Study Guide Acsd Vss

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  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    Specialist Avaya Voice Self-Service Design

    Elective Exam (133-S-708.1)

    BETA Study Guide

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.

  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    Stu dy Guide for t he BETA Spec ia l ist Av aya Voice Se l f -Serv ice Design Elec t ive Cer t i f i ca t io n Exam

    Exam # 133 -S-708 .1

    The char t be low de ta i l s th e four ( 4 ) sect ion s tha t com pr ise th e 133- S-70 8.1 BETA Spec ia l i st Avaya Vo ice Se l f -

    Serv ice Design E lec t i ve Cer t i f i ca t ion Exam . Th is i s a new exam and i s opera t ing as a be ta exam . There a r e 119

    ques t i ons on t he ex am and 150 m inu t es w i l l be al l oca t ed f o r t he ex am . Par t i c i pan t s w i l l r ece i v e t he i r s co res

    a f t e r 50 peop le hav e gone t h rough t he ex am and t h e pass ing s c o re has been se t . You w i l l be no t i f i ed o f y ou r

    s co re a f t e r t ha t t im e .

    I n t he St udy Gu ide be low , w i t h i n each s ect i on , t he ob j ect i v es , pe rc en t age o f t o t a l ex am , and l i st i ng o f

    re f e renc e m a t e r i a l s a re l i s t ed . The r e f e rence m a t e r i a l s are d i v i ded i n t o Av ay a U n i v ers i t y c ou rs ew are and Av ay a

    doc um en t a t i on . Th i s i n f o rm a t i on i s des igned t o he lp t he s t uden t p repa re f o r t he Specia l i st - Av ay a Vo i ce Se l f -

    Serv ice Des ign Elec t i ve Cer t i f i ca t ion Exam .

    70 8.1 Spec ia l is t - Avaya Voice Sel f - Serv ice Des ign Elec t iv e ExamSect ion 1 . So lu t i on I den t i f i ca t i on

    Th is sect i on o f t he exam r ep r esen t s 20% o f t he ques t i onsExam Sect ion Ob jec t i v es :

    Describe the functionality of the Avaya Voice Self-Service products Given a customer requirement scenario (including speech technologies), identify Avaya Voice Self-Service solutions to match the customer

    requirements Given an Avaya Voice Self-Service solution, identify the value that it provides to a customer. Given a set of customer requirements, identify the integration issues to consider such as integration with communication products, host

    systems, and databases. Given a set of customer requirements and budget constraints, identify the impact of using different features/functionality of the Avaya Voice

    Self-Service solution. Describe the integration capabilities of the Avaya Voice Self-Service products.

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.

  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    Sec t i on 1 . So lu t i on I den t i f i ca t i on

    Avaya Un i ve rs it y Cou rses t ha t suppo r t p r epa ra t i on f o r t h i s sect i onW BT W eb-bas ed t ra i n i ng

    V ILT V i r t ua l I n s t ruc to r Led

    I LT I ns t ruc to r Led

    N ex t t o c ours e number i nd i c ates t ha t t he re a re p re requ i s i t e cours es requ i red


    N u m b e r

    Cour se T i t le Type/ Hrs . Cour se Ob jec t i ves


    Prerequisite isAVA00142WEN -Basic - AvayaInteractiveResponseAdministration

    Advanced IVR Designer 16 hrs/ILT The audience for this course includes Avaya Associates, Business Partners, ISVs, and

    Customers who write custom self-service applications using Avaya IVR Designer.

    This course is designed to increase participants proficiency in developing voiceapplications in TAS and VXML using Avaya IVR Designer. This course provides exposureto additional features and encourages practice using these features in hands-on guidedactivities and self-paced lab exercises. Upon successful completion of this course thelearner will be able to:

    - Specify how applications handle asynchronous events when detecting a hang-up orerror

    - Write programs that execute other scripts.- Use grammar and Text to Speech to create speech applications.- Describe the feature differences when creating TAS and VXML applications.- Write custom external functions to pass strings between applications (TAS only).- Create custom external functions to access DIPs (TAS only).- Troubleshoot an application using Avaya IVR Designer application debugging tools.- Use the Inline Code node to insert TAS or VXML instructions directly into an IVRDesigner application

    AVA00738HOO Introduction to DialogDesigner

    8 hrs/ILT This course is designed for Avaya Business Partners, such as independent softwarevendors who will partner with Avaya to create final CRM products using DialogDesigner, and also for users of the tools, such as systems integrators and the local ITstaff who will maintain the system.

