Strategic Planning using Simple Rules

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Tough economic times mean tough decisions for continuing education units. Universities want growth and increased profits. Departments can fall into the trap of trying everything and anything to create a new “hit program”. In their Harvard Business Review article, “Simple Rules as Strategy” Kathleen Eisenhardt and Donald Sull explore how different companies use this strategic approach during times of growth. Participants will learn about: • How-to Rules – These rules spell out key features of how a process is executed – “what makes our process unique?” • Boundary Rules – Rules which focus managers on which opportunities can be pursued and which are outside the pale • Priority Rules – Rules designed to rank the accepted opportunities • Timing Rules – These rules synchronize managers with the pace of emerging opportunities and other parts of the company • Exit Rules – Rules which help managers decide when to pull out of yesterday’s opportunities In this presentation we will discuss how Simple Rules can be applied to a Continuing Education environment. We will then break up into small groups and have participants create a working set of Simple Rules for their university. Participants will leave with a sense of how to determine what’s important for moving forward in a growth mode and how to keep “on track” for success.

Transcript of Strategic Planning using Simple Rules


Identify Attractive


Goal: Profitability


Establish a Vision and

Build Resources

Goal: Long Term



Keep Moving and Seize


Goal: Growth

• How a process is executed

How To

• Sets the scope for opportunities

Boundary Rule

• Ranks opportunities

Priority Rules

• Prioritizes opportunities based on timing or time of year

Timing Rules

• Determines when to stop pursuing an opportunity

Exit Rules

• Broad • Obvious • Destructive • Stale