Streets ahead winter newsletter 2014

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Streets ahead winter newsletter 2014

Transcript of Streets ahead winter newsletter 2014

In spite of being struck by a 4WD travelling 80 km during training, Bryce pushed himself to recover and successfully complete the 2014 Sydney to Surfers bike ride to raise funds for Youth Off The Streets.

One of the key values Youth Off The

Streets aims to instil in young people

is a commitment to giving back to the


So in May we were delighted that a

group of 8 young people from our

services chose to take part in the

Sydney to Surfers bike ride.

The ride, now in its 16th year, is an

annual fundraiser organised by the

Rotary Club of Engadine to raise

money for Youth Off The Streets.

It’s a massive challenge for all riders,

but this year there was one rider who

showed incredible determination and

strength of character just to take part.

Bryce was training for the Sydney to

Surfers ride with his dad and five other

riders, when they were hit at 80kmph

by a 4WD. The pack of seven was

ploughed to the ground.

Bryce recovered in time for the event

with the help of intensive physiotherapy

for his elbow and wrist. However his

dad and a few of the other cyclists

remain in hospital following spinal

fusion surgery. They are expected to

take over 6 months to recover, and

obviously could not take part in the


Losing his training partners and dad to injury gave Bryce even more determination and heart to complete the ride… and he did so in their honour.

On Friday 9 May, after cycling

for 7 days and over 900km,

Bryce crossed the finish line. In

doing so he raised over $4,000

for other young people in need.

Thank you Bryce – you are an

inspiration to us all!

Jonty Walding, one of our young people, was recently announced as a finalist

for the ‘Personal Courage Award’ at the National Youth Awards 2014. The

Awards are an Australian Government initiative during National Youth Week

to celebrate, acknowledge and recognise Australia’s youth. The Awards

acknowledge the outstanding achievements

by young people on behalf of young people.

Having overcome tremendous challenges in

her young life Jonty has gone on to become

an inspiration for other young people in our

programs and our staff.

“I felt very privileged to be recognised for

my courage. I’ve had to overcome many

challenges throughout my life. Some have been

difficult, sometimes they made me feel alone,

lacking motivation and isolated from my family. Through the

help of Youth Off The Streets I have been able to meet these challenges head

on,” Jonty said.

With her sights firmly set on passing her HSC, the sky is the limit for Jonty.

Jonty’s success is a tribute to her courage – and to your generosity, as

without kind donations from people like you, Youth Off The Streets would not

be able to support young people like her to achieve their real potential.

Thank you.

We are so proud of Jonty. We hope you are too.



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6 I Streets Ahead I WINTER 20145 I Streets Ahead I WINTER 2014

A courageous life


The Sun Herald City2SurfDate: Sunday 10 August 2014

Venue: City to Bondi Beach

Register at or to fundraise for Youth Off The Streets

Youth Off The Streets Gala Dinner Date: Saturday 30 August 2014

Time: 6:30pm

Venue: Ivy Ballroom, Sydney

Book online at or email

Eden Gardens Morning Tea Date: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Time: 10am

Venue: Eden Gardens, 301-307 Lane Cove Road, North Ryde

RSVP to Eden Gardens on 9491 9900 or email

Annual Presentation NightDate: Friday 28 November 2014

Time: 7:30pm

Venue: Bankstown Sports Club, The Grand Ballroom

RSVP by phone 9330 3500, by email or online

Swap out your boring laces and #laceitup for homeless youth during the week of 4 – 10 August 2014.

Go to to buy your laces or register your group.

Then go to and share your shoes selfies.

#laceitup is not just a message, it’s a connection that lasts and commitment that counts.

Two amazing Youth Off The Streets supporters – on opposite ends of the age spectrum – recently celebrated their birthdays and raised money to help disadvantaged young people at the same time.

Baby Frida had her very first birthday party, and her wonderful family asked guests to donate to Youth Off The Streets in lieu of gifts.

Meanwhile only a few weeks later Elda held her 100th birthday party – and like Frida – donations were requested instead of flowers and gifts.

Their donations raised over $1,000 to help get young people off the streets and into safe housing and education. Thank you!

Would you like to raise funds for Youth Off The Streets for your own birthday? Just go to and set up your own fundraising page or call 1800 062 288 for assistance.

2 Father’s Word

3 Showing young people adults care

4 When the Royals came knocking

4 Hourieh’s poem of thanks

5 Bryce completes ride in Dad’s honour

6 What’s on

6 Our Supporters – From 1 to 100!

6 Get Involved

Thank you to everyone who believed in Evan

Bryce completes ride in Dad’s honour

Our amazing supporters - from 1 to 100!

