STy+!...dcman~l at the country rs the removal of meat of Thomas would o0t be of’particular courage...

Post on 16-Oct-2020

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Transcript of STy+!...dcman~l at the country rs the removal of meat of Thomas would o0t be of’particular courage...

.... . .-

¯ . Tn tho great lTatmuont~, Fruit Settl’-’-" Ir.ent, the best imh,od,nents ale offered to

arms±ill=the ,uost-deli

¯ i tive soil; ¯ the: gurdcn

milk-from -lthilade]ph¯ " and .’tlhntic lqailroad, and but few ,nih,s

: ,0the New l~ork Railroad. Tlle.~e {a.dsat~ sold to the netual ~ettlers at lotv ],rices: rid dis)" tei’i is, in five, ten, twenty aet~s

: mid ttpwnnls t~ st,it; The title p, rfi.c!warrsnte~; deeds¯ Clear of all incuuth,anc¢

’ - .no~,~ wheu all the imreha~ tnoney

¯ " ~IIs a fine snvaly-aud ,:1 ,y to:aa, i.uih,hle I; r,nil graius aud gm~cs’n.,l is ,r.uounct,d

] the {;nest quality tbr~gai’d,,niog :m,l |ru:! {¯ r~i~ilig. [t i. "¯ g~-Tnlanne d-l,O.-it, wlt!l a {

lii~tTly substance ~,’Ixed .’ill through it m nl.: xeO~r~T~nT~mHn~I~ct- c,m-~

’worked and warm andthe laL,~l, is slightly undulath,g, and iscalled level it is frea from stoues .r rocks.

It is t to best fruit soil iu the U.i,,o.¯ l’car.% P-.aehcs.

Ohorfio,of all kinds, and. all other fruits are rai~edllere in immense quantities, arid they are

l,,cnd it highly :,.~ a tt~p dre.’sing l~}i" W lc t’a , ",~li ex’ceilent sul, llit/,te for "I G ra s.%

. , 1SiX-’X, sli.~RI;t.l:-~S .t cot,

TIN, .SL.VI’I’I or SII1NGLIg ROOFING(S,,le Agenl.~’l

B9 S*,ulb Waler and 40 S,.ulh ~%’harvcs,, ’lql ILAIIELPIIlA.

¯ I.;.r ~ale t,v WM. ]I EY.NOI~IIS¯¯ ;0 .qOilth Street.

And lit ll.l,s..i Cost¯

.~hn,ufil-lured by m,tnralin~ c.ttoll t.iinva~ wit]the in,lu.’truetlble .~Liva L’cun, nt. " ,

Any" Ono Caa~ ~kl>l’ilv It;__ ~_o u ghLalteLJoy_ t hodd ca! e. r_4_ _an d eouinland -: ........ lla t.T IMt ,llEi-31 tl~- .~ - (~ I-~% "- .i ) tit S(i~lh], ~-] ~" 6-o~¯:¯

the bestprlec~ in tl.c markets. ¯ " " . . IT IS USEFUL "l’l),,n,.;.,,o.,,,is.;Ireadyce:a ,ed’oril [ _TO FARME S_!_![ .. j:lto_ol__ P_A.INT{. .... ’ -::~I]’]C]tANICS :. ]lOUSE,

lars is cleared, free trout expense, i,er Paellilt.. II-’lfilUio Ctiinlliiuy~ll , ¯ .... . ]O’;EI~E]Ig; &cFOIl ],I’IAhTY LOOF8 O1;’ ~:’IL], KINDS ’-:~ - -~ ;

;.-’= i,, the fino-rroit cuhnre.~cl,,ns, and all the finer V~e~etT, ble~delighlSWeet l’otatoes,-i ......

SOLUBLI~ ....j f iVAtf]A.k~NT]g]) -"[P~’~C[I~_] :L~--[~[r. -"’ in this ~oiq ; tkis bra,ieh of far,sing 1,:iy.~ o<" ’ i :I?.A-CII;’IO G-TJ--h.~-O ~,, a, ako ,,,0,,, ..,er-,’,l,t ,,,d ,i.r,,’,lc. ’.>0 f~o,. :, .,o,,,’o ........", t~ ,’~o,., l.,~,,tIltleh butter tian grahi rabing and is %~c. ’ -~r~lcnlh,n .f Farmer, a,ld ,,,I,crco.s,,,,,er.i " ’ ’." .. . " - .. i ,~ci. ht I;,i + Ih,lls,,-Ket, lk.rD, l~xlUli,l- "

". " "U uelt easier work. " " ’ "’ ¯ IIINIR l~IT.~l~~" li]:intlt. Co~lntv ’ ,,f Ft, riiliz,’r~ i~ inviled to Iliis t]iliilill.-at ~tl:orlliv !’i.i¢.@--On¢. illOllllP iIGP aillllOll, ed I~.n,.lil ill lllll 1~i f,el t~O on

’X ’"Th : Market-: ,,’,< ,,; ;,,,FF’ ~’a:~¯~’r::eh ’: i.,I Ih,dre.l;.ehdlmlh’c..’lt ..... I,ir.~everalvcar. %..~fi, C .......~" Itight, ferlllelt,,efiilg,t’aint h,r .2ill’.,el. exlr,~,v,.ighl, leo,It)

0 1"3, }~ WRWfCOTT T~w send~l t.t . I in M;tr.~h.,,l,’t irgi~,,a and -theriS, all,~T , Slal,,~ ~afe at’rca>un:d,h’ price. ¯ " I 3e fe,~¯l; ;: seetio~, (c,,,’h le feet l,mg.)

i~l-~ ~t~0 I~.¯17~!1~ I eXcellt’i,,’t" illil,,inlih.d t,v any ltler, llj,,ifst, st.e~ i" ~ ...... ? Ill f.t’l. I sevli"n~, t,n.’ I~ .Iwo II}, lind

¯ ~ " iS nusltrptL’.ised; dirceteomutawlcation twie-c___ .__ .._ _ . fi,r.}} er,,p.-’, hi,. g,ve,, its -’tan, :,r,leharaeter f-r " ’’i" ¯ %; ¯ (, ’ , ¯ . . ¯ ,I

l’:xtend, I I ,nt:th ,, ; {11 2~ {~n,l, ¯ 16.OO"

’) IU~UU .lULl31",1., "\ It day to PIt New York, at] ¯. .... all the i lit.h t...s ot llellll’iltii Iiul, no wuh iernl- " " 7-’1 3hllden l,.qliC, .~cw Y.rk. ] lilltl S h.,.i l.i,g). ]".Xi¢lided Icllglh

\’ - "]aulie (.]it)’. {~llnlpnliy ~ .: ¯ : . ¯ ~-- ¯ , ....... ~...,Ihh,..~.i. t~,..! ¯in lh ieo 2311.{ ~ ~’~.i.; ~end MIunp f.r clwnhir. 12-4u / ah,,.t :17 fe,’t.. " ~1.OO" ~%(llltO ]>llkO [F]OOl1111g;’ .fthi~ g,i,ln,,ar~ hqtnd ul,,re ihl,n ,’,i,mi i..,llil ,~-eHhrr W:e.i, I...,p,,,.tf,,!!.

" : th ,’rup fr.lll it*¯¢ t,, I*l’t;I dullI earli,.r Ihl, n~lhe. ~ ue, " " Jq)llN F. ST.,I.R I~,lr. ,~ 17 .... i,h,,.i,h.t..,’whh.h f,i,.t give., it ir~ealculaMe

-\\ ’ da- i d t -re in ¯ ’ ¯ . .. li,|laulii¯.ef: - Ft,r lllilc I,Y -: : I~¯ .\, ~e~ ~ . o . I : Co-per~treel%,*l~rf, , " " L

"\. ]nghest cash prl 1 ---.---<’ - " I - . JOIIN S. ItEENI.: & ¢.’0,¯ .~ a y otlier troohh i~roducdr lhnn de- I :,a~-t.ty Ca,,,,h*n, N.’J. i I;cWI A,-:~. r,~r l’i,~ffe ilT,,.qTTn,:~ "

\\ livcring the produce to the ear. Nu,le at’ ---~’f---6:r-’C~’:~-~:~.r-qr:-.q~7-~ I " ::t.::’i ~ :;~ ,%. ll,,la;~,,r~¯ a~".. ’1¯1. I;.¯

4 ~\,the !a,ld now uffercd is over OIIC atid:n-.I ~%Jl.l_J_l.L:i. %..L-iaAL.iJ~ , . . ____~_.~__~L ........... =___

~\l hail’mile: from the lhtilroad. I .llllllllll..’lliirlilO il~ lPh’e ll,.~lllrltilce i . . . .. , .¯ _ \\ -- ........ ’ I , ¢’ttmpa,,:i ]3 =k. I.~’ G .’E’~ ’ ~ "X -: lhe Chmat0 .. r- , "¯

is iitihl mid dellghtfid’tho ~i:i i,r t ¯ ]F.rtholurlu.u ’i trn i fs^..~l~=--..’~-.I " nS.¯ ’. ¯" . ¯ , .~ ~e:.r. ’ ’ ~ ¯ vUIIIttlUFCIdl IYIdrluFos14hart an | oI e t uut-door work eao be e ’-’1 1" "[ ’ #, ’ , ¯ . ,. " ’....... ~ 1- - : , ’ t~ - . -- ,_~ . ........ .t.~s¢l:?,=t.t "¢jiil~.~ r ll’-iL._,lfj,II .q/ .1111 I I .......... ..... : ..... ’- --

r’tqcu el nearly uu %\’|liter I WlllUi~ inn ,~llnl- i ’ ., " i’.. It "s ’ ’ ’ > " "- liner is’no wariuor ihuu iu thu north, i ~J~’~’%_ ¯ I¯ . . .. , , ,., I DWI"I.I.I~G II0t,~l’S, .’Tr)lll’.’S’ an,I O’fllEII ’ -- , .

Perseus wltntnlg a ellallge It~ oenltn wlnl " ¯I,¯*.i P ~i;" ’

"’ be sutlsfied, hem--the ,,lil,l,e~s .ft ha eli, ll,lu~It ;;il;il¯i’i¯;li"i’l I %.irate s

t ¯¯ ¯ I .~ll’l. + l I ’ " ~ t ¯ .? ~- %1’o aUll¢lU~l,li Io f,rl it, rI llnl iii, ,,rlllers]ltSalll ,lOSe s rer g tro ]}lsp~lr ~ ’ Kt ~s r Iiiii II Ir~.’~.~ i , it ¯ . ’,’:~, ~11,’ l Ithlillg ¢,1111 e , ,i t,~it e IZlllnnl rll. iI,ll,,t, ir e irrsl’ }1 .~e ~o ’DI Yl 1114 nUllilreos i ero U’lil leStlltl’. ] i S I elide I, ll ke I’,llit .ll ,n I S{illillil ,ih h a -- - . ’ o ’ ¯

’ " t,0clion Itss long broil kliQW {~)r IS ] e hh I P."’.7 ,,, , ’ ,’i, ’, ,’ ’ " ’ ¯ ’ I ItlIIVI*II t le i,~1 t.t. ,Hl,li "l i ,l¯llllqllly iii gX ~le .e ¯¯ " und’ dUl¯liig’thc 14uniluer niOlUliS h!liS ol I i~l. thoi,,.urt.,I. ¯ ¯ lttl/~,l_.~l,h,,n~Ind~.floek for honhh. No 3{lamina, ~ -- ¯ . .~.. t ,

¯ C{ii{Is luld l,’urers hi this ~cullt,ii. | lllltl,:l:r, lll,% ~l~a~Tr "l-lrt.v’lTI ",’l’rTt’lct’rl’l’r--m’,~"’ " , . , ll,,n, Wln. ~l,,/,rc, .’q..C. l,*,li,l}i,;.o: ,h,hii ,%1 I~W ~U i~" ~U~/’~’l’~¯ ’ "11"1 Sl/ / ,M¢.,le I"l~h’,l}ll.i I*t’iillliili Illul, }lr},l/!ul.n

t 1110 waI01" .g,ih li,,,,~...~i.nri ............ N,,Ih,.,M 8.1 ....... I’rh.~, $SGl,~r¯2nilO ills.

Is inlre’nnd soft, of the best iltndiiy, hnhoniids in i~lienln~nnil is I,lliilii lly digghlgfrills tea In thlrly t’cet, Wells nre clmaplymade hot’c, as thel¯o i¯l .lie leek 1o ulllhrnngh. We hnvo Ihe b~:lt Mores ill Ihue’nlllii ~, where ~tllll# fire l,.Id llS eh¢~lip li~Iliuy sre hi Iqiind.lllhilt nr ~’¢lw York.--

MIIIvllle; l"nrnlan I,, .M,.II~.,.I, d,i,; ba.c );,Mnlt.tll, d-.i .1,dill I. ~liilrli , d,id l"rllli,.illleel’vsf d..

