STAY HOME WORK SAFE - · Home -Work Safe Order," requmng all md1v1duals . m Travis County...

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Transcript of STAY HOME WORK SAFE - · Home -Work Safe Order," requmng all md1v1duals . m Travis County...

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County Judge Order No 2020-7 Relatmg to the Declaration regardmg COVID-19

Whereas, on March 6, 2020, a Declaration of Local Disaster was issued by Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt to allow the County of Travis ("County" or "Travis County"), Texas to take measures to reduce the poss1b1hty of exposure to COVID-19 and promote the health and safety of Travis County residents, and

Whereas, on March 13, 2020, a Declaration of State of Disaster was issued by Governor Abbott to take additional steps to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to protect the health and welfare of Texans, and

Whereas, the COVID-19 virus 1s contagious and spreads through person-to-person contact, especially m group settmgs, and

Whereas, on March 15, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") recommended that orgamzers (whether groups or mdividuals) cancel or postpone m-person events that consist of 50 people or more throughout the Umted States, and

Whereas, on March 16, 2020, President Trump acknowledged the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic, releasmg strict new gmdelmes to hm1t people's mteractions, mcludmg that Americans should avoid groups of more than 10 people, and

Whereas, on March 19, 2020, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA 08 Relatmg to COVID-19 Preparedness and Mitigation statmg people shall avoid social gatherings m groups of more than 10 people and closed all schools until April 3, 2020, and

Whereas, on March 20, 2020 and on March 21, 2020, due to the substantial risks to the pubhc, the County Judge issued orders deemmg 1t m the pubhc mterest to prohibit anywhere m Travis County, Social Gathermgs of more than 10 people, to prohibit gathermgs of more than 10 people for other than social purposes, unless social distancmg could be mamtamed and controlled and to identify critical mfrastructure, and

Whereas, on March 24, 2020, based m part on credible modelmg by Umvers1ty of Texas at Austm that further restriction of movement of persons is necessary to reduce the substantial nsk of harm to the pubhc, the County Judge issued Order 2020-5, more commonly known as the "Stay Home - Work Safe Order," requmng all md1v1duals m Travis County to stay home or m their place of residence except to perform certam essential activ1t1es, or to perform work m or obtam service from an Essential Busmess, Essential Government Service, or m Critical Infrastructure, and

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Whereas, on March 31, 2020, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA-14 ("Governor's Order GA-14") relatmg to statewide contmmty of essential services and activities durmg the COVID-19 disaster, which provides a umform statewide approach to certam restnctions and permitted activities, and allows local Junsd1ct10ns to enforce the Executive Order as well as local restnctions that are consistent with the Governor's Order, and

Whereas, Governor's Order GA-14's protocols allow exceptions for essential activities and services based on the Department of Homeland Secunty's gmdelmes on the Essential Cntical Infrastructure Workforce, and

Whereas, Dr Anthony Fauci, Director of the Natrona! Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has recommended that mdividuals wear facial covermgs to help prevent mdividuals from mfectmg others, and

Whereas, on Apnl 6, 2020, m accordance with the CDC and Austm/Travis County Health Authonty recommendations, the Travis County Judge and Mayor of the City of Austm issued gmdance that wearmg a fabnc face mask outside one's residence is recommended with certam specific exceptrons, and

Whereas, recent pubhc and pnvate testmg of mdiv1duals for COVID-19 has provided additional data evidencmg the contmued need to mitigate the surge spread of the virus m the County and need for compliance with this Order, and

Whereas, m order to contmue slowmg the rate and number of people mfected with COVID-19, further restnctron of movement of persons is necessary to reduce the substantial nsk of harm to the pubhc and, therefore, as long as this Order is m effect, all md1viduals anywhere m the County of Travis are reqmred to stay at home or their place of residence except as allowed by this Order for Essential Services and Essential Activities, to work m or access Essential Busmesses, Essential Government Service, or m Cnt1cal Infrastructure


SECTION 1 Stay at Home or Place of Residence All mdividuals currently hvmg withm Travis County, mcludmg but not limited to all of the cities and mumcipalities withm the boundanes of Travis County and specifically hsted m Exhibit A, are ORDERED to stay at home or at their place of residence, to practice Social Distancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements as defined m Section l(a) and (b) and Exhibit D, unless excepted by this Order Subject to the reqmrements of this Order, all persons may leave their residences only for Essential Services and Essential Activities, or to work m or access Essential Busmesses, Essential Government Service, or Cntical Infrastructure, or to perform Mmimum Basic Operations, as defined m Section 6 below The County Judge deems 1t is m the public mterest to issue this Order, effective as of 11 59 p m on Apnl 13, 2020, and contmumg until 11 59 p m on May 8, 2020, unless termmated or modified by a subsequent order While v10Iat10n of this reqmrement 1s a cnmmal offense, enforcement of this provision is substantially rehant on self-regulation and a commumty commitment to public

