Staying Informed of the Profession: A Message from NAADAC ...

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Staying Informed of the Profession: A Message from NAADAC Leadership

NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals

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State of NAADAC

Cynthia Moreno Tuohy, BSW, NCAC II, CDCIII, SAP

NAADAC Executive Director

Diane Sevening,EdD, LAC, MAC

NAADAC President

Communicate the Mission

Adopted in 1998, NAADAC's Mission Statement, says that our job is "to lead, unify and empower addiction focused professionals to achieve excellence through education, advocacy, knowledge, standards of practice, ethics, professional development and research."

In order to do that effectively we need to communicate this mission broadly to members, to partners and to other stakeholders.

NAADAC is Here to Serve You

NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, represents the professional interests of more than 100,000 addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals in the United States, Canada and abroad.

NAADAC’s members are addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals, who specialize in addiction prevention, treatment, recovery support and education.

NAADAC is Here to Serve You

NAADAC’s Four Foundational


NAADAC’s Four Foundational Elements

In order to achieve NAADAC strategic goals, NAADAC must build upon its existing strengths and abilities in these foundational areas. These elements represent fundamental organizational capabilities which are necessary for the successful fulfillment of the broader strategic objectives.

Foundational Element 1: Governance

In NAADAC’s governance structure, the Executive Committee on behalf of the full NAADAC Board of Directors provides strategic leadership and policy development.

It is an organizational imperative to recruit, develop and retain leadership at the state and national levels.

Succession planning is accomplished through a combination of emerging leader training and ongoing development of current leaders. Both through internal training programming as well as partnering with sponsors and other organizations with existing developmental programs.

Governance – Strategic Objectives – BOD/EC

Maintain an effective Board of Directors and Executive Committee that provides governance, fiscal oversight, and Executive Director oversight.

Ensure excellence in leadership nominations for Executive Committee and Committee appointments and ensure representation across all levels of membership.

Engage in identification and development of emerging leaders.

Governance – NCC AP

The NCC AP Commissioners oversee policies, develop programming, and set standards for all NAADAC’s credentialing programs.

This affords a means of establishing, measuring, and monitoring the requirements for knowledge in the addiction profession

This provides assistance to employers, health care providers, educators, government entities, labor unions, other practitioners, and the public in identifying the quality of counselors who have met the national competency standards.

Governance – Strategic Objectives – NCC AP

Maintain an effective Commissioners Board that provides governance and strategic direction.

Ensure excellence in Commissioner nominations and appointments to ensure representation from across all regions and all levels of of the addiction profession.


. As NAADAC makes advancements in achieving its strategic objectives, it needs to

ensure that sufficient human resources are available to meet these new demands. In addition, NAADAC must ensure that its programs are operationalized in an efficient, consistent manner to streamline delivery of services.

NAADAC’s short and long-term professional staffing needs have been assessed with an eye toward making certain that all necessary skill sets are available to support the designated goals. This aspect of the plan is geared to have the right staff in the right positions as new programming is rolled out. The recruitment of competent NAADAC staff is essential as these employees take on responsibility for implementing the functions necessary to carry out the mandates of the board of directors.


Employ NAADAC staff adequate to ensure competent operations.

Ensure quality and sustainability of NAADAC staff by providing challenging, interesting, and well-compensated work.

Provide staff with competitive benefits, comprehensive training, continuing education, and development opportunities.

In addition, NAADAC must ensure that is programs are operationalized in an efficient, consistent manner to streamline delivery of services. Program operations must be evaluated and designed/redesigned to be efficient, consistent, repeatable by any staff.

Maintain clear and succinct written operational policies and procedures for all significant operational areas.

Ensure high-quality operation through the implementation of necessary equipment, technology, and independent contractors where appropriate.

Consider additional opportunities to leverage technology for communication, public relations, advocacy, credentialing, and membership services.

Foundational Element 3:Financial Stability

NAADAC has been very successful in its efforts to increase and diversify the range of its revenue streams.

NAADAC will continue to increase revenues while enlarging and expanding its presence within the profession through a reliance on mission-based financing such as government grants, contracts and partnerships.

All new or envisioned programming will be evaluated by a standard of financial viability along with ultimate impact on members and the profession.

Financial Stability - Strategic Objectives

Spend financial resources according to vision and mission

Expand revenue streams including grant activities

Grow reserves

Build more product campaigns

Seek broader contributions and strategic partnerships

Foundational Element 4:Technology

NAADAC will leverage new and improved technological opportunities to support and market organizational priorities. Through the obtaining of tools such as a more robust Association Management System (AMS), Online Communities, and an improved online knowledge center

NAADAC will provide contemporary means for its members to enhance their skills and knowledge. Aligning and integrating technology into appropriate NAADAC resources will modernize the tools available to its members.

