Storytelling Toolbox Nancy Duarte

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Storytelling toolbox with Nancy Duarte material: one powerpoint presentation to download and to practice combined with two instructional videos. The first video after slide 20 shows this presentation performed by Nancy Duarte herself. In the second video after slide 21, Nancy. Duarte explains her method of storytelling at TED talks.. Practice either by reproducing the original delivery or by developing your own version of change story. Many thanks to Nancy Duarte for sharing this material! DOWNLOAD: you can download the presentation in Powerpoint, when you are registered.(It's cost free and slideshare does not spam you.) Many cool animation effects only visible in the powerpoint mode. WORDS: Video #1 after slide 20: Experience the original delivery of this presention by Nancy Duarte (Video 3 min) - see video following after the slides - or go and search for "importance visual storytelling" - or use shortlink METHOD: Video #2 after slide 21: Introduction to storytelling methods by Nancy Duarte at TED talks (Video 18 min). - go "", look for "blog", search for "TEDxEast" - or use shortlink BOOK: "Resonate" by Nancy Duarte explains storytelling in depth - go for original book - go for german edition, search for "Resonate" TRAINING: Nancy Duarte gives Workshops - go "" and look for "training" - or follow @duarteshop on twitter PERSON: Nancy Duarte is co-owner of a big graphic design firm ( and author of "slide.ology". She is famous for designing Al Gore's Nobel Prize winning presentation about climate change. HOW TO TED: Nancy Duarte explains in detail with photos etc., how she prepared for her TED talk (Video Nr. 2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collection by Dirk Hannemann, Berlin WORKSHOPS "Storytelling und Visualisieren" Berlin, 21./22.04.2012 Informationen "Workshop Storytelling" Frankfurt am Main, 19./20.05.2012 Informationen (suche '5563-05') "Professionell präsentieren" Berlin, 05./06.05.2012 Informationen alle Termine Dirk Hannemann 2012

Transcript of Storytelling Toolbox Nancy Duarte

“Storytelling Workshop”Frankfurt a.M., 08./09.02.2014

“Storytelling Workshop”Frankfurt a.M., 08./09.02.2014

“Storytelling Workshop” Frankfurt a.M., 21/22.06.2014

“Storytelling Workshop” Frankfurt a.M., 21/22.06.2014

“Werkzeugkasten Soft Skills”Frankfurt a.M., 10.-14.03.2014

“Werkzeugkasten Soft Skills”Frankfurt a.M., 10.-14.03.2014

“Werkzeugkasten Soft Skills”Frankfurt a.M., 31.3.-4.4.2014

“Werkzeugkasten Soft Skills”Frankfurt a.M., 31.3.-4.4.2014





“Workshop Storytelling und Visualisierung” Berlin, 03.-07.03.2014

“Workshop Storytelling und Visualisierung” Berlin, 03.-07.03.2014

“Karriererhetorik – Erfolg mit einem authentischem Stil” Berlin, 03.-07.03.2014

“Karriererhetorik – Erfolg mit einem authentischem Stil” Berlin, 03.-07.03.2014