Story Telling Script

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Story Telling Script

The carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her.She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting andstruggling.It seemed that, as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. Shefilled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In the first, sheplaced carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in thelast she placed ground coffee beans.She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes, she turned off the burners.She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in abowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tellme, what do you see?""Carrots, eggs, and coffee," the young woman replied. The mother brought her closer and asked her tofeel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it.After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. Thedaughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, "What does it mean, mother?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but eachreacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected tothe boiling water, it softened and became weak.The egg had been fragile. Its thin outershell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting throughthe boiling water, its inside became hardened! The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water."Which are you?" the mother asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?" Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot thatseems strong but, with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the eggthat starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit but, after a death,a breakup, or a financial hardship, does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and toughwith a stiff spirit and a hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hotwater, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragranceand flavour.If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation aroundyou. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Live Like a Bamboo Tree Deep in a village lived an old man and a very young man. The old mans name is Mr. Oldwise, and the young mans is Hearty. Mr. Oldwise was a quiet person. He barely spoke to anyone unless he was asked to. His character was so much different from Heartys.He really liked to speak about everything to everyone.One day Mr. Oldwise was doing his job in front of his house. Hearty came and sat next to him.What are you doing, Mr. Oldwise? asked Hearty. What do you think I am doing anyway? asked the old man briefly.Well, seems to me that you are making a chair of bamboo. The old man said nothing. There was a pause between them.Why dont you just buy one instead of putting yourself in difficulty? asked the young man again. The old man was sucking at his pipe deeply and said, Who says I am in difficulty? Ehmm, youre too old to make such thing. Thats what you think, not what I think. Hearty paid attention to what this old man was doing. He just couldnt hold his tongue not tosay a word. So he began to tell the old man how he had wanted to be successful person in his life, and thats what he was after. Hearing all the words spoken by Hearty, the old man just said, Remember young man, be like abamboo tree when you become what you want to be. Whats that supposed to mean, Old Man? asked Hearty with a confused look. Youll understand it someday, answered Mr. Oldwise. Time went by so fast. Hearty had been wandering in some places, searching for what he wanted: success. Good fate had been on his side apparently. He somehow had become a new person. After hegot what he wanted, he went back to his hometown.The first person that he wanted to see was his old friend, Mr. Oldwise. As usual, the oldman wasdoing something in the porch.Hello, Mr. Oldwise. Long time no see. I hope you still remember me. Mr. Oldwise was still busy with the bamboo. Not long after,he looked at the man before himfrom top to down.I see youve changed a lot now, said the old man. Yes of course. I was nothing a log time ago but you see now I am a verry different man. I haveeverything now. I can conquer this world. Pretty much easily, though, said Hearty arrogantly. The old man reluctantly heard what the man had said. He drank tea by himself.No more words to say, Old Man? asked Hearty.

The old man just shook his head.With the power and money that Hearty had, his name was well-known among the other villagers. Everybody was talking about his success. Hearty was more and more becoming such a big-headed person.One day Hearty felt that it was the right time for him to find a wife. He asked his servant toannounce this every woman in the village. Soon the news was spreading, and the parents were racing tomake their daughters become Heartys wife. Nevertheless, Hearty said no to every woman who wanted to become his future wife. Hethought that none of them was beautiful enough to be his partner in life. The momen there felt so disappointed with his refusal. Many of them cried hysterically.

On a sunny day, Hearty took a walk alone. When he almost reached the river, he saw a womanpassing by. He couldnt stop looking at her. Ohh, she is very beautiful, he murmured to himself. Hethen followed her. To his surprise, the woman went to Mr. Oldwises house.He, then, asked his servantto find out who she was.When he knew that the woman was Mr. Oldwises granddaughter, he went there in rush.I just found out that you have a very beautiful granddaughter, went Hearty. The old man answered, So what? I came here for one purpose. I want to take your granddaughter to be my wife. Im afraid I cannot allow that. Why? Your granddaughter will not lack anything. She will have and get what she wants. She wont be happy to have such an arrgant person like you. you are so arrogant and stubborn, Old Man. Ill give you a lesson later, said Hearty with a hightone and walked away.Hearty couldnt accept the old man refusal. He felt that it was insult for him because he, as arespected man, didnt want anyone to look down at him. So the next day he came to the house of theold man again.

