Student Submission -- Gen Psych Love and Self-Esteem

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Transcript of Student Submission -- Gen Psych Love and Self-Esteem

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Human happiness seems to be strongly

tied to having close and satisfying

relationships with friends, family, and, of course, a partner. The desire for a

partner is so powerful in human beings

that one writer suggested the basic unit

of human life is not the individual, but

the couple.

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Romantic love - which is based on


Companionate love - which is based oncompanionship and commitment.

Consummate love - which has both. 

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Parental love - subdivided into maternal and paternal

love, is the love a parent feels for his or her children.

Filial love - is in turn the love a child has for his or her

parents.Friendship - is of course, the love good friends feel

for each other. And another form of love.

Compassion - which isn't tied to any one person butrather is felt towards all people and sometimes even

all life 

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Biological models of sex tend to

view love as amammalian drive, much

like hunger or thirst.

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Lust - is the feeling of sexual desire; romantic.

Attraction - determines what partners mates find attractive

and pursue, conserving time and energy by choosing.Attachment - involves sharing a home, parental duties,

mutual defense, and in humans involves feelings of safety and


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Psychology depicts love

as a cognitive and socialphenomenon.

Psychology depicts love as a cognitiveand social phenomenon.

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Intimacy - is a form in which two people share

confidences and various details of their

personal lives.Commitment - on the other hand, is the

expectation that the relationship is permanent.

Passionate - love is shown in infatuation aswell as romantic love

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Evolutionary psychology has

attempted to provide various

reasons for love as a survivaltool. 

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Another factor may be

that sexually transmitteddiseases can cause, among

other effects, permanently

reduced fertility, injury to thefetus, and increase

complications during childbirth.

This would favor monogamous

relationships over polygamy.

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The external focus is, of course, the other. To

some degree, he or she must be a certain "type"--

that is, must fulfill your anticipations,

expectations, ideas about the sexually-desirableother. A lot of variation shows up here: body

(strength, curves, "buns" or "boobs"), face,

health, cleanliness, clothing, "style," maturity,gentleness, "perfect partner."

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is a mood or state of mind akin to

several others, including love,

friendship, sexual interest,contentment, self-assuredness,

and so on. 

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I am quickly, almost physically, "hit" by

the feeling.

My focus is on her face, and especiallyher eyes. Her return of my gaze is the

crucial turning point. There's a certain

hesitancy -- I glance away and back.

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is a termin psychology to reflect

a person's overall

evaluation or appraisal

of his or her own


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•firmly believe in certain values and principles, and areready to defend them even when finding opposition,

feeling secure enough to modify them in light of 


•are able to act according to what they think to be thebest choice, trusting their own judgment, and not

feeling guilty when others don't like their choice.

•do not lose time worrying excessively about what

happened in the past, nor about what could happen in

the future. They learn from the past and plan for the

future, but live in the present intensely. 

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 loved and respected by others

and by her or his self. Self-

esteem allows people to face life

with more confidence,

benevolence and optimism, and

thus easily reach their goals and


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Heavy self-criticism, tending to create a

habitual state of dissatisfaction with

oneself.Hypersensitivity to criticism, which

makes oneself feel easily attacked and

experience obstinate resentmentagainst critics.

Chronic indecision, not so much

because of lack of information, but

from an exaggerated fear of making a


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Modern theories of self-esteem

explore the reasons humans aremotivated to maintain a high regard

for themselves 

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Self-esteem is the sum of attitudeswhich depend on perceptions, thoughts,

evaluations, feelings and behavioral

tendencies aimed toward ourselves, theway we are and behave, and our body's

and character's features. In short, it's

oneself‘ s evaluative perception. 

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From the late 1970s to the early 1990s many Americans

assumed as a matter of course that students' self-esteem

acted as a critical factor in the grades that they earn in

school, in their relationships with their peers, and in their

later success in life. Under this assumption, some

American groups created programs which aimed to

increase the self-esteem of students. Until the 1990s little

peer-reviewed and controlled research took place on this


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Parental habits, whether positive or

negative, can influence the development

of those same habits of self-perception in

their children.[ 

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criticized on numerous

occasions the concept of self-

esteem as essentially self-defeating and ultimately


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For a person with low self-esteem —or

“wrong”, according to Branden‘s 

terminology— any positive stimulus orincentive will make him feel comfortable,

or, at most, better with respect to

himself/herself for just some time.Therefore, properties, sex, success, or

physical appearance, by themselves, will

produce comfort, or a false and

ephemeral development of self-esteem,

but they won't really strengthen

confidence and respect to oneself.

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A common mistake is to think

that loving oneself is necessarilyequivalent to narcissism.

A person with a healthy self-esteem

accepts and loves himself/herself unconditionally, acknowledging

both virtues and faults in the self,

and yet, in spite of everything,

being able to continue to live loving


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