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Transcript of StructuralHealthMonitoringUsingHigh-Frequency...

Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in Civil EngineeringVolume 2010, Article ID 429148, 11 pagesdoi:10.1155/2010/429148

Review Article

Structural Health Monitoring Using High-FrequencyElectromechanical Impedance Signatures

Wei Yan1 and W. Q. Chen2

1 Faculty of Architectural, Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China2 Department of Engineering Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus, Hangzhou 310027, China

Correspondence should be addressed to W. Q. Chen,

Received 21 August 2009; Accepted 7 December 2009

Academic Editor: Piervincenzo Rizzo

Copyright © 2010 W. Yan and W. Q. Chen. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

An overview of recent advances in electromechanical impedance- (EMI-) based structural health monitoring is presented in thispaper. The basic principle of the EMI method is to use high-frequency excitation to sense the local area of a structure. Changes inimpedance indicate changes in the structure, which in turn indicate that damages appear. An accurate EMI model based on themethod of reverberation-ray matrix is introduced to correlate changes in the signatures to physical parameters of structures fordamage detection. Comparison with other numerical results and experimental data validates the present model. A brief remark ofthe feasibility of implementing the EMI method is considered and the effects of some physical parameters on EMI technique arealso discussed.

1. Introduction

Over the last decades, structural health monitoring (SHM)has been recognized as a useful tool for improving thesafety and reliability of structures and to thereby reducetheir operational cost [1]. Many SHM techniques thus havebeen developed in the literature [2–4] to quantify and locatethe damages in the structures, based on either the globalor the local interrogation of the structures [5]. Althoughthese SHM methods have their specific advantages fordetecting damages in the structures, the existent drawbacksmay limit their applications on some aspects. For example,in global dynamic techniques, it is well known that thestructure is subjected to low-frequency excitations and onlythe first few mode shapes and their corresponding naturalfrequencies can be accurately extracted. Because localizeddamages find it hard to alter global parameters such asnatural frequency, curvature mode shape, and mode shapedata, only large damages can be detected. Meanwhile,signals obtained using these methods are more prone tocontamination by ambient vibration noise at low frequen-cies less than 100 Hz particularly [5]. Other typical localtechniques, such as ultrasonic techniques, acoustic emission,and impact echo testing, require expensive and sophisticated

hardware as well as well-trained professional operators[6].

On the other hand, electromechanical impedance (EMI)based structural health monitoring has shown promisingsuccesses in monitoring and finding minor changes instructural integrity [5–9]. A key aspect of EMI method is theuse of PZT patches as collocated sensors and actuators. Toapply PZT as an actuator-sensor simultaneously, a PZT patchbonded to a structure is driven by a fixed alternating electricfield. A surface charge is generated in response to an appliedmechanical stress (direct effect), and conversely, a mechani-cal strain is produced in response to an applied electric field(converse effect). The electromechanical impedance definedas the ratio of the applied voltage and the resulting currentcan then be measured by a commercially available impedanceanalyzer. Although structural mechanical impedance relatedto structural properties such as stiffness and damping isdifficult to obtain at first hand, the measured electricalimpedance is directly related to mechanical impedanceof the monitored structure and is also affected by thepresence of structural damages. Thus, by observation of theelectromechanical impedance of the PZT patch, one canobtain the information about the damage of the monitoredstructure [10].

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Impedanceanalyser PZT patch

Host structureCrack

Alternatingelectric field

Figure 1: The sketch of a PZT patch bonded onto a damagedstructure.

Veiωt PZT




Figure 2: 1D model used to represent a PZT-driven dynamicstructural system.

