STRATEGIC PLAN 2020STRATEGIC PLAN 2020 The Strategic Framework for Rowing New South Wales 2015-2020...

Post on 11-Sep-2020

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Transcript of STRATEGIC PLAN 2020STRATEGIC PLAN 2020 The Strategic Framework for Rowing New South Wales 2015-2020...

STRATEGIC PLAN 2020 The Strategic Framework for Rowing New South Wales 2015-2020

Rowing New South Wales governs the sport of rowing in the state. All categories of rowers and pararowers are catered for, from elite to novice and masters to students. With a membership of 5,000 rowers and supporters from more than 35 clubs and 15 schools, Rowing New South Wales is responsible for the operational aspects of the sport as well as developing and promoting rowing in the broader community.

In this Strategic Plan 2020 document, the objectives of Rowing New South Wales and the measures that will be taken to achieve the stated vision of positioning New South Wales as Australia’s leading rowing state through to 2020 are outlined.

Five equally important business areas are identified which cover the key aspects of rowing: Competition, Participation, Performance, Profile, and Governance. With a commitment to focus on these areas, Rowing New South Wales will be well-positioned to achieve the best outcomes for the sport of rowing and keep our state in a pre-eminent position.

This plan is a dynamic framework for the whole of the rowing community in NSW. Best practice underpins each of the objectives set and it is recognised that collaboration with clubs, schools and volunteers is essential to successfully achieving these goals on and off the water.


Our Vision is to be Australia’s leading rowing state.

Our Mission is to promote opportunities to participate and excel across all areas of rowing in NSW.

Our Values of passion, achievement, respect, teamwork and integrity shape the culture of Rowing NSW.

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Increase opportunities in target competition categories while maintaining current opportunities for competition across all categories of competitive athlete.

The importance of diversity, progression into higher grades, and retention of school leavers is critical to future success across all business areas, especially competition. Rowing NSW identifies U21, U23, B-grade, and pararowing as key target categories for growth and development.

Staging of marquee regatta events and provision of world-class regatta administration, tools and facilities.

The strategy for Rowing NSW across all business areas rests on the successful staging of competitive opportunities for rowers in NSW.

Determine how the regatta experience may be improved for all stakeholders including athletes, supporters, spectators, sponsors and volunteers.

Rowing NSW is committed to successful competition opportunities, and acknowledges the need to understand how we can best cater to our diverse range of stakeholders in competition.


Maintain current participation levels in a way that promotes diversity.

An existing strength of Rowing NSW is the diversity of our members. In achieving our strategic targets it is vital this strength is not diminished.

Improve outcomes of learn to row programs in retention, experience and quality or learning.

Learn to Row (“L2R”) programs are a vital gateway for increased participation and community awareness of the sport, as well as serving as an important means of fundraising for many clubs. The quality of these programs is critical to retention and growth in participation.

Increase statewide coach numbers and skills.

The success of Rowing NSW’s strategy relies on quality coaching. Recognising this, we target improving resources and support for coaches at all levels.

Develop and grow volunteer involvement with the sport.

Rowing NSW recognises the importance of volunteer efforts in our success, particularly in the regatta program.

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Be the leading state in Australian interstate competition.

Excellence in the interstate competition represents the pinnacle of elite achievement at the state-level allowing us to claim the title of Australia’s leading rowing state.

Build a strong program for development from youth to elite with immediate priority for women’s and lightweight high performance crews.

Future achievement in high performance is dependent upon a robust pathway for youth development. Currently women’s high performance is lagging and requires attention.

Increase representation by NSW athletes in all categories of Australian high performance rowing.

National selection of athletes from NSW reflects success of our development programs, creates a feedback loop for future success, and brings opportunities to enhance the profile of rowing in NSW.


Foster new and grow existing partnerships with commercial sponsors, government and community.

Strategic partnerships can enhance Rowing NSW’s public profile, facilitate greater involvement with key external decision makers and potentially lead to alternative revenue sources through sponsorship opportunities.

Increase public awareness and positive perception of rowing as a sport in NSW.

Promotion of the rowing ‘brand’ confirms an existing competitive strength of our organisation. Targeted growth in profile has benefits to all other strategic objectives of Rowing NSW.


Develop and maintain effective communication channels with all stakeholders.

Our responsibilities to our stakeholders require strong communication and feedback mechanisms.

Ensure Board of Directors operates efficiently and in the best interests of the organisation.

Efficient, effective and ethical governance is critical to success of the Rowing NSW business.

Identification and mitigation of key risks to the business of Rowing NSW through ongoing review of operations.

Ongoing assessment of business risk and methods to manage these, in particular financial risk, is a critical factor in Rowing NSW’s business continuity.

Provide leadership across associated organisations through interstate engagement and alignment with national strategy.

It is in the best interests of Rowing NSW to support the endeavours of Rowing Australia and fellow state organisations.


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