Strat Edgy Key Offerings

Post on 27-May-2015

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Key Consulting Offerings of My company

Transcript of Strat Edgy Key Offerings

About US

Our Value PropositionTo make a measurable, tangible difference to the small/medium enterprise we strategize for by combining principles of optimization, innovation and vision, thus translating the ambitions of our futuristic clients into practical reality at the “moment of truth”

Our TeamA strong team of highly qualified consultants with rich experience and expertise across business functions and industries

Our Core SolutionsWe offer a wide variety of solutions across business functions including marketing, finance, operations and human capital with an aim to address strategic business problems

Business Planning Solutions

Solutions to address the critical business problems:• Is my new business/project idea feasible?• What should my business plan look like?• How should I go about structuring the team for the new business/project?• Is my business plan clear on critical factors like competition, customers,

product offering and financial projections?• What internal competencies do we have for the new project/business venture?

What external competencies we need to acquire and how?• How do I ensure my business plan implementation happens in a smooth and

successful manner?

Business Planning Solutions

Business/Project planning forms the center of an enterprise/project and success often hinges on how carefully, methodically, accurately the concepts and ideas are developed during the planning stage.

Strat-Edgy is very well equipped to assist our clients at this crucial stage. We have well developed methodologies that comprehensively address all aspects of business/project planning from ideation to formal plan presentation. Our business planning team consists of qualified and experienced professionals equipped to address both the macro and micro planning elements.

► Business/Project Ideation and Concept Development► Business Concept/Idea feasibility check based on internal and external factors

► Business/Project Ideation and Concept Development► Business Concept/Idea feasibility check based on internal and external factors

► Designing the Operating Model for the new business/project based on critical business requirements► Evaluating human capital requirements and designing team and individual role structure

► Designing the Operating Model for the new business/project based on critical business requirements► Evaluating human capital requirements and designing team and individual role structure

► Assisting in decision making of critical business elements including product offering, target customer, competitive framework and financial projections

► Assisting in decision making of critical business elements including product offering, target customer, competitive framework and financial projections

► Detailed mapping of organizations competencies to analyze level of readiness for new project/business► Detailed mapping of partner/vendor competencies to analyze matching of business needs

► Detailed mapping of organizations competencies to analyze level of readiness for new project/business► Detailed mapping of partner/vendor competencies to analyze matching of business needs

Business Concept/Idea Feasibility StudyBusiness Concept/Idea Feasibility Study

Operating Model and Team Structure Design for New Business

Operating Model and Team Structure Design for New Business

Critical Business Planning Decision MakingCritical Business Planning Decision Making

Competency Mapping for New BusinessCompetency Mapping for New Business

► Active assistance in writing and presentation the new business/project plan including required embedded content development such as financial projections, market landscape and customer profile

► Active assistance in writing and presentation the new business/project plan including required embedded content development such as financial projections, market landscape and customer profile

► Active contribution and direction in conceptualizing new product idea, analyzing consumer trends to actively assist in product development and feature design

► Conducting in-depth research and analysis to check new product development feasibilty

► Active contribution and direction in conceptualizing new product idea, analyzing consumer trends to actively assist in product development and feature design

► Conducting in-depth research and analysis to check new product development feasibilty

Business Plan Writing/PresentationBusiness Plan Writing/Presentation

Product Development Strategy and Decision MakingProduct Development Strategy and Decision Making

Marketing Solutions

Solutions to address the critical business problems:• What is the purpose of my company’s marketing program/department?• What is my target audience?• Who exactly is my competition?• How do I build my brand?• How do I ensure customer satisfaction?• How do I ensure my company is in tune with changing market trends?• What should my marketing campaign look like?• What should my public relations campaign do?

Marketing Solutions

For a SME, marketing department serves a complex function addressing various areas from branding to marketing messages, from competitive intelligence to consumer research and from sales support to product development support. Strat-Edgy address all these aspects through its various solution designed to ensure the marketing departments of our clients deliver as per expectations..