In general, the EMI signature is extracted at highfrequencies (typically 10–500 kHz) [11]. At such frequencies,the wavelength of the excitation is very small and is thereforesensitive enough to detect minor changes in structuralintegrity. Many experimental investigations [5, 12–19] haveshown the specific advantages of EMI technique over theconventional nondestructive evaluation methods. Sun etal. [12] first used EMI technique to examine a lab-sizedtruss structure. Ayres et al. [13] presented this qualitativeimpedance-based health monitoring method in real-timedamage evaluation of civil infrastructures such as bridgejoints. Soh et al. [14] studied the performance of smartpiezoceramic patches in health monitoring of a reinforcedconcrete bridge at various stages during the loading process.Park et al. [15–17] demonstrated the capability and the effec-tiveness of this technology to detect damages of composite-reinforced concrete walls, a 1/4-scale bridge element, anda pipe joint, respectively. Bhalla and Soh [5] discussed thefeasibility of employing impedance signatures in monitoringthe conditions of RC structures subjected to base vibration.Bois et al. [18, 19] detect a single delamination in a laminatedcomposite plate via the EMI signatures of a piezoelectrictransducer cemented onto the structure. These experimentalresearches indicate that the collection and processing ofelectromechanical impedance signatures are very easy toimplement via an Agilent 4294A impedance analyzer and theEMI technique is highly sensitive to detect minor changesin structural integrity using measured data. However, anideal robust damage detection scheme cannot only identifydamages at a very early stage but also provide some estimateof the extent or severity of the damage and even locate thedamage within the sensor resolution being used [20]. Thus,appropriate tools of simulation are necessary for monitoringsystem adapted to monitored structures.

The overview of the impedance method up to 2003 waspreviously summarized in [21]. The paper aims to give anupdated overview of the recent advances in the EMI-basedstructural health monitoring. The basic principle of the EMI

technique is first reviewed in Section 2. The recent developedapproach, which integrates an accurate EMI model, in whichboth inertia effect of the PZT patch and the bondingproperty of adhesive are taken into consideration, with astable high-frequency structural dynamics analysis method,the method of reverberation-ray matrix, is described inSection 3. Based on various sources in literature, Section 4presents a discussion on the proper selection of parametersassociated with the EMI-technique. Some recent applicationsof the EMI-based SHM method to complex configurationsare noticed in Section 5. The paper ends with a briefsummary.

2. Conventional EMI Models

Liang et al. [22] addressed that both approaches including astatic approach and a dynamic finite element approach havesome drawbacks in analyzing the dynamic response of activematerial systems and the impedance modeling technique ismore suitable to reflect the physical essence of an activesystem. A simple 1-D model is then constructed to describethe interaction between a PZT patch and its host structureas shown in Figure 1. The PZT patch is bonded perfectly tothe surface of the structure using a high-strength adhesive toensure a better mechanical interaction and is assumed as athin bar undergoing axial vibration in response to appliedalternating voltage. A single-degree-of-freedom system isthen considered as shown in Figure 2, in which one end of thePZT bar is fixed and the other end is connected to the hoststructure. According to this model, the constitutive relationof the PZT patch may be expressed as follows [22]:

S1 = sE11T1 + d31E,D3 = εT33E + d31T1, (1)

where S1 is strain, T1 the stress, sE11 the complex complianceat zero electric field, d31 the piezoelectric constant, and D3

the electric displacement; εT33 = εT33(1 − δi) is the complexdielectric constant and δ is the dielectric loss factor. Bysolving the equation for the PZT bar connected to theexternal mechanical point impedance of the structure, thefollowing expression of electrical admittance (inverse ofimpedance) in frequency domain can be obtained [23]:

Y = iωa

[εT33(1− iδ)− Zs

Zs + Zpd2


], (2)

where Y is the electrical admittance, Zp and Zs are themechanical impedances of the PZT and the structure,respectively, Ep and a are the complex Young’s modulus andthe geometric constant of the PZT patch, respectively, and ωis the circular frequency. It should be noted that although (2)is derived from a single-degree-of-freedom system, it is stillapplicable for 2D or very complex structures [16].

