Storyboard draft3

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Storyboard draft3

Starts with extreme close up of a black object, then zooms out to show a shot of a ninja mask hanging on a peg. A calendar can be seen in the background.

Camera slowly pans to a midshot of some swords leaving against a wall, with the fight me sign in front.

Close up on the mask, as a hand grabs it away from it's hook. Directly behind it, the Calender can be seen with all the dates, clearly crossed out until a circles date.

Extreme close up of a boy's eyes as he pulls a ninja mask over his face.

A close up of a man, looking down at his watch.

Mid shot from directly behind the ninja, which tracks him along.

A long shot of a tree.(the clip will be fast forwarded and show the movement of clouds.)

A shot of a picture, on the wall, which is of the tree we just saw. This picture is highlighted and has a few scrawling around it

A slow pan across several posters, printed articles and images.

Closes up on an article, with the word “ninja” highlighted.

Closes up on an article, with the word “honour” highlighted.

A close up shot of a man's feet running.

Closes up on an article, with various words highlighted.

Closes up on an article, with the word “Challenge” highlighted.

A close up of two hands putting down the fight me sign.

An over the shoulder shot, as the man runs onto the screen, an stops(which give the over the shoulder shot) as he stares at a mysterious figure by the tree.

Over shoulder shot from the ninja, looking at the man.

Close up on the ninja's sword at his waist.

Close up of the ninja's folded arms.

Pan which rests at the ninja's face.

Low angled shot looking yup at the ninja child, as the titles come in.