - vulvovaginitis 837 infants (see also infantile,

neonate, newborn) - atopic eczema 357 - dermatitis 357 - disorders 1 - eczema 357 - gonorrheal vulvovagini-

tis 67 - inguinal pomade crust

358 - nummular eczema 357 - perioral eczema 357 - seborrheic eczema 357 infarct, skin necroses re­

sembling an infarct 289 infection(s) (see also indi­

vidual organisms) - anaerobic 186 - Borrelia burgdorferi 115,

116 - Cheyletiella 258 - coxsackievirus 43 - disseminated gonococ-

cal 74 - Francisella tularensis

215 - Gardnerella vaginalis

190 - guinea worm 269 - HIV (AIDS) 49, 50, 53 - HSV 23, 24, 27 - Loa loa 269 - mycobacterial, atypical

145 - orthopoxvirus 36, 39 - Pasteurella multocida

190 - pinworm 266 - skin, streptococci, sec-

ondary 178 - urogenital with Chlamy­

dia trachomatis 122 - Yersinia enterocolitica

189 infectious - diseases, six 43 - erythema 48 - mononucleosis 820 infiltration 5 inflammations with hyper-

eosinophilia 953 inflammatory - angiopathies 616 - cellular infiltration 11 - cellular infiltration, cell

types 11 - conditions, chronic 1008

Subject Index 1213

- linear verrucous epider­mal nevus 965

- localized lipoatrophy 602

infrainfundibulum 716 infundibulum 716, 756 ingrown great toenail syn-

drome 796 ingrown nail 795 inguinal pomade crust of

infants 358 injection, intraarterial 289 injection, intramuscular

289 insane, general paralysis

of 97 insensible desquamation

512 insulin lipoatrophy 601 insulin lipodystrophy 601 interdigital candidosis 234 intermittent porphyria,

acute 904 internal organs, tertiary sy­

philis 96 interscapular cutaneous

amyloidosis 883 intertriginous - acne 722 - eczema 322 - psoriasis 424 - seborrheic eczema 343 intertrigo 322, 359 - candidomycetica 235 intolerance syndrome 299 intraarterial injection 288,

289 intramuscular injection, le­

sions 289 intravascular coagulation

with fibrinolysis (ICF) 649, 655

inverted follicular kerato­sis 987, 991

involucrin 512 involutionallipoatrophy

602 iodide - acne 729 - povidone 1150 - solution 1137 - solution, alcoholic 1150 iododerma 730 iodoform 1151 ionizing radiation 379,

1192 iontophoresis 1185 IPD (immediate pigment

darkening) 383 iris phenomenon 61 1 iron metabolism 918 irritant - contact dermatitis, acute

316-318 - dermatitis 316 - dermatitis, acute, chil-

dren 358 - eczema, cumulative,

chronic, children 358

1214 Subject Index

isotretinoin (accutane, roaccutan) 1177

isthmus 756 itching 671 itching purpura 661 iterative traumatic eczema

318 Ito's nevus 959 Ito- Reenstierna reaction

128 ITP (idiopathic thrombocy­

topenic purpura) 651, 652

- acute 652 - chronic 652 Ixodes borreliosis 115 Ixodes ricinus 260

jacuzzi dermatitis 166 Jarisch-Herxheimer reac-

tion 276 jeep-rider's disease 983 Jericho boil 203 jewelry, contact allergens

326 junctional epidermolysis

bullosa 469 junctional nevus 960 juniper tar 1150 juvenile - bullous pemphigoid 494 - dermatitis herpetiformis

495 - elastoma 968 - giant cell granuloma

1113 - hyalin fibromatosis

1052 - melanoma, benign 962 - papular dermatitis 452 - pemphigoid 485 - plantar dermatosis 358 - verrucae planaefplan-

tares 13, 14, 16, 17 - xanthogranuloma 1050,

1113 - xanthoma 1113

kaffir pox 37 Kahler's disease 1094 Kahn's reaction 102 kala-azar 203, 206 Kandahar sore 203 Kaposi's - disease 1059 - sarcoma 50, 53, 1059 - sarcoma, AIDS 1060 Kasabach-Merritt syn-

drome 658, 1055 Kawasaki's disease 412 Keining's sign 575 keloid 1046 - in acne conglobata 1047 keloidal basal cell carcino-

ma 1021

keloidiform basaloma 1021

kelp acne 729 Kenya tick typhus 62 kerasin Iipid histiocytosis

864 keratin, hair 756 keratinization distur­

bances 513 keratinizing trichilemmo­

ma 991 keratinocytes 511, 688 keratinosomes (Odland

bodies) 512 keratitis rubra figurata

527 keratoacanthoma 1014 - centrifugum 1015 - familial 1015 - generalized eruptive

1015 - giant 1015 - multiple 1015 - subungual 796 keratoconjunctivitis - herpetica 24 - photoelectrica 387 - sicca 815 keratoderma blennorrhagi­

cum 79 keratodermia palmaris et

plantaris progressiva 520

keratohyalin granules 512 keratolysis, pitted 183 keratolytic drugs 1156 keratoma - blennorrhagicum 80 - hereditarium mutilans

522 - malignum 517 - palmare et plantare here-

diatium (see keratoma palmare ... )

- plantare sulcatum 183 - senile 999 - sulcatum 183 keratoma palmare et plan-

tare hereditarium 520 - dissipatum 521 - transgrediens 520 keratoplastic drugs 1157 keratose lichenoide striee

529 keratoses/keratosis 6, 511 - actinic/actinica 999 - actinicfactinica, pig-

mented 1000 - animal parakeratosis

919 - areolae mammae naevi-

formis 526 - arsenic 1 00 1 - circumscribed 513 - classification 513 - diffuse 513, 514 - dyskeratosis 10 - extremitatum hereditaria

progrediens 520

- extremitatum hereditaria transgradiens et progre­diens 520

- follicularjfollicularis (see keratosis follicularis)

- function 513 - hereditary 514 - hyperkeratosis 10, 513 - hypokeratosis 10 - inverted follicular 987 - lichenoides chronica 529 - morphology 511 - orthokeratosis 10 - palmar 513,519 - palmoplantaris (see kera-

tosis palmoplantaris) - parakeratosis 10, 514 - parakeratosis variegata

439 - pilaris 522, 523 - pilaris rubra atrophieans

faciei 523 -plantar 513,519 - radiation 1001 - rubra congenita 519 - seborrheic (see keratosis,

seborrheic) - senilis 999 - solaris 999 - suprafollicularis 522 - tar 1002 - xeroderma pigmento-

sum 1001 kera tosis, f ollicular I f ollicu-

laris 513, 522, 524, 565 - inverted 991 - oral mucosa 525 - serpiginosa 550 keratosis palmoplantaris

520 - carcinoma of the esopha­

gus 522 - circumscripta seu areata

522 - diffusa circumscripta

520 - mutilans 522 - papulosa seu maculosa

521 - rare forms 521 - transgrediens 520 keratosis, seborrheic 987 - activated 987 - lichenoid 987 - verruca plana-like 988 kerion celsi 223 Kernig's sign 34 Kiel classification 1082 Kimura's disease 1077 kinky hair disease 761, 920 Klein-Waardenburg syn-

drome 702 Klippe!-Trenaunay-Weber

syndrome 971 knuckle pads 577 - false 577 Köbner's phenomenon

418 Koenen's tumors 967

Kogoj's pustule 429 Köhlmeier-Degos syn-

drome 631 koilonychia 788 Koplik's spots 37, 43 Krabbe's disease 888 kraurosis penis 553, 831 kraurosis vulvae 553, 840 Krause's corpusdes 671 Kussmaul-Maier disease

616 K veim test 941 kwashiorkor 926 Kyrle's disease 524

labial fistulas 589 Iabia majora 836 Iabia minora 836 laboratory tests, skin dis-

orders 8 Lahore sore 203 lamellar - desquamation of the

newborn 517, 518 - exfoliation of the new-

born 517 - ichthyosis 518 Langerhans cell( s) 511 - granules 1116 Ianolin 1146 Ianugo hair 756 lard 1146 !arge cell acanthoma 989 larva - currens 268 - migrans 254 - migrans, cutaneous 267 laryngeal papilloma 13 LAS (lymphadenopathy

syndrome) 49 Iasers 1188 Lassueur-Graham-Little

syndrome 448, 450 late syphilis II 93 Latrodectus mactans 255 Launois-Bensaude syn-

drome 1063, 1064 LAV 49 Lawrence's syndrome 455 LDLs (low-density Iipopro-

teins) 849 LE (Iupus erythematosus)

563 Iead plaster 1141 leather, contact allergens

326 Ledderhose's disease 579 leeches 264 Le Fevre-Languepin syn­

drome 588 leg(s) - lower, painful lipedema

syndrome 604 - restless legs syndrome

613 - ulcers, etiology 639 Leiner's disease 341

leiomyoma 1062 leiomyosarcoma 1062 Leishmania 203 - braziliensis 203 - donovani 203 - tropica 203, 204 leishmaniasis 203 ff. - cutaneous 203 - cutis diffusa 203 - nodular form 204 - post-kala-azar dermal

206 - recidivans form 205 - ulcerous form 205 - visceral 203 - visceral dermal 206 leishmanin test 205 Iemming fever 215 lemon skin 548 lentigines hyperpigmenta-

tion 693 lentiginosis 692, 958 - centrofacialis 692 - eruptive 692 - profusa perigenito-axil-

laris 693 - syndrome 693 lentigo - maligna 1007, 1036 - melanoma (LMM) 1037 - senilis 693 - simplex 958 lentigo-like lesion, acral

1036 LEOPARDsyndrome

690, 693 Iepra - indeterminata 150 - lepromatosa 148 - reaction 151 - tuberculoides 149 lepromatous leprosy 148 lepromin reaction 148 lepromin test 147 leprosy 146, 150-154 - borderline ( dimor-

phous) 150 - further changes 151 - histamine test 152 - indeterminate 150 - Iabaratory tests 152 - lepromin reaction 152 - nerve changes 150 - sensory disorders 151 - sweat test 152 - treatment 153 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

890, 924 Leser-Tre!at syndrome 988 lesions 8 - arrangement 8 - distribution 8 - margins 8 - pattern of 8 - shapes 8 - size 8 Iethai midline granuloma of

the face 948 leukemia

- basophilic 1105 - chronic lymphocytic

(CLL) 1086 - cutaneous 1102 - eosinophilic 1105 - hairy cell 1093 - lymphatic 1102 - lymphatic, acute 1096 - lymphocytic, chronic

(CLL) 1102 - monocytic 1105, 1120 - myeloid 1103 - parablast 1096 - stem-cell 1096 leukemic reticuloendo­

theliosis 1093 leukemoid, eosinophilic

953, 1106 leukocytoclastic vasculitis

620, 662 leukoderma 4, 706 - centrifugum acquisitum

705 - lenticulare dissemina­

tum 705 - , pseudoleukoderma 4 leukodystrophy, metachro­

matic 888 leukokeratosis nicotina pa-

lati 812 leukomelanoderma 706 leukonychia 786 - punctata 786 - striata 787 - totalis 787 leukoplakia 813 - candidomycetica 1007 - erosiva 1006 - oral, hairy 809 - simplex 1006 - speckled 1006 - verrucosa 1006 leukoses, undifferented

cell 1104 Lewandowsky-Lutz disease

(epidermodysplasia ver­ruciformis) 13, 19

LGV (lymphogranuloma venereum) 123

Iiberation 1132 Libman-Sacks syndrome

570 lice 248 Iichen - albus 552 - amyloidosus 882 - aureus 661 - fibromucinoidosus 893 - myxedematosus 893 - nitidus 945 - obtusus corneus 676 - pilaris 522 - planus (see Iichen planus) - planus-like eruptions

452 - purpuricus 661 - ruber acuminatus verru-

cosus et reticularis 529 - ruber planus 447

- sclerosus/sclereux (see Ii­chen sclerosus)

- scrofulosorum 142 - simplex (see Iichen sim-

plex) - striatus 454 - trichophyticus 229 - tropicus 753 - urticatus 673, 674 - variegatus 444 - Vidal 678 - Yidal urticarius 674 Iichen planus 447ff. - accuminatus 449 - actinic 450 - annularjanularis 448,

449 - bullous 450 - erosive 450 - exanthematicus 448 - focal 449 - follicular 449 - hypertrophic 450 - linear 449 - nail(s) changes 793 - planus-like eruptions

452 - verrucosus 450 - Wickham's striation phe-

nomenon 448 Iichen sclerosus 552 - et atrophicus (LSA) 552 - et atrophicus vulvae 841 Iichen simplex - acutus 673 - chronicus 678, 679 - chronicus verrucosus

679 lichenification 5 - giant 679 lichenified eczema 332 lichenoid - dermatitis, frictional,

children 359 - drug reactions 285 - eruptions 452 - eruptions, frictional 452 - purpura 660 - seborrheic keratosis 987 - trikeratosis 529 Lichtschwiele 384 light - dermatosis, Iupus erythe­

matosus-like 397 - eruption, polymorphic

(PMLE) 397 - reaction, persistent 395 - reflection rheography

641 lightning injury 376 light-provoked reaction

385-387 - chronic 387 - diseased skin 387 - normal skin 387 light-sensitive seborrhoid

734 lilac disease 574 limp skin 536

Subject Index 1215

linear - IgA dermatosis, child­

hood 495 - Iichen planus 449 - nevus sebaceus syn-

drome 966 lingua - geographica 807 - plicata 806 - scrotalis 806 - villosa nigra 808, 931 lingual tonsils, heterotopic

805 lip - carcinoma 1028 - lower, congenital fistula

800, 801 - scab of sheep 40 lip-licking eczema 802 lipalgia 1064 lipedema 604 lipedema syndrome, pain­

ful 604 Iipid - film of the skin surface

319 - histiocytosis, kerasin

864 - metabolism 849 - metabolism disturbances,

local 858 - storage diseases 861 lipidosis, cerebroside 864 lipidosis, sphingomyelin

865 lipoatrophic diabetes melli­

tus 603 lipoatrophy /lipoa trophia

601 - annularis 602 - inflammatory localized

601, 602 - involutional 602 - semicircularis 602 lipocalcinogranulomatosis

914 lipocalcinosis progrediens

914 lipodystrophy/lipodystro­

phia 601 - centrifugalis abdominalis

infantilis 603 - congenital progressive

603 - glucocorticosteroids 601 - idiopathica circumscrip-

ta 602 - insulin 601 - progressive partial 603 - syndrome, generalized

603 lipogels (water-soluble

bases) 1141 lipogranulomatosis - disseminated 865 - familial 865 - subcutanea 598 lipoid - calcium gout 914

1216 Subject Index

lipoid - dermatoarthritis 1114 lipoid proteinosis 885 - with photosensitivity 886 - secondary 886 Iipoma 1063 Iipoma, spindie cell 1063 lipomatosis 1063 - cervical 1064 - dolorosa 1064 lipomelanotic reticulosis

1078 lipophagic granuloma 597 lipophilic emulsions, oint­

ment type 1163 lipoproteinemia, hyperlipo­

proteinemias, classifica­tion 850

Iipoprotein Iipase defi-ciency 853

Iipoproteins 849 - alpha 849 - beta 849 - high-density (HDLs)

849 - low-density (LDLs) 849 - physiochemical charac-

teristics 849 - pro-beta 849 - very low-density

(VLDLs) 849 lips 800 liquefaction of the basal

cells 11 liquid - emulsions (Iotions) 1145 - nitrogen 1183 - powder mixtures 1139 livedo racemosa 624 livedo reticularis - e calore 612 - with summer ulceration

625 - systemic diseases 624 livedo-like dermatitis 289 livedoid vasculitis 625 lividities of the soles, sym-

metric 405 Llaga brava 207 LMM (lentigo maligna

melanoma) 1037 Laa laa 262 - infection 269 local/localized - anaphylactic reactions

277 - bullous pemphigoid 487 - Iipid metabolism distur-

bances 858 - metabolic calcinosis 914 - mycosis with epidermo-

tropism 1 092 - pseudoxanthoma elasti­

cum 550 - scleroderma 554 Löfgren's syndrome 413,

938 Löwenberg's sign 633 loiasis 269

loose skin 536 los cenicientos 696 Iotions (liquid emulsions)

