STEP 1: SCREENING-LEVEL PROBLEM … OVERVIEW The scree ning-level problem formulation and ecological...

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Transcript of STEP 1: SCREENING-LEVEL PROBLEM … OVERVIEW The scree ning-level problem formulation and ecological...



The screening-level problem formulation and ecological effects evaluation is part of theinitial ecological risk screening assessment. For this initial step, it is likely that site-specific information for determining the nature and extent of contamination and for characterizingecological receptors at the site is limited. This step includes all the functions of problemformulation (more fully described in Steps 3 and 4) and ecological effects analysis, but on ascreening level. The results of this step will be used in conjunction with exposure estimates inthe preliminary risk calculation in Step 2.



Step 1 is the screening-level problem formulation process and ecological effects evaluation(Highlight 1-1 defines screening-level risk assessments). Consultation with the BTAG is recommended atthis stage. How to brief the BTAG on the setting, history, and ecology of a site is described in ECO UpdateVolume 1, Number 5 (U.S. EPA, 1992d). Section 1.2 describes the screening-level problem formulation, andSection 1.3 describes the screening-level ecological effects evaluation. Section 1.4 summarizes thisstep.


For the screening-level problem formulation, the risk assessor develops a conceptual model for thesite that addresses five issues:

(1) Environmental setting and contaminants known or suspected to exist at the site (Section1.2.1);

(2) Contaminant fate and transport mechanisms that might exist at the site (Section 1.2.2);

(3) The mechanisms of ecotoxicity associated with contaminants and likely categories of receptorsthat could be affected (Section 1.2.3);


HIGHLIGHT 1-1Screening-level Risk Assessments

Screening-level risk assessments are simplified riskassessments that can be conducted with limited data byassuming values for parameters for which data are lacking.At the screening level, it is important to minimize thechances of concluding that there is no risk when in fact arisk exists. Thus, for exposure and toxicity parametersfor which site-specific information is lacking, assumedvalues should consistently be biased in the direction ofoverestimating risk. This ensures that sites that mightpose an ecological risk are studied further. Without thisbias, a screening evaluation could not provide a defensibleconclusion that negligible ecological risk exists or thatcertain contaminants and exposure pathways can beeliminated from consideration.

(4) What complete exposure pathways mightexist at the site (a complete exposurepathway is one in which the chemical canbe traced or expected to travel from thesource to a receptor that can beaffected by the chemical) (Section1.2.4); and

(5) Selection of endpoints to screen forecological risk (Section 1.2.5).

1.2.1 Environmental Setting andContaminants at the Site

To begin the screening-level problemformulation, there must be at least a rudimentaryknowledge of the potential environmental setting andchemical contamination at the site. The first stepis to compile information from the site history and from reports related to the site, including thePreliminary Assessment (PA) or Site Investigation (SI). The second step is to use the environmentalchecklist presented in Representative Sampling Guidance Document, Volume 3: Ecological (U.S. EPA, 1997;see Appendix B) to begin characterizing the site for problem formulation. Key questions addressed by thechecklist include:

C What are the on- and off-site land uses (e.g., industrial, residential, or undeveloped; currentand future)?

C What type of facility existed or exists at the site?

C What are the suspected contaminants at the site?

C What is the environmental setting, including natural areas (e.g., upland forest, on-site stream,nearby wildlife refuge) as well as disturbed/man-made areas (e.g., waste lagoons)?

C Which habitats present on site are potentially contaminated or otherwise disturbed?

C Has contamination migrated from source areas and resulted in "off-site" impacts or the threatof impacts in addition to on-site threats or impacts?

These questions should be answered using the site reports, maps (e.g, U.S. Geological Survey, NationalWetlands Inventory), available aerial photographs, communication with appropriate agencies (e.g., U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, State Natural HeritagePrograms), and a site visit. Activities that should be conducted during the site visit include:


C Note the layout and topography of the site;

C Note and describe any water bodies and wetlands;

C Identify and map evidence indicating contamination or potential contamination (e.g., areas of no vegetation, runoff gullies to surface waters);

C Describe existing aquatic, terrestrial, and wetland ecological habitat types (e.g., forest, oldfield), and estimate the area covered by those habitats;

C Note any potentially sensitive environments (see Section 1.2.3 for examples of sensitive environments);

C Describe and, if possible, map soil and water types, land uses, and the dominant vegetationspecies present; and

C Record any observations of animal species or sign of a species.

Mapping can be useful in establishing a "picture" of the site to assist in problem formulation. Thecompleted checklist (U.S. EPA, 1997) will provide information regarding habitats and species potentiallyor actually present on site, potential contaminant migration pathways, exposure pathways, and thepotential for non-chemical stresses at the site.

After finishing the checklist, it might be possible to determine that present or future ecologicalimpacts are negligible because complete exposure pathways do not exist and could not exist in the future.Many Superfund sites are located in highly industrialized areas where there could be few if any ecologicalreceptors or where site-related impacts might be indistinguishable from non-site-related impacts (seeHighlight 1-2). For such sites, remediation to reduce ecological risks might not be needed. However, allsites should be evaluated by qualified personnel to determine whether this conclusion is appropriate.

Other Superfund sites are located in less disturbed areas with protected or sensitive environmentsthat could be at risk of adverse effects from contaminants from the site. State and federal laws (e.g.,the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act) designate certain types of environments as requiringprotection. Other types of habitats unique to certain areas also could need special consideration in therisk assessment (see Section 1.2.3).


HIGHLIGHT 1-2Industrial or Urban Settings

Many hazardous waste sites exist incurrently or historically industrialized orurbanized areas. In these instances, it can bedifficult to distinguish between impactsrelated to contaminants from a particular siteand impacts related to non-contaminantstressors or to contaminants from other sites.However, even in these cases, it could beappropriate to take some remedial actionsbased on ecological risks. These actions mightbe limited to source removal or might be moreextensive. An ecological risk assessment canassist the risk manager in determining whataction, if any, is appropriate.

1.2.2 Contaminant Fate and Transport

During problem formulation, pathways for migrationof a contaminant (e.g., windblown dust, surface waterrunoff, erosion) should be identified. These pathwayscan exhibit a decreasing gradient of contamination withincreasing distance from a site. There are exceptions,however, because physical and chemical characteristicsof the media also influence contaminant distribution(e.g., the pattern of sediment deposition in streamsvaries depending on stream flow and bottomcharacteristics). For the screening-level riskassessment, the highest contaminant concentrationsmeasured on the site should be documented for eachmedium.

1.2.3 Ecotoxicity and Potential Receptors

Understanding the toxic mechanism of a contaminanthelps to evaluate the importance of potential exposure pathways (see Section 1.2.4) and to focus theselection of assessment endpoints (see Section 1.2.5). Some contaminants, for example, affect primarilyvertebrate animals by interfering with organ systems not found in invertebrates or plants (e.g., distaltubules of vertebrate kidneys, vertebrate hormone systems). Other substances might affect primarilycertain insect groups (e.g., by interfering with hormones needed for metamorphosis), plants (e.g.,herbicides), or other groups of organisms. For substances that affect, for example, reproduction ofmammals at much lower environmental exposure levels than they affect other groups of organisms, thescreening-level risk assessment can initially focus on exposure pathways and risks to mammals. Example1-1 illustrates this point using the PCB site example provided in Appendix A. A review of some of the morerecent ecological risk and toxicity assessment literature can help identify likely effects of the morecommon contaminants at Superfund sites.

An experienced biologist or ecologist can determine what plants, animals, and habitats exist or canbe expected to exist in the area of the Superfund site. Exhibit 1-1, adapted from the Superfund HazardRanking System, is a partial list of types of sensitive environments that could require protection orspecial consideration. Information obtained for the environmental checklist (Section 1.2.1), existinginformation and maps, and aerial photographs should be used to identify the presence of sensitiveenvironments on or near a site that might be threatened by contaminants from the site.


EXAMPLE 1-1Ecotoxicity!!PCB Site

Some PCBs are reproductive toxins in mammals (Ringer et al., 1972; Aulerich et al., 1985; Wren et al., 1991;Kamrin and Ringer, 1996). When ingested, they induce (i.e., increase concentrations and activity of) enzymes inthe liver, which might affect the metabolism of some steroid hormones (Rice and O'Keefe, 1995). Whatever themechanism of action, several physiological functions that are controlled by steroid hormones can be altered bythe exposure of mammals to certain PCBs, and reproduction appears to be the most sensitive endpoint for PCBtoxicity in mammals (Rice and O'Keefe, 1995). Given this information, the screening ecological risk assessmentshould include potential exposure pathways for mammals to PCBs that are reproductive toxins (see Example 1-2).

HIGHLIGHT 1-3Exposure Pathway and

Exposure Route

Exposure Pathway: The pathway by which acontaminant travels from a source (e.g., drums,contaminated soils) to receptors. A pathway caninvolve multiple media (e.g., soil runoff tosurface waters and sedimentation, orvolatilization to the atmosphere).

Exposure Route: A point of contact/entry of acontaminant from the environment into an organism(e.g., inhalation, ingestion, dermal absorption).

1.2.4 Complete Exposure Pathways

Evaluating potential exposure pathways is one of the primary tasks of the screening-level ecologicalcharacterization of the site. For an exposure pathway to be complete, a contaminant must be able to travelfrom the source to ecological receptors and to be taken up by the receptors via one or more exposureroutes. (Highlight 1-3 defines exposure pathway and exposure route.) Identifying complete exposurepathways prior to a quantitative evaluation of toxicity allows the assessment to focus on only thosecontaminants that can reach ecological receptors.

Different exposure routes are important fordifferent groups of organisms. For terrestrialanimals, three basic exposure routes need to beevaluated: inhalation, ingestion, and dermalabsorption. For terrestrial plants, rootabsorption of contaminants in soils and leafabsorption of contaminantsevaporating from thesoil or deposited on the leaves are of concern atSuperfund sites. For aquatic animals, directcontact (of water or sediment with the gills orintegument) and ingestion of food (and sometimessediments) should be considered. For aquaticplants, direct contact with water, and sometimeswith air or sediments, is of primary concern.

The most likely exposure pathways and exposureroutes also are related to the physical andchemical properties of the contaminant (e.g., whether or not the contaminant is bound to a matrix, suchas organic carbon). Of the basic exposure routes identified above, more information generally isavailable to quantify exposure levels for ingestion by terrestrial animals and for direct contact withwater or sediments by aquatic organisms than for other exposure routes and receptors. Although other


exposure routes can be important, moreassumptions are needed to estimate exposure levels for those routes,and the results are less certain. Professional judgment is needed to determine if evaluating those routessufficiently improves a risk assessment to warrant the effort.

If an exposure pathway is not complete for a specific contaminant (i.e., ecological receptors cannotbe exposed to the contaminant), that exposure pathway does not need to be evaluated further. For example,suppose a contaminant that impairs reproduction in mammals occurs only in soils that are well below theroot zone of plants that occur or are expected to occur on a site. Herbivorous mammals would not be exposedto the contaminant through their diets because plants would not be contaminated. Assuming that most soilmacroinvertebrates available for ingestion live in the root zone, insectivorous mammals also would beunlikely to be exposed. In this case, a complete exposure pathway for this contaminant for ground-dwelling mammals would not exist, and the contaminant would not pose a significant risk to this group oforganisms. Secondary questions might include whether the contaminant is leaching from the soil to groundwater that discharges to surface water, thereby posing a risk to the aquatic environment or to terrestrialmammals that drink the water or consume aquatic prey. Example 1-2 illustrates the process of identifyingcomplete exposure pathways based on the hypothetical PCB site described in Appendix A.

1.2.5 Assessment and Measurement Endpoints

For the screening-level ecological risk assessment, assessment endpoints are any adverse effects onecological receptors, where receptors are plant and animal populations and communities, habitats, andsensitive environments. Adverse effects on populations can be inferred from measures related to impairedreproduction, growth, and survival. Adverse effects on communities can be inferred from changes incommunity structure or function. Adverse effects on habitats can be inferred from changes in compositionand characteristics that reduce the habitats' ability to support plant and animal populations andcommunities.

Many of the screening ecotoxicity values now available or likely to be available in the future for theSuperfund program (see Section 1.3) are based on generic assessment endpoints (e.g., protection of aquaticcommunities from changes in structure or function) and are assumed to be widely applicable to sites aroundthe United States.


