Step Out 110104

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Step Out 110104

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Step Out … Or Get Stepped On!

    Tom Peters/11.01.2004

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Step Out … 

    Or GetStepped On!

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “[The decline of rnds" doesn#t men tht

    m$in% etter %i&mo no lon%er mtters'offering genuinely innovative

     products is, more than ever, the

    best way to capture marketshare. (ut s))* consumers re no

    lon%er +ilin% to p* hi%h premium for nother+ise identicl product ecuse it hs fnc* nmeplte., '-mes Suro+eic$i/Wired  /11.04

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “ focus on costcuttin% nd efficienc*

    hs helped mn* or%ni&tions +etherthe do+nturn ut this pproch +ill

    ultimtel* render them osolete. Only

    the constant pursuit ofinnovation can ensure long-

    term success.”  'niel u&*$ en SuderSchool of (usiness 3ni) of (ritish olumi 5FT  /06.17.048

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    r. -efferson#s“oonstruc$ ind,

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    the wildestchimera of a


    mind”  'The Federalist  on-efferson#s 9ouisin Purchse

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    :iels (ohr to ;olf%n% Puli

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    onte>t< Sorr* ?ecord

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    @ores100 from 1617 to 16A7

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    (3J9T TO … FTF?JO?TF!

     “;hen it comes to in)estin% J m old school. (u* %ood stoc$ stic$ it inthe dr+er nd +hen *ou chec$ c$ *ers lter the stoc$ should e+orth more. There#s onl* one prolem. ;hen J chec$ed the dr+er

    recentl* it +s full of clun$ers includin% 9ucent do+n 64 percent from its1666 hi%h. *e once upon time u* nd hold +s )ile strte%*.Tod* it no lon%er m$es sense.,'hrles Stein/ “Jn)estment Strte%ies

    ust Shift +ith ?elities,/+oston /lobe /10.10.04

    smple of Stein#s “(lue hipturnedclun$er, e>mples< @nnie e 5fetured in ollins# /ood to /reat 8. o$e. 5“lun$er, m$e tht

    “Stin$er.,8 erc$. 5The mi%htiest fll'stoc$ do+n KB percent since 2000Ctumle preceded Lio>>8 3h … icrosoft. 5“icrosoft#s stoc$ price is no

    hi%her tod* thn it +s in 166A.,8 

    “Jt is not cler there is such thin% s M(lue hip#, Sh+n Hr)et&president of (ostonsed hed%e fund Fsplnde pitl told Stein.

    “Hr)ets point is serious one, Stein continues. /reatness is not permanent. 0 This process of creative destruction isn1t new. +ut with the

    world moving ever faster, and with competition on steroids, the 2uaint

    notion of buying and holding is hopelessly out of step.” 

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    /ood management was the

    most powerful reason 3leading

    firms4 failed to stay atop theirindustries. Precisel* because these firms

    listened to their customers in)ested %%ressi)el* in

    technolo%ies tht +ould pro)ide their customers morend etter products of the sort the* +nted nd

    ecuse the* crefull* studied mr$et trends nds*stemticll* llocted in)estment cpitl to

    inno)tions tht promised the est returns the* losttheir positions of ledership.,

    l*ton hristensen The 5nnovator1s (ilemma

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    :orml N:othin%

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “The Msurplus societ*# hs surplus of

    similar  compnies emplo*in%similar  people +ith similar  eductionl c$%rounds comin% up

    +ith similar  ides producin%similar  thin%s +ith similar prices

    nd similar  =ulit*.,HEell :ordstrm nd -ons ?idderstrle Funky +usiness

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Funky +usiness< “To succeed +e

    must stop ein% so %oddmnnorml. Jn +innert$esll +orld

    normal 6


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “When we did it‘right’ it was

    still pretty

    ordinary.”(rr* Gions on 7ightmare 7o. 8” 

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “;hile e)er*thin% m*

    e etter it is also


    the same.” Pul Golder%er on retil “The Smeness of Thin%s, The 7ew 9ork Times

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “Brands have run

    out of juice.They’re dead.” 'He)in?oerts/Stchi Stchi

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    (i& “Strte%*, ?ule Q1

     on#t e)en thin$ out

    competin% +ith;lRrt on price or

    hin on cost: 

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104



  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “You do not merely want to be

    the best of the best. Youwant to be

    considered theonly ones who do

    what you do.”-err* Grci

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “A great company

     is defned by theact that it

     is not compared

     to its peers.”Phil Purcell or%n Stnle*

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


     Success means neverletting the competition

    dene you. !nstead youhave to dene yourself basedon a point of view you care

    deeply about.” Tom hppell Tom#s of ine

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “"et’s ma#e

    a dent in theuniverse.”  Ste)e -os

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    ?ichrd (rnson#s stted hurdlesfor n* ne+ Lir%in product orser)ice

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Sir ?ichrd#s ?ules<

    Follow your passions.Heep it simple.