1139,1145 Louis-Barsyndrome 388,

608 low-densitiy Iipoproteins

(LDLs} 849 Laxaseeies species 255 LSA (Iichen sclerosus et

atrophicus) 552 L TT (lymphocytic transfor-

mation test) 330 Ludwig's angina 46, 177 Iues 81 - connata 97 Lukes and Collins classifi­

cation 1082 lumbosacral connective tis-

sue nevus 968 lumbricus teres 266 Iunula 784 lupoid - infiltration 5 - miliary, benign 937, 938 - perioral dermatitis 735 - rosacea 731 Iupus - anticoagulant syndrome

571 - band test 565 - band test, diagnostic sig-

nificance 572 - carcinoma 138 - chilblain 568 - erythematosusjerythama-

todes (see Iupus erythe­matosus)

- erythematosus-like light dermatosis 397

- miliaris disseminatus fa-ciei 144

- panniculitis 568, 601 - pernio 566, 939 - vulgaris (see Iupus vul-

garis) lupusjerythematosus (LE)

563 - chronicus discoides 564 - chronicus disseminatus

superficialis 567 - cutaneous 564 - cutaneous chronic 564 - discoid (DLE) 564, 565 - erythematosus-like light

dermatosis 397 - hypertrophicus et pro­

fundus 568 - integumentalis 564 - integumentalis visceralis

568 - nail changes 794 - neonatal 573 - profundus 567, 568 - subacute cutaneous

(SCLE) 567 - tumidus 567 - visceralis 568 Iupus vulgaris 136--138

- erythematoides 566 - exfoliativus 137 - hypertrophicus 137 - mucous membranes 137 - mutilans 137, 138 - planus 137 - psoriasiformis 138 - tumidus 137 - ulcerosus 137 - verrucosis 137 Lutz-Splendore-Almeida

disease 245 Lutzner cell 1091 Lyell's syndrome 159, 275,

281 - drug involved 281, 282 - nail changes 794 - staphylococcal 159 Lyme borreliosis 115 Lyme disease 115 lymph - node classification, Ann

Arbor 1085 - node classification, Rye

1085 - vessels, tumors 1061 Iymphadenitis, dermato­

pathic 1078 lymphadenopathy - angioimmunoblastic

1078 - dermatopathic 1078 - immunoblastic 1078 - syndrome (LAS) 49 - syndrome, chronic 50 lymphadenosis cutis benig­

na 118, 1073 - nodular form 1073 lymphadenosis cutis cir­

cumscripta 1102 lymphangiectasis penis

824 lymphangiofibrosis throm­

botica, obstructive 824 lymphangioma 1061 - cavernosum subcutan-

euro 1061, 1062 lymphangiosarcoma 1062 - postmastectomy 1062 - of the scalp 1060 lymphangitis - acute 667 - circular indurated 824 - of the penis, nonvenereal

sclerosing 824 - of the coronal sulcus/cor­

onarius 824 - of the coronal sulcusjcor­

onarius, nonvenereal 824

lymphatic leukemia 1102 - acute 1096 lymphatic-leukemic eryth-

roderma 1103 lymphatics 666 lymphedema 666 - differential diagnosis

668 - essential congenital 667

- f acti tial 681 - hereditary congenital

666 - hereditary primary 666 - Meige type 666 - nonhereditary idiopathic,

noncongenital 667 - nonhereditary primary

667 - Nonne-Milroy type 666 - primary 666 - secondary 667 lymphogranulomatosis X

1078 lymphogranulomatosis,

atypical 1093 lymphoblastic - Iymphoma 1096 - lymphosarcoma 1096 lymphoblastoma, follicu­

lar 1095 lymphocele 824 lymphocyte transformation

test 288 lymphocytic - infiltration 1074, 1075 - leukemia, chronic

(CLL) 1086, 1102 - Iymphoma 1086 - lymphosarcoma 1095 lymphocytoma 118, 1073 lymphogenous metastases

1030 lymphogranuloma inguin­

ale 123 lymphogranuloma vener-

eum (LGV) 123 lymphogranulomatosis - benigna 937, 938 - cutis erysipelatoides

1085 - maligna 1 084 lymphoid reticulosis 1093 lymphoma(s) - angiotropic large-cell

1096 - B-eeil pseudolymphoma

1074 - centroblastic 1096 - centroblastic-centrocytic

1095 - centrocytic 095 - histiocytic 1121 - Hodgkin's, malignant

1084 - immunoblastic 1097 - immunocytic 656, 876,

1093 - lymphoblastic 1096 - lymphocytic 1086 - malignant (see malignant

Iymphoma) - non-Hodgkin's 1086 - plasmacytic 1 094 - T-zone 1093 lymphomatoid granuloma­

tosis 620 lymphomatoid papulosis

439, 1076

lymphopathia venerea 123, 124

lymphoplasia of the skin 118, 1073

- benign 1073 Iymphoplasmacytoid im­

munocytoma 1093 lymphoreticular hyperpla­

sias 1073 lymphosarcoma, Iympho­

blastic 1096

macroangiopathy, diabetic 629

macrocheilia 804, 805 macroflocculation tests

102 macroglobulinemia 874 macroglossia 810 macular cutaneous amy-

loidosis 883 macular drug eruption 280 macules 4 - exogenous pigments 4 - extravasation of blood 4 - melanin content 4 maculourtricarial drug er-

uptions 280 Madelung's neck 1064 Madura foot 188, 243 Madurella 243 maduromycosis 188, 243 Mafucci's syndrome 1055 Mahorner-Ochsner test

640 Majocchi's disease 659 Makai's syndrome 598 mal de melada 520 mal del pinto 115 mal perforant 682 maladie des griffesduchat

189 Malayan filariasis 268 Malassezia folliculitis 239

(see also Pityrosporum) male - genitalia, acute gan-

grene 832 - hair loss 772 - pattern alopecia 772 - pattern balding 772 malformations 586 Malherbe, calcifying epithe-

lioma 992 malignant - acanthosis nigricans 456 - atrophic papulosis 631 - cutaneous Iymphomas,

classification 1082 - epithelial tumors 1018 - erythema 575 - granuloma of the nose

948 - granulomatous angitis

617 - hemangioendothelioma


- histiocytosesjhistiocyto­sis 1116, 1120

- Hodgkin's Iymphoma 1084

- Iymphoma (see malig­nant Iymphoma)

- mastocytoses 1107, 1111 - melanoma (see malignant

melanoma) - pustule 213 - reticulohistiocytosis

1120 - syphilis 90 malignant lymphoma(s)

1082, 1083 - differentiation of B-lym­

phocytes 1083 - differentiation ofT-Iym­

phocytes 1083 - with large noncleaved

follicle center cells 1096 - mixed small cleaved and

!arge cell 109 5 - with small cleaved and

)arge noncleaved follicle center cells 1095

- with small cleaved follicle center cells 1095

- with small noncleaved follicle center cells 1096

- staging 1083 malignant melanoma

1036, 1040 - acrolentiginous (ALM)

1039 - clinical stage 1040 - differential diagnosis

1041 - distant metastases 1042 - invasion Ievel 1040 - lentigo maligna (LMM)

1037 - mitotic activity 1040 - mucosal 1039 - nevoid 1039 - nodular (NMM) 1038 - pagetoid 1037 - prognostic index 1040 - size 1040 - superficial spreading

(SSM) 1037 - treatment 1042 - tumor thickness 1 040 maHngering syndrome 680 malleus 211 Mallorca acne 729 Malta fever 216 malum perforans 682 manifest psoriasis 418 maple syrup disease 888 marasmus in children 926 Marfan's syndrome 537 Marjolin ulcer 639 Maroteaux-Lamy 888, 889 - disease 888 - mucopolysaccharidoses

889 Martorell syndrome 626 masons and construction

workers, contact derma­titis and eczema 327

mast cell(s} 1107 - nevus 1108 mastocytoma, disseminat-

ed 1108, 1109 mastocytoma, localized

1108 mastocytoses/mastocytosis

1107 - cutaneous 1107, 1108 - cutaneous, diffuse 1110 - malignant 1107, 1111 - systemic 1107, 1111 mattress phenomenon 604 maturation defect 651 Mayo dermatological wet

dressing 1136 McCune-Albright syn­

drome 690 measles 43 mechanical skin darnage

367 mechlorethamine 1159 meclocycline 1153 medical professionals, con-

tact dermatitis and ecze­ma 327

Mediterranean fever 62, 216

MED-UVB (minimal eryth­ema dose) 382

Mees' stripes 786 megakaryocytic thrombo­

cytopenia 651 Meinicke clearing reaction

102 melanin 687 - pigmentation 686 melanization 688 melanoacanthoma 987,

988 melanocytes 511, 686, 687 - dermal 956 - epidermal 956 melanocytosis, oculoder­

mal 959 melanoderma 4 melanodermatitis toxica

691 melanoderrnia reticularis

calorica 695 melanoerythroderma 445 melanogenesis 686, 688 - biochemistry 686 - disorders 688 - endocrine control 688 - morphology 686 melanoma 1036 - acrolentiginous (ALM}

1039 - acrolentiginous, subun-

gual tumors 796 - amelanotic 1037, 1039 - anorectal 1039 - benign, juvenile 962 - desmoplastic 1039 - lentigo maligna (LMM)


Subject Index 1217

- leukometastases 1039 - malignant (see malignant

melanoma) 1036, 1037, 1040

- nail 1039 - in situ 1007 - superficial spreading

(SSM) 1037 melanophages 11, 956 melanoprotein 687 melanosis - arsenic 696 - Becker's 957 - Buschke's heat 695 - circumscripta praeblasto-

matosa 1007 - circumscripta praecan­

cerosa 1007 - diffusa congenita 697,

698 - of Dubreuilh, circum­

scribed precancerous 1037

- hypomelanosis 695, 698 - lenticularis generalisata

696 - neurocutaneous 962 - neurocutaneous, diffuse

697 - neviformis 957 - perioralis et peribuccalis

692 - Riehl's 691 melanosome(s) 686 - complexes 687 melanotic precancerosis

1007 melasma 690, 844 melioidosis 212 Melkersson-Rosenthal syn-

drome 805 Mendes da Costa's syn­

drome 527 meningococcal sepsis, ful­

minant 656 meningoencephalitis herpe-

tica 24 Menkes' disease 920 Menkes' syndrome 761 menstrual (premenstrual)

acne 724 menthol 1152, 1155 merbromin 1152 mercurials, organic 1152 mercuric sulfide, red 1152 mercurochrome 1152 mercury - ammoniated 1152 - salts 1162 Merkel's cell(s) 511 - carcinoma 1066, 1 067 Merkelioma 1066 mesenchymal tumors 1046 metabolic - calcinosis 913 - calcinosis, localized 914 - panniculitis 599 metabolism - amino acid, disorders 869

1218 Subject Index

metabolism - copper 918, 920 - iron 918 - Iipid 849 - Iipid, local disturbances

858 - mucopolysaccaride 888 - phenylalanine-tyrosine

869 - purine 923 - zinc 918, 919 metachromatic leukodys­

trophy 888 metachronic polymor­

phism 317 meta! workers, contact der­

matitis and eczema 327 metastases, hematogenous

1030 metastases, lymphogenaus

1030 metastatic calcinosis 913 metastatic carcinoma 1030 metatypical basal cell carci-

noma 1023 methenamine 1161 methylmalonic aciduria

888 metophyma 732 Meyenburg-Altherr-Uehl­

inger syndrome 594 Meyer's sign 633 Michelin tire baby syn­

drome 969 microangiopathic hemolytic

anemia 653 microangiopathy, diabetic

629 microcomedo 719 microsporosis 224 Microsporum 220, 221,

223, 224, 225 Miescher's - granuloma of the face

943, 944 - nodules 414 - syndrome 455 migrating - cheilitis 801 - filaria 269 - plaques 807 Mikulicz's aphthae 816 Mikulicz's syndrome 940 milia 977 - eruptive 977, 979 miliaria 752 - apocrine 745 - crystallina 753 - pathogenesis 753 - profunda 753 - rubra 753 - scarlatinosa 45 miliary follicular chancre

(follicular chancroid) 126 miliary tuberculosis 133 milk crust 351 milker's - callosities 40 - callus 368

- granulation nodules 40 - nodule 40 - pox 40 mineral oils 1143 mineral powders 1139 miniatme follicles 779 minimal erythema dose

(MED-UVB) 382 mirror-picture cells 1085 Mitchell's syndrome 613 mite(s) 255 - bird 259 - dermatitis 258 - follicle 259 - house dust 259 Mitsuda reaction 148 Mitsuda-Hayasaki test 147 mixed - connective tissue disease

576 - hepatic porphyria 906 - small cleaved and !arge

cell malignant Iympho­ma 1095

Moeller-Barlow disease 658, 933

Moeller-Hunter glossitis 809,810,932

Moh's chemosurgery 1024

molds 221, 240 - black piedra 240 - onychomycosis 240 - otomycosis 240 - tinea nigra 240 mollusca contagiosa 21 molluscoid nevocytic ne-

vus 960 molluscoid pseudotumors

535 molluscum contagiosum

21, 22 - giganteum 22 - pediculatum 22 molluscum pseudocarcino-

matosum 1014 molluscum sebaceum 1014 Mondor's disease 634, 824 Mondor's syndrome 634 mongolian spot 958 monilethrix 763 moniliasis 232 monkeypox 39 monobenzone 1161 monoclonal cryoglobuline-

mia 877 monoclonal gammopathy

874, 875 monocyte angina 820 monocytic leukemia 1105,

1120 mononucleosis, infectious

820 monovalent contact aller­

gy 329 Montgomery's syndrome

857 morbid hair pulling 777 morbilli 43

morbilliform drug erup-tions 279

morbus - Dercum 1 064 - hemorrhagicus maculo-

sus Werlhof 651 - hemorrhagicus neonator­

um 656 Morgagni's syndrome

767 Morgan-Dennie lines 355 morphea 554 - guttate (scleroderma)

554 - profunda 555 morpheiform basal cell car­

cinoma 1021 Morquio A, B mucopoly-

saccharidoses 890 morsicatio buccarum 812 Morvan's ulcer 682 mosaic warts 13, 16 Moschcowitz's syndrome

653 motorcyclist's disease 983 mouth, candidosis of the

mucous membrane of the mouth 232

mouth, rhagades of the an­gle of the mouth 801

MPS, mucopolysacchari­doses 889

Mucha-Habermann syn­drome 440

mucinosesjmucinosis 888-895

- epithelial 895 - erythematousjerythema-

tosa, reticular jreticularis 895

- euthyroidism 892 - dermal 889 - follicularjfollicularis

895, 896 - hyperthyroidism 891 - hypothyroidism 891 - papulosa seu lichen-

oides 893 - plaque-like 895 - plaque-type, cutaneous

895 mucinous papules 985 mucocele 985 mucocutaneous candidosis

237, 238 - diffuse chronic 238 - familial chronic 238 mucocutaneous leishmania­

sis 203 mucocutaneous lymph

node syndrome 412 mucoid dorsal cyst of the

fingers 985 mucolipidoses 888 mucophanerosis intrafolli­

cularis et seboglandular-is 895

mucopolysaccharide metab­olism 888

mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) 889

- hereditary 888 - Hunter 889, 890 - Maroteaux-Lamy 889,

890 - Morquio A, B 890 - Pfaundler-Hurler 889,

890 - Sanfilippo A, B, C 889,

890 - Sanfilippo D 890 - Ulrich-Scheie/Scheie

889, 890 mucosal - melanoma 1039 - papillomas 14 - warts 19 mucous - cyst 985 - gland cyst, traumatic

985 - granuloma 801 - membranes of the

cheeks 812 - membranes of the pal­

ate 812 - membranes, oral 813 - retention cyst, traumatic

985 mucoviscidosis 927 Muehrcke's bands 787 multicentric reticulohistio-

cytosis of skin and syno­via 1114

multifocal eruptive piloma­tricoma 992

multiform erythema 409-411

multiple fibromata of the fingers 578

multiple sweat gland ab­scesses in neonates 172

Münchhausen's syndrome 680

Munro 's microabscesses 11

murine (endemic) typhus 62

Murray's syndrome 1052 muscle, arrector pili 756 muscle tumors 1062 myasthenia dolorosa 575 mycelium 219 mycetoma 188, 189,243 mycids 229 - Iichen trichophyticus