Marketing Function Set-Up► Exploring the business requirements to define the core

responsibilities of a marketing function ► Understanding the specific business type and internal team

dynamics and talent and developing a marketing function that addresses the specific sensibilities

Marketing Function Set-Up► Exploring the business requirements to define the core

responsibilities of a marketing function ► Understanding the specific business type and internal team

dynamics and talent and developing a marketing function that addresses the specific sensibilities

Competitive Intelligence Program► Market landscape study► Competitive Benchmarking study► Evaluating competitive landscape for competitor selection► System for continuous collection of competitive data

Competitive Intelligence Program► Market landscape study► Competitive Benchmarking study► Evaluating competitive landscape for competitor selection► System for continuous collection of competitive data

Brand Management► Creating/Enhancing Brand Positioning to ensure its impact on

target audience► Brand Personality, elements, messages design► Brand execution - Embedding branding in company wide

activities as well as external media

Consumer Intelligence Program► Customer Segmentation► Customer profiling► Consumer buying behavior study► Consumer lifestyle trend identification

Consumer Intelligence Program► Customer Segmentation► Customer profiling► Consumer buying behavior study► Consumer lifestyle trend identification

Market Research► Market Research to assist product development – product

concept and performance testing, customer requirements study

► Market Research to assist sales – Understanding consumption behavior, purchase trends, price point testing, display/delivery channel testing

Market Research► Market Research to assist product development – product

concept and performance testing, customer requirements study

► Market Research to assist sales – Understanding consumption behavior, purchase trends, price point testing, display/delivery channel testing

Marketing Communications► Defining Marketing Objectives ► Defining core marketing message► Marketing Campaign design – Advertising, PR, Brand

experience, CRM► Media mix planning and implementation► Marketing Research

Organizational Solutions

Solutions to address the critical business problems:• Is my organizational structure feasible for long term growth?• What are our organizational values, norms and systems?• Are we recruiting right?• How do I retain my employees?• What should the company’s internal training program do?• Has the new division I have acquired fit properly into my organizational


Organizational Solutions

In today’s increasingly intellectual businesses, human capital plays a fundamental role in shaping the organization’s competencies, ambition and success. At Strat-Edgy we recognize the importance of creating and ensuring sound organizational structures, culture and values as well as mapping roles and responsibilities accurately with available talent. Our solutions aim to solve the complex issues faced uniquely by small and medium enterprise everywhere.

Understanding key training requirements of an organization’s various talent pools

Designing well rounded training and development programs, formats and assisting in program delivery

Understanding the core motivators and influencers for employee retention in an organization

Implementing a three pronged strategy equipped to retain employees through rewards, career development and employee satisfaction

Understanding key issues of culture/value conflict during post merger integrati0n or changed business model/target audience/geographical expansion

Implementing culture change management program for smooth transitions aimed at creating synergies while capitalizing on individual strengths

Understanding issues of role and responsibility, functional duplication and conflict in an organization due to existing business state or change in the business environment

Revamping the organizational structure to address issues identified as well as improve human capital flow, efficiency and synergy

Cultural Integration/

Change Management

Organizational Restructuring

Retention and Recruitment Strategy

Organizational Solutions

Training And


Operational Solutions

Solutions to address the critical business problems:• Is my company operations a neat, lean ship?• Are my processes optimum?• How do I achieve cost cutting and cost optimization?• Are my internal processes in tune with the ones of external vendors/partners• How do I set up an efficient supply chain up and down the value chain?

Operational Solutions

Company operations is the back bone on which the entire business stands. Strat-Edgy has designed various solutions to ensure our client’s operations are optimized, lean and adaptable.

We recognize that though our clients are more often than not, winning operational experts with world class technical know-how and capabilities, they are at times challenged for time and resource to ensure their processes are running at optimum. Especially the support and administrative processes as well as the very important customer facing processes.

