Study skill unit 1+2

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Transcript of Study skill unit 1+2

  • 1. Study Skills Unit 1 ( Studying in English ) Miss. Rana

2. English as Your Language of Instruction 1- English is the language of your instruction because it is not your native language.2- The purpose of this book is to teach you how to use English effectively as a language of instruction. 3. Motivation Motivation is the need of desire to achieve a certain goal. It can make the difference between success and failure. 1) Inside hopes and expectation , individual and various. SET A GOAL for yourself. 2) Outside- grades (Short-range) motivation for study. Dont make it a goal itself, dont make it the only ambition. This book will give you good study habits *More done in less time* *Not how much you study but how well 4. Concentration Concentrate : means to focus your attention clearly and completely on a purpose. *When you are interested* What if you are not interested? Try to develop interest. 1) Think of how and why the subject is important to your general education e.g. Biology anatomy of your body 2) Think of how the subject is related to other subjects. E.g. math economics and business. 3) Interest depends upon understanding. *Ask 5. Distractions Distraction is something such as a sudden noise, or someone such as unexpected visitor that takes your attention away from what you are doing. Eliminate some distractions by choosing place and time of study carefully.Good health is important to good study habits. 6. Your Place of Study A place that is always and only used for studying. *Your own desk in your private room*Desk should be neat, tidy and cleared of anything that distracts your attention. Such as radio and magazines. All materials should be within easy reach Good lamp *no shadows* Library! 7. Your Time of Study Plan your work and work your plan. There are enough hours to study, relax and have fun. Dont let your homework accumulate. Make a realistic schedule. 8. 8 steps to study well 1- Be realistic, schedule for leisure time. 2- For recitation courses such as English, plan a study period before class. Read the assignment, check your comprehension, record any vocabulary you don't know and review. This will give you confidence in class and increase your interest in the material. 3- For classes that depend on lecture, plan a study period after the class. Also read before the class to make it meaningful. 4- IF courses are both lectures and recitation, plan your schedule accordingly. 9. 8 steps to study well 5- Distribute your study hours. Three separate one-hour study periods are better than three hours at one time. 6- don't cram before exam. Review weekly to refresh your memory. 7- plan to spend 2 hours on outside preparation for each hour in class. 8- When something interrupt your study, rearrange your schedule. 10. Chapter 2 Using an English Dictionary What is a dictionary? It shows you how English speakers define, pronounce, spell and use the words of their language. -- Dictionaries are valuable only if they are used correctly and efficiently. So, we want to learn how to use a dictionary. There are many English dictionaries. A few are excellent. 11. British and American English A good dictionary will show you the difference between British and American pronunciations, spellings or meaning. These differences are not important. No worries!! 12. Desk Dictionaries To success in your study You will need the small desk dictionaries that contain more than 100,000 words and their useful references and information. Be sure to get the most recent edition!! See your book page 7 for a list of good dictionaries. 13. Dictionaries to Avoid 1 - New words come into the language and old meanings change Get a recent published or revised dictionary. 2- Small paper-covered have only a limited value for your study needs. Dont get the pocketsized dictionary.3- Native language to English dictionary They are poorly edited and out of date. There is no one-for-one correspondence between the words. 14. What a Dictionary will tell you You can learn from a dictionary : 1- Spelling (irregular, singular and plural). 2- Pronunciation (American or British and stress). 3- Syllable division (where should the word be divided). 4- Derivation (history of each word) 5- Meaning ( every word has more than one meaning) 15. What a Dictionary will tell you 6- Part of speech ( N, V, S, Adj, Adv, conjunction or preposition).7- Usage (formal, casual, poetic, slang). 8- Synonyms and antonyms. 