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health and safety under the novel threat of COVID-19 If there 1s not widespread compliance with this Order, mcludmg widespread adopt10n of face covermgs as provided herem, then the County and its mumc1pahties will mcrease enforcement efforts

a Social D1stancmg Reqmrements All persons shall piact1ce Social D1stancmg except when m the presence of only members of one's own household or residence, or when otherwise exempted by this Order Parents and Guardians of children under the age of ten ( 10) shall be responsible for mamtammg social distance between child members of therr household and others' households For purposes of this Order, and as outlmed m the Gmdehnes from the CDC and Austm/Trav1s County Health Authonty, Social D1stancmg Reqmrements mclude mamtammg at least a six-foot distance from other md1v1duals, washmg hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible or usmg hand samt1zer with at least 600/o alcohol, covermg coughs or sneezes (mto the sleeve or elbow, not mto hands), regularly cleanmg high-touch surfaces, and not shakmg hands

b Face Covermg Reqmrements Because an mfected person can transmit the COVID-19 virus to others before showmg any symptoms, the covermg of a person's nose and mouth 1s necessary to help slow the spread of the vrrus When leavmg one's residence, all persons over the age of ten (10) shall wear some form of covermg over the1r nose and mouth, such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana 01 handkerchief, except when

1 Alone ma separate smgle space, whether mdoor or outdoor, 11 In the presence only of other members of one's household or residence whether

ms1de or outside the residence, 111 When domg so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety or secunty nsk, 1v When engaged m Outdoor Act1v1ty as defined by Section 6(b)(111) below, or v For consumption purposes

Parents and Guardians of children under 10 shall be responsible for appropriately maskmg chlldren when outside the1r residence

All non-residents m nursmg homes, retirement and long-term care fac1ht1es shall wear a fabnc face covermg as provided form Section 1 (Face Covermg Reqmrements) In add1t1on, residents m fac1ht1es with confirmed COVID-19 cases shall follow reqmrements of Exh1b1t B, except when domg so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety or secunty nsk See Exh1b1t D for further Gmdance on Face Covermg Reqmrements Wearmg a face covermg 1s not a substitute for mamtammg 6-feet social d1stancmg and hand washmg, as these remam important steps to slowmg the spread of the virus

SECTION 2 Non-Essential Busmess and Operations must cease All busmesses or operations with fac1ht1es m Travis County, except Essential Busmesses, Essential Government Service or Cnt1cal Infrastructure are reqmred to cease all act1v1t1es w1thm the County, except

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M1mmum Basic Operations as defined below m Section 6 For clanty, busmesses may also contmue operations cons1stmg exclusively of employees or contractors performmg act1v1ties at their own residences (1 e, workmg from home/telecommutmg)

All Essential Busmesses, Essential Government Service, and Critical Infrastructure are strongly encouraged to remam open, especially Healthcare Operations and those that provide the basic necessities for food, water, and shelter To the greatest extent feasible, all Essential Busmesses, Essential Government Service, and Cntical Infrastructure shall comply with Social D1stancmg and Facial Covermg Reqmrements as set forth m Sections 1 and Exh1b1t Band D

This Order shall not be construed to hmder the ab1hty of the mdustnes 1dent1fied m the U S Department of Homeland Secunty Cyber and Infrastructure Secunty Agency's ("CISA") Essential Cnt1cal Infrastructure Workforce Memorandum dated March 28, 2020, or as subsequently amended or new memorandum issued by CISA on the same subject, to contmue therr operation appropnately modified to account for CDC workforce and consumer protection gmdance

SECTION 3 Proh1b1ted Gathermgs All mdoor or outdoor pubhc and pnvate gathenngs of any number of people occurrmg outside a smgle household or residence are proh1b1ted, except for the hm1ted purposes expressly permitted by this Order and subject to Social D1stancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements Nothmg m this Order proh1b1ts the gathermg of members of a household w1thm the household's residence Nursmg homes, retirement and long-term care faciht1es are to proh1b1t non-cntical assistance v1s1tors or providers from accessmg therr fac1hties, as determmed through the gmdance from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission

SECTION 4 Essential Travel All travel, mcludmg, but not hm1ted to, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, boat or pubhc transit 1s proh1b1ted, except for purposes of prov1dmg, obtammg or accessmg Essential Activ1t1es, Essential Busmesses, Essential Government Service, Cntlcal Infrastructure, or Mimmum Basic Operations, as defined below To the greatest extent feasible, people ndmg on public transit shall comply with Social D1stancmg and Facial Covermg Reqmrements as set forth m Sections 1 and Exh1b1ts B and D

Notw1thstandmg anythmg to the contrary, 1f someone ma household has tested positive for COVID-19, or 1s awa1tmg results of a COVID-19 test, the entrre household 1s ORDERED to isolate and not travel outside Travis County until cleared by Austm Public Health or to seek medical attention Before v1sitmg a healthcare provider or if seekmg emergency medical care, you shall notify the healthcare provider or 9-1-1 call taker and frrst responders at the time of the call that you have tested positive for COVID-19 or been exposed to mdiv1duals who have tested positive, are suspected positive for COVID-19 or untested md1viduals with cough and/or fever

SECTION 5 Prior Orders This Order 1s issued m accordance with and mcorporates by reference all declarations, findmgs, and rec1tat1ons set out m the preamble to this Order This Order rescmds and replaces pnor County Judge Order 2020-5

