Strider 2013 Media Kit

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Complete media kit for Strider bicycle brand.

Transcript of Strider 2013 Media Kit

Strider 2013 Media Kit

Brand Contact: Kyla Wright 605-342-0266

Media Contact:Steve Gill

All-New STRIDER ST-4 Balance Bike for Youngest Riders

Ultimate Balance Bike Puts Pre-Schoolers on Fast Track to Family Fun Rides

Rapid City, SD, February 2013 — Strider Sports International, the world’s leader in no-pedal balance bikes, is changing the game for 2013 with the STRIDER ST-4 children’s balance bike. Just in time for spring, the new STRIDER offers parents of pre-school aged children the ultimate fun family tool to get even the youngest “cyclists” learning the skills to ride a bicycle as quickly and safely as possible.

The STRIDER ST-4 employs the famous STRIDER No-Pedal concept and a variety of new features added to elevate the bike to a whole new level. From enhanced mechanical parts like sealed cartridge bearings to maximum comfort handlebar grips and extra-grip tire tread, the new STRIDER ST-4 creates the ultimate safe and fun riding experience for any active, young child.

“We never stop working on our bikes,” says Ryan McFarland, CEO, Strider Sports International. “We take our customer experience incredibly seriously for both parents and riders. With the new ST-4 we’ve added even greater comfort features for a smooth, fun ride, plus some design and production tweaks that provide the usual STRIDER peace of mind to active parents everywhere.”

7KH�675,'(5�67���1R�3HGDO�%DODQFH�%LNH�LV�D�VFLHQWLÀ�FDOO\�SURYHQ�WRRO�IRU�HQFRXUDJLQJ�WKH�GHYHORSPHQW�of spatial awareness, balance, and early motor skills that all children need to reach their maximum riding potential faster, better, and more safely.

Available March 1, 2013 at an MSRP of $109, the new STRIDER ST-4 comes in updated packaging and offers quick out-of box assembly and new features including:

Sealed Cartridge Bearings - Smooth rolling and maintenance free

New Tire Tread Pattern - Improved traction and rider control


New Graphics on Footrest and Handlebar Pads - Complements the racing style of the STRIDER

Softer Durometer Grips - More comfortable feel on toddler’s little hands

Seat post with Black Electrodeposited Finish & Black Anodized Quick Releases - Increased durability, ease of use and sleeker, uniform design

Six Bright Colors - Blue, green, red, pink, orange and yellow

Strider logos are available at High-resolution images of children riding STRIDER No-Pedal Balance Bikes can be requested by emailing:

About Strider Sports International, Inc.

6WULGHU�6SRUWV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF��GHVLJQV�HIÀ�FLHQW��QR�SHGDO�EDODQFH�ELNHV�WKDW�HQFRXUDJH�WRGGOHUV�WR�ride, learn, and explore the world on two wheels. Founded by Ryan McFarland in January 2007, Strider Sports is a company full of passionate riders of dirt, mountain, street, and road bikes. The goal of Strider Sports is to simplify a bike to its essence, so that proper size, lightweight and simplicity combine WR�HOLPLQDWH�DQ\� IHDU�RI� ULGLQJ�DQG� LQVWLOO�FRQÀ�GHQFH� LQ�\RXQJ�QHZ�ULGHUV��7KH�SDWHQWHG�675,'(5��1R�3HGDO�%LNH�LV�QRZ�GLVWULEXWHG�LQ�RYHU����FRXQWULHV��7R�OHDUQ�PRUH�DQG�WR�À�QG�D�UHWDLOHU�LQ�\RXU�DUHD��visit

About Strider™ No-Pedal Bikes

,I�\RXU�WRGGOHU�FDQ�ZDON��\RXU�WRGGOHU�FDQ�ULGHU�D�675,'(5���675,'(5�1R�3HGDO�%DODQFH�%LNHV�ZHUH�GHYHORSHG�VSHFLÀ�FDOO\�WR�KHOS�WRGGOHUV�DQG�\RXQJ�FKLOGUHQ�OHDUQ�EDODQFH�DQG�FRRUGLQDWLRQ�%()25(�pedaling. The simple, no-pedal design allows toddlers to learn to ride on two wheels, avoiding tricycle WLS�RYHUV�DQG�WUDLQLQJ�ZKHHO�ZREEOHV��DQG�LQVWLOOLQJ�FRQVLGHUDEOH�FRQÀ�GHQFH�DQG�VWHOODU�ELNH�KDQGOLQJ�skills sure to last a lifetime. Strider No-Pedal Balance Bikes encourage the development of spatial awareness, balance, and basic motor skills so that all children can reach their maximum riding potential faster, better and safer. Available at

Brand Contact: Kyla Wright 605-342-0266

Media Contact:Steve Gill

STRIDER Launched All-New SUPER 16 Balance Bike For Spring 2013

Revolutionary 16-inch Balance Bike Brings No-Pedal, Two-Wheel Fun For Kids Aged Six to 10