’~.t, ,li,,ull.u I-.r {nHil’illll~l. i,.111 ell Iiiuile h, lilly otIht* fl,ll,lwhig ligelil. ~ iliid Hirre)’l,rsl I1’111..~lllore. Jr...lJll~l"ls IAilldillgo

¯ rGII’~

C hicazo Bono F0rtilizo/’.Cb~¢M m’h,l.ltl w{Ih i’l,lll ll,il!lit teaohei,~..-( ;lerlyie,.t of all ileeoiililllil ilnis reside ]icre,stuns of then, in chnrg,~ of ¢<ni/~regnlinn~

"’--~-. it lers eultivnlhtg tim 17tth~ q,l~. n nnln~’ " ........... ber,llreilrcdidtysichoi~, ’l’,he M.ih-di.i~.

]’i:o~’tt’i’init~ lhl ill>is, I ’nlv,,r.ifl~1~, hllvl~

their R’lTiCOS legU[Sll3. .1/i/Is t’onYl!lilenl.

1.qttt’e it Nil.hler. 112 I"¢deriil ltl.,(!n Ultll.u.

,lillrt.II ll’. Clenll.nt. Ihltldonflelrl.%l’illll¯l" Ii. ’1 hliliilii.i I II’illltlui,~llownlleur$ IV. llou’ghli" , .lloor¢’llOWli.

, ihh’


lld/,b#e j r,teh’~,d ; "s,,rq+ , i ,’h,, f,r,*.i’~/t ti// I,’r’l.l.lrff’lr,’l’s 1 lff¢l.ts,’¢tn,I I’t’.r. ell th,Iotr,’~t lU’/e, ~. -" ~ J

I’lm lllilinlalillu lif Ihu l-clll¢i~ll,"711t’’gl,e~iil rn ddly hierl,il~illg; h i~ c,iin .l..d illthe I.~,q, .lll..~ Nt, w I.]ilgh..I IIwMhl,ll., lind Wv~lili’n ~lilii!~--{)ii.llb,,.I,imhi~,li’i.u~ snd uim’id. Thu h.{hlhu:.!iit slid bulld~illiilt I nild some llltllitllli Ihi.,.kll nulicrhd~ Ibr hnlhlhig, hit ,revise, &.,,tit hiind hi.. r.lhih, nielJlilllh,~ u’h. willgive mlllutnlqlOli, I’h’.iy i~¢lliVelihlilei! llilll,lind iliut ¢’llii I~l Illiiil,I iii nily lllhur ihiiQ,]ill!l’#lllt~ ilwnilill lirnlwrlv hurll idlltliil lh,k.,,ir.t-t hrr-It~{irrmW-rm~m-ro-m.t-irrmrlhn II11%’ nt li i|i~elinlil lit iWillll)’ Ih’ti la!r t.lJiin ihl it,gtilnr I’iih!,

l’rh’,,, tilll l,,,r l,~lllllt Ih~.

..... X ~,D,~,~. ’" i,.~ rr<-" ir,,,C£11T^iN, .

,/~S~- .&~,~ .... 01110A00 BLOOD I~ANUgE~2~,~’~’~\ nped~On,. ,.,,,.,,, ..~11 ~,,,,..,11,o ,, .... ’


DISEAC£S ’l’lll~ ",’11 hl,.wil and p,II,,ihlt tr/i,h,.liia,k will

¯ ~l i ~ ~#" -- ’ I,,,l.,,.d,,.,t’~,,yl.l,’i,,!tlu,,I th~nl.,i,,ni.i.i,e.

~al#|¢.loIt I* i111 i ¯l ,ll.l%ll lilt,it, ll, ill ll{I ,,.i, ~ .,, .,t.ll.

r,il~:l,i l.,,l~ili¯, ..lli,ii i,ll,’,lh,i~ ,i l,t,rl,,,,i ,,,it,. i. MARKh.r- ih,.i iw,,i,I).f..r Ii,,lll,,. Ii1,111 thr I1-¢ iii Ill, ¯ "Jllil II II *t It ,I ~ i’l I ~*,’[#l," ’-¯ ~ll iillli’l f-tin ,it’.l~’l, lll,lllyhi ll~ Ul,ll’illll ]il,l*li.i,hl,~ hdl,’d I. ~l,l,I I. Ihb tl.~l,i,lll’i i, ill. lit I,ili.

¯ .- . .,. . . ., -.. ............... ¯ + .- ........ .l.s ---[

¯ , i . . . . . . o¯~ ’ ’ ~ " ’,’ " :. - ’ ’ " " - .. 4 "" -" " ’ :~

Ii , I ,,tI " ¯ " ~ i "

~---- ~ i ’ I " L¯ ’ .... ’ ....: .... " " ..... - " : .. : i .........¯ " = ...." "" ...........


" ’’ ’ ’ _- " ’ Adve~flllm~li Inm,i~l at lhl retire, lug lllll

"E"’SCC Ir TU , - I " "I~i"~ Y PI~’I ~i N " ~ORN: ~.,tItbl r’ellf~ ’,’ in thor_ - . ¯. " .... ’ 7"- J-.,.,.

- " " ¯ " } "’ " " ’,~; ’ ’ : ’ ; ’ " ¯1 lnelttlqum" heimgsw.j& ""$t.5~lm" =’ 21t.¢~1K1~25.." - 10dl0,anl" I~ililllill~ . tim. ,$11ke@

.4. 711eillmnidioeho a,l~,. ]sh, haJt,l¢ ~uedl,roqtl’o, i. ’p In Inlv&neoI "’ ’ "’" " ’" f oo1’. 5.00, ll.00 14,ail~-t~.le Ink01 .¯&fi@

ddurlngllretslIilUOaU, s, ’ ’." "’ "’ . i eal. $~;00 5.~ i}.Ig ~.00’ lli.lil

:,.:,.:-, .... .. : .:- -- .: :- :.---- ....::. ....eouuty~ the . . f:tlie :linlt ’¢ .... Adv ertls~melUS.ilx loel!,¢ol a mlirifi, ellill n lhl¢... - Eg}.ilii~-li-Coril~- ._~-. Otllirlills il will ......... ! ..... :- - -.r" ’ : - - ............ ’ .............. -- ; : - - .... -:--77-h~7~..-~ ’ .: " - ..... = ..... ~ "- :’ ..... ..... IFp.etld Netieer,’l~ *late I ilnl~ llllslut tl. - ....

¯ . . ---- -- vlltUIemmi~lOi IlL be tl~ fol In Idvl iN¯ AND " illl which .upontrhll. Wal " ’ ¯ :: :1

::’/’: " 868 ...... ltlelldv’rlin"ill¯i ....t.b¯

I iL0] o,o.".’-’"’J.’,. ,, --.- MAY ]6,1 ;very l,iollfle qualltlull to yllJld 150 ’ ’ "’nero, and weigh, by ,oalod. moa,urt . OANVA88Elt8 lf0R TIIE

, to tho htllhel.. ~hls eors w~s .... -Im~l~r

~ ’~Ti i ............proourml-dlro©L- fr oil, -~lr_Jonel,~ou r oonlullr .

¯..~=r - .,e.,..i,..,y.. h,, ..,... fro,. ~.y.. NORTHERN MONTHIiY - " "- eke, lie duub~ and one that mast hal,, jodged him sohlhlhly; Ho remit have riitNe$ upr into, wbilh, wa..- "’ 3 It noedl no different culturn from that of other - - " .- ;’


_ ¯. . ;,~:: ..... . lilt." M~lmn ,,till ~h~ tothe.0plnlon

lutherormol~itre,,and IMrty-fnur ’thatwlierefrldttieeeise properlyplantod obJeetaofiuter~ This present has been sent t in u ooraer of the saloon, halfhldde:t emprgteet ns tlrom wbite[ekllliy," nnd

L me is u direct ul|uslon to and a tahnt upon by a curtain, stood a simple .little girt.-- use’thor similarly loiided¯oalrted ¯ banner"gr.wn ,,pan .... t.ek. and will evurai leohil, and ltpleudid Prdmlums. " J"ir~’gJ’~-l!f.--iLi"...l~.°’~Jdri~!It’liO~; ¯ud f!rtlllsodL the wlulle apace potw~nto dr,sen. Fur d,,mestlu rise It Is an my supposed avarioo. I can lee through 8he wa~ crylng is if her best, would bicak, onto whleb, wuxwtittem ’" Blask hllbandlI] /~ ~ ’ : .... .ll, ll~ I ....... i i~ , ;’ ’.i<". When grauild kud properly bulled; It .el~tl" $i00, In tl~enhaek, .lit bo ti;on In ad- , . ..... them ma~ lid~oveiid widi,d0ver, for~mmi

coloi~ and lilt,nell to whe¯len fl.ilr. All n .dltlua to all uther premiums to the’ person wli,* ¯ ~lI~ll~ ¯ (~i.]iil~biigD lIND¯ EiOll~: without tile neoeisity o| plonking .under,approve all. "A pre~ent ef a Wooden shoe ou Christ,- It wl~ Louisette. or none ~. ’/h~ilalizy uv oitzle [" .S.etio-

crop bysowlng Indrllll or bruadeast, for early wlllsead the~arge,telnb,l;thegreatost l, llilihel~ ""provided it {siept.eutdoeetothe!¯dise; of grass between the:

"~eaneul- maseve is ~nt to Paganinl in order to Tbedramaoftheoons,rlpt’areturu had ~m*ou tka~reat: the polmh~ weal forfeed, there s no kin I of earn ~6 wall ,if aauual luhlleriber~, with the m.eey, Io thl " me. ’/he polise, wieh ought tl hill ~-,miloh cows, aud none that will iI the recta.will extend only ih i~roportion ture" is thelr{motto.~ He;thlnk~ we-have compare hlm to the little children who are

gone straight to her heart. ,

uoAn ,talk_er_corn - " - ~- NORTHERN MONTHLY. to the toPs,.iad mmaMuently, will aog el T at; H;,’,~montoi¢- mimr of iho elemenm of nlways nskifig for presen/s, and ~re SeldomTlie ooneert Was a magnificent ~, ~liel ilia I n~. wire imigranta, f/’om an[¯

" " ........ g> =;’~"~ ~="* ~ "l Oll]It eAu he sueeessr.lly grown In any State. . ’ ’ tr¯et moisture ¯ fr0m the,coil, but iath’e! ~eeea~ as lmi.t-gi~Q, wer& tqour earn y - liberal themselves. It "does not requireand wimn it Was all over¯ they totaled the islnd ~ fhe eeuf,,wlell they’hzlt ]lfli:orl

P I give th. meet satbfaetory lifereaees tlfat the " ’.¯ ~.rnl,,Ineve~ whatI ibth~’CtlEAI’E~JT A~D IIF,.~T M*ga,ln,, ~thenenate tendto’i~lpitmoilt. "’~-:’.’;J .." fly!ted, ohegp:’]tldil /hatdo not require muchlntol]igcucetoseethrooghthlsfemb reeeiptn, ¯

" ’ a~io~atllibeiaoppiesl~lbytha]~iug lie

.... y.I--Oyer-I’t00Lpsges ,,f ........... ~ ..... thfichemiealmlinurealil~;.dbytbem..-Bo~e uine jest.- But never mind, the c~n~:o~t~r --They amounted to two thousand fames, unotker islanlwidi be~ le~-poltmsion-irv-¯ oat the eouu ry who b* ¯ this ’ILOICE ]lEADING In the psst year. for $3,00 ! ~RYAOll ~"-T~I~I~G-- ...... " "

llavlilgpeeuredltquantlty Iamnowahle toil .fl~:/r" Withlt, blay numhertheNORTllFdtN’ " is onr’bcat manure, !’We:tony with prefit of this~¢bememd~tmctobelievethatthis I And then Paganini called J~aisetto to em, aac]wazabearin down uuon m, the

¯ allurdersfortho~dellrousoftestlnglt. " ~lUNTllLY. willhav, e~m,aene©d llsthlrdvol- In~l mlnutea~betheoryadvaneodbyhlminthoGar.

use 25husheis0fl{uleto tee acre onooin box coutained a-present of great value, hlsside, hmtilieluv,porteetlu me, head-

= ~ " ¯. ume~.d_lbo£,eeond

’ ~’ wellltha¯rcpresOnted thel~eople, or to whalex- ¯treeonthe sui/aee bf.the giouod’he still lorry or fifty blmhelg lb the acre. Salt disappoiuted. I toll you, Logiaette, nod ]ocky enough to obtain five hufidred glltti~gmiliIn order that all m¯y’recoh’e need, we have re- tent It has I,eeh a Acw Jcrs,y .llu~#aaine Ihall be’ I I [ [ I

J" r{’ricvl1"gett°nll$1"b0’pera e]ubof’ack"ge’five’ will rveelveAny per-athe pray,’lee uftnir readers and not afourielyes’. ’ maintains is, in his oplnioli the best’~s- rowed bmadeist pu~ not~ailowed to touch every one here a~embled, that not many francs more than was reTlulret to piocure the dllelta. Im~.’~Kilhhtd~---~wlliieib~lira

to determlne.-’. -- . : ilid "1era for the oultivatlon..*:Hik views iu this roo~ or bark is good~ so Idso plaster.’ -He days sludl pass before this old wood shoo a substitute for i[enrL What is over .will ed whelp [" ¯od" they pounded lied pnm._