SECTION 6 Defimtions and Exemptmns

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a Ind1v1duals expenencmg homelessness Ind1v1duals experiencmg homelessness are exempt from this Order except that, to the extent md1v1duals are usmg shared or outdoor spaces, they shall, to the greatest extent feasible, comply with Social D1stancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements as set forth m Sect10ns 1 and Exh1b1ts B and D

b Essential Actlv1t1es For purposes ofth1s Order, md1v1duals may leave their residence only to perform any of the followmg "Essential Act1v1t1es "

1 For Health and Safety To engage m activities or perform tasks essential to their health and safety, or to the health and safety of their family or household members (mcludmg, but not limited to, pets), such as, by way of example only and without llm1tat1on, seekmg emergency services, obtammg medical supplies or med1cat1on, or v1s1tmg a health care professional,

u For Necessary Suppbes and Services To obtam necessary services or supplies for themselves and their family or household members, or to deliver those services or supplies to others, such as, by way of example only and without llm1tat10n, groceries and food, mcludmg pet supplies and food, supplies they need to work from home, household consumer products, and products necessary to mamtam the safety, samtat1on, and essential operation of residences,

111 For Outdoor Activity To engage m outdoor activity for their personal md1v1dual health, such as, by way of example and without hm1tat1on, walkmg, hikmg, or runnmg provided that md1V1duals SHALL comply with the Social D1stancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements set forth m Section 1 and Exh1b1ts B and D Ind1v1duals are excepted from the face covermg reqmrement of Section 1 (b) whrle engagmg m outdoor act1v1ty 1f

a) Alone ma separate smgle outdoor space,

b) Ind1v1duals not of the same household or residence are mamtammg consistent separation of six feet or more while engagmg m outdoor act1v1ty,

c) In the presence of only other members of one's household and are mamtammg consistent separation of six feet or more from people not of one's household, or

d) Domg so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety or security risk, to person or the public

1v To Take Care of Others To caie for a family member or pet m another household, or care for dependents, persons with d1sab1ht1es or other vulnerable persons,

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v To perform or obtam services from an Essential Busmess, Government Service, or Critical Infrastructure, as defined m this Order and m accordance with Governor's Order GA-14, or to otherwise carry out activities specifically permitted m this Order, mcludmg Mm1mum Basic Operations, or

vi To return home from or to another Jurisdiction (1 e returnmg home from a closmg umvers1ty), and shall comply with Governor's Order GA-14

Essential Government Service For purposes of this Order, "Essential Government Service" means all services, mcludmg necessary admmistrative and support services, needed to ensure the contmumg operation of the government agencies and provide for the health, safety and welfare of the pubhc and all agencies that provide for the health, safety and welfare of the pubhc Each government body shall determme its Essential Government Service and identify employees and/or contractors necessary to the performance of those functions To the extent feasible, all Essential Governmental Service shall comply with Social Distancmg and Facial Covermg Reqmrements as set forth m Sections I and Exhibits Band D This Order does not apply to the Federal or State Government

Essential Government Services of Travis County mclude, but are not hm1ted to, emergency services, mcludmg emergency medical services personnel, emergency management personnel and emergency dispatchers, fire and law enforcement personnel, mcludmg correct10ns, pubhc health and medical services, mcludmg housmg and shelter personnel, transit and transit facilities, transportation services, eqmpment and facilities, power, water, telecommumcations, natural gas, public utilities, Jamtonal and samtat10n services, mformat10n technology and commumcations, mcludmg news media and press, pubhc works, all court personnel and court operat10ns, such as commumty supervision and pre-tnal service, clerk, court reporters, child protect10n and chtld welfare personnel, critical road, eqmpment, technology, mfrastructure mamtenance or repair, and elections personnel and operations

d Critical Infrastructure Cntical Infrastructure means all pubhc and pnvate facilities and assets, mcludmg both physical and cyber systems, and other functions and sectors vital to the secunty, governance, pubhc health, safety, and economic sustamabihty of the County of Travis, and mumcipahties set forth m Exhibit A, and as set forth m Exhibit C and mcorporated to this Oider by reference To the greatest extent feasible, Cntical Infrastructure shall comply with Social Distancmg and Facial Covermg Reqmrements as set forth m Sections 1 and Exhibits B and D

e Essential Busmesses Some but not all of the followmg Essential Busmesses may also be defined elsewhere as Critical Infrastructure To the greatest extent feasible, all Essential Busmesses shall comply with Social Distancmg and Facial Covermg Reqmrements as set forth m Section 1 and Exhibit B and D Further, to the greatest

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extent feasible, all Essential Busmesses should hmit customer and staff gathermg and establish sufficient spacmg for mdividuals queumg mside and outside of the busmess For the purposes of this Order, "Essential Busmesses" means

Healthcare Operations Healthcare Operations and Critical Infrastructure, mcludes but is not limited to caregivers, hospitals, climcs, dentists, pharmacies, pharmaceutical and b10technology compames, other healthcare facilities, healthcare supphers, mental health and substance abuse providers, blood banks, medical research, laboratory services, or any related and/or ancillary healthcare services Home-based and residential-based care for semors, adults, or children are also considered healthcare operations Healthcare operations also mcludes vetermary care and all health and welfare services provided to ammals This exempt10n shall be viewed broadly to avoid any impacts to the dehvery of healthcare, however, elective medical, surgical and dental procedures are prohibited to the extent prohibited m Governor's Executive Order GA-09 Healthcare operations do not mclude fitness and exeicise gyms, mdoor or outdoor recreational clubs or other similar facilities except to the extent that such busmesses are able to function under Mmimum Basic Operations sponsormg virtual or outdoor fitness activities compliant with the Social Distancmg Reqmrements and Face Covermg Reqmrements of Sect10n 1 and Exhibit B and D Healthcare Operations do not mclude retail outlets that speciahze m the selling of electromc cigarette products or cannabid10l products,