    This course provides tools for selling into new markets by identifying customer

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702617/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9383,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702617/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9383,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870,,2151/SQN%3D-86702608/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=5870
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    business needs and addressing those needs through a demonstrated understanding of

    the system's architecture and relative market value.

    Upon completion of the course, the learner should be able to:- Describe system components- Customize the value proposition- Understand the solution's value in relation to other solutions available on the market- Build a simple Dialog Designer application in demo mode

    AVA00806WEN Avaya Self-Service SolutionsOverview

    2 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Define how Self Service Solutions meet the business needs of customers.

    - Explain how Avaya Self Service Solutions can help businesses transition to a next-generation Self Service system.

    - Describe the features of Avaya Interactive Response.

    - Describe the features of Avaya Voice Portal.

    - Describe how the features of Avaya Interactive Response support contact centerneeds.

    - Describe how the features of Avaya Voice Portal support contact center needs.

    - List the components of an Avaya Interactive Response solution.

    - List the components of an Avaya Voice Portal solution.


    Prerequisite: Youshould befamiliar withAvaya Self-Service Solutionshardware andsoftware and

    RedHat Linux.

    Designing Avaya Self-Service Solutions

    5 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Interactive Responsesolutions.

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Voice Portal solutions.

    - List the features of Avaya Interactive Response that impact system design andconfigurations.

    - List the features of Avaya Voice Portal that impact system design and configurations.

    - Identify critical system resources that affect system capacity and performance.- Identify how integrated components affect solution design.

    - Apply high-level Avaya Self-Service Solutions to a client scenario.

    - Describe how to use the Avaya Solution Designer (ASD) and the Solution Sizing Toolsto design an Avaya Self-Service Solution

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss

  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    Sect ion 2 . Scope & Des ign t he So lu t ion

    Avaya Un i ve rs it y Cou rses t ha t suppo r t p r epa ra t i on f o r t h i s sect i onW BT W eb-bas ed t ra i n i ng

    V ILT V i r t ua l I n s t ruc to r Led

    I LT I ns t ruc to r Led

    * N ex t t o c ours e number i nd i c a tes t ha t t he re a re p re requ i s i t e cours es requ i red

    Cour se Num ber Course T i t le Type/ Hrs . Cour se Ob jec t i ves

    AVA00531HOO Introduction to IVRDesigner

    24 hrs/ILT The Introduction to IVR Designer course is intended for: Avaya Associates,Business Partners, and ISVs or Customers

    This course provides learners with the basic skills they need to create simple self-

    service applications through the use of IVR Designer.

    Upon successful completion of this course the learner will be able to:

    - Use Avaya IVR Designer documentation.- Use the Avaya IVR Designer interface and features to create voice applications inTAS and VXML.- Understand the feature differences when creating TAS and VXML applications.- Follow a logical design and development process for creating voice applications

    using Avaya IVR Designer.- Share Application Resources among applications (TAS only)- Copy within and between applications- Use basic Avaya IVR Designer nodes to create applications.- Use the Set and Test node expressions and Branch Condition Editorappropriately in applications.- Write applications that manipulate strings.- Create and specify attributes of custom variables.- Work with prompts and phrases.- Work with database tables in applications.

    - Identify Avaya IVR Designer standard external functions.- Write programs using several standard external functions.- Install IVR Designer TAS and VXML applications on Avaya Interactive Response.

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702587/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9382,,2151/SQN%3D-86702587/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9382,,2151/SQN%3D-86702587/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9382,,2151/SQN%3D-86702587/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9382
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    AVA00738HOO Introduction to DialogDesigner

    8 hrs/ILT This course is designed for Avaya Business Partners, such as independent

    software vendors who will partner with Avaya to create final CRM products usingDialog Designer, and also for users of the tools, such as systems integrators andthe local IT staff who will maintain the system.

    This course provides tools for selling into new markets by identifying customerbusiness needs and addressing those needs through a demonstratedunderstanding of the system's architecture and relative market value.