Rapid City, SD, February 14, 2013 — Strider Sports International, the leader in no-pedal balance bikes for toddlers learning to ride, is taking riding, racing and off-road fun to a whole new level - and a surprising older audience. Designed for kids aged six to 10 years old, the STRIDER SUPER 16 (SS-1) 1R�3HGDO�%DODQFH�%LNH�LV�GHVLJQHG�VSHFLÀ�FDOO\�IRU�\RXQJ�ULGHUV�UHDG\�WR�YHQWXUH�RII�WUDLO�DQG�SHUIRUP�tricks or stunts that a heavier, more complicated pedal bike doesn’t allow.

The SUPER 16 brings the simple, lightweight, no-pedal design of the original Strider No-Pedal Balance Bike for toddlers to older kids. The bike’s unique combination of features — large integrated footrests and ergonomic handbrakes — make the Super 16 the only bike of its size capable of pulling double duty as a teaching tool and stunt bike. It is the perfect starter bike for older kids who don’t yet know how to ride on two-wheels, and perfect for trick riders who love riding skateboards, scooters and mountain bikes at skate parks and BMX tracks.

“We are so excited to introduce the SUPER 16,” says Ryan McFarland, CEO, Strider Sports International. “It’s a natural next step for both our company and our family of STRIDER Riders. We’re about introducing WKH�IXQ�RI�ULGLQJ�ELNHV�WR�DV�PDQ\�NLGV�DV�VRRQ�DV�SRVVLEOH��,W·V�D�JUHDW�FRQÀ�GHQFH�ERRVWHU�WR�ROGHU�NLGV�KDYLQJ�GLIÀ�FXOW\�ZLWK�SHGDO�ELNHV�DQG�D�EODVW�WR�GR�WULFNV�DW�WKH�VNDWH�SDUN�RU�RQ�WKH�GULYHZD\�RXWVLGH�µ

While the SUPER 16 offers the advantages of the original STRIDER, it also includes new features DGGHG�VSHFLÀ�FDOO\�IRU�DQ�ROGHU�DJH�JURXS��

Simple and lightweight 15 lb. design - Perfect for kids six to ten years old

Patented STRIDER LAUNCHPAD Footrests - Uniquely integrated into frame and positioned for advanced riding skills

Pneumatic “Dirt Jump” Tires - Smooth riding with great traction

Aluminum 16-inch Rims with Steel Hubs - Strong and light


Custom STRIDER Handlebar Pad - Adds extra protection and cool motocross styling

Ergonomic Hand Lever and Caliper Brake - Develops hand-control coordination and fosters next level skills

Four Vibrant Colors - Available in blue, green, black and red

Weight Limit - 120 pounds

The STRIDER SUPER 16 is available for sale throughout the Strider dealer network and online for $189. To see the SUPER 16 in action, visit the STRIDER website:

About Strider Sports International, Inc.

6WULGHU�6SRUWV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF��GHVLJQV�HIÀ�FLHQW��QR�SHGDO�EDODQFH�ELNHV�WKDW�HQFRXUDJH�WRGGOHUV�WR�ride, learn, and explore the world on two wheels. Founded by Ryan McFarland in January 2007, Strider Sports is a company full of passionate riders of dirt, mountain, street, and road bikes. The goal of Strider Sports is to simplify a bike to its essence, so that proper size, lightweight and simplicity combine WR�HOLPLQDWH�DQ\� IHDU�RI� ULGLQJ�DQG� LQVWLOO�FRQÀ�GHQFH� LQ�\RXQJ�QHZ�ULGHUV��7KH�SDWHQWHG�675,'(5��1R�3HGDO�%LNH�LV�QRZ�GLVWULEXWHG�LQ�RYHU����FRXQWULHV��7R�OHDUQ�PRUH�DQG�WR�À�QG�D�UHWDLOHU�LQ�\RXU�DUHD��visit

About Strider™ No-Pedal Bikes

,I�\RXU�WRGGOHU�FDQ�ZDON��\RXU�WRGGOHU�FDQ�ULGHU�D�675,'(5���675,'(5�1R�3HGDO�%DODQFH�%LNHV�ZHUH�GHYHORSHG�VSHFLÀ�FDOO\�WR�KHOS�WRGGOHUV�DQG�\RXQJ�FKLOGUHQ�OHDUQ�EDODQFH�DQG�FRRUGLQDWLRQ�%()25(�pedaling. The simple, no-pedal design allows toddlers to learn to ride on two wheels, avoiding tricycle WLS�RYHUV�DQG�WUDLQLQJ�ZKHHO�ZREEOHV��DQG�LQVWLOOLQJ�FRQVLGHUDEOH�FRQÀ�GHQFH�DQG�VWHOODU�ELNH�KDQGOLQJ�skills sure to last a lifetime. Strider No-Pedal Balance Bikes encourage the development of spatial awareness, balance, and basic motor skills so that all children can reach their maximum riding potential faster, better and safer. Available at