11 Stores that sell Groceries and Certam Other Essential Supplies G10cery stores, supermarkets, big-box stores, farmers' markets, food banks, convemence stores, liquor stores, and other establishments engaged m the retail sale of canned food, dry goods, fresh frmts and vegetables, pet supplies, fresh meats, fish, and poultry, and any other household consumer products (such as cleanmg and personal care products) This mcludes stores that sell groceries and also sell other non-grocery products, and products necessary to mamtammg the safety, samtation, and essential operation of residences, Essential Busmesses, Critical Infrastructure and Essential Government Services It 1s strongly recommended that households, to the greatest extent possible, only send one person to busmesses for the purpose of pickmg up food or other essential items,

m Food Culbvat1on Food cultivation, mcludmg farmmg, livestock, and fishmg,

iv Social Services and Charitable Orgamzat10ns Busmesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necess1t1es of hfe for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy md1v1duals,

v News Media Newspapers, telev1s10n, rad10, and other news media services,

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v1 Fuel Stations and Busmesses Needed for Transportation Fuel stations, automobile dealerships, auto-manufacturmg and assembly, auto-supply, auto­repa1r, and other related fac1ht1es, however, does not mclude manna fuel stations for other than the purpose of fuelmg pubhc safety boats and eqmpment and eqmpment used to support cnt1cal mfrastructure

VII Fmanc1al Inst1tut1ons Banks and related financial mst1tut1ons, consumer lenders, sales and finance lenders, credit umons, appraisers, title companies,

vm Hardware and Supply Stores Hardware stores and busmesses that sell electrical, plumbmg, and other material necessary to support Essential Busmesses, Cntlcal Infrastructure, and Essential Government Service,

1x Critical Trades Plumbers, electricians, extermmators, pool cleaners, laundry, laundromat and other service providers, but only to the extent that services are necessary to mamtammg the safety, samtat10n, and essential operation of residences, essential activ1t1es, Essential Busmesses, Essential Government Services, and Cnt1cal Infrastructure, mcludmg but not hm1ted to ut1ht1es such as electnc1ty, gas, water and wastewater, and other public works Critical Trades does not mclude services for d1scret1onary mamtenance or improvements,

x Mad and Debvery Services Busmesses prov1dmg ma1lmg and sh1ppmg services, mcludmg post office boxes,

x1 Educational Institutions Educational mst1tut1ons-mcludmg pubhc and private K-12 schools, colleges, and umvers1t1es-for purposes of temporarily closmg facd1t1es mcludmg dorm1tones, prov1dmg meals f_or pickup, facihtatmg distance leammg or performmg critical research or essential funct10ns,

XII Restaurants for Consumption Off-Premises Except for cafes and restaurants located withm a hospital or medical facility, restaurants and other facilities that prepare and serve food, but only for delivery or carry OtJt Schools and other entities that typically p10v1de free food services to students or members of the pubhc may contmue to do so under this Order on the condition that the food 1s provided to students or members of the pubhc on a pick-up and takeaway basis only Schools and other entities that provide food services under this exemption shall not permit the food to be eaten at the site where 1t 1s provided, or at any other gathermg site

xm Suppbes to Work from Home Busmesses that supply products needed for people to work from home,

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xiv Supplies and Service for Essential Busmesses, Cr1t1cal Infrastructure and Essential Government Services Busmesses or services that supply other Essential Busmesses, Cnt1cal Infrastructure, and Essential Government Services with the support or supphes necessary to operate, mcludmg but not hm1ted to manufacturmg, Jamtonal services, laundry services, computers, electromcs, hardware, pamt, electrical and plumbmg matenal, samtary eqmpment, medical eqmpment, food and beverages,

xv Food Delivery Services Busmesses that ship or dehver groceries, food, goods or services directly to residences,

xvi Transportation To the extent authorized m Governor's Order GA-14, A1rcraft, taxis, bicycles and other pnvate transportation providers (such as Uber and Lyft) that provide transportation services, or repa1r and mamtenance services, necessary for the performance of Essential Act1v1ties, Essential Busmesses, Critical Infrastructure, Essential Government Service, or Essential Travel,

xvu Home-Based Care and Services Home-based care for semors, adults, children, dependents, persons with d1sabil1t1es or other vulnerable persons, mcludmg caregivers who may travel to provide care,

xvm Res1dent1al Facilities and Shelters Res1dent1al fac1ht1es and shelters for semors, adults, children and ammals,

xix Licensed Professional Services Licensed professional services, such as legal or accountmg services, msurances services, and real estate services when necessary to assist m comphance with legally mandated activities and only to the extent that service can be provided with Mimmum Basic Operations as defined below,

xx Information Technology Serv1ces/Telecommumcat1ons Services IT and IT services and their essential services vendors, mcludmg the provision of essential global, national, and local mfrastructure for computmg services, busmess mfrastructure, commumcations, web-based services, and critical manufacturmg, as well as, telecommunications services, mternet access and broadband/commumcations services, and

xx1 Childcare Fac11it1es Childcare fac1ht1es prov1dmg services that enable employees exempted m this Order to work as permitted and to provide services for children needmg protective services To the extent possible, childcare fac1hties must operate under the followmg mandatory cond1t1ons