Il!s. I.’iileen..i, aeknges for $10 I’nth$firstyesrtherohasbeentketd~e~lil Its and -respe~.we~ no much In’ac~0rdauca:with. th;hka his o’atem ,zf Pmtliilg ia tm well .... ~ i i d" ’ ’ ......Isworth tta wstghtmgol . - .. do todef~y Henri’s expenses on his way mell’ed’ute, arldtor~my ddthel-otl’.- "Tafor $20 ; one liumlred pages t511 ives of nine dtstlngillehed Jersey:non ;" .{~..t,.ek.g~ win ~ ght .b..rid l.,tru** ........ pi, u the e I.. % -that mda ml ownlimitod experience, that I ivila awe, idaptod in staudirdsim t0 dwarfs. Paganini wan strange:y exalted, and every home." . " ihe Whiie ~rtun a~Inm r" alloutedl m~ m~from 20 t,I 30 " ¯anllilduslrisl i/Uerests,ffoar El,ales bavebeen " tangle oommuaieate with h~m - ¯ .. " . .’." ~, W.L. ouein the room looked at him with ulna- LouL~.,.tteeonld not keep’back the tears era, aud that e~ I owed my-li~ "~lbt~and cull,eating. Addrellil I’urnithed - sixty-five dlsllu¢l pipers by gifted " ¯

:~ ::~- 1’. E, O. LINDSAY, " ’ .: ’ Jersey men und lOlniJn liilv~l grated Ilil pages ol~ report OD that subjeot. HtI [ - - I Ed. andl’rop’r,’/ti ..... t~C ....... ida.,, thoNOltTllFItNbtO~iTllLY, hnd ........ ttof _ -expenseaof list fall ¯t Cindiinittl o-n that pgrtimt.c

P: 8.]sawnoLreeh¯;~ ishment‘ Theydid not’uaderltand what 0fgratitudewhielica,ewolFmgtohereyca. be.leered ilx~wholenlde killhi ~ thun" " [. -

EACH LADDER ll~.,~’,75;Ablnglon,"~. ,.,lluahl. lnformatlon farnl,hl~dlnregerdt, ner ’~lite n,,tonlyiltho,nehutln{li reiderllhrough ....

the saimto ofthe late .Nioholis Leeigworth ante ~f d~my~ All wmim~ apparently inhe meant, but they felt ~mehaw tbat he But Paganini leek her kindly b~thehmui, re’ate, ~ th~jt"mlltel~r~h ~ignll~lnl~

’ ]~GYI~rIAN CORN. nut the United St,to,s. thatesnnot f*ll te prndueu That the slld 6. That the journal of now oseupied by. his graudsen, Major full health lud vigor,woold keep his word. and said-- . wiill~ thleolhlsit~thofllw dtllialdtwhiteg

. Throe days passed away, and Pstninl "You ’have been an aff~,tlouaio ImcT vraz n lilkk . ... . " ."CA.N" BE’UI~EI)’IN’AI.t, TIlE FOIIMS F. 14. (;. Lludsay, of Ab{ngten, A°a.,has.the alasthlgnild henefielal.effeet everywhere, of the houseofas- An_ders!~jon ~canhtrcesthath¯vebeen ncvdr ap.pearedin thodiytimo,.nr-tookhis falthfalliRlo¯ .... nich-lv great-many --In-eillering’qlOltl .... .

gilled w!th. Thb is a new eorn the ad oo the aurlaoo of the ground andcover- c~mmon to find ~o much good 8enm her- drawing room af2 mast<have y00r reward. I .will give" you .Wnliomtelialaibea4elllle.deathrtk~01eh- " "¯ to this country, und I,as many merhs that do n.t i, esl,evially the warrant ot the oom ed with ¯ tow lCada of ¯earth piled, ar0uad ticuhuro knowledge packed in twenty short tot dlnner. ’ somethlng to start lite with. This olclbh’~ ers rim fir theh" liv~,-aiid the huildllm wnz

--" ¯ app~taint,~A, thcr hr~adstuffa, iL~llLr{pen, at~ t. Vie h aze_waited~pgtijntlJ ihea~ c0no like.completely cnvclopihg the rnles~ffthh following by A. 8.-Failer:- I2~isette Wa~ ~ke-~r~he rca~fi, and he/" --l>erbapsyouwill like io-~all’it violin "reeked, th6 hla~wimmea-ri&ie~ around -¯ ~rlll.." I.A.1)~D]E]~ fwrmorth ns 11.ston, even wbga planted hy ihould learn Ihe’valueof this a¢l~ tl’rr.naTrnz, at.siloh titoes and iu such sums as the"/au drad and.sixl .Ts readily Lengtimned or SI;otoned, Self-suplmrl- inst uf July¯ eli .rich land, it. will yield and’et~lect It P .,nlaneously Ill pi’cferenee t 9 that agors may require. " shall stem"to where the brattchcs diverge tour Mr. F. can.practice as wall as preach : answer was that Paganini was noz as well --is yours] l]dweys intended that itshonld witk basmers over era, oud,!he ~plinelplo ,’~h,g; 1.:a~il~’~rr,nsi%rfcd, C,,u~rtihle iuto.a Step- nnd ~v{,{eh Is nn honer, und produced e so,her.,. 3. Arid bu t~ enacted, That this U~ shall ed in aeoordance w th feet from the ground, which had not been - . 1. Prepare the itrouud in the full, plant as ueasl, and was obliged in keep his room. belong to you. You can dispose of it ~ delntelfln vie- "].lieder or Seaffohl. " ¯ - " ’ hush(,lI and . ; For Ihc I NOItTIIF.ItN 21tONTIIIoY in its see .... . . . - -

. I1 r,~emhles fl,,ur, nnd contntns 85 pef,cenh nf ,,rid y,,ar, wn pr.nllse a Magazine cerlaluly fidl take effect immediuleiy. 7,. And be removed nof.distur~d aince Lhe planting" in the spring. ’ Even L6uisette did not know.therealcause you think best, and I csuaot help thinking fence, bn} neverthele~api~audi~ uv,,©m.nntrhnent n, attt~r. IntheSouthtwoetol,sayesr lesawortby,,fpatrunsge thailitheshe,,nintl.n .- Approved~larch 18, 1868.

four or five years eiece: . ~eheadsof tile 2. Givethuvlne p]eniy"~f mannre, dd "ofhisabseuoo. She had seen him, it is that it will realize sut~eient to give yon forthoz’ealinl~errlu th’/’l~alty ot’thoeau he sowil. A pnek:,ge dan he h,id of ].halsey tl~st. " . t¯

|~.I’ur $1.50.-- n’,m C,,n’,t;t,,t;.,i,,t /_’l,/oa.. , .Nearly .no Ihml.*aml Igul,lleations in vnrlous . ’ Ihe senate and trees were one hundrd per cent. larger than nnd well: deoompased ; for tresh manure true, hour after hour at work w!th his kuifu, hnndsomu dowry." . I ~-- / rallo. -,-Two white stool, heroics:sad e{ghi-.. hmlse of a~embly. I

th~se in the same field-planted the erdiuary excites growth, hut it does not mature it. and chisel and the. sharpest instruments, Paganini. was qui~ fight; ~. A 4renlthy

een dWell,us wui.. glme thlo wkh ea if 1~INDOllnEMENTS. " p,rt, ,,f,,ur ¢,,untry litl~t, hailed each iinillher ,,f .... CHAll’I~.R TwO/ RED" AND FOI%T~-

,,llr31agrlzlne.w}lh illi~ellsilig h,lervsl. In nl- SEVEN~--Au set’to eunblc certain ear- g. Andbeitcnastdd, ThatJohnH.Lyoh, ,.Wt5 the ilnderslgned, ,clittens ,,f Wn.hlngfim most nil seetinil~ the SOItTIIEII-N MONTIILY poratioes nbru. effectually to tmn~aet of Jersey City,-be ~ppuiutad to pill)l; one way. For your better information, [ trier 3. Luxuriant growth dana not .always an- and she had heard that at feats of dextrous Parisian amateur pamhnsed ,’he iustra’ment in~i~-asheu. ’.’l;’ihally they got sight

Fll e..nty, Va., having, eznlnined sonic l’:~yl,li:m is called "- .... . the r businesS in the State ol Now Jer- tbousand copies o[ tho legislative:’doou- you to his notes~ot’ ~esteru tin. vel, Blaroh sure fruit, carpentry the great violinist was almost of her, and the pfioe he paid for it was eix agin, and esther wuzeat ouy other in nile,corn grnw,i nn Ildn soil in this eolnlty, d,, h,,rd,v " " saY. " ’ ’ ment~ for the’ eurrept your. number ot tho Monthly. 4. Dig deep, but plant shallow, without a ri~a] ;~bot she did not know that thousand fran~s, they cheerfully eeelt~ me. a,d ikgia ¯eertit) ¯ that s.nle of the,talk~ I,r,,dnee,i thirtY" !’The Lellding ~Illgll¯llllO Or1." , the Senate and Geu- ,. I- lie And be it enacted, That 5.NI four~ ,{kes ; the I,,,,gest ~ ,ik ..... n.ti,’ed AnlelPi¢tl." oral Assom . ooI}iO TO Mg. MEEIIAN’8. Young vines produce beautiful fruit, by dint d" vafier~ce and exquisite ingenuity, And so Louisctte go’back her lover rope, ran np to ~ lamp ]post..." War in-

ure, lit t lie Jell li lengl I, lln,l,s ~ Inches ar,,illi, ¯ ."TM~ e,,rn, likcwbe grew in tim f.rm .f a tr¢c, ]VII,IT TlI]g ]PIgE~S SlI’N. : p]ace I took tho cars but old vines prodUoo the richest. " tho old wooden shoe whieh shc:’had seen from the w~i-s through the iustrumentality hoemanity! wat erooelty I shreekt L" For-

and prteented a {’err healthy

Ark~u.a, ’It-)~forlall the other elates; - Of this it aeys,establi~hee a.’~-for m ofgovarnm out-hi whichulladult ncgr0 main’s, ’and only saute adult¯

Wit re. n nhsra/m-ficrlnhtbd :t6 ¢Ott/bndoitice ; ’in which theignofani and’l/nu:11 J[

to impose taxes, andproperty-holdiog

i coiupleto represcntatioo~ With a propeltlonetely diminished volta in the imposi-tion el thus0 taxes which they alone will,for almost the entit~ portion’ thereof, becalled" upon to pay." : Now. Mr.’ Worhtthis ~taha+ent’ of yoUrS’iS wholly andunqualifiedly hl~;’mn/yea"/:tiew it. itwas yourdelibcrate j’ntention to make atientirely fal& a.dsertion~ for thelpurpose ofserving your Imrty. /You know the truth¯ would beyoor destntctlon. Consccl0entlyyou sutqore~ it, ’and giveinStead suchstatemoots-as~you’tbink- best, e.aleulated.lto-smrc the put-pus0 of your miserable party.

What is thlo truth with refe/’eileO Io theArk¯n.~s ¢o~stitUti0n? Siniply thiS, tliata.lladultmales ’not guilty of ~erime,: sltallbe allowed tim elective Irane his6. It’ isfrom ;his-provisionltba~thu weird gen-us ofthe.ll’or/d conjures tim aboyo s.tatn-tneaL . The trouble Mth the World is thatso ninny of its ¯friends are guilty of timorinia Of treaso" and rebellion, sod eonse-qudhtlz arc denied t’he franchise, whichthe3" would’be glad to use tar the samepurposes 88 they no~ long ago used thebulleL it-is because thai rccansiru’ctionplan[o!.Congres3 will not allow’ d, is thattbu World and.its party oPposeit.. ,

Thelatest aspect of’affairs at Vashing:too is thus~summed up hY tbe Wasliingtouc~rrespoudent of the 1)hiladelphia l’ost.

