Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics...

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Transcript of Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics...

Knowledge for the world business leaders C L A R I D E N 19 - 23 January 2015

Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week

2 Separately Bookable Seminars in 1 location

SEMINAR 1: HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics(Day 1 & 2): 19 - 20 January 2015 (Monday & Tuesday)

SEMINAR 2: Strategic Workforce Planning(Day 3 & 4): 22 - 23 January 2015 (Thursday & Friday)

• Over 10 years of work experience in Professional Services and IT• Recognized for successfully blending metrics, human performance and organizational leadership in a journal

publication for the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations• Awarded the Australian NBNCo ‘Recognition and Reinforcing Excellence’ award for delivering the company

performance management & analytics program

• Julie Sloan is an internationally recognized authority in Strategic Workforce Planning• She has over 35 years work experience in advising the Australian Government and Private Sector leading the

development of Workforce Planning in Australia since the mid 1990s• She is currently a member of the International Standards Organization (ISO) TC260 committ ee and convener

of the ISO international Working Group on Workforce Planning• She has been recognized by Worldwide Who’s Who for excellence in Workforce Planning

Jay Patel

Julie Sloan

Program Director

Chief ExecutiveWorkforce Planning Global

This Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

The two sessions are designed to complement each other to provide participants with the knowledge to forecast theirworkforce needs as well as eff ectively assess and improve their HR results to ensure that their business objectives areachieved. Participants are strongly encouraged to att end both sessions to maximize their learning and apply these skillsto their work.

Program:Dates: Location:

HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics19 - 20 January 2015Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 2 December 2014):Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 30 December 2014): Regular Tuition Fee:

Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For limited time only by 30 December 2014 register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).



Note: GST is applicable only to participants from Singapore registered companies. Check your eligibility for 60% Cash Back at IRAS website.

2Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week

HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics

• Over 10 years of work experience in Professional Services and IT• Recognized for successfully blending metrics, human performance and organizational leadership in a

journal publication for the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations• Awarded the Australian NBNCo ‘Recognition and Reinforcing Excellence’ award for delivering the

company performance management & analytics program

Jay Patel

Jay Patel is the Head Program Director for Human Capital Transformation. He has been in key Account Management,HR, OD and Talent Management leadership roles in Europe and Asia for multinational entities. Aft er a 10-year careerin Professional Services and IT, Jay led the OD, Talent and Learning function in Australia’s largest Telco project.

With the ability to align business outcomes with human resource strategies, Jay delivers successful projects andinitiatives that have transformed businesses and operations around the world. In addition to leading Human CapitalTransformation, Jay is a qualifi ed Executive Coach and supports several leaders in the USA, U.K, Germany, Australiaand New Zealand to enhance their performance and achieve transformation for themselves and their businesses tomeet changing market conditions.

Jay has an MBA in International Management from RMIT in Melbourne, Australia, and has built greater awarenessof the impact of national, organizational and team cultures on performance, success and collaboration. He has co-reviewed several publications on cross cultural coaching and leadership and has writt en a facilitation toolkit forconsultants and HR professionals.

Seminar One: 19 - 20 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel Singapore

Program Director

This Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

With the changing and complex business environment, it is essential for HR professionals to make eff ective decisions and align their business and HR strategies. Using HR metrics and workforce analytics, HR professionals are able to justify their decisions and measure the eff ectiveness of their HR strategies. However, many organizations are still struggling with developing an eff ective strategy, from identifying where to start, what to measure to understanding how metrics and analytics can support broader business strategies.

This comprehensive program is specially designed to help you drive business results by providing proven strategies that you can adopt to eff ectively gather data and leverage metrics and analytics in your organization. You will be able to determine what should be measured and develop frameworks to address various aspects of implementing HR metrics and workforce analytics, from strategy alignment to operational measurement of core metrics. Our faculty Jay Patel, who is recognized for successfully blending metrics, human performance and organizational leadership, will also guide you in adapting a range of HR assessment tools to improve organizational performance. In addition, you will be equipped with skills to utilize analytics to communicate more eff ectively with senior management for evidence-based decision making. Practical learning will be enhanced through actual case reviews of prominent business scenarios and you will leave the program with an action plan to leverage the data you have built and deliver HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics that will improve results.


3Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week


In order to excel in today’s complex business environment, HR leaders are challenged more than ever to make soundbusiness decisions that are well-justifi ed and can be measured in a tangible way. To make informed business decisions,executive leaders need timely and appropriate data. HR professionals will be able to achieve these objectives witha solid grasp of HR analytics -- the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data designed to improvedecisions about talent and the organization as a whole.

In this HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics program, you will acquire the strategies needed to adopt and applyanalytics in your organization. You will also learn how to develop frameworks to address various aspects ofimplementing HR metrics and workforce analytics, from strategy alignment to operational measurement of coremetrics. Our expert trainer will also guide you in utilizing a range of HR assessment tools to improve organizational performance. In addition, you will be equipped with skills to utilize analytics for evidence based decision making.Practical learning will be enhanced through prominent case reviews of common business scenarios on workforceplanning and analytics.

At the end of the program, you will leave with the confi dence and expertise to think strategically about HR metricsand analytics as well as boost the accountability and reporting ability of the HR function when communicating withsenior management. You will also be able to enhance your company’s HR function by using analytics to assess theresults of your HR strategies.


This program is designed for all mid to senior HR executives involved in the following areas, including but not limitedto, Training and Development, Talent Management, Organizational Development, Workforce Planning, WorkforceAnalytics, Strategic Planning, Human Resource Information System as well as Compensation & Benefi t or those whowant to refresh their knowledge in this topic.

HR Metrics & Workforce AnalyticsSeminar One: 19 - 20 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel SingaporeThis Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

4Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week


DAY 1 - Morning

Introduction to HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics• HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics essentials• State of Workforce Analytics & planning • Top Workforce needs and business drivers for workforce analytics and planning• Workforce Analysis maturity model • Barriers to Workforce Analytics• Introducing case-based learning examples

Business case for conducting HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics to improve decision-making • Workforce challenges today• Building a metrics toolbox • Using Human Capital Metrics to advance business strategy • Stages of implementing Human Capital Metrics • Communicating results to key stakeholders and how oft en• Business case 1 – Defi ning the business case for HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics

Measuring the HR Professional’s Contribution• Building a new reality of workforce analytics• Standards and Processes for analyzing and tracking Human Capital Metrics• Defi ning Measurement Capability• Why Measure?• Which Measurement Framework?• What to Measure?• How to Measure?• Reporting Measurement and Evaluation Outcomes• Business Case 2 – Qualitative & Quantitative Data Analysis

HR Metrics & Workforce AnalyticsSeminar One: 19 - 20 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel SingaporeThis Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

• Gain an understanding of business context for HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics• Aligning HR metrics and workforce analytics to business objectives• Develop frameworks to address the span of strategy alignment to operational measurement of core metrics• Understanding basic data analysis and techniques• Identifying relevant metrics to enhance workforce planning and productivity• Applying workforce analytics and core HR metrics for evidence-based decision making• Utilize a range of HR assessment tools to benchmark performance and create standards• Develop an action plan for using metrics in the business to achieve results and meet business objectives



This course has been independently certifi ed as conforming to accepted CPD guidelines. On average, this executive program contributes 16 hours towards your CPD.

Delegates must register at the start and close of each workshop to be awarded a certifi cate of completion.

5Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week

DAY 1 - Afternoon

Selecting Key Metrics to Evaluate Eff ectiveness• Business strategy & alignment review • Developing a HR Strategy Map • Key HR performance indicators • Six steps for measuring HR Initiatives• Analytics in detail within HR functions (HR Business Acumen, Benefi ts, Compensation, Diversity, Employee Rela-

tions, labour & Employee relations, Organisation development & Training, Staffi ng, Consultants Utilization) • Business Case 3 – Identifying core metrics for strategy alignment

Workforce analytics – Putt ing HR metrics and data analytics to work • Case-based application of Workforce Analytics • Using core HR metrics for decision making • Peer learning & feedback• Action refl ection for implementation• Business case 4 – Automatic Earth Networks Human Capital Analytics • Group Discussions• Review & Summary

DAY 2 - Morning

Application, Implementation & Deployment Resources • Workforce analytics framework for application • Defi ning and analyzing your workforce metrics • Alignment to business and HR strategy maps • Analyzing of internal comparisons and external benchmarks • Building workforce reports for business decision making• Creating stakeholder awareness – communicating and storytelling• Business Case 5 – HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics at Automatic Earth Networks