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a) Childcare must be earned out m stable groups of no more than 10 people ("stable" means that the same 10 or fewer children and caregivers are m the same group each day)

b) Children shall not change from one group to another

c) If more than one group of children is cared for at one facility, each group shall be m a separate room Groups shall not mix with each other

d) Childcare providers shall remam solely with one group of children

xxu Movmg Supply Services Busmesses that provide residential and/or commercial movmg services and necessary movmg supplies, and

xxm Hotels and Motels Hotels and motels, to the extent used for lodgmg 01 delivery or carry-out food services, and

xx1v Funeral Services Funeral, mortuary, cremation, bunal, cemetery, and related services, provided that social d1stancmg of six feet per person 1s mamtamed to the greatest extent possible and groups are limited to no more than ten people

xxv Rehgmus Services Religious services conducted m churches, congregations and houses of worship and any other services as approved by the Texas Div1s1on of Emergency Management, should be provided by video and teleconference Inst1tut1ons must hm1t m-person staff or volunteers to no more than ten people m the same room when preparmg for or conducting video or teleconference services, and all md1v1duals must adhere to the Social D1stancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements set forth m Sect10n I and Exh1b1ts Band D, mcludmg mamtammg a mm1mum distance of six feet between persons If services cannot be conducted from home or through remote services, they should be conducted m accordance with the latest Gmdelmes from the President and the CDC to prevent the spread of COVID-19,

xxv1 Fabric Stores Retail stores that sell fabnc may allow customers ms1de the store for the sole purpose of sellmg fabnc and supplies necessary for the creation of fabnc face masks

f Mm1mum Basic Operations For the purposes of this Order, "Mm1mum Basic Operations" mclude the followmg, provided that employers and employees comply with the Reqmrements of Section 1 and Exh1b1ts B and D while carrymg out such operations

The mm1mum necessary act1v1tles to mamtam the value of the busmess's mventory, ensure security, process payroll and employee benefits, or for related functions, or

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u The mm1mum necessary activ1t1es to fac1htate employees and chents of the busmess to contmue to work and to receive services remotely from their residences

g Residences For purposes of this Order, a residence 1s a home, dwellmg, household, hotel, motel, shared rental umt, and similar fac1ht1es

SECTION 7 The County Judge SUSPENDS all deadlmes imposed by local law, rule, or other regulat10n until May 8, 2020

SECTION 8 Although enforcement ofth1s Order 1s partially reliant on self-regulation and a commumty commitment to pubhc health and safety under the novel threat of COVID-19, the Travis County Shenff s Office, the Travis County Fire Marshal's Office, and other peace officers are hereby authonzed to use their d1scret1on m enforcmg this Order A v10lat1on ofth1s Order may be pumshable through cnmmal or civil enforcement A cnmmal v10lat1on of this Order 1s a misdemeanor pumshable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or confinement m Jatl for a term not to exceed 180 days, or both fine and confinement A cnmmal v10 latton of this Order may be enforced by the filmg of a probable cause affidavit allegmg the v10lat1on with the appropnate court or by issumg a citation to the person v10latmg, that contams wntten notice of the time and place the person must appear before a magistrate of this state, the name and address of the person charged, and the offense charged

SECTION 9 The Austm Public Health Department and the Travis County Clerk will post this Order on their websites In add1t10n, the owner, manager, or operator of any facility that 1s hkely to be impacted by this Order 1s strongly encouraged to post a copy of this Order ons1te and to provide a copy to any member of the public askmg for a copy If any subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Order or any applicat10n of 1t to any person, structure, gathermg, or circumstance 1s held to be mvahd or unconst1tut1onal by a dec1s10n of a court of competent Junsdict10n, then such decision will not affect the validity of the remamder of this Order and its application

SECTION 10 Savmgs Clause If any prov1s1on of this Order or its apphcat1on to any person or circumstance 1s held to be mvahd, then the remamder of the Order, mcludmg the apphcat10n of such part or prov1s1on to other persons or c1rcumstances, shall not be affected and shall contmue m full force and effect To this end, the prov1s1ons of this Order are severable

SECTION 11 This Order mcorporates by reference the followmg

Exhibit A List of C1t1es and Mumc1paht1es w1thm Travis County Junsd1ct10n Covered by this 01der

Exh1b1t B Recommendations and Reqwrements by the Austm Travis/ County Health Authority

Exh1b1t C Cnt1cal Infrastructure and Essential Services, Defimt10n and Obhgat1ons

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Exlnb1t D Face Covenng Requrrements

ORDERED this the l ~ay of Apnl, 2020, m the Coun rav1s, Texas

County Judge County of Travis, Texas

Filed wtth the Clerk ofTravJS County, tins~~

'-­Dana, DeBeauvorr, County Clerk

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Exhibit A List of Cities and Mumc1pabt1es w1thm Travis County Jurisd1ct10n covered by the Order