    Upon completion of the course, the learner should be able to:- Describe system components

    - Customize the value proposition- Understand the solution's value in relation to other solutions available on themarket- Build a simple Dialog Designer application in demo mode

    AVA00739HOOPrerequisite isAVA00738HOO

    Advanced DialogDesigner

    16 hrs/ILT This course is designed for end users of Dialog Designer, such as systemsintegrators and the local client IT staff.

    This course provides hands-on training in the use of Dialog Designer fordeveloping IVR applications. Avaya is entering the voice portal ecosystem marketwith Dialog Designer. This course will facilitate integration into new environments

    by identifying customer business needs and leveraging business applications forgreater application sophistication.

    Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to:-Create a complex speech application through the testing phase using DialogDesigner- Simulate and debug applications within the Eclipse environment- Describe how a Dialog Designer application can be customized using Java- Create backend integration with web services and databases- Explain how connectors are used to integrate Avaya IC and Avaya CTI withspeech applications- Explain how to deploy a Dialog Designer application

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702600/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10012,,2151/SQN%3D-86702600/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10012,,2151/SQN%3D-86702600/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10012,,2151/SQN%3D-86702600/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10012,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    AVA00777WEN Selling Self-Service


    2 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Summarize the major developments in the evolution of the Self-ServiceSolutions market.

    - Customize a value proposition for an Avaya Self-Service Solution.

    - Identify Avaya resources to support your sales efforts.

    - Compare the primary types of vendors who compete with Avaya.

    - Describe how Avaya market-leading products have progressed to addresschanging market drivers.

    AVA00778HOOPrerequisite is: Youshould be familiarwith IBM WebSphere,Apache Tomcat, andthe Linux OperatingSystem.

    Implement, Maintainand Administer VoicePortal 3.0

    16 hrs/ILT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Describe the basic system architecture of Avaya Voice Portal, including Web-based infrastructure.

    - Integrate Avaya Voice Portal with communication infrastructure.

    - Identify the pre-installation requirements for Avaya Voice Portal.

    - Implement Avaya Voice Portal.

    - Troubleshoot and maintain an Avaya Voice Portal system.

    AVA00806WEN Avaya Self-ServiceSolutions Overview

    2 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Define how Self Service Solutions meet the business needs of customers.

    - Explain how Avaya Self Service Solutions can help businesses transition to anext-generation Self Service system.

    - Describe the features of Avaya Interactive Response.

    - Describe the features of Avaya Voice Portal.

    - Describe how the features of Avaya Interactive Response support contactcenter needs.

    - Describe how the features of Avaya Voice Portal support contact center needs.

    -List the components of an Avaya Interactive Response solution.

    - List the components of an Avaya Voice Portal solution.

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss



    Prerequisite: Youshould be familiar withAvaya Self-ServiceSolutions hardware andsoftware and RedHatLinux.

    Designing Avaya Self-

    Service Solutions

    5 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Interactive Responsesolutions.

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Voice Portal solutions.

    - List the features of Avaya Interactive Response that impact system design andconfigurations.

    - List the features of Avaya Voice Portal that impact system design andconfigurations.

    - Identify critical system resources that affect system capacity and performance.

    - Identify how integrated components affect solution design.

    - Apply high-level Avaya Self-Service Solutions to a client scenario.

    - Describe how to use the Avaya Solution Designer (ASD) and the Solution SizingTools to design an Avaya Self-Service Solution

    AVA00808WEN Avaya InteractiveResponse Hardwareand Software

    1 hr/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Describe the functionality and key business factors of the Avaya IR system.

    - Identify and describe Avaya IR system components.

    - Describe the steps to install an Avaya IR system.

    - Troubleshoot common hardware and software problems.

    AVA00809WEN VoIP for Avaya Self-Service Solutions

    2 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - List the benefits of VoIP for Avaya Interactive Response.

    - Describe the features of a VoIP-based Avaya Interactive Response solution.

    - Describe the features of a VoIP-based Avaya Voice Portal solution.

    - Describe the various components of the Voice Portal solution (hardware andsoftware).

    -Identify the components of the VoIP subsystem and their functions.

    - Identify the hardware and software components associated with VoIP forAvaya Interactive Response.

    - Describe the procedures for installing and configuring VoIP for AvayaInteractive Response.