230 mycobacterial infections,

atypical 145 Mycobacterium tuberculo-

sis 130 mycoplasma - genital 191 - M. genitalium 77, 191 - M. hominis 77, 191 - M. pneumoniae 191 - T 191 - urethritis 77

mycosesjmycosis - cryptococcus 244 - culture of fungi 222 - deep 219 - dermal 241 - diagnosis 222 - epidermal 223 - follicular 223 - of the foot 227 - fungoides (see mucosis

fungoides) - localized, with epidermo-

tropism 1 092 - stained preparation 222 - subcutaneous 241 - systemic 219, 244 - unstained preparation

222 - visceral 244 - Wood's lamp 222 mycosis fungoides 1086,

1087 - Alibert-Brazin form

1086, 1087 - d'emblee 1088 - erythroderma form 1088 - infiltrative stage 1087 - premycosis stage 1087 - stages 1089 - tumor stage 1087 myeloid leukemia 1103 myeloma, multiple 1094 myelosis cutis circumscrip-

ta 1104 - basophilica 1105 - eosinophilica 1105 - monocytica 1105 myiasis 254 - externa 254 - linearis migrans 254 myoblastoma, granular

cell 1066 myxedema 891, 892 - circumscribed 891 - circumscriptum symme-

tricum praetibiale 892 - circumscriptum thyreo-

toxicum 892 - diffuse 891 - pretibial 892 - true 891 - tuberosum 891 myxoderma 888 (see mu­

cinoses/mucinosis and myxedema)

- papulosum 893 myxodermia circumscripta

symmetrica praetibialis 892

myxoid finger cyst 985 myxoma 985 - emboli 616

nail en raquette 791 nail(s) 784 - bed 784 - changes (see nail


- claw 787 - coloration 790 - crooked 787 - fold, proximal 784 - fold psoriasis 426 - great toenail dystrophy

788 - haif-and-half 791 - hangnails 788 - ingrown 795 - matrix 784 - melanoma 1039 - 20-nail dystrophy 788 - nail-patella syndrome

793 - neapolitan 788 - nevus pigmentosus 790 - pigment changes 790 - pincer nail syndrome

789 - plate 784 - psoriasis 425 - racket 791 - ridged 788 - spoon 788 - tennis racket 791 - thimble 789 - tower 789 - tube 789 - watchglass 789 - yellow nail syndrome

794 nail(s) changes 791 ff. - acquired 795 - alopecia areata 793 - amyloidosis 794 - autoimmune diseases

794 - bullous pemphigoid 794 - congenital 791 - dermatitis 793 - dermatomyositis 794 - epidermolysis bullosa

dystrophica 794 - Iichen planus 793 - Iupus erythematosus

794 - Lyell's syndrome 794 - pemphigus vulgaris 794 - pityriasis rubra pilaris

794 - psoriasis 793 - Raynaud's disease 794 - Reiter's disease 793 - scleroderma 794 - skin diseases 793 - Zinsser-Cole-Engman

syndrome 794 naked papillary epithelio-

ma 1004 napkin dermatitis 360 napkin rash 235 Natal sore 203 natamycin 1155 navel stones 980 neapolitan nails 788 neck - cysts 589 - fistulas 589

- Madelung's 1064 necrobiosis lipoidica 946 - diabeticorum 946 - of the face and scalp,

atypical 943 - maculosa disseminata

946 necrobiotic xanthogranulo­

ma 859, 1114 necrolysis, toxic epidermal

(TEN) 281 necrolytic migratory erythe­

ma 407 necroses/necrosis (see also

skin necroses) - chlorquinaldol 833 - dequalinium 833 necrotizing fasciitis 177 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 64 Nemathelminthes (round-

worms) 262, 265 Nematoda (threadworms)

266 neomycin 1153 neonatal bullous impetigo

159 neonatallupus erythemato­

sus 573 neonate(s) (see also new­

born, infantile, infants) - acne 725 - multiple sweat gland ab-

scesses 172 - sclerema 563, 599 - seborrheic dermatitis

340 - seborrheic eczema 340 - skin disorders 1 - toxic erythema 405 neoplasia, B-eeil 1086 neoplasia, T-cell 1086 neoplastic endotheliosis

1096 nerve changes, leprosy 150 nervous system, tertiary sy­

philis 96 nervous system, tumors

1064 Nesselsucht 292 Netherton's syndrome

528 nettle rash 292 neurilemmoma 1064 neurinoma 1064 neuroblastoma 1064 neurocutaneous - melanoblastosis syn-

drome 962 - melanosis 962 - melanosis, diffuse 697 - sensory syndromes, con-

genital 682 neurodermatitisjneuroder-

mitis 348 - atopica 348 - circumscripta 678 - constitutionalis 348 - disseminata 348 - diffusa 348

Subject Index 1219

neuroectodermal syn­drome 966

neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin 1066

neurofibroma 1065 neurofibromatosis 1065 - generalisata 690, 1065,

1066 - generalisata, signs 1066 - von Recklinghausen's

956 neurogenic skin atrophy

545, 683 neurolemmoma 1064 neuroleptics 1180 neurological skin diseases

671 neuroma 1064 neuropathic acrodystrophy,

primary 683 neurotic buccal ulcer 812 neurotic excoriations 676 neurotrophic ulcer in acro-

pathia ulcero-mutilans nonfamiliaris 684

neurotrophic ulcerations 682

neutral soaps 1163 neutrophilic dermatosis, fe-

brile, acute 415 nevi/nevus 956ff. - anemicus 973 - araneus 972 - asterisk 972 - basal cell nevus syn-

drome 1022 - Becker's 957 - blue 959, 1036 - blue, cellular 959 - cell nevus 959 - ceruleus 959 - comedonicus 991 - connective tissue 968 - curly hair 968 - dermal melanocytic 958 - dysplastic 963 - dysplastic syndromes

963 - elasticus 968 - elasticus regionis mam-

mariae 968 - epidermal 964 - epidermal melanocytic

956 - epithelial 964 - flammeus 969 - fuscoceruleus deltoi-

deoacrominalis 959 - fuscoceruleus ophthal­

momaxillaris 959 - giant pigment 961 - hair (nevus pilosus) 968,

991 - hair follicle 991 - halo 705, 962 - halo melanocytic 705 - inflammatory linear ver-

rucous epidermal 965 - Ito's 959

1220 Subject Index

nevi/nevus 956ff. - junctional 960 - !arge nodular disseminat-

ed connective tissue 968 - linear nevus sebaceus

syndrome 966 - lipomatosus 969 - lumbosacral connective

tissue 968 - mast cell 1108 - molluscoid nevocytic

960 - nevocellular 959 - nevocellularis pigmento-

sus 960 - nevocytic 956, 959, 1038 - nevus-spilus-like hyper-

pigmentation 693 - organoid 956, 964 - Ota's 959 - pigment cell 956 - pigmented hairy epider-

mal 957 - pigmented nevocytic

1036 - pigmentosus (see nevi/ne-

vus pigmentosus) - pilosus (hair nevus) 991 - sebaceous gland 965 - sebaceus senilis 965 - senile sebaceous gland

965 - spider 972 - spilus 957 - spindie cell 962 - Spitz' 962 - spongiosus albus muco-

sae 813 - Sutton 705 - sweat gland 967 - syringoadenomatosus pa-

pilliferus 995 - telangiectaticus 607,

969, 970 - Unna-Politzer 970 - varicosus osteohypertro-

phicus 971 - vascularjvascularis (see

nevi/nevus vascularis) - verrucosus 964 - verrucosus unius lateris

965 -- vinosus 969 - white spongue 813 - woolly hair 968 nevi/nevus pigmentosus - nails 790 - nevocellularis 960 - et papillomatosus 960 - et pilosus 960 nevi/nevus vascular/vascu-

laris 969 - mixtus 973 - phakomatoses 971 nevocellular nevus 959 nevocytic nevi/nevus 956,

959, 1038 nevoid - basal cell carcinoma 1022

- cystic tumors 978 - hypertrichosis 766 - melanoma 1039 - xanthoma 1113 nevoxanthoendothelioma

1050, 1113 nevus (see nevi/nevus)

956ff. nevus-spilus-like hyperpig­

mentation 693 new working formulation

1082 New World leishmaniasis

207 newborn - fat sclerema 599 - fatty tissue 599 - hemorrhagic diathesis

656 - herpes sepsis 24, 25 - lamellar desquamation

517, 518 - lamellar exfoliation 517 - subcutaneous fat necro-

sis 599 - syphilis 111 NGU (nongonococcal ur­

ethritis) 77, 122 Nicolas-Durand-Favre dis­

ease 123 Nicolau's syndrome 289 nicotinamide (vitamin B3,

pellagra preventive fac­tor) 931

nicotinic acid 1156 Niemann-Piek disease 865,

888 Niemann-Pieksyndrome

865 night blindness 929 Nikolski's phenomenon,

pemphigus vulgaris 475 nipple(s) - adenomatosis 995 - accessory 590 - Paget's disease 1005 - supernumerary 590 nit 249 nitrates, silver 1152, 1157,

1158 nitrofurazone 1153 njovera 115 nocardiosis 187 NMM (nodular malignant

melanoma) 1038 nodes 5 - Bouchard's 578 - Heberden's 578, 579 nodose erythema 413 nodose tuberculid 143 nodular - abscesses 720 - bullous pemphigoid 488 - disseminated connective

tissue nevus, !arge 968 - elastosis with com­

edones 548 - elastosis with cysts 548 - erythemas 409, 414

- fasciitis, subcutaneous 1051

- filariosis 270 - melanoma (see nodular

melanoma) - prurigo 677 - vascultitis 414 nodular melanoma 1038 - malignant 1038 - primary 1038 nodules 5, 720, 947 - indurated 720 - rheumatic/rheumatoid

947 noduli rheumatosi 947 nodulus cutaneusjcutane­

ous 1048, 1050 noma stomatitis 815 nonbullous congenital ich­

thyosiform erythroder-ma 517

nondystrophic epidermo­lyses 467

nonfamilial pseudosyringo­myelic ulcero-mutilating acropathy 683

nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) 77, 122

nonhereditary - dysplastic nevus Syn­

dromes 964 - idiopathic lymphedema,

noncongenital 667 - primary lymphedema

667 non-Hodgkin's Iympho­

mas 1086 - cutaneous, high malig­

nancy 1096 - low malignancy 1086 nonionizing radiation

1186 Nonne-Milroy-Meige syn­

drome 604 nonspecific urethritis 77,

122 nonsteroidal antiinflamma­

tory drugs 1164, 117 5 nonvenereal lymphangitis

of the sulcus coronarius 824

nonvenereal sclerosing lym­phangitis of the penis 824

normolipemic plane xan­thomatosis 858

North American blastomy­cosis 244

North Asian tick typhus 62

Norwegian scabies 258 nose, fibrous papule

1049 nose, syphilitic saddle

nose 99 nosocomial gangreue 815 nummular - atopic eczema 354 - dermatitis 344

- eczema (see nummular eczema)

- psoriasis 423 nummular eczema 344 - children 357 - differential diagnosis

345 - infants 357 - microbial 344 nutritional disorders 926 nystatin 1154

obligate precanceroses 999 OCA (oculocutaneous al­

binism) 699, 700 - types 699 occlusive wet dressings

1137 occupational - contact allergens 327 - dermatitis 361 - eczema 361 ocher-yellow purpura 636 ochronosis 711, 870 - exogenous 711 ocular albinism 699 ocular pemphigus 488 oculocutaneous - albinism (OCA) 699,

700 - albinoidism 699 - syndrome 704 - tyrosinemia 522 oculodermal melanocyto­

sis 959 Odland bodies (keratino-

somes) 512 odontogenaus fistula 589 l'oedeme bleu 599 office workers, contact der-

matitis and eczema 327 Ohara's disease 215 oil(s) 1143 - acne 723, 724 - animal 1144 - bath 1144 - mineral 1143 -plant 1143 - salicylic acid 1143 - in water emulsions 1147 ointments 1144 - diachylon 1146 - fatty 1144 - hydrophilic 1144 - hydrophobic 1144 - industrial protective

1163 - skin protective 1162 - wet dressings 1137 oligophrenia phenylpyruvi­

ca 698, 869 oligovalent contact allergy

329 Olmos-Castro test 147 Onchocerca volvulus 262 onchocerciasis 270 onychoatrophy 787

onychoauxis 787 onychodystrophy jonycho­

dystrophia 786 - mediana canaliformis

789, 790 - schindelamoides 784 onychogryphosis 787, 795 onycholysis 785 - canaliformis 785 - semilunaris 785 - totalis 785 onychomadesis 785 onychomycosis 223, 228,

229 - molds 240 - treatment 231 onychopathy, azotemic

791 onychophagia 795 onychorrhexis 785, 788 onychoschisis 784, 785 onychoschizia 784 onychotillomania 785 onyx nail 784 oophoritis 68 ophthalmoblennorrhea 72 - adults 73 - neonatorum 73 Opisthorchis sinensis 262 OPTI (oral provocation test

for idiosyncrasy) 304 optical radiation 1186 oral - cavity 800 - hairy leukoplakia 809 - mucosa, hyperpigmenta-

tion 814 - mucous membranes 813 - papillomatosis, florid

1013 - provocation test for idio-

syncrasy (OPTI) 304 - thrush 232 orange peel 604 Oroya fever 62 orbita, periorbital syr-

ingoma 993 orf 40 organoid nevi 956, 964 organs, Sucquet-Hoyer-

Grosser 1059 oriental boil 203 oriental button 203 ornamental tattooing 712 ornithosis 121 oropharyngeal gonorrhea

72 orthokeratosis I 0 orthopoxvirus infections

36, 39 - WHO (World Health Or-

ganization) 39 orthostatic purpura 658 Osler's disease 972 ossification, ectopic 913 osteitis cystoides multiplex

940 osteitis tuberculosis multip­

lex cystica 938

osteoangiohypertrophy syn­drome 971

osteoarthropathy, idiopath­ic hypertrophic 588

osteoarthrosis deformans alcaptonurica 871

osteogenis imperfecta 538 osteoma 1063 osteo-oculo-dermal dyspla-

sia 542 osteoporosis, fetal 538 ostiofolliculitis 160 Ota's nevus 959 otomycosis, molds 240 otophyma 732 overtreatment dermatitis

330 oxidizing agents 1150,

1151 oxyuria 266 oxyuriasis 266

pachyderma 8, 637 - folded 587 pachydermia verticis gyra-

ta 587 pachydermoperiostosis

588, 789 - familial 588 pachydermy 667 pachyonychia congenital

792 pachyonychia ichthyosifor-

mis 792 Pacini's corpusdes 671 pad(s) - chewing 577, 578 - formation of the callosity

type 577 - knuckle 577 Paget's disease 1005 - of the nipple I 005 pagetoid - basal cell carcinoma

1021 - melanoma 1037 pagetoid reticulosis 1092 - disseminated type 1092 - localized type 1092 painful - auricular nodule 593 - bruising syndrome 657 - ear nodule 593 - fat syndrome 604 - lipedema syndrome 604 - lipedema syndrome of

the lower legs 604 - piezagenie pedal pa­

pules 590 palate, mucous mem-

branes 812 palmar erythema 404 - symptomatic 404 palmar fibromatosis 579 palmar keratoses 519 palms, hyperkeratotic der-

matitis of the palms 323

palpable migratory arci-form erythema 1075

panarteritis nodosa 616 pancreas, panniculitis 600 panniculitis 596 - acute 597 - alpha-antitrypsin defi-

ciency 600 - cold 375, 598 - connective tissue disease

601 - drug-related 598 - etiological classification

596 - factitial 599 - Iupus 601 - metabolic 599 - nodularis nonsuppurati-

va et recidivans 597 - pancreas 600 - paraffin 598 - physical 598 - poststeroid 598 - psychic 599 - rclapsing febrile nodular

nonsuppurative 597 - septal 600 - silicon 598 - traumatic 598 - vasculitis 600 panniculus adiposus 596 pantothenic acid 933 papillae coronae glandis