¯ W,~siHsoros, ~Ia~; 1:t, 181iS.A ¢aretul canvass of tile Senate has beer

made by Senator l’omero}., and hd ~tsdown eosvictioo as sure, ~e counts ou 38votes tbr theelcveath article, and ~;fi fortoe second, and may be the santo humber,

Ot the doubtthl

mg-~th’e second, third and eleventh articles.Willey says he. will vqte.lor the second an,,eleventh, while 3"an Viukle will not pro-miso-’to vote for more than the elevenih.Senator Fowler is considered hopeless,thoaglt his friends rely~ on bits to voteguilty on. the eleventh¯ brtide. Senator

about. On the other Inind, thefriends count seven l{cpubli-

tar acquittal, nit. : ~Iessrs. Fc.~en-Griu/e:s, Trumbull .lleader~on, 1"

Va n .Wy

~11 for a


l?UeLtO^~ to’~.our roaders. =

who.wish to


in tile Sahdwioh Islands, .Bum native del-

the oonferenee

..’ + : ’:tl0publiean partydepnndsuponconvieti0n, act?L + ’’ .deemed it 1heir duty

i ."[t[i~ bj’ no’means cci’tain tlmt t!+o a~ptit- _ Thesa two charges contain lhc-pit o~th6 subject; and to that end have’ tal" 0f:Johns~n:wofild not.b0 quite as much w!mle, IIw others ibcing Subordinale to

l’xrge number of subpmna..’~- ...... ’:

t0’tho:advantag¢ of tlie party as ]*is convic- thc=~, and gr0wing out of thcni. While --------~--~v--:----Tire following s’:ntences frofit the New

tlon., ¯It would, sli6~ that the Re )ub lean: in themselves they seen+ to be of no great York 7~’;bmte present the ease of Truntbulllparty m not under the controlc of a liar- eonsadoeoe~, they involve a principle of .~o anti the other rimcgade llepublieans, point.t~an spirit? i But more+than tlds it ffould great importance’as, to bc yilal to the gay-, e,lly and fairly: Y’Every one of the re-

" rous~ thopeapl0 to’action and zo.41, ai~d to ernmenr IL is because of tile prindplc ercaat’lsek6ys’ v[ho~ now knuckles, and¯ i thefirst deterutiaathn~ t0 .do. "what: their ,Anvolvedi_that ifi* imprudent+.

"’ Servant. have failed to accomplish. The "l’i,a removal of Stantoo and tim ap~lnt- eringes-b6fiire the-1~i’esideht’B k~i~ribfdcman~l at the country rs the removal of meat of Thomas would o0t be of’particular courage knew ~vhen ~hcy pas~d the Ten."

: ’J~llnson’for llit~hebmpeteaeyaad hlsusur-, importanee, l,rorM,:d the ]5"e¯sfilc.t h.d ure.ot Office bill over the President’s veto. ~pation whereby the peae+ of the couolry the s’t~ld to so rt:n,oee a~td appo/i*t. ~ut ’e~aclly ,ll that, they’ .o~ koow of theIh’eAdcnt’s arguements, except his pluck¯

lt~a beeo ’ disturbed, and mstoi’ation acts of little importance in themsch’es, b’t’- ’rl,t.y th0ught then tfiat the law wasTile effeeis of his acquittal will . be nimilar i violation of law, The President’s c,’ime

to the’effect’of tim tlr¯t Dull ]|an.’ . tie? in the fact that’J,c had no rOlif" to do:]lut ffllile we do not regard imllcach- Wltat he did. ])Hag what he has aa rightmeet a~ .ess~+otial to the sutx:e~ of¯the 1~- to do~ he oceania a usurper, and as suchpublican partyt it i~ essential to,the peace descrying to be deposal I’rm. office. "grid prosperity ofthe 8outl;¯..Tim strong- Tim charges sorrow dowo to tiffs, ~lrel+tides lorimpeachment b, from tim south- Joltoson is a usurper¯ Tim evidence of

"ern¯h,ya!is]s wh9 say that it Jollh.,mn i++ ac: i.his is it[ tile cha~:ge8 above stated, which"qUittedthere.ispo tmloty lbr them, The have bccu tmstaiaed by anqtle tcsthnoEy

+ spirit ofl.t~bhl ]late will burn witbn’ew co- .arid wb a,E’that tim Scout6 ,ow take the! ’ orgy. ’.I1,’[a ,bw kept, in ~!ie+:k’by a f,:ar prpl)or act en hi tim ease. Will the Sen.

ofCo’o’gt~sk and the imwerofthO military ate refuse? ])arc tim Senate refuse ¯ t t’ con(tel: "9, tth tile aequhtal of dolulsoq ))a!’y that.~ody io~ur tile fearful rcsponsi-

"nil fhar of Co’egress will teas0, and with ability of r,~rusiog to nutiataio tim powerC ¯: , ¯ .......

t!~sloyalmanmtheWarOfftoa--mtdJohn, and purityofthnilovaranmat?.... ~il ~lll’~p’A~01bt no 9tOur klod--the edit-’ . .’, --’-: +: ............... ’¯ :igr~/%ht;.t~dl’tho 8ot~ti,’ Will soo,i he Put lii. iiuptm.lble t~ "expltdli tll<~

lu thb’lit~@tlib’i~bels Ihenmuh’cs. The of 1,’cssmnlmt an’d Trumbull o, a!ly Ity-¯ ’++trlfe I~ot~w#eh Johntio.laod Congre,m Ins pothe~is’that does imt most seriously re.’i bec’fi a’s tO whether rebels or loyal nitro tlect U|U)O theirhooer and iot~grlty. That

should rifle, ]lapounhokent it+ to dctermi,eloop a,/~ U,d~i tO,, inflacneo ef mast un.th0 6Olltesk If dohl,l+Ol* who reltrcse’i, ts w~/’thy inotiw8 is ~ull-avidcnl. It they

¯ tlrh robel elenteot is aC~lUltted then ion are not infl!tmmcll I,£ sieve eflnbney, theyroOds’triumph/anti earnsgo aud IltUl~Jcr. are eontrolh’d by snme. n,otivcs equally an:and blood wlll eaain covnr tile South. ~a tvt,r~hy and¯uoJ,lstiflabln, They aru writ¯

¯ F+tsseo’~n[,;J?’~’;~t][iu’~i: a~’,+d¯[I;’~ o~hor S+n-in g thdf nanu, s it, !he r, dl with lh,,,edietArnohl aitd Aarou ]htrr, alltl nltachlng tp

at~s,who a~,;ir,i the IliaLGFd of l|onedlet thc~hselwls a disgra,’a that wtll I,ress whh.. At.old mul.~ava lakau hia aiZ~.lUll~ a~ Ihn ’ ’ ~¢t,lgl,t uo tll,:ir ptmlcl’ily, ThE

i .. pattenllur their cllidal acliup~ undoubtedlyn,ouut)uoI rv,elwu’y of b’~s,.ndu, is ba,~st el all. Days

.~ ’ eXl~.’~t, by. tb~r vilo Ircauoo lu ~t’Vul’o lhe b~’huo Iho e0n~’ht~iou of th,¢ ]rhd he had, -... s~meud~l~, u~tlle I)em.~rat[o pur~’, and s,lu’ed ,l.ha,oa ol Iti:~ di, leru,in;~tifio Io

;~o shiald.tH¯m~ulves fraut thc4[ust Toward vote for Ills acqu!tld, h!lt I:sre Im fatima-


Grimes, Fas-sel’.leu, 1 It,datsun, ’£rmabull, and the; rest,are so recorded at least five times. Tram-’hull aspired to toe champioo 0f the law iniuq e¯astit otienal aspect8. Wedo not knowwhat the legal tlefiniiion of such a coursewouhl be, but to us it looks like what thelawyers would defies as p6rjury." ’

’]l,c Nust, e[lle lhtuaersays : "An n’ppar-

earl>’ well autl~cnlicated rt, port hssrcaehed

here fro.* East ’J’enaessee’ Ihat the l’resi-dent’" ol,l hoa,c~tcad io (|rc¢,,vilh is being

rolitted, prulotrutory to b~ing oeeupieil byif, nhl inmat,~s. Tho~o repairs were arder-etl semn tintu age, b.t t’is said Ihat theyIm;’a bueo hurrled e( late, i!l l’as.o th+ llgutit,nnight be u¢cdcd ou ~hurt notice, Aboollull Iniles further cast, nL a way slationuunlcd l[elnler.~ou, is a Ihrm of 1,600 narcswhh a vahlable ]hill. end buihling,¯lalelyporeh,sed by IOn.President’" ]n?usc]lohl,which is alsu being impruvc,I and rcflltcd.IInre~ too, ]he workn]co ulldt~r ardors, archufryi.g on IOn work ; Ibr what purlnmehim net d.lhdtely aseertah~ed."

]t Is a facl th.t canlmt bE denhd, that ca-cry rvho~lwl every I,httant copperht, ad whorej,hmtl t,I Iloinu delaat and o~bel v t:t,,ITht Iillll) IIOI Illany years g0no hy, was uindog]a+l lly,’ tlie ’nsws Iroo, ~Va+41dttt~lo|l’Pupsdt~y m.rnlnlr, They reJtlleed as Ihey

hll;’o Iltll, n,,Inleed tdaeo l,eo’s 1+nrrender, I

....... S.+m.+__¯hpon

iko 1toed8 of this state. ",many lurtipikas boverl~on con-

strd0ted " in this_ atate’over

+¯.. =;! :.= .’: . . __ , u., t .. ;

i%PUta~6/i~+; ltU~S,~.’-& hto ni~",: ,’dedmdmr.. _ . ; ¯ =- ~r’0/tl:o Rri~Kaa ~Mez~itger’g[vos, statiS,:is u phasaut plado,~ tre~s+ shrub- ties Of Population in,]tu~ia; :Al’he numberoWers, g’nl~,’abound. ~ho climate of inhabitnnts~ b~ ~ oub] ad wltl t I he i .tthreem0nthslhnve~beenheroha~ sixty-twoyexn,~mLat,tah’fate v;l]nrm 1

been ~ry dgr~dable...8ome s~ June:i+ to one Ilun~i’it ;fat fil y .fill] ~l:s h!thor rmestmoathof tho’~oar. Oft~llO’ yeifi’. 1000," ~oaierall~ leug h eP]if t :. ,.¯ , ,satin Iicani]otsp¢ak"in~n~mti’ttion/If thirty-tw0ymlst~t met ’11~.t~ It~.ollc x hal this ~1~l we an0rtber~:6fippoi’h~adl mlghtup~ ~’onienl-lti~[n ~i~’m’ii’elyot t ,IG~t~ ~ " ,:" ,: "::prec] ~ it, =But ~ I om:~hat I sin it up.i,-hhd0r the a ~: )f: t’ rent 5+ n pi ,’, ,o ,ti, .o 3 168i- ;,-: +, .,+-- +’ ::pe~ b~low l~r. TOO., tc’t~ling i~ bitter, her populati >fi t! al an~ ad/mti- i a ~]u r( r~t0wa tha’X’ankeest.esP~6iallytlmsow.has~+ and lhsa bet, ¢o, n: ;h i ages Of" ~r, lty.; ~1 ’l+ ~ ~’~- ] p+plem~ ’l ~ anopje~ stho0inclioratiSn~o£the~¢ondition sixt,¢.’i ;, ~. ’. ~,,~.~ ,+ ’ " "~ i) " ~n.~t :: t6.!~t01 t el~e-0{ -ll x’°l°red-~pe°p!e’" :lt-is+’°lt°u+nid" ~s : o’ d ~ t ’i sixtee~ ~ igllt-:’.W ttilltlmfifilitary./onve then we will’ t i, i dfi: ~/ six.’;’:~ ’ ,’, :showyoultowit:sdone.’;+;Theyhavetoso-, Gea. Meudo~abflieial [3, t :t ;’b.~ t, 8ennto Gen;cutnbuow. ’ ~ ~ m he~’ 1The’]st oPMty~iS tih+ays :great de;’ iii t n !0 the peb~hieshere. It was prol~oscd that til[th~sobools: that t[td by’tlie"~ti6’hm/~rcd:ond nldthhave pienio, +but when’ it,was ’" ’ 51r"Bdlld6kt thb’h’et’t0’~vhieh thls’is a sut hat: +tll Would

standsThe colored schools anna m 10 Demoe~ta andiu tile City,.madoa fin0’display l~he IIott..~a stands, 05 Rcpnbheans’todrt..~sedin white, laeonseq Democrats nnd sii’doubiful." --: t,’oi aitist thescloosdressediocul/ca. . . . . -i,, . ..;~2

I tiaraninny eomplaiuta ;pmfarred of:ill S’r. Loi2]s "May 12.--Thirty:tWotretfimcnt at the colored, pe~pl9, .gro~ iii, ers have teft.llcre’-fofFort ]3unton, Moo/~-iustieo., in, the settlement, .,o(i to.aunts, sinc~ March 21 ,,3~.uvcu~n, m any’e0urt ]iai,,[ng Jurlsdic.~som¢¢ases 6t sd£em outrage and $~e[’sonul l!cavi[y laden; ti0u oi’thni"amnuat b;’ any eitlzen of.thin.base. ’" " ..... " s’tate thnL the state residefit+-in=thw:eounty where silch

I should.havomentioned that beside the ndians I,avo driven ~rom tJallatin o~:er201) ’ "six day schools there are four nig~ h end of cattle and eommitted at her depre,offense shall be comti~itted, 6no hatfoi which

and (41)0) four hundred or marc dntion,: The ~s~A~anuin,e~md-or-1when’ eollectcd, I~¢ pal~l t01

in sa bbatll~clt ool~-Mi~qI;fifty’and sixty in day ~bool.heside a higbq ganizing£or’s¢lfproteetiou. " 01ber3tslfto Ihc per-

..... prase6ute for the santo. .si~hool for adults (fi’ee) nnd a sabbatl . ~-- - --’--’+-’-" " ’2. And be it enaeted:Th<’/t’it shal be~hool. In the twe latter [ assist ber. TttP+~TO.’¢, N. J., ~IaY .i’~:--’.l’lie Execu. f. tbh judze or :jos.+ic0 bnlom

