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List of map places to be associated with the map Do only 7 of multiple choice questionsShort answer questions What were the terms of the 30 years peace? Thse are the sort of questions that you would expect.4 points for each answer. So 28 ponts.

Essay. 3 points. Only 1 question. 2 pages to write. The outbreak of the pelopenesian war caused by x , y , z. Explain these causes? No blue book.

1History of Greece to 146 BCE Spring Semester 2015STUDY GUIDE FOR EXAM #1KEY TERMS, PEOPLE, IMPORTANT EVENTS TO REVIEW Polis Ethnos Hellenes Barbaroi Hoplite Phalanx Athenian democracy Spartan system Helots Persian Empire Great King Satrapy and satrap Lysander Decarchies Harmosts Cyrus the Young Battle of Cunaxa (401) Agesilaus Corinthian War (395-386) Battle of Cnidus (394) Peltastai Kings Peace (386) Second Athenian League Social War (355-357) Theban hegemony (371-362) Battle of Leuctra (371) Epaminondas Pelopidas Oblique phalanx Sacred Band Liberation of Messenia (370) Battle of Mantinea (362) Stasis Isocrates Dionysius I of Syracuse Timoleon Argeads Royal companions (hetairoi) Philip II Olympias Sarissa Pezhetairoi Hypaspists Royal pages Eubulus 2 Theoric Fund Thessalian League Delphic Amphictyony Third Sacred War Peace of Philocrates (346) Battle of Chaeronea (338) League of Corinth (337)DATES TO REVIEW End of the Peloponnesian War (404) Corinthian War (395-386) Battle of Cnidus (394) Kings Peace (386) Foundation of the Second Athenian League (377) Battle of Leuctra (371) Battle of Mantinea (362) Philip II s accession to the Macedonian throne (359) Peace of Philocrates (346) Battle of Chaeronea (338) League of Corinth (337)PLACE NAMES TO REVIEW ON THE MAPS Sparta Athens Thebes Corinth Messene Megalopolis Pella Aegae Amphipolis Olynthus Delphi ByzantiumMAIN TOPICS TO REVIEWPlease, remember that this is just an outline to guide you through the most important topics wecovered in class.At the exam it will be up to you to provide and organize information in coherent essays/answers.Make sure to read the questions carefully and address the prompts as properly and completely aspossible.1. SPARTAN HEGEMONY How was Sparta able to win the Peloponnesian War? When did the war end? Discuss Spartan alliance with the Persians in the last phase of the war. They received financial aid from the Persian that allowed them to dominate the Athenian fleet. They won the war. What year did it end? 404. Who were the personalities that made possible the alliance between Sparta and Persia? Lysander Sparta the Young Discuss Lysander and Cyrus the Young. Lysander was _________. Cyrus was the younger brother of the King of Persia What did Lysander do when he liberated the Greek cities from Athenian rule? He set up Spartan governments inside of the Greek polis. He set up local oligarchies called dekarchies supported locally by a Spartan presence called garrisons and armost (military governance) The city had to maintain a tribute. Why do historians usually refer to this period as the period of Spartan imperialism? What was Persian involvement here? Athens had set up democracies. Basically Lysander is trying to set up Athenian empire with a Spartan empire. Discuss decarchies, harmosts, garrisons, pro-Spartan oligarchies, tribute. Why was this Spartan attempt to build a naval empire short-lived? What is the date of the end of this short lived empire? 394 BC was when the Spartan fleet was defeated at Coniadis (?). This is the considered the end of the Spartan naval empire (without a fleet theres no empire). It lasted only 10 years. Causes of short lived-ness: Internal: Population went down, reduced human resources necessary. Keep eye on helots so they cannot commit so they cannot commit to foreign empires for a long time. Lysander was deified via a cult of personality. Not all Spartans liked this because they didnt like individualism and the deification of regular people. There were oppositions to Lysander for this reason. Helots were a subjugated group. External: Didnt want to keep commitments abroad. Obviously take care of Helots They feared contact with foreign people because they were a closed society. They had a peculiar way of life with very specific values. They feared corruption to their way of life. What happened between Spartans and Persians? Cyrus was killed because he was trying to overthrow his brother. The Spartans helped his attempt him in this venture. They were able to win the war because they got help from Persians. They hoped to gain control over Asia minor. They wanted to keep the Greek cities of Asia minor. Cyrus died at the battle of conaxa. Spartans found themselves at wrong side of the fence. Discuss Spartas internal problems and its deteriorated relationships with Persia. What internal problems prevented Sparta from maintaining a naval empire? Why did Spartans get involved in military campaigns in Asia Minor? Discuss Spartan involvement in the battle of Cunaxa and its consequences. Who gave new impetus to the war in Asia Minor? King Agesilaus. Discuss king Agesilaus. What did the Persians do to shake Agesilaus off their back? How do Persians react to this. They fund the war against. Four cities Athens Thebes Corinth _________ Helps Athens get off of their feet. They gave gold to these four poli Discuss the Corinthian War (395-386) and the battle of Cnidus (394). This was is called the Corithnian war. What was