9- General information. (e.g. location). 16. Alphabetical Arrangement Words are arranged in alphabetical order in the dictionary.Lets do exercise 2-1 ( 3 minutes) Lets do exercise 2-2 ( 3 minutes ) Les do exercise 2- 4 ( 2 minutes ) 17. Alphabetical Exercise: Directory Style Personal names are arranged according to directory style which means they are arranged by last name followed by a comma and the first name. Example: Brown, Robert. Alsailhi, Norah Lets do exercise 2-5 (group work) 18. Finding Words Quickly Look at the top of any page of your dictionary. You will find two words in heavy black type.Left is the same as the first word on the page Right is the same as the last word on the page.We call them Guide Words Exercise 2-6 (number 1 +2 +3) 19. Spelling (1/3) English spelling is confusing for second language learners as for native speakers.85% of the words in English have a regular spelling. We have rules for spelling :Rule 1 : Add a suffix to a one-syllable word with a single vowel followed by a single consonant, double the final cononant. E.g. run + ing = running . Sad + -est = saddest. Fat + -er =fatter 20. Spelling (2/3) Rule 2: more than one syllable, double the final consonant of the last syllable (only if it has vowel then consonant) e.g. begin + ing = beginning, prefer + ed = preferred Rule 3: Drop the final e before adding a suffix beginning with a vowel e.g. take + ing taking, write + ing writing But keep the e (when you have soft C or G sound. Rule 4: In words with a long e sound (as in me) , I comes before e (Except after c). Believe, chief 21. Spelling (3/3) Rule 5: Words that end with y (after a consonant), we change the y to i . E.g. Happy + est = happiest / beauty + ful = beautiful. When the word is plural we change the y to ies . E.g. Sky + s = skies. Rule 6: Vowel + y keep y and add suffix E.g. Play + s plays, boy + s boys 22. Group work A 1+ 2+ 3+4 B 5 + 6 + 7+ 8 C 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 D 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18Me 19 + 20 23. Common Spelling Problems All rightathleticsauthorbeginningbelievebenefitbusinessclothsdeceivedefinitedescribedescriptiondisappointdiseaseDoesntembarrassengineerfinallyfortygrammarIn order tomathematicsmedicinesimilarnecessaryoccasionoccurrenceoccurringoccurredpaidPronunciatio nreceiverelieverhythmrhymeseparatesurpriseuntilwriting 24. Notice the difference Advice / adviseHear / hereProfit / prophetAccept / exceptLose / looseQuiet/ quiteConscious / conscienceIts / itsTheir/ there / theyreLets do exercise 2-8 ( Skillful, Judgment, catalog) Also number 3. 25. Syllable Division Your dictionary indicates separate syllables usually by heavy black dot in the first entry. For example: En. glish/ do exercise 2-9 (each group will take 2)Syllable division at the end of a line of writing, English words can be divided only at the syllable division ( by placing a hyphen - ) to show that the word has been broken. Lets do exercise number 2-10 ( professor , language, coming, engineer) 26. Pronunciation Differences How can you pronounce the word : laboratory, either and forest?Different pronunciation may sound strange and may identify the speaker as being from different geographical area but there is seldom any real difficulty of understanding. English people can communicate without any serious misunderstanding. Your dictionary will show you the alternative spellings.Pronunciation Key: Your dictionary will show you symbols that are used to indicate each of the sounds in a word. 27. Syllable Stress In a word of two syllables, one syllable is pronounced with more force (loudness) than the other e.g. teach-er. So, what is stress? It is the difference of emphasis. Dictionary will indicate the stress by mark like ` Words of 3 or more syllables may have two stresses. Lets do exercise 2-15 (1-10) in class , (11-14) H.W 28. Definitions of Words Be sure to read the introduction to your dictionary to find out the order of the definitions. This is the most feature of your dictionary!! Most words in English have more than one meaning. See the example on page 19 (Drop). So the real meaning depends on the sentence, However, the word whale has one meaning and can be translated to another language safely. This is true only if the word is technical or very specialized. 29. Groupwork Exercise (2-16 ) Exercise (2-17) H.W (take home quiz). Never read the first meaning and depend on it!! Always remember to read all the meanings of a word. 30. This is it for today!!Thank you!!!