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Volume 4, Issue 15 November 14, 2016


Tuesday, Nov. 15 5:30 pmBoard of Stewards Meeting

SEEDS Film Screening5:30Film Reception at JRCSGarden7:30Film at Regal Cinemas

Thursday, Nov. 17 11 am ­ 8;30 pm Pablo's Pizza Fundraiser

By Donald Samson

We are descending into the

darkness. There is no way to

reverse it. It is impossible to hold it

at bay. We watch with despair,

helpless to stop it, as all about us

falls into decay. We fear that chaos

will reign. At this moment, the

cycle of life is spiraling downward.

Of course, I’m speaking here about

the seasons. The festival life at

Juniper Ridge, as at every Waldorf

school, is most active and visible in the autumn. A week following the

autumn equinox, we celebrated Michaelmas. In essence a harvest

celebration (we “harvested” dry goods to give away to the needy), through

the image of the dragon, we playfully turn our focus to the coming change

in the season, that the balance between night and day has shifted, and

that darkness and cold will soon hold sway.

For a month we watch enchanted as trees change colors, lose leaves and

marvel that geese begin returning to our skies. Then Halloween is upon

us. This marks the first in a long parade of festivals of light. The children

delight in harvesting pumpkins and then carving faces into them. We let

our inner spooks reign free in the dusky evening and follow a trail of

candle­lit pumpkin lanterns. The more traditional custom of going from

door­to­door trick or treating focuses upon gathering candy. Sugar is a

substance that lights us up on the insides, so we can hardly blame our

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3:50 pmParent Council Meeting

November 21­25:Thanksgiving BreakNo School

Sun, December 11: Barnes & Noble Book Fair

Wed, December 14: 7:00 pmGrade 5­9 Choral andInstrumental Concert

Dec 16­Jan 1:Christmas BreakNO SCHOOL

Down with Darkness by E. Amiran

Down with darkness, up withlight;Up with sunshine, down withnight.Each of us is one small light,But together we shine bright.Go away, darkest, blackestnight,Go away, give way to light!


"The Food Journey" 7th Grade Textbook

children greedily wanting to collect as much as they can.

Hardly has Halloween ended, the children in the younger grades are

singing lantern songs with words such as “down with darkness, up with

light,” and under the guidance of their teachers, begin making yet another

lantern, this time one they can carry in their hands. They are preparing for

the Martinmas Lantern Walk that begins around a bonfire and takes the

families on a serpentine walk through the dark fields. Even our culture

acknowledges the loss of light and the need to conserve what little we

have. Daylight savings time arrives and we have a brief reprieve of

driving to work or school in the pre­dawn dusk.

Following the Lantern Walk, we prepare for Thanksgiving, a light­filled

time of families coming together, feasting and giving thanks for what we

have. Hardly have the children returned to school, and there are a series

of activities that help them combat the darkness in nature that continues to

daily grow.

Many classrooms create a winter wreath as a countdown to the solstice.

Each week they celebrate one of the kingdoms of nature as more and

more light is added to the wreath. The students sing holiday songs and

prepare for an evening of sharing their instrumental and choral music with

the community. Some classrooms follow the Hebrew custom of lighting

Hanukkah candles. And all children have the opportunity to dip their own

beeswax candles.

Saint Nicholas and Rupert make a brief visit to the classrooms, bringing a

mix of solemnity and hilarity. The second grade single­handedly

prepares the visit of Santa Lucia (the oldest girl in the class), wearing a

crown of glowing candles, surrounded and supported by her circle of star

boys and star girls. The final celebration during the last week of school is

the Spiral Garden, for Kindergarten and first and second graders, a

stirring event of bringing the light.

In the long history of humanity, electricity is a recent arrival, although most

of us take it utterly for granted, as if the world had never been different.

However, electric lighting is such a recent invention that my grandparents

grew up without it. Until recent times, going back to the dawn of

civilization, when the darkness stole the light and shortened the day,

families huddled before the light and warmth of a hearth fire. What did

they do? They did handwork or mending, whatever the meager light

permitted, gazed at the dancing flames, gossiped and told stories. We

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When dropping and pickingup students, pleaseremember to wait until thegreen line along thehorseshoe before loadingand unloading the car.



If you have a djembelaying around, theJuniper Ridge 8thGrade Choir is in needof one to practice withand use for theupcoming choir concerton December 14th. Whether you arelooking to loan ordonate, yourcontribution would beso appreciated and thedjembe will be wellrespected. Thank you!

