Stevie Phrases Powerpoint Last week I used the phrases on "Stevie" for intervention and it was...

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Transcript of Stevie Phrases Powerpoint Last week I used the phrases on "Stevie" for intervention and it was...

Stevie Phrases Powerpoint

Last week I used the phrases on "Stevie" for intervention and it was successful. I set this up as a manual transition.

The first time, I read and my student repeated frame by frame. The second time we read together.

The third time she read it alone.

Then, I changed it to automatic at medium speed and by the end of the intervention she could keep up with it!

To change to manual, go to Slide show, Set up Show, and change to Manual. If you need to slow it down, go to the same page and change the slide showresolution to whatever you desire.


One day

stay with you

work all week

For how long?

stay all week

The next day

The doorbell rang.

and his mother

smaller than me

went in the kitchen

but his mother

Steve moved in.

his old crybaby self

had to have his way

He was greedy.

Gimme this.

littler than me

play with my toys

somma his toys

to break up

Can’t you watch him?

liked to get up

look out the window

nothin’ to him

on Saturdays

comes to pick him up

tries to act cute

his mother is there

picked up my airplane

not to bother it

in front of his mother

everywhere I go

treat you mean

try to play nice

his old spoiled self

gotta have his way

They’d ask me.

stayin’ at my house

Bobby, the babysitter

aw, be quiet

play in the park

and hurt his knee

his old stupid self.

Come on!

I’m sorry.

You don’t like me?

was havin’ company

listenin’ to them

makin’ no noise

didn’t even know

his old loud self

yelled at me

came to live with us

Then he left.

fixed two bowls

I just remembere


Stevie wasn’t here.

runnin’ in and out

from now on

wasn’t so bad

couldn’t help it

the last piece

blamed it on him

on the stoop

doin’ my homework

for his age

under the covers

playin’ in the park

under the bushes

two dead rats

used to cook

have good times

liked my momma

than his own

thinkin’ about him

nice little guy

like a little brother.

Little Stevie