Although a good match between the predicted solutionsby 1-D impedance model [22, 23] and the experimentalresults was achieved, Zhou et al. [24] pointed out thatthe mechanical impedance coupling in different coordinatedirections should be considered for two-dimensional struc-tures and the cross impedance of the host structure has an

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impact on the transducer dynamics. With due derivation,the analytical expression of electrical admittance was thenobtained based on two-dimensional impedance model [25]:

Y = iωwplphp

[εT33 −


(1− ν)


31Ep(1− ν)

{sin κlplp

sin κwp








where κ = ω√ρ(1− ν2)/Ep, ν is Poisson’s ratio; hp, wp and lp

are height, width, and length of the PZT wafer, respectively,and











− νZyyZayy














where A denotes κ cos(κlp), B denotes κ cos(κwp), Zxx andZyy are direct impedance, Zxy and Zyx are cross impedanceof the host structure, respectively, and Zaxx and Zayy aremechanical impedance of PZT patch in x and y directions,respectively.

Although the analytical derivations of above equationsbased on 2-D model are accurate themselves, the experi-mental difficulties limit their direct application for extractionof the host structure’s mechanical impedance [26]. Thus,an effective mechanical impedance model [26, 27] wasdeveloped for improving the existing models, in which themechanical interaction between the PZT patch and the hoststructure is not restricted at the PZT end points and itextends all over the finite sized PZT patch [26]. The finallyobtained expression of electrical impedance is similar to thatbased on the classical one-dimensional model.

In the classical impedance model, a key problem is toobtain the analytical expression of the mechanical impedanceZs, which is defined as Zs = F/x. (The impedance isdetermined by calculating the structural dynamic response,x, corresponding to an arbitrary force F at the drivenpoint of the transducer [22].) For some simple structures,such as axial rods [28–30], beams [29–31], circular rings[32, 33], thin plates [24, 34, 35], and shells [36], theanalytical expression of the electromechanical impedancecan be obtained readily based on the impedance modelingapproach. However, when damages are induced in structuresresulting in possibly inhomogeneity of material properties,analytical formulation is very difficult to be derived. Forexample, although Zagrai and Giurgiutiu [34] formulatedanalytical solutions based on EMI spectrum and mechanicalresponse of a circular plate, when a damage is inducedinto the plate, the assumption for axis-symmetric axial andflexural vibration of circular plates is untenable and theanalytical solutions does not hold for damage detection inthe plates.

In order to obtain damage information by using changesin electromechanical impedance signature, it is necessaryto establish improved correlation between EMI signature

and changes in structural integrity. The finite elementmethod (FEM) seems to be an alternative for the purpose[6, 11, 30, 37–40]. However, FEM is usually subjected toan inherent disadvantage that a large number of finiteelements and hence a large number of nodes should beinvolved for accurately predicting high-frequency responseof a structure. As the finite element model becomes finer,the associated mass and stiffness matrices will increase insize and thus requirements on storage and computing timebecome critical. Other methods such as spectral elementmethod [10] and Ritz method [35] have been appliedto quantitatively identify structural damages. But, thereare still certain difficulties associated with high-frequencyanalysis that limit their applications in quantitative analysisof impedance-based health monitoring. The transfer matrixmethod (TMM) is very powerful to analyze a structureconsisting of many members (including damaged members)because the number of resultant simultaneous equations canbe greatly reduced. However, significant numerical difficultyat high-frequency limits its application if computation iscompletely executed on a computer [41].

Moreover, it was assumed in the classical impedancemodel that the force transmission is just at two endsof PZT patch while the intermediate bonding layer wascompletely ignored based on pin force model. However, inthe experiment of Soh et al. [14] and Giurgiutiu and Zagrai[29], it was found that the bonding between patch and hoststructure may be damaged. When disbonding occurs, thesignature obtained from patch was distorted. Actually, ithas been recognized by many researchers [40, 42–45] thatthe imperfect bonding of PZT patch influences the outputEMI signatures significantly and should be investigatedcarefully.

Due to the complexity of PZT patch-adhesive-host struc-ture coupled structural system and the difficulty of dynamicanalysis in the high-frequency range as mentioned above,most existent analytical models of EMI technique fail tocorrelate changes in the signatures to physical parameters ofstructures and could not provide further information aboutthe nature of damage. In order to develop a more accuratemodel to improve sensitivity of impedance signature todamages in structures, two key issues should be dealt with,one is to seek for an appropriate modeling to simulate thebehavior of the PZT patch-adhesive-host structure coupledstructural system, and the other is to find a powerful high-frequency dynamic analysis technique.