Do you need a copy of theJRCS Family Handboook?You can download it here:

have not changed all that much. Today we have replaced the hearth fire

with glowing screens filled with colorful dancing images presenting us

with a seamless stream of gossip and stories. Sadly, what is missing is

the warmth. And even more tragically, we are no longer speaking as

much with one another through those long dark evenings, our focus more

on the presentation before us.

Here at Juniper Ridge, we interact a lot. It is central to the Waldorf

approach. Screens play no role in our education. And when the

darkness around us becomes oppressive and we want to ward off

despair, we teach our children that the antidote is to bring more light.

"Each of us is one small light,but together we shine bright"

JRCS Family Handbook

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Our JRCS Facebookcommunity is a greatway to connect withother families, ask

questions and stay upto date with school

information. We wouldlove to have you join


JRCS All SchoolCommunity Page

There are also groupsfor each class. You canfind your child's class

page here:Ms. Beckie ­ Butterfly


Mr. Rizzo ­CottonwoodKindergarten

Ms. Claudia ­ Rainbow


1st Grade ­ Mrs. Rabe

1st Grade ­ Ms.Rusling

2nd Grade ­ Mrs.


2nd Grade ­ Mrs. Kirk

3rd Grade­ Mrs.Sytsma

4th Grade ­ Mrs. Drake

5th Grade ­ Ms. Alice

6th Grade ­ Ms.Christensen

7th Grade ­ Mr. Scott

8th Grade ­ Ms.


JRCS 9th Grade

Tickets are still available for SEED: THE UNTOLD STORY! Click Here to Purchase Tickets

Join us from 5:30­7:00 pm for the Red Carpet event at Juniper Ridge

Community School. There will be some fabulous appetizers and a 'Mystery

Basket' full of lots of goodies to be raffled off! We'll then meet at the

theatre for what promises to be an enlightening and educational film!

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If your child is ill orwill not be in schoolplease remember to

contact ourattendance line at 970­986­8219

and leave a message.

Juniper RidgeMusic Concert!

The 5th­9th grade band,orchestra, and choirs will behaving a performance theevening of December 14th,beginning at 7:00 pm. Theconcert will take place atLove Recital Hall at CMU,and is mandatory for thestudents in those grades.Call time is 6:45 pm forthe 7 pm performance. Wehope you share ourenthusiasm for theperformance of what theyhave been working on thissemester! For the concert,all students will be requiredto wear concert black, whichis mentioned in detail below.

What is “ConcertBlack”?

Concert black is how wedress for schoolperformances. Teacherswill clarify when studentsare expected to wearconcert black.

The purpose is to present aunited front duringperformance, withoutdrawing attention to clothingso that the audience can

Edible Southest Colorado is hosting this very special viewingat Regal Canyon View Cinemas with proceeds benefiting theJuniper Ridge Community School Garden Program. Tickets

are $11.50 each.

Click Here to Purchase Tickets Click Here For More Information on the Movie

JRCS is on the hunt! Can you help us?

We are currently lookingfor the following items:A Flatbed Trailer Storage SpaceA Yurt

If you have any of these items or know someone whodoes, please contact Tammy in the office.

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focus on the sounds andcontent of the concert.

Therefore, when “Concertblack” is required, it means:

Ladies will either wear blackslacks or skirt, the skirtmay not be short; it must goto the knees. If it is notankle length, blackstockings must also beworn. Flat black dressshoes are expected. Theymay have a small heel ifnecessary, but may not behigh, as it can affect theview of others in theformation when standing. Ablack dress shirt will beworn, a t­shirt is acceptablein good condition with a vneck. Crew necks are notconsidered “dress”, nor areshirts with patterns or logoson them. The lady mayalso opt for a black dress inplace of skirt/slacks andshirt, but it must be plain,and the same rules apply asto length.

Earrings are permitted, butmust not be distracting orlarge. Hair is to be wornpinned back in somemanner, away from the face

Gentlemen will wear blackslacks and a plainblack, collared shirt. It canbe button up or a polo. Theywill all wear black socks andblack dress shoes. Theshirts will be tucked in andthe slacks will have a blackbelt.

Is keeping track of your volunteer hours kind of a pain?No more.

Now there’s an online optionfor you to log your hoursAND hear about volunteeropportunities that fit YOURtime and talents. You can login right from home or yourphone.

HelpCounter is an on­lineservice designed especially

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for school volunteers. Registering only takes a minute and isFREE for you! Once you’re in the system, you’ll receivenotice of volunteer opportunities corresponding to your talentsand interest. You can sign up to let us know you’re coming,and your hours will be automatically logged. HelpCounter willeven send you an email reminder.

On top of that, HelpCounter helps us tally overall volunteerhours that make JRCS eligible for grant money!

Copyright © 2015 Juniper Ridge Community SchoolAll rights reserved.

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