• City of Austm • City of Bee Cave • City of Cedar Park • City of Creedmoor • City of Elgm • City of Jonestown • City of Lago Vista • City of Lakeway • City of Leander • City of Manor • City of Mustang Ridge • City of Pflugerville • City ofRollmgwood • City of Round Rock • City of Sunset Valley • City of West Lake Hills • Village of Bnarchff • Village of Pomt Venture • Village of San Leanna • Village of The Hills • Village of Volente • Village of Webberville

County Judge Order No 2020-07 Exhibit A List of C1t1es and Mumc1paht1es w1thm Travis County Junsd1ct10n covered by the Order


Exhibit B Austm/Trav1s County Health Authority Reqmrements and Recommendations

for lnd1v1duals, Fam1hes and Busmesses


A COVID-19 Positive Ind1v1duals, Suspected Positives, those currently bemg tested, and Untested Individuals with cough and/or fever shall be

i Prohibited from leavmg residence without a mask, or fabnc face covermg to prevent the spread to others

11 Permitted while wearmg a mask or fabnc face covermg to

a Seek emergency medical care related or unrelated to COVID-19 In domg so, you shall notify first responders at the time of the call to 911 or pnor to visitmg other healthcare providers that you have tested positive for COVID-19, or been exposed to mdividuals who have tested positive, are suspected positive for COVID-19 or untested mdividuals with cough and/or fever

b Walk or exercismg alone m the immediate vicmity of your residence

111 Prohibited from leavmg Travis County without pnor notification to Austm Pubhc Health

iv Practlcmg Social Distancmg withm the residence, observe hygiene practices for prevention of household spread m accordance with CDC gmdelmes

v Notifymg Austm Pubhc Health 1fthe residence does not allow for physical separation from other household contacts (separate room and bathroom)

vi Notifymg Austm Pubhc Health if a member of your household 1s over the age of 60 and/or if they have underlymg medical conditions identified by the CDC ofmcreasmg the nsk of complications from COVID-19

vn Remammg m home quarantme for no less than 7 days followmg the onset of their illness and at least three days (72 hours) after the conclusion of their illness (resolution of fever wrthout medications and improvement m cough and shortness of breath), whichever is longer

B Household Members of COVID-19 Positive lnd1v1duals, Suspected Positives, those currently bemg tested, or Untested Individuals with cough and/or fever shall


i Prohibited from leavmg residence without a surgical or similar mask, or

fabnc face covermg to prevent the spread to others

11 Penmtted while wearmg a mask or fabric face covermg to

a Seek emergency medical care related or unrelated to COVID-19 In domg so, you shall notify first responders at the time of the call to 911 or prior to v1sitmg other healthcare providers that you have been exposed to mdividuals who have tested positive, are suspected positive for COVID-19 or untested mdividuals with cough and/or fever

b Walk or exercise alone m the immediate vicm1ty of your residence

m Prohibited from leavmg Travis County without prior notification to Austm Public Health at APH Preparedness@austmtexas gov

iv Practicmg social distancmg w1thm the residence, observe hygiene practices for prevention of household spread m accordance with CDC gmdelmes

v Not1fymg Austm Pubhc Health if the residence does not allow for physical separation from other household contacts (separate room and bathroom)

v1 Notifymg Austm Pubhc Health or your Primary Care Provider if you develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 as defined by the CDC

v11 Remammg m home quarantme for no less than 14 days followmg the last exposure to mdiv1duals with confirmed or suspected COVID-19

C lnd1v1duals Employed m Essential Government Service, Critical Infrastructure or Essential Busmess should refram fiom reportmg to work when fallmg withm any of the followmg criteria.

Has signs or symptoms of a COVID-19 mfection, such as a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, diarrhea, or change m smell or taste,

11 Has a fever greater than 99 6°F,

m In the previous 14 days has had contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and did not have the appropriate personal protective eqmpment designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1s under mvest:J.gatlon for COVID-19, or 1s 111 with a respiratory illness, or

Has traveled to an area the World Health Orgamzat10n or CDC considers a "Hotspot "


If someone ma household has tested pos1t1ve for COVID-19, or 1s awa1tmg results of a COVID-19 test, and a member of the household 1s an employee of an Essential Busmess, Government Service or Cnt1cal Infrastructure, an exception may be made by Austm Travis County Pubhc Health allowmg that member of the household to voluntarily return to work after findmg the nsk of reduced essential services 1s greater than the nsk of mfect1on

D Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable populat10ns mclude people who

a Are 60 years old and older, or b Have certam health cond1t1ons such as heart disease, lung disease,

diabetes, kidney disease, Human Immunodeficiency V 1rus (HIV), Acqmred Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDs), and weakened immune systems

11 Vulnerable Ind1v1duals shall

a A v01d group gathermgs unless 1t 1s essential b Telecommute c A v01d people who are sick d Wear a mask or fabnc face covermg at all times when m pubhc

E lnd1v1dual Gathermgs

All non-essential mdoor or outdoor gathermgs of any number of people outside of a smgle household or dwellmg shall be cancelled or postponed