3. Accurate EMI Models Based on MRRM

In some existent EMI model [26, 27, 42], the inertial termof PZT patch was neglected and the mechanical impedanceof host structure was assumed to be a constant at all pointsof the patch attachment. However, because high-frequencyelectric field with typical propagation wave length compa-rable to the length of actuator is applied, The inertia effectof actuator should be considered [46, 47]. Furthermore,since the strain/stress transfer between PZT patches andhost structures is physically implemented through bondinglayers, a more accurate model for improving sensitivity of

4 Advances in Civil Engineering


Host beam



PZT patch




Q + dQ

M M + dM



0 xKJx01







zkJ zML





Figure 3: Nonhomogeneous beam with adhesively bonded PZT patches and local coordinates.

signature to damages by modulating the property of bondinglayers should be developed. A classic shear lag solution wasemployed by Crawley and Luis [48] and Tong and Luo[49, 50] to analyze piezoelectric actuators as elements ofintelligent structures. Bhalla and Soh [42] extended thismethod to develop an electromechanical impedance modelof adhesively bonded piezo-transducers under quasistaticequilibrium and a good match between the predictedsolutions and the measured data was observed. Under theconsideration of both the inertia effect of actuator and theproperties of the adhesive, Yan et al. [51–56], developed anaccurate EMI model for detecting damages in classical rods[51], Mindlin-Herrmann rods [52], straight beams [54–56]and framed structures [53]. By taking an Euler-Bernoullibeam adhesively and symmetrically bonded with two PZTpatches as an example, we illustrate this EMI model in thefollowing.

As shown in Figure 3, a pair of PZT patches is bondedsymmetrically and adhesively onto the top and bottomsurfaces of a nonhomogeneous beam and is driven by afixed alternating electric field out of phase. The equation ofmotion of the PZT patch, which is assumed to be in a state of1D axial strain [46, 47], can be written out as


− τ

hp= ρp


, (5)

where u is the axial displacement, ρ and E are the massdensity and Young’s modulus, and h is the thickness (thesubscript p signifies the PZT patch). τ is the interfacial shearstress between the PZT patch (beam) and the adhesive andvaries along the bonding length, and t is the time variable.On the other hand, the bond layer is in the state of pure shearbased on the shear lag model [48]:

τ = G


(up − us

),us = −hs2


∂x, (6)

where G is the shear rigidity of the bonding layer, and us andw are the axial displacement and the transverse deflection ofbeam, respectively. The subscripts s and a correspond to thehost beam and bonding layer, respectively.

For an Euler-Bernoulli beam, we then can get thefollowing relations:


∂x+ τhs −Q = 0,


∂x= ρsA



M = −EsI ∂ψ∂x

, ψ = ∂w



where M and Q are the bending moment and shear force,respectively, and I and A are the moment of area and thecross sectional area, respectively. With due derivation, we canobtain the solution of transverse deformation as follows:

w = a1eβ1x + a2eβ2x + a3eβ3x + d1e−β1x + d2e−β2x + d3e−β3x,(8)

in which ai and di (i = 1, 2, 3) are undetermined constants,and βi (i = 1, 2, 3) are defined in [55]. For an arbitrary beamsegment LM without bonded PZT patches, the well-knownsolution is expressed as

wLM =aLM1 eikLMxLM + aLM2 ek


+ dLM1 e−ikLMxLM + dLM2 e−k

LMxLM ,(9)

where kLM = [(ρA)LMω2/(EsI)LM]1/4. Then, the method

of reverberation-ray matrix (MRRM), which was originallyproposed by Pao et al. [57–59] to study the transientresponse of a plane truss consisting of elastic membersand then developed by Pao and Chen [60, 61] and Chen’sresearch group [62, 63] for high-frequency dynamic analysis,is extended to investigate dynamics of the smart structure

