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quotes from STORY 2012

Transcript of STORY


Curated by @JustinWise

This book isn’t the whole STORY.

What we experienced together at STORY Chicago, from September 19-21, 2012, cannot be captured in a book. It can’t be chronicled like a sporting event or

political speech.

But what I’ve attempted to do for you, the reader, is distill the thoughts of each presenter down into the very essence of the message. These are the thoughts

that struck a collective chord.

On each page, the name of each presenter will be linked to the full session. These are the notes I wrote as the session happened. It’s not every word, but if

something stuck me or resonated with the audience, I wrote it down.

Use this book as a reference tool for inspiration. Take it out and review it from time to time, when the act of creating becomes difficult. When you feel dried up.

When you feel like quitting. Let these artists breathe life into your soul.

Justin Wise, Chicago September 21, 2012



“Our pictures are in God's wallet. You get that? Good. Let's move on and do stuff.”

– Bob Goff

“What are some of the things that you’re good at? Drawn to? That may be the things that you’re supposed to be doing.” – Bob Goff

“I don’t need a Bible verse to tell me we should care for hurting people.” – Bob Goff

“We've got to stop living symbolic lives and start being who God created us to be.”

– Bob Goff

“Everybody wants to make a difference in the world but very few want to be different.”

– Bob Goff

“We want to make a difference in the world, but so few of us live differently.” – Bob Goff

“Expect that amazing things are going to happen to you.” – Bob Goff

“Half of you are afraid you’re going to lose your job. The other half is terrified you’re

going to keep it.” – Bob Goff

“What if we live into who we are and stop living up to other people’s expectations? What if we just let our creativity flow?” – Bob Goff

“We have spent our entire lives absorbing the mundane.” – Erwin McManus

“Is it possible that the creative act is simply the materialization of the future? Making the

invisible, visible?” – Erwin McManus

“The person who loves the process has a much greater chance of success than the person who loves the outcome.” – Erwin McManus

“The more I became involved in Christianity, the further I was moving away in my intimacy

with Jesus.” – Erwin McManus

“Sometimes, I feel like the closer I get to Christianity, the farther I get from Jesus.”

– Erwin McManus

“You don't need to have hope to create art, but you must have hope to create beauty.”

– Erwin McManus

“God refuses to relinquish the narrative of beauty. He creates out of our tragedy, that

which is even more beautiful.” – Erwin McManus

“I think it takes more character to have sustained success than sustained failure.”

– Erwin McManus

“You don't have to have hope to create art, but you have to have hope to create beauty.”

– Erwin McManus

“The reason why we create is because we have no other choice.” – Isaac Rentz

“I had that [creative force] inside me the whole time and I didn't know it.” – Isaac Rentz

“I'm an agnostic when it comes to Christian art. I don't think I've ever seen a piece of art

that has accepted Jesus.” – Isaac Rentz

“If you want to create art that makes God proud, be honest and real.” – Isaac Rentz

“Creativity is supposed to be really, really hard.” – Isaac Rentz

“I'll never be able to sit back and rest on my laurels. That mentality has followed

me throughout my career.” – Isaac Rentz

“You’ll never win at creativity.” – Isaac Rentz

“One of the biggest challenges we go through as artists is finding our voice.”

– Isaac Rentz

“I can’t allow myself to measure my art by what it may or may not

achieve.” – Isaac Rentz

“You really only need three main prayers: Help. Thanks. Wow.” – Anne Lamott

“If you want to find your voice, find your pen.” – Anne Lamott

“If you want freedom, practice discipline.” – Anne Lamott

“The truth is no one knows what they're doing most of the time. We figure it out as we go. We figure it out together.” – Anne Lamott

“I was raised by atheists to worship at the altar of the New York Times.” – Anne Lamott

“If you say to yourself, "I don't have time," you need to look at what your life is really

going to be about.” – Anne Lamott

“You don't need to be a martyr, we already have a martyr.” – Anne Lamott

“Most of the time, my challenge is mental and getting out of my own way.”

– Anne Lamott

“I can promise you this: There is no code to break. You never figure it out. For

most of us, there’s not a code we break that sets us free.” – Anne Lamott

“You gotta get your money’s worth out of life.” – Anne Lamott



At STORY I sat down with Houston Clark, co-founder of Clark Technology, to discuss the theology of space, the visual impact churches can create for members and visitors, and what’s next for him and his team.

Justin Wise: Tell me about the “theology of space.” What do you mean by that?

Houston Clark: We want people to walk away thinking that how space is utilized/designed (not architected) is very much a statement of their theology.  

We want them to ask the question, “have I created a space (in my church) that very much expresses love and acceptance of our community?”  