It is understood that this commitment to upgrade and maintain an enhanced technological infrastructure will require adequate budgeting support over the coming years.

NAADAC’S Four Pillars














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Financial StabilityStaffing & Operational Excellence


NAADAC Four Pillars

Education & Professional Development

Advocacy & Influence

Membership & Affiliates

Credentialing & Standards

Educational & Professional Development

Enlarge Webinar Program

Expand Bilingual Outreach

Further Enhance Annual Conference

Educational & Professional Development –Strategic Objectives

Elevate the quality and standard of care provided by addiction professionals.

Examples: Enlarge webinar programming, continue to manage webinar

content, and widen accessibility •Expand bilingual outreach and ensure cultural sensitivity•Further enhance annual conference•Expand professional development resources for each level of the career ladder

Increase public outreach and education regarding the value of the addiction-specialized workforce and the criteria and requirements of an addiction professional

Educational & Professional Development

Webinar Series

• 36 Live Webinars scheduled for 2019

• Over 150 hours of on-demand webinars available on the NAADAC website. Webinar CEs are free for NAADAC members

Training at the state affiliate level

Online Calendar of Events

Educational & Professional Development

Workforce Development including a national tuition & mentorship program is offered through the NBCC/NAADAC Minority Fellowship for Addiction Counselors Program (NMFP-AC).

New Congressional S.U.P.P.O.R.T. Act passed by Congress will add more addiction specific tuition and loan forgiveness support.

HRSA’s National Health Service Corps now accepts addiction professionals as an eligible discipline to receive tuition and loan forgiveness support.

Educational & Professional Development

Certificate Programs

Recovery to Practice (RTP) Initiative• Nine Webinars• Situational Analysis

Conflict Resolution for Recovery and Relapse Prevention Certificate• Facilitators’ Certificate• Trainers’ Certificate

Educational & Professional Development

Outreach to students and new professionals

Creation of student organizations in colleges and universities

Recruitment PowerPoint presentation available

Professional and student malpractice insurance and agency liability/malpractice insurance as low as $23.00 per year

Reduced NAADAC membership rates

Support a variety of workforce development activities

NBCC/NAADAC’s Minority Fellowship Program

Educational & Professional Development

Education and training stand at the center of our efforts to ensure that both current professionals and those that are new to the field are always prepared to adopt the newest evidence-based practices in their work.

NAADAC National Annual Conference

Advocacy & Influence




Advocacy & Influence – Strategic Objectives

Foster long-term sustainability of the addiction profession Amplify and expand influence within addiction professional

community, federal and state legislations, and with the public in general Educate legislative offices both state and federal on addiction

issues. Expand external partnerships and build collaborations that

potentiate the vision and mission of NAADAC Maximize stakeholder awareness of the value of the addiction

workforce Increase media influence and involvement Strengthen capacity of leadership to articulate the value of

the addiction profession and key advocacy issues

Advocacy & Influence

NAADAC works toward improving salary and benefits for our members and for the profession at large.

NAADAC gives testimony and recommendations to SAMHSA, HRSA, ONDCP and legislators on Capitol Hill

Discussions with HRSA and SAMHSA about loan forgiveness programs for addiction counselors and lead to eligibility for addiction professionals.

Advocacy & Influence

NAADAC Advocacy Activities NAADAC is in constant communication with members of Congress, federal agencies and other prevention,

treatment and recovery support organizations

NAADAC helps your voice to be heard effectively on Capitol Hill

Advocacy in Action Conference – 30 years of advocacy for the profession

Meets with MCOs to promote the use of addiction professionals in managed care panels

Advocacy at the state level – promote certification and licensure

Sign onto legislation that promotes the addiction profession

Submit language for Bills and other public policy documents

Public Policy Committee

Veterans and Military Committee

Advocacy & Influence

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Veterans Affairs

Department of Defense (TRICARE)

Department of Labor


Congressional Caucuses and Committees

Writing legislation at the National & State levels

Public Engagement will engage both internal and external components:

Advocacy & Influence

Abt Advocates for Human Potential (AHP) American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) ATTUD/CTTTP Danya International Dartmouth University DSG Employee Assistance Professionals Association Entertainment Industries Council Facing Addiction Faces and Voices of Recovery Hazelden International Coalition for Addiction Studies Education (INCASE) JBS International Legal Action Center

NALGAP, the Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Addiction Professionals

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) National Association of Children of Alcoholics National Association of Recovery Residences National Addiction Studies Accreditation Commission (NASAC) National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors

(NASADAD) National Center for Responsible Gaming National Council on Behavioral Health NORC at the University of Chicago Orion Health Technologies Recovery Month Partner Group State Associations of Addiction Services (SAAS) Treatment Communities of America (TCA)

Strategic Partnership & Networking with National Groups

Membership & Affiliates


Membership Audit

•Leadership Development Institute•Supplemental Learning (Regional and Webinars)•Emerging Leader Summit

Developing Bench Strength

•Establish Felt Need•Promote at all Levels

Membership Communication

Membership & Affiliates– Strategic Objectives

Increase membership, member value, and engagement Develop and offer segment-specific value propositions

for each kind of membership NAADAC offers. Conduct membership audit to ensure clarity in

membership categories, related benefits, and membership needs.