I still want to take the woman to be my wife. Ill give you everything you want. Mr. Oldwise said, Why do you insist on taking her to be your wife? There are many otherbeautiful mowen here. But they are not as beautiful as your granddaughter. Alright then Im giving you one challenge. Ill take it. What is it, Old Man? I challenge you to beat yourself. Hearty felt so confused with what he had just heard.He asked him, What do you mean? Do you remember I ever told you to become like a bamboo tree when you have reached everything you want? Yes. I am perfectly sure until now you havent understood that yet. Am I right? Hearty felt a bit embarrased by all this. He then said. Carry on. Find out what it is and try to beat yourself. When you have found out the answer, come to me.Then you shall get what you want. Hearty took the challenge. It took him many days to understand what that meant. He started atthe bamboo trees and learned everything about them. He touched the and a thought hard about them.Aha, he said to himself. I finally know what he meant by beating myself. Hearty came to the oldmans house in the next morning. He found thatthe old man was makingsomething. But this time he was accompanied by his granddaughter.So youre here. Did you get the answer? asked the old man. Yes. And Im telling you now. Bamboo is strong when its young but its getting stronger whenits getting old and old. It stands erectly when its young but when its old and its starts to duck. That means when we are young we have to work hard with great spirit, but when we get older we shouldntbe arrogant because of what weve achieved during young days. The success weve got shouldnt make us big-headed but humble instead. And? And I should beat myself from being arrogant now. The old man said, You have understood it now. So, what are you going to do? Im going to change myself into someone who is not arrogant person. With the power andmoney I have now, Ill use them wisely. Ill use them only for kindness. Thank you, Sir, for reminding me of what I am now.

The old man felt touched by the young mans heart. Finally he let him take the woman to be hiswife. The three lived happily then.


Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges, teachers, parents and my fellow freinds. Today, on this fine day, I would like to present a public speech about the advantages and disadvantages of bringing handphone to school. It is an issue where it could be implemented soon. Before it takes place, let's look the pros and cons of this matter.Ladies and gentlemen,Handphones, mobile phones, and tablets are becoming common in almost everywhere in our society, even now, small children have it too. Today, It has become a must have item to everyone. Even now, If I ask the audience, whether they have a handphone, probably almost all will say yes, isn't? Well, as for now this question exclude the students, because students are still prohibited to bring handphone to school, but if students are allow to bring handphone, most probably, all the audience in this hall, will say yes.But then, is it a good idea to allow students to bring handphone to school ? In every story, there are two sides of contracting ideas, therefore, I would like to take this opportunity, to let the audiences know the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to bring handphone to school.

Ladies and Gentlemen,Let me start my speech by stating the first advantages of student bring phone to school that is, to make communication easier, especially between parents and their children. It will allow them to communicate with each other at any time. In the past, parents often never knew where their children were until they came home. With handphone, parents can check up on their kids and arrange transportation or relay important information if necessary at any time they want. Like for example, the children can tell their parents what are their activities and thus make the parents less worry about their children whereabouts.

Secondly handphones can be an invaluable tool in emergency situations. For instance, if a student is severely injured or there is a crisis situation, the phones can allow students to contact authorities or anyone for help.

Thirdly, with the technology available, it can help the students to learn more. More easy access to internet, students can search information on the internet easily. But it could also be the other way around. Students use the internet to find fun instead of studying.

Now, I will focus on the disadvantages of student bring phone to school. Firstly is about theft issue. With more and more attractive phones available, there are good chances of phone being snatch or theft. This happen because some pupils might not be able to afford it, thus, the only way for them to have it, is by steal it. Students also can make extra money too by stealing the handphone and sell it. Moreover, students can at times be clumsy when keeping their things. We all know that once the item is gone, it will be gone forever. The price of handphone is not cheap, and when the theft issue arise, it can cause a lot of other trouble. Secondly, the phone can may cause distraction in lessons. Some students that did not shut off their phone and suddenly get a phone call, will disturb the lesson in the class. They can also play games in hiding during the lesson. With so many students in the class, teacher could overlooked these students. This is one of the instances of students misuse the purpose of handphone. By bringing handphone to school also will hinder pupils to study more as they are much more prefer to play games than to read book. They only used the privilege given for their own joy only. Thus, the passion for learning for many students will be decreasing and this is bad because study is important in life. Only With more knowledge we could be more developed, but if these young generation do not like to study, it will hinder our progress to be more successful.Ladies and Gentleman, I have line out the pros and cons of allowing students to bring handphone to school. Now, it is up to us to decide and choose what is the best decision on this issue. Well then, I arrived at the end of my speech, and thus I would like to thank all for lending your ears. Therefore, I end my speech with thank you very much and good bye. Thank you.