    Get the est people to help *ou.?ecrete *ourself.

    Pl*.Source< Fortune /10.0B

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


      He)in ?oerts# redo

    1. ?ed*. @ire! im.2. Jf it in#t ro$e ... (re$ it!B. ire cr&ies.

    4. s$ dum =uestions.I. Pursue filure.K. 9ed follo+ ... or %et out of the +*!7. Spred confusion.

    ? i i G l Fl t i

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    ?eim%ine Generl Flectric

    “;elch +s to lr%e de%ree %ro+th*c=uisitionmn. MJn the lte #60s# Jmmelt s*s M+e ecme

    usiness trders not usiness %ro+ers. Tod* or%nic%ro+th is solutel* the i%%est ts$ of e)er*one of

    our compnies. Jf +e don#t hit our or%nic %ro+th

    tr%ets people re not %oin% to %et pid.# … 5mmelt

    has staked /=1s future growth on the force

    that guided the company at it1s birth and

    for much of its history) breathtaking, mind-

    blowing, world-rattling technologicalinnovation.”  '“GF Sees the 9i%ht,/+usiness #.

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    1st 9+ $t% Ph*sics< O>=?T +=7=F5T  5@ocus< 1 or2 B or 4/“One Gret Thin%.,Source Q1< Personl Pssion8

    2: 9+< ?=* ?=*@O7 TO +=5=>=  5Stnd eli)er!8

    B? 9+< (?**T5'(5FF=?=7'=  5F>ecs on#t Get Jt<

    See the ne>t slide.8

    Source< Aump @tart 9our +usiness +rain ou% ll

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    2 Uuestions<

    “$ow li#ely are you to purchase this new product or

    service%” 56ID to 100D +ei%htin% * e>ecs8

    “$ow uni&ue is this new product or service%” 50D to IDR8

    R7o e;ceptions in #< years V ou% llAump @tart 9our +usiness +rain

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    rem On

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    The r$etin% of rems 5rem$etin%8

    rem$etin%< Touchin% the clients# drems.

    rem$etin%< The rt of tellin% stories  nd entertinin%.

    rem$etin%< Promote the drem not  the product.

    rem$etin%< (uild the rnd round  the min drem.

    rem$etin%< (uild the “u&&, the

      “h*pe, the “cult.,Source< Gin 9ui%i 9on%inotti(uitoni

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


      (uildin% the reti)e Or%ni&tion

    hoose cretor< The culturl leder +ho %i)es the

    compn* n esthetic point of )ie+.ire eclecticll*< ire collortors +ith differentcultures nd pst histories in order to lnce ri%or+ith emotion.

    Prepre )erticll*< e)elop ri%orous understndin%of the product nd the client.e)elop hori&ontll*< Promote curiosit* in unrelteddisciplines.9ed emotionll*< Fn%ender pssionte dedictionthrou%h )ision nd freedom.(uild for the lon% hul< reti)it* re=uires lifetimecommitment.

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “The sun is settin% on the Jnformtion Societ*'e)en efore +eh)e full* dEusted to its demnds s indi)iduls nd s

    compnies. ;e h)e li)ed s hunters nd s frmers +e h)e+or$ed in fctories nd no+ +e li)e in n informtionsed

    societ* +hose icon is the computer. We stand

    facing the fifth kind ofsociety) the (ream @ociety. … @uture products +ill h)e to ppel to our herts not to our

    heds. :o+ is the time to dd emotionl )lue to products ndser)ices., '?olf -ensen/The (ream @ociety)Bow the 'oming @hift from5nformation to 5magination Will Transform 9our +usiness

    F i dd /TP

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    F>perience 9dder/TP

    rems ome True+esome F>periences


    ?+ terils

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    He)in ?oertsR

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “;hen J first su%%ested tht ove +s the +*to trnsform usiness %ro+n FOs lushed

    nd slid do+n ehind nnul ccounts. (ut J$ept t them. J $ne+ it +s ove tht +s

    missin%. J $ne+ tht ove +s the onl* +* to

    nte up the emotionl temperture nd cretethe ne+ $inds of reltionships rnds needed. J

    $ne+ tht ove +s the onl* +* usiness

    could respond to the rpid shift in control toconsumers., 'He)in ?oerts/ovemarks

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “'pple opposes( !B) solves( *i#e e+horts( ,irgin enlightens( 

    Sony dreams( Benetton

     protests. - Brands are

    not nouns butverbs.”