Implementing HR Metrics and Analytics in your Organization • Change Management principles for implementing HR Metrics and Analytics • Introducing a Lean / Quality culture for continuous analytics led improvements• Multi-Level Stakeholder management strategies• Exercise – Implementation approach & action plan• Group Presentations & Discussions

DAY 2 - Afternoon

HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics Tools and Technologies• Workforce Analytics Technology Roadmap• HRIS Integration consideration• Product Overview: Oracle, Saba, Cornerstone, Workday

HR Leadership capabilities and resourcing for Analytics Professionals • The role of culture• Analysts Capability Framework • Development Priorities• Exercise – Personal Capability and Resource Management Action Plan • Open Forum – Group Discussion • Session Review & Next Steps

HR Metrics & Workforce AnalyticsSeminar One: 19 - 20 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel SingaporeThis Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

Program:Dates: Location:

Strategic Workforce Planning22 - 23 January 2015Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 2 December 2014):Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 30 December 2014): Regular Tuition Fee:

Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For limited time only by 30 December 2014 register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).



Note: GST is applicable only to participants from Singapore registered companies. Check your eligibility for 60% Cash Back at IRAS website.

6Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week

Strategic Workforce Planning

• Julie Sloan is an internationally recognized authority in Strategic Workforce Planning• She has over 35 years work experience in advising the Australian Government and Private Sector

leading the development of Workforce Planning in Australia since the mid 1990s• She is currently a member of the International Standards Organization (ISO) TC260 committ ee and

convener of the ISO international Working Group on Workforce Planning• She has been recognized by Worldwide Who’s Who for excellence in Workforce Planning

Julie Sloan

Julie Sloan is an international expert in strategic and operational Workforce Planning and is recognized by WorldwideWho’s Who for excellence in Workforce Planning. She is a member of the International Standards Organization (ISO)TC260 committ ee and convener of the ISO international Working Group on Workforce Planning. Julie is also leadwriter of the inaugural Australian Standard in Workforce Planning due for release by Standards Australia (MB009)in 2014. She is a member of the Global Women on Boards Group and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Julie’s extensive international employment includes working at the United Nations, Centre for Social Developmentand Humanitarian Aff airs and the International Atomic Energy Agency across the USA, Canada and the Middle East(Dubai, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia).

Having established the fi rst Australian Registered Training Organization (RTO) dedicated only to WorkforcePlanning, in 2014, Julie Sloan started Workforce Planning Global and now operates as a global freelance Strategic andOperational Workforce Planning advisor. With a depth of knowledge and experience in Workforce Planning, Julieis well known for her conference speaking skills and her ability to transfer her skills and knowledge on the topic ina clear and entertaining manner.

Seminar Two: 22 - 23 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel Singapore

Chief ExecutiveWorkforce Planning Global

This Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

A company’s long-term success depends signifi cantly on its workforce planning and talent management strategy - from recruiting the right talent to developing and retaining them in the right roles. To achieve this, companies need to have a viable strategic workforce planning (SWP) strategy that aligns the strategic business planning with the critical skills and talent needed to meet your business’s fi ve year strategic plan. SWP turns strategy into action and focuses on a 3 - 5 years time horizon to ensure that the organization’s manpower strategy will be sustainable.

In the 2 days comprehensive program on Strategic Workforce Planning, you will discover how to develop a SWP framework for your organization using current international standards. You will learn how to assess and segment your current workforce to carry out demand and supply forecasting required to fi ll in your talent gaps. Our faculty director Julie Sloan, an international workforce planning expert with over 35 years of experience will be sharing risk mitigations strategies to manage the risk of not being able to fi ll critical job roles in the uncertain business environment. Workforce analytics will be used together with SWP to build upon quantitative activities such as manpower planning and guide you towards evidence-based decision making to enhance your organization’s overall manpower strategy. Julie will also incorporate scenario planning in discussions using actual case reviews of business situations to enhance your learning.

You will receive practical hands-on experience by the end of the program that can be applied immediately when you return to work.


7Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week


Strategic Workforce Planning is essential for companies today as it is no longer enough to just have strongrecruitment, talent management and engagement strategies. The global workforce is changing due to demographicshift s combined with increasing competition, globalization and technological change, leading to a lack of talent anddiffi culty in hiring the right candidates. Therefore, HR, Finance and Line Managers need to be well-equipped withthe skills to deploy their current workforce more creatively in order to maximize productivity and ensure that theirorganization’s workforce are ahead of competitors. The Strategic Workforce Plan is the map that guides the businessstrategy and executives who can understand and shape it will play a vital role in the organization.

Designed for middle to senior-level HR executives, through this program, you will discover how to develop a SWPframework for your organization using current international standards. You will learn how to assess and segmentyour current workforce to carry out demand and supply forecasting required to fi ll in your talent gaps. Our faculty Julie Sloan, an international workforce planning expert with over 35 years of experience will be sharingrisk mitigations strategies to manage the risk of not being able to fi ll critical job roles in the uncertain business environment. Workforce analytics will be used together with SWP to build upon quantitative activities such asmanpower planning and guide you towards evidence-based decision making to transform your organizational strategy. Julie will also incorporate scenario planning in discussions using actual case reviews of business situationsto enhance your learning. At the end of the program, you will leave with the confi dence and expertise you need tomake your strategic workforce planning process a reality.


This program is designed for all mid to senior HR executives involved in the areas including but not limited to,Training and Development, Talent Management, Organizational Development, Workforce Planning, WorkforceAnalytics, Finance, Strategic Planning, Human Resource Information System, Compensation & Benefi t or those whowant to refresh their knowledge in this topic.

Strategic Workforce PlanningSeminar Two: 22 - 23 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel SingaporeThis Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

8Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week


DAY 1 - Morning

Theme: Sett ing the scene1. Five important and relevant International Standards

a. Workforce Planningb. Human Governancec. HR Metricsd. HR Terminologye. Recruitment

2. Key steps to embedding Strategic and Operational Workforce Planning in your business3. Core elements of Workforce Analytics – what is relevant and what is not relevant4. Governance, Leadership and workforce engagement in workforce analytics and planning5. Aligning HR with Business Strategy6. Segmenting the workforce to target business strategy and workforce planning for critical job groups

DAY 1 - Afternoon

1. What should and should not be measured about the Workforce - The A –Z of Workforce analytics2. Reviewing existing data and identifying workforce planning information gaps3. Developing future-focused business scenarios for the current, transition and future workforce4. Case study 1: The A-Z of workforce analytics – a Finance industry case study5. Discussion – ‘Opportunities and Challenges in Aligning HR with Business Strategy’

Strategic Workforce PlanningSeminar Two: 22 - 23 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel SingaporeThis Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board

• Gain an understanding of international initiatives in Strategic Workforce Planning• Develop your own strategic workforce planning environment and framework using current international standards• Understand the analytics required to determine future business scenarios by sector, industry, job group, supply

chain, location and other relevant categories• Use analytics to identify and quantify the current, transition and future workforce risk facing your business• Strengthen your HR governance framework and strategies to refl ect relevant economic, desired culture, workforce

dynamics and leadership preferences• Segment your workforce to focus on jobs, roles, functions and job families critical to your capacity to deliver services

and products and to grow and secure the labor supply you require• Identify risk mitigation strategies to manage your current, transition and future workforce risk• Identify workforce planning experts and systems which are applicable to your workforce planning initiatives



This course has been independently certifi ed as conforming to accepted CPD guidelines. On average, thisexecutive program contributes 16 hours towards your CPD.

Delegates must register at the start and close of each workshop to be awarded a certifi cate of completion.

9Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Workforce Planning and HR Metrics Week

DAY 2 - Morning

Theme: Putt ing theory into practice1. Utilizing HR metrics and Workforce Analytics for evidence based decision making 2. Quantifying workforce risk against the business strategy3. Identifying risk mitigation strategies4. Case Study 2: Demand and Supply forecasting – current, transition and future workforce

DAY 2 - Afternoon

1. Discussion – Building workforce planning and analytical capabilities in your business2. Establishing a framework for Workforce Analytics and Planning in your business – a method transferrable to any

size business3. Embedding strategic workforce planning – evaluate, monitor and evolve 4. Lessons learned, resources and references

Strategic Workforce PlanningSeminar Two: 22 - 23 January 2015, Shangri-La Hotel SingaporeThis Program Has Been Independently Certifi ed and Accredited by CPD, an Internationally Recognized Certifi cation Board


Knowledge for the world business leaders C L A R I D E NSTRATEGIC WORKFORCE PLANNING AND HR METRICS WEEK

19 - 23 January 2015 | Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Booking Contact (Approving Manager) Mr/Mrs/Ms:_____________________Job Title:_________________________ Department:_____________________Telephone:_______________________ Fax:____________________________Email:____________________________________________________________Organization:_____________________________________________________Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________Postal Code:____________

I would like to receive more information on hotel accommodation using Clariden Global coporate rate.