EXHIBIT 1-1List of Sensitive Environments in the Hazard Ranking Systema

Critical habitat for Federal designated endangered or threatened speciesMarine SanctuaryNational ParkDesignated Federal Wilderness AreaAreas identified under the Coastal Zone Management ActSensitive areas identified under the National Estuary Program or Near Coastal Waters ProgramCritical areas identified under the Clean Lakes ProgramNational MonumentNational Seashore Recreational AreaNational Lakeshore Recreational AreaHabitat known to be used by Federal designated or proposed endangered or threatened speciesNational PreserveNational or State Wildlife RefugeUnit of Coastal Barrier Resources SystemCoastal Barrier (undeveloped)Federal land designated for protection of natural ecosystemsAdministratively Proposed Federal Wilderness AreaSpawning areas critical for the maintenance of fish/shellfish species within river, lake, or

coastal tidal watersMigratory pathways and feeding areas critical for maintenance of anadromous fish species within river

reaches or areas in lakes or coastal tidal waters in which the fish spend extended periods of timeTerrestrial areas utilized for breeding by large or dense aggregations of animalsNational river reach designated as RecreationalHabitat known to be used by state designated endangered or threatened speciesHabitat known to be used by species under review as to its Federal endangered or threatened statusCoastal Barrier (partially developed)Federally-designated Scenic or Wild RiverState land designated for wildlife or game managementState-designated Scenic or Wild RiverState-designated Natural AreasParticular areas, relatively small in size, important to maintenance of unique biotic communitiesState-designated areas for protection or maintenance of aquatic lifeWetlandsb

The categories are listed in groups from those assigned higher factor values to those assigned lower factor valuesa

in the Hazard Ranking System (HRS) for listing hazardous waste sites on the National Priorities List (U.S. EPA, 1990b).See Federal Register, Vol. 55, pp. 51624 and 51648 for additional information regardingdefinitions.

Under the HRS, wetlands are rated on the basis of size. See Federal Register, Vol. 55, pp. 51625 and 51662 forb

additional information.


EXAMPLE 1-2Complete Exposure Pathways for Mammals!!PCB Site

Three possible exposure pathways for mammals were evaluated at the PCB Site: inhalation, ingestion throughthe food chain, and incidental soil/sediment ingestion.

Inhalation. PCBs are not highly volatile, so the inhalation of PCB vapors by mammals would be an essentiallyincomplete exposure pathway. Inhalation of PCBs adsorbed to soil particles might need consideration in areas withexposed soils, but this site is well vegetated.

Ingestion through the food chain. PCBs tend to bioaccumulate and biomagnify in food chains. PCBsin soils are not taken up by most plants, but are accumulated by soil macroinvertebrates. Thus, in areas withoutsignificant soil deposition on the surfaces of plants, mammalian herbivores would not be exposed to PCBs in mostof their diet. In contrast, mammalian insectivores, such as shrews, could be exposed to PCBs in most of theirdiet. For PCBs, the ingestion route for mammals would be essentially incomplete for herbivores but complete forinsectivores. For the PCB site, therefore, the ingestion exposure route for a mammalian insectivore (e.g., shrew)would be a complete exposure pathway that should be evaluated.

Incidental soil/sediment ingestion. Mammals can ingest some quantity of soils or sedimentsincidentally, as they groom their fur or consume plants or animals from the soil. Burrowing mammals are likelyto ingest greater quantities of soils during grooming than non-burrowing mammals, and mammals that consume plantroots or soil-dwelling macroinvertebrates are likely to ingest greater quantities of soils attached to thesurface of their foods than mammals that consume other foods. The intake of PCBs from incidental ingestion of PCB-contaminated soils is difficult to estimate, but for insectivores that forage at ground level, it is likely tobe far less than the intake of PCBs in the diet. For herbivores, the incidental intake of PCBs in soils might behigher than the intake of PCBs in their diet, but still less than the intake of PCBs by mammals feeding on soilmacroinvertebrates. Thus, the exposure pathway for ground-dwelling mammalian insectivores remains the exposurepathway that should be evaluated.


The next step in the screening-level risk assessment is the preliminary ecological effects evaluationand the establishment of contaminant exposure levels that represent conservative thresholds for adverseecological effects. In this guidance, those conservative thresholds are called screening ecotoxicityvalues. Physical stresses unrelated to contaminants at the site are not the focus of the risk assessment(see Highlight 1-4), although they can be considered later when evaluating effects of remedialalternatives. A literature search for studies that quantify toxicity (i.e., exposure-response) is necessary to evaluatethe likelihood of toxic effects in different groups of organisms. Appendix C provides a basicintroduction to conducting a literature search, but an expert should be consulted to minimize time andcosts. The toxicity profile should describe the toxic mechanisms of action for the exposure routes beingevaluated and the dose or environmental concentration that causes a specified adverse effect.

It is possible to conduct a screening risk assessment with limited information and conservative assumptions. If site-specific1

information is too limited, however, the risk assessment is almost certain to move into Steps 3 through 7, which require field-collected data. The more complete the initial information, the better the decision that can be made at this preliminary stage.


HIGHLIGHT 1-4Non-Chemical Stressors

Ecosystems can be stressed by physical, as wellas by chemical, alterations of their environment.For this reason, EPA's (1992a) Framework forEcological Risk Assessment addresses "stressor-response" evaluation to include all types of stressinstead of "dose-response" or "exposure-response"evaluation, which implies that the stressor must bea toxic substance.

For Superfund sites, however, the baseline riskassessment addresses risks from hazardoussubstances released to the environment, not risksfrom physical alterations of the environment,unless caused indirectly by a hazardous substances(e.g., loss of vegetation from a chemical releaseleading to serious erosion). This guidancedocument, therefore, focuses on exposure-responseevaluations for toxic substances. Physicaldestruction of habitat that might be associatedwith a particular remedy is considered in theFeasibility Study.

For each complete exposure pathway, route, andcontaminant, a screening ecotoxicity value shouldbe developed. The U.S. EPA Office of Emergency and1

Remedial Response has developed screeningecotoxicity values [called ecotox threshold values(U.S. EPA, 1996c)]. The values are for surfacewaters and sediments, and are based on directexposures routes only; bioaccumulation andbiomagnification in food chains have not beenaccounted for. The following subsections describepreferred data (Section 1.3.1), dose conversions(Section 1.3.2), and analyzing uncertainty in thevalues (Section 1.3.3).

1.3.1 Preferred Toxicity Data

Screening ecotoxicity values should represent ano-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) for long-term (chronic) exposures to a contaminant.Ecological effects of most concern are those thatcan impact populations (or higher levels ofbiological organization). Those include adverseeffects on development, reproduction, andsurvivorship. Community-level effects also can beof concern, but toxicity data on community-levelendpoints are limited and might be difficult toextrapolate from one community to another.

When reviewing the literature, one should be aware of the limitations of published information incharacterizing actual or probable hazards at a specific site. U.S. EPA discourages reliance on secondaryreferences because study details relevant for determining the applicability of findings to a given siteusually are not reported in secondary sources. Only primary literature that has been carefully reviewedby an ecotoxicologist should be used to support a decision. Several considerations and data preferencesare summarized in Highlight 1-5 and described more fully below.

NOAELS and LOAELS. For each contaminant for which a complete exposure pathway/route exists,the literature should be reviewed for the lowest exposure level (e.g., concentration in water or in thediet, ingested dose) shown to produce adverse effects (e.g.,reduced growth, impaired reproduction,increased mortality) in a potential receptor species. This value is called a lowest-observed-adverse-

The literature reviews of McNamara (1976) and Weil and McCollister (1963) included both rodent and non-rodent species. The2

duration of the subchronic exposure usually was 90 days, but ranged from 30 to 210 days. A wide variety of endpoints and criteriafor adverse effects were included in these reviews. Despite this variation in the original studies, their findings provide ageneral indication of the ratio between subchronic to chronic NOAELs for effects other than cancer and reproductive effects. Forsome chemicals, chronic dosing resulted in increased chemical tolerance. For over 50 percent of the compounds tested, thechronic NOAEL was less than the 90-day NOAEL by a factor of 2 or less. However, in a few cases, the chronic NOAEL was up to afactor of 10 less than the subchronic NOAEL (U.S. EPA, 1993e).


HIGHLIGHT 1-5Data Hierarchy for Deriving

Screening Ecotoxicity Values

To develop a chronic NOAEL for a screeningecotoxicity value from existing literature, thefollowing data hierarchy minimizes extrapolationsand uncertainties in the value:

C A NOAEL is preferred to a LOAEL, which ispreferred to an LC or an EC .50 50

C Long-term (chronic) studies are preferred tomedium-term (subchronic) studies, which arepreferred to short-term (acute) studies.

C If exposure at the site is by ingestion,dietary studies are preferred to gavagestudies, which are preferred to non-ingestionroutes of exposure. Similarly, if exposure atthe site is dermal, dermal studies arepreferred to studies using other exposureroutes.

effect-level or LOAEL. For those contaminants withdocumented adverse effects, one also should identifythe highest exposure level that is a NOAEL. A NOAEL ismore appropriate than a LOAEL to use as an screeningecotoxicity value to ensure that risk is notunderestimated (see Highlight 1-6). However, NOAELscurrently are not available for many groups oforganisms and many chemicals. When a LOAEL value, butnot a NOAEL value, is available from the literature, astandard practice is to multiply the LOAEL by 0.1 andto use the product as the screening ecotoxicity value.Support for this practice comes from a data reviewindicating that 96 percent of chemicals included in thereview had LOAEL/NOAEL ratios of five or less, and thatall were ten or less (Dourson and Stara, 1983).

Exposure duration. Data from studies ofchronic exposure are preferable to data from medium-term (subchronic), short-term (acute), or single-exposure studies because exposures at Superfundremedial sites usually are long-term. Literaturereviews by McNamara (1976) and Weil and McCollister(1963) indicate that chronic NOAELs can be lower than2

subchronic (90-day duration for rats) NOAELs by up toa factor of ten .2

Exposure route. The exposure route and mediumused in the toxicity study should be comparable to theexposure route in the risk assessment. For example, data from studies where exposure is by gavagegenerally are not preferred for estimating dietary concentrations that could produce adverse effects,because the rate at which the substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract usually is greaterfollowing gavage than following dietary administration. Similarly, intravenous injection of a substanceresults in "instantaneous absorption" and does not allow the substance to first pass through the liver,as it would following dietary exposure. If it is necessary to attempt to extrapolate toxicity test resultsfrom one route of exposure to another, the extrapolation should be performed or reviewed by a toxicologistexperienced in route-to-route extrapolations for the class of animals at issue.



Because the NOAEL and LOAEL are estimated byhypothesis testing (i.e., by comparing the responselevel of a test group to the response level of acontrol group for a statistically significantdifference), the actual proportion of the testanimals showing the adverse response at anidentified LOAEL depends on sample size,variability of the response, and the dose interval.LOAELs, and even NOAELs, can represent a 30 percentor higher effect level for the minimum sample sizesrecommended for standard test protocols. For thisreason, U.S. EPA recommends that the moreconservative NOAELs, instead of LOAELs, are used todetermine a screening exposure level that isunlikely to adversely impact populations. If dose-response data are available, a site-specific low-effect level may be determined.

Field versus laboratory. Most toxicity studies evaluate effects of a single contaminant on asingle species under controlled laboratory conditions. Results from these studies might not be directlyapplicable to the field, where organisms typically are exposed to more than one contaminant inenvironmental situations that are not comparable to a laboratory setting and where genetic compositionof the population can be more heterogeneous than that of organisms bred for laboratory use. In addition,the bioavailability of a contaminant might be different at a site than in a laboratory toxicity test. Ina field situation, organisms also will be subject to other environmental variables, such as unusualweather conditions, infectious diseases, and food shortages. These variables can have either positiveor negative effects on the organism's response to a toxic contaminant that only a site-specific fieldstudy would be able to evaluate. Moreover, single-species toxicity tests seldom provide informationregarding toxicant-related changes in community interactions (e.g., behavioral changes in prey speciesthat make them more susceptible to predation).

1.3.2 Dose Conversions

For some data reported in the literature,conversions are necessary to allow the data to beused for species other than those tested or formeasures of exposure other than those reported.Many doses in laboratory studies are reported interms of concentration in the diet (e.g., mgcontaminant/kg diet or ppm in the diet). Dietaryconcentrations can be converted to dose (e.g., mgcontaminant/kg body weight/day) for comparison withestimated contaminant intake levels in the receptorspecies.

When converting doses, it is important to identifywhether weights are measured as wet or dry weights.Usually, body weights are reported on a wet-weight,not dry-weight basis. Concentration of thecontaminant in the diet might be reported on a wet-or dry-weight basis.

Ingestion rates and body weights for a testspecies often are reported in a toxicity study or can be obtained from other literature sources (e.g., U.S.EPA, 1993a,b). For extrapolations between animal species with different metabolic rates as well asdietary composition, consult U.S. EPA 1992e and 1996b.

1.3.3 Uncertainty Assessment

Professional judgment is needed to determine the uncertainty associated with information taken from theliterature and any extrapolations used in developing a screening ecotoxicity value. The risk assessor


should be consistently conservative in selecting literature values and describe the limitations of usingthose values in the context of a particular site. Consideration of the study design, endpoints, and otherfactors are important in determining the utility of toxicity data in the screening-level risk assessment.All of those factors should be addressed in a brief evaluation of uncertainties prior to the screening-level risk calculation.


At the conclusion of the screening-level problem formulation and ecological effects evaluation, thefollowing information should have been compiled:

C Environmental setting and contaminants known or suspected to exist at the site and the maximumconcentrations present (for each medium);

C Contaminant fate and transport mechanisms that might exist at the site;The mechanisms of ecotoxicity associated with contaminants and likely categories of receptors that could be affected;

C The complete exposure pathways that might exist at the site from contaminant sources to receptorsthat could be affected; and

C Screening ecotoxicity values equivalent to chronic NOAELs based on conservative assumptions.

