Strand 1: Self Promotion and Social Media by Will Brooker, Kingston University

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Strand 1: Self Promotion and Social Media by Will Brooker, Kingston University

Self –promotion and social media

Will Brooker

You are already a social media brand to some extent: accept, embrace and use it.

You are already a social media brand: accept, embrace and use it.

Your friends (and students) enjoy sharing your success stories.

Promotion of your work is not (just) self-promotion.

It also promotes your institution. Always mention your affiliation. Make friends with your university press office.

Perform yourself.

Be a brand.

Use soundbites.

Use shorthand.

Perform yourself.

Be shameless.

Perform yourself.

Be playful.

Perform yourself.

Be playful. Be serious.

Be relentless.

Perform yourself.

Become a brand.

Be simple if necessary.

Be stylised.

Be visual.

Use your cover image. Use it relentlessly.


Invest your own money if necessary.

Call in favours. Cross-promote.

Recruit your students.

Recruit other people’s students.

Be visual.

Be spreadable.

Be viral.

Say yes.

Say yes to guest lectures.

Say yes to being filmed.

Say yes to podcasts.

Say yes to your publicists.

Say yes to festivals.

Say yes to photographers.


Say yes to journalists. (Mostly).

Be professional. Don’t be precious.

Be quick. Be topical. Write an article every day. Write an article overnight.

But be careful.

Use your contacts.

Pitch ideas on-spec.

Make new contacts.

Build your profile.

Extend your network.


Make new contacts.

Build your profile.

Extend your network.

Say yes again.


Make new contacts.

Build your profile.

Extend your network.

Say yes again.

Be shameless.


Be quick. Be prolific.

But be careful.Don’t duplicate.

Be quick. Be playful.Be performative.Be shameless. Be serious. Be assertive.

But don’t be a dick.

Be appreciative. Thank people personally for each review.Reply to every reader’s email.Do favours.Do things for free.

Say yes when there’s nothing in return.Go the extra mile, at short notice, for no reward.Support, help, mentor and promote other people.

Try to be nice. Hope for niceness.