Mauy in this suh-dLstriet (eOmlt0scd at Gran’. Club of this 1/roseeutienIlinds, llenkie nnd . Sampson ~untlcs) meeting Lilts evenir Send a eortifle,Ihave suffered for lack- of food thepastl¢~ declaring thatthc.aths. ’ " ’ ’ .ant of the Scnat~ shouhl bo~mmetIteliefhns oomo, New. potaloes, peas, tfiken for tim removal of the mlnty in wbieh such

&e.,llavcbeen in market smucund that wan l~.of fit!elitYr to libc mdat;tsnextsessinn +ealh!r. iare now principle l~aw Is a enme aenmst Anti’be it enacted, That any end every

t twoweekssinee.’wMcb loyah will navcr pardon II ~+mseeute tar lhe ponahv01over doesfinely here and we are bless~l ~ ’ ’ ,rovided i,~ seeti0n of Ihis net shell"with-ni¢~ fr~*h helen’S--- .... - - .............. -----

’J" eeo ventit~n ~ still in seasi0n. ItwJll ~l~Ia.v’]7-’~’--~ t,,y I,rei’immno doubt adjot, rn early next wcek_Quiteean ’l’errltoHal Conveutinn nominated anda number 6f’the meaibers are delegates to e.,..ates to the 0hieago Cbhvcnthm nnd to. saurian of pit.+ i*et to ~ hich this isventio:t. It is a pleasings ruEteil Lhent to sU qmrc ~l’aOt and Col- mcnt, 0r +~f’ the sut~plcmcnt thcretnto the hall and’.,ee whilefox ae+longas thet.a was any Chaoce fb~’ pibvt;d 3Ia~’eh ~.tvenly-sbveotb

leolor~ nmmbcr8 in friendly luoximity their nomioation, hun,lrcd and slxly=slx,.and nilto each other. I think thu constitution ¯ .... :,g’ainst hinl thereundar shallfraoled is a good oao. All look anxiously ilia" AUTt/OitlTY.J; ’ ’ ~,’old. ’ : ’ i . ’to the result of the hnpeaehtuent triM. II , " ¯ 4. And belt enacted, That thi~ act shall

-X.+t~.~’t,2-~ el X~O-+@ .31"ert~ey, " ’ Al~prnved Fubruary 27, 18fi$. ¯

:, .... +t0.i++i+u£ +, +¯ .SALE IPOIg’~EI~+ ’ "

dlowing lhiof t,lza¯ for the ytar 1967¢" " ’:eummittoe

, of At-


at the:llOUSl¢ Ol;’ 80OY Wl]bSOl~+’tl~¯’lt~l~.~. ,t:nld townlbfp.--Btdn wllL-ema~- - -. -,

.... +. ~..+, .+.+:. ......11y’wrdet-or-the4own¯hlp~+~n’mltt~’ ’=’ =Deled Elwood April .~l¯t 1868.

~’ t’ut0pn’n~Pt .............. .~"7"’" "P’ IlIl ~Z’ , . ’ .W~.(R~itat~ off .:+L .:.,,....;’:..t..d ~" ’~8 0~’-

rn, Petar¯.....;.;,.......,.......~.....,.¯.., ’1 04 .erh°ffFJobn ...................... ...: ;., It, 08t0:(II J llytaea);,;,;.,;,;...-:2..;;;;,’,+’...;:llll41 ’h~yl~ (Estatu of}....;...i/.. ,.; . " a~ $S~,Dr~. ....... ’",..+ ............ * .... .. ,;’14 IIY, uaarlts,,,,,+.., .+,,.,L’,..,..... ~ ? 10 .’eh~3an%/’D,i,,;;... ’.." ’ ’ "~ ’ : ’ ~"10 ’~; ~o~...:.:,:..;.,’.~’~"..’.7;".’7"..’. t ,,’. Luui¯; .................... ,.;+,..,.,... l.;i .:10.041

1,’lllotr, Johu..,i;..~...;.....,.~.,L;.+,..~...;j "~:3 I~[~ .Egg llarbot., A+sbetatl0n+-.+.+.:;..t .;.~.;+;,:- |il’+$tz .... =l:i~h i Erastu¯..,./,, ,p ..... , .......... ,11 ’~5I"ll°h James$i ...... ,; ........... .,....,.. -,.. i P’88 :]f0tior/Elmoi.,.,.’,.,.,......;.~ ...... to., .,.’ " ’|O’|~ "Yro~:8¯muat;’~.:~.;~ff;;77¯i.7; ;.~:; :’: T I~ "F.t+sl~ll :. .i .,’ .,..; ’ . ’7,, ?:15 ~ ’-"

tlonLtn~ doh¯...,./~......;i " " ...,+’.


WmT ........ , ............. .;,;.,., ...... ~ ? 10Ileosqy. MarshPdl....;,...,...+... ........ . ,ITI 70Jags, ~ ],’....;..;...;;.,..~ ................ . 3 ~$ ~ "Kimhlet Wiilhun.........,./ .................. I4 ~tl]{wirier, Jotoph (bulanee)..~...,.... ; ... ] 4~"Keller, Oaurgo..,...’~ ....... . ..............A., 7 10KnScha, Wi[llam,,;;.....,...~’ 40 58

,’;+ . 7 10’,

M &r.y .. ..... ...;.’~ ......... , ...... 1 78 :.I)¯vld ................ :;’..~....:..’..,,+ ,.: B 10" ",

-- ’ It 71ed ........... ; .........;~ ......... 17 ?1" "

It..+;~.~;X:~.! 29 46" ~ ’

Mifflin, 8 W......;.; ............................. 2187,31amue, dames.,... 7... ~ ......... ’ 7 10"Miiche*l, ,Ia~ 11 ........................ ;, T 10Mnstln 1’: ~Y.~ ........ ; .... . .’..= ,,.;., i ~ +i8.~l.r,,, Wt~ Sen or;:....,.,.:.~...,... ...... .. 1 78 ... ¯(b,t.~rn, James It¯..., ......... ~,.,.,.:.,~ ........ 8 eoP |i; I~b ~S. ............. ,,,+ . . ? lO ...1’.txam, Lore/nO ....... ; .......~ .......... ~.... 8 I0l’luri0k Isaac....:..... ............. S, Thcmlnre .......... ;~ ............... I0 38Reeves, John h ........ ................... 5 bS,P.,)th, nhurg. Win.. ....... ; .......;,,. . 2 64 , "[It a wliw’.’~aliie ............ ; ............ .....,, It 55"~tnil t, [~az~o ......... ; .......i.;. ........~. ...... g 10+

Smith/Wlliiaut ........ +:~..~[.., ....... ,...~.---2L~--T-L~ .?Ienlll

( I’~slSle}.,’.,...: ............. 45 148h,mt./ B~.:.;..~.....:......;.;.... .......... ..,., *2 64 -- +Sen’r)’, Owe. ........... ;...’...., ........... , ..... 7 10 ’~8tellwngen, Thomas+........~...: ............... 14 21[Smallwo.d, 8amuel ......... ;..; ........... 1t, 31Sinful Lir, Tbq1~!a~;...i......; .......... ;;.. 17 76Schal6ele, l)r.; ....... ;....: ............ ~..~ ..... 71 26Thacknra, .1 W..L.; .............. ~.. .......... 1, 55

T.hna66. Paniel jr ........ ....;...... ........ ¯ 76~t,., eks~ Curtis W...~....;..,~ ................. + 19.~6W. ~,. ,I,evin. ............ . ........ . ............ 7 97 ’

elimo "(politieally). i cannot bcliev~ W.Iker, J,,hn.¯, .......... ,.., ........... L .... ?-10" ’+ .. Watson, ]tuhert.,~ ................ ..~ ........... ItS3’ ’:there will cnough Senators prove rcereant " " " , , ..... ’ : 7 "-7-- " ¯ O"

" " "" > "’Win, Isaac ................... ’ ... ......... 3 55

tfi tlii+:ti’ust theiu and to their’ Cn.xPrrn ONE]=tlt;.~D]~,ED: ,~’qD: N]NI~’T~ . =~_~_q’l([. [ .... ’-[ .... 6 3.~SClIOOh ASS~SSS[EN~ ~N" DISTRICq.’ :I’10.+5Ca,radon &Atlantic Raft Road¯ ];ut~ nARl~Ott. ’ ¯ : - ..Ilut*erhoff, J’nhn. , ~ ,.".,. ........ i ........ 6[{,ddcr, .lo~l~ ,h......~;,,. .. ........ 1 30])llrmstadl, ( )r I. Plnner,). ........ ......~,~ il 8 28’E’.’g llarhor Ass.eiatinn....; ....... .¯.., .... 1~4 30"’flehs|ut ,],~hu.......¯....~ .......... ~.. .......... - 62’.. ¯tl:mtey, ][e~ry.;¯. ....... .... 3 72 .ti~lbll, .Iolln,.....~ ....... ....,.,.;. ........ +.. 8 06’Mueluek¯ GcoH ........... : ................... 4 96 " .Millcr/..fanx¢~.."..L..’.....,..¯.;;........,.~ .’21 70.."Prarht; Margaret ..... ; . . .... 6"5[ ,P61znm Lorenzo .......... ~.’ ," .......... I~24]{u~ehe~ Wil[i.m..¯.,¯. ........ t.......’ ...;.,. " 6.82 :’

- . t 52t " lie2Wa te~ford S 51 5 311 l 1 2 I

¯ porate naint~ of Ilia. associatlon suff~ Spriug (;arden, S 57 "5 42 ]1 :i4i~ r+tendent af’ Edueat[6n~Thomassny sucl+ ii+ittry and all m,n,,:ys rec¯eerodWinMow, 9 0:, "~ 62 1148 ’] ’ay. _. lh6rethr simll be thehl tbr the Hamm,mtou. 11 I t 8 nt 12 03

T,’casurcr--Aateine Dubuelet; u~t o[’stleh association, lht(h~sta 9 =L atlS 12 15 ¯AItJ,rn0y-Gcneral--S. ]hqdon. : . ’+ A,dbcitc.acteil That this act shall I;3wh.d,’ ¯ +.t3i ~ <12[ . 1236.ll,’mbets ef Coit qn’s.~’.’-l~i~t 1)i~triet-- takc.effret imini.dintely. " ’ t,:~ l[arhor, n58 a :;’.t 1 aa

l’t,monn, ¯ -]0 02 41 |9’ 1 2¢iGeeorM J. It. Sypher, (Rop~) Approved Marelt I,% 186S. ,U,,e,,,,,’, - " ¯ .lan;, ? 0x ’ 1 ~aSecond District--James ,lann, (Dam.Thinl /)iSlritt---d. P. Nowsham,.(Itep.01[.’+rq’l.:n ON~:’ ]]UNDRED " ANI) ]?IF’TY- AIlantle, ¯trivia+ ]0 3(;

7 23 "J 18r

UP TIIA!NS,l:dm’tl; I)istriet--Miehel’ Vichd, (]lep. NI.~:.-:-Au a’xet to autltorize a subscri i. ,x.[~vr.. v. ¯. ’ A. ~t. ^. ~.Fifth ])istrict--Wm. Jhsper ]Hackburn ti,,,t e. the part of this state Io It II,~w _,~+lhuid9 _ :._._ .... :t_2a +± ’,~ b!l [ ; 11 43-’ -

]lcb.) .... -hdi’ti++nhVNix+,iti’s- l)igdsC6f LhdJ.;i~,~+i.- ..thane,m, " 4 4.1 II ]3. 12 17 "]’lw tallowing gentlemen httva been the. ]. ]tO iO,4’Olletcd bytho Seonte n,d lien. I’.numa, 4 bS 0 87 , 12:19

sen to rel)r¢scat, the ~to.itt tim- Cldcag6 ersl Asseud/ly o[ Ihc "State nl New .lerst[v, I.:gg tlarhur, ,4 It - ,I 43 " Jl, aa .