    - Describe troubleshooting techniques used when installing VoIP for Avaya

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702602/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10412,,2151/SQN%3D-86702602/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10412,,2151/SQN%3D-86702602/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10412,,2151/SQN%3D-86702602/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10412,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    Interactive Response.

    AVA00810WEN Speech Technologies(ASR/TTS) for AvayaSelf-Service Solutions

    2 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - List the benefits of using speech technologies in self-service solutions.

    - State the value proposition for Avaya speech enabled self-service solutions.

    - Identify the different speech recognition solutions within the Avaya portfolio.

    -Describe the Avaya Text-to-Speech solution.

    - List ways to troubleshoot problems with speech applications.

    AVA00811WEN VoiceXML for AvayaSelf-Service Solutions

    2 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Identify the value that VoiceXML can bring to the self-service initiatives of anenterprise.

    - Identify the solution components that are necessary to deploy VoiceXMLwithin Avaya Self-Service Solutions.

    -Identify the design considerations of VoiceXML applications for improvedperformance.

    - Identify the installation steps and troubleshooting activities for VoiceXML inAvaya IR.

    - Identify the installation steps and troubleshooting activities for VoiceXML inAvaya VP.

    - Relate the appropriate Avaya Self-Service Solution to a particular customerneed.

    Sect ion 2 . Scope & Des ign t he So lu t ion Documen t s Associ a t ed w i t h t he P repa ra t i on o f t h i s sec t i on

    Tit le URL

    Dialog Designer Forum Dialog (

    Designer Developer's Guide


    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339,,2151/SQN%3D-86702589/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10330,,2151/SQN%3D-86702589/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10330,,2151/SQN%3D-86702589/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10330,,2151/SQN%3D-86702589/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10330,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss







    IR 2.0 Documentation CD - Migrating IVRDesigner Applications

    PSN 781

    PSN 905

    Sect ion 3 . Rev iew & Present Dra f t So lu t ion

    Th is sect i on o f t he exam r ep r esen t s 7% f t he ques t i ons Exam Sect ion Ob jec t i v es :

    Given a Avaya Voice Self-Service solution design scenario, identify the high level architecture of the solution.

    Given a set of customer requirements and a solution design, determine which requirements have not been met. Given a set of customer requirements and a solution design, describe additional requirements (for speech and web server) to address with the


    Sect ion 3 . Rev iew & Pr esen t D r a f t So lu t i onAvaya Un i ve rs it y Cou rses t ha t suppo r t p r epa ra t i on f o r t h i s sect i on

    W BT W eb-bas ed t ra i n i ng

    V ILT V i r t ua l I n s t ruc to r Led

    I LT I ns t ruc to r Led

    * N ex t t o c ours e number i nd i c a tes t ha t t he re a re p re requ i s i t e cours es requ i red

    Cour se Num ber Cour se T i t le Type/ Hrs . Cour se Ob jec t i ves

    AVA00738HOO Introduction to DialogDesigner

    8 hrs/ILT This course is designed for Avaya Business Partners, such as independent software vendorswho will partner with Avaya to create final CRM products using Dialog Designer, and also forusers of the tools, such as systems integrators and the local IT staff who will maintain thesystem.

    This course provides tools for selling into new markets by identifying customer businessneeds and addressing those needs through a demonstrated understanding of the system'sarchitecture and relative market value.

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.

    Upon completion of the course, the learner should be able to:

    - Describe system components- Customize the value proposition -Understand the solution's value in relation to other solutions available on the market- Build a simple Dialog Designer application in demo mode


    Prerequisite: Youshould be familiarwith Avaya Self-Service Solutionshardware andsoftware andRedHat Linux.

    Designing Avaya Self-Service Solutions

    5 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Interactive Response solutions.

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Voice Portal solutions.

    - List the features of Avaya Interactive Response that impact system design andconfigurations.

    - List the features of Avaya Voice Portal that impact system design and configurations.

    - Identify critical system resources that affect system capacity and performance.

    - Identify how integrated components affect solution design.

    - Apply high-level Avaya Self-Service Solutions to a client scenario.