We want them to ask the question, “did I create this space for me or for the community I want to reach?” We want them to leave thinking "I have to creatively influence my space to reach out community/culture".

Click here for an intro video to the session.  

JW: I don't think most of us understand how deeply environments affect us in worship settings like churches. If someone wants to start that discussion in their church, what would you say to them?

HC: First, I would ask that they take a look at their community/local culture and where they are. It’s difficult to take someone that doesn't even think God is relevant and ask them to walk into a space that assumes God is relevant.  

We now live in a post-Christian culture. Our spaces have to move people toward God from where they are to where they need to be.

This is different in every community/culture. At Clark, we can help churches ask and answer that question.

JW: What's the next big thing for Clark? What are you and your team working on?

HC: First, we've opened a Dallas office this year!  We're able to service more clients much better. 

Second, we've just published a booklet on Rethinking Church. Our desire is that churches be careful in looking at the last 20 years as the model for reaching the lost for the next 20 years. This impacts decisions about investment is space and technology.

The pace of change in culture is only speeding up. The Millennial generation's values are very different than that of past generations. They value intimacy, authenticity, and community. We have to be very careful that we make decisions regarding investments with this in mind.

Third, we continue to invest in understanding the impact of new technologies to our market. Right now, our theater in Atlanta has the latest projection technology and audio technology installed. We're especially excited about Meyer Sound Lab's Constellation System. It is truly an amazing product that allows one room to be used for almost any function from speech to rock, to classical music. It is well worth a visit to our office in Atlanta if you are considering how to create an adaptive environment for multiple uses. 

We’re constantly bringing the latest in AVL to evaluate. Our theater is a ‘sand box’ in that way. On any given day, you might see something that will blow your mind.  

“The poetic heart needs a place of safety to create where it is not about utility, or function

– just love.” – Makato Fujimura

“Don’t just do something because you’re hired for it. You need a place in you that does something

because you love it.” – Makato Fujimura

“Emily Dickinson's desk was 17x17. That's all the space you need to change and shape the culture.”

– Makato Fujimura

“Swim upstream. Create where the waters are pure.” – Makato Fujimura

“Always be creating and writing something in secret that is not for some specific

purpose.” – Makato Fujimura

“All of us are artists but someone told us in the third grade we weren't and the tragedy is

we believed them.” – Makato Fujimura

“If you have to ask if you’re called to the arts, then you’re not called to the arts.”

– Makato Fujimura

“The best efficient algorithm is beautiful.” – Makato Fujimura

“Write your recipes for life, and send it out into the world as a gift.” – Makato Fujimura

“Those gifts that God has given you were never meant to replace Him, the Giver.” – Kyle Idleman

“Productivity ≠ connectivity to God. Connectivity = productivity.” – Kyle Idleman

“Sometimes we mistake the glory of God with the grandeur of some moment we created.”

– Kyle Idleman

“When the gift replaces the giver, the gift dries up.” – Kyle Idleman

“Creatives help the church speak the language of our culture.” – Kyle Idleman

“There is a divine mandate for us to be creative because that's who God is.” – Kyle Idleman

“If I only feel as good as my last piece of work or art, then something is wrong.” – Kyle Idleman

“Once you say, "God, here's what I'm going to do for you," you've completely turned that

relationship upside down.” – Phil Vischer

“God is not calling us to work for Him. He is calling us to walk with Him.” – Phil Vischer

“Religion is when you try and work hard enough to get God to like you.” – Phil Vischer

“God does not call us to outcomes, he calls us to obedience.” – Phil Vischer

“I was miserable because I had bad theology.” – Phil Vischer

“He who has God plus many things has nothing more than he who has God alone.” – Phil Vischer

“The point isn’t, ‘How big?’ The point is, ‘Is this something that God wants me to do?’”

– Phil Vischer

“There are many things God has for you to do, not just one big thing.” – Phil Vischer

“The work we do for God comes out of our walk with him.” – Phil Vischer


I want to thank Joshua White for the cover image of this book.

I want to thank Bethel Seminary for their continued support and investment in me as a person long after receiving my diploma. You are what seminary education is supposed to be.

I want to thank Ben Arment, for having the dream, vision, and drive to make STORY a reality.

I want to thank my team at MonkDev for picking up the slack while I was gone, rocking the church world with class and grace.

I want to thank my wife for holding down the fort with an ornery, precious 3-year-old and teething infant while daddy was away. You’re seriously the best.

Lastly, I want to thank you for downloading the booklet. May God continue to bless you richly through the insight contained herein.


Justin Wise is the Communications Director for Monk Development, an internet technology company

focused on delivering online solutions for churches. He lives in Des Moines (yes, by choice) with his wife and two children. Send him a tweet here: @JustinWise.