Promotional Code:____________________________________________________Please register the following participant for this seminar.(Please tick □ to select your seminar(s). You may tick more than one.)

GROUP DISCOUNTSGroup discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. Forlimited time only by 30 December 2014 register 3 participants and the 4thparticipant will receive a complimentary seat.

Combination of diff erent participants from the same company is allowed. Only 1 discount scheme applies.Note: GST is applicable to participants from Singapore registered companies.



Fax: +65 6567 4328

Call: +65 6899 5030


VENUE AND ACCOMMODATION INFORMATIONShangri-La Hotel, Singapore19 - 23 January 201522 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258350Tel : +65 6737 3644Fax : +65 6737 3257Website : htt p://



HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics S$2,590





S$2,890Strategic Workforce Planning

1st Early Bird Fee

(If payment & registrations are received

by 2 December 2014)

2nd Early Bird Fee

(If payment & registrations

are received by 30 December


Regular FeePer Participant


1st Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

2nd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

3rd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

4th Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Seminar(s): HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics

Strategic Workforce Planning

□ □

Seminar(s): HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics

Strategic Workforce Planning

□ □

Seminar(s): HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics

Strategic Workforce Planning

□ □

Seminar(s): HR Metrics & Workforce Analytics

Strategic Workforce Planning

□ □

PAYMENT METHODSBY CHEQUE / BANK DRAFT :Made payable to CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD and mail to: 3 International Business Park, #04-29, Nordic European Centre, Singapore 609927.

BY TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER TO:Bank Name: DBS BANKBank Branch code: 027Bank Address: 6 Shenton Way, DBS Building, Singapore 068809Bank Account No: 027-903583-8Bank Account name: Clariden Global Pte LtdSWIFT Code: DBSSSGSG

Please note that all bank charges are to be borne by participants. Please ensure Clariden Global Pte Ltd receives the full invoiced amount.

Note: Please include invoice number on all payment types and yourcompany’s name in your payment instructions for our reference.

CREDIT CARD:To make payment by credit card, please call our client services hotline at+65 6899 5030.

HOW TO REGISTER AND PAYAn invoice and registration confi rmation will be sent within 7 days, please contact us if you have not heard from us within 7 days. Payment can be made by credit card, by bank transfer or by cheque. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT.

ACCOMMODATIONAccommodation is not included in the program fee but you will be entitled to use our corporate rate for your accommodation. Information will be sent along with your registration confi rmation.

CANCELLATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONSOnce we have received your booking, the place(s) are confi rmed. No refunds will be made for any cancellations, however, program credits of equivalent value only applicable for Clariden Global events will be provided. Credits can only beredeemed for 1 program and is valid for only one (1) year from date of issue.

Substitution with a qualifi ed candidate is allowed by providing at least 5 working days of advance notice to Clariden Global. One time substitution is allowed with no charges. Subsequent substitutions will be charged 10% admin fee.


PLEASE NOTE: Clariden Global Pte Ltd reserves the right to change thecontent and timing of the programme, the speakers and the date and venue due to reasons beyond their control. If in the unlikely event that the course is cancelled, Clariden Global Pte Ltd will refund the full amount and disclaim any further liability.

ENQUIRIES: If you have any queries about registration or payment please do not hesitate to contact our client services department on +65 6899 5030.

PRIVATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Any information provided by you in relation to this event is being collected by Clariden Global Pte Ltd and will be held in the strictest confi dence. It will be added to our database for the primary purpose of providing you with information about future events and services.

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Productivity and innovation Credit (PIC) scheme allows registered Singaporean businesses to claim 60% cash back or enjoy 40% tax deduction for training.

For more information, please visit htt p://