Status of the A LICE Maintenance and Operation Budgets C. Decosse

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CERN-RRB-2009-087. Status of the A LICE Maintenance and Operation Budgets C. Decosse. M&O-A incomes and outstanding contributions 2002-2009 M&O-A 2009 current situation M&O-A 2010 preliminary budget M&O-A 2010 Sharing M&O-B 2010 preliminary budget and estimates for 2011-2013. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Status of the A LICE Maintenance and Operation Budgets C. Decosse

27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

Status of the ALICE Maintenance and Operation Budgets

C. Decosse


27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

• M&O-A incomes and outstanding contributions 2002-2009

• M&O-A 2009 current situation

• M&O-A 2010 preliminary budget

• M&O-A 2010 Sharing

• M&O-B 2010 preliminary budget and estimates for 2011-2013


27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

M&O cat. A income 2002-2009 (unit: kCHF)


Year   2002 - 2008         2009         TOTAL 2002 - 2009 (up to 12/10/09)  Country Invoiced Received In-kind Due   Invoiced Received In-kind Due   Invoiced received in-kind DUE

MS CERN 1,887 1,887      488 488      2,375 2,375     Czech Republic 301 301      101 101      402 402     Denmark 134 134  0  51    51  185 134  50  Finland 162 162      42 42      204 204     France CEA 198 198      51 51      248 248     France IN2P3 1,433 1,433      396 396      1,829 1,829     Germany BMBF 884 884      295 131  163  1,179 1,016  163  Germany GSI 546 546      177 177      722 722     Greece 137 137  0  42 42      179 179  0  Hungary 84 84      25 25      109 109     Italy INFN 3,294 3,296  -2  900 898  2  4,194 4,194  0  Netherlands 270 270      84 84  0  354 354  0  Norway 376 376      126 126      502 502     Poland 459 384  76  118    118  577 384  193  Slovak Republic 381 381      109 109      491 491     Spain/Cuba 98 98      59 59      157 157     Sweden 149 149      34 34      183 183     United Kingdom 218 218      84 84      302 302   MS Total   11,011 10,938  73  3,181 2,847  334  14,192 13,785  406NMS Armenia 87 87      13 5  8  100 92  8  Brazil 51 51      92    92  142 51  92  China Wuhan CCNU 122 63 60 -1  65    65  187 63 60 64  China Others 97  63 34  26    26  123  63 61  Croatia 116 116      52 10  42  168 126  42  India 921 921      411 411      1,333 1,333     Japan 133 133      116 103  13  249 236  13  JINR 371 68 336 -33  78  64 15  449 68 399 -18  Mexico 298 298      170 170      468 468     Republic of Korea NRF 156 156      105 105      261 261     Romania ISS 100 100      52 52      152 152     Romania NIPNE 206 206      78    78  284 206  78  Russia 1,507 1,507      460 307 10 143  1,968 1,815 10 143  South Africa 108 108      78 78      187 187     Ukraine 134 106 28    65 5  60  199 111 28 60  USA DOE 386 386  0  362    362  748 386  362  USA NSF 143 143  0  52 52      195 195  0NMS Total   4,937 4,450 487 0  2,277 1,299 74 905  7,214 5,749 560 904

Grand Total   15,947 15,388 487 73  5,458 4,146 74 1,238  21,405 19,534 560 1,311Percentage cash collected   96%       76%       80%  Percentage collected including in-kind   99.5%       77.3%       93.9%  

27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

Outstanding M&O-A Contributions


*) ALICE-INT-2006-005

Procedure *):

If on 1 September the outstanding amount is less than, or equal to, the current year’s contribution:

• CERN Finance Department sends a standard reminder to the F/A requesting payment within one month.

If on 1 September the outstanding amount is larger than the current year’s contribution:• ALICE Management sends a letter to the F/A announcing that, unless payment is made

before the end of the year, the right to sign papers will be withdrawn as of December 31.

Total outstanding contributions > 2009 invoice:

• China (Beijing and Wuhan HUST) • Poland

a payment plan to settle the major part of the outstanding invoices has been proposed by Poland and China CIAE.

27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

2009 M&O-A situation (unit: kCHF on Oct. 8th, 2009)


  Budget 2009

Payments & Commitmentson 8/10/2009

Expected Commitment


Expenditure Balance %Detector related costs 1,829 1,568 520 2,088 -259 114.2%Secretariat 278 161 7 168 110 60.3%Communications   55  55 -55 Offline Computing 446 466  466 -20 104.5%On-line Computing 1,202 844 320 1,164 38 96.8%Test Beam and Calibration facilities 102 71 30 101 1 98.8%Laboratory Operations 310 419  419 -109 135.2%General services 430 418 116 534 -104 124.1%Consultancy 40 2  2 38 5.0%Outreach 50 24 5 29 21 58.2%TOTAL without power 4,687 4,029 * 997 5,026* -339* 107.2%*Power 2,592 -79 513 434 2,158 16.8%TOTAL 7,279 3,732 1,510 5,242 2,037 72.0%             * Payments & Commitments on 8/10/2009 include 198 kCHF of payments and 19 KCHF of open commitments from 2008.Estimates for energy in 2009: 15,261MWh x 33.6 chf = 513 KCHF.        2009 NMS energy budget 771 kCHF, 29.75% of total energy paid = 153 kCHF, estimated rebate for 2011 = 618 kCHF.

27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087 6

M&O-A budget evolution 2009-2013 (unit: kCHF)

2010