L’O I%’tff t OII "" ’L’hnt the spert+’tary nf slato bn a+d ht.,’eby l:tw~t+,l, 5 28 o 58 I 29, l)aCt,sta~ " - .5+;10 " 7 08 ¯] 50])degot,’s .t [arge-=TL O. ,Wnrmoth,is autherlzed Io snb++eribe fur one thousand


5’48 7 15 2 I)2.Thooms’W. Oun:~ay William+Pitt Kellegg eo ties era third edition of Nixm,’s Digest Wh, sh,w, 5 52 ? ’.’t ’-’ 1;’llcrnard See o. ~ ot t Io ]atws o’~vw Jersey, which ma a.3 7 32 ~2 28

Svl,her, klolul ]L (’lay. cditioos pro~ tho work shall A 2:~ ? 51 ;I atS¢¢otld ])i~triet-"W, ]L. l"ish, J. IL Me- chide the laws II]} to the eud el’this preseot Ih:rliT; ........ II ;10 7 59 g 15

Whitu l[orto. 0.10 8 I~ 3 :iTC;.o,ell. ’ session arnl abstract of tloeisiofis of the A.hhnd .......... 8.15¯ Tifird I)istrictr-Sa,n. IIouston~ Judge e6urts of this sttle~ slid correspond i, II.ddmdlol~l, 8 :,~ 8 29 .I el¯ H’zbee. , rcspecls Io tire edlti,+os ]u, 18;+, ctmpor’a I’o I’,1, 7 14 14 411 4 28"

Feurth Distrii--M. VidaL A+ J. Sy. ".2. And ha it. enaelcd. That the Vt.,,iqr~,,+. ~rrb;e, ,~7"29 9 al d 43I,hcr. " sev,.o tbeusao I drdlars is hereby o q+ro trl. II^PItONIHI’:LD ACCi)~I~i01fA-’Pi/JN,+-" -

l,’ilUi District-0. W. Cowell, A. 13, Ated Io pny Ior IhE said ell ,ie, when the I,eavo Cuolmr’s Pt. at 10.30 a. m. and ~.t5 p. m.lle¯hanl., " saluo shall he dEivcrcd tO the treat+wrap ],cave ]lmidan(;ehl nt 1.08 sad :1.!’4 t. nh

T n egishturchaa a good workiog ]lot eonnple]c. ,t’6" Pat.lug ]+4,1111s Indlealoll hy htr6ofiguros,"puLicaomsjorityiu both houses ia~uri,g 3.~,Andbeitenneled That the treasarer ..,-~---~~,..- ~- --,tlw ahElion of tTu United 8tatessa’alors.dr;liver ta the gnveroar’the soere,at3, cl "’. ......." -; ~tO+lil$qtitt~. -and 11,o ratili~t.u uf the Constitutionalslate, the ireamtrer, the e arks ofiho m*.an,eiehsel,I, prelno court and cllal+¢cey, the jut+titus s-z~----r----’~

ilia su ffeluu ccolrt~ the aLlorooy-gclth0 clerk sarragl tc n*ld bosrd efelIrvohohh,rs "of the several eotn+tb~s thejudges nl’th6 eourts el coulmnn )leas theelerknot thu rosln!elivn Iownships aad tothe Iltem!¯lr8 atml cler.ksol fl!o l)rcsont )el;shtttlro e,eh ooly ot+e co W ofsaid d]gesl.’4. A,jtL I,o it enaetetl, ’J’llat thi.4 eel, shall

toke efl’~et immediately,

’Hie latest 8 aa to tho recent dee.thin indicate thn trios of ;ItO Constitu.

nearly Iwenl:tloo el the

[Wellt~5’.liv*+ l~l,,stifutlml has17,1~lo msj,~rity, i~ round numbers. TIstate 8nn,to ~laod~2| Ralutblicaua and 15I)en,,wrntt~ and tl*t~ilot~ 51; /{t, lml,lieaot Approved blarch 1 I, ,16 l]cln’OeralS. ’! .... . ca,

ONtl I[llN/)ltl"D AND I~’IF’rY.SlX. Dedaetlnn of rumatia.lnn...... erl nf .ppetd, $219 I~t}

’ ],nN’l)h.’q~ [ t |inn. I[En- ipphqncot to pt,I net elltitled +’ All E I V ultt~,,n, ltosd IIHb 4~ f15 ’~, I|r,:agln ]|1’, u] b.n, a.d oct’ ta cstabllsh a nl’t’tclu 61’ Poblio ill¯ Jam+, l’, 131 I~’

/SUX, tbn~ rclbret’er, leg. strlmtiOlh ’+ apl,rnved ~ht:’chlw¢llty-|irst Itabol.t (:,,0tllheLl~ Pfl bl , ,,later aud ,f Eo~’laad dl,,d elgbt0eo humhntlaod si:~ly-tuvcn, t~amuulW. Darp 3OI fi’4

thls rare inns ]"re,ice lu, Whnl:eut+ ]be nonual Slq,rol,liathql from Hh.P, Illl]t, ,, ~7 ea

sy ill too agn, ’l’helmws tlnsinet’~lun et’lha’ school hu.d h.’ Ilia (Iouely C,dleotl~.Itacalfl+ ]784 143 .

f the woo Iomlhe Ilas buell usual’public enhools exoenda Ihu aalOllllt ’rt,wn~h]p th+tlldy iOla ;a ¯

hlnked Ibr at nnpnoumut during lhu lutsi t[lUt nia.~z;be ilurivod h’ouo thu school8,,hutpIprlnlh+61111Jtt/lill,,b:tl120 71);t8U prohmnd 1+Pi,salion laird m,lt~rhh!s and tvherca8 tlttll’tt was +MhcuLlancuttt ]lllllt , 927 7? ,

Ihat’lha last vi~il,la a Inrg~/dvlh’hmey nf I],u fi,nal,rest, at ]mlilh’a ’ year qadlng Novonlbe~,thh’llollh eight-’ " =" .... ’ ~;ao4s tl’/

~ilu,,thut t,f witb Ihn rel w0u ce. iou~drrd and sialy aevtlll i’ t]mrvlhro,aali,slapo I~’rcdotu ut the Iho Sell£1t o slid (;till¯

llallaueu du~ Iow’tis~dp fl~ilat C,de’h.l()llN II LIN’I’I’:IL, Tuwll$21;’lClol’h.31

itslio*m ul llud 1812, ~llata uf New :lel’¯eI.. laul~r’s ~111], May I, IStlfl .....

:toLv uLLld~’n--+_~__~, ..__]edn. q2n,~ ’/’4) I.JHIl.t Ip I’J.’O ntN.

........-t he~nmc-i,rheret:

"’ folnd tl) thy ’fown~hl ~ (,f MI;id.ICA, aro rvqtl~’t,h.l IoIbat e,)uhl llut Irhlnqdt over t]lO ’vslor ol I’ () aal, , i+lllt Of In}y nloney½ Itl I ,ru.e it ] p t I’,r my ilolll **t k4, II. UV I,’,lilHSt:ltth0 h)y.I arlJlies. ’fhc spirit Is 00t I*)*ltJ {O II M~[U0Cr [lUg [e tbu Htalu In*d uot O[tlel+- (’hMrln.n 4,f Ihallll+]llt, e or I. tho sld,wrllmtt I+t

I+oeavie,I. " ,. Shurntan snd ,rioted,IthWOUD w]lheutdulay. J. II. C[JLtI.,


That it slmll be thi~; ’r... Ch, rlt.+

.y s,,,,,o ,be a,,e,,,,,,ed ,aa,oval *,fS,a,, it; ’, +,, .,u ,’,,, s,,h,t,d ’,,,,dXi,,,;i;,., .,,r;"i. <+,,",,--,,, ’:.’.,-ii;.tan und lip +OilltnlCll I ol T|luln aa nt ;ougl ers I. l".rt :,) nleot~tlio ~hosllollt’t rids slalo t/n or heft+re Ilia first Mond.y ’ra 1,,11[1 ]tlu,lh~,g~ itnd ,~t+tl;it hh~ wllo;

,+f tou little h. ,orlaoeo to Juntil~’ iaqmaeh. "1 ey avll id ¯ tl~laty with th Aprt[ hi evvry }’earl to Olq,rnpriale t¯ll Ily v[rhlo ut all .rdur ,,f Iht, Athu,ti,+ Cml*tly

utcnt. ’u the u~nrpali .... | powor by hu ((;: w:;tl:a’~ : |,~Y~’ }lAI t’i~ll ~ ~I:Ihe ilnnual lllee+lOE lur tile Ch,.,,,I *h,url ...... Io tim ,lay ,,f Ihe ,l,m, h.0o,,f,

t .iblh+ mql¯o]a tllo Slllll |11 a cau.o whmr,h+ Thnuthy Jh, n,[-I mdl bl culll.i ’Y ’ ’ ’ ]dlhlitnl iiiIt ytll& lsrtl ,Jt+lull+htlll~l otlll itto i’tl tl[Ird1 .’mdun,l ,+1 Ihc~,l L IU]Cd S]aloS, a nJaLter , ~il a tl et t+OIIIl+ hi ,tPl I Ibe y . Hlod iIolfitra IIIId [l’ IIle Ollnual hlt’onln cd t+, it , ,ultr nl,,/ dm,,I, ,m,w., ,,* ,h,,,.,r I. lilt, hill

[ef little he tortaln.o’f ¯ ’ t~l~nt:lal ’t luef rluttrLerlnastet +tthl fUlld sll.ll not hava I,e., rt’naivcd la .1" .aid r,,m ,hdum.t m+ or I,ul,,ts Ih. ’2’h+,’ " " a,lv+,’,.ales+ I,,, nl all {ldverom~10~ full ,w,halllmh,sallieicot farther d,,y,4’,tl,.Vl¢l,+tl,,

(;rim,,s t’aata Ilear I,eing aa dead bodily I,r,,I,mly nt I,’ort I: +Smith nn Jane IiiI then tO¯ tam Irustees are hereby l’l,’v .d,I I,l I ]. le, lu f.roel.,u e I..rll.a+t

ns hn . I,,,li i,,dly. ] , I .d n, etta’k- el ’J’h,t It.wrier. r Im’ta ~u all belug tud aod cmpnwcrcd to draw Ihr 6]~,,a 9’ Y u +~ win¯ F,,r,I ,+nd Win. t4,,l,.,,,,I,,,

o,,+,dly .r 311¯nit. al.I sialu ur~vw Jertey, datedIn;r:d)’~is.f Ihe light ~l,le ,Io We, aband¯l,ctl, ,t ..,,v,, . * at,Is . t~:ag ll+rh,*r t’lty, h, *hu

I): lurllll+A 1) IssnIh is I.,lev,.,Ih0, uillr,.e,,vcrsuflldc, utlyta Ntu’Y)uli-~i’l--Avuo,ft+nb,ttor+ ire, J 1~ I’.AI nT’r,,,d.’t+,t ........ l’l, .Ire III th,+S,’¯:fln t,t-d¯c,’.

rt.:,l I,eb e II,.’~oli-~lavery l’J,.vh+ly Ibis It) pay I tu aannc; which *+u*u i~cl tfrawl P,I.~’. I..ndh0hN, .I.

1 It i+ not ,it II,,+ ~ttk i," ’ c "[*~ " ,, ,. ws. 0,~ flora Ch.rlo. I t, .’.lo~+. I’ralu Iho Irt,l~tlry ab,r©.uid .hall I,,, re- p,ue,I AI,,II 87.1t;ss.n, It

~ +t let, ca l bl u wlti, h ,,,,)...... ,1, .+l ~,’a~l,inalb, ~ : ’ : ,heed l,y tl’o .*,ua.I i,,cu,,,u ,,fsai,l sebt¯,l .......... ~"i;^’-;i~,7)’h’;-FI;.’(V’.~ ITl’~/:~’i- I ptlll~ thnt wq ,J,.mllu I,) st’,, ,Joh..+¯t Ic. ’+th.l~e,.I t|iil~ Is wolklng hard whh ’ued its i.itt,ii it~ the s/llnu shalll,e r,,e,.ived. Tltatllt+at" Orv.’.. IIAt+t l}st,4t, iutsr, p ’

m,,v,,,l, but I,Ir Iho pale ,,t" t ,,~ +t Ic i,6 }+i~ hi,,wh I. t~,u.o.,.,,nv[e/l,,n, I1,,, says:l. And ),,, it en.ot,’d, ’l’h,a f..n oht ’r..,,,a, t,,,’, ,. ~m,,. 1

IS,roll f ,, i~ ,,, I , , ~ i ~.’,f,,h,+r,,n,.ue,lttil~lwlllrt,,.~ittut,,,~;,,,.ul ~, .r,.v.+nou+d’ lha .I¯¢o the suln,,fsiatv llv,~ Nu e ,. ,,,re],y6[~,,, lh,,t,dl If,. ,l,,.h, ll.~

I t++ ., , I + I’ i,.. ~dht tO IllUUenctl Jtol~nll~ll- 1 ,tt*.ulld dollar. Jcr n+tnuln .ball boa ). ,..,. ,, Ihe " Ih,h,d.,,n Clly ha.k," ]l,0,,d.,n,IJI I[ t p t 4+ gr ) tta I ~ el t .l tlu,+ * ,,t ’ + " ’ " ¢’: ’ ’" ¯’’ I’PII 14,. tltr. tl’t, llUVU thoe y ~b ¢’ ,,,,,ialcd, lilnd+lit tln[othul+alnldthirly. Nuw,l,,r.~y, iot~+tb+t|q’vmvhh;d I~tlhl+t ,+ltl, w t.I

.t,,l I’ ’ ,’i, . li+ W.t , I’ ,~, I’ , J ~ ~I t ]t’~ ":t I’’1 ,h,llar. J+roln the Ollnnel in. r+,ll+ VlUl+,,i ,lioltalt.,r ~ilhlll.hi, h Ih,,.~it Ib,,In"lttha..,’.dli+.l*"*’l d’¯l’’’’R’:dlhu d.[s

, ., + ’"’( ,~al ~S’ ’ Jq a.t e,t’ek },¯.~ o+, .[’Ill,, +cli,.,I lu.,I, itm,lllqltlt,not u h, lU I,,r Ih+ rvl, n,l’rb,’l ,,I .,,vh h,,t.,+, +,111 I.,+, I ,,! I+,r., i, iJt,l’+ fl[ t,l’ P’it tlltlcJtt Fi’jat , +: r I h .. 11 fh, v-r .! I art’ "t+al. I-

th.l.l,r,’ev,’,li,,g.%,+,l l,,’ I/vllacl~.,], T[lath°¢Lilttl i,I tbl+lh~,.t +tt IIIh IIItlt’t’.url+ll,h,led ,o thq +,tl,ill’’~’t+’l’’’’l"tt’’ll’,lLl+ I X I’~ :,

¯ " ,’",, ," 1++,i, , ,,’ d I,~ h,r u ~llri,atl,~ll ’ i;’% Ji. ,[,,el +t’ ’hat mu.t b,’ Ih,~ IlllJll,[[ lt.++~+’t’ll ’+* " , ,’ ’’ *, 1 n+ ’+ll , I I,. i+,h+’,:,tl’+lt, 1[cl~+l~+l+t£1N’4’ |ltl/[ t++,llll lilsl :c, ti,+lr+ ,d Ih,~ tu’t I. I,I, ""+

f ¯

. .,t- entai.i,~t-¯ , if~rgut thut wit a rc asl[q ~t onl O t -, -, ~ ,,’ - - ’

, . ¯ .... ~¯ , Wltlt tll0 ’lt:~ lul~tleal* parLy Delllg nllxIonS’ l 4~HII$4~, tl ~$Uttl~U~ O; ~ e lit; I O t ~ . e"’ ~ ..’ :’~ ~ ItJd ,tie Idly tlopart ~’b(tt’tr L

bs~lt tbm+.ovur Aunt a t,,y ,’ o ~, ~I~ .... r . ~ ,1 spy llu wt s nl tile Stl~et~l,tab 0 o he. ’,wlhdo’nng~.wopt.asuumsa own . ’ " .