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system. In MRRM, the first step is to establish a globalscattering relation as follows:

d = Sa + Q, (10)

where Q is source vector, d = [(d0)T, (d1)T, . . . , (dN−1)T,(dN )T]T is the global vector associated with departingwaves, and a = [(a0)T, (a1)T, . . ., (aN−1)T, (aN )T]T is theglobal vector associated with arriving waves [57–63]. Then,according to unique physical reality of the smart structures,we can get the total phase relations:

a = Pd, (11)

where P is the total phase shift matrix [57–63] and d andd contain the same elements but are sequenced in differentorders. The two vectors d and d can be related through apermutation matrix U as

d = Ud, (12)

where U is a square matrix which contains one unit elementin each row as well as one unit element in each column. From(10), (11), and (12), we obtain

d = Rd + Q, R = SPU, (13)

where R is called the reverberation-ray matrix [57–63]. It isthen obtained that

d = (I− R)−1 Q, a = S−1 (d−Q) = S−1[

(I− R)−1 − I]



Hence, all undetermined constants in (8) and (9) canbe solved from (14). Note that the phase matrix P doesnot contain exponential functions with large positive indicesand hence the numerical instability usually encountered inthe conventional transfer matrix method (TMM) can beavoided. This is a crucial point for proper application ofMRRM in high-frequency dynamic analysis of structures.Finally, the electric admittance (or electric impedance) ofsingle PZT patch can be obtained as follows:

Y =iωwplp

(εT33 − d2



+ iωwpd31Ep

⎛⎝ 3∑j=1


βj(aKJj − aJKj + dJKj − dKJj



The detailed derivation can be found in [55] and omittedhere for brevity.

Numerical results and experimental measurements havevalidated the effectiveness and precision of the presentaccurate EMI model. As observed in Figure 4, the two curvesobtained by TMM and RMM, respectively, can hardly bedistinguished in the low-frequency range less than about13 kHz. However, in the high frequency range ( f > 13 kHz),numerical instability appears for TMM, in contrast to thewell-performed MRRM.

5 10 15 20 25 30−2













Frequency (KHz)


Figure 4: Comparison study with TMM.

The experimental results are further compared withanalytical prediction of the present model in Figure 5 inthe frequency range of 19–33 kHz. It is obvious that mostexperimentally observed peaks of impedance signaturesrelated to prominent resonance frequencies can be predictedwell using the analytical model. Furthermore, the presentmodel can detect the damages in the beams (see Figure 6)and can locate the damages integrated with the curvaturemode shape method [64] (see Figure 7). In Figures 6 and 7, Dmeans effective uniform damage magnitude through certainbeam segment [65]. The effects of interfacial propertiesare also investigated as shown in Figure 8 (Γ is the shearlag parameter [48, 55]). Due to imperfect bonding, theimpedance signatures change significantly. Furthermore,the accurate EMI model has been extended to Mindlin-Herrmann rods [52], Timoshenko beams [54], crackedcontinuous beams [56], and framed structures [53], andsome significative research results have been obtained forstructural health monitoring.

4. Determination of Parameters

In EMI technique, it is very important to select available PZTpatches for structural health monitoring. Because one side ofthe PZT patch is to be bonded onto the monitored structure,the electrode of this side should be wrapped to the other sideof the patch [5]. The size of the PZT should make the PZTtransducers small enough not to be intrusive; that is, theydo not significantly affect the dynamic properties of the hoststructures [66]. Thus, it is found that PZT patches of sizeranging from 5 to 15 mm and thickness from 0.1 to 0.3 mmare best suitable for detecting damages in most structuressuch as steel and RC structures.

As mentioned in the previous section, the specific advan-tage of the EMI method over the other SHM techniques

6 Advances in Civil Engineering

20 22 24 26 28 30 32











Frequency (KHz)


Twin peakUnpredicted mode

Twin peaks


20 22 24 26 28 30 32












Frequency (KHz)


Unpredicted mode


Figure 5: Experimental and analytical impedance spectra for a steelbeam.

is its high sensitivity to incipient damages. Thus, it isnecessary for the wavelength of excitation to be smallerthan the characteristic length of the damage to be detected[67]. In general, the electrical impedance is measured athigh frequencies in the range of 30–400 kHz [20]. Underthis high-frequency range, the wavelength of the excitationis small and sensitive enough to detect minor changes inthe structural integrity. In EMI method, a frequency rangecontaining 20–30 peaks seems suitable to choose, becausea higher density of modes implies that there contains morestructural information about the condition of a structure[12]. A frequency range higher than 200 kHz is found tobe favorable in localizing the sensing, while frequenciesrange lower than 70 kHz covers a larger sensing area. Peairs

80 90 100 110 120 1300.4














Frequency (KHz)

UndamagedD = 0.3D = 0.5

Figure 6: EM admittance signatures for various damage growth.