Brand Contact: Kyla Wright 605-342-0266

Media Contact:Steve Gill


University Of South Dakota Shows STRIDER Bike Helps Toddlers Improve Balance And Coordination During Four-Week Study

Rapid City, SD, February 2013 – Strider Sports International, developer of the patented STRIDER No-Pedal Balance Bikes, is pleased to announce the results of a recent study of the STRIDER bike at the University of South Dakota’s Division of Kinesiology and Sport Science. The study was conducted RYHU�D�IRXU�ZHHN�SHULRG�ZLWK�WKUHH�WR�À�YH�\HDU�ROG�FKLOGUHQ�DQG�FRQFOXGHG�WKDW�SDUWLFLSDQWV�EHQHÀ�WHG�IURP�XVLQJ�D�675,'(5�ELNH�E\� LPSURYLQJ� WKHLU�EDODQFH�DQG� IXQFWLRQDO�À�WQHVV��ZKLOH� OLNHO\� UHGXFLQJ�future injuries during their daily routines.

7KH�GDWD�DQDO\VLV�VKRZHG�D� ´VLJQLÀ�FDQW� LPSURYHPHQWµ� LQ� WKH�/LPLW�RI�6WDELOLW\� VFRUHV� �WKH�VXEMHFW·V�ability to lean different directions without a loss of balance) for the experimental group after four weeks RI�WDUJHWHG�WUDLQLQJ�ZLWK�WKH�675,'(5�ELNH��7KH�VWXG\�FRQFOXGHG�WKDW�VRFLHW\�FRXOG�EHQHÀ�W�IURP�WKH�NQRZOHGJH�WKDW�SHGDO�OHVV�ELF\FOHV�DUH�D�WRRO�IRU�LPSURYLQJ�VWDELOLW\�LQ�WKUHH�WR�À�YH�\HDU�ROG�FKLOGUHQ�DQG�are possibly a safer alternative to using training wheels for bicycle riding acclimatization.

´7KLV� VFLHQWLÀ�F�SURRI� LV� WUXO\�JURXQGEUHDNLQJ� IRU� XV�DW�6WULGHU�6SRUWV�µ� VD\V�5\DQ�0F)DUODQG��&(2��Strider Sports International. “We have witnessed thousands of anecdotal instances of children learning balance and coordination after using a STRIDER bike. Now the empirical evidence has been gathered DQG�VXSSRUWV�ZKDW�ZH�KDYH�VHHQ�IRU�\HDUV�²�WKH�675,'(5�ELNH�VLJQLÀ�FDQWO\�LPSURYHV�D�FKLOG·V�JURVV�motor skill development as it relates to balance. This, in turn, lets toddlers and young children enjoy life on two wheels like never before!”

“We think the results of this study are fascinating,” says Dr. Andrew Shim, Department Chair of the University of South Dakota Division of Kinesiology and Sport Science. “According to our data FROOHFWHG�IURP�WKH�VWXG\��WKH�675,'(5�ELNH�SURGXFW�UHDOO\�GRHV�LQFUHDVH�EDODQFH�LQ�WKUHH�WR�À�YH�\HDU�old riders. Ultimately, this increase in balance may eliminate the need for training wheels and tricycles.”

Strider Sports is the world’s premier no-pedal balance bike manufacturer. The easy-to-use balance bikes are designed to encourage toddlers as young as 18 months to ride, learn and explore the world on two wheels at a very early age, instilling a love for cycling that is sure to build a safer, stronger, healthier and more environmentally sound future.

About Strider Sports International, Inc.

6WULGHU�6SRUWV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF��GHVLJQV�HIÀFLHQW��QR�SHGDO�EDODQFH�ELNHV�WKDW�HQFRXUDJH�WRGGOHUV�WR�ride, learn, and explore the world on two wheels. Founded by Ryan McFarland in January 2007, Strider Sports is a company full of passionate riders of dirt, mountain, street, and road bikes. The goal of Strider Sports is to simplify a bike to its essence, so that proper size, lightweight and simplicity combine WR�HOLPLQDWH�DQ\�IHDU�RI�ULGLQJ�DQG�LQVWLOO�FRQÀGHQFH�LQ�\RXQJ�QHZ�ULGHUV��7KH�SDWHQWHG�675,'(5��1R�3HGDO�%LNH�LV�QRZ�GLVWULEXWHG�LQ�RYHU����FRXQWULHV��7R�OHDUQ�PRUH�DQG�WR�ÀQG�D�UHWDLOHU�LQ�\RXU�DUHD��YLVLW�

About Strider™ No-Pedal Bikes

,I�\RXU�WRGGOHU�FDQ�ZDON��\RXU�WRGGOHU�FDQ�ULGHU�D�675,'(5���675,'(5�1R�3HGDO�%DODQFH�%LNHV�ZHUH�GHYHORSHG�VSHFLÀFDOO\�WR�KHOS�WRGGOHUV�DQG�\RXQJ�FKLOGUHQ�OHDUQ�EDODQFH�DQG�FRRUGLQDWLRQ�%()25(�pedaling. The simple, no-pedal design allows toddlers to learn to ride on two wheels, avoiding tricycle WLS�RYHUV�DQG�WUDLQLQJ�ZKHHO�ZREEOHV��DQG�LQVWLOOLQJ�FRQVLGHUDEOH�FRQÀGHQFH�DQG�VWHOODU�ELNH�KDQGOLQJ�skills sure to last a lifetime. Strider No-Pedal Balance Bikes encourage the development of spatial awareness, balance, and basic motor skills so that all children can reach their maximum riding potential faster, better and safer. Available at

About the University of South Dakota

Founded in 1862, the University of South Dakota is designated as the only public liberal arts university in the state and is home to a comprehensive College of Arts and Sciences, School of Education, the state’s only School of Law, School of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, the accredited Beacom School of Business and the College of Fine Arts. It has an enrollment of more than 10,200 students taught by more than 400 faculty members. More information is available at


At Strider, we love riding bikes, and we love inspiring kids to ride. Our mission is to build lightweight, HIÀ�FLHQW��DOO�WHUUDLQ�ELNHV�WKDW�GHYHORS�WZR�ZKHHOHG�EDODQFH��FRRUGLQDWLRQ�DQG�FRQÀ�GHQFH�LQ�FKLOGUHQ�


Founder Ryan McFarland is a riding and racing enthusiast. Born into a mechanical family, his grandfather was a racecar engineer and his father owned a motorcycle dealership. This early exposure to cars, F\FOHV�DQG�UDFLQJ�LQÁ�XHQFHG�5\DQ�WR�ULGH�GLUW�ELNHV���/DWHU��KH�DGGHG�PRXQWDLQ�ELNLQJ��GLUW�ELNH�DQG�VWRFN�FDU�UDFLQJ�WR�KLV�OLVW�RI�KREELHV���+LV�QDWXUDO�LQFOLQDWLRQ�WR�WLQNHU�DQG�D�À�QHO\�WXQHG�FRPSHWLWLYH�VSLULW�OHG�him to invent the U.S. Patented Thudbuster suspension seat post for bicycles. The inventions continued when Ryan also developed a U.S. Patented suspension system for wheelchairs. He is currently the founder and CEO of Strider Sports International, Inc., home of the STRIDER No-Pedal Balance Bike. Ryan resides in Rapid City, SD with his wife and two young boys.



As a National Parenting Publications Awards Gold winner, STRIDER balance bikes have been recognized for their innovation, safety and ease-of-use, allowing toddlers as young as 18 months of age to start exploring mobility on two wheels.


STRIDER stresses the importance of getting kids moving at a young age. By hosting events throughout WKH�\HDU�DOO�RYHU�WKH�FRXQWU\��675,'(5�HQFRXUDJHV�FKLOGUHQ����PRQWKV�WR�À�YH�\HDUV�ROG�WR�SDUWLFLSDWH�LQ�events that allow them to explore mobility on two wheels, and to learn sportsmanship through friendly competition and make new friends.


Adventure Zones - STRIDER Adventure Zones are free events that allow children open riding time, time to socialize, play, practice tricks and generally just have a good time. Kids experience the challenge and thrill of riding a STRIDER bike on unique terrains and obstacles. Riders of all skill levels can improve bike-handling skills and further develop balance, control, motor skills and FRQÀ�GHQFH� STRIDER Races - Non-qualifying race events held on a local and regional levels allow kids to come together,

share their passion for STRIDER Balance Bikes and participate in friendly competitive racing. These events also have STRIDER Adventure Zones available during non-race times for kids to enjoy free form riding.

World Cup Races -�$�VHULHV�RI�RIÀ�FLDOO\�VDQFWLRQHG�675,'(5�&XS�UDFHV�KHOG�WKURXJKRXW�WKH�\HDU�DW�various events worldwide. In the U.S. these events are organized and run by USA BMX. Internationally, 675,'(5�:RUOG�&XS�5DFLQJ�LV�RUJDQL]HG�E\�675,'(5�DIÀ�OLDWHV��3DUWLFLSDWLRQ�LQ�DW�OHDVW�RQH�RI�WKHVH�events is required to race in the season-ending STRIDER World Championship.

World Championship – An annual racing event that brings together STRIDER riders and their families from all over the globe for the culmination of all world STRIDER racing events.