11 Do not attend any events or gathermgs 1f sick

m For household gathermgs

a Have hand washmg capab1ht1es, hand samttzers, and tissues available, b Frequently clean high-touch surface areas hke countertops doorknobs,

and handrails, and c Fmd ways to create physical space (mm1mum of six (6) feet distance

between people) to mm1m1ze close contact as much as possible

F Schools and Daycare To the extent that schools and daycare are open under current orders

Do not have your child attend school or daycare 1f sick

11 If you have a child with chrome health cond1t1ons, consult the child's doctor about school and daycare attendance

m Frequent re-education of students and staff regardmg Social Distancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements and ensurmg that appropriate signs are posted

1v Explore remote teachmg and onlme options to contmue learnmg

II Non-essential Busmess shall cease to the extent that it cannot function under Mmimum Basic Operations as defined m Section 6(f) of the Order

III Essential Busmess, Critical Infrastructure or Government Service as defined m Section 6 of the Order and Exh1b1t C shall comply with the followmg

A Employees mclude public and private employers located and operatmg m and around Essential Government Service, Critical Infrastructure and Essential Busmess To prevent stigma and d1scnmmat1on m the workplace, employers shall only adhere to the recommendations described m this Order to determme risk of COVID-19 Employers should contact their own human resources advisors and shall not make determmat1ons of nsk based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender 1dent1ty, age, familial status, disability, marital status, student statu~ creed, national origm To the extent possible, employers should mamtam confidentiality of people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19

B Employers shall only allow persons m and around Essential Government Service, Critical Infrastructure and Essential Busmess that are (1) essential employees not subject to any of the cntena m Section I ofth1s Exh1b1t, (2) customers or members of the pubhc to the extent feasible while complymg with Social Dzstancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements of Section 1 of the Order, and (3) persons with legal authority to enter such as law enforcement

C Prior to allowmg employees mto its facility, employers shall ask all employees 1f they meet any of the criteria m Section I ofth1s Exh1b1t, and shall direct employees to return home or other appropriate shelter and services 1f the employee 1s exh1b1tmg symptoms and presentmg a threat of mfectmg others

D Employers shall immediately separate an employee who becomes sick or demonstrates a temperature greater than 99 6°F while at work from other employees and send that employee home or to othei appropriate shelter and services

E Human resources departments shall create alternate work plans to help employees remam productive while keepmg the workforce safe and healthy

F Employers are strongly encouraged to reqmre employees ( either those exhibitmg symptoms or all employees) to undergo a COVID-19 symptom check and non­mvas1ve temperature readmgs prior to enteung a worksite, however, employers are not mandated to take the temperature of employees prior to entrance to Its works1te If the employers does take employees' temperatures and/or has first­hand knowledge that the employee's temperature exceeds 99 6°F, then the employer shall prohibit the employee from entermg the facility or property

G Employers shall create and implement an mfect1ous disease response plan

H Further, where appropnate, employers shall

Suspend nonessential employee travel

11 Proh1b1t employees workmg w1thm six (6) feet of one another unless necessary to provide contmmty of essential services

m Mm1m1ze or cancel m-person meetmgs and conferences mcludmg cancelmg, postponmg or movmg to on-lme formats for all mdoor or outdoor gathermgs of any number of people

1v Reqmre employees to stay home when they are sick and max1m1ze flexibility m sick leave benefits

v Permit sick employees to stay home without providmg a doctor's note

v1 Ut1hze telecommutmg options to mmim1ze person-to-person mteract1on

vu Alter, stagger or otherwise schedule or separate employees or teams of employees so not all employees are present at one time but are present at alternative days and times, unless necessary to provide contmmty of essential services

vm Limit or restnct the number of customers or v1S1tors permitted m a workplace at one time

1x Ensure that mdividuals (employees and chents) queumg ms1de and outside of the busmess or workplace can mamtam six ( 6) feet of separation

x Designate special separate shoppmg times for h1gh-nsk clients as designated by the CDC

x1 Increase the use and capability of on-lme, dnve-thru, curbside, or delivery services

xn Provide hand washmg capabilities, hand samtizers, and tissues

xm Frequently clean high-touch surface areas hke countertops, doorknobs, and handrails with CDC recommended surface cleaners for COVID-19

xiv Shall ensure compliance with Face Covering Reqmrements m Exhibit D of the Order

Exhibit C - Critical Infrastructure & Essential Services

Overlap exists among Essential Government Service, Critical Infrastructure and Essential Busmess Some enterpnses may fall entirely or partially m more than one of the above categones

1 "Critical Infrastructure" is defined as all public and private facilities and assets, mcludmg both physical and cyber systems, and other functions and sectors vital to the secunty, governance, pubhc health, safety, and economic sustamability of Travis County

For purposes of this Order, and m accordance with Governor's Order GA-14, "Essential Services" consists of everythmg hsted by the U S Department of Homeland Secunty m its Gmdance on the "Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce," Version 2 0, plus religious services conducted m churches, congregations, and houses of worship

