Steps on How to Recover from Drugs and Alcohol Addicition

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Steps on How to Recover from Drugs and Alcohol Addicition





on How to

Commitment to ChangeThe first step to addiction recovery is deciding that you need to make a change. Change is never easy but it is possible when supported with dedication.

Users must believe they can change for the better

Users must believe they can change for the better

Identify personal values and beliefs

Users must believe they can change for the better

Identify personal values and beliefs

Find inspiration to maintain sobriety long-term

Users must believe they can change for the better

Identify personal values and beliefs

Find inspiration to maintain sobriety long-term

Realize that improvement is valuable

InterventionAn intervention is a systematically planned meeting hosted by family members and other concern people with the intention of convincing a

loved one to accept help for their addiction.

The following things need to be considered when planning an intervention:

Know when to get involved

Speak to the person with substance abuse problem at a time and place where the meeting will be free from

any distraction and interruptions.

Make the right approach

Dealing with denial isn’t easy but instead of using threatening language or being

confrontational, try to use a calm, caring and respectful approach.

Contact an intervention specialist

If you have failed to convince your loved one to enter treatment even

with the most caring and respectful approach you can muster, it’s the right

time to ask for professional help.

DetoxDetoxification is a process of removing trace toxins left by alcohol and drugs from the body. The type of detox depends on the level and length of drug abuse, but it’s important to know that not all drugs require detox.

A detox program can help the body's natural cleansing process by:

Resting the organs through fasting

Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body

Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys and skin

Improving circulation of the blood

Refueling the body with healthy nutrients

Choose the Right Treatment Facility

When looking for a treatment facility, you need to keep in mind that there is no treatment that is right for everybody. It is important to remember that there are certain essential factors to consider when choosing the right rehab.

Accreditation of the

Rehab Facility

Experienced and Board Certified


24/7 Supervision of Medical Staff

Includes InitialAssessment

Offers Fact-based, Individualized


Offers Variety of Programs

and Services

Rehab TreatmentAfter a successful detox process, individuals are assisted through rehab

programs where they will learn different skills to help them maintain sobriety.

A typical rehabilitation process includes the following:

Residential Treatment

Partial hospitalization is for people who require ongoing medical monitoring but have a stable living situation. These treatment programs usually meet at the hospital for 3-5 days a week, 4-6 hours per day.

Sober Living

You live with other recovering addicts in a supportive drug-free environment. Sober living facilities are useful if you have nowhere to go or you’re worried that returning home too soon will lead to relapse.

Partial Hospitalization

You live with other recovering addicts in a supportive drug-free environment. Sober living facilities are useful if you have nowhere to go or you’re worried that re-turning home too soon will lead to relapse

Brief Intervention

Consists of several visits to a healthcare professional to discuss the harmful effects of drug abuse and strategies for cutting back.

Intensive OutpatientProgram (IOP)

Intensive outpatient programs usually meet at least 3 days a week for 2-4 hours a day or more. The major focus is relapse prevention. These outpatient programs are often scheduled around work or school.

Counseling (Individual, Group, or Family)

Works best in conjunction with other types of treat-ment or as follow-up support. Therapy can help you identify the root causes of your drug use, repair your relationships, and learn healthier coping skills.

Enjoy LifeAfter the completion of a recovery program, an individual is better prepared to live free from addiction. An abundance of treatment facilities are available to help people with substance abuse problem.

Continue to avoid substance abuse triggers.

Attend support groups and seek support from friends and family.

Enjoy the new possibilities a sober life provides.