Strength and Conditioning for Squash

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Strength and Conditioning for Squash

PowerPoint Presentation

Strength and Conditioning for Squash: Long Term Squash Training Programme in Combination with Strength Training & Periodisation

Chris Gallagher

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

My planning notes

Follow on from needs analysisOH Squat test rather than FMS etc. Mention FMS etc and explain why better options?

What exercises appropriate for this group of coaches and their players?

Junior or sub elite players? Lack of equipment, specialist knowledge, training age for proper s and c?

Progression. LTAD. earn the right

Elite windows of opportunity. Max comp schedule

What to demonstrate practically? Stuff they can go away and use and implement right away.

OverviewIntroductionsWhy S&C is necessary for SquashDeveloping an Annual Squash Training ProgrammeNeeds AnalysisSportAthlete(s)Athlete AssessmentDesigning a Strength & Conditioning Programme

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Why S&C is necessary for Squash

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Mathieu Castagnet vs Daryl Selby at Windy City Open 2016 in Chicago, USA.

Why S&C is necessary for SquashDevelop athletic qualities necessary to:Tolerate training demandsExcel in competition

Improve injury resistance

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

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Developing an Annual Squash Training PlanGoal: ensure optimal development of 4 skill groups needed for elite squash development:Physical / physiological (Endurance, speed, agility, flexibility, power, strength)

Technical (Closed drills, error correction, movement techniques, solo sessions)

Tactical (Open drills, conditioned games, tactical games, video analysis)

Psychological (Goal setting, motivation, coping strategy, visualization, concentration)Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Developing an Annual Squash Training PlanSequence of planning:Identify major events. (Include important dates e.g. training camps, school holidays, exams etc)Work backwards from this date outlining the weeks and months to the current dateDivide the plan into major training phases: preparation (GPP, SPP), pre-competition, transition & competition.Break phases into desired meso and microcycles. E.g. 4 week mesocycle: 3 weeks loading, 1 week unloadDetermine target training loadsPlan regular monitoringChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Developing an Annual Squash Training PlanChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Developing an Annual Squash Training Plan

A long-term training plan should include:Multilateral development prior to specializationAppropriate training volume and intensityAppropriate progression of loading throughout season and year to yearBalance between various training modalities (Fitness components for squash)Adequate recovery built into programmeFUN!!!

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

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Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Developing an Annual Squash Training Plan

A long-term training plan should include:Multilateral development prior to specializationAppropriate training volume and intensityAppropriate progression of loading throughout season and year to yearBalance between various training modalities (Fitness components for squash)Adequate recovery built into programmeFUN!!!

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Competition Calendar Windows of OpportunityChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Window of opportunity

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Page #Make them aware of elite level. Less relevant at their level?11

Needs Analysis:Sport





Technical & TacticalSquash Skills

Anaerobic energy systemsAerobic energy systems

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCSFlexibility & Mobility

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Not exhaustive list

Needs Analysis:Athlete(s)





Technical & TacticalSquash Skills

Anaerobic energy systemsAerobic energy systems

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCSFlexibility & Mobility

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Not exhaustive list

Needs Analysis:Athlete(s)Build on Strengths Minimise WeaknessesCompare needs analysis of sport with athleteWhat are the opportunities for improvement?Sub-elite & junior level may focus on developing specific movement qualities and patterns rather than attaining strength, power or speed standards

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Needs Analysis:Athlete(s)Sub-elite Coaches may lack access to:FacilitiesEquipmentS&C Support / Sports Science servicesDeveloping specific movement patterns to support LTPD may be more appropriate. Including: Squat, lunge, hip hinge, core stability and pelvic control, basic upper body push and pull

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Needs Analysis:Assessment & Monitoring

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Physical qualities a squash player needs to develop and example tests that to measure adaptations16

Athlete AssessmentMarketed products like FMSPros:Easy to implementSimple scoringCons:Validity and reliability under questionWhat does a simple stationary screen tell you about preparedness for chaotic nature of sporting competitionChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Athlete AssessmentAlternatives:Coaches eyeEvery interaction with an athlete is an opportunity to screen movement, health, wellbeing; both physical and psychologicalPre/Post intervention screeningBasic movement patterns e.g. overhead squatChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Athlete AssessmentChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Dan PfaffAthletics coach world renowned for his ability to observe and analysemovement then implement effective coaching intervention.

Coached multiple Olympic medal winners, record holders and consulted across a variety of sports.

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Page #Best movement screen is a knowledgeable and attentive coach


Athlete AssessmentQuestion:

What is the ideal monitoring system?


Coaches that pay attention!

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Designing an S&C Programme#1 Principle Do no harm!1 Goal - Squash development. S&C is ancillary trainingS&C training compliments squash developmentDont try to replicate the game in training, distort it. Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Designing an S&C Programme"If you train for the average demands you are under prepared for the most demanding passages of play" - @TimGabbett #TrainingLoad16Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Designing an S&C Programme#1 Principle Do no harm!1 Goal - Squash development. S&C is ancillary trainingS&C training compliments squash developmentDont try to replicate the game in training, distort it. Training prescribed according to stage of season, athletes biological age, training age, goals etcChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Designing an S&C ProgrammePrinciples of training:Overload



Reversibility Use it or lose itChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Designing an S&C ProgrammeProgramme variables:Exercise selectionAppropriate to athleteOrder of exerciseSpeed > Power > Strength > EnduranceIntensitySets & RepsRest periodsChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Designing an S&C ProgrammeResistance trainingPeriodisation: General strength, max strength, power, strength endurance

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Adapted from* Varies on exercise, specific goal and other variables

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Designing an S&C ProgrammeExample Strength Training Session

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS


Hip Hinge

Single Leg

Upper body push

Upper body pull



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Designing an S&C ProgrammeExample Power Training Session

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Super set complete 1 set of each exercise before resting

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Designing an S&C ProgrammeExample Speed Training SessionDynamic Warm Up

Sprint technique drills

Sprint 10-20m x 4 reps x 4 setsWalk back recovery between reps (~40-60s seconds)3 min recovery between sets

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Designing an S&C ProgrammeChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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The Training WeekChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Example in-season training week of an elite squash player

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Page #Court = matches, drills, feeding, ghosting31

SummaryTake Away messages:Your situation likely different to elite? No multidisciplinary support (+ves and ves)Lack of equipment/facilitiesLack of time with playersSimple plan well executed better than a poorly delivered, complex training programme

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #Success does not depend on flash and gimmick; rather it depends on flawless execution of the basics. Dustin ImdiekeChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #SummaryTake Away messages:Your situation likely different to elite? No multidisciplinary support (+ves and ves)Lack of equipment/facilitiesLack of time with playersSimple plan well executed better than a poorly delivered, complex training programmeFocus on developing fundamental movementsPromote and support LTPDEarn the right

Chris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

Page #SourcesAsian Squash Federation Level 2 Coaching Manual (2015) Long term athletic development, Part 2: Barriers to success and potential solutions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning ResearchTurner (2014) Exercise Selection to Develop Optimal Explosive Lunge Movements for World-Standard Squash Strength and Conditioning JournalChris Gallagher MSc, CSCS

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Page #Any Questions? Gallagher MSc, CSCS

Brand Development - Phase 2 Creative Brief

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