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22














Length (m)

UndamagedD = 0.5

Figure 7: Curvature mode shapes along the length of the beam(D = 0.5).

et al. [68] remarked that the frequency ranges are usuallyselected by trial and error, which often involves inducing aremovable amount of simulated damage. Their investigationfor frequency range selection indicated that the ranges withthe sensors/actuators resonances are better for monitoringwith the impedance-based method.

Due to the high frequency of excitation used in EMItechnique, the monitoring range of effective sensitivity ofthe PZT transducer is limited to its near vicinity [67]. Basedon the knowledge acquired through various case studies,it has been estimated that the sensing area of a single

Advances in Civil Engineering 7

80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1502












Frequency (KHz)

Γ = 40.4Γ = 12.8Γ = 6.40

Figure 8: EM admittance signatures for various interfacial condi-tions.

PZT can vary anywhere from 0.4 m (sensing radius) oncomposite structures to 2 m on simple metal beams [20].This localized nature of the sensing region provides anadvantage in that the impedance sensor is less sensitive toboundary condition changes or any operational vibrations,which usually affect lower-order global modes. On the otherhand, this characteristic of limited sensing range usuallydemands an active sensing network system for real worldapplications [69–73].

In real life, practical structures are constantly subjectedto some form of external action such as external loadingand temperature change. The experimental and statisticalinvestigation showed that the EM admittance signatureobtained for a constantly loaded structure is different fromthat obtained when damages are present in the structureand the susceptance signature is a better indicator thanthe conductance signature for detection damages in thestructures [74].

Although regular piezoelectric patches have been foundto be unsuitable for damage detection at cryogenic tempera-tures through a series of experiments and an alternative typeof transducer based on smart materials should be sought[75], the EMI technique can still be used to actively monitorthe damages in the structures, even with the presence ofsignificant temperature variation in the normal temperaturerange (25◦C to 75◦C).

Actually, almost all available transducers are smallPZT patches in the EMI method, but some special sen-sors/actuators such as piezoceramic inertial actuators [76],piezoelectric stack transducers [77], and cement-basedpiezoelectric ceramic composites [78] are employed to satisfypractical demands or match to the host structures for struc-tural health monitoring. Furthermore, the conventional EMIapproach that consists of running wires between the local

sensors and a data acquisition system will no longer be trivial.The cost associated with management and maintenance ofsuch a system can be very high. Thus, an impedance-basedwireless sensor node for structural health monitoring wasdeveloped by Mascarenas et al. [79] for the first time.

Although EMI method is very sensitive to minor dam-ages in the structures and the EM signature change canbe observed visually, it is necessary to employ statisticaltechniques to quantify it. It is wellknown that many types ofnonparametric indices such as root mean square deviation(RMSD), mean absolute percentage deviation (MAPD),covariance (Cov), and correlation coefficient (CC) havebeen considered to quantify changes in the EMI admittancesignatures [80]. Among these nonparametric indices, RMSDseems to be the most suitable damage index to characterizestructural damages [80] and has been employed by manyresearchers for structural health monitoring [72, 74, 81–84].Furthermore, a hybrid technique integrating neural networkfeatures with the impedance method has been proposedfor somewhat quantitative damage analysis [85]. In thisdamage identification scheme, the impedance-based methoddetects and locates structural damage and provides damageindication in a green/red light form with the use of themodified RMSD firstly, and then the neural networks areused to estimate the severity of structural damage.

