Subject Choice for Junior Cycle Mount Sackville Secondary School February 2014.

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Transcript of Subject Choice for Junior Cycle Mount Sackville Secondary School February 2014.

Subject Choice for Junior Cycle

Mount Sackville Secondary School

February 2014

Subject Choice for Junior Certificate

Irish English Maths Science

History Geography Religious Studies CSPE

Students take 11 subjects for Junior Certificate

8 Core subjects (i.e. everyone takes)

Subject Choice for Junior Certificate

Core Non Academic Subjects Physical Education SPHE Choir

Above are not examined in

Junior Certificate

Optional Subjects

French German Italian Home Economics

Business Studies Art, Craft & Design Music

Students choose 3 optional subjects from the following list - one of which must be a language

Guidelines for Choosing

Take track record into account

Keep options open at this early stage - Job/Career in the future should not totally influence subject choice

Be aware of subject requirements for 3rd Level Courses

Consider what she enjoys and has an interest in.

Points to Note

Music Business Studies

Art Languages

Be aware of implications of dropping subjects such as

Implications for Leaving Certificate

If no Business Studies at Junior Cert, then may find Accounting or Economics difficult at Leaving Cert

If no Music or Art to Junior Cert, then very difficult to choose these for Leaving Cert

If you drop a language, then may not be able to take up again for Leaving Cert.

Bad Reasons for Choosing

Who the teacher will probably be.

What your friends are doing.

Rumours from older brothers/sisters or

friends about what is an “easy” subject - a

subject is only easy if you are good at it.

More Information …..

Look to the school