VolunteerCall Lynette on 02 9330 3515, or visit

Join the Father Chris Riley Society Club Enquire about leaving a bequest to Youth Off The Streets by calling

Cheryl on 02 9330 3530 or email

Become a regular giverCall 1800 062 288

Fundraise for usTake part in an event, or fundraise in lieu of gifts Call Bianca on 02 9330 3531 or visit

Support our Op ShopsIn Bowral, Cessnock, Maitland and Singleton

Donate todayCall 1800 062 288visit

Get Involved

Starting young. One year old Frida enjoying her first birthday cake. Her birthday was a fundraiser for Youth Off The Streets.

Another supporter celebrating her 100th Birthday recently was Mrs Robinson. Happy birthday and thank you to all!

*You’ll understand that although we are immensely proud of the young people we work with, we have huge respect for their privacy, and change their names and photos for their protection.

Keen to take part in a fundraising event?

The Sun Herald City to Surf is being held on 10 August 2014.

Register at or to fundraise for Youth Off The Streets

“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you

really are.” E.E. Cummings

Top: The route of the Sydney to Surfers – 900 km in 7 days!

Below: Bryce and his mum celebrate the end of the ride.






sHornsby NSW

Surfers Paradise


4 I Streets Ahead I WINTER 20143 I Streets Ahead I WINTER 20142 I Streets Ahead I WINTER 2014

“Now, in the bitter grip of winter, is when homeless kids feel the most isolated from the rest of us”

Father’s WordWhen the Royals came knockingRemember recently when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited our shores?Well two staff members were honoured to be invited by the Royal couple to attend their Sydney Opera House meet and greet.

Chris Standing, a senior youth worker, and Sarah Dodds, Director of Youth Off The Streets’ Outreach Services, were very excited to meet the Royal couple. Both Chris and Sarah initially started out with Youth Off The Streets as youth workers and have gone on to become leaders in the organisation.

When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge started to greet the crowd, Chris realised that he was in first position. Overwhelmed with nerves, he started to edge backward and squirm his way out of the first greet. Suddenly, he was pushed in the back and then the Duchess turned around and extended her hand. Chris introduced himself and told her about the work he does in the community. It was only a quick chat, but he was thrilled to meet her.

Sarah had a different experience altogether and can now claim to be the networking queen – for reasons that will become clear. She was greeted by Prince William and they spoke for a few minutes about the work Sarah does in the community for Youth Off The Streets.

Sarah explains, “I was surprised at how genuine Prince William was and how interested he was in what I had to say. He spoke to me about a charity that he is aligned with in the UK; it is also a youth focused charity,

called Centrepoint. He said we should try to get some synergy between the two organisations. Before I knew it, I had exchanged details with the royal assistant and I had an email in my inbox that had a royal signature!”

We will be sure to keep you informed of any future partnerships with the royals or Centrepoint.

How did you first become involved with Youth Off The Streets? Petra : I first found out through Qantas as a corporate volunteer. I started to do corporate volunteering, cooking at Don Bosco Home. Then I heard about Street Walk, so went out with Gary, the Street Walk Manager.

And what made you choose Street Walk?Petra : In the beginning I was just curious about what happens on the streets at night. Going out with Gary I thought we would just go out to provide food, possibly access to a refuge, blankets or anything else young people may need. The more I went out with Gary, I realised it was really about showing the young people adults that cared about them and helping them gain trust again.

How did you feel the first time you went out on Street Walk?Petra : Let me just recall the first time... mainly what I learned from Gary, was he inspired me with the way he is totally non-judgemental and he proactively finds the young people, I was amazed at how respectful the young people were toward Gary and the volunteer like myself – who is on the street with him.

I was pleasantly surprised, on the first night, I didn’t find it very confronting. I felt I could really make a difference by being there for the young people. Every night has been so different. At times we have given young people lifts to a refuge, other times we have given them food and other times we have given them blankets.

What keeps you coming back to Street Walk?Petra : Just knowing that it is the first contact that the young people might have with an organisation like Youth Off The Streets and knowing how many fantastic services are available if they need it, or if they ask for it.

I also got the opportunity to assist with the Scholarship applications*. I was reading through some of the applications and helping find out who will become a scholarship recipient and that really touched me on a deeper level. I actually put my hand up to become a mentor, because hearing the young people’s story and what difficult backgrounds they come from was a real eye opener and touched me on a deeper level. I really am inspired by Father Chris, all the dedicated, hard-working, such positive staff that you have employed there.

