Steve Jobs Student Worksheet

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Steve Jobs Student Worksheet


A: Pre-listening/watching questions:

B: Vocabulary

C: Comprehension & Discussion

While you are watching this documentary please answer the following true/false questions:

D: Homework:

Watch this speech by jobs ( and answer the following questions.

1. If Steve Jobs is not a college grad, why is he so successful in life? What three factors do you think have contributed to his success?

2. Why was dropping out of college one of the best decisions he ever made?

3. Why, looking back, was it important that Jobs only took classes that interested him?

4. Why can’t people “connect the dots” looking forward, only looking back on their lives?

5. What quote does he use to make big decisions? Why?

6. How do you make big decisions?

7. Are there any mistakes that you made that have turned out to be a benefit in your life?

8. How can our misfortunes benefit us?

9. What does Jobs mean by “Don’t live someone else’s life”? What’s wrong with doing that?

10. What does he mean by “Stay hungry, stay foolish”?

11. What three experiences have shaped your life the most?

12.What advice based on your experiences would you give your younger brother, sister, cousin, or friend about life when they graduate from