Develop membership benefits specific to each level of membership

Invest in digital capabilities needed to acquire, serve, and retain members, including new Association

Management System and Online Communities Create and execute an annual membership development

plan. Increase affiliates in number and strength Identify and develop emerging leaders.

Develop more regional and online leadership development opportunities

Establish a Leadership Development Institute and offering an Emerging Leader Summit.

Institute mentorship programs

Membership & Affiliates

NAADAC training and education products

Alliances and strategic partnerships

Resources for state affiliates

The NAADAC Approved Education Provider program

Technical assistance and sharing expertise with other professions

• mental health, marriage and family therapists, social workers , peer recovery support and others

Providing resources through the NAADAC Education and Research Foundation (NERF)

NAADAC Trainers

Membership & Affiliates

Educating the Members & Public

NAADAC Website

Membership & Affiliates

Membership & Affiliates

NAADAC Education and Research Foundation

Scholarships for the NAADAC Annual Conferences

William White Scholarships for Master, Bachelor and Associates levels of education for addiction-focused students

Credentialing & Standards






Credentialing & Standards– Strategic Objectives

Expand certification & national standards across all 50 states.

Expand certification and testing with similar standards across the globe.

Expand certification options with external partners.

Complete ICE accreditation process.Monitor and manage professional and

ethical standards.

Credentialing & Standards

National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCC AP) Certifications:

• National Certified Addiction Counselor, Level I (NCAC I)• National Certified Addiction Counselor, Level II (NCAC II)• Master Addiction Counselor (MAC)• Nicotine Dependence Specialist (NDS)• Nationally Certified Adolescent Addiction Counselor (NCAAC)

Qualifications and Endorsements:• Nationally Clinical Supervision Endorsement (CSE)• National Peer Recovery Support Specialists Credential (NCPRSS)

Credentialing & Standards

International Training, Technical Assistance and Credentialing

• Iceland• Kenya• China• American Samoa• Austria• Cyprus• Egypt• Hong Kong

• Pacific Jurisdiction• El Salvador• Germany• South Korea• Republic of Marshall

Islands• Micronesia• Over 50 countries

Credentialing & Standards

Professional standards are foundational in our development of a professional career path for addiction professionals.

Nationally standardized Scope of Practice for the addiction profession

Model for national licensure for the addiction profession

Nationally standardized curriculum in higher education in addiction studies

Created NASAC with INCASE – National Addiction Studies Accreditation Commission

Nationally recognized certifications through NCC AP

Credentialing & Standards

NAADAC Approved Education Provider Program

NAADAC-Approved Education Providers offer training and education for those who are seeking to become certified/licensed and those who want to maintain their certification/license at the state or national level.

Program growth

Online directory

Recognized throughout the United States andacross the globe

Credentialing & Standards

Alliances & Strategic Partnerships

ATTUD and CTTTP National Certificate in Tobacco Training

APA Division 50 - Building an alliance for their addiction specialists

Addiction Leadership Group

Organizational Memberships to enhance treatment organizations and their employees

APA Insurance - Effective and cost-efficient malpractice Insurance for the individual and the organization

Looking to the Future: What’s in Our Pipeline?

Looking to the Future

In Summer 2019 , published new guidelines for the NAADAC Approved Education Providers Program

In Fall 2019 , publishing a new edition of the SAP/DOT Qualification Manual

In Fall 2019, publishing the new Clinical Supervision Manual.

In Fall 2019, a new webinar series with Duane France, MA, MBA, LPC on Addiction Treatment in Military & Veteran Culture.

In Winter 2019 – 2020, a new webinar series on Clinical Supervision in the Addiction Profession.

In Spring 2020, publishing The Basics of Addiction Counseling Desk Reference Modules I - III in Spanish in collaboration with the National Hispanic and Latino ATTC

Diane Sevening,EdD, LAC, MAC


Cynthia Moreno Tuohy, BSW, NCAC II, CDC III, SAP,

Executive Director

NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 301Alexandria, VA 22314p 800.548.0497