    - Describe how to use the Avaya Solution Designer (ASD) and the Solution Sizing Tools todesign an Avaya Self-Service Solution

    Sect ion 4 . F ina l ize So lu t ion Des ign

    Th is sect i on o f t he exam r ep r esen t s 7% f t he ques t i ons Exam Sect ion Ob jec t i v es :

    Given a solution design, describe the Avaya Voice Self-Service components of the complete solution (e.g., Communication Manager, databases,speech servers).

    Given a solution design, describe the Avaya Voice Self-Service server capacity components and future growth capabilities. Identify how the completion of the application discovery (scope of work) affects the complete design.

    Sect ion 4 . F ina l i ze So lu t ion Des ign

    Avaya Un i ve rs it y Cou rses t ha t suppo r t p r epa ra t i on f o r t h i s sect i on

    W BT W eb-bas ed t ra i n i ng

    V ILT V i r t ua l I n s t ruc to r Led I LT I ns t ruc to r Led

    * N ex t t o c ours e number i nd i c a tes t ha t t he re a re p re requ i s i t e cours es requ i red

    Cour se Num ber Cour se T i t le Type/ Hrs . Cour se Ob jec t i ves

    AVA00777WEN Selling Self-ServiceSolutions

    2 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Summarize the major developments in the evolution of the Self-Service Solutions,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss



    -Customize a value proposition for an Avaya Self-Service Solution.

    - Identify Avaya resources to support your sales efforts.

    - Compare the primary types of vendors who compete with Avaya.

    - Describe how Avaya market-leading products have progressed to address changingmarket drivers.


    Prerequisite: Youshould be familiar

    with Avaya Self-Service Solutionshardware andsoftware andRedHat Linux.

    Designing Avaya Self-Service Solutions

    5 hrs/WBT Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Interactive Response solutions.

    - Identify the hardware and software components of Avaya Voice Portal solutions.- List the features of Avaya Interactive Response that impact system design andconfigurations.

    - List the features of Avaya Voice Portal that impact system design and configurations.

    - Identify critical system resources that affect system capacity and performance.

    - Identify how integrated components affect solution design.

    - Apply high-level Avaya Self-Service Solutions to a client scenario.

    - Describe how to use the Avaya Solution Designer (ASD) and the Solution Sizing Tools todesign an Avaya Self-Service Solution

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403
  • 7/29/2019 Study Guide Acsd Vss


    BETA - Sum m ary o f AU Cour ses Specia l is t Avaya Voice Sel f -Serv ice Des ign E lec t iv e Exam

    Cou rse Ti t le Sect ion 1 Sect ion 2 Sect ion 3 Sect ion 4

    AVA00531HOO - Introduction to IVR Designer X

    AVA00532HOO - Advanced IVR Designer X

    AVA00738HOO - Introduction to Dialog Designer X X X

    AVA00739HOO - Advanced Dialog DesignerPrerequisite is AVA00738HOO


    AVA00777WEN - Selling Self-Service Solutions X X

    AVA00778HOO -Implement, Maintain and Administer Voice Portal 3.0 X

    AVA00806WEN - Avaya Self-Service Solutions Overview X X

    AVA00807WEN - Designing Avaya Self-Service Solutions X X X X

    AVA00808WEN - Avaya Interactive Response Hardware and Software X

    AVA00809WEN - VoIP for Avaya Self-Service Solutions X

    AVA00810WEN - Speech Technologies (ASR/TTS) for Avaya Self-Service Solutions X

    AVA00811WEN - VoiceXML for Avaya Self-Service Solutions X

    Revision Date: October 3, 2006

    Program requirements are subject to change.

    Please consult for the latest information.,,2151/SQN%3D-86702587/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9382,,2151/SQN%3D-86702617/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9383,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702600/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10012,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702602/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10412,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339,,2151/SQN%3D-86702589/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10330,,2151/SQN%3D-86702589/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10330,,2151/SQN%3D-86702591/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10339,,2151/SQN%3D-86702602/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10412,,2151/SQN%3D-86702593/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10395,,2151/SQN%3D-86702606/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10403,,2151/SQN%3D-86702613/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10394,,2151/SQN%3D-86702596/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10154,,2151/SQN%3D-86702598/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10471,,2151/SQN%3D-86702600/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10012,,2151/SQN%3D-86702615/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=10011,,2151/SQN%3D-86702617/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9383,,2151/SQN%3D-86702587/?CMD=GET&FILE=catalog/activity.jsm&ID=9382