Understanding and reviewing cost structure across organizational processes and identifying areas of

mis-management, excess costs and waste

Designing and implementing plans at strategy as well as operational levels to optimize costs and reduce wastage

Understanding and review business processes across functions to identify problem areas and inefficiencies

Designing and implementing enhancements/new processes to remove bottlenecks and create optimization of cost and effort

Designing the supply chain, both locally and internationally and up and down the value chain (customers to raw material vendors)

Enhancing existing supply chain by identifying means to increase cost and effort efficiencies

Reviewing alignment of client’s internal processes with that of its vendors and partners to identify mis-matched areas and duplication of efforts

Designing processes and solutions to create perfect alignment between the organization and vendor/partner processes

Supply Chain Management

Process Alignment

Cost Optimization

Business Process Re-engineering

Operational Solutions

Proprietary Solutions

Solutions to address the critical business problems:

• Critical Touchpoint Management TM

• Intelligent Benchmarking TM

• Business Decision Intelligence TM

Proprietary Solutions

As we work with our various clients and understand their business challenges, we have realized that the entire universe of SME is plagued with some common problems and issues. As a direct consequence of their similar size, scale, management profiles, competencies and competitive environment, whatever the industry, they all face some core challenges.

As a consulting group, we aim to be a thought leader and share our insights and solution ideas with all our SME clientele. This thought has driven the creation of our proprietary solutions, careful, well developed and tried and tested methodologies that can solve important business problems effectively.

► Often despite careful strategizing and painstaking efforts, products fail to achieve the desired levels of success. Often despite expensive branding and marketing exercises, brands fail to achieve the desired position in the customer’s perceptual map. Our research showed more often than not, the reason for failure is gaps at performance at the customer contact points or touch points.

► Using principles of consumer behaviour, customer relationship management and business process re-engineering, Strat-Edgy has developed a proprietary solution to solve the touchpoint management challenge.

► Often despite careful strategizing and painstaking efforts, products fail to achieve the desired levels of success. Often despite expensive branding and marketing exercises, brands fail to achieve the desired position in the customer’s perceptual map. Our research showed more often than not, the reason for failure is gaps at performance at the customer contact points or touch points.

► Using principles of consumer behaviour, customer relationship management and business process re-engineering, Strat-Edgy has developed a proprietary solution to solve the touchpoint management challenge.

Critical Touchpoint Management TM

► Business today cannot sustain the ultra competitive environment without constantly ensuring that they are offering top of the line and comprehensive products and services.

► Using our specialized research models of primary and secondary research, we have developed a specialized benchmarking solution that helps our clients► Fill gaps in their product/services to match competitive offering► To identify their genuine differentiators that can give them the right competitive edge

► Our benchmarking solution focuses on customizing the benchmarking parameters to suit business requirements and industry specific focus areas

► Business today cannot sustain the ultra competitive environment without constantly ensuring that they are offering top of the line and comprehensive products and services.

► Using our specialized research models of primary and secondary research, we have developed a specialized benchmarking solution that helps our clients► Fill gaps in their product/services to match competitive offering► To identify their genuine differentiators that can give them the right competitive edge

► Our benchmarking solution focuses on customizing the benchmarking parameters to suit business requirements and industry specific focus areas

Intelligent Benchmarking TM

► Every business needs a variety of factors and inputs for sound, well rounded and sharp decision making. Our research pointed out that the information available for strategic decision making is often insufficient and inconsistent.

► Applying our knowledge of various functional areas, our understanding of intelligent use of data and our process expertise, Strat-Edgy has developed a unique business decision making intelligence program that helps generate, collect and organize data in meaningful formats to assist and validate strategic decision making across departments and functions

► Every business needs a variety of factors and inputs for sound, well rounded and sharp decision making. Our research pointed out that the information available for strategic decision making is often insufficient and inconsistent.

