Staying Fully Compliant with Mobile and SMS

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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I was honoured to speak at the CHASE conference on 12th Feb 2013 about the regulatory and compliance aspects of mobile giving. If you would like to know more about OpenMarket and the mobile engagement tools we provide to charities, associations and NFPs drop me a line!

Transcript of Staying Fully Compliant with Mobile and SMS

Staying Fully Compliant with Mobile and SMSOisin Lunny, Senior Market Development Manager

12th February 2013

Proprietary  &  Confiden0al  to  OpenMarket

Mobile Engagement is Everywhere!

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Your Trusted Partner for Mobile Engagement

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Proprietary  &  Confiden0al  to  OpenMarket

OpenMarket provide...

“The industry-leading, cloud-based Mobile Engagement Platform, allowing customers to create

complex mobile solutions without the need for their own technical


Proprietary  &  Confiden0al  to  OpenMarket

OpenMarket customers include...

The MarketThe RegulatorPrior Permission for Regular SMS GivingVATCase StudiesConclusion / Q&A



"MIND THE GAP" by the Charities Aid Foundation, Sept 2012

Changing consumer behaviour

Changing consumer behaviour

Source: MobileSquared

Mobile primary internet access

Source: MCT US

More mobile traffic

Source: SiteCounter Global Stats 11/12

New devices adopted more rapidly

Source: Apple

Most-missed media activity

Source: Ofcom UK Adults’ Media Literacy, 2010

Be aware of smartphone penetration

Source: Informa

The  0pping  point  theory


Early  adopters13.5%

Early  majority34%

Late  majority34%




Social  proofScarcity

The evolution of mobile giving

Source: Everett, Gladwell, Maloney

The  0pping  point  theory


Early  adopters13.5%

Early  majority34%

Late  majority34%




Social  proofScarcity

Source: Everett, Gladwell, Maloney

The evolution of mobile giving

The  0pping  point  theory


Early  adopters13.5%

Early  majority34%

Late  majority34%




Social  proofScarcity


SMS  dona0on

Source: Everett, Gladwell, Maloney

The evolution of mobile giving

Source: nVision / Charity Awareness Monitor (nfpSynergy)Base: 1,000 online respondents aged 16+, GB

Massive growth of SMS giving

% of respondents who have given to charity in last 3

months“In which of the

following ways did you give?”

Regular PSMS v Direct Debit

Regular PSMS v Direct Debit

Why SMS?

Source: PhonepayPlus “Charitable Donations by Premium Rate Research”

Why SMS?

Source: PhonepayPlus “Charitable Donations by Premium Rate Research”

Why SMS?

SMS are perceived as personal90% of SMS read within an hourOne self contained channel for allMobile user is in controlinitial interaction has overcome the biggest barrier already


The Regulator

The PhonepayPlus Code Of Practice

clear and accurate pricing informationhonest advertising and service contentappropriate and targeted promotions

The PhonepayPlus Code Of Practice - 7.9

The PhonepayPlus Code Of Practice

Charities Act 1992 (amended 2006)Lotteries & Prize CompetitionsAdvertising Standards Authority (ASA)Committee of Advertising Practice Codes (CAP)Duty of TrusteesTrading company

PhonePayPlus Research

When we found Archie, he weighed 3.2kg – just half what he should have. He hadn’t been fed for two weeks and was so close to death that his temperature didn’t register on the vet’s thermometer.

Thankfully, he was brought to an RSPCA rescue centre, where he was given the food and care he desperately needed to survive. But there are many more neglected dogs like Archie – and many more hungry mouths to feed.

Text FEED to 70030 to give £3 to feed and care for a dog like Archie.

Will you help feed a dog like Archie until we can find him a home?

Beaten. Neglected. Starved.

The RSPCA brings private prosecutions where appropriate. Your gift will be used to further our work where it’s needed most. You will be charged £3, plus one message at your standard network rate. RSPCA will receive 100% of your donation, excluding O2 customers where £2.96 will be received. By using this service, you agree that we may contact you in the future. If you’d rather we didn’t, text OPTOUT to 70030.

The RSPCA helps animals in England and Wales. Registered charity no: 219099

The RSPCA can only exist thanks to donations from people like you. So thank you in advance for your kindness.

Advertising Best Practice

Bates, Wells & Braithwaite

PhonePayPlus / BWB Guidelines

PhonePayPlus / BWB Guidelines

PhonePayPlus / BWB Guidelines

Prior Permission

Prior Permission Exemption

Prior Permission Exemption

PhonepayPlus - Prior Permission

PhonepayPlus - Prior Permission

PhonepayPlus - Prior Permission

PhonepayPlus - Prior Permission

Prior Permissions Form for Regular Giving


Level 1 aggregator (mandatory)

Prior Permissions Application Structure

Agency (optional)


Initial application

Prior Permissions Application Timing

Subsequent applications

6-8 weeks

5 days

Shortcode provisioning 3-7 weeks


70XXX70XXXCharity Shortcode Range = VAT exempt

Mobile Data AssociationFramework for Mobile Charitable donations

Mobile Data AssociationFramework for Mobile Charitable donations

DEC partner network

Keywords to track ROI

Gift aid innovation

Gift aid innovation


Gift aid compliance

you need to have an auditable record of the donors names & addresses

Fully complaint, excellent results!

• 500% increase in SMS donations

• 60% opt-in to gift aid

• Double the response from other channels

• 25% added to these donations

• Over £1,500,000 raised by SMS and Gift aid

• OpenMarket processed over £10,000 /second

• Record donations by mobile for DEC

The importance of marketing







TV events / newspaper ads drove peak donations, in particular support from ITV

Peaking at 298k on 08/07/11

A World Record breaking campaign,

with mobile shortcodes

at the heart of the engagement strategy.

The overall campaign raised over million, £1

via sms egg hunt entries, and egg auctions.

capturing the public’s imagination,

while generating massive goodwill and pr.


Choose the right partner!

Work closely with the regulatorand their guidelines

Top Three Considerations

Prior PermissionsVAT / 70XXX shortcodeGift Aid