STF2052 assignment.docx

Post on 13-Sep-2015

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Transcript of STF2052 assignment.docx

STF 2052 - Natural Resource of Management and Legislation.

1. What are the real problem/ issue being reported? Destruction of the Nature near the Penan village is taking its toll on the villagers in term of tradition and living.

2. What are the causes of the problem? How did it happen? Increased and intense logging of the forest that is threatening the living and tradition of the penan villagers.

3. Who are responsible parties? Loggers and the law enforcement management that is not honest in managing the forestry area.

4. Are they any solutions? What are your proposed immediate actions? What should be the long-term effort to avoid such a problem? Yes. For immediate actions, the villagers can build permanent barricades. They must take the risk of implementing this action themselves with or without the help of authorities as waiting for authorities to take action could take forever. From the articles given, even non-permanent barricades can reduce the operation effectively therefore we can deduce that a permanent barricade is the most effective immediate action. For the long-term effort is enforcing the law by announcing the nature near the penan village as reserved forest and gives a punishment to those that doing any destruction on it.

5. Who should be made responsible to address the problem? Government. They should be more responsible in reserving forestry of Malaysia especially in Sarawak as there are still some ethnic that live and depends on the forest.