    Source< -enrie ru … (isruption

    The good 8< percent of

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    The good 8< percent of

     *merican product design comes

    out of big-idea companies thtdon1t believe in talking to the

    customer . The*Wre run * passionate maniacs +ho m$ee)er*od*#s life miserle until

    the* %et +ht the* +nt.,(rn @erren pplied inds/Wired  12001

    ? l f “? di l $ ti ,

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    ?ules of “?dicl r$etin%,

    ove C ?espect 9our 'ustomers: Bire only Dassionate issionaries: 

    'reate a 'ommunity of 'ustomers: 

    'elebrate 'ra!iness: +e insanely True to the +rand: 

    Sm ill Glenn ?if$in ?adical arketing  5e.%. rle* Lir%in The ed (S :(8

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Cirque du


    Jnfos*s/Plnet +rpin% spirtions

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Jnfos*s/Plnet+rpin% spirtions …

    “(* m$in% the Glol eli)er* odel oth le%itimte nd minstrem +eh)e rou%ht the ttle to our territor*. Tht is fter ll the purpose of

    strte%*. ;e h)e ecome the leders nd incuments [J( ccenture" refollo+ers fore)er pl*in% ctchup. … o+e)er cretin% ne+ usinessinno)tion is not enou%h for rules to e chn%ed. The inno)tion must impcclients competitors in)estors nd societ*. ;e h)e seen ll this in spdes.

    lients h)e emrced the model nd re demndin% it in e)en %retermesure. The cuteness of their circumstnce coupled +ith the cpilit*

    nd )lue of our solution hs mde the choice not choice. ompetitorsh)e een dr%%ed $ic$in% nd scremin% to replicte +ht +e do. The* fce

    trum nd disruption ut the %me hs chn%ed fore)er. 5nvestors

    have grasped that this is not a passing fancy, but a

     potential restructuring of the way the world operates

    and how value will be created in the future.” 

    ':r*n urth* chirmn#s letter Jnfos*s nnul ?eport 200B 

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    ;T : (?O;: O @O? XO3Y

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104



  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104



     !nnovation is


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104



    (isgruntled 'ustomers

    Off-the-@cope 'ompetitors

    ?ogue =mployeesFringe @uppliers

    ;*ne (ur$n Wide *ngle >ision) +eat the 'ompetition by Focusing onFringe 'ompetitors, ost 'ustomers, and ?ogue =mployees


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    TJ:H ;FJ?< Thei%h Stndrd



  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “Jf *ou +orship t thethrone of the )oice of the

    customer *ou#ll %et onl*incremental advances.” -oseph orone President

     (entle* olle%e

    “To grow companies

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “To grow( companies

    need to brea# out of avicious cycle ofcompetitive

    benchmar#ing andimitation.” ';. hn Him ?enZ

    uor%ne “Thin$ for Xourself 'Stop op*in% ?i)l,Financial Times /0A.11.0B

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “"he short road

    to ruin is toemulate the

    methods o your

    ad#ersary.”' ;inston hurchill

    “This is n ess* out +ht it t$es to crete nd sell somethin%

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    This is n ess* out +ht it t$es to crete nd sell somethin%remr$le. Jt is ple for ori%inlit* pssion %uts nd drin%. Xou cn#t eremr$le * follo+in% someone else +ho#s remr$le. One +* to fi%ure

    out theor* is to loo$ t +ht#s +or$in% in the rel +orld nd determine

    +ht the successes h)e in common. (ut +ht could the @our Sesons ndotel K possil* h)e in commonY Or :eimnrcus nd ;lRrtY Or

    :o$i 5rin%in% out ne+ hrd+re e)er* B0 d*s or so8 nd :intendo5mr$etin% the sme Gme (o* 14 *ers in ro+8Y Jt#s li$e tr*in% to dri)e

    loo$in% in the rer)ie+ mirror. The thing that all these

    companies have in common is that theyhave nothing in common. The* re outliers. The*#re onthe frin%es. Superfst or superslo+. Ler* e>clusi)e or )er* chep. F>tremel*

    i% or e>tremel* smll. The reson it#s so hrd to follo+ the leder is this<The leder is the leder precisel* ecuse he did somethin% remr$le.

    nd tht remr$le thin% is no+ t$en'so it#s no lon%er remr$le +hen*ou decide to do it., 'Seth Godin Fast 'ompany  /02.200B

    ;*s to ?ise Purple o+

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104



    Thin$ smll. One )esti%e of the TL

    industril comple> is need to thin$mss. Jf it doesn#t ppel to e)er*one

    the thin$in% %oes it#s not +orth it.