For the screening-level ecological risk assessment, assessment endpoints will include any likelyadverse ecological effects on receptors for which exposure pathways are complete, as determined from theinformation listed above. Measurement endpoints will be based on the available literature regardingmechanisms of toxicity and will be used to establish the screening ecotoxicity values. Those values willbe used with estimated exposure levels to screen for ecological risks, as described in Step 2.



The screening-level exposure estimate and risk calculation comprise the second step in theecological risk screening for a site. Risk is estimated by comparing maximum documented exposureconcentrations with the ecotoxicity screening values from Step 1. At the conclusion of Step 2, therisk manager and risk assessment team will decide that either the screening-level ecological riskassessment is adequate to determine that ecological threats are negligible, or the process shouldcontinue to a more detailed ecological risk assessment (Steps 3 through 7). If the processcontinues, the screening-level assessment serves to identify exposure pathways and preliminarycontaminants of concern for the baseline risk assessment by eliminating those contaminants andexposure pathways that pose negligible risks.



This step includes estimating exposure levels and screening for ecological risks as the last two phasesof the screening-level ecological risk assessment. The process concludes with a SMDP at which it isdetermined that: (1) ecological threats are negligible; (2) the ecological risk assessment shouldcontinue to determine whether a risk exists; or (3) there is a potential for adverse ecological effects,and a more detailed ecological risk assessment, incorporating more site-specific information, is needed.

Section 2.2 describes the screening-level exposure assessment, focusing on the complete exposurepathways identified in Step 1. Section 2.3 describes the risk calculation process, including estimatinga hazard quotient, documenting the uncertainties in the quotient, and summarizing the overall confidencein the screening-level ecological risk assessment. Section 2.4 describes the SMDP that concludes Step2.


To estimate exposures for the screening-level ecological risk calculation, on-site contaminant levelsand general information on the types of biological receptors that might be exposed should be known fromStep 1. Only complete exposure pathways should be evaluated. For these, the highest measured or estimatedon-site contaminant concentration for each environmental medium should be used to estimate exposures.This should ensure that potential ecological threats are not missed.


HIGHLIGHT 2-1Area-use Factor

An animal's area-use factor can be defined asthe ratio of the area of contamination (or the sitearea under investigation) to the area used by theanimal, e.g., its home range, breeding range, orfeeding/foraging range. To ensure that ecologicalrisks are not underestimated, the highest densityand smallest area used by each animal should beassumed. This allows the maximum number of animalsto be exposed to site contaminants and makes it morelikely that "hot spots" (i.e., areas of unusuallyhigh contamination levels) will be significantproportions of an individual animal's home range.

2.2.1 Exposure Parameters

For parameters needed to estimate exposures for which sound site-specific information is lacking ordifficult to develop, conservative assumptions should be used at this screening level. Examples ofconservative assumptions are listed below and described in the following paragraphs:

C Area-use factor ! 100 percent (factor related to home range and population density; see Highlight2-1);

C Bioavailability ! 100 percent;

C Life stage ! most sensitive life stage;

C Body weight and food ingestion rate! minimum body weight to maximum ingestionrate; and

C Dietary composition ! 100 percent of dietconsists of the most contaminated dietarycomponent.

Area-use factor. For the screening level exposure estimate for terrestrial animals, assume that thehome range of one or more animals is entirely within the contaminated area, and thus the animals areexposed 100 percent of the time. This is a conservative assumption and, as an assumption, is onlyapplicable to the screening-level phase of the risk assessment. Species- and site-specific home rangeinformation would be needed later, in Step 6, to estimate more accurately the percentage of time an animalwould use a contaminated area. Also evaluate the possibility that some species might actually focus theiractivities in contaminated areas of the site. For example, if contamination has reduced emergentvegetation in a pond, the pond might be more heavily used for feeding by waterfowl than uncontaminatedponds with little open water.

Bioavailability. For the screening-level exposure estimate, in the absence of site-specificinformation, assume that the bioavailability of contaminants at the site is 100 percent. For example, atthe screening-level, lead would be assumed to be 100 percent bioavailable to mammals. While someliterature indicates that mammals absorb approximately 10 percent of ingested lead, absorption efficiencycan be higher, up to about 60 percent, because dietary factors such as fasting, and calcium and phosphatecontent of the diet, can affect the absorption rate (Kenzaburo, 1986). Because few species have beentested for bioavailability, and because Steps 3 through 6 provide an opportunity for this issue to beaddressed specifically, the most conservative assumption is appropriate for this step.


Life stage. For the screening-level assessment, assume that the most sensitive life stages arepresent. If an early life stage is the most sensitive, the population should be assumed to include or tobe in that life stage. For vertebrate populations, it is likely that most of the population is not in themost sensitive life stage most of the time. However, for many invertebrate species, the entire populationcan be at an early stage of development during certain seasons.

Body weight and food ingestion rates. Estimates of body weight and food ingestion rates ofthe receptor animals also should be made conservatively to maximize the dose (intake of contaminants) ona body-weight basis and to avoid understating risk, although uncertainties in these factors are far lessthan the uncertainties associated with the environmental contaminant concentrations. U.S. EPA's WildlifeExposure Factors Handbook (U.S. EPA, 1993a,b) is a good source or reference to sources of thisinformation.

Bioaccumulation. Bioaccumulation values obtained from a literature search can be used to estimatecontaminant accumulation and food-chain transfer at a Superfund site at the screening stage. Because manyenvironmental factors influence the degree of bioaccumulation, sometimes by several orders of magnitude,the most conservative (i.e., highest) bioaccumulation factor (BAF) reported in the literature should beused in the absence of site-specific information.

Dietary composition. For species that feed on more than one type of food, the screening-levelassumption should be that the diet is composed entirely of whichever type of food is most contaminated.For example, if some foods (e.g., insects) are likely to be more contaminated than other foods (e.g., seedsand fruits) typical in the diet of a receptor species, assume that the receptor species feeds exclusivelyon the more contaminated type of food. Again, EPA's Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook (U.S. EPA,1993a,b) is a good source or reference to sources of this information.

2.2.2 Uncertainty Assessment

Professional judgment is needed to determine the uncertainty associated with information taken from theliterature and any extrapolations used in developing a parameter to estimate exposures. All assumptionsused to estimate exposures should be stated, including some description of the degree of bias possible ineach. Where literature values are used, an indication of the range of values that could be consideredappropriate also should be indicated.





HIGHLIGHT 2-2Hazard Index (HI) Calculation

For contaminants that produce adverse effects by thesame toxic mechanism:

Hazard Index = EEC /NOAEL +1 1

EEC /NOAEL + 2 2



EEC = estimated environmental concentration fori

the i contaminant; andth

NOAELi = NOAEL for the i contaminant (expressedth

either as a dose or environmental concentration).

The EEC and the NOAEL are expressed in the same units andrepresent the same exposure period (e.g., chronic). Dosecould be substituted for EEC throughout provided the NOAELis expressed as a dose.


A quantitative screening-level risk can be estimated using the exposure estimates developed accordingto Section 2.2 and the screening ecotoxicity values developed according to Section 1.3. For thescreening-level risk calculation, the hazard quotient approach, which compares point estimates ofscreening ecotoxicity values and exposure values, is adequate to estimate risk. As described in Section1.3, a screening ecotoxicity value should be equivalent to a documented and/or best conservativelyestimated chronic NOAEL. Thus, for each contaminant and environmental medium, the hazard quotient canbe expressedas the ratio of a potential exposure level to the NOAEL:where:

HQ = hazard quotient;

Dose = estimated contaminant intake at the site (e.g., mg contaminant/kg body weight per day);

EEC = estimated environmental concentration at the site (e.g., mg contaminant/L water, mgcontaminant/kg soil, mg contaminant/kg food); and

NOAEL = no-observed-adverse-effects-level (inunits that match the dose or EEC).

An HQ less than one (unity) indicates that thecontaminant alone is unlikely to cause adverseecological effects. If multiple contaminants ofpotential ecological concern exist at the site, itmight be appropriate to sum the HQs for receptors thatcould be simultaneously exposed to the contaminantsthat produce effects by the same toxic mechanism (U.S.EPA, 1986a). The sum of the HQs is called a hazard index(HI); (see Highlight 2-2). An HI less than oneindicates that the group of contaminants is unlikely tocause adverse ecological effects. An HQ or HI less thanone does not indicate the absence of ecological risk;rather, it should be interpreted based on the severityof the effect reported and the magnitude of thecalculated quotient. As certainty in the exposureconcentrations and the NOAEL increase, there is greaterconfidence in the predictive value of the hazardquotient model, and unity (HQ = 1) becomes a morecertain pass/fail decision point.


The screening-level risk calculation is a conservative estimate to ensure that potential ecologicalthreats are not overlooked. The calculation is used to document a decision about whether or not there isa negligible potential for ecological impacts, based on the information available at this stage. If thepotential for ecological impacts exists, this calculation can be used to eliminate the negligible-riskcombinations of contaminants and exposure pathways from further consideration.

If the screening-level risk assessment indicates that adverse ecological effects arepossible at environmental concentrations below standard quantitation limits, a "non detect" based onthose limits cannot be used to support a "no risk" decision. Instead, the risk assessment team and riskmanager should request appropriate detection limits or agree to continue to Steps 3 through 7, whereexposure concentrations will be estimated from other information (e.g., fate-and-transport modeling,assumed or 0 estimated values for non-detects).


At the end of Step 2, the lead risk assessor communicates the results of the preliminary ecological riskassessment to the risk manager. The risk manager needs to decide whether the information available isadequate to make a risk management decision and might require technical advice from the ecological riskassessment team to reach a decision. There are only three possible decisions at this point:

(1) There is adequate information to conclude that ecological risks are negligible and therefore noneed for remediation on the basis of ecological risk;

(2) The information is not adequate to make a decision at this point, and the ecological riskassessment process will continue to Step 3; or

(3) The information indicates a potential for adverse ecological effects, and a more thoroughassessment is warranted.

Note that the SMDP made at the end of the screening-level risk calculation will not set a preliminarycleanup goal. Screening ecotoxicity values are derived to avoid underestimating risk. Requiring acleanup based solely on those values would not be technically defensible.

The risk manager should document both the decision and the basis for it. If the risk characterizationsupports the first decision (i.e., negligible risk), the ecological risk assessment process ends here withappropriate documentation to support the decision. The documentation should include all analyses andreferences used in the assessment, including a discussion of the uncertainties associated with the HQ andHI estimates.

For assessments that proceed to Step 3, the screening-level analysis in Step 2 can indicate and justifywhich contaminants and exposure pathways can be eliminated from further assessment because they areunlikely to pose a substantive risk. (If new contaminants are discovered or contaminants are found athigher concentrations later in the site investigation, those contaminants might need to be added to theecological risk assessment at that time.)


U.S. EPA must be confident that the SMDP made after completion of this calculation will protect theecological components of the environment. The decision to continue beyond the screening-level riskcalculation does not indicate whether remediation is necessary at the site. That decision will be madein Step 8 of the process.


At the conclusion of the exposure estimate and screening-level risk calculation step, the followinginformation should have been compiled:

(1) Exposure estimates based on conservative assumptions and maximum concentrationspresent; and

(2) Hazard quotients (or hazard indices) indicating which, if any, contaminants and exposure pathwaysmight pose ecological threats.

Based on the results of the screening-level ecological risk calculation, the risk manager and lead riskassessor will determine whether or not contaminants from the site pose an ecological threat. If there aresufficient data to determine that ecological threats are negligible, the ecological risk assessment willbe complete at this step with a finding of negligible ecological risk. If the data indicate that there is(or might be) a risk of adverse ecological effects, the ecological risk assessment process will continue.

Conservative assumptions have been used for each step of the screening-level ecological riskassessment. Therefore, requiring a cleanup based solely on this information would not be technicallydefensible. To end the assessment at this stage, the conclusion of negligible ecological risk must beadequately documented and technically defensible. A lack of information on the toxicity of a contaminantor on complete exposure pathways will result in a decision to continue with the ecological risk assessmentprocess (Steps 3 through 7) not a decision to delay the ecological risk assessment until a later date whenmore information might be available.



Step 3 of the eight-step process initiates the problem-formulation phase of the baselineecological risk assessment. Step 3 refines the screening-level problem formulation and, with inputfrom stakeholders and other involved parties, expands on the ecological issues that are of concernat the particular site. In the screening-level assessment, conservative assumptions were usedwhere site-specific information was lacking. In Step 3, the results of the screening assessmentand additional site-specific information are used to determine the scope and goals of the baselineecological risk assessment. Steps 3 through 7 are required only for sites for which the screening-level assessment indicated a need for further ecological risk evaluation.