Persian attitude towards Athens in this period? Persisans helped Athens get back of their feet. Why? He abandoned Asia minor. Campaigns are done. Spartan efforts are focused on mainland Greece. What was the goal of Persian policy? The point is to support Sparta then Athens They want them to keep fighting to keep them weak. They want to keep them occupied in mainland so that Persia can have control of Asia minor. Why did the Persians support Sparta again in the end? The Persians decide to revert back to applying with Sparta because they want to Athenians start to become threatening to Persians so Persians support Sparta. Discuss Persian shifting alliances. See above. What was the outcome of the Corinthian War? Kings Peace Discuss the Kings Peace (386). What were the terms of the peace? This is a short answer question. According to terms are supposed to be autonomous. Why is the Kings Peace considered the acme of Persian influence over Greece? Because the Persians used Spartans as puppets to keep an eye over the rest of Greece. This sounds like an edict by a King not a peaceful agreement. Who were the guarantors of the peace? The Persians How did the Spartans interpret the principle of autonomy stated in the Peace? The Spartans interpreted it as The Spartans were more interested in maintaining hegemony over the rest of Greece than the autonomy. Can you provide some examples of this? Discuss the dissolution of the Boeotian League, Phoebidas affair, and Sphodrias affair. Dissolution of the Boeotian league: The ethnos in the area around thebes. Two types of ethnos The ____ ethnos: sharing the sense of belonging / family. Creates a loose political tie The boeotian league was a more official tie because it had representatives and stuff. It has a leader etcetera. The leader of the league is Thebes which is themost important city of Boeotia. The Thebans want to do something at the moment of the Kings peace. They want to sign it as the leader of the entire Boeotian since they are the hegemon. The Spartans of course do not agree because they claim that this violates the principle of autonomy. The rest of the Spartans force the dissolution of the Boeotian league. The Phoebidas affair Occupied the acropolis of thebes This clearly was a violation of the principle of autonomy.y Sphodrias In the middle of the night tried to invade Athens Sparta is clearly interpreting the principle of autonomy in their own interests. How and when did the Spartan hegemony over Greece end? Leuctra in 371 Discuss the battle of Leuctra (371) and the reasons for Spartan decline. Lots of complex stuff A new common peace is proposed .Athens and Sparta are more or less close again so they propose a common space. The Thebans want the same as before. The difference is that the first time when the SPrtans threatened them they loet it go. This time they refuse to yield so the Spartans ________. What happens at Leuctra: Thebes. The Spartans are badly defeated by the Thebans. This begins the hegemony of thebes. What are the reasons for the Spartan decline? They have a difficult population population. Lower army count. No foreigners were admitted. The Leuctra battle is where the problem clearly materializes, but this was a shock to the rest of the world given that no foreigners were admitted. This exposed a weakensss to Spartan society. They were not able to recover.

2. THE RESURGENCE OF ATHENS AND THE SECOND ATHENIAN CONFEDERACY What was the situation of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War? How were the Athenians able to get back on their feet? Discuss the relationship between Athens and Persia after the end of the Peloponnesian War. How did the Athenians react to the Spartan interpretation of the Kings Peace? They create the Second Athenian League. (the first was the delian league long ago) Discuss the Second Athenian Confederacy. What was the foundation? It was to uphold the terms of the Kings peace. They wanted them all to be autonomous. They wanted to foster the principle of autonomy stated in the peace. What was the purpose of the league? When was it founded? It was created to be something against the Spartans. But it wasnt an anti-Persian. It was founded in 3778. What were the main differences with the Delian League of the 5th c.? They have rather than Tributes they have contributions. They have syntaxes. The Athenians werent allowed to have property outside in other Greek cities. What else? The allies can choose their own governments. They do not want to do what they did in the 5th century. No public or private land in territory of allies. No military occupation. No garrisons. Why does the general support of the Athenians for an imperialistic policy seem to wane in this period? In the first confederacy the burden was outside the citizenry. There are diverging goals among the cities. Now they have to start shelling out their own money. The burden completely fell on the wealthy people. The poor people have a lot to gain The economic return may not be enough to compensate. Discuss the diverging political goals of middle and upper class citizens vs. poor citizens. See above. How did the League end? When? It went on for awhile but some allies started to revolt. It ended with the Social War in 357. Discuss the Social War (357-355). They tried to prevent city states from detaching from the league. The league continued after the war but it became an empty institution.