824 papillary epithelioma,

naked 1004 papillary intraductal cysta-

denoma 995 papilloma - basal ccll 987 - benign intraductal 995 - virus 13 papillomatose confluente et

n':ticulee 458 papillomatosis 11 - confluens et reticularis

458 - cutis carcinoides 1012 - florid oral 1013 - mucosae carcinoides

1013 - reticulated confluent

458 Papillon-Lefevre syn-

drome 522, 822 papular - acantholysis 484 - acantholytic dermatosis

484 - dermatitis (see papular

dermatitis) - mucinosis 893 - syphilid/syphilis 89 - urticaria 674 - xanthoma 857 papular dermatitis - children 359 - juvenile 452 - pregnancy 847

Subject Index 1221

papules 5 - mucmous 985 - pruritic urticarial, preg-

nancy 846 papulonecrotic tuberculid

142, 143 papulosis - bowenoid 13 - bowenoid genital 831 - lymphomatoid 439 - maligna atrophicans/

malignant atrophic 631 papulosquamous syphilid

88 paraaminobenzoic acid

1161 paraamyloidosis 881 parablast leukemia 1096 Paracoccidioides 245 paracoccidioidomycosis

245 paraffin(s) 1145 - panniculitis 598 paragonorrheal disease 66 parakeratose infectieuse

334, 637 parakeratosis 10, 513, 514 - centrifugata atrophieans

526 - Mibelli 526 - variegata 439, 444 paraneoplastic syndromes

1124 parangi 113 paranoid syndrome, psy­

chopharmaceutic agents 1179

paraphimosis 827 paraprotcins 874 parapsoriasis - atrophic 443 - digitiformis 441 - en gouttes 439 - en grandes plaques poiki-

lodermiques 443 - group 439 - guttata 439 - lichenoides 444 parapsoriasis en plaques

441,442 - benign small plaque

type 441 - small focus type 441 - !arge focal poikiloderma-

tous type 443 - !arge plaque inflammato­

ry type 442 - !arge plaque poikiloder-

matous type 443 - premalignant form 442 parasiticides 1160 parasitosis 681 paravaccinial nodule 40 parenchymatous organs,

tertiary syphilis 96 paresis, general 97 Parker's ink 222 paronychia 235 - candidomycetica 236

1222 Subjeet Index

paronyehial psoriasis 425, 426

paronyehial warts 14 paroxysmal finger hemato­

ma 659 paroxysmal hematoma of

the hand 659 Parrot's disease 121 Parrot's grooves 99 parru 113 Parry-Romberg hemiatro-

phy 545 partial albinism 699 partial lipoatrophy 602 particle aeeelerators 1193 Pasini's syndrome 472 pastes 1142 - standard 1 142 Pasteure/la multocida infee-

tion 190 pateh test 329 patehy seborrheie eezema

342 Paul's test 37 Pautrier-Woringer's dis-

ease 1078 Payr's pressure point 633 pearly penile papules 824 peau eitreine 548 pedieulosis 248 - eapitis 248, 249 - eorporis seu vestimentor-

um 249 - pubis 250 Pediculus humanus 248 pelade, alopeeia eireum-

seripta 778 peliosis rheumatiea 662 pellagra 931 - dermatitis 931 - preventive faetor (vita-

min B3, nieotinamide) 931

pellegra-eerebellar ataxia­renal aminoaeiduria syn­drome 870

pemphigoid - benign mueosal 488 - bullous 485 - bullous, nail ehanges

794 - eieatrieal 488 - diseases 485 - dyshidrosiform 488 - gestationis 490 - juvenile 485 - searring 488 - seborrheie 487 - vegetans 487 pemphigus - aeutus neonatorum 159 - antibodies 477 - benign familial ehronie

483 - Brazilian 482 - bullous pemphigoid,

eoexistenee 479 - ehronieus benignus fami­

liaris 482

- diseases 474 - erythematosus 481 - foliaeeus 480, 481 - gravidarum 490 - herpetiformis 478 - resembling erythema an-

nulare 479 - resempling intertrigo

479 - seborrheieus 481 - vegetans (see pemphigus

vegetans) - vulgaris (see pemphigus

vulgaris) pemphigus vegetans 479,

480 - Hallopeau type 480 - Neumann type 479 pemphigus vulgaris 474 - differential diagnosis

478 - nail ehanges 794 - Nikolski's phenomenon

475 - Tzanek eells 476 penetration 1 132, 1164 penieillins 11 72 penile induration 580 penis - eareinoma 1028 - eareinoma in situ 832 - eonneetive tissue disease

577 - eord-shaped superfieial

phlebitis 825 - gangrenaus inflamma-

tion 832 - glans 823 - hirsuties papillaris 824 - kraurosis 831 - lymphangieetasis 824 - lymphangieetasis, tran-

sient 824 - nonvenereal sclerosing

lymphangitis 824 - papilloma, hirsutoid 824 - papules, pigmented 831 - plastie induration 580 Penjedeh sore 203 perforating elastoma 550 perforating ulceration 682 perianal abseesses 1 13 1 perianal thrombosis 1131 periarteritis nodosa 616 peribueeal pigmentation

692 perieollagenous amyloi­

doses/amyloidosis 879-881

peridigital dermatosis 358 peridigital eezema in ehil­

dren 358 perifollieular fibromatosis

eutis with eolon polyps 1049

pcrifollieulitis 161 - eapitis abseendens et suf­

fodiens 167, 168 pcrineval vitiligo 705

perioeular hyperpigmenta­tion 691

periodontitis 811 perioophoritis, gonorrheal

68 perioral - dermatitis 734, 735 - eezema, ehildren 357 - eezema, infants 357 periorbital syringoma 993 periorifieial lentiginosis

689 periphlebitis 631 - of the ehest wall, scleros­

ing 634 periretieular amyloidoses

880, 882, 879 peritonitis 68 perleehe 232, 801 permeation 1132 pernio follieularis 375 pernionesjperniosis 374 - speeial forms 375 peromelia 587 persistent - aene nodules 720 - faeial erythema 404 - light reaetion 388, 395 - papular aeantholytie der-

matosis 484 Perthes' test 640 pest 214 pestilentia 214 peteehiae 4, 649 Petriellidium 243 petrolatum (Vaseline) 1146 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

689 Peyronie's disease 580 Pfaundler-Hurler disease

888 Pfaundler-Hurler, mueopo­

lysaeeharidoses 889 Pfeifer-Weber-Christian

syndrome 597 PfeWer's glandular fever

820 PGU (postgonoeoeeal ur­

ethritis) 77, 122 Phaeoannellomyces ( Exo­

phiala) 221, 240 phagedena (phagedenie

ulcer) 126 phagedenie ulcer (phage­

dena) 126 phakomatosis, fifth 1022 pharmaeology, dermato-

pharmaeology 1132 pharyngitis - syphilitie 92 - ulceralive 43 - vesieularis 43 phenol(s) 1150, 1155 - cther 1158 phenotypie psoriasis 41 8 phenylalanine-tyrosine me-

tabolism 869 phenylketonuria 388, 698,


phenylmereurie borate 1152

phenylpyruvie aeid oligo-phrenia 698, 869

pheomelanin 687 pheromones 745 Phialophora 241, 243 phimosesjphimosis 825,

826 - acquired 826 - eongenital 826 - physiologieal 826 phlebite en eordon de Ia

paroi throraeique 634 phlebite en fil de fer 634 phlebitis 631 - eord-like superfieial 634 - eoronal sulcus 825 - of the penis, eord-shaped

superfieial 825 -- saltans 633 phleboealeinosis 632 phlebography 641 phlebothrombosis 632 phlegmon 177 - indurated 177 - pseudophlegmon 891 - woody 177 phorphyria(s) - aeuta intermittens 904 - hepatiea aeuta 904 - variegata 906 photoallergie - dermaloses 392 - reaetion 276, 388 - reaetion, clinieal charac-

teristies 390 - urtiearia 396 photoallergies 393 - elassifieation 393 - hematogenous, systemic

394 - photosensitizer 393 - unknown sensitizers 396 photoaugmentation 384 photoehemothcrapy 1162,

1191 photoeontaet allcrgy 393 photodermatosesjphotodcr­

matosis 300, 383, 385, 389

- classifieation 386 - minimal test dose 385 - photopateh tcst 385 - photolest 385 - physieal factors 380 - skin reaetion 383 - skin types 383 - UV A doses 385 photodiagnostie proce­

dures 1189 photoreaetions, substanees

394 photoreaetivation 381 photosensitizers 388 photosensitizing sub-

stances 389 phototesting, equipmcnt


phototherapy 1189 - psoriasis 434 phototoxic - dermatitis 389 - reactions 276, 388 - reactions, clinical charac-

teristics 390 phototoxic substances 390,

391 - imitation of a clinical

syndrome 391 phrynoderma 929 phthiriasis 250 Phthirus pubis 248, 250 phyma 5 physical examination 3 physical treatment 1183 physical urticaria (see also

uricaria) 293, 294 phytanic acid thesaurismo-

sis 516, 861 phytophotodermatitis 392 pian 113 pian bois 207 piebaldism 699, 764 piezagenie nodules 590 piezagenie pedal papules,

painful 590 Piedraia 221, 240 pigment - bile 710 - ccll nevi 956 - changes, nails 790 - darkening 688 - darkening, immediate

(!PD) 383 - dermatosis, small spot-

ted 696 - nevus, giant 961 - spot polyposis 689 pigmentario maculosa er­

uptiva idiopathica 696 pigmentatio maculosa ac­

quisita 696 pigmentation 383 - circumscribed hypcrpig­

mentation 689 - delayed 384 - dcpigmentation 4, 702,

705 - direct 383 - hyperpigmentation 4,

695, 697 - hyperpigmentation, me-

chanical 695 - hypopigmentation 4 - immediate 383, 688 - indirect 384 - late 384 - lentigines hyperpigmen-

tation 693 - melanin 686 - nevus-spilus-like hyper-

pigmentation 693 - peribuccal 692 - periocular hyperpigmen-

tation 691 pigmented - actinic keratosis 1000

- basal cell carcinoma 1020

- basaloma 1020 - hairy epidermal nevus

957 - ncvocytic nevus 1036 - pcnis papules 831 pigmenti, incontinentia

694 pigmenting drugs 1161 pilar sheath acanthoma

982, 991 piles 1127 pili - annulati 761 - incarnati 163 - recurvati 163, 763 - torti 761 - torti with copper defi-

ciency 761 pilomatricoma 991, 992 - eruptive, multifocal 992 pilonidal cyst 983 pilonidal sinus 983 pilotrixoma 992 pincer nail syndrome 789 pink disease 615 pinta 115 pinworm infection 266 pitch acne 723 pitted keratolysis 183 pityriasiform seborrheid

343 pityriasis - elbows and knees, sum­

mertime 452 - folliculorum 733 - lichenoides (see pityriasis

lichenoides) - rosea 416 - rubra pilaris 437, 438 - rubra pilaris, nail

changes 794 - simplex (see pityriasis

simplex) - vcrsicolor 239 pityriasis lichenoides 439 - chronica 439 - et varioliformis acuta

(PLEVA) 439, 440 - subacuta 439 pityriasis simplex 319 - capillitii ( dandruff) 319 - faciei 319 Pityrosporum 221 - folliculitis 239 - P.furfur 232 - P. ovale 238 - P. orbicularis 238 plague 214 plane - warts 16 - xanthoma, diffuse 858 - xanthomatosis, normoli-

pemic 858 plant oils 1143 plant, contact allergens

326 plantar

- dermatosis, juvenile 358 - erythema 404 - erythema, symptomatic

404 - fibromatosis 579 - keratoses 519 - pitting 183 - warts 13, 16 plaque-like mucinosis 895 plaque-type cutaneous mu-

cinosis 895 plaques - benign 807 - migrating 807 - pruritic urticarial, preg-

nancy 846 - transistory 807 plasmacytic Iymphoma

1094 plasmacytoma 1094 plasmoacanthoma 1013 - Bencc Jones 874 plasters 1 141 - bandage 1141 - Iead 1141 plastic induration of the

penis 580 platelet - defects 653 - destruction, accelerated

651 - disorders 649 - function, acquired dis-

orders 654 platyhelminthes (flat-

worms) 262 platyonychia 788 Plaut-Vincent angina 819 Plaut-Vincent Stomatitis

815 PLEV A (pityriasis lichen­

oides et varioliforms acu­ta) 440

plicated tongue 806 plumber's itch 267 Plummer-Vinson syn-

drome 810 pluripotcntial immunopro­

liferative syndrome, chronic 1078

PMLE (polymorphic light eruption) 397

pneumocystic pneumonia 52

Pneumocystis carinii 52 podagra 923 podophyllin 1159 podophyllin tincture

1138 podopompholyx 750 poikiloderma 8 - with blisters, congenital

541 - congenitalis 540, 541 - of Civatte 691 - vascularis atrophieans

551 - with warty hyperkerato­

sis, congenital 542

Subject Index 1223

poikilodermatomyositis 575

poikilodermie reticulee pig­mentaire du visage et du cou 692

poison gas 378 poliosis 764, 779 - circumscripta 699, 702 pollen allergy 34 7 pollinosis 348 polyarteritis nodosa 616 - cutaneous 617 - cutaneous benign 617 polychondritis - atrophic, chronic 594 - relapsing 594 - relapsing, chronic 594 polyclonal cryoglobuline­

mia 877 polyclonal gammopathy I

gammopathies 874, 876 polydysplasia ectoderma,

type Cole-Rauschkolb­Toomey 541

polyfibromatoses 579 polykeratosis congenita

792 polymorphic eruption of

pregnancy 846 polymorphicjpolymorphus

light eruption (PMLE) 388, 397

polymorphism, metachron­ic 317

polymorphaus reticulosis 948

polymyositis 574, 575 polymyxin 1153 polythclia 590 polyvalent contact allergy

329 pomade acne 723 pomade crust, inguinal, in-

fants 358 Pompe's disease 888 pore, dilated 983, 991 porokeratosis - disseminata 527 - excentrica 526 - linearis 527 - of Mibelli 526 - palmaris 527 - plantaris 527 - punctata 527 - striata 529 - superficialis disseminata

actinica 527 poroma, eccrine 994 porphyria(s) 388, 899 - acute intermittent (AlP)

899 - bullosa congenita tarda

906 - chronic syndrome 906 - classification 899 - congenital 901 - coproporphyria, heredi-

tary 909 - cutanea tarda 906-908

1224 Subject Index

porphyria(s) 388, 899 - erythropoietic 899 - erythropoietic, congenital

(CEP) 899, 901 - hepatic 899, 904 - hepatic, mixed 906 - hepatica chronica 906 - hepatoerythrocytaria

909 - hepatoerythropoietic

(HEP) 899, 909 - hereditary coproporphyr­

ia (HCP) 899 - South African genetic

906 - variegate (VP) 899 porphyrin 899 - dermatosis, actinic-trau­

matic bullous 906 port wine stain 969 post-kala-azar dermalle­

ishmaniasis/leishmanoid 203, 206

post-zoster reaction 1076 postgonococcal urethritis

(PGU) 77, 122 postgonorrheal catarrh 77 postherpetic erythema mul­

tiforme 30 posthitis 827 postinflammatory residual

scarring 7_20 postmastectomy lymphan­

giosarcoma 1062 postmartern tuberde 135 postoperative progressive

gangrene of the skin 624 postreplication repair 382,

383 postscabietic persistent pa­

pules 257 postscabietic pruritus 258 poststeroid panniculitis

598 potassium bichromate 361 potassium permanganate

1151 povidone iodine 1150 powders 1138 - compact 1138 - dusting 1138 - liquid mixtures 1139 - mineral 1139 pox - cowpox virus 38 - falsepox 40 - kaffir 37 - milker's 40 - monkeypox 39 - udderpox 40 - virus 36 - virus bovis 38 - whitepox 37 poxvirus officinalis (vaccin­

ia virus) 38 Prader-Willi syndrome

456 praecancerosa, melanosis

circumscripta 1007

Prausnitz-Küstner reac-tion 306

pre-beta-lipoproteins 849 precanceroses 999 - facultative 1007, 1008 - obligate 999 - melanotic 1007 pregnancy 844 - autoimmune progester-

one dermatitis 846 - dermatosis 845 - erythema nodosum 847 - marks 844 - papular dermatitis 847 - polymorphic eruption

846 - pruritic urticarial papules

and plaques 846 - pruritus 844 - skin disorders, nonspecif-

ic 844 - skin disorders, specific

844 - striae 546 - syphilis 111 - toxemic rash 846 premalignant fibroepithelial

tumor 1022 premelanosomes 686 premenstrual acne 724 prepuce 823 preputial - ring 826 - space 823 - space diseases 833 pressure alopecia, infantile

