Status & Some Issues of BEPCII - KEK · Status & Some Issues of BEPCII ... Optimization of lattice,...

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Transcript of Status & Some Issues of BEPCII - KEK · Status & Some Issues of BEPCII ... Optimization of lattice,...

Status & Some Issues of BEPCII

ZHANG,  Yuan    

for  BEPCII  team  

2014.3.6,  @KEK  


• History  &  Status  • ParasiEc  Beam-­‐Beam  Effect  • Nonlinear  Arc  “ContribuEon”  • CollecEve  Effect  &  Instability  

Peak Luminosity at different energy

Crosscheck using SAD

•  The  closed  orbit  excited  by  the  parasiEc  effect  is  compensated  very  carefully  

•  The  tune  shiS  excited  by  the  parasiEc  effect  is  compensated  very  carefully  (NEW)

Luminosity loss versus vertical separation

Even  for  10mm,    The  loss  is  about  15%  near  7~8mA.  

It  is  s&ll  concluded  that  we  should  try  to  suppress  the  parasi&c  effect

If the horizontal separation help

We    did  not  see  any  posi&ve  contribu&on  from  the  horizontal  separa&on.

Specific lum versus the vertical separation

The  main  contribu&on  comes  from  the  ver&cal  blowup


• Why  the  modificaEon  of  NCP  does  not  help  to  increase  luminsoEy?  

     Now  the  beam  is  separated  30σx  in  horizontal  direcEon.  

Another working point (0.508,0.570) -> (0.505, 0.575)   Same  verEcal  separaEon  (10mm)     The  relaEve  lum  loss  reduces  from  15%  -­‐>  5%  

Two  reasons  maybe  explain  the  failure  of  the  modificaEon:  ①  The  separaEon  is  larger  than  expected    ②  The  real  working  point  is  opEmized  and  not  sensiEve  

to  the  parasiEc  effect  Now,  we  go  back  to  the  start  point,  how  to  explain  the  saturaEon  of  beam-­‐beam  parameter?  Maybe  bunch  lengthing  is  more  serious  than  expected?  Or  maybe  the  lagce  is  not  so  good?    

Optimization of lattice, Aperture

Optimization of lattice, Chromatic

Optimization of lattice, non-chromatic resonance•  Try  to  limit  the  amplitude  of        GNFU    (DEFINITION  IN  MADX)      (1,0,2,0)        (1,0,1,1)      (2,0,2,0)      (2,0,1,1)      (1,1,2,0)  Since  they  couple  the  horizontal  oscillaEon  to  verEcal  direcEon.  

Crosstalk between nonlinear arc & beam-beamThree  lagces  • Old:  (6.508,  5.570),  sol  off/on,  εx~150nmrad    • New  BPR  (7.505,  5.580),  sol  off/on,  εx~110nmrad    

• New  BER  (7.505,  5.580),  sol  off/on,  εx~110nmrad    

Luminosiy Loss

Old lattice

                                   Lum                                                                                              Spec.  lum

FMA of solenoid contribution

                                         Sol.  Off                                                                                                                                Sol.  On  The  difference  is  not  very  clear,  Maybe  the  area  is  important  for  luminosity

Tune spread2νx-­‐νs=N

Optimized BPR (e+)

                                         Lum                                                                                        Spec.  lum

FMA of Optimized BPR2νx-­‐νs=N

Solenoid effect in Optimized BPR

                                         Sol.  Off                                                                                                                            Sol.  On  The  difference  is  clear,  (Maybe)  the  area  is  importan  for  luminosity

Optimized BER (e-)

                                         Lum                                                                                        Spec.  lum

Solenoid effect in Optimized BER

                                         Sol.  Off                                                                                                                            Sol.  On  Which  one  is  more  important  for  luminosity?

Knob the tune of old lattice: (6.508,5.570) -> (6.505, 5.575)

Tune Spread





Amplitude Dependent




Bunch Length Fitting with Physics Data

Bunch Length from Physics Data Run

Tune shift of Mutibunch Bunch• dQx/dI  ~  +0.004  A-­‐1,  dQy/dI  ~  -­‐0.005  A-­‐1    

•  It  is  esEmated          dQx/dI  ~  0.005  A-­‐1,            dQy/dI  ~  -­‐0.006  A-­‐1              ref:      

       A.  Chao,  PRST-­‐AB,  5,  111001  

Abnormal Instability in BER

•  Only  10  bunches,1  bunch  every  32  buckets  •  Beam  Current  70mA  •  The  horizontal  sideband  very  clear  when  the  feedback  off

Bunch luminsotiy degradation along the train

  E+: 360mA   E- : 390mA

Bunch luminsotiy degradation along the train (2)

  E+: 330mA   E- : 220mA

Bunch luminsotiy degradation along the train (3)

  E+: 265mA   E- : 340mA

Longitudinal feedback kicker

•  PEP-II feedback kicker -> DAFNE Type Cavity Kicker?

Loss  Factor:    0.25V/pC


•  The  OpEmized  lagce  seems  good  enough.  But  in  the  real  machine,  we  should  make  sure  the  2*nux-­‐nus  resonance  do  not  bring  side  effect.  

• Could  we  find  more  profit  from  the  lagce  opEmizaEon?  (Twiss  parameters  choice?,  Emiuance  choice?)  

•  The  mysterious  instability  source  should  be  found.  And  the  bunch  luminosity  drop  should  be  cured.  

• High  beam  current  is  a  must  for  high  luminsoEy  As  a  mauer  of  fact,  we  sEll  could  not  run  with  the  design  beam  current  normally  Ell  now.

Thanks  for  your  auenEon!