    Thin$ of the smllest concei)lemr$et'nd descrie product thto)er+helms it +ith remr$ilit*. Go

    from there.Source< Seth Godin Fast 'ompany  502.200B8

    “ MGint# proEects contin +ithin them the

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “ MGint# proEects contin +ithin them thelmost certin seeds of mediocrit*. The

    )er* fct of their si&e cuses constntscrutin* nd thence Mpoliticl# interferenceSuch Mo)ersi%ht# drins the pssion of the

    chmpions nd ris$s'to the point ofcertint*'ftl Mdumin% do+n# ndthence loss of the )er* distinction nd=uir$iness sou%ht in the first plce.,'

    F>ec oll*+ood 

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    5nnovation:  :OT


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104



  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


      ;h* o J lo)e @re$sY

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    518 (ecuse +hen n*thin% Jnterestin% hppens … it +s freak  +ho did it. 5Period.8528 Freaks re fun. 5@re$s re lso pin.8 5@re$s re ne)erorin%.85B8 ;e need freaks. Fspecill* in fre$* times. 5int< These refre$* times for *ou me the J the rm* )on.8548 criticl mss of freaks-in-our-midst utomticll* m$e us+horenotsofre$* t lest some+ht more fre$*. 5;hich is Good Thin% in fre$* times'see immeditel* o)e.85I8 Freaks re the onl* 5O:9X8 ones +ho succeed's in m$e itinto the histor* oo$s.5K8 Freaks $eep us from fllin% into ruts. 5Jf +e listen to them.85;e seldom listen to them.8 5;hich is +h* most of us'nd ouror%ni&tions're in ruts. $e tht chsms.8

    e)ints Jnc (eviance tells

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    e)ints Jnc. (eviance tells

    the story of every massmarket ever created.  ;htstrts out +eird nd dn%erous

    ecomes meric#s ne>t i% corportep*d*. So re *ou loo$in% for the ne>tmss mr$et ideY Jt#s out there … +*

    out there.,Source< ?*n tthe+s ;tts ;c$er Fast 'ompany  50B.028

    “Th ( ttl $ i t th

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “The (ottlenec$ is t theTop of the (ottle,

    “;here re *ou li$el* to find people +iththe lest di)ersit* of e>perience the lr%est

    in)estment in the pst nd the %retest

    re)erence for industr* do%mY

      *t the top:”  ' Gr* mel “Strte%* or ?e)olution,/

    Barvard +usiness ?eview 

    ;FJ? JFS TT ;O?H< 518 ire slo+ lerners 5of theor%ni&tionl code8. 51.I8 ire people +ho m$e *ou

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    or%ni&tionl code8. 51.I8 ire people +ho m$e *ouuncomfortle e)en those *ou disli$e. 528 ire people *ou

    5prol*8 don#t need. 5B8 3se Eo inter)ie+s to %et ides not

    to screen cndidtes. 548 Fncour%e people to i%nore nd def*superiors nd peers. 5I8 @ind some hpp* people nd %et themto fi%ht. 5K8 ?e+rd success nd filure punish inction.

    578 ecide to do somethin% tht +ill prol* fil then con)ince*ourself nd e)er*one else tht success is certin. 5A8 Thin$ of

    some ridiculous imprcticl thin%s to do then do them.568 )oid distrct nd ore customers critics nd n*one +ho Eust +nts to tl$ out mone*. 5108 on#t tr* to lern n*thin%

    from people +ho seem to h)e sol)ed the prolems *ou fce.5118 @or%et the pst prticulrl* *our compn*#s success.

     (o Sutton Weird 5deas That Work) 88E 5deas for Dromoting,anaging, and @ustaining 5nnovation

    d)ice to orporte 9eders< “onsider the

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    metphor of the +indmill< Xou cn hrness r+po+er ut *ou cn#t control it. … ire rtists

    clo+ns or other disrupters to come in ndchllen%e *our corporte en)ironment. … ire corporte nthropolo%ist to nl*&e ho+ tolern