2 Critical Infrastructure and Essential Busmesses, mclude but are not limited to the followmg

a bankmg and financial mstitutions, b transit and transit facilities, transportation services, eqmpment and facilities, c power, water, dams, telecommumcat10ns, natural gas, pubhc utilities and

samtation services, d critical manufacturmg mcludmg primary metals, machmery, electncal eqmpment

and components, health and safety products and eqmpment, and transportation eqmpment,

e technology manufacturmg compames, f mformation technology and commumcations, mcludmg press, g emergency services, h public health and medical services,

fire and law enforcement, J pubhc works, k agriculture and food, 1 airport facilities and operat10ns, m hazardous matenals, storage and disposal, n government bmldmgs, facilities and systems mcludmg but not hm1ted to courts

and elections, and o Construct10n, mcludmg residential and bmldmg commercial construction

3 This Order shall not be construed to hmder construction for Essential Services and Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce as defined by the U S Department of Homeland Secunty m its Gmdance on the Essential Cnt1cal Infrastructure Workforce, Version 2 0 ("CISA Gmdance") The list of essential services will be mamtamed by the Texas D1vis10n of Emergency Management (TDEM) and can be found at www tdem texas gov/essentialservices The TDEM website further provides a procedure for determmmg whether a busmess qualifies as an essential service

4 All employers, employees and clients of Essential Government Service, Critical Infrastructure and Essential Busmess shall comply to the greatest extent feasible with Social Distancmg and Face Covermg Reqmrements and Recommendations as set forth m Section 1 of the Order and Exhibits Band D

TC Order 2020 7 Exh1b1t C Essential Busmess Cnt1cal Infrastructure

Exhibit D - Face Covering Requirements

A s1gmficant percentage of md1v1duals with the COVID-19 virus lack symptoms Because an mfected person can transmit the virus to others before showmg any symptoms, the covermg of a person's nose and mouth when outside your home 01 residence 1s necessary to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 This 1s consistent with the findmgs of the CDC and Austm-Trav1s County Health Authority

Unless you already have your own personal used masks that cannot be donated, the fabric face covermgs recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators, which are cnt1cal supplies that must contmue to be reserved for healthcare workers and first responders Staymg home 1s the best way to help reduce the spread of the virus, but 1f an md1v1dual must leave their place of residence, wearmg a fabnc face covermg shall be used as outlmed m this Order Wearmg a face covermg 1s not a substitute for mamtammg 6-feet social distancmg and hand washmg, as these remam important steps to slowmg the spread of the virus

The pubhc m general and Critical Infrastructure/Essential Busmess employers and employees shall adhere to the followmg

a All persons over the age of ten ( 10) shall wear some form of covermg over their nose and mouth, such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana or handkerchief, when

(1) entermg mto or ms1de of any bmldmg open to the public,

(2) when usmg public transportation, taxis, or ude shares,

(3) when pumpmg gas, and

( 4) outside and six feet of social d1stancmg cannot be consistently mamtamed between the person and md1v1duals outside of their household

b This section shall not apply to persons

(I) ndmg m a personal vehicle,

(2) that are alone m a separate smgle space,

(3) that are m the presence only of other members of their household or residence,

( 4) when domg so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety or secunty nsk, such as anyone who has trouble breathmg, or 1s unconscious, mcapac1tated or otherwise unable to remove the cover without assistance, or

(5) for consumption purposes

TC Order 2020-7 Exhibit D Face Covermgs

Parents and Guardians of children under 10 shall be responsible for appropnately maskmg children when outside their residence

c All non-residents m nursmg homes, retirement and long-term care fac1hties shall wear a fabnc face covermg as provided for m these Reqmrements, and set forth Sect:Ion 1 of the Order (Face Covermg Reqmrements) In add1t1on, residents m fac1ht1es with confirmed COVID-19 cases shall follow reqmrements of Exh1b1t B, except when domg so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety or secunty nsk

d All COVID-19 Pos1t1ve Ind1v1duals, Suspected Pos1t1ves, those currently bemg tested, and untested mdividuals with cough and/or fever, and household members of same category of md1v1duals shall not leave their residence without a mask or cloth face covermg to prevent the spread to others

e All md1v1duals workmg for a busmess defined as Essential Government Service, Cntical Infrastructure or Essential Bus mess m Sect10n 6 and Exhibit C of this Order should wear a mask or cloth face covermg whenever m pubhc and whenever performmg Job duties m the presence of others

f Unless you already have your own personal used masks that cannot be donated, medical grade (N95) and surgical masks should be reserved and used only by medical professionals and first responders

Examples of how to make cloth face covermgs can be found onlme mcludmg gmdance from the CDC and gmdance from Austm/ Travis County Health Authonty

g The fabnc face covenng should-

1 Fit snugly but comfortably agamst the side of the face 2 be secured with ties or ear loops 3 mclude multiple layers of fabnc 4 allow for breathmg without restnct10n 5 be able to be laundered and machme dned without damage or change to shape 6 Even with the use of appropriate face covermgs, mdividuals shall mamtam 6 feet

of social distancmg whenever possible 7 Individuals should avoid touchmg their face and should wash their hands or use

hand samt1zer 8 For further mformation, mdividual can access mformation at

https //traviscountytx gov/news/2020/1945-novel-co10nav1rus-covid-l 9-mformation and www AustmTexas gov/COVID19

TC Order 2020-7 Exhibit D Face Covermgs

S lA lS 111 flLl



Ll""4t~ Dana DeBeauvo1r, County Clerk

Travis County, Texas

Apr 13, 2020 02 53 PM