Steps to succeed in corporate world pdls assignment 2

Post on 27-Dec-2014

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By Michael Lim Dylan Tan Yue Wen Juanne Tang

Transcript of Steps to succeed in corporate world pdls assignment 2


How To Succeed In The First Few Years Of The Corporate World

• Michael Lim 0104142• Dylan Tan 0104369• Juanne Tang 0104392• Teh Yue Wen 56988

The working world is something most

individuals are afraid of. Working late hours,

workloads of paper work and tasks, and no free

time to do what you enjoy are all some of the

reasons why people look at the corporate world

in such a bad light. However, with the right

attitude and steps, succeeding in the corporate

world and enjoying work is going to be easy.


Choosing the right job Beginning with a positive mind set Dress and look appropriate Learning attitude Don’t resist change Exercise good time management Be a listener Learn to take criticism/correction Being proactive Dream big

The Ten Commandments for the Corporate World

Choosing the right job is crucial for fresh graduates.

Most successful people do what they love which gives them the passion and motivation to do the job well.

Choosing The Right Job

"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at

work worth doing." - Theodore Roosevelt -

Beginning work with a negative mind set will only result in lack of motivation and hence leading to poor performance.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes” - Mahatma Gandhi.

Beginning With A Positive Mind Set

Whether we like it or not, everybody views each other by first impressions.

Dressing inappropriately may cause employers to stereotype you according to your image.

Dress and Look


Nobody likes a smartass. - Don’t assume you know everything.

Having a learning attitude encourages others to teach you.

Learning Attitude

Transition from college life to the working field can cause “culture shock”.

Inability to adapt to changes can limit an individual from working to his/her full potential.

Don’t Resist


Adjusting from college life to the corporate world would mean more crucial datelines and responsibilities.

Failure to keep up with these tasks can be detrimental to an individual’s health as well as job position.

Exercise Good Time Management

Sometimes, it can be good to be a taker rather than a giver.

A good balance of listening and responding with valuable opinions are welcomed.

However, never be afraid to ask questions to clarify on certain matters.

Be A Listener

In the working field, bosses/managers might not be as kind and lenient as lecturers in college

Do not take these criticisms too personally. Instead, use it to further improve yourself based on the mistakes that you have done.

Criticism and correction shouldn’t set an individual back. People do mistakes all the time. Only through mistakes and constructive criticism do people grow and get better.

Learn To Take Criticism/Correction

Being proactive means doing duties or tasks without being asked to or when the individual see the need for help.

Shows the individual’s initiative to help out and showing that the individual knows how to react or work in impromptu situations.

Being Proactive

Setting goals and aims in life is important to keep an individual going until he/she achieves it.

Helps to improve the quality of work and also imposes that the individual knows his/her goals and won’t give up until the individual succeeds. Nothing is impossible.



It is a big transition from college life to the

working world. However, with the proper skills,

attitude and goals, succeeding in the corporate

world should be a breeze. The working field is a

new chapter of life and shouldn’t be seen with a

negative mind set but should be looked at

positively to achieve the goals set by you.


“Whatever you are, be a good one”.

- Abraham Lincoln -


Thank you!