Street styles (part 1)

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Street styles (part 1)

  • 1. STREET STYLES (Part-1)

2. ZOOTIES It was about extravagant use of expensive fabrics and its luxurious accessories, loudly proclaimed the message Ive got it made. 3. ZAZOUS It suggests styleobsessed, fun loving group of young people. 4. CARIBBEAN STYLE It was more detailed and shrieked rather than whispered Ive got it made with the extravagant use of fabrictypically in colors that were hard to maintain like white and pastel shades. 5. WESTERN STYLE What was worn by Singing Cowboys on stage and screen the boots, Stetson, embroidered shirt and jacket and bootlace tie became a street style. 6. BIKERS Bikers defied stylistic as well as other conventions by proudly presenting themselves in rugged working class garments which visually demonstrated their harsh experiences on the road. 7. HIP CATS AND HIPSTERS The style operated according to its own rules-outside the system. 8. BEAT, BEATNIKS They show their alienness to dressing up not by presenting an alternative but rather by indifference. 9. TEDDY BOYS Ted's mainly acted like hooligans. Slashed cinema seats, flick knives in the back pocket, next to the obligatory greasy comb and alleged participation in the Noting Hill race riots helped to make the term synonymous with Juvenile delinquent. 10. MODERNISTS Modern is sleek, sharp and minimal. Everything became slimmer, and trimmer, less ornate. Cool, Modern, sharp call it whatever but it came down to same thing : Less is More. 11. FOLKIES Folkies favored bright colors and decorations. 12. ROCKABILLIES It was born of contradiction (the collision of black and southern white cultures) and perhaps it is in its nature to indulge in the unexpected. 13. LA DOLCE- VITA The short, sharp jackets and trim, tapered trousers which looked so right signified an easy, carefree and lighter approach to life. 14. TON-UP BOYS The focus of this group was racing and perfecting the performance of your machine. So they were mainly sportsmen rather than style tribe. 15. SURFERS Bright, bold, casual style of the surfers along with their easy, relaxed altitude set them apart. 16. MODS AND ROCKERS To be modern was to be international and this new generation saw themselves as citizens of the world-embracing everything from Jamaican ski or lack American rhythm and blues to Italian cuisine. Studs, Painted insignia; chains and razor sharp winkle pickers of rockers reminded 17. RUDE BOYS The total style effect succeeded in perfectly blending two seemingly irreconcilable aesthetic principlesthe showy and the subtle. 18. SWINGING LONDON It was hard to identify any theme or direction and harden still to find a name for that myriad collection of looks which S.L. and psychedelics were offering to the world. 19. HIPPIES Nature triumphed over artifice, committed and communal life, Respect for ethnic lifestyles. Flower Power became reality. 20. GREASERS They wanted everyone to know that they were on the side of the devil. They used their image to proclaim their badness. 21. SUBMITTED BYENA T NANDI RADHIKAGROVER NEHA SINHA HIMANI BHARTI PURNIMA BAJAJ