► Applying our knowledge of various functional areas, our understanding of intelligent use of data and our process expertise, Strat-Edgy has developed a unique business decision making intelligence program that helps generate, collect and organize data in meaningful formats to assist and validate strategic decision making across departments and functions

Business Decision Intelligence TM

Services• International Expansion• Market Entry Strategies• International Expansion – Organic/Inorganic• ABC Services – Aesthetics, Branding and Collateral• Aesthetics review to ensure all your communication reflects your branding• Standard templates for all internal and external communication forms including

memos, recruitment ads, new business pitches, client communication, emails• Edgy, sharp and effective presentations • Professional content for all collateral including brochures, web content, knowledge

creation, press kit• Legal Advisory Services• Effective contract drafting, review and negotiation advice• Legal policy manual for all aspects of business• Service level agreements with vendors and partners• Review of all business activities for ensuring legal compliance and risk mitigation


International ExpansionWe offer specialized international expansion advisory and execution services, centrally based on all our core methodologies, with a customized application to the global ambitions of our clients► International Market Entry Strategy – Business Strategy, Supply chain and marketing channels strategy, legal entity creation,

process set-up► Expansion Strategy – Organic/Inorganic break-out options, higher client acquisition/retention, enhancing distribution mix► Geographies we specialize in – India, North America, Middle East, and Europe

With an aim to ensure a 360 degree consulting solution for our clients, the core necessity we feel of our SME clients, Strat-Edgy offers support services in some very important areasWith an aim to ensure a 360 degree consulting solution for our clients, the core necessity we feel of our SME clients, Strat-Edgy offers support services in some very important areas

ABC Services► Brand Design – Logo, elements, stationary► Branding collateral ► Templates for standard documents across areas such as proposals, credentials, deliverables► Content writing for website, speeches, press releases► Collateral design and writing – company profile, product/services collateral► Knowledge documents/reports

Legal Services► Our legal experts provide consultation and assistance in various areas including contractual agreement drafting and review, arbitration,

intellectual property and service level agreements.► Our experts also assist in drafting of legally complaint policies and procedures across various departments and functions of the

organization.► Our legal experts assist in international deals, expansions and procedures for acquisition, sales, client agreements across countries.

Knowledge Process Outsourcing

• Market Research Outsourcing• Content and Knowledge Document Writing Outsourcing• Knowledge Generation System Outsourcing

Knowledge Process Outsourcing

As a full service consulting group, Strat-Edgy works across industries, gathering valuable insights, best practices and is keenly aware at all times of all the various issues, external environmental changes that affect the company, the industry sector, the country and the world at large.

In an effort to add value to our client’s core business, we have developed a dedicated team focused on knowledge creation. We offer comprehensive KPO services for clients across the world.

►We offer end-to-end market research outsourcing services to our clients world wide addressing ► Market and environmental research► Brand Equity research – customer awareness, perceptions, expectations from the brand► Product and packaging testing, marketing messages testing► Consumer profiling, market segmentation► Product, Place, Price, Promotion decision- making research models

►Our research is based on primary research, virtual and internet content research, literary research and proprietary research

►We offer end-to-end market research outsourcing services to our clients world wide addressing ► Market and environmental research► Brand Equity research – customer awareness, perceptions, expectations from the brand► Product and packaging testing, marketing messages testing► Consumer profiling, market segmentation► Product, Place, Price, Promotion decision- making research models

►Our research is based on primary research, virtual and internet content research, literary research and proprietary research

Market Research Outsourcing

Market Research Outsourcing

► Our expert team of business writers and a strong research base ensures that we can offer our clients, best in class content writing services► Web content► White Paper Creation► Feature Articles and Press Content► Research Articles

► Our expert team of business writers and a strong research base ensures that we can offer our clients, best in class content writing services► Web content► White Paper Creation► Feature Articles and Press Content► Research Articles

Content & Knowledge Document Writing Outsourcing

Content & Knowledge Document Writing Outsourcing

► Our expert team of business writers, editors, academic researchers and industry experts deliver a unique offsite support system for developing the knowledge creation of your organization► Organizational Knowledge aspirations and expectations Plan creation► Active ongoing ideation, research and editing/language support ► Active ongoing assistance in knowledge publishing

► Our expert team of business writers, editors, academic researchers and industry experts deliver a unique offsite support system for developing the knowledge creation of your organization► Organizational Knowledge aspirations and expectations Plan creation► Active ongoing ideation, research and editing/language support ► Active ongoing assistance in knowledge publishing

Knowledge Generation System Outsourcing

Knowledge Generation System Outsourcing