Story Path by Miss Walsh

Post on 25-Oct-2015

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An example Choose Your Own Adventure story...

Transcript of Story Path by Miss Walsh


You have been sent by your King, to travel to a castle through the forest, to deliver a bag of gold.

It is important that you get to your destination; otherwise a war may break out between the two kingdoms.

You have never been this way before and are unsure of the exact path to take.

Think carefully about your decisions, as they are a matter of life or death.

Which path?

•  You walk through the meadow and come to the forest. Two paths lay ahead. Which will you take? Light or Dark?

The light path You take the light path to the left and are feeling good that you have

made the right choice. The birds are singing and the journey is going well.

You enter a clearing and find a cottage next to the path. You hear crying coming from inside. It sounds like a child.

Do you enter or walk by? Your mission is important, but can you leave a child in distress? Enter or do not enter?

The dark path You take the dark path to the right even though you feel

this might not be the right choice. Creaking and rustling sounds surround you. It is too late to turn back.

After walking for what seems like an age, you come to a small river.

There is a stone bridge, but it looks old and unsafe. Do you choose to cross the bridge or

risk wading through the river?

Enter the cottage You decide to enter the cottage.

Before you is a small kitchen and sitting on a chair is a small girl.

She is crying into her hands. You bend to talk to her and look at her tear covered face.

You look deep into her eyes and feel yourself wanting to help this child no matter what. In the back of your mind

you remember the importance of your mission. Do you stay to help the child or will you leave?

Stay and help You decide to stay and talk to the girl some more. She

seems so helpless. You look further into her eyes and you begin to feel sleepy. What is happening? Your body moves to sit down next to

her, but you are not the one making you move. She is! This is no ordinary girl. You have found yourself in a witch’s house and now she has finally found a slave to

do her bidding, she will never let you go! THE END

Leave You decide that you must leave. Your mission is far too

important. You take some bread from your bag and leave it for the girl,

and walk out of the door. As you continue down the path, you hear a scream from

the cottage but it changes from the sound of a child to that of a hag.

You have had a lucky escape. You were nearly trapped by a witch to be her slave.

Finally you leave the forest and see the castle ahead. Well done. You have made it! THE END

Do not enter the cottage You decide to keep going. Surely the child’s parents will be

home soon. As you continue down the path you get the unnerving

feeling that you are being watched. You hear a twig snap behind you so you spin around to be

confronted by a pixie. You do not have time for these bothersome creatures and

must get on but it won’t leave you alone. Do you get out your sword and frighten it away or do you

try and talk to it?

Fight the pixie You get out your sword and try to hit the pixie. She keeps

flying around your head spinning you in circles. She flies faster and faster giggling at you.

It is not a friendly giggle! Soon you become dizzier and dizzier and fall to the floor.

You look around. Where are you? You are no longer on the path and you realise that for being unkind, the pixie has transported you deep into the forest from which there is

no escape!!!! THE END

Talk to the pixie You decide to talk to her. Maybe if you are kind, she might leave you

alone. She flutters around your bag with the food and then gently lands on

your open hand. “Are you hungry?” you say.

A high, tinkling sound comes from her nodding head. You give her a small piece of the bread which she takes. The pixie then points

ahead of you and smiles and disappears. You look in the direction she was pointing and as if a veil has been

lifted, you see your final destination. You have made it! THE END

Cross the bridge You decide to cross the over the bridge; you do not want to

walk with wet feet for the rest of your journey. You are nearly over when suddenly a troll springs up from

underneath. He growls at you, drool dripping from his jaws.

Can you fight him? He is so gigantic, would you survive? Should you fight or run?

Fight the troll You decide to strike first hoping to catch him off guard.

Pulling out your sword you try to stab him, but he swings his club at you. You duck and run to the side of him.

He sweeps at you with his arm knocking you over the side of the wall. Luckily you hang on and manage to swing yourself back up. The troll is

stunned that you haven’t fallen and whilst he looks at you dumbly, you make one more stab.

You do it! Piercing the troll, he falls down dead. You have won, but as the relief hits you, you look down at your side

and notice that your clothes are ripped. Your bag of gold that was attached to your belt has gone. It must have fallen off and washed

away in the river whilst you were hanging onto the edge. You can not complete your journey and you cannot return home for

shame. You are doomed to wander alone in exile. THE END

Run from the troll You decide you should try and run. You duck under his

swinging club and push past him. You make it to the end of the bridge, but just as you think

you are safe, a giant hand grabs your shirt from behind. He holds you up in the air; feet swinging.

He laughs a deep chuckle and jumps down into the river with you. He takes you into his lair under the bridge.

He is feeling very hungry! THE END

Wade through the river You decide to wade through the river, the bridge looks old

and you have heard many tales about what lives under them.

You reach the other side safely and as you scramble up the bank, a figure emerges from the shadows.

You do not like the look of him. Should you hurry past and say nothing or say hello?

Ignore the man You have no time to talk and the scary figure may mean you harm.

You hurry past him. He turns and watches you go. You do not see him shaking his head.

You start to walk more quickly hoping that he doesn’t follow. Suddenly the ground falls away from beneath you.

You have fallen into a hunter’s pit. The sides are far too high and steep for you to climb up. The hooded

figure looks down at you. “I could have warned you,” he says to you. He then walks away

leaving, you to your fate. There is no escape.


Talk to the man You nod at the man and say hello to him.

He asks where you are going and begins to walk with you. You explain your mission and he acknowledges how important it is.

He wishes you luck and points out the correct way to you. You thank him and continue on your way.

You have travelled further along the path and begin to feel hungry. You reach for your bag and your hand brushes your side.

Your gold! Where is it? It is no longer attached to you belt. The man, he must have stolen it from you. You cannot complete your

journey and you cannot return home for shame. You are doomed to wander alone in exile.