777 pressure urticaria 295 pretibial myxedema 892 prickle celllayer (stratum

spinosum) 511 prickly heat 752, 753 primary - herpes simplex 27 - nodular melanoma 1038 - small cell carcinoma

1066 - syphilis 83 - tuberculous complex

132 Pringle's disease 812, 966,

967 PRIST (paper radioimmun-

osorbent test) 306, 307 proctology 1127 proctoscopy 1127 production defect 651 profound scarring folliculi-

tis 167 progeria 539 - adultorum 539 - infantilis 539 progressive - locomotor ataxia 97 - pigmentary dermatosis

283 - pigmented purpura 659,

660 - scleroderma 556

progressive systemic sclero­derma (PSS) 556

- antinuclear antibodies 559

proliferating - endotheliosis 1096 - trichilemmal cyst 991 - trichilemmal tumor 991 proliferation hyperkerato-

sis 10, 514 propionibacteria 180, 181 propionic acidemia 890 prostatitis, gonorrheal 70 proteinosis, lipoid 885 - with photosensitivity

886 protocoproporphyria, he­

reditary 906 protoporphyria(s), erythro­

poietic/erythropoietica (EPP) 899,902,903,909

protoporphyrinemic light dermatosis 902

Prototheca 243 protothecosis 243 protozoa 203 ff. protuberance (tuber) 5 prurigo 673, 674 - aestivalis 397 - chronic 676 - clinical morphology 680 - diabetica 674 - dysmenorrheica 675 - gestationis 674, 846 - hepatica 674 - lymphatica 674 - lymphogranulomatotica

674, 1085 - nodularis Hyde 677 - of childhood, acute 673 - simplex (see prurigo sim-

plex) - subacute 674, 675 prurigo simplex - acuta et subacuta adul-

torum 674 - acuta infantum 673 - chronica 676 - subacuta 674 pruritic urticarial papules

and plaques of pregnan­cy 846

pruritus 671 - cum materia 672 - cutaneous simplex 673 - drug eruptions 286 - gravidarum 844 - postscabietic 258 - in pregnancy 844 - simplex 673 - sine materia 672ff. - systemic causes 672 - systemic treatment 673 - without skin diseases

672ff. pseudoacanthosis nigri­

cans 456, 457 pseudo-ainhum syndrome


pseudoallergic reaction 298

pseudoallergy 276 pseudoatrophy 8, 442 pseudocanceroses 1012 pseudocarcinomatosum,

molluscum 1014 pseudochromhidrosis plan­

taris 368 pseudocicatrices stellaires

543 pseudocysts 977, 978, 985 pseudoepitheliomatous epi­

thelial hyperplasia 1012 pseudofolliculitis barbae

163, 763 pseudoglucagonoma syn­

drome 408 pseudogout 924 pseudo-Hodgkin's disease

1085 pseudohyphae 219 pseudo-Lesch-Nyhan syn-

drome 924 pseudoleukoderma 4, 706 - angiospasticum 612 pseudolymphoma 118,

1073 - B-Cell 1074 - syndrome 1078 pseudomonas - aeruginosa folliculitis,

recreationally associated 166

- mallei 212 - pseudomallei 212 pseudomycelium 219 pseudo-Parrot's creases

353 pseudopelade 770 - state, dermatosis 770,

771 pseudophlegmon 891 pseudorubella 48 pseudosarcomas 1051 - Kaposi 638 pseudosarcomatous derma-

tofibroma 1051 pseudosclerodermas 562 pseudo-SLE syndrome 573 pseudothrombocytopcnia

653 pseudotinea 353 pseudoxanthoma elasti-

cum 549 - with angioid streaks 549 - localized 550 - nitrate-induced 550 psittacosis 121 psonasts - arthropathica 429 - capillitii 423 - climatotherapy 434 - erythema annularc centi-

fugum type 429 - fluorinated corticoste­

roids 433 - follicular/follicularis 421 - genophenotypic 41 8

- genotypic 418 - geographica 423 - guttatajguttate 421 - gyrata 423 - intertriginousjintertrigin-

osa 423, 424 - inversa 424 - inveterata 424 -latent 417,418 - lesion, histological struc-

ture 421 - manifest 418 - nail(s) changes 793 - nummularis 423 - paronychial 425 - phenotypic 418 - phototherapy 434 - prophylaxis 430 - punctata 421 - pustulosa (see psoriasis

pustulosa) - retinoic acid 434 - retroauricular 424 - scalp 423 - subclinical 418 - tars 432 - treatment 430 - tretinoin 434 - ultraviolet irradiation

434 - verrucosa 424 - vulgaris (see psoriasis

vulgaris) - white 424 - X-irradiation 434 psoriasis pustulosa 428 - Barber-Königsbeck type

428 - generalisata 428 psoriasis vulgaris 417-422 - Auspitz's phenomenon

421 - candle phenomenon 421 - chronic stationary type

422,427 - classification 427 - clinical findings 420 - corticosteroids 435 - cytostatic drugs 435 - endogenaus eruption

pressure 419 - endogenaus factors 419 - endogenaus provoca-

tion 419 - eruptive exanthematic

427 - exogenaus factors 419 - exogenaus provocation

418 - fluorinated corticoste­

roids 431 - focal bleeding phenome­

non 421 - guttate type 422 - immunological phenom-

ena 420 - knees 426 - last skin layer phenome-

non 421

- nail pits 425 - nummular type 422 - palmaris 424 - pathogenesis 420 - systemic treatment 435 - volume of the epidermis

419 psoriatic - arthritis 429 - diathesis 417 - dystrophic nails 426 - erythroderma 422, 423,

428 - erythroderma with

dwarfism 446 - leukoderma 426 - oil spot 426 - onycholysis 426 - polyarthritis 430 - pseudoleukoderma 426 PSS (progressive systemic

scleroderma) 556 psychiatric syndromes, psy­

chopharmaceutic agents 1179

psychic panniculitis 599 psychogenic skin diseases

671 psychopharmaceutic

agents 1178, 1179 - psychiatric syndromes

1179 psychosomatic phenom­

ena 1178 psychovegetative syndrome,

psychopharmaceutic agents 1179

pteroylglutamic acid (folic acid) 932

pterygium - disease 588 - inversum unguis 793 - syndrome 588 pubic louse 248 pulicosis 252 pulpite seche 358 pulseless disease 619 puppet phenomenon 933 purine metabolism 923 purpura 4, 649 - abdominal 662 - allergic vasculopathies

662 - anaphylactoid 620, 662 - annularis telangiectodes

659 - carbamide 659 - chronica progressiva

283 - cold 376 - cczematid-like 661 - fulminans 656, 657 - fulminating 662 - hyperglobulinemic(a)

656, 876 - itching 661 - jaune d'ocre 636, 658,

710 - lichenoid 660

Majocchi 659 - ocher-yellow 636 - orthostatic 658 - pigmented, progressive

659 - pigmentosa progressiva

659 rheumatica 662

- rheumatica, Schönlein-Henoch 620

- Schönlein-Henoch 621 - senile 658 - steroid 658 - thrombocytopenia, idio-

pathic (see also ITP) 651, 652

- thrombocytopenic 283, 658

- thrombotic thrombocyto­penic (TTP) 653

- thrombotica thrombocy­topenica 653

purpuric pigmcnted lichen-oid dcrmatitis 660

pustula maligna 213 pustular - bacterid 503 - bacterid, acute general-

ized 507 - dermatosis, subcorneal

505 - diseases 502 - psoriasis 428 - syphilid 90 - ulcerative dermatosis of

the scalp 505 pustules 6 - Beh9et's 817 - spongiform 11 pustuloses/pustulosis - acuta generalisata 505,

507 - cosinophilic, sterile 508 - generalized 505 - palmaris et plantaris

503 - subcornealis 505 pyoderma(s) 154 - chancriform 179 - chronic 178 - epidermal 156 - faciale 731 - gangrenosum 623, 624 - gangrenosum, systemic

diseases 624 - of hair follicles 160 - of other origin 166

sweat glands 171 - ulcerosa serpiginosa

179 - vegetans 178 pyodermites vegetantes et

verruqueuses 178 pyogenic granuloma

1058 pyridoxine (vitamin 86)

932 pyruvate decarboxylase de­

ficiency 888

Subject Index 1225

Q fever 62 quadrant syndrome 971 quadrichrome vitiligo 703 quaternary syphilis 97 Queensland tick typhus 62 quinacrine 711 Quincke's edema 292, 309

Rabson-Mendelhall syn-drome 456

racing larva 268 racket nails 791 radian t hea t 1184 radiation - carcmoma 380 - ionizing 379, 1192 - ionizing, comedones fol-

lowing 724 - keratoses 1001 - nonionizing 1186 - optical 1186 - sources, artificial 1187 - uv 381 radioactive isotopes, artifi­

cial (radionuclides) 1194 radioallergosorbent test

(RAST) 288 radiodermatitis 379 - acute 379 - chronic 379, 609 radioelastosis 549 radioimmunoprecipitation

assay (RIPA) 55 raised chancroid (ulcus

molle elevatum) 126 rapid plasma reagin card

test (RPRC test) 102 Rappaport's classification

1082 RAST (radioallergosorbent

test) 288, 306, 307 rat-bite fever 216 Ratschow's test 627 Raynaud's - disease 614 - disease, nail changes

794 - phenomena, vasoactive

drugs 615 - syndrome 557, 614 - syndrome, causal condi-

tions 614 reaction( s ), - allcrgic, clinical disease

equivalents 278 - anaphylacticjanaphylac­

toid, grading 299 - anaphylacticjanaphylac-

toid, treatment 307 - Arthus 277, 278 - drug 275 - erythema nodosum-like

drug 284 - Fernandez 148 - flocculation 102 - Herxheimer's 109 - humoral allergic 277

1226 Subject Index

reaction(s), - Ito-Reenstierna 128 - Jarisch-Herxheimer 276 - Kahn's 102 - Iepra 151 - lepromin 148 - lichenoid drug 285 - localized anaphylactic

277 - Meinicke's clearing 102 - Mitsuda 148 - photoallergic 276 - phototoxic 276 - Prausnitz-Küstner 306 - pseudoallergic 298 - Schiffs, with periodic

acid 222 - serum sickness type

drug 286 - trepanemal 103 - tuberculin 277 - type I (anaphylactic)

277,278 - type li (cytotoxic) 277,

278 - type III (immune-com­

plex) 277, 278 - type IV (cellular allergic,

of delayed type) 278 reactive amyloidosis 882 reactive perforating colla­

genosis 551 reagin test, automated 103 recessive ichthyosis vulgar­

is 516 recessive ichthyosis, X­

linked 516 Recklinghausen's disease

1065 Recklinghausen's neurofi­

bromatosis 956 recreationally associated

Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis 166

rectal gonorrhea 72 recurrent - bullous eruption of the

hands and feet 469 - granulomatous dermati­

tis with eosinophilia 953

- herpes simplex 28 - migratory thrombophle-

bitis 633 red - dermographism 294 - dog 753 - liver palms 404 - mercuric sulfide 1152 - palms 404 Refsum's disease 516, 888 Refsum's syndrome 516,

861 Reiter's disease 80 - nail(s) changes 793 - urethritis 79 Reiter's protein comple­

ment-fixation test 103 Reiter's syndrome 79

relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative pannicu­litis 597

relapsing polychondritis 594

REM syndrome 895 Rendu-Osler syndrome

972 repellents 1159 repigmentation 1162 residual scarring, post-

inflammatory 720 - cysts 720 - fistulated comedones

720 resorcinol 1156 rest phase, hair cycle 7 57 restless legs syndrome 613 retention hyperkeratosis

10, 514 reticular - degeneration 11 - erythematous mucinosis

895 - varies 634 reticulated confluent papil­

lomatosis 458 reticulated pigmentary der­

matosis of the flexures 988

reticulin fiber 534 reticuloendothelial cyto­

mycosis 246 reticulohistiocytic granulo-

ma 1114 reticulohistiocytoma 1114 reticulohistiocytosis 1120 - congenital self-healing

1115 - Crosti's 1120 - cutanea hyperplastica

benigna cum melano­dermia 1090

- cutaneous 1115 - disseminata 1114 - malignant 1120 reticulosarcoma 1096,

1097 - cutaneous 1121 - histoblastic 1121 reticulosarcomatosis, Got­

tron's 1105 reticuloses/reticulosis

1082 - aleukemic 1120 - of Crosti 1120 - cutaneous 1121 - eosinophilic 953 reticulum cell sarcoma

1121 retinoids 1177 retothelial sarcoma 1097 retroauricular psoriasis

424 rewan 115 rewarming urticaria 297 rhagades 7 - of the angle of the

mouth 801

rheography, light reflec-tion 641

rheumatic nodules 947 rheumatism, desert 246 rheumatismus nodosus

947 rheumatoid nodules 947 rhinophyma 731, 732 - actinic 732 - fibroangiomatous form

732 - treatment 732 rhinoscleroma 154 riboflavin (vitamin B2)

930 Richner-Hanhart syn-

drome 522, 1063 Rickettsia 61 ff. - R. prowazeki 61 - species 62 - species, arthropod vec-

tor 62 rickettsiaceae 61 rickettsial diseases 62 - Q fever 62 - spotted fever group 62 - tsutsugamushi fever 62 - typhus group 62 rickettsial pox = Russian

vesicular rickettsiosis 62 ridged nail 788 Riehl's melanosis 691 rigid atrophic skin 7 ringed hair 761 ringlet or bristle worms

(Annelida) 262, 270 ringwarm of the foot 227 RIP (radioimmunoprecipi­

tation assay) 55 RIST (radioimmunosor-

bent test) 306 river blindness 270 Roaccutan 1177 Rocky Mountain spotted

fever 62 rodent scourge 215 rodent ulcer 1020 roentgen/Röntgen - carcinoma 380 - elastosis 549 - kera toses 1 001 - ray dermatitis 379 - ulcer 380 rolled hair cysts 763 Romberg's syndrome 545 rosacea 730, 731

. - acne 730 - conglobata 731 - fulminans 731 - granulomatous 731 - lupoid 731 - papulopustulosa 731 - steroid 731 rosacea-like - dermatosis 734 - dermatosis, familial 734 - diseases 733 - tuberculid 145 rosea, pityriasis 416

roseola infantum 48 roseola (macular syphilid)

87 Rothmann-Makai syn­

drome 598 Rothmund's syndrome

540 Rothmund-Thomson syn­

drome 388 roundworms (Nemathel­

minthes) 262, 265 RPRC (rapid plasma reagin

card) test 102 rubber components, con-

tact allergens 326 rubella 46, 47 - infectious diseases 43 rubella scarlatinosa 47 - infectious diseases 43 rubeola 46 - scarlatinosa 4 7 rubeoliform drug erup-

tions 279 ruby spot 1056 Rud's syndrome 518 Ruffini's corpusdes 671 rule, ABCDE 1041 Rumpel-Leede test 655 Russian vesicular rickettsio-

sis (Rickettsial pox) 62 Rye lymph node classifica­

tion 1085

salicylic acid 1155, 1156, 1164

- oil 1143 salivary gland cysts 984 salpingitis, gonorrheal 68 salts - aluminum 1161 - heavy meta! 1150, 1152 - mercury 1162 - silver 1152 sand fleas 253 sandbox dermatitis 359,

452 Sanfilippo A-D, mucopoly-

saccharidoses 889 Sanfilippo's disease 888 sarcoid, Boeck's 937 sarcoidosis 937 ff. - !arge nodular type 939 sarcoma 1053 - fibrosarcoma 1053 - idiopathicum multiplex

hemorrhagicum 1059 - Kaposi's 1059 - reticulosarcoma 1096,

1097 - retothelial 1097 - stem-cell, with !arge pyr-

oninophilic cells 1097 scabies 255, 256 - animal, in man 258 - crusted 258 - Norwegian 258 - persistent papules 257

- postscabietic persistent papules 257

scabophobia 258 scalded skin syndrome

159, 281 scalds 370 scale (squames) 6 scalp psoriasis 423 scal y crusts 6 scarlatina 45 scarlatiniform drug erup-

tions 279 scarlet fever 43, 45 - infectious discases 43 scarring alopecia 769 scarring pemphigoidjpem-

phigus 488 - disseminated 489 - localized 489 scars ( cicatrices) 7 Schamberg's disease 283,