, -- .i: , , . .... IllllUellt~t~ and 1lie pccuhar bet woll-amh¢-,at~Vl/g oil I II IOta togttlor tto Ca g , ..¯ , stund ttrgUllll!nls el ,Inhlll~Oll a triellds+ I,)’:~tea0hmmt; munot prt~t’Cllt rcet IIM "UCt o + ¯ , ’. ¯ , ~ ;, . s t lu’o te ¢, a u the )l o ( I I’ P+I"

’On~’g0odzesulho[ lnlpeaeuluent, wlmthm+ . , ¯ ., ,. ,. ~* ’ .+ + /~ . . tit nt (U th0 13Ullatt t WIIlt n IlL) e/U i’ll h, ed

’[~h:nomHItll~rlot IsUo s [ tgt} t]asr ¯ lfitl~t "u t n "t ’. .~ ’ . l +11 llrlt I|ll ltrWlUcii I|O |dulcdi ’l~td ILg6 g’q~Vt W ~O ot ltte hnnoraulo Illenl | ¯ . , . ,. ! ¯ . .. ," ’ . ;uI, w to * lttot I- ~ t. lla]l~ntwstt’K-’ ’¯ ber~’tmeeasoeltlb~ to olrruptmflle ecs . . ,....... log .+vcnge. IL. ~lll lhnl that whflo h,,

r d~ ~ho’x~te ~ot All have’nee tlIP Ina It trait tl ¯* if, " " "’ y ’ ’ |U +|1 I’10g tl] I1|o l’311t|lll+ The,ituat~ft mwluli+ wi ’bo.e ............ ..... bu wdl runt only hlu~vlfaud hi, pu~tcrhy.

116]1¢d lU ilSla umn.

Tkn-~,,~,,,~,ta t~ha Imvc eqmtt~cd the From tlm ~l~ceilicalhm .I charges 0galn.t¯ , - ~,~,rsl~-.rmh ,~n.ot shiphl th,,m,slvv~ t!t’~ King el l,:aghmd ma,lo la Ibu lh’ehtra.

¯ .;iloul+~4 ~tmll uupit~alt that the)’ nm tt,,u el lndel,cndenoe, we ~eh,t’t two.~, %volt¯requite" widl britms ". Jt iskoo~vo , "]h, . rol’uscd is a.mlt +, hws thn

’I that. a:wt~s~t~ f " +: , ’. ’ ’, ’ , ,+ ] ~ nll~ ilnoulttln Io illtl+~l IV] ,/It r,U IO a ,d neot ) I ,r th I d

sutul/I/.ll. ,hits ~ .~titludat,.:d, a.,I II hn g,,~,d.I,d/~ta ~a14’l .J[t.31~’¢lllLv~ [lllOWll |or a~,o thuo " Ih, hu¯ ul,~tructe,] th,t .detini~t,. li,,n¯ ..,ghlt,.l£mlOmmarto ¯ mLlliuu aplwa wtmhl I,e ofju+li,’e. I,y .’fu.ieg I,i. t,..s.,,,t Io la~:+ Ibt¯ , iltmmtor vo+~’a to aoluit Johtu.ou. The cptal,liAde,+ j,t,licial l,.W,’,~,

wbWtoy ring cau wail ~lkttd this to ,etaio I’., +,t,y ul ou¢"t, adams kn.w ~,1’ any i,ul,-bLm for through him they th’haud Ihu t.:,,v. Ih’ , rt awe at tO,, I+tc.ctnt [it,,,’, lo ~h.,.t

r|llU++~t~t 91 ClleUgh |t3 tnallV titue+~ ICl,ay it. i tl,t ,,+ t h../’, ,ulTh t

lie ,ert nf the Town..hi i floa.aittee cf’Wey-lUOtllll ’l’ownthip of Ihu Illlltaeee~ ttlt l,or eu[tJe-tU~lUt lultde,Marrb (;lh 18t]8. - ’

Dlt;li~ lanes duo h wnt~ p fr, t t c lh~0-.

for OII dop]]oalt+ 18fi{I, ,, I r /~ffl 48

Amount of duplhuUv IS(;7, ,. li71L 2L8tntte t.lmuy IttflT. ’ ’ l~t)

8milh Charles (Ettitte)..; ........ L....; .... "? 44Seime~; (~hxlup ........ ...,..’.: ......... ....., ’ 46 :Wolf, 3ohn.~ ........ ...,... ........ ....";;,..,., 9,1Wiselnalb John...;.............; .............. ~ 82

I hereby ccrttfy tliat tha id)ove liut of’dolin- ¯qnont t¯xes was rrtllraed l0 the towneh|p~eom-mlttefi of tha tuwnship of blul]i¢a ou the Elov-anth day of March, ]868, hy 11. B. 1)eu6hry, Col-luelur, .n,l vcrilled hy his nl~do+vlts acverd[n6 to "" ’the reqniremcnls of the "aot" Underwhich the. ’~¯]o Is urderad to fie roads.

J. HPCURL, ~’own Clerk.

SlllL’:R! I~l’a .ADJOU]tWI:D J&LE.... -:,The sale nf the prnparty seized as the property " "~

af l)oan 8. ]fowlrd, and I¯ke¯ tn exeeulbm atthe ,tnlt of Eli P, Cue, .tan,is a,ljuurmed to Ma~" 18th " ¯ ~

nt TWO u’el.ok 1’ ~1., at "the |oral of Louitl{uuhnle, Egg:l[arh.r City, " . . ";

’ IL 11’. CAV1LEEIt| 8harlff. ,. ’"AIFil 211111, 18G8, ’ .

COURT 01[.’ N. 3.8ythoff and Theodor W."

IIi/,ff& StaUffer. In us,son’¯ tlnehlueal. ~Not]ee ]. heral)y gtvoo Ihmt a wilt"af .ttaehmeat has beoti iamted nqt 9f Ihe 6upr¯maCourt return.ble, July 811+t IS87 ugnlnsl thorlghtallnd qredit, moneys and effeels goods and 0hilt-Ile¢-nf Peter F, ythoff Itnd Theodor W, Sl¯ufferIradlng as 8y[h,ff A Blauffer’tlt’tho euitof Jo¯lmhEbyt ht a plea of Iresp.H on the ease open prom-Ism, fat two tlnt,us¯nd dollar¯. V/hteh writ ha.1men duly sarvad and relarned by the mher[ff of -the Calmly of~tlaulLv.

GIIAS. P. HMITII,Clark ,’]aprama Coelt.Ja~zs M. S~ovxt,, Att’y ul Pla¯’.tf -

Ill CIIItliCCry OF Now J~rt~olt.To I’MII,ANI)O C I.AN(|DON &ad MARSlI-

ALL 8. lllDWl,;Li,|]i~ .tin toe 6f all order of Iho aourt of Ohancery

<,1~ ~ew Juraoy’ Initdealt Ihe ,lay cf Iho dale here-of, Ill It e?ll.O wharoln tl,e C]ly Nal[enld lhtnk ofI’hJhu|olliMa e¯d, nlhor~ l’o’ecmpIoln¯nfs~ andt~lt and elhorll are dota.dant., y;,. are requtred.t, Itppt, ar0 l)lend, demur or tmsw¯t to tha aotn-,I,i.unt¯ bill nn¯nr hof,,re the +l’if.# d.y ~ J...,ox , or t te said bill ~iil be tal/~u M e’~afusle4

116Stll"l yOU. ¯ ’ . ’ . ,’Ph¯ ,ahl bill h Aled ta ~oraeloso’a

61yen by lt]¢hnrd J. |lyrnaa (¯ Char)el~ 1’:. l,ex,Iru.leo0 on lal;d~ in the’ Tnwn of ]tltamnnton.¯d ]u file "l’li~ettL]l~ of Mui]leafln,the Uoanty+d" Alhnllo NuW Jorli,y dated Oelohar l.t, A.D. ,.1811n, hnd you Phi]anch, O, La¯V<l¯a #rid H, IM,hvvl are t Ide defultdanls ba0aulU SnUhuld +n knvnu+h(auoo on Hhi lands.

’ "JN(I h TEN EYCI{, 8o o’r afanmpl’ts,Muuat Holly, N,,3.

ltatml, .llqrak 30, A. J)., Ip08, a4.30"

’ N(+ttit of New Jersey. I¯ ~[*re¯m~ry Olliooi l|u+n,k Jl010itrlmtmlt ~-

-’ +t’rulltpn ~,)~¯lher2t little’. )Iyan *hltl all t|lO alrctllallng

1son ]liver "llal,k~ ’° ][obc,h~n.~J.. taunt, im naloniad .a’~.ili’h, em.~ fnr re-

,I]+,1| wllh ¯ " U |itonlhl=fn)l¯~lo d¯te huroof

IIio ItllleoIpth,ll ef souh lelle~t will he allr¢oitdvrt+t|to Ihu .ahl aH,lvh~Lhm. IIOWA liD IVINH,Ifi 4 1 fllula q’realurer.

ST^’rt: ,iV m:w J’~:t~, ~.v.: )~’l~l:AttUItY Oft’It’S, ]IAI~K llel’AllYtlEsrp’t

¯ ,’ .~I’i,P.SV,,S I)+~. ~t, 11+117, I’

N.lioe Is horoby l~lv+m th.t all Ihs.C~rouh,tlng’ Inn,].r,vii. II~ah iii lerlN~am ¯ n ’ , , ’~ . ~’ "

¥ t N d,, llilil, t he ,r+s,,llle4i mttllls nmce f*,rI1+ ¢ II Oll wiIhln I1[i Illollltll [feto the dalsl]¢roo’ itJltlr whh’l, lllne Ihe seeur]l[oq dcp,,.ih’d’rite I}r tlio rcduul i|[,11i 4If Itllt’h ~0|+JI ~f][ [}¯

llltfondt+lud I+l 1lie ++tlhl ll.¢P,d+lttlhlll-.IIOWAIt D I Y I lqtl,

H-47 ¯ ’ ~lal. Trlatarer, ,

NIIIII~ or N~W dll’l’Nt~’s )’|’lit Al+[+lt¥ *)~’l’lt~U* II¯I+K ttt~pAUl¯eSY.

Trentuu0 N,,v. lb, )SET, N.l[ep ]. hvr.hy ilvttn, Ihal a, II tim olreuhtln~

.,firs ul I],+ " lllshl~,nd ihtnh," I].d.u¯ t~hy, ~.J, nlUl* t,U i*rt+.v.lod at Ihll omcO f,,t r¢4¶rlnl+lhllllw]lh[ll l~li lUOlllhl |lal,IJ| thu det+ hermuf, itflorv+hleh ll.m Ihe, u,+url*l., dclm.ll.d il.t. for liralu,luml,ll,,n i,[puutillt+t+.m wllll,..urrl, lldctld le {hu¯ .i,i as.,,+t.ti.a, tlnWAItD IVIP+I~.I(I t[ ~lilu ’J’rsaluror,

IiI:SNIS~,N’S I’^TENT ’l’AtiH AND| ! . N~t AltDt4+ l*tl~h.d Io .t+let. at ~.