What is considered the beginning of Theban hegemony? When? Battle of Leuctra. Discuss the events leading to the battle of Leuctra. What happened at the battle of Leuctra? Who won? Why? Epaminondas and Pelopidas had some serious military innovations going on that helped them win. Discuss the military innovations of Epaminondas and Pelopidas. Oblique phalanx. Elite the Sacred Band (sp?) Professional soldiers they were paid at the public expense. They were Thebans so they werent mercenaries. Pelopidas was the leader of this entity. What did the Thebans achieve after Leuctra? They sponsor the founding of the ___ league. Discuss Epaminondass expeditions into the Peloponnese and its consequences. What is considered the end of the Theban hegemony? When? Battle of Mantinea in 362 Barely 10 years of Spartan hegemony. Discuss the battle of Mantinea and the events leading to the battle. Spartans, Athens and part of the thebes The battle is considered the end of the hegemony. Theban hegemony was kept together through two leaders, two military geniuses. Without these people they werent able to maintain hegemony. What happened after Mantinea? Why was the Theban hegemony short-lived? Why do some historians speak of a crisis of the polis in the 4th c.? No city is able to establish hegemony anymore over the other citie.s Civil strife What was Isocrates idea to solve the problems of Greece? Needed to unite the cities. They needed to be united. They needed to be united for a crusade against Persia. 4. DIONYSIUS I OF SYRACUSE How did Dionysius become tyrant of Syracuse? When? Discuss how Dionysius exploited the Carthaginian expansion in Sicily. What were his main achievements? Discuss Dionysius military successes and his military innovations. What happened after Dionysius death? Discuss Dionysius IIs demise and Timoleons achievements.5. THE RISE OF MACEDONIA What were the main factors of Macedonian instability? 5Discuss the main enemies of Macedonia, the relationship between the Macedonianking and the local aristocracies, and the polygamist practices of the Argead dynasty. Why did the Greeks consider the Macedonians a barbarian people?Discuss the main linguistic and cultural differences between Greeks andMacedonians. When did Philip II come to power? What was the situation of Macedonia in that moment? What were its more pressingproblems? What were Philips first diplomatic and military moves in the short-term? What reforms did Philip realize in the long-term? How did Philip improve the military strength of Macedonia? Discuss Philips military innovations in military equipment, role of thephalanx and the cavalry, light armed troops, and siege warfare. How did Philip improve the military and political cohesion of Macedonia? Discuss how Philip reformed the army, created a closer bond between theking and the army, and between the king and the royal companions.6. THE MACEDONIAN DOMINATION OF GREECE What were the main fronts of Philips expansion? Discuss Philips expansion in northern Aegean. With whom did Philip first clash? Why? Discuss the importance of Amphipolis and the northern Aegean for theAthenians. Why didnt the Athenians react promptly and efficiently to Philips moves? Discuss the Social War. Discuss Eubulus policy and how he used the Theoric Fund. Why did Philip turn against Olynth? What did Demosthenes encourage the Athenians to do? What happened in the end? Discuss Philips expansion in central Greece. Why did Philip intervene in Central Greece? What did he gain from thisintervention? Discuss the Third Sacred War and how Philip got involved in it. Discuss how Philip got control of the Delphic Amphictyony. How did this first phase of hostilities between Philip and Athens end? When? Discuss the peace of Philocrates. 6 Why did the Athenians repudiate the peace almost immediately? Discuss Philips actions in Phocis. What were Philips next moves? Discuss Philips actions in Thrace. What led to the battle of Chaeronea? When? How did the battle end?Discuss how Philip used the Amphictyony to deploy his army in central Greece andthe outcome of the battle of Chaeronea. How did Philip treat Thebes and Athens after the battle? Why was he so magnanimous towards Athens? What were Philips plains for the future? How did Philip achieve the pacification of Greece? Discuss the League of Corinth. When was the League created? What was its purpose? How did it work?