659 Scheie's disease 888 Schiffs reaction with peri­

odic acid 222 Schimmelpenning syn-

drome 966 Schirmer's test 815 Schistosoma - S. haematobium 262,

264 - S. japonicum 264 - S. mansoni 262, 264 schistosomal dermatitis

265 schistosomiasis 264 Schönlein-Henoch pur­

pura 621 - rheumatica 620 Schreus' rapid zinc corro­

sion method 1024 Schreus' zinc chloride cau-

terization 1158 schwannoglioma 1064 schwannoma 1064 SCLE (subacute cutaneous

Iupus erythematosus) 567

sclerema - adiposum neonatorum

599 - edematosum neonator-

um 563 - neonatorum 563 sclerodactyly 558 scleroderma( s) 55 3, 562 - adultorum 562 - amyloidosum 881 - circumscribed 554 - en coup de sabre 555 - guttatc morphea 554 - localized 554 - nail changes 794 - progressive systemic 556 - systemic 556 sclerodermia diffusa seu

progressiva 556 sclerodermie oedemateuse


sclerodermiform basaloma 1021

sclerofascia 555 scleromyxedema 893, 894 sclerosing periphlebitis of

the ehest wall 634 sclerosis fibrosa penis

580 sclerotherapy 643 - varices 642 Scopulariopsis 221, 240 scrofuloderma 140 scrotal cysts 979 scrotal tongue 806 scrub typhus 62 scurvy 657 - in children 933 - infantile 658 sebaceousjsebaceus - cysts 980, 981 - follicles 716 - gland (see sebaceous

gland) - Iipid 513 - retention cysts 981 - trichofolliculoma 983,

991 sebaceous gland 756 - ectopic 801, 823 - heterotopic 823 - secretion 337 sebarche 716 sebocystomatosis Günther

981 sebocystomatosis scroti

979 seborrhea 716, 717 seborrheic - dermatitis in neonates

340 - eczema (see seborrheic

eczema) - eczematid 342 - erythroderma 343 - keratosis 987 - pemphigoid 487 - verrucosis 988 - wart 987 seborrheic eczema 340 - adults 342 - children 357 - disseminated 343 - infants 357 - intertriginous 343 - neonates 340 - patchy 342 seborrheid, pityriasiform

343 seborrhoid, light-sensitive

734 sebostasis 716 - (asteatosis) 717 sebum 716 secondary - carcinoma 1030 - erythrodermas 446 - syphilis 87 Secretan's syndrome 599,

670, 681

Seip-Lawrence syndrome 603

selenium sulfide 1164 self-healing primary sq ua­

mous cell carcinoma 1014

Senear-Usher syndrome 481

senile - angiomas 1056 - atrophy of the vulva

841 - elastosis 546 - genital atrophy 841 - hemangioma 1056 - lentigo 693 - nanism 539 - purpura 658 - sebaceous gland nevus

965 - skin atrophy 543 - spots 693 sepsis, fulminant men-

ingococcal 656 sepsis, gonococcal 74 septal panniculitis 600 seropapule 5 serpiginous chancroid 126 serum sickness - drug eruptions 286 - exanthems 286 - type drug reactions 286 sex-linked ichthyosis vul­

garis 516 sexual disturbances, psy­

chopharmaceutic agcnts 1179

Sezary syndrome 1090, 1091

shalc tars 1149 shampoos 1164 Sharp's syndrome 576 sheeppox 40 shingles 32, 34 shock, anaphylactic 277 shock, burn 371 Shulman's syndrome 562 Sibcrian tick typhus 62 sicca syndromc 81 5 sicca, keratoconjunctivitis

815 sickle cell anemia 890 siderophilia 918 sidcrosis 918 Sigg's sign 633 silicon panniculitis 598 silver - nitratc 1152, 1157, 1158 - salts 1152 - sulfadiazine 1152 six infectious disease 43 sixth disease 48 Sjögren's disease 815 Sjögren's syndrome 815 - secondary 816 Sjögren-Larsson syndrome

518 skin - buffering capacity 318

Subject Index 1227

- cleansers 1163 - damage, mechanical

367 - diseases, depigmenta­

tion 706 - disorders (see skin dis-

orders) - fissures 546 - functions of 3 - infections, secondary,

streptococci 178 - lesions 3, 4 - lesions, dynamics of 4 - necroses ( see skin nec-

roses) - protective ointments

1162 - receptors 671 - structures of 3 - tag 1048 - tuberculosis (see skin tu-

berculosis) - water-binding capacity

319 skin disorders 1 ff. - adolescents 1 - adults 1 - children 1 - contact with animals 2 - drugs 2 - elderly subjects 1 - examination of patients

1 - general examination 8 - infants 1 - Iabaratory tests 8 - menstruation 2 - neonates 1 - occupational aspects 2 - pregnancy 2 - seasonal dependence 2 - systemic agents 2 skin necroses - drugs 289 - intramuscular injection

289 - resembling an infarct

289 - zosteriform 289 skin tuberculosis (see also

tuberculosis cutis) 130, 132

- with allergic response 135

- classification 131 - miliaris ulcerosa mucosae

cutis 134 skin-eye-brain-heart syn-

drome 966 sklerijevo 115 slack atrophic skin 7 SLE (systemic Iupus erythe­

matosus) 568 - American Rheumatism

Association 569 - antinuclear antibodies

571 - autoantibodies 571 - diagnosis 569

1228 Subject Index

SLE (systemic Iupus erythe-matosus)

- drugs 568 - Iabaratory findings 571 - LE-cell phenomenon 571 - LE-cell test 571 SLE-Iike syndrome 573 sleep disturbances, psycho-

pharmaceutic agents 1179

small-spotted pigment der­matosis 696

small-vesicle impetigo con-tagiosa 156

smallpox 36 - black 37 - scars 36 - vaccinations 38 - zoster 37 smegma 823 Sneddon's syndrome 625 Sneddon-Wilkinson dis-

ease 505 snow blindness 387 soaps 1163 - neutral 1163 sodoku 216 soft chancre 125 soft X-ray therapy 1193 solar - dermatitis 386 - elastosis 546 - keratosis 999 - urticaria 297, 388, 396 soles, symmetric lividities

405 solid basal cell carcinoma

1019 solid phase hemadsorption

(SPHA) test 105 solitary aphthae 816 solution(s) - alcoholic 1137 - aqueous 1133 - Arning 1137 - Castellani's 1138 - coal tar 1149 - iodine 1137 - iodine, alcoholic 1150 - Vleminckx's 1153 South - African genetic por­

phyria 906 - African tickbite fever 62 - American blastomycosis

245 spa pool dermatitis 166 speckled leukoplakia 1006 spermaceti 1 1 46 SPHA (solid phase hemad-

sorption) test 105 - syphilis 81 sphingolipidoses 862 - genetic enzyme defect

862 sphingomyelin lipidosis 865 sphingomyelinosis 865 spider 255 - black widow 255

- nevus 972 Spiegler's tumor 993 spinaloma 1025 spindie celllipoma 1063 spindie cell nevus 962 spinocellular carcinoma

1025 spinaus celllayer (stratum

spinosum) 511 spinulosism 522 spiradenoma, eccrine 994 Spirillum minus 216 spirochetoses 115 Spitz' nevus 962 spongiform pustules 11 spongiosis 1 spoon nail 788 Sporothrix 242 sporotrichosis 242 - extracutaneous 242 - fixed cutaneous 242 - lymphocutaneous 242 - mucocutaneous 242 sprays 1138 spun glass hair 762 squames (see also desqua-

mation) 6 - scale 6 squamous cell carcinoma

1025, 1026 - degree of differentiation

1025 - possible causes 1025 squamous eddies 987 SSM (superficial spreading

melanoma) 1037 SSSS (staphylococcal

scalded-skin syndrome) 159

stable flies 254 staphylococcal Lyell's syn­

drome 159 staphylococcal scalded-skin

syndrome (SSSS) 159 staphylodermia superficialis

circinata 407 staphylogenic pemphigoid

of newborns 159 stasis dermatosclerosis

636, 637 stasis ulcer 640 steatocystoma multiplex

981,982 steatoma 981 steely hair disease 920 Stein-Leventhal syndrome

766 stem-cellleukemia 1096 stem-cell sarcoma with

!arge pyroninophilic cells 1097

sterile eosinophilic pustulo­sis 508

Sternberg-Reed cells 1085

steroid - purpura 658 - rosacea 731 - striae 546

Stevens-Johnson syn­drome 409, 410

Stewart-Treves syndrome 669, 1062

stippled skin 609 Stomatitis 814 - allergic 3 3 5 - candidomycetica 232 - gengrenous 815 - noma 815 - Plaut-Vincent 815 - ulceromembranacca 815 - ulcerative 815 stomatopyrosis 810 stones, navel 980 stratum - basale 511 - corneum 512 - granulosum 512 - lucidum 512 - spinosum 511 strawberry tongue 46 Streptobacillus monilifor-

mis 216 streptococcal gangrene

177 streptococci 173 - allergic skin changes

178 - secondary skin infec-

tions 178 Streptomyces 243 striae - atrophicae 546 - distensae 546, 844 - gravidarum 546 - migrans 546 - pregnancy 546 - steroid 546 strongyloidasis 268 Strongyloides stereoraUs

262 strophulus adultorum 674 strophulus infantum 673 stuccokeratosis 989 Sturge-Weber syndrome

971 stye 168 subclinical psoriasis 418 subcorneal pustular derma-

tosis 505 subcutaneous - fat necrosis of the new-

born 599 - fatty tissue 596 - mycoses 241 - nodular fasciitis 1051 - pseudosarcomatous fi-

bromatosis 1051 - syphilid 94 subepidermal nodular

fibrosis 1050 subungual - enchondromas 797 - exostosis 796 - hematoma 791 - keratoacanthoma 796 - tumors (see subungual


- verruca vulgaris 796 subungual tumors 796 - acrolentiginous melano-

ma 796 - Bowen's disease 796 - glomus 796 Sucquet-Hoyer-Grosser

argans 1059 sudamina 753 sulfadiazine, silver 1152 sulfonami,des 1174 sulfones 1174 sulfur 1152, 1156 summer eruption 397 summer prurigo 397 summertime pityriasis, el-

bows and knees 452 sunburn 382, 386 s unscreens 1161 superficial - basal cell carcinoma

1021 - dermatitis, chronic 441 - spreading melanoma

(SSM) 1037 - thrombophlebitis 632 supernumerary nipple 590 surfactants 1150, 1152 surgery - cryosurgery 1183 - electrosurgery 1185,

1186 - Moh's chemosurgery

1024 Sutton nevus 705 sweat, colared 746 sweat gland(s) - apocrine 744 - cysts 984 - eccrine 747 - nevi 967 - pyodermas 171 - tumors 993 sweat urticaria 297, 298 sweat-retention cyst 984 sweating fever 752 Sweet's syndromc 415 Swift's syndrome 615 swimmer's itch 265 swimming pool granuloma

146 symmetrical fat sclerosis

599 symmetrical vermiform fa­

cial atrophy, childhood 545

symptomatic ichthyosiform skin changes 519

syndroma muco-cutaneo-oculare acutum 409

syndrome( s) - Achard-Thiers 767 - Achenbach 659 - acquired immunodefi-

ciency (see AIDS) 49ff. - acute febrile mucocutan­

eous lymphadenopathy 412

- adrenogenital 890

- Albright's 690 - Albright-McCune-Stern-

berg 690 - Aldrich's 650 - androgenic, acne 724 - angiolupoid 938 - argininosuccinic acid

871 - Arndt-Gottron 893 - Ascher's 537 - auriculotemporal 750 - automutilation 924 - B-K mole 963 - Barraquer-Simons 603 - Bart's 473 - Bart-Pumphrey 577 - basal cell nevus 1022 - Beht;et's 817 - Berardinelli-Seip 455 - Bernard-Soulier 654 - Birt-Hogg-Dube 1049 - Björnstad's 761 - Bloom's 388, 455, 607 - Bloom-Torre-Machacek

607 - blue-rubber-bleb-nevus

1055 - Bonnevie-Ullrich 588 - bowel bypass 166 - Brocq-Pautricr 938 - bronze baby 710 - bruising, painful 657 - bulldog scalp 587 - Bureau-Barriere 683 - Bürger-Grütz 853 - burning feet 613 - Buschke-Ollendorf 968,

1049 - candidosis endocrino­

pathy 238 - Chediak-Higashi 388,

699, 866 - Chinese restaurant 403 - chondrodysplasia-he-

mangioma 1055 - chronic lymphadenopa­

thy 50 - chronic pluripotential

immunoproliferative 1078

- chronic porphyria 906 - Cockayne's 388, 540 - Cockayne-Touraine

472 - congenital neurocutan­

eous sensory 682 - Cornelia de Lange 924 - Cornelia de Lange's syn-

drome I 767 - Costen's 810 - Cowden's 813 - Crandall's 761 - CREST 557ff., 915 - Crosti's 1 120 - Crouzon's 455 - CRST 915 - curly hair 920 - cutaneous paraneoplas-

tic 1125

- defibrination 649, 654, 655

- depressive, psychophar­maceutic agents 1179

- De Sanctis-Caccione 388

- dysplastic nevus, heredi­tary 963

- dysplastic nevus, nonher-editary 964

- Ehlers-Danlos 535, 536 - EMO 892 - Fabry's 862 - familial atypical multiple

mole melanoma 963 - fatal cutaneointestinal

631 - Favre-Racouchot 548 - Feuerstein-Mims 966 - le Fevre-Languepin 588 - Fiessinger-Leroy 79 - Fiessinger-Rendu 409 - fish odor 872 - Fritz-Hugh-Curtis 74 - Fuchs' 410, 411 - Gardner's 1063 - Gerhardt's 613 - with gingival involve-

ment 811 - Glanzmann-Naegeli 654 - Goltz-Gorlin 542, 587 - Gorlin-Goltz 1022 - Gottron's 528 - Gougerot-Carteaud 458 - Greither's 520 - Grönblad-Strandberg

549 - Hallopeau-Siemens 470 - hamartoma, multiple

813 - Hartnup 870 - Heerfordt's 940 - hemangioma-thrombocy-

topenia 658 - Herlitz 469 - Herzberg-Potjan-Ge-

bauer 765 - Hoigne's 299 - Holländer-Simons 603 - Hornstein-Knickenberg

1049 - Horton's 619 - Hunt's 34 - Hurler's 767 - Hutchinson-Gilfort 539 - hypereosinophilic 953 - hypochondriac, psycho-

pharmaceutic agents 1179

- infantile acrolocalized papulovesicular 454

- ingrown grcat toenail 796

- intolerance 299 - Kasabach-Merritt 658,

1055 - Klippe!-Trenaunay­

Weber 971 - Köhlmeier-Degos 631

- Lassueur-Graham-Little 448,450

- Launois- Bensaude 1063, 1064

- Lawrence's 455 - lentiginosis 693 - LEOPARD 690, 693 - Lesch-Nyhan 890, 924 - Leser-Trelat 988 - Libman-Sacks 570 - linear nevus sebaceus

966 - lipedema, painful 604 - lipodystrophy, general-

ized 603 - Löfgren's 413, 938 - Louis-Bar 388, 608 - Iupus anticoagulant 571 - Lyell's 159,275,281,

794 - Lyell's, staphylococcal

159 - lymphadenopathy

(LAS) 49 - Mafucci's 1055 - Makai's 598 - mahngering 680 - Marfan's 537 - Martorell 626 - McCune-Albright 690 - Melkersson-Rosenthal

805 - Mendes da Costa's 527 - Menkes' 761 - Meyenburg-Altherr-

Uehlinger 594 - Michelin tire baby 969 - Miescher's 455 - Mikulicz's 940 - Mitchell's 613

Mondor's 634 - Montgomcry's 857

Morgagni's 767 - Moschcowitz's 653 - Mucha-Habermann 440 - Münchhausen's 680 - Murray's 1052 - nail-patella 793 - Netherton's 528 - neurocutaneous melan-

oblastosis 962 - neuroectodermal 966 - Nicolau's 289 - Niemann-Piek 865 - Nonne-Milroy-Meige