5. Recent Applications

Apart from some simple structures, such as axial rods [28–30], beams [29–31, 76, 86, 87], circular rings [32, 33], thinplates [24, 34, 35, 70, 82, 88, 89], shells [36], and framedstructures [12, 79, 81, 84], experimental implementation ofthe EMI-based structural health monitoring technique hasbeen successfully conducted on several complex structures.The detection of cracks, loose connections of pipelines, dam-ages in metallic structures, and debonds and delaminationsin composites structures are reported by many researchers.

A masonry wall under step loading was investigated byusing EMI method [15]. Five PZT patches are employed onone side of the wall. Four PZT patches are bonded in thecorners and an additional PZT in the center. The multiplecracks of the wall appear with the loading increasing. Itcan be seen that EMI measurements are very sensitive tothe presence of damage and from the observations and thedamage metric charts the location of the damage can beapproximately predicted.

Lim et al. [90] employed a new method for structuralidentification and damage detection using smart piezoelec-tric transducers. In this method, the mechanical impedancecan be derived using 1-D and 2-D EMI coupling equations.The feasibility of damage detection was well demonstratedthrough the application on various laboratory-sized engi-neering structures such as an aluminum beam, an aluminumtruss, and a concrete cube.

The experimental investigation for a concrete beam anda concrete slab by Tseng [73] showed that the PZT waferswere able to detect cracks on the surface as well as indepth. When the PZT patches are too far or too close tothe damage, the wafers appear not capable of detecting the

8 Advances in Civil Engineering

damage successfully. In addition, using RMSD index, thistechnique can give a good indication of the severity andlocation of the damage even when it is in the early stage.Similarly, Giurgiutiu et al. [91] applied piezoelectric waferactive sensors to aging aircraft structures to monitor theonset and progress of structural damage such as fatiguecracks and corrosion.

Pohl et al. [92] implemented an experimental andtheoretical investigation to show the effectiveness of theimpedance method in monitoring carbon fiber reinforcedpolymer (CFRP) composites. Damage, which was introducedby the low-speed impact, was detected by changes in theimpedance signatures. The other type damages in CFRPssuch as fiber fracture and delamination can also be identifiedby utilizing electrical impedance tomography [93].

The feasibility of the EMI sensing technique for strengthgain monitoring of early-age concrete was also presented byShin and Oh [94]. The experimental results showed that theEMI signature is sensitive to the strength development ofearly-age concrete and the RMSD value has also a strongcorrelation with the amount of the strength development ofearly-age concrete.

Due to the high-frequency excitation, the EMI-basedhealth monitoring technique is very sensitive to minordefects in a structure and not affected by any far-fieldchanges. The method has been successfully applied to variousstructures ranging from aerospace [29, 95] to civil structures[1, 7, 14, 15, 94] and is ideal for tracking and onlinemonitoring of damages in various structures

6. Summary

The overview of the development and applications ofthe electro-mechanical impedance-based structural healthmonitoring is presented in the paper. Although EMI methodis very sensitive to incipient damages in the structures, ithas been primarily developed only for qualitative healthmonitoring and fails to correlate changes in the signaturesto physical parameters of structures. In order to develop anideal robust damage detection scheme by using piezoelectricsignatures, an analytical model for simulating the smartstructural system is necessary for monitoring system. First,some conventional EMI models and their applications arediscussed and an accurate EMI model based on MRRM isfurther suggested by authors. Comparison with the othernumerical results and experimental data validates the presentEMI model. The effects of PZT size, excitation frequencyrange, sensing range of PZT patch; and external actionon EMI structural health monitoring technique are thenremarked; the most part of discussions may also be foundin other references. Finally, the feasibility of implementingthe EMI method to detect damages in various lab-sizedstructures is demonstrated. In the future research, we shouldpay more attention on the testing of real structures underpractical conditions rather than laboratory tests. More-over, appropriate high-frequency structural theories shall bedeveloped to adapt to the frequency range used in the EMI-technique, which is much higher than that implied in theconventional structural theories.


The work was sponsored by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Grant no. 10725210), the NationalBasic Research Program of China (no. 2009CB623200), theZhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China(no. Y107796), and the Ningbo Natural Science Foundationof China (nos. 2008A610101, 2009A610148).


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