Problem formulation at Step 3 includes several activities:

C Refining preliminary contaminants of ecological concern;C Further characterizing ecological effects of contaminants;C Reviewing and refining information on contaminant fate and transport, complete

exposure pathways, and ecosystems potentially at risk;C Selecting assessment endpoints; andC Developing a conceptual model with working hypotheses or questions that the site

investigation will address.

At the conclusion of Step 3, there is a SMDP, which consists of agreement on four items: theassessment endpoints, the exposure pathways, the risk questions, and conceptual model integratingthese components. The products of Step 3 are used to select measurement endpoints and to developthe ecological risk assessment work plan (WP) and sampling and analysis plan (SAP) for the site inStep 4. Steps 3 and 4 are, effectively, the data quality objective (DQO) process for the baselineecological risk assessment.



In Step 3, problem formulation establishes the goals, breadth, and focus of the baseline ecological riskassessment. It also establishes the assessment endpoints, or specific ecological values to be protected(U.S. EPA, 1992a). Through Step 3, the questions and issues that need to be addressed in the baselineecological risk assessment are defined based on potentially complete exposure pathways and ecologicaleffects. A conceptual model of the site is developed that includes questions about the assessmentendpoints and the relationship between exposure and effects. Step 3 culminates in an SMDP, which isagreement between the risk manager and risk assessor on the assessment endpoints, exposure pathways, andquestions as portrayed in the conceptual model of the site.


The conceptual model, which is completed in Step 4, also will describe the approach, types of data, andanalytical tools to be used for the analysis phase of the ecological risk assessment (Step 6). Thosecomponents of the conceptual model are formally described in the ecological risk WP and SAP in Step 4 ofthis eight-step process. If there is not agreement among the risk manager, lead risk assessor, and theother professionals involved with the ecological risk assessment on the initial conceptual modeldeveloped in Step 3, the final conceptual model and field study design developed in Step 4 might notresolve the issues that must be considered to manage risks effectively.

The complexity of questions developed during problem formulation does not depend on the size of a siteor the magnitude of its contamination. Large areas of contamination can provoke simple questions and,conversely, small sites with numerous contaminants can require a complex series of questions andassessment endpoints. There is no rule that can be applied to gauge the effort needed for an ecologicalrisk assessment based on site size or number of contaminants; each site should be evaluated individually.

At the beginning of Step 3, some basic information should exist for the site. At a minimum, informationshould be available from the site history, PA, SI, and Steps 1 and 2 of this eight-step process. For largeor complex sites, information might be available from earlier site investigations.

It is important to be as complete as possible early in the process so that Steps 3 through 8 need not berepeated. Repeating the selection of assessment endpoints and/or the questions and hypotheses concerningthose endpoints is appropriate only if new information indicating new threats becomes available. The SMDPprocess should prevent having to return to the problem formulation step because of changing opinions onthe questions being asked. Repetition of Step 3 should not be confused with the intentional tiering (orphasing) of ecological site investigations at large or complex sites (see Highlight 3-1). The process ofproblem formulation at complex sites is the same as at more simple sites, but the number, complexity,and/or level of resolution of the questions and hypotheses can be greater at complex sites.

While problem formulation is conceptually simple, in practice it can be a complex and interactiveprocess. Defining the ecological problems to be addressed during the baseline risk assessment involvesidentifying toxic mechanisms of the contaminants, characterizing potential receptors, and estimatingexposure and potential ecological effects. Problem formulation also constitutes the DQO process for thebaseline ecological risk assessment (U.S. EPA, 1993c,d).

The remainder of this section describes six activities to be conducted prior to the SMDP for this step:refining preliminary contaminants of ecological concern (Section 3.2); a literature search on thepotential ecological effects of the contaminants (Section 3.3); qualitative evaluation of completeexposure pathways and ecosystems potentially at risk (Section 3.4); selecting assessment endpoints(Section 3.5); and developing the conceptual model and establishing risk questions (Section 3.6).


HIGHLIGHT 3-1Tiering an Ecological Risk


Most ecological risk assessments at Superfund sitesare at least a two-tier process. Steps 1 and 2 of thisguidance serve as a first, or screening, tier prior toexpending a larger effort for a detailed, site-specificecological risk assessment. The baseline riskassessment may serve as the second tier. Additionaltiers could be needed in the baseline risk assessmentfor large or complex sites where there is a need tosequentially test interdependent hypotheses developedduring problem formulation (i.e., evaluating theresults of one field assessment before designing asubsequent field study).

While tiering can be an effective way to managesite investigations, multiple sampling phasestypically require some resampling of matrices sampledduring earlier tiers and increased field-mobilizationcosts. Thus, in some cases, a multi-tiered ecologicalrisk assessment might cost more than a two-tieredassessment. The benefits of tiering should be weighedagainst the costs.


The results of the screening-level riskassessment (Steps 1 and 2) should haveindicated which contaminants found at the sitecan be eliminated from further considerationand which should be evaluated further. It isimportant to realize that contaminants thatmight pose an ecological risk can be differentfrom those that might pose a human health riskbecause of differing exposure pathways,sensitivities, and responses to contaminants.

The initial list of contaminantsinvestigated in Steps 1 and 2 included allcontaminants identified or suspected to be atthe site. During Steps 1 and 2, it is likelythat several of the contaminants found at thesite were eliminated from further assessmentbecause the risk screen indicated that theyposed a negligible ecological risk. Because ofthe conservative assumptions used during therisk screen, some of the contaminants retainedfor Step 3 might also pose negligible risk. Atthis stage, the risk assessor should review theassumptions used (e.g., 100 percentbioavailability) against values reported inthe literature (e.g., only up to 60 percent fora particular contaminant), and consider howthe HQs would change if more realistic conservative assumptions were used instead (see Section 3.4.1).For those contaminants for which the HQs drop to near or below unity, the lead risk assessor and riskmanager should discuss and agree on which can be eliminated from further consideration at this time. Thereasons for dropping any contaminants from consideration at this step must be documented in the baselinerisk assessment.

Sometimes, new information becomes available that indicates the initial assumptions that screened somecontaminants out in Step 2 are no longer valid (e.g., site contaminant levels are higher than originallyreported). In this case, contaminants can be placed back on the list of contaminants to be investigatedwith that justification.


Note that a contaminant should not be eliminated from the list of contaminants to be investigated onlybecause toxicity information is lacking; instead, limited or missing toxicity information must beaddressed using best professional judgment and discussed as an uncertainty.


The literature search conducted in Step 1 for the screening-level risk assessment might need to beexpanded to obtain the information needed for the more detailed problem formulation phase of the baselineecological risk assessment. The literature search should identify NOAELs, LOAELs, exposure-responsefunctions, and the mechanisms of toxic responses for contaminants for which those data were not collectedin Step 1. Appendix C presents a discussion of some of the factors important in conducting a literaturesearch. Several U.S. EPA publications (e.g., U.S. EPA, 1995a,e,g,h) provide a window to original toxicityliterature for contaminants often found at Superfund sites. For all retained contaminants, it isimportant to obtain and review the primary literature.


A preliminary identification of contaminant fate and transport, ecosystems potentially at risk, andcomplete exposure pathways was conducted in the screening ecological risk assessment. In Step 3, theexposure pathways and the ecosystems associated with the assessment endpoints that were retained by thescreening risk assessment are evaluated in more detail. This effort typically involves compilingadditional information on:

(1) The environmental fate and transport of the contaminants;

(2) The ecological setting and general flora and fauna of the site (including habitat, potentialreceptors, etc.); and

(3) The magnitude and extent of contamination, including its spatial and temporal variabilityrelative to the assessment endpoints.

For individual contaminants, it is frequently possible to reduce the number of exposure pathways thatneed to be evaluated to one or a few "critical exposure pathways" which (1) reflect maximum exposures ofreceptors within the ecosystem, or (2) constitute exposure pathways to ecological receptors sensitive tothe contaminant. The critical exposure pathways influence the selection of assessment endpoints for aparticular site. If multiple critical exposure pathways exist, they each should be evaluated, becauseit is often difficult to predict which pathways could be responsible for the greatest ecological risk.

The product might be more or less toxic than the parent compound.3

The product might be more or less toxic than the parent compound.4


HIGHLIGHT 3-2Environmental Fate and


If a contaminant in an aquatic ecosystem ishighly lipophilic (i.e., essentially insolublein water), it is likely to partition primarilyinto sediments and not into the water column.Factors such as sediment particle size andorganic carbon influence contaminantpartitioning; therefore, these attributesshould be characterized when sampling sediments.Similar considerations regarding partitioningshould be applied to contaminants in soils.

3.4.1 Contaminant Fate and Transport

Information on how the contaminants will or could betransported or transformed in the environmentphysically, chemically, and biologically is used toidentify the exposure pathways that might lead tosignificant ecological effects (see Highlight 3-2).Chemically, contaminants can undergo several processesin the environment: C Degradation,3

C Complexation,C Ionization,C Precipitation, and/orC Adsorption.

Physically, contaminants might move through theenvironment by one or more means:

C Volatilization,C Erosion,C Deposition (contaminant sinks),C Weathering of parent material with subsequent transport, and/orC Water transport:

- in solution,- as suspended material in the water, and- bulk transport of solid material.

Several biological processes also affect contaminant fate and transport in the environment:

C Bioaccumulation,C Biodegradation,C Biological transformation,4

C Food chain transfers, and/orC Excretion.


Additional information should be gathered on past as well as current mechanisms of contaminant releasefrom source areas at the site. The mechanisms of release along with the chemical and physical form of acontaminant can affect its fate, transport, and potential for reaching ecological receptors.

A contaminant flow diagram (or exposure pathway diagram) comprises a large part of the conceptualmodel, as illustrated in Section 3.6. A contaminant flow diagram originates at the primary contaminantsource(s) and identifies primary release mechanisms and contaminant transport pathways. The release andmovement of the contaminants can create secondary sources (e.g., contaminated sediments in a river; seeExample 3-1), and even tertiary sources.

The above information is used to evaluate where the contaminants are likely to partition in theenvironment, and the bioavailability of the contaminant (historically, currently, or in the future). Asindicated in Section 3.2, it might be possible for the risk assessment team and the risk manager to usethis information to replace some of the conservative assumptions used in the screening-level riskassessment and to eliminate additional chemicals from further evaluation at this point. Any suchnegotiations must be documented in the baseline risk assessment.

3.4.2 Ecosystems Potentially at Risk

The ecosystems or habitats potentially at risk depend on the ecological setting of a site. An initialsource of information on the ecological setting of a site is the data collected during the preliminary sitevisit and characterization (Step 1), including the site ecological checklist (Appendix B). The sitedescription should provide answers to several questions including:

C What habitats (e.g., maple-beech hardwood forest, early-successional fields) are present?C What types of water bodies are present, if any?C Do any other habitats listed in Exhibit 1-1 exist on or adjacent to the site?

While adequately documented information should be used, it is not critical that complete site settinginformation be collected during this phase of the risk assessment. However, it is important that habitatsat the site are not overlooked; hence, a site visit might be needed to supplement the one conducted duringthe screening risk assessment. If a habitat actually present on the site is omitted during the problemformulation phase, this step might need to be repeated later when the habitat is found, resulting in delaysand additional costs for the risk assessment.


EXAMPLE 3-1Exposure Pathway Model!!DDT Site

An abandoned pesticide production facility had released DDT to soils through poor handling practices during itsoperation. Due to erosion of contaminated soils, DDT migrated to stream sediments. The contaminated sedimentsrepresent a secondary source that might affect benthic organisms through direct contact or ingestion. Benthicorganisms that have accumulated DDT can be consumed by fish, and fish that have accumulated DDT can be consumed bypiscivorous birds, which are considered a valuable component of the local ecosystem. This example illustrates howcontaminant transport is traced from a primary source to a secondary source and from there through a food chain to anexposure point that can affect an assessment endpoint.

Available information on ecological effects of contaminants (see Section 3.3) can help focus theassessment on specific ecological resources that should be evaluated more thoroughly, because some groupsof organisms can be more sensitive than others to a particular contaminant. For example, a species orgroup of species could be physiologically sensitive to a particular contaminant (e.g., the contaminantmight interfere with its vascular system); or, the species might not be able to metabolize and detoxifythe particular contaminant(s) (e.g., honey bees and grass shrimp cannot effectively biodegrade PAHs,whereas fish generally can). Alternatively, an already-stressed population (e.g., due to habitatdegradation) could be particularly sensitive to any added stresses.

Variation in sensitivity should not be confused with variation in exposure, which can result frombehavioral and dietary differences among species. For example, predators can be exposed to higher levelsof contaminants that biomagnify in food chains than herbivores. A specialist predator could feedprimarily on one prey type that is a primary receptor of the contaminant. Some species mightpreferentially feed in a habitat where the contaminant tends to accumulate. On the other hand, a speciesmight change its behavior to avoid contaminated areas. Both sensitivity to toxic effects of a contaminantand behaviors that affect exposure levels can influence risks for particular groups of organisms.

3.4.3 Complete Exposure Pathways

The potentially complete exposure pathways identified in Steps 1 and 2 are described in more detailin Step 3 on the basis of the refined contaminant fate and transport evaluations (Section 3.4.1) andevaluation of potential ecological receptors (Section 3.4.2).