604 - oculocutaneous 704 - osteoangiohypertrophy

971 - Papillon-Lefevre 522,

811 - paraneoplastic 1 1 24 - paranoid, psychophar-

maceutic agents 1 1 79 - Pasini's 472 - pellegra-cerebellar atax-

ia-renal aminoaciduria 870

- Peutz-Jegher 689

Subject Index 1229

- Pfeifer-Weber-Christian 597

- pincer nail 789 - Plummer-Vinson 810 - Prader-Willi 456 - pseudo-ainhum 587 - pseudoglucagonoma

408 - pseudo-Lesch-Nyhan

924 - pseudolymphoma 1078 - psychovegetative, psy-

chopharmaceutic agcnts 1179

- pterygium 588 - quadrant 971 - Rabson-Mendelhall 456 - Raynaud's 557, 614 - Refsum's 516, 861 - Reiter's 79 -REM 895 - Rendu-Osler 972 - restless legs 613 - Richner-Hanhart 522,

1063 - Romberg's 545 - Rothmann-Makai 598 - Rothmund's 540 - Rothmund-Thomson

388 - Rud's 518 - scalded-skin 159, 281 - Schimmelpenning 966 - Secretan's 599, 670, 681 - Seip-Lawrence 603 - Senear-Usher 481 - Sezary 1090, 1091 - Sharp's 576 - sicca 815 - Sjögren's 815

Sjögren's, secondary 816 Sjögren-Larsson 518

- skin-eye-brain-heart 966 - SLE-like 573 - Sneddon's 625 - staphylococcal scalded-

skin (SSSS) 159 - Stein-Leventhal 766 - Stevens-Johnson 409,

410 - Stewart-Treves 669,

1062 - Sturge-Weber 971 - Swcet's 415 - Swift's 615 - telangiectasia-ataxia

608 - Teutschländer's 914 - Thevenard's 683 - Thibiergc-Weissenbach

559,915 - Thomsons's 541 - thrombocytopenia-

hemangioma 1055 - thrombohemorrhagic

654 - Tietze's 702 - too much skin 536

1230 Subject Index

syndrome(s) - Touraine-Solente-Gole

588, 789 - trichorrhexis 761 - Troisier-Hanot-Chauf-

fard 918 - trophic trigeminal 682 - Ullrich-Turner 667 - Urbach-Wiethe 885 - van Lohuizen's 612 - Vogt-Koyanagi 704 - Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada

704 - Vohwinkel's 522 - von Hippei-Lindau 971 - Vrolik's 538 - web 588 - Weber-Cockayne 469 - Wegener-Kiinger 617 - Wells' 953 - Werner's 539 - von Willebrand-Jürgens

654 - Winterbauer's 559 - Wiscott-Aldrich 650 - Wittmaack-Eckbom 613 - Woolf-Dolowitz-Aidous

702 - Wubenthal's 518 - yellow nail 794 - Zinsser-Cole-Engman

541, 794 synovioma, cell, benign

giant 1050 synthetic derivates 1155,

1163 synthetic fats 1146 syphilis 81 ff. - I 84, 86 - I, diagnosis 86 - II 87-89, 91

II, late 93 - III 94 syphilis - antibody reactions in dif­

ferent stages 105, 106 - cerebraspinal fluid exam-

inations 108 - classification 83 - clinical stages 112 - congenital (see syphilis,

congenital) - connata 97 - cutaneous syphilid 94 - endemic 115 - FTA test 81 - FT A-ABS test 81 - general 97 - immunity 100 - macular syphilid (roseo-

la) 87 - malignant 90 - newborns 111 - papular syphilis 88 - papulosquamous syphi-

lid 88 - pregnancy 111 - primary 83 - pustular syphilid 90

- quaternary 97 - 19S IgM FT A-ABS test

81 - screening tests 106 - secondary 87 - serology (see syphilis

serology) - SPHA test 81 - subcutaneous syphilid 94 - tertiary 9 3, 96 - TPI test 81 - treatment 109 - ulcerous syphilid 90 syphilis, congenital 97-99 - early 98 - late 99 - stigmata 99 syphilis serology - findings 112 - methods 101 - tests 106 syphilitic - pharyngitis 92 - saddle nose 99 - tonsillitis 92 syringocystadenoma papil-

liferum 995 syringoma 993 - disseminated 994 - periorbital 993 systematized neviform atro­

phoderma 542 systemic - amyloidoses (see systemic

amyloidoses) - giant cell arteritis 620 - Iupus erythematosus (see

also SLE) 568 - mastocytoses 1111 - mycoses 219, 244 - scleroderma 556 - treatment, corticoste-

roids 1171 - treatment, dermaloses

1170 systemic amyloidoses 880 - primary 880 - secondary 882

T-cell - erythroderma 1 090 - Iymphomas, cutaneous,

staging classification 1090

- Iymphomas, cutaneous, TNM staging classifica­tion 1090

- neoplasia 1086 T -zone Iymphoma 1093 Tabanus (gadflies) 254 tabes dorsalis 97 tack phenomenon 565 tactile receptors 671 Taenia saginata 262 Taenia solium 262 Takayasu's disease 619 Tangier disease 861

tannin 1157, 1160 tanning 384, 688 - delayed 688 tapeworms (Cestoda) 262 tar(s) 1149,1164 - acne 723 - birch 1150 - coal 1149 - juniper 1150 - keratoses 1002 - psoriasis 432 - shale 1149 - tincture 1149 - warts 1002 - wood 1150 tattooing 712, 713 - accidental 713 - amalgam 713, 814 - coal dust 713 - decorative 712 - gunpowder 713 - ornamental 712 - siderosis 713 - unintentional 713 Tegison 1177 telangiectases 607 - primary 607 - primary, other syn-

dromes 609 - secondary 609 telangiectasia - cerebello-oculo-cutane-

ous 608 - essential 608 - exogenaus 609 - hereditaria hemorrhagi-

ca 972, 973 - macularis eruptiva per­

stans 1110 - progressive disseminated

essential 608 telangiectasia-ataxia syn­

drome 608 telangiectodes, purpura an-

nularis 659 telecurie apparatus 1193 telogen - alopecia 768, 773 - effluvium 768 - hair loss 768 temporal arteritis 619 TEN (toxic epidermal nec-

rolysis) 281 tennis racket nail 791 terminal hair 756 tertiary syphilis 93, 96 - bones 96 - heart and blood vessels

96 - internal organs 96 - nervous system 96 - parenchymatous organs

96 testosterone, hair 7 57 test( s) - atopy 347 - automated reagin 103 - avoidance, allergic urti-

caria 303

- chancroid complement fixation 128

- confirmatory 107 - cough 640 - Dharmendra 147 - ELISA 105 - exposure, allergic urticar-

ia 303 - Fernandez reaction 148 - flocculation reaction

102 - FTA 103 - FT A, syphilis 81 - FTA-ABS 104 - FTA-ABS, syphilis 81 - Herxheimer's reaction

109 - IgM SPHA 105 - Kahn 's reaction 102 - Kveim 941 - Iabaratory, leprosy 152 - LE-cell test 572 - leishmanin 205 - lepromin 147 - lepromin reaction 148 - Iupus band 565, 576 - lymphocyte Iransforma-

tion (L TT) 288, 330 - macroflocculation 102 - Mahorner-Ochsner 640 - Meinicke clearing reac-

tion 102 - Mitsuda reaction 148 - Mitsuda-Hayasaki 147 - Olmos-Castro 147 - oral provocation test for

idiosyncrasy (OPTI) 304

- patch 329 - Paul's 37 - Perthes' 640 - photodermaloses 385 - PRIST (paper radioim-

munosorbent test) 306, 307

- rapid plasma rcagin card (RPRC) 102

- RAST (radioallergosor­bent test) 288, 306, 307

- Ratschow's 627 - Reiter protein comple-

ment-fixation 103 - RIST (radioimmunosor-

bent test) 306 - Rumpel-Leede 655 - 19S IgM FTA-ABS 104 - 19S lgM FTA-ABS, sy-

philis 81 - Schirmer's 815 - screening, syphilis 106 - serological, syphilis 106 - SPHA 105 - SPHA, syphilis 81 - TPHA 104, 107 - TPI 103, 107 - TPI, syphilis 81 - Trendelenburg test I 640 - Trendelenburg test Il


- trepanemal reactions 103

- Tzanck's, pemphigus vul­garis 476

- urticaria 304, 305 - venereal disease research

Iabaratory (VDRL) 102, 107

- Wassermann Reaction (WaR) 102

tetracylines 1153, 1173 Teutschländer's syndrome

914 textile workers, contact der-

matitis and eczema 327 thalassemia, beta 890 thallus 219 Theodor's gland 46 therapy (see treatment) thermal cautery 1186 thesaurismoses 861 thesaurismosis hereditaria

lipoidica 862 thesaurismosis, phytanic

acid 861 Thevenard's disease 683 Thevenard's syndrome 683 thiabendazole 1160 thiamine (vitamin B1) 930 Thibierge-Weissenbach syn-

drome 559,915 thimble nails 789 Thomson's syndrome 541 thorium X 1194 threadworms (Nematoda)

266 three-day-fever exanthem

48 thrombasthenia 654 thromboangiitis cutaneoin­

testinalis disseminata 631

Ihramboangiitis obliterans 630

thrombocythemia 653 thrombocytopenia 650 - acquired (see thrombocy­

topenia, acquired) - with eczema, familial

650 - hereditary 650 - megakaryocytic 651 thrombocytopenia, ac­

quired 651 - maturation defect 651 - megakaryocytic throm-

bocytopenia 651 - prod uction defect 651 throm bocytopenia-heman­

gioma syndrome 1055 thrombocytopenic pur­

pura 283, 658 - idiopathic (see also ITP)

651,652 thrombocytosis 653 thromboembolic diseases

663 thrombohemorrhagic syn­

drome 654

thrombophlebitis 631 - deep 632 - migrans 633 - recurrent migratory 633 - saltans 633 - superficial 632 thrombosis, perianal 1131 thrombotic microangio-

pathy 653 thrombotic thrombocyto­

penic purpura (TTP) 653

thrush 232, 233 thymol 1150 thyroglossal duct cyst 590 tick(s) 260 - castor bean 260 Tietze's syndrome 702 Tigason 1177 tinctures - dermatological 1137 - podophyllin 1138 - tar 1149 - wart 1138 tinea - barbae 225 - capitis 223 - colli 226 - corporis 225, 226 - cruris 226 - faciei 225 - favosa 224 - inguinalis 226 - of the lower leg 228 - manus 227 - nigra, molds 240 - pedis ( see tinea pedis) - unguium 228 - unguium, treatment 231 tinea pedis 227 - dyshidrosiform type 228 - intertriginous type 227 - macerative type 228 - squamous-hyperkeratotic

type 227 tissue - disease (see also connec­

tive tissue disease) 577 - fatty 596 - hernias, multiple fatty

tissue hernias of the heel 590

- mixed connective tissue disease 576

toenail, great, dystrophy 788

toenail, great, ingrown 796 tolciclate 1154 tolnaftate 1 154 tongue 805 - black 808 - black hairy 808 - burning (glossopyrosis)

810 - carcinoma 1029 - furrowed 806 - geographic 807 - pain 810 - plicated 806

- scrotal 806 - strawberry 46 - varices 806 tonsilla Iingualis 80 5 tonsillae linguae heterotopi-

cae symmetricae 805 tonsillar xanthomatosis

861 tonsillitis, syphilitic 92 tonsils, lingual, heterotop­

ic 805 tonsils, Waldeyer's tonsillar

ring 805 too much skin syndrome

536 topical treatment of derma­

loses 1132 Torufopsis 221 Touraine-Solente-Gole syn-

drome 588, 789 Tauton giant cells 852 tower nails 789 toxemic rash of pregnancy

846 toxic - agents, skin reactions

378 - degenerative eczema 318 - drug-induced exanthem

275 - epidermal necrolysis

(TEN) 159, 275, 281 - erythema in neonates

405 - exfoliative erythroder­

mas 445 - substances, chemical

causes 378 toxicodermia 275 TPHA (Treponema pallidum

hemagglutination) test 104, 107

TPI (Treponema pallidum immobilization) test 103, 107 syphilis 81

trabecular carcinoma 1066 trachoma 123 trachyonychia 788 tranquilizers 1178 transient chancroid 126 transient lymphangiectasis

of the penis 824 transitional phase, hair cy­

cle 757 transitory acantholytic der­

matosis 484 transitory livedo reticular­

is 61 1 transitory plaq ues 807 traumatic epithelial cysts

980 traumatic mucous - cyst 801 - gland cyst 985 - retention cyst 985 traumatic panniculitis 598 treatment - acne 725, 726

Subject Index 1231

- acu te allergic con tact dermatitis 336

-AIDS 55 - allergic urticaria 306 - anaphylactoid reactions

307 - antipsoriatic 431 - atopic eczema 356 - biopsy material 9 - chronic allergic contact

eczema 336 - chronic urticaria 308 - chronic venous insuffi-

ciency 641 - contact therapy 1 193 - corticosteroid 1 1 65 - dermatophytoses 231 - dermatoses, systemic

1170 - dermatoses, topical

1132 - differential, chronic arte­

rial occlusive disease 629

- gonorrhea 74 - grenz ray 1 193 - heliobalneotherapy 1 187 - heliothalassotherapy

1187 - heliotherapy 1187 - hirsutism 768 - hyperhidrosis 749 - leprosy 153 - malignant melanoma

1042 - onychomycosis 231 - photochemotherapy

1 162, 1191 - physical 1183 - pruritus, systemic 673 - psoriasis 430 - psoriasis vulgaris 435 - rhinophyma 732 - soft X-ray 1193 - Standard, gonorrhea 75 - syphilis 109 - tinea unguium 231 - tuberculosis 139 - varices, sclerotherapy

642 - varices, surgical 642 - venous stasis ulcer 644 - warts 19 - worm diseases 271 - X-ray 1192 Trematada/trematades

262, 264 Trendelenburg test I 640 Trendelenburg test II 640 Treponema - T. pallidum 81, 101 - T. pallidum immobiliza-

tion (TPI) lest 103, 107 - T. pallidum hemagglutin­

ation (TPHA) test 104, 107

- T. pertenue 113 trepanemal reactions 103 tretinoin 1157

1232 Subject Index

trichilemmal cysts 980, 981

trichilemmoma 991, 992 - keratinizing 991 Trichinella spiralis 262 trichinellosis 267 trichinosis 267 trichloracetic acid 1158 trichoadenoma 991 trichobacteriosis axillaris

182 trichobacteriosis palmel-

lina 182 trichobilharzia 262 trichodiscoma 1049 trichoepithelioma 990, 991 - desmoplastic 991 - papulaturn multiplex

990 trichofolliculoma 990, 991 - sebaceous 983 trichogram (hair root sta-

tus) 758 trichogranuloma of hair-

dressers 983 trichomalacia 777 trichome vitiligo 703 trichomonas urethritis 78 trichomoniasis vaginalis

208 trichomycosis axillaris

182, 183 trichomycosis nodosa ni­

gra 240 trichonodosis 761 Trichophyton 221, 223,

224,225,230 - T. ruhrum 220, 221, 225,

227,229 - T. mentagrophytes 220,

221,225,227 trichophytosis 223 trichopoliodystrophy 761 trichorrhexis - invaginata 761 - nodosa 760 - syndrome 761 trichoses, hypertrichoses

765 Trichosporon 232, 240 trichostasis lanuginosa Pin-

kus 765 trichostasis spinulosa 730 trichotemnomania 777 trichothiodystrophy 761 trichotillobasalioma/tricho-

tillobasaloma 1018, 1022

trichotillomania 777 Trichuris trichiura 262 trigeminal branch, second

and third, zoster 34 triglyceridemia, carbohy­

drate-induced 855 trimethylaminuria 872 Troisier-Hanot-Chauffard

syndrome 918 tromantadine 1158 trombiculiasis 259, 260

trombidiosis 259 trophedema 666 trophic trigeminal syn-

drome 682 trophoneurosis of Rom-

berg 545 tropical - elephantiasis 268, 668 - phagedena 926 - ulcer 203, 926 true - epithelial cysts 801 - knuckle pads 577 - myxedema 891 trunk varicosis 634 TTP (thrombotic thrombo-

cytopenic purpura) 653 tube nails 789 tuber (protuberance) 5 tuberculid(s) 141 ff. - acneiform 145 - papulonecrotic 142, 143 - rosacea-like 145 tuberculin reaction 277 tuberculoid leprosy 149 tuberculosis (see also skin

tuberculosis) - cutis (see tuberculosis cu­

tis) - fungosa serpiginosa

134 - miliary 133 - primaria cutis 132 - of the skin 130 - treatment 139 - verrucosa cutis 135 tuberculosis cutis (see also

skin tuberculosis) - colliquativa 140 - indurativa 143 - lichenoides 142 - luposa 136 - miliaris disseminata