    *our or%ni&tion is of de)ints nd otherinno)tors. … Once the anthropologist

    leaves, hire a shaman to drive out the

    evil spirits of conformity. 0” Source< ?*n tthe+s ;tts ;c$er Fast 'ompany  50B.028

    esure “Strn%eness,/Portfolio Uulit*

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    % *

    Stff onsultnts


    Outsourcin% Prtners 5Q Uulit*8Jnno)tion llince Prtners


    ompetitors 5+ho +e “enchmr$, %inst8 Strte%ic Jnititi)es

    Product Portfolio 59ineF> ). 9ep8JS/JT

    U 9oction

    9unch tes9n%u%e

    J ti J d

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Jnno)tion Jnde>< o+

    mn* of *our Top IStrte%ic Jnititi)es score

    7 or hi%her 5out of 108 on “;eirdness/Profundit*


    “$t’s no longer enough to

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “$t’s no longer enough to

    be a ‘change agent.’ %oumust be a changeinsurgent &pro#o'ing(

    prodding( warninge#eryone in sight that

    complacency is death.” '(o ?eich

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    rete use

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104



  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “)anagement has a lot to do

    with answers. *eadership is aunction o questions. And thefrst question or a leader

    always is+ ‘Who do weintend to be,’ -ot ‘What arewe going to do,’ but ‘Who do

    we intend to be,’” '> e Pree ermn iller 

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “,ision is a lovea/air with an

    idea.” '(o*d lr$e ?on rosslnd Theeader1s >oice

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “0reams are

    ideas with passion.”  'Phil r$ins  Heith ollihn F)er*od* ;ins 5the ?F/ stor*8

    Organi!ing /enius / ;rren (ennis nd Ptrici ;rd (iedermn

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “Groups ecome %ret onl* +hene)er*one in them leders nd

    memers li$e is free to do his or

    her absolute best.” 

    “The est thin% leder cn do for

    Gret Group is to allow its

    members to discover theirgreatness.” 


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “free to do his or herabsolute best” -

     “allow its membersto discover their


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    *stonish me:”  / S..

    +uild something great:”  /

    .X.5mmortal:”  / .O.

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Onl* theJnsne :eed


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “$’m loo'ing orinsane

    commitment.” 'T+*lThrp The 'reative Babit 

    “"earn not

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    "earn notto be


    'Photo%rpher ine rus to her students 5reful N“The sidelines, per rriet ?uin in The Drincessa8

    ?eward e;cellent

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    ?eward  e;cellent

    failures. Dunish 


    Phil niels S*dne* e>ec

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    9o)e $esthe ;orld Go#?ound

    @ ft” 5

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    @oft” 5s

    Bard ”  JSOF

    ess%e< 9edership is

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    ll out love: 3Dassion,=nthusiasms, *ppetite for ife,=ngagement, 'ommitment, /reat

    'auses G (etermination to ake a(amn (ifference, @hared *dventures,

    +i!arre Failures, /rowth, 5nsatiable

     *ppetite for 'hange.4 3Otherwise, why botherHAust read (ilbert. TD1s final words) '975'5@ @'I@.4 

    The ?eim%ineer#s redo … orPit* the Poor (ro+nR

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Pit* the Poor (ro+n

    Technicolor Times demnd …Technicolor eaders and +oards +ho recruit …

     Technicolor Deople +ho re sent on …Technicolor Juests to e>ecute …

    Technicolor "WOW:% DroKects in prtnership +ith …Technicolor 'ustomers nd …Technicolor @uppliers ll of +hom re in pursuit of …

    Technicolor /oals and *spirations fit for …

    Technicolor Times.R;S


  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “!f you as# me what !have come to do in

    this world( ! who am

    an artist( ! will reply1! am here to live my

    life out loud.” ' \mile ]ol

    “"he only reason

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    "he only reason

    they come to see meis that $ 'now that

    lie is great&andthey 'now $ 'now it.”

    'lr$ GleR

    Rourtes* Tom orris The *rt of *chievement 

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Onl* theJnsne :eedppl*!

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    “%ou can’t beha#e ina calm( rational

    manner. %ou’#e got tobe out there on thelunatic ringe.” ' -c$ ;elch

    “Beware of the

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    Beware of the

    tyranny of ma#ing Small2hanges to Small

    Things. 3ather( ma#eBig 2hanges to Big

    Things.” '?o%er Fnrico former hirmn Pepsio

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    0 a powerful andmadly e;uberant

    work”  '* Times on @rn$ Gehr*#s;lt isne* oncert ll 510.0B8

    “$n "om’s world( it’sl b

  • 8/17/2019 Step Out 110104


    always better to try aswan

     di#e and deli#er a

    colossal belly op than tostep timidly o/ the

    board while holding yournose.” 'Fast 'ompany  /Octoer200B