If you were to speak to someone who is undecided about volunteering, what would you say to them?Petra : I think it is a very individual choice and some people might find Street Walk confronting – I did not. There are so many opportunities from what I’ve heard, the Op Shops, mentoring, helping at Outreach. For every volunteer there will be something they can find to put their interest or passion into place.

What do you like to do when you’re not spending your time working or volunteering? Petra : I like being in nature. I like bushwalks; I like Yoga and being with family or friends.

What piece of advice would you live by? Petra : It’s a Nelson Mandela one. “There’s no passion to be found in playing small, settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

*Youth Off The Streets’ National Scholarship Program runs every year and provides financial support to over 20 young people who are in need of help to achieve their goals.

Showing young people adults care - profile of a volunteer

Petra Wildgrube has found huge personal satisfaction while volunteering for Youth Off The Streets

“Our prime purpose is to help one another” – a message of thanks to you

So here we are in the middle of yet another icy winter. Every year during this season I worry about the young ones with no bed to crawl into at night. No warm shower or hot meal to enjoy. And some, sadly, with no parent who cares.

It devastates me, but also drives me to work harder, faster and better. Our crisis team are out on the streets of Sydney all year looking to help any young person who needs us... but during winter we are even more dogged to reach as many kids as we can and take them somewhere safe and warm.

There are still hundreds of young people sleeping rough on the streets of Sydney. And I am concerned this number will increase. The changes being made to Newstart and Youth Allowance places more burden on one of Australia’s most vulnerable groups; the young and unemployed.

Youth unemployment is more than double the national unemployment rate and the job market for this group is fiercely competitive. It’s so wrong to place extra burden on these young disadvantaged people.

This could result in creating an underclass of citizens that will be unable to escape from poverty.

I believe it will put communities at risk of an increase in rates of petty crime, domestic violence, alcohol and other drug abuse, and give young people very little opportunity to escape the cycle of disadvantage.

I fear we will see even more young people on the streets, and it will be tougher to get them off the streets for good. That’s one of the reasons why we continue to increase our prevention services in disadvantaged communities. Since your last newsletter we have launched two new outreach services: one in Bourke and the other in Fairfield. These two communities have faced some tough times and are in dire need of help – which is why we are there.

Outreach is all about connecting with young people through activities including sports, arts and crafts, music and dance, so we can build trust and be part of their support system. It also offers a safe place for kids to socialise and engage with leaders in the community. And most importantly it is the

chance for young people to speak to a youth worker about any struggles they may be having. Ultimately this will help us develop specialised services and programs for that particular community – all based on the needs of the young people living there.

As I’ve said before, and will continue to say, we will never give up - or turn our backs - on a young person in need.

Thank you for standing alongside us in that commitment. We couldn’t do it without you.

Thank you for believing in our kidsLastly, thanks again to all of you who donated to our last fundraising appeal. We were overwhelmed with kind words of encouragement and belief that you had for Evan. I have passed on your kind notes to Evan’s sister Charlotte and I look forward to sharing his progress with you, and other young people, in the coming months. And thanks to your donations we raised over $800,000 to continue helping some of Australia’s most vulnerable kids.

An invitation to

Presentation night

Each year we hold a presentation night

for our Young People.

This is our way of recognising and celebrating

the achievements of all the young people

across each of our services. I would love it

if you are available to attend.

More information about presentation

night can be found in the events

section of this newsletter.

At our recent volunteer recognition night, Hourieh – a young person from our Blacktown Outreach and Scholarship recipient – read out a poem she had written to thank Youth Off The Streets supporters.

It was warmly received on the night, and now we would like to share it with you.

Here is an extract.

We thank our heroes, for without them, we would not have discovered what we have today,

And we pay respect to the little gestures that go a long way,

See an act of kindness bares no limit,

For a drop of water can create tiny ripples in a pond,

And over a time, a tidal wave touching the lives of so many.

Throughout my time at Youth Off The Streets,

I realised that our prime purpose was to help one another,

To discover the true meaning of compassion and love,

Love is infectious, it is beautiful and kind,

It can create a domino effect even in the most difficult of minds,

But with love comes happiness,

And the best form of happiness is helping the most disadvantaged people.

So, I make a pledge on behalf of our youth,

We pledge to nourish the kindness that has been planted by continuing to grow

and sowing a harvest full of knowledge and love.

We promise to continue spreading the message of hope.

Annual Presentation NightDate: Friday 28 November 2014

Time: 7:30pm

Venue: Bankstown Sports Club, The Grand Ballroom

RSVP by phone 9330 3500, by email or online

Celebrating the achievements of the young people in our services