Some of the potentially complete exposure pathways identified in Steps 1 and 2 might be ruled out fromfurther consideration at this time. Sometimes, additional exposure pathways might be identified,particularly those originating from secondary sources. Any data gaps that result in questions aboutwhether an exposure pathway is complete should be identified, and the type of data needed to answer thosequestions should be described to assist in developing the WP and SAP in Step 4.


EXAMPLE 3-2Potential for Food Chain Transfer!!Copper and DDT Sites

Copper can be toxic in aquatic ecosystems and to terrestrial plants. However, it is an essential nutrient forboth plants and animals, and organisms can regulate internal copper concentrations within limits. For this reason,copper tends not to accumulate in most organisms or to biomagnify in food chains, and thus tends not to reach levelshigh enough to cause adverse responses through food chain transfer to upper-trophic-level organisms. (Copper isknown to accumulate by several orders of magnitude in phytoplankton and in filter-feeding mollusks, however, andthus can pose a threat to organisms that feed on those components of aquatic ecosystems; U.S. EPA, 1985a.) Incontrast, DDT, a contaminant that accumulates in fatty tissues, can biomagnify in many different types of foodchains. Upper-trophic-level species (such as predatory birds), therefore, are likely to be exposed to higher levelsof DDT through their prey than are lower-trophic-level species in the ecosystem.

During Step 3, the potential for food-chain exposures deserves particular attention. Somecontaminants are effectively transferred through food chains, while others are not. To illustrate thispoint, copper and DDT are compared in Example 3-2.


As noted in the introduction to this guidance, an assessment endpoint is "an explicit expression ofthe environmental value that is to be protected" (U.S. EPA, 1992a). In human health risk assessment, onlyone species is evaluated, and cancer and noncancer effects are the usual assessment endpoints. Ecologicalrisk assessment, on the other hand, involves multiple species that are likely to be exposed to differingdegrees and to respond differently to the same contaminant. Nonetheless, it is not practical or possibleto directly evaluate risks to all of the individual components of the ecosystem at a site. Instead,assessment endpoints focus the risk assessment on particular components of the ecosystem that could beadversely affected by contaminants from the site.

The selection of assessment endpoints includes discussion between the lead risk assessor and the riskmanager concerning management policy goals and ecological values. The lead risk assessor and risk managershould seek input from the regional BTAG, PRPs, and other stakeholders associated with a site whenidentifying assessment endpoints for a site. Stakeholder input at this stage will help ensure that therisk manager can readily defend the assessment endpoints when making decisions for the site. ECO UpdateVolume 3, Number 1, briefly summarizes the process of selecting assessment endpoints (U.S. EPA, 1995b).

Individual assessment endpoints usually encompass a group of species or populations with some commoncharacteristics, such as a specific exposure route or contaminant sensitivity. Sometimes, individualassessment endpoints are limited to one species (e.g., a species known to be particularly sensitive to asite contaminant). Assessment endpoints can also encompass the typical structure and function ofbiological communities or ecosystems associated with a site.


Assessment endpoints for the baseline ecological risk assessment must be selected based on theecosystems, communities, and/or species potentially present at the site. The selection of assessmentendpoints depends on:

(1) The contaminants present and their concentrations;(2) Mechanisms of toxicity of the contaminants to different groups of organisms;(3) Ecologically relevant receptor groups that are potentially sensitive or highly exposed to the

contaminant and attributes of their natural history; and(4) Potentially complete exposure pathways.

Thus, the process of selecting assessment endpoints can be intertwined with other phases of problemformulation. The risk assessment team must think through the contaminant mechanism(s) of ecotoxicity todetermine what receptors will or could be at risk. This understanding must include how the adverse effectsof the contaminants might be expressed (e.g., eggshell thinning in birds), as well as how the chemical andphysical form of the contaminants influence bioavailability and the type and magnitude of adverse response(e.g., inorganic versus organic mercury).

The risk assessment team also should determine if the contaminants can adversely affect organisms indirect contact with the contaminated media (e.g., direct exposure to water, sediment, soil) or if thecontaminants accumulate in food chains, resulting in adverse effects in organisms that are not directlyexposed or are minimally exposed to the original contaminated media (indirect exposure). The team shoulddecide if the risk assessment should focus on toxicity resulting from direct or indirect exposures, or ifboth must be evaluated.

Broad assessment endpoints (e.g., protecting aquatic communities) are generally of less value inproblem formulation than specific assessment endpoints (e.g., maintaining aquatic community compositionand structure downstream of a site similar to that upstream of the site). Specific assessment endpointsdefine the ecological value in sufficient detail to identify the measures needed to answer specificquestions or to test specific hypotheses. Example 3-3 provides three examples of assessment endpointselection based on the hypothetical sites in Appendix A.

The formal identification of assessment endpoints is part of the SMDP for this step. Regardless ofthe level of effort to be expended on the subsequent phases of the risk assessment, the assessmentendpoints identified are critical elements in the design of the ecological risk assessment and must beagreed upon as the focus of the risk assessment. Once assessment endpoints have been selected, testablehypotheses and measurement endpoints can be developed to determine whether or not a potential threat tothe assessment endpoints exists. Testable hypotheses and measurement endpoints cannot be developedwithout agreement on the assessment endpoints among the risk manager, risk assessors, and other involvedprofessionals.


EXAMPLE 3-3Assessment Endpoint Selection!!DDT, Copper, and PCB Sites

DDT Site

An assessment endpoint such as "protection of the ecosystem from the effects of DDT" would give littledirection to the risk assessment. However, "protection of piscivorous birds from eggshell thinning due to DDTexposure" directs the risk assessment toward the food-chain transfer of DDT that results in eggshell thinningin a specific group of birds. This assessment endpoint provides the foundation for identifying appropriatemeasures of effect and exposure and ultimately the design of the site investigation. It is not necessary thata specific species of bird be identified on site. It is necessary that the exposure pathway exists and that thepresence of a piscivorous bird could be expected.

Copper Site

Copper can be acutely or chronically toxic to organisms in an aquatic community through direct exposure ofthe organisms to copper in the water and sediments. Threats of copper toxicity to higher-trophic-levelorganisms are unlikely to exceed threats to organisms at the base of the food chain, because copper is anessential nutrient which is effectively regulated by most organisms if the exposure is below immediately toxiclevels. Aquatic plants (particularly phytoplankton) and mollusks, however, are poor at regulating copper andmight be sensitive receptors or effective in transferring copper to the next trophic level. In addition, fishfry can be very sensitive to copper in water. Based on these receptors and the potential for both acute andchronic toxicity, an appropriate general assessment endpoint for the system could be the maintenance of aquaticcommunity composition. An operational definition of the assessment endpoint for this site would be pond fishand invertebrate community composition similar to that of other ponds of similar size and characteristics inthe area.

PCB Site

The primary ecological threat of PCBs in ecosystems is not through direct exposure and acute toxicity.Instead, PCBs bioaccumulate in food chains and can diminish reproductive success in some vertebrate species.PCBs have been implicated as a cause of reduced reproductive success of piscivorous birds (e.g., cormorants,terns) in the Great Lakes (Kubiak et al., 1989; Fox et al., 1991) and of mink along several waterways (Aulerichand Ringer, 1977; Foley et al., 1988). Therefore, reduced reproductive success in high-trophic-level speciesexposed via their diet is a more appropriate assessment endpoint than either toxicity to organisms via directexposure to PCBs in water, sediments, or soils, or reproductive impairment in lower-trophic-level species.




The site conceptual model establishes the complete exposure pathways that will be evaluated in theecological risk assessment and the relationship of the measurement endpoints to the assessment endpoints.In the conceptual model, the possible exposure pathways are depicted in an exposure pathway diagram andmust be linked directly to the assessment endpoints identified in Section 3.5. Developing the conceptualmodel and risk questions are described in Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2, respectively. Selection ofmeasurement endpoints, completing the conceptual model, is described in Step 4.

3.6.1 Conceptual Model

Based on the information obtained from Steps 1 and 2, knowledge of the contaminants present, theexposure pathway diagram, and the assessment endpoints, an integrated conceptual model is developed (seeExample 3-4). The conceptual model includes a contaminant fate-and-transport diagram that traces thecontaminants' movement from sources through the ecosystem to receptors that include the assessmentendpoints (see Example 3-5). Contaminant exposure pathways that do not lead to a species or group ofspecies associated with the proposed assessment endpoint indicate that either:

(1) There is an incomplete exposure pathway to the receptor(s) associated with theproposed assessment endpoint; or

(2) There are missing components or data necessary to demonstrate a complete exposure pathway.

If case (1) is true, the proposed assessment endpoint should be reevaluated to determine if it is anappropriate endpoint for the site. If case (2) is true, then additional field data could be needed toevaluate contaminant fate and transport at the site. Failure to identify a complete exposure pathwaythat does exist at the site can result in incorrect conclusions or in extra time and effort being expendedon a supplementary investigation.

As indicated in Section 3.5, appropriate assessment endpoints differ from site to site, and can beat one or more levels of biological organization. At any particular site, the appropriate assessmentendpoints might involve local populations of a particular species, community-level integrity, and/orhabitat preservation. The site conceptual model must encompass the level of biological organizationappropriate for the assessment endpoints for the site. The conceptual model can use assumptions thatgenerally represent a group of organisms or ecosystem components.

The intent of the conceptual model is not to describe a particular species or site exactly as much asit is to be systematic, representative, and conservative where information is lacking (with assumptionsbiased to be more likely to overestimate than to underestimate risk). For example, it is not necessaryor even recommended to develop new test protocols to use species that exist a site to test the toxicityof site media (See Step 4). Species used in standardized laboratory toxicity tests (e.g., fatheadminnows, Hyallela amphipods) usually are adequate surrogates for species in their general taxa andhabitat at the site.


EXAMPLE 3-4Description of the Conceptual Model!!DDT Site

One of the assessment endpoints selected for the DDT site (Appendix A) is the protection of piscivorousbirds. The site conceptual model includes the release of DDT from the spill areas to the adjacent stream,followed by food chain accumulation of DDT from the sediments and water through the lower trophic levels toforage fish in the stream. The forage fish are the exposure point for piscivorous birds. Eggshell thinning wasselected as the measure of effect. During the literature review of the ecological effects of DDT, toxicitystudies were found that reported reduced reproductive success (i.e., number of young fledged) in birds thatexperienced eggshell thinning of 20 percent or more (Anderson and Hickey, 1972; Dilworth et al., 1972). Basedon those data, the lead risk assessor and risk manager agreed that eggshell thinning of 20 percent or more wouldbe considered an adverse effect for piscivorous birds.

Chronic DDT exposure can also reduce some animals' ability to escape predation. Thus, DDT canindirectly increase the mortality rate of these organisms by making them more susceptible to predators (Cooke,1971; Krebs et al., 1974). That effect of DDT on prey also can have an indirect consequence for the predators.If predators are more likely to capture the more contaminated prey, the predators could be exposed to DDT atlevels higher than represented in the average prey population.

3.6.2 Risk Questions

Ecological risk questions for the baseline risk assessment at Superfund sites are basically questionsabout the relationships among assessment endpoints and their predicted responses when exposedtocontaminants. The risk questions should be based on the assessment endpoints and provide a basis fordeveloping the study design (Step 4) and for evaluating the results of the site investigation in theanalysis phase (Step 6) and during risk characterization (Step 7).

The most basic question applicable to virtually all Superfund sites is whether site-relatedcontaminants are causing or have the potential to cause adverse effects on the assessment endpoint(s).To use the baseline ecological risk assessment in the FS to evaluate remedial alternatives, it is helpfulif the specific contaminant(s) responsible can be identified. Thus refined, the question becomes "does(or could) chemical X cause adverse effects on the assessment endpoint?" In general, there are four linesof evidence that can be used to answer this question:

(1) Comparing estimated or measured exposure levels to chemical X with levels that are known fromthe literature to be toxic to receptors associated with the assessment endpoints;

(2) Comparing laboratory bioassays with media from the site and bioassays with media from areference site;

(3) Comparing in situ toxicity tests at the site with in situ toxicity tests in a reference bodyof water; and

(4) Comparing observed effects in the receptors associated with the site with similar receptorsat a reference site.


HIGHLIGHT 3-3Definitions:

Null and Test Hypotheses

Null hypothesis: Usually a hypothesis of nodifferences between two populations formulated forthe express purpose of being rejected.

Test (or alternative) hypothesis: Anoperational statement of the investigator'sresearch hypothesis.

When appropriate, formal hypothesis testing ispreferred to make explicit what error rates areacceptable and what magnitude of effect isconsidered biologically important. However, itmight not be practical for many assessmentendpoints or be the only acceptable way to statequestions about those endpoints. See Example 4-1 inthe next chapter.

These lines of evidence are considered further in Step 4, as measurement endpoints are selected tocomplete the conceptual model and the site-specific study is designed.