133 - miliaris disseminata fa-

ciei 144 - orificialis 134 - papulonecrotica 142 tuberculous - chancre 132 - complex, primary 132 - gumma 140 - ulcers of the mucous

membranes 134 tuberous cerebral sclerosis

966 tubular adenoma of the

vulva 995 tularemia 215 tumenol 1150 tumor(s) (see also cancer,

pre- and pseudocancer­oses or carcinoma) 5

- Abrikossoffs 1066 - basal cell 1022 - benign 1008, 1046 - benign epithelial 987 - blood vessels 1053 - hone 1062

- Buschke-Löwenstein (condylomata gigantea) 17-19, 1015

- cartilage 1062 - cystic 977, 978 - cystic, nevoid 978 - dermal duct 994 - epithelial 987, 1018 - fibroepithelial 1022 - follicular 991 - follicular infundibulum

991 - giant cell tumor of the

tendon sheath 1050 - glomus 1058 - granular cell 1066 - hair disk 1049 - Koenen's 967 - lymph vessels 1061 - malignant epithelial

1018 - malignant tumor emboli

616 - mesenchymal 1046 - molluscoid pseudo-

tumors 535 - musdes 1062 - nervous system 1064 - oportunistic, AIDS 53 - proliferating trichilem-

mal 991 - Spiegler's 993 - subungual (see also su-

bungual tumors) 796 - sweat gland 993 - turban 993 tumor-like eosinophilic

granuloma 945 turban tumor 993 twisted hair 761 tylositates articuli 577 tylotic hand and foot ecze-

ma 323 type I (anaphylactic) reac­

tion 277, 278 type II (cytotoxic) reaction

277,278 type nr (immune-complex)

reaction 277, 278 - Arthus type 277, 278 - serum-sickness type 278 type IV ( cellular allergic, of

delayed type) reaction 278

- eczema type 278 - tuberculin type 278 typhus - endemic 62 - epidemic (rickettsia) 61,

62 - exanthematicus 61 - group, rickettsia dis-

eases 62 - Indian tick 62 - Kenya tick 62 - murine (endemic) 62 - North Asian tick 62 - Queensland tick 62 - scrub 62

- Siberian tick 62 typus rusticanus 404 Tyson glands 823 Tzanck cells 476 Tzanck's test, pemphigus

vulgaris 476

udderpox 40 ulcer(s) 6, 7 - anesthetic 682 - Bahia 207 - chiclero 207 - crural 638 - decubitus 369 - desert 926 - herpes simplex, posther-

petic ulceration 27 - hypertensive ischemic

(Farber) 626 - leg, etiology 639 - livedo reticularis with

summer ulceration 625 - Marjolin 639 - morphology 7 - Morvan's 682 - neurotrophic ulcera-

tions 682 - perforating ulceration

682 - phagedenic (phagedena)

126 - roentgen 380 - stasis 640 - tropical 203, 926 - tuberculous, of the mu-

cous membranes 134 - venous stasis 638 - venous stasis, treatment

644 - wasting 926 - X-ray 380 ulcerating basal cell carci­

noma 1020 ulcerative - atrophie blanche 637,

638 - pharyngitis 43 - Stomatitis 815 ulcerous Iupus vulgaris

137 ulcerous syphilid 90 ulcus - cruris hypertonicum 626 - lymphogranulomato-

sum 1085 - molle (see ulcus molle) - rodens 1020 - terebrans 1020 - tropicum 926 - vulvae acutum 839 ulcus molle 125 - elevatum (raised chan-

croid) 126 - gangraenosum 126 - serpiginosum 126 ulerythema ophryogenes


Ullrich-Scheie, mucopoly­saccharidoses 889

Ullrich-Turner syndrome 667

ultrasound 1191 ultraviolet filters 1161 ultraviolet radiation 380 uncombable hair 762 undulant fever 216 unguis - incarnatus 795, 796 - nail 784 - in turriculo 789 universal metabolic calcino­

sis 914 Unna-Politzer nevus

970 Unna-Thost disease 520 Urbach-Wiethe syndrome

885 urea 1156 Ureaplasma urealyticum

77, 191 uremic elastosis 549 urethritis - Acinetobacter 78 - balanitis 79 - candida 78 - chlamydia - gonorrheal 66, 69 - herpes virus 79 - myoplasma 77 - nongonococcal (NGU)

122 - nonspecific 77, 122 - postgonococcal (PGU)

122 - Reiter's disease 79 - staphylococcal 78 - streptococcal 78 - traumatic 79 - Trichomonas 78 - Veillonella 78 urinary tract, gonorrhea

65 urogenital infections with

chlamydia trachomatis 122

urtica - anemica 5 - hyperemica 5 - porcellanea 5 - rubra 5 urticaria 292 ff. - acne 676 - acute 293, 300 - allergic (see urticaria, al-

lergic) - aquagenic 198 - associated with vasculi-

tis 293 - e calore 297 - cholinergic 293, 297 - chronic (see urticaria,

chronic) - classification 293 - cold 296, 375 - contact (see urticaria,


- drug-induced nonimmun­ological (pseudoallergic) 293, 298

- exertion 297 - factitia 295 - Frick test 304 - friction test 304 - e frigore 296 - hea t con tact ( see uri tcar-

ia, heat contact) - intracutaneous (intrader-

mal) test 305 - mechanica 295 - neonatorum 405 - papulosa chronica 674 - papulosa infantum 673 - perstans 676 - physical 293, 294 - pigmentosa 1108, 1109 - pigmentosa adultorum

1110 - pigmentosa bullosa

1109 - pigmentosa hemorrhagi­

ca 1109 - pressure 295 - PRIST (paper radioim-

munosorbent test) 306 - RAST (radioallergo­

sorbent test) 306 - rewarming 297 - RIST (radioimmuno-

sorbent test) 306 - scratch test 304 - serum IgE determina-

tion 306 - skin testing 304 - solar/solaris 388, 396 - sweat 297, 298 urticaria, allergic 293, 300 - avoidance test 303 - diagnostic measures 303 - exposure test 303 - treatment 306 urticaria chronic 299, 302 - intermittent 301 - treatment 308 urticaria, contact 293, 294 - animal allergens 294 - caterpillars 294 - cosmetics 294 - drugs 294 - foods 294 - histamine 294 - immediate-type contact

allergy 294 - insect stings or bites 294 - plant allergens 294 - sea animals 294 - toxic effects 294 - work-associated sub-

stances 294 urticaria, heat contact 297 - solar urticaria 297 - special forms 297 - X-ray urticaria 297 urticarial dermographism

295 urticarial vasculitis 309

uta 207 UV radiation 381 UVA 381 - fluorescent tubes 1189 UVB 381 - fluorescent tubes 1189 uvc 381

vaccinia inoculata 38 vaccinia virus 38 vagabond's disease 250 vagina 836 vaginal discharge 837 - bacterial infections 839 - Candida albicans 838 - diagnostic guidelines

839 - Gardnerella vaginalis

838 - gonorrhoea 838 - Trichomonas infection

838 - thrush 233 vaginosis 190 valley fever 246 Van Lohuizen's syndrome

612 varicella 31 - adultorum 30 - exanthem 30 - pregnancy 32 varicella-zoster virus 30,

32 varices 634 - arborizing 610, 634 - primary 635 - reticular 634 - sclerotherapy 642 - secondary 635 - surgical therapy 642 - of the tongue 806 varicophlebitis 631 varicosis 634 - branch, lateral 634 - trunk 634 variegate porphyrias (VP)

899,906 variola 36 - confluens 37 - minor 37 varioloid 37 varnishes 1138 vascular - abnormalities 649 - disorders of hemostasis

657 - nevi 969 - nevi, phakomatoses 971 - plexus, arterial 607 - plexus, venous 607 - polyp 1054 vasculitis - allergic/allergica (see vas­

culi tis, allergic) - (arteriolitis) hyperergica

cutis 620 - granulomatous 620

Subject Index 1233

- immune complex 620, 662

- leukocytoclastic 620, 662

- livedoid 625 - nodular 414 - panniculitis 600 - urticaria(l) 293, 309 vasculitis, allergic/allergica

620-622, 662 - allergic type 662 - antigenic components

621 - hemorrhagic type 621 - hemorrhagic-necrotic

type 622 - papulonecrotic type 622 - pathogenic concept 621 - polymorphous-nodular

622 - urticarial vasculitis 622 Vaseline (petrolatum) 1146 VDRL (venereal disease re-

search laboratory) test 102, 107

vegetating bullous pemphi­goid 487

vegetating dermatitis, chronic 178

vegetative warts 16 Veillonella 78 veins 631 - warning 633 vellus hair 756 venectases 610 venereal disease research

Iabaratory (VDRL) test 102, 107

venous - atrophie blanche 637 - function (see venous

function) - insufficiency, chronic (see

also CVI) 634-636, 641 - insufficiency, chronic,

treatment 641 - stasis ulcer 638 - stasis ulcer, treatment

644 venous function 640 - doppler sonography 640 - inspection 640 - investigation 640 - palpation 640 verruca/verrucae - necrogenica 135 - planae juveniles 13, 14,

16, 17 - plana-like seborrheic ker-

atosis 988 - plantares 14, 16 - seborrhoica senilis 987 - vulgares 13, 14 - vulgares, filiform 15 - vulgaris, subungual 796 verruciform xanthoma 857 verrucous epidermal nevus,

inflammatory linear (JLVEN) 965

1234 Subject Index

verrucosis generalisata 13, 19

verrucous carcinoma 1013 - of the oral cavity 1013 verrucous neurodermatitis

679 verruga peruana 62 very low-density Iipopro­

teins (VLDLs) 849 vesicles 5 vesicular bullous pemphi-

goid 487 vesicular disease 467 - classification 467 vidarabine 1158 Vietnamese time bomb

212 virilism 765 virostatic drugs 1158 virus diseases of the skin

40 viruses 13 ff. visceral - dermalleishmaniasis

206 - leishmaniasis 203 - mycoses 244 vitamin A 929 - deficiency 929 - hypervitaminosis 929 vitamin B 930 vitamin B1 (thiamine) 930 vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

932 vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

930 vitamin B3 (nicotinamide,

pellagra preventive fac­tor) 931

vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 932

vitamin C 933 - deficiency 933 vitamin D 934 - deficiency 934 - hypervitaminosis 934 vitamin E 934 vitamin H 934 vitamin K 934 - deficiency 656 vitiligo 388, 702 - perineval 705 - quadrichrome 703 - trichrome 703 VLDLs (very low-density

Iipoproteins) 849 Vleminckx's solution 1153 Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome

704 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada

syndrome 704 Vohwinkel's syndrome 522 VP (variegate porphyrias)

899 Vrolik's syndrome 538 vulva - atrophy 840 - atrophy, senile 841 - carcinoma 1 029

- hidradenoma 995 - tubular adenoma 995 - eczema 841 - dystrophies 840 vulvitis, allergic 335 vulvitis circumscripta

chronica benigna plasma­cellularis 839

vulvovaginitis 836 - of adults 836 - candidomycetica 233 - diabetic 837 - gonorrheal 67 - herpetica 24, 25 - infantum 837

Waldenström's disease 656, 876

Waldeyer's tonsillar ring 805

Wallace's rule of nines, bums 371

WaR (Wassermann reac-tion) 102

warning veins 633 wart(s) 13 - butcher's 13 - common 13, 14 - dimple 21 - fig 17 - giant 16 - hands and fingers 13 - locations 15 - mosaic 13, 16 - mucosal 19 - paronychial 14 - plane 16 - plantar 13, 16 - tar 1002 - tinctures 1138 - treatment 19 - vegetative 16 wart-like diseases 21 warty dyskeratoma 990,

991 warty tuberculosis of the

skin 135 wasp(s) 253 - venom allergy 311 Wassermann reaction

(WaR) 102 wasting ulcer 926 watchglass nails 789 water dermatitis 267 water-in-oil emulsions

1146 water-soluble bases (lipo­

gels) 1141 waterbed, Hebra's 1134 Waterhouse-Friderichsen

syndrome 656 web syndrome 588 Weber-Christian disease

597 - afebrile 598 Weber-Cockayne syn­

drome 469

Wegener-Klinger syn­drome 617

Wegener's granulomatosis 617

Well's syndrome 953 Werner's syndrome 539 Western blot 55 wet dressing(s) 1134, 1136,

1137 - occlusive 1137 - with ointment 1137 - solutions 1136 wheal formation 292 wheals (hives) 5 whirlpool dermatitis 166 white - atrophy 637 - dermographism 295 - finger 615 - forelock 702, 764 - piedra 240 - pox 37 - psoriasis 424 - sponge nevus 813 - spot disease 552, 702 - spots, congenital 699 whitehead 719 Whitmore's disease 212 Wickham's striation phe-

nomenon, Iichen planus 448

von Willebrand's disease 654

von Willebrand-Jürgens syndrome 654

Wilson's disease 921 Windpocken 30 Winiwarter-Bürger disease

630 Winterbauer's syndrome

559 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

650 Wittmaack-Eckbom syn-

drome 613 Wolman's disease 888 Wood's lamp 222 wood tars 1150 woody phlegmon 177 wool fat 1146 Woolf-Dolowitz-Aldous

syndrome 702 woolly hair 763 woolly hair nevus 763, 968 Woringer-Kolopp disease

1092 worms 262 - bristle 270 - flatworms 262 - ringlet 262, 270 - roundworms 262, 265 - tapeworms 262 - threadworms 266 - treatment of diseases

271 wounds 6, 7 Wubenthal's syndrome

518 Wucheria bancrofti 262

xanthelasma - corporis 851, 858 - generalized 858 - palpebrarum 851, 858 xanthochromia palmaris

851 xanthoerythrodermia per­

stans 441, 442 xanthogranuloma juvenile

1113, 1150 xanthogranuloma, necro­

biotic 859, 1114 xanthoma(s) 850 - disseminated, with hepa­

tosplenomegaly associat­ed with hyperlipidemia 853

- disseminaturn with dia-betes insipidus 857

- eruptivum 851 - juvenile 1113 - nevoid 1113 - papular 857 - palmare papulosum 851 - palmare striatum 851 - plane, diffusefplanum

diffusum 858 - tendinosum et articulare

851 - tuberosum 851 - verruciform 857 xanthomatosesfxanthoma­

tosis - hypercholesterolemic

852 - hypercholesterolemic, fa­

milial idiopathic 853 - hyperlipidemic 852 - idiopathic hyperlipidem-

ic 853 - plane, normolipemic

858 - tonsillar 861 X-chromosomal recessive

ichthyosis 516 xeroderma pigmentosum

388 - keratoses 1001 xerosis conjunctivae 929 X-linked ichthyosis

recessive 516 X-ray 1192 - carcinoma 380 - dermatitis 379 - elastosis 549 - keratoses 1001 - therapy, soft 1193 - ulcer 380 - urticaria 297

yaws 113 - bush 207 - forest 207 yeasts 221, 232 ff. yellow nail syndrome 794 Yersinia enterocolitica infec-

tions 189 Yersinia pestis 214

Zaraath 146 zinc - chloride cauterization,

Schreus' 1158 - deficiency 919 - gelatin 1140 - metabolism 918, 919 - pyrithione derivates


Zinsser-Cole-Engman syn­drome 541

- nail changes 794 zirconium granuloma

948 zona 32 zoonoses 211 zoster 32 - gangraenosus 35

- generalisatus 33, 35 - haemorrhagicus 35 - in the hand region 34 - multiplex unilateralis 34 - nervi teigemini 34 - ophthalmicus 34 - oticus 34 - of the second and third

trigeminal branch 34

Subject Index 1235

- segmental innervation of the skin 33

- segmentalis 34 - smallpox 37 - speciallocalizations

34 - traumaticus 32 zosteriform skin necroses