IH/ruIit,l AN ItFF[,K, "tlatlamvu*uu N, J. "

last.sabbath jn tills towu~ (lie1Lev. S..W. Pratt, pastor qf

L formerly pastor-ofchxtruh to, which bit. IIulburd belongs,He gave an interesting address on Sabbathevcmng, relating to religious affairs, scenes,and incidents in Eoropq+ ~whieh lie. visitedl~.t year. ..

eompaay will have ready for use before theopening of the se~ison, eight new ears, Nvcllnnd liandsomely built. They have’also a firsh elass’loemfitttiv~ aod the Ais[on2--- equal to h new engine. The company

uarenfitting ie "their-efforts for coestan~i|atu’oventents. Thereis not u moreemun/ddating road in the slate 0rflm coun-try; It is mansged for the bcncfi~ of thecounty+through which it passes. ")

¢1 +--A new lodge of Goed’lctuplars" wasorgauize’d iu J~iwoqd on’blonday evening"May 4tit. -Phe name of the newlodg~’i~s

¯ - " Wide Awake" No. ~t. The follmving--" ~am~.d-persons-were-e]eeted

¯ ,.speetivc offices for the cuwent’tcrm : W,~CCI?.~.--II7 B~ii~V.~’x .r.T., Elluff~M.

Wilson; W. 8., ,1. IIobert Fihr; W. F.".8._, Toeodofe Ilelde~ ; W. T., Marid Par-

+runs; ~,.~r~ M., Win. E. +Xriswold ; W. C..¯ . ¯ " Benj. F. ~riswohl ; +iV. I. G., Ida 5[. Ir-

ving; W. Sent., Win. O. Perseus+; W. 1L.H. S., James 8. Filer ; W. L. H..8., Care-

Ving; Vv’. D. ~I.,-Mary A, F. WinkmaaLodge’Deputy., J. Bradford Filer¯ ’! 1L"

City Union Ldague, was held in bIausiotlIIall,’on blo,lday evening, President ~vans

]~iL ° VAN l¥1NlliI, II~- +- wakin6 up frets hi8 nap uf

" !!4~ IV/Ihered lLoelts,vith Chri~,’s Dye, would have louki:d like

in.tim .c’mir. There Was a ]argo tur,4-out . . ." A YOllllg ]ltsn+

of the good people of the city, the largo again. M¯rrchmsindccd, is the effect of.hall b’fing packed to its fullest, a hu’ge.nua~- " CItISTADO [++O’S IIAllt. DYE

bar about tlm elltrane.o b~,ing unable to oh- in n.juvenating gray-haired humanity. Whytain seats. D. W.

STy+! !




]30 OTS :~ ,SIKOX~S.



N. R. ~..MAT~RaJSole ~lau f&el~tlra It,d ~rop;riz~rl Qf mt[~’ t lit l~+lltro;

I ~ It It ~ V ~ ~PATENT ~ PlgOV]~P ~OAP,

of Lime.% ~nro tl no

A ,M" M O N’[ A T R D



stttre Opportunit~ to Beeure


To An



leoR. IS~LE¯


21,000 Acres

l.V OXE BOD ]~



Appb to


fax’maffon ~r fu]forwarded, +,

LL BnHnesR hi

E. WRIGIIT..~lwood / N. J,

o ~mt tloteaat is In

~70,000 FEET

Wldte fine Flooring,For ~alo ot

JOItN F. STARR. Jr:& Co*

Cooper Strut Wharf

,a21.1y Cnn+den. N. J.

0NP.A| Lowest Mnrkct Rate~,

Guano° ’~"WO~OII nnly NO. I--r~*elved direct from I&e

Agwt~ Wlnted f~r

....... , T~ 0FFI01AL HISTORYOf the War It~:Osttsea~ Chtrneter, Cenrtnet mud

Price ~O p+r ~@DO Ibl. By lION. ALENANDER If, 8TEPIIENS,A Bt~k far .fg +~e+t;nns’a.d .tl /% rh’es,

Warkp. |)ea~h sad Plum St fit, Ih o¯e high e[ealq ,41~.W¯terfCt.,and4~E~ I. tevolntintt f~’mltifnnntltln s

a¯or~ AV,




PITKIN C0:An imnlenso amo.ntof property honht n t gqv

tnlncnt ~a e~. e.ue ~ nt~ e i efly of]o.o0o SH’IS. ~£W AND SI’:COND IIA.VD


Commercial Manures,


L’. ~IOY2DEN RlntLon ~t~Bib ,, H.,mte. ~. y.

IMpoeill rand Splendid Prelttl~|o

|1~0 t. Orcenbmck+w bn~ren ¸ nsd¯~1 o~nlo a other promi~mlrtO Ibn l~rlon whowg[eentlthe}~rg~ltelabn hngrlite j im~mhl~"of ~nu~l labscr t bcr~, w UI tbom ene~,p to |hn

NORTHERN ~’~+~y.

publlah6d ta thl* ¢ouh4ryI 0*nr’lJ00 pa ea uf.~I|O[CE RKADIN0 in the put year, ++or ~eO t

2P+tt" WItbtl~May number thaNORTI]ERh’,MOET][L’Y will have carom*heed ~t~ third vnt-ume#+Md me ; Irow -

ghe rnvlntm clit ~temtee, 0 f °~tlelVll

ear there ~ih been I,h*tehed In Illt~ Jlym of n|nn 4[lllnlltt [l~ed fferleymeD ;

n the aLtlel[utere|ts hove been

valttohle Information .farnhhod tn regard Io cur~t~te, not only ~t home but Io lit r~14erl |hlottgh¯nut the United $11ter, thaleann.t fill te pro6uol

o~d h©nellel~l effeel everywhere¯ul~un ottr eew

domouattoted Ln the enntenu cf ilal

t per cent,;¢o~ton-seed meaI

the comporitlon oF earn meal n.d eo~ton-

scetl medl b about alike, eCh6ro are" nomeans of knowisE ~xgedy h0w they com-pare in pracdco+ a, cxperbt.e.t, with digerent, kind. oflo0d gm not very-n~uratelyo~nducted, ba~ the geherul oRinlon of thosewl/0 bevo made ~mpar~t;v6 trials is ia fo-

vor of" thc’eott0n.scet~i oven at the same"prlcc; ~rt’alnly it;°trot be mttch moth

~A-&T,leI¢~ulll;Uro in 1’~. Jex’~ey.

I. theyear I789, Mr. ~Iorsa’s Eeograpbypubllshcd at ]~]ilabethtown, la describingtbi~ good y nod ot New Jersey, did not

resources whlCli Lho real richness a.d val-ue o f oar soil wan’anted. OnLy i" tke lie°of c;der--Jersey eider--dld the n,leisnt ge-ogtapber npproad~ any~bisg like e.dlU~i-

diluvia~auth0rhy, thcehi]dre.ofAnle’dea d#nee)r ¯are even .ow t~ught that "Now Jerv~ ih i sald~ . yes s~¯,,the north iS moun t’xinou~, ~lnd well ad~p+tc4

Hc s:tld : "I’gavc 2,’o t grazL.g; in tbo middle, nodulntl.g anda"t IIi el Iny coltstltncnL~ la Lhe S~te ot ~e-very lorti~; and in the Bouthl level nndvedaI a~kiag thn cstabLisbme.t mc a post,veery bar.n:"

¯ ; . ode~ ut llaldwis*s ]{aneh, and told pou to ¯ " ¯¢ grlorauts ntldcr Of" kl~desenp ion xs answer it, I]++ ingerllously ns yon co:uld, widx = HAnK TwAt:+,made eonsldcuonsly evident by Lhn very ia~

afgunle:}t+* wklck s~ould -]~r~uodl+ t etg qye, ft.’. ~ ~unator:’!ereCting anti va]Ltab]¢ ]emnresol Profbssor

tirol+there was ,o real iLeee.~ity for+aa of- #, a runiouscpLstlo!Cook of the ~lat~ Agr]euhural

gec at lhat place.~ _ ¯~ ¯whleh are publisilod]n ~onnecllou with th

I ]hit ea~[er. ’"O1% if tbh ~ ~ ~ir I ’ ~ ca, mr.deport of tbe College for iBeX, Tbe" Pr~ ( ¯d(d <]a l]lat.¯’ _ nn3t!ln]g wrong shout t--bnv--’but--it u

fe~or~a]la attcntLon to tbe report 0ftbe"Ye~,youth’ll’ Iwil]s~dyqurnnswer~ PCa~,tO :( the wateP-Iot <

Corn n~issioncr o f Agr;chhure for I g65 Wlilcbstates dial our ’ave£uge crup_of ~orn for (oryourowu humiliation:

. non: ,

the’proceed|at four years was g~] : es "tWAs]IINGTON’+N0"+r’24 IS07 " i~htd. Aa u gl! Oh!--b"tm

in wheat it is thn seventh¯ iu oats Iho Ldntbcom~a~ng the wbLde number of be~mls n

earn, wheat+ rye nals bar[e3"t¯btLcklvlteal.nod polatads raL&~l for our whale pepsintLml with theban ¯ for c w ale Uditod~tatcs, we have ’22.o busbols for cock m-kakltant, ugaln~t. 37.2 boshcis in tiLe WlLoLv

Unlon. ’*TLL~ is retie, tboa~h an nauru-gl]y hrge proportion orourengngod ih manufaeturln E nnd mdcban ea

lip]c[errisg el°0 Ln con°n:

of ~’cw J crscy farm Lauds h~crenked $1~,73 .... x o~-~" ]lern Ls saI°l ild ngs,h "~tt trail lnnvn’

per uerol white that el lXlnssoebuscltsL.- another spelL°on I gave yon ;t peltll0d ; rcn LL3 Fho lUnrllhlg, andFlat tn ]|hleherereus~2tl mdy $1.50, Tile increase in Peli.- POols e~rtaln geiltleaten 0P’NcvA ¢ p 3’-

sy[vnnla was next m that in tlds Sta e ii)gthat I ~vnuLd got a bill through Of)a-

beaut $i]167 Dor acre..’ in ]860 tke rotLo gressincor/loradng the Mothodl.t J~r,hca-

oft]loincreaseo[tho pnt=0ististt 0f Ne’w pal(~finrelxeftlinSlate~c*tN~vada, lold~ I wlorc it =a~ses . eb,lt I+[ "vau] l~awr-en s anal r ¯ [ t];pn~,Jersey was $7,27, whLJe that at the United you to eny, ill reply, that tke croatia, el to rio nahtwk, tkas tanking tim e

States wns’only,’;~,,"#; ~uch alawcaiLtemot’eproi~crly withln tke , eJ.~Ler o access to uL ~1,,+ rS.." -~% kil6 r~ ffir rLilg wiLh I t l lfi ffftl ~S6g~ ; ai=d" L6 nil tile deslraL

of I)rOS[)et’[t~’ tke Protester culls a!(cndoll 11 irl thu preqnnt leek]noes° Ig 1heto the oboious fact tbr[~ there is a wide of do r~llgE+ns that yew coal nnadler.field far agr[eldlura] hlqu’o~:nlaent wLllda Inon)ve"ltb, lt]lO nxlL6dlefiey of ii,corpura.

borders. P,’c I,ave an nrna of 7,fi76~quare ndlns or;:8;i2 um,!s, af Ivbidx

tbnrc are [,0Ld;.14b aeree of Lnqlreved’

Lurid, and ],03910S4 acres df u.hnl,rovodisnd ]u forms= and 1,865,;I07 acreH nnlonch-od by thn ugrh!uhnr[st, These vncautlands, it L, hold, are ]nanv nf theti~ quite

d~o~l as+tho~-fioi~ dnder ~lLi~G~..aS¸

ea~LI)’ cleared, aa ckeaply dllnd, and asprndu/;Itrc as in tko oldest ~ettlod pert ufIbe Htato. On~ Lhrn~ of bOO aer~ i~ (~ald.dou emnnty is bls~xead, whiok kas bonn re-

doenlod iroL~ tk~o;~Ll~-ldr+~ Imn~.~only a fuw ynnrs~t wlrl~h is now Lii cu]d-~’at~nn~ prodncll}g., heal’y crete:; of t!,nlh

wheab oats, I)ahL"tO~a an=l hay, And i[wreis IInann.nLan nnd ~bn~l:tr thlil’il*g"vnr-

dentents all redoenlud I~’nli~ tLle wlhLerllL,~s,1 ~cd an r~aBnLI ’ all$’a Lhhr ml~hulnt nn,

Ibar[ly why’hllr wkn]t~ Atl:uldo ~helcL’rom Long IIrennh I~ Calm ,"lay ~hanld telfin as ddekly ~elllod a*nl a~ inn~tably e,d-

lir~tcd its Iho SbOl’OS (IP I[lU 1)ehtwaro new

urn. ]tat th~Fe ~re,sdLL a .iill[h~ nl ternsnL tbeml I~nd~ lu he blunght ntL~ CU ’a"I hn ~,¢. : ¯’ ,. .

]tnle~s<’.~. tle~t mode ~ the Ikln. ha,¯dl’t~d thllnsllnd ii=q’ns td alnatlowN hi ihn