At the conclusion of Step 3, there is a SMDP.The SMDP consists of agreement on four items:contaminants of concern, assessment endpoints,exposure pathways, and risk questions. Thoseitems can be summarized with the assistance of thediagram of the conceptual model. Withoutagreement between the risk manager, riskassessors, and other involved professionals on theconceptual model to this point, measurementendpoints cannot be selected, and a site studycannot be developed effectively. Example 3-5shows the conceptual model for the DDT site examplein Appendix A.


By combining information on: (1) the potentialcontaminants present; (2) the ecotoxicity of thecontaminants; (3) environmental fate andtransport; (4) the ecological setting; and (5)complete exposure pathways, an evaluation is madeof what aspects of the ecosystem at the site couldbe at risk and what the adverse ecological response could be. "Critical exposure pathways" are based on:(1) exposure pathways to sensitive species' populations or communities; and (2) exposure levelsassociated with predominant fate and transport mechanisms at a site.

Based on that information, the risk assessors and risk manager agree on assessment endpoints andspecific questions or testable hypotheses that, together with the rest of the conceptual model, form thebasis for the site investigation. At this stage, site-specific information on exposure pathways and/orthe presence of specific species is likely to be incomplete. By using the conceptual model developed thusfar, measurement endpoints can be selected, and a plan for filling information gaps can be developed andwritten into the ecological WP and SAP as described in Step 4.



The site conceptual model begun in Step 3, which includes assessment endpoints, exposurepathways, and risk questions or hypotheses, is completed in Step 4 with the development ofmeasurement endpoints. The conceptual model then is used to develop the study design and dataquality objectives. The products of Step 4 are the ecological risk assessment WP and SAP, whichdescribe the details of the site investigation as well as the data analysis methods and data qualityobjectives (DQOs). As part of the DQO process, the SAP specifies acceptable levels of decisionerrors that will be used as the basis for establishing the quantity and quality of data needed tosupport ecological risk management decisions.

The lead risk assessor and the risk manager should agree that the WP and SAP describe a study thatwill provide the risk manager with the information needed to fulfill the requirements of the baselinerisk assessment and to incorporate ecological considerations into the site remedial process. Oncethis step is completed, most of the professional judgment needed for the ecological risk assessmentwill have been incorporated into the design and details of the WP and SAP. This does not limit theneed for qualified professionals in the implementation of the investigation, data acquisition, ordata interpretation. However, there should be no fundamental changes in goals or approach to theecological risk assessment once the WP and SAP are finalized.


Step 4 of the ecological risk assessment establishes the measurement endpoints (Section 4.1),completing the conceptual model begun in Step 3. Step 4 also establishes the study design (Section 4.2)and data quality objectives based on statistical considerations (Section 4.3) for the site assessmentthat will accompany site-specific studies for the remedial investigation. The site conceptual model isused to identify which points or assumptions in the risk assessment include the greatest degree ofconservatism or uncertainty. The field sampling then can be designed to address the risk modelparameters that have important effects on the risk estimates (e.g., bioavailability and toxicity ofcontaminants in the field, contaminant concentrations at exposure points).

The products of Step 4 are the WP and SAP for the ecological component of the field investigations(Section 4.4). Involvement of the BTAG in the preparation, review, and approval of WPs and SAPs can helpensure that the ecological risk assessment is well focused, performed efficiently, and technicallycorrect. The WP and SAP should specify the site conceptual model developed in Step 3, and the measurementendpoints developed in the beginning of Step 4. The WP describes:

C Assessment endpoints;


HIGHLIGHT 4-1 Importance of Distinguishing

Measurement from AssessmentEndpoints

If a measurement endpoint is mistaken for anassessment endpoint, the misperception can arisethat Superfund is basing a remediation on anarbitrary or esoteric justification. For example,protection of a few invertebrate and algal speciescould be mistaken as the basis for a remedialdecision, when the actual basis for the decision isthe protection of the aquatic community as a whole(including higher-trophic-level game fish thatdepend on lower trophic levels in the community), asindicated by a few sensitive invertebrate and algalspecies.

C Exposure pathways;C Questions and testable hypotheses;C Measurement endpoints and their relation to assessment endpoints; andC Uncertainties and assumptions.

The SAP should describe:

C Data needs;C Scientifically valid and sufficient study design and data analysis procedures;C Study methodology and protocols, including sampling techniques; C Data reduction and interpretation techniques, including statistical analyses; andC Quality assurance procedures and quality control techniques.

The SAP must include the data reduction and interpretation techniques, because it is necessary to knownhow the data will be interpreted to specify the number of samples needed. Prior to formal agreement onthe WP and SAP, the proposed field sampling plan is verified in Step 5.


As indicated in the Introduction, a measurement endpoint is defined as "a measurable ecologicalcharacteristic that is related to the valued characteristic chosen as the assessment endpoint" and isa measure of biological effects (e.g., mortality, reproduction, growth) (U.S. EPA, 1992a; although thisdefinition may change—see U.S. EPA 1996a). Measurement endpoints are frequently numerical expressionsof observations (e.g., toxicity test results, community diversity measures) that can be comparedstatistically to a control or reference site todetect adverse responses to a site contaminant.As used in this guidance, measurement endpointscan include measures of exposure (e.g.,contaminant concentrations in water) as well asmeasures of effect. The relationship betweenmeasurement and assessment endpoints must beclearly described within the conceptual model andmust be based on scientific evidence. This iscritical because the assessment and measurementendpoints usually are different endpoints (seethe Introduction and Highlight 4-1)

Typically, the number of measurementendpoints that are potentially appropriate forany given assessment endpoint and circumstance islimited. The most appropriate measurementendpoints for an assessment endpoint depend onseveral considerations, a primary one being howmany and which lines of evidence are needed to


support risk-management decisions at the site (see Section 3.6.2). Given the potential ramificationsof site actions, the site risk manager might want to use more than one line of evidence to identify site-specific thresholds for effects. The risk manager and risk assessors must consider the utility of eachtype of data given the cost of collecting those data and the likely sensitivity of the risk estimates tothe data.

There are some situations in which it might only be necessary or possible to compare estimated ormeasured contaminant exposure levels at a site to ecotoxicity values derived from the literature. Forexample, for contaminants in surface waters for which there are state water-quality standards,exceedance of the standards indicates that remediation to reduce contaminant concentrations in surfacewaters to below these levels could be needed whether impacts are occurring or not. For assessmentendpoints for which impacts are difficult to demonstrate in the field (e.g., because of high naturalvariability), and toxicity tests are not possible (e.g., food-chain accumulation is involved), comparingenvironmental concentrations with a well-supported ecotoxicity value might have to suffice.

A bioassay using contaminated media from the site can suffice if the risk manager and risk assessoragree that laboratory tests with surrogate species will be taken as indicative of likely effects on theassessment endpoint. For sites with complex mixtures of contaminants without robust ecotoxicity valuesand high natural variability in potential measures for the assessment endpoint, either laboratory or insitu toxicity testing might be the best technique for evaluating risks to the assessment endpoint. Forinorganic substances in soils or sediments, bioassays often are needed to determine the degree to whicha contaminant is bioavailable at a particular site. Laboratory toxicity tests can indicate the potentialfor adverse impacts in the field, while in situ toxicity testing with resident organisms can provideevidence of actual impacts occurring in the field.

Sometimes more than one line of evidence is needed to reasonably demonstrate that contaminants froma site are likely to cause adverse effects on the assessment endpoint. For example, total recoverablecopper in a surface water body to which a water quality standard did not apply could exceed aquaticecotoxicity values, but not cause adverse effects because the copper is only partially bioavailable orbecause the ecotoxicity value is too conservative for the particular ecosystem. Additional evidence frombioassays or community surveys could help resolve whether the copper is actually causing adverse effects(See Example 4-1). Alternatively, if stream community surveys indicate impairment of communitystructure downstream of a site, comparing contaminant concentrations with aquatic toxicity values canhelp identify which contaminants are most likely to be causing the effect. When some lines of evidenceconflict with others, professional judgment is needed to determine which data should be considered morereliable or relevant to the questions.

Once there is agreement on which lines of evidence are required to answer questions concerning theassessment endpoint, the measurement endpoints by which the questions or test hypotheses will be examinedcan be selected.

Each measurement endpoint should represent the same exposure pathway and toxic mechanism of actionas the assessment endpoint it represents; otherwise, irrelevant exposure pathways or toxic mechanismsmight be evaluated. For example, if a contaminant primarily causes damage to vertebrate kidneys, the useof daphnids (which do not have kidneys) would be inappropriate.


EXAMPLE 4-1Lines of Evidence!!Copper Site

Primary question: Are ambient copper levels in sediments causing adverse effects in benthic organisms in thepond?

Possible lines of evidence phrased as test hypotheses:

(1) Mortality in early life stages of benthic aquatic insects in contact with sediments from thesite significantly exceeds mortality in the same kinds of organisms in contact with sedimentsfrom a reference site (e.g., p < 0.1).

(2) Mortality in in situ toxicity tests in sediments at the pond significantly exceeds mortalityin in situ toxicity tests in sediments at a reference pond (e.g., p < 0.1).

(3) There are significantly fewer numbers of benthic aquatic insect species present per m of2

sediment at the pond near the seep than at the opposite side of the pond (e.g., p < 0.1).

Statistical and biological significance: Differences in the incidence of adverse effects between groupsof organisms exposed to contaminants from the site and groups not exposed might be statistically significant,but not biologically important, depending on the endpoint and the power of the statistical test. Natural systemscan sustain some level of perturbation without changing in structure or function. The risk assessor needs toevaluate what level of effect will be considered biologically important. Given the limited power of small samplesizes to detect an effect, the risk assessor might decide that any difference that is statistically detectableat a p level of 0.1 or less is important biologically.

Potential measurement endpoints in toxicity tests or in field studies should be evaluated accordingto how well they can answer questions about the assessment endpoint or support or refute the hypothesesdeveloped for the conceptual model. Statistical considerations, including sample size and statisticalpower described in Section 4.3, also must be considered in selecting the measurement endpoints. Thefollowing subsections describe additional considerations for selecting measurement endpoints, includingspecies/community/habitat (Section 4.1.1), relationship to the contaminant(s) of concern (Section4.1.2), and mechanisms of ecotoxicity (Section 4.1.3).

4.1.1 Species/Community/Habitat Considerations

The function of a measurement endpoint is to represent an assessment endpoint for the site. Themeasurement endpoint must allow clear inferences about potential changes in the assessment endpoint.Whenever assessment and measurement endpoints are not the same (which usually is the case), measurementendpoints should be selected to be inclusive of risks to all of the species, populations, or groupsincluded in the assessment endpoint that are not directly measured. In other words, the measurementendpoint should be representative of the assessment endpoint for the site and not lead to anunderestimate of risk to the assessment endpoint. Example 4-2 illustrates this point for the DDT sitein Appendix A.


HIGHLIGHT 4-2Terminology and Definitions

In the field of ecotoxicology, there historicallyhave been multiple definitions for some terms, includingdefinitions for direct effects, indirect effects, acuteeffects, chronic effects, acute tests, and chronic tests.This multiplicity of definitions has resulted inmisunderstandings and inaccurate communication of studydesigns. Definitions of these and other terms, as theyare used in this document, are provided in the glossary.When consulting other reference materials, the usershould evaluate how the authors defined terms.

In selecting a measurement endpoint, the species and life stage, population, or community chosenshould be the one(s) most susceptible to the contaminant for the assessment endpoint in question. Forspecies and populations, this selection is based on a review of the species: (1) life history; (2)habitat utilization; (3) behavioral characteristics; and (4) physiological parameters. Selection ofmeasurement endpoints also should be based on which routes of exposure are likely. For communities,careful evaluation of the contaminant fate and transport in the environment is essential.

4.1.2 Relationship of the Measurement Endpoints to the Contaminant of Concern

Additional criteria to consider when selecting measurement endpoints are inherent properties (suchas the physiology or behavioral characteristics of the species) or life history parameters that make aspecies useful in evaluating the effects of site-specific contaminants.

For example, Chironomus tentans (a speciesof midge that is used as a standard sedimenttoxicity testing species in the larvalstage) is considered more tolerant ofmetals contamination than is C. riparius, asimilar species (Klemm et al., 1990;Nebeker et al., 1984; Pascoe et al., 1989).To assess the effects of exposure ofbenthic communities to metal-contaminatedsediment, C. riparius might be the betterspecies to use as a test organism for manyaquatic systems to ensure that risks arenot underestimated. In general, the mostsensitive of the measurement endpointsappropriate for inferring risks to theassessment endpoint should be used. If all

else is equal, however, species that are commonly used in the laboratory are preferred over non-standardlaboratory species to improve test precision.

Some species have been identified as being particularly sensitive to certain contaminants. Forexample, numerous studies have demonstrated that mink are among the most sensitive of the testedmammalian species to the toxic effects of PCBs (U.S. EPA, 1995a). Species that rely on quick reactionsor behavioral responses to avoid predators can be particularly sensitive to contaminants affecting thecentral nervous system, such as mercury. Thus, the sensitivity of the measurement endpoint relative tothe assessment endpoint should be considered for each contaminant of concern.

4.1.3 Mechanisms of Ecoxicity

A contaminant can exert adverse ecological effects in many ways. First, a contaminant might affectan organism after exposure for a short period of time (acute) or after exposure over an extended periodof time (chronic). Second, the effect of a contaminant could be lethal (killing the organism) orsublethal (causing adverse effects other than death, such as reduced growth, behavioral changes, etc.).Sublethal effects can reduce an organism's lifespan or reproductive success. For example, if acontaminant reduces the reaction speed of a prey species, the prey can become more susceptible to


predation. Third, a contaminant might act directly or indirectly on an organism. Direct effects includelethal or sublethal effects of the chemical on the organism. Indirect effects occur when the contaminantdamages the food, habitat, predator-prey relationships, or competition of the organism in its community.

Mechanisms of ecotoxicity and exposure pathways have already been considered during problemformulation and identification of the assessment endpoints. However, toxicity issues are revisited whenselecting appropriate measurement endpoints to ensure that they measure the assessment endpoint's toxicresponse of concern.


In Section 4.1, one or more lines of evidence that could be used to answer questions or to testhypotheses concerning the assessment endpoint(s) were identified. This section provides recommendationson how to design a field study for: bioaccumulation and field tissue residue studies (Section 4.2.1);population/community evaluations (Section 4.2.2); and toxicity testing (Section 4.2.3). A thoroughunderstanding of the strengths and limitations of these types of field studies is necessary to properlydesign any investigation.

Typically, no one line of evidence can stand on its own. Analytic chemistry on co-located samplesand other lines of evidence are needed to support a conclusion. When population/community evaluationsare coupled with toxicity testing and media chemistry, the procedure often is referred to as a triadapproach (Chapman et al., 1992; Long and Chapman, 1985). This method has proven effective in definingthe area affected by contaminants in sediments of several large bays and estuaries.

The development of exposure-response relationships is critical for evaluating risk managementoptions; thus, for all three types of studies, sampling is applied to a contamination gradient whenpossible as well as compared to reference data. Reference data are baseline values or characteristicsthat should represent the site in the absence of contaminants released from the site. Reference datamight be data collected from the site before contamination occurred or new data collected from areference site.

The reference site can be the least impacted (or unimpacted) area of the Superfund site or a nearbysite that is ecologically similar, but not affected by the site's contaminants. For additionalinformation on selecting and using reference information in Superfund ecological risk assessments, seeECO Update Volume 2, Number 1 (U.S. EPA, 1994e).

The following subsections present a starting point for selecting an appropriate study design for thedifferent types of biological sampling that might apply to the site investigation.


EXAMPLE 4-2Selecting Measurement Endpoints!!DDT Site

As described in Example 3-1, one of the assessment endpoints selected for the DDT site is the protection ofpiscivorous birds from egg-shell thinning due to DDT exposure. The belted kingfisher was selected as apiscivorous bird with the smallest home range that could utilize the area of the site, thereby maximizing thecalculated dose to a receptor. In this illustration, the kingfishers are used as the most highly exposed of thepiscivorous birds potentially present. Thus, one can conclude that, if the risk assessment shows no threat ofeggshell thinning to the kingfisher, there should be minimal or no threat to other piscivorous birds that mightutilize the site. Thus, eggshell thinning in belted kingfishers is an appropriate measurement endpoint for thissite.

4.2.1 Bioaccumulation and Field Tissue Residue Studies

Bioaccumulation and field tissue residue studies typically are conducted at sites where contaminantsare likely to accumulate in food chains. The studies help to evaluate contaminant exposure levelsassociated with measures of effect for assessment endpoint species.

The degree to which a contaminant is transferred through a food chain can be evaluated in severalways. The most common type of study reported in the literature is a contaminant bioaccumulation (uptake)study. As indicated in Section 2.2.1, the most conservative BAF values identified in the literaturegenerally are used to estimate bioaccumulation in Step 2 of the screening-level risk assessment. Wherethe potential for overestimating bioaccumulation by using conservative literature values to representthe site is substantial, additional evaluation of the literature for values more likely to apply to thesite or a site-specific tissue residue study might be advisable.

A tissue residue study generally is conducted on organisms that are in the exposure pathway (i.e.,food chain) associated with the assessment endpoint. Data seldom are available to link tissue residuelevels in the sampled organisms to adverse effects in those organisms. Literature toxicity studiesusually associate effects with an administered dose (or data that can be converted to an administereddose), not a tissue residue level. Thus, the purpose of a field tissue residue study usually is tomeasure contaminant concentrations in foods consumed by the species associated with the assessmentendpoint. This measurement minimizes the uncertainty associated with estimating a dose (or intake) tothatspecies,particularly in situations in which several media and trophic levels are in the exposurepathway.

The concentration of a contaminant in the primary prey/food also should be linked to an exposureconcentration from a contaminated medium (e.g., soil, sediment, water), because it is the medium, notthe food chain, that will be remediated. Thus, contaminant concentrations must be measured inenvironmental media at the same locations at which the organisms are collected along contaminantgradients and at reference locations. Co-located samples of the contaminated medium and organisms areneeded to establish a correlation between the tissue residue levels and contamination levels in the


EXAMPLE 4-3Tissue Residue Studies!!DDT Site

In the DDT site example, a forage fish (e.g., creek chub) will be collected at several locationswith known DDT concentrations in sediments. The forage fish will be analyzed for body burdens of DDT,and the relationship between the DDT levels in the sediments and the levels in the forage fish will beestablished. The forage fish DDT concentrations can be used to evaluate the DDT threat to piscivorousbirds feeding on the forage fish at each location. Using the DDT concentrations measured in fish thatcorrespond to a LOAEL and NOAEL for adverse effects in birds and the relationship between the DDT levelsin the sediments and in the forage fish, the corresponding sediment contamination levels can beestimated. Those sediment DDT concentrations can then be used to estimate a cleanup level that wouldreduce threats of eggshell thinning to piscivorous birds.

medium under evaluation; these studies are most effective if conducted over a gradient of contaminantconcentrations. In addition, tissue residues from sessile organisms (e.g., rooted plants, clams) areeasier to attribute to specific contaminated areas than are tissue residues from mobile organisms (e.g.,large fish). Example 4-3 illustrates these concepts using the DDT site example in Appendix A

Although it might seem obvious, it is important to confirm that the organisms examined for tissueresidue levels are in the exposure pathways of concern established by the conceptual model. Food itemstargeted for collection should be those that are likely to constitute a large portion of the diet of thespecies of concern (e.g., new growth on maple trees, rather than cattails, as a food source for deer)and/or represent pathways of maximum exposure. If not, erroneous conclusions or study delays and addedcosts can result. Because specific organisms often can only be captured in one season, the timing of thestudy can be critical, and failure to plan accordingly can result in serious site managementdifficulties.

There are numerous factors that must be considered when selecting a species in which to measurecontaminant residue levels. Several investigators have discussed the "ideal" characteristics of thespecies to be collected and analyzed. The recommendations of Phillips (1977, 1978) include that thespecies selected should be:

(1) Able to accumulate the chemical of concern without being adversely affected by the levels encountered at the site;

(2) Sedentary (small home range) in order to be representative of the area of collection;

(3) Abundant in the study area; and(4) Of reasonable size to give adequate tissue for analysis (e.g., 10 grams for organic

analysis and 0.5 gram for metal analysis for many laboratories (Roy F. Weston, Inc.,1994).


Additional considerations for some situations would be that the species is:

(5) Sufficiently long-lived to allow for sampling more than one age class; and

(6) Easy to sample and hardy enough to survive in the laboratory (allowing for the organisms toeliminate contaminants from their gastrointestinal tract prior to analysis, if desired, andallowing for laboratory studies on the uptake of the contaminant).

It is usually not possible or necessary to find an organism that fulfills all of the aboverequirements. The selection of an organism for tissue analysis should balance these characteristics withthe hypotheses being tested, knowledge of the contaminants' fate and transport, and the practicality ofusing the particular species. In the following sections, several of the factors mentioned above aredescribed in greater detail.

Ability to accumulate the contaminant. The objectives of a tissue residue study are (1)to measure bioavailability directly; (2) to provide site-specific estimates of exposure to higher-trophic-level organisms; and (3) to relate tissue residue levels to concentrations in environmentalmedia (e.g., in soil, sediment, or water). Sometimes these studies also can be used to link tissueresidue levels with observed effects in the organisms sampled. However, in a "pure" accumulation study,the species selected for collection and tissue analysis should be ones that can accumulate acontaminant(s) without being adversely affected by the levels encountered in the environment. While itis difficult to evaluate whether or not a population in the field is affected by accumulation of acontaminant, it is important to try. Exposure that results in adverse responses might alter the animal'sfeeding rates or efficiency, diet, degree of activity, or metabolic rate, and thereby influence theanimal's daily intake or accumulation of the contaminant and the estimated BAF. For example, if the rateof bioaccumulation of a contaminant in an organism decreases with increasing environmentalconcentrations (e.g., its toxic effects reduce food consumption rates), using a BAF determined at lowenvironmental concentrations to estimate bioaccumulation at high environmental concentrations wouldoverestimate risk. Conversely, if bioaccumulation increased with increasing environmentalconcentrations (e.g., its toxic effects impair the organisms' ability to excrete the contaminant), usinga BAF determined at low environmental concentrations would underestimate risks at higher environmentalconcentrations.

Consideration of the physiology and biochemistry of the species selected for residue analysis alsois important. Some species can metabolize certain organic contaminant(s) (e.g., fish can metabolizePAHs). If several different types of prey are consumed by a species of concern, it would be moreappropriate to analyze prey species that do not metabolize the contaminant.

Home range. When selecting species for residue analyses, one should be confident that thecontaminant levels found in the organism depend on the contaminant levels in the environmental mediaunder evaluation. Otherwise, valid conclusions cannot be drawn about ecological risks posed bycontaminants at the site. The home range, particularly the foraging areas within the home range, andmovement patterns of a species are important in making this determination. Organisms do not utilize theenvironment uniformly. For species that have large home ranges or are migratory, it can be difficult toevaluate potential exposure to contaminants at the site. Attribution of contaminant levels in anorganism to contaminant levels in the surrounding environment is easiest for animals with small home and


foraging ranges and limited movement patterns. Examples of organisms with small home ranges includeyoung-of-the-year fish, burrowing crustacea (such as fiddler crabs or some crayfish), and small mammals.

Species also should be selected for residue analysis to maximize the overlap between the area ofcontamination and the species' home range or feeding range. This provides a conservative evaluation ofpotential exposure levels. The possibility that a species' preferred foraging areas within a home rangeoverlap the areas of maximum contamination also should be considered.

Population size. A species selected for tissue residue analysis should be sufficiently abundantat the site that adequate numbers (and sizes) of individuals can be collected to support the tissue massrequirements for chemical analysis and to achieve the sample size needed for statistical comparisons.The organisms actually collected should be not only of the same species, but also of similar age or sizeto reduce data variability when BAFs are being evaluated. The practicality of using a particular speciesis evaluated in Step 5.

Size/composites. When selecting species in which to measure tissue residue levels, it is bestto have individual animals large enough for chemical analysis, without having to pool (combine)individuals prior to chemical analysis. However, composite samples will be needed if individuals fromthe species selected cannot yield sufficient tissue for the required analytical methods. Linkingcontaminant levels in organisms to concentrations in environmental media is easier if composites are madeup of members of the same species, sex, size, and age, and therefore exhibit similar accumulationcharacteristics. When deciding whether or not to pool samples, it is important to consider what impactthe loss of information on variability of contaminant levels along these dimensions will have on datainterpretation. The size, age, and sex of the species collected should be representative of the rangeof prey consumed by the species of concern.

Summary. Although it can be difficult to meet all of the suggested criteria for selecting aspecies for tissue residue studies, an attempt should be made to meet as many criteria as possible. Noformula is available for ranking the factors in order of importance within a particular siteinvestigation because the ranking depends on the study objectives. However, a key criterion is that theorganism be sedentary or have a limited home range. It is difficult to connect site contamination toorganisms that migrate over great distances or that have extremely large home ranges. Furtherinformation on factors that can influence bioaccumulation is available from the literature (e.g.,Phillips, 1977, 1978; U.S. EPA, 1995d).

4.2.2 Population/Community Evaluations

Population/community evaluations, or biological field surveys, are potentially useful for bothcontaminants that are toxic to organisms through direct exposure to the contaminated medium andcontaminants that bioaccumulate in food chains. In either case, careful consideration must be given tothe mechanism of contaminant effects. Since population/community evaluations are "impact" evaluations,they typically are not predictive. The release of the contaminant must already have occurred and exertedan effect in order for the population/community evaluation to be. an effective tool for a riskassessment.


Population and community surveys evaluate the current status of an ecosystem, often using severalmeasures of population or community structure (e.g., standing biomass, species richness) or function(e.g., feeding group analysis). The most commonly used measures include number of species and abundanceof organisms in an ecosystem, although some species are difficult to evaluate. It is difficult to detectchanges in top predator populations affected by bioaccumulation of substances in their food chain dueto the mobility of top predators. Some species, most notably insects, can develop a tolerance tocontaminants (particularly pesticides); in these cases, a population/community survey would beineffective for evaluating existing impacts. While population/community evaluations can be useful, therisk assessors should consider the level of effort required as well as the difficulty in accounting fornatural variability.

A variety of population/community evaluations have been used at Superfund sites. Benthicmacroinvertebrate surveys are the most commonly conducted population/community evaluations. There aremethods manuals (e.g., U.S. EPA 1989c, 1990a) and publications that describe the technical proceduresfor conducting these studies. In certain instances, fish community evaluations have proven useful atSuperfund sites. However, these investigations typically are more labor-intensive and costly than acomparable macroinvertebrate study. In addition, fish generally are not sensitive measures of theeffects of sediment contamination, because they usually are more mobile than benthic macroinvertebrates.Terrestrial plant community evaluations have been used to a limited extent at Superfund sites. For thosesurveys, it is important to include information about historical land use and physical habitat disruptionin the uncertainty analysis.

Additional information on designing field studies and on field study methods can be found in ECOUpdate Volume 2, Number 3 (U.S. EPA, 1994d).

Although population- and community-level studies can be valuable, several factors can confound theinterpretation of the results. For example, many fish and small mammal populations normally cycle inrelation to population density, food availability, and other factors. Vole populations have been knownto reach thousands of individuals per acre and then to decline to as low as tens of individuals per acrethe following years without an identifiable external stressor (Geller, 1979). It is important that the"noise of the system" be evaluated so that the impacts attributed to chemical contamination at the siteare not actually the result of different, "natural" factors. Populations located relatively close toeach other can be affected independently: one might undergo a crash, while another is peaking. Physicalcharacteristics of a site can isolate populations so that one population level is not a good indicatorof another; for example, a paved highway can be as effective a barrier as a river, and populations oneither side can fluctuate independently. Failure to evaluate such issues can result in erroneousconclusions. The level of effort required to resolve some of these issues can make population/communityevaluations impractical in some circumstances.

4.2.3 Toxicity Testing

The bioavailability and toxicity of site contaminants can be tested directly with toxicity tests.As with other methods, it is critical that the media tested are in exposure pathways relevant to theassessment endpoint. If the site conceptual model involves exposure of benthic invertebrates tocontaminated sediments, then a solid-phase toxicity test using contaminated sediments (as opposed to awater-column exposure test) and an infaunal species would be appropriate. As indicated earlier, the


species tested and the responses measured must be compatible with the mechanism of toxicity. Some commonsite contaminants are not toxic to most organisms at the same environmental concentrations that threatentop predators because the contaminant biomagnifies in food chains (e.g., PCBs); toxicity tests usingcontaminated media from the site would not be appropriate for evaluating this type of ecological threat.

There are numerous U.S. EPA methods manuals and ASTM guides and procedures for conducting toxicitytests (see references in the Bibliography). While documented methods exist for a wide variety oftoxicity tests, particularly laboratory tests, the risk assessor must evaluate what a particulartoxicity test measures and, just as importantly, what it does not measure. Questions to consider whenselecting an appropriate toxicity test include:

(1) What is the mechanism of toxicity of the contaminant(s)?

(2) What contaminated media are being evaluated (water, soil, sediment)?

(3) What toxicity test species are available to test the media being evaluated?

(4) What life stage of the species should be tested?

(5) What should the duration of the toxicity test be?

(6) Should the test organisms be fed during the test?

(7) What endpoints should be measured?

There are a limited number of toxicity tests that are readily available for testing environmentalmedia. Many of the aquatic toxicity tests were developed for the regulation of aqueous discharges tosurface waters. These tests are useful, but one must consider the original purpose of the test.

New toxicity tests are being developed continually and can be of value in designing a Superfund siteecological risk assessment. However, when non-standard tests are used, complete documentation of thespecific test procedures is necessary to support use of the data.

In situ toxicity tests involve placing organisms in locations that might be affected by sitecontaminants and in reference locations. Non-native species should not be used, because of the risk oftheir release into the environment in which they could adversely affect (e.g., prey on or outcompete)resident species. In situ tests might provide more realistic evidence of existing adverse effects thanlaboratory toxicity tests; however, the investigator has little control over many environmentalparameters and the experimental organisms can be lost to adverse weather or other events (e.g., humaninterference) at the site or reference location.

For additional information on using toxicity tests in ecological risk assessments, see ECO UpdateVolume 2, Numbers 1 and 2 (U.S. EPA, 1994b,c).



The SAP indicates the number and location of samples to be taken, the number of replicates for eachsampling location, and the method for determining sampling locations. In specifying those parameters,the investigator needs to consider, among other things, the DQOs and statistical methods that will beused to analyze the data.

4.3.1 Data Quality Objectives

The DQO process represents a series of planning steps that can be employed throughout the developmentof the WP and SAP to ensure that the type, quantity, and quality of environmental data to be collectedduring the ecological investigation are adequate to support the intended application. Problemformulation in Steps 3 and 4 is essentially the DQO process. By employing problem formulation and theDQO process, the investigator is able to define data requirements and error levels that are acceptablefor the investigation prior to the collection of data. This approach helps ensure that results areappropriate and defensible for decision making. The specific goals of the general DQO processare to:

C Clarify the study objective and define the most appropriate types of data to collect;

C Determine the most appropriate field conditions under which to collect the data; and

C Specify acceptable levels of decision errors that will be used as the basis for establishing the quantity and quality of data needed to support risk management decisions.


As the discussion of Steps 3 and 4 indicates, those goals are subsumed in the problem formulation phaseof an ecological risk assessment. Several U.S. EPA publications provide detailed descriptions of theDQO process (U.S. EPA, 1993c,d,f, 1994f). Because many of the steps of the DQO process are alreadycovered during problem formulation, the DQO process should be reviewed by the investigator and appliedas needed.

4.3.2 Statistical Considerations

Sampling locations can be selected "randomly" to characterize an area or non-randomly, as along acontaminant concentration gradient. The way in which sampling locations are selected determines whichstatistical tests, if any, are appropriate for evaluating test hypotheses.

If a toxicity test is to be used to identify contaminant concentrations in the environment associatedwith a threshold for adverse effects, the statistical power of the test is important. The threshold foreffects is assumed to be between the NOAEL and LOAEL of a toxicity test (see Section 7.3.1). For toxicitytests that use a small number of test and control organisms or for which the toxic response is highlyvariable, the increase in response rate of the test animals compared with controls often must berelatively high (e.g., 30 to 50 percent increase) for the response to be considered a LOAEL (i.e.,statistically increased level of an adverse response compared with control levels). If a NOAEL-to-LOAELrange that might represent a 20 to 50 percent increase in adverse effect is unacceptable (e.g., apopulation is unlikely to sustain itself with an additional 40 percent mortality), then the power of thestudy design must be increased, usually by increasing sample size, but sometimes by taking full advantageof all available information to improve the power of the design (e.g., stratified sampling, special testsfor trends, etc.). A limitation on the use of toxicity values from the literature is that often, theinvestigator does not discuss the statistical power of the study design, and hence does not indicate theminimum statistically detectable effect level. Appendix D describes additional statisticalconsiderations, including a description of Type I and Type II error, statistical power, statisticalmodels, and power efficiency.

In evaluating the results of statistical analyses, one should remember that a statisticallysignificant difference relative to a control or reference population does not necessarily imply abiologically important or ecologically significant difference (see Example 4-1).


The WP and SAP for the ecological investigation should be developed as part of the initial RI samplingevent if possible. If not, the WP and SAP can be developed as an additional phase of the siteinvestigation. In either case, the format of the WP and SAP should be similar to that described by U.S.EPA (1988a, 1989b). Accordingly, those documents should be consulted when developing the ecologicalinvestigation WP and SAP.

The WP and SAP are typically written as separate documents. In that case, the WP can be submitted forthe risk manager's review so that any concerns with the approach can be resolved prior to the developmentof the SAP. For some smaller sites, it might be more practical to combine the two documents, in whichcase, the investigators should discuss the overall objectives and approach with the risk manager toensure that all parties agree.


The WP and SAP are briefly described in Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2, respectively. A plan for testingthe SAP before the site WP and SAP are signed and the investigation begins is described in Section 4.4.3.

4.4.1 Work Plan

The purpose of the WP is to document the decisions and evaluations made during problem formulationand to identify additional investigative tasks needed to complete the evaluation of risks to ecologicalresources. As presented in U.S. EPA (1988a), the WP generally includes the following:

C A general overview and background of the site including the site's physical setting, ecology, andprevious uses;

C A summary and analysis of previous site investigations and conclusions;

C A site conceptual model, including an identification of the potential exposure pathways selectedfor analysis, the assessment endpoints and questions or testable hypotheses, and the measurementendpoints selected for analysis;

C The identification of additional site investigations needed to conduct the ecological riskassessment; and

C A description of assumptions used and the major sources of uncertainty in the site conceptual modeland existing information.

The general scope of the additional sampling activities also is presented in the WP. A detaileddescription of the additional sampling activities is presented in the SAP along with an anticipatedschedule of the site activities.

4.4.2 Sampling and Analysis Plan

The SAP typically consists of two components: a field sampling plan (FSP) and a quality assuranceproject plan (QAPP). The FSP provides guidance for all field work by providing a detailed description of the sampling and data-gathering procedures to be used for theproject. The QAPP provides a description of the steps required to achieve the objectives dictated by theintended use of the data.

Field sampling plan. The FSP provides a detailed description of the samples needed to meet theobjectives and scope of the investigation outlined in the WP. The FSP for the ecological assessmentshould be detailed enough that a sampling team unfamiliar with the site would be able to gather all thesamples and/or required field data based on the guidelines presented in the document. The FSP for theecological investigation should include a description of the following elements:

C Sampling type and objectives;C Sampling location, timing, and frequency;C Sample designation;


HIGHLIGHT 4-3Elements of a QAPP

(1) Project description (2) Designation of QA/QC responsibilities (3) Statistical tests and data quality objectives (4) Sample collection and chain of custody (5) Sample analysis (6) System controls and preventive maintenance (7) Record keeping (8) Audits (9) Corrective actions (10) Quality control reports

C Sampling equipment and procedures; andC Sample handling and analysis.

A detailed description of those elements for chemical analyses is provided in Appendix B of U.S. EPA(1988a). Similar specifications should be developed for the biological sampling.

Quality assurance project plan. The objective of the QAPP is to provide a description of thepolicy, organization, functional activities, and quality control protocols necessary for achieving thestudy objectives. Highlight 4-3 presents the elements typically contained in a QAPP.

U.S. EPA has prepared guidance on the contents of a QAPP (U.S. EPA, 1987a, 1988a, 1989a). Formalquality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures exist for some types of ecological assessments,for example, for laboratory toxicity tests on aquatic species. For standardized laboratory tests, thereare formal QA/QC procedures that specify (1) sampling and handling of hazardous wastes; (2) sources andculturing of test organisms; (3) use of reference toxicants, controls, and exposure replicates; (4)instrument calibration; (5) record keeping; and (6) data evaluation. For other types of ecologicalassessments, however, QA/QC procedures are less well defined (e.g., for biosurveys of vegetation,terrestrial vertebrates). BTAG members can provide input on appropriate QA/QC procedures based on theirexperience with Superfund sites.

4.4.3 Field Verification of Sampling Plan and Contingency Plans

For biological sampling, uncontrolledvariables can influence the availability ofspecies to be sampled, the efficiency ofdifferent types of sampling techniques, andthe level of effort required to achieve thesample sizes specified in the SAP. As aconsequence, the risk assessor should developa plan to test the sampling design before theWP and SAP are signed and the siteinvestigationbegins. Otherwise, fieldsampling during the site investigation couldfail to meet the DQOs specified in the SAP, andthe study could fail to meet its objectives.Step 5 provides a description of the fieldverification of the sampling design.

To the extent that potential field problems can be anticipated, contingency plans also should bespecified in the SAP. An example of a contingency plan is provided in Steps 5 and 6 (Examples 5-2 and 6-1).



The completion of the ecological risk assessment WP and SAP should coincide with an SMDP. Within thisSMDP, the ecological risk assessor and the ecological risk manager agree on: (1) selection ofmeasurement endpoints; (2) selection of the site investigation methods; and (3) selection of datareduction and interpretation techniques. The WP or SAP also should specify how inferences will be drawnfrom the measurement to the assessment endpoints.


At the conclusion of Step 4, there will be an agreement on the contents of the WP and SAP. As notedearlier, these plans can be parts of a larger WP and SAP that are developed to meet other remedialinvestigation needs, or they can be separate documents. When possible, any field sampling efforts forthe ecological risk assessment should overlap with other site data collection efforts to reduce samplingcosts and to prevent redundant sampling.

The WP and/or the SAP should specify the methods by which the collected data will be analyzed. Theplan(s) should include all food-chain-exposure-model parameters, data reduction techniques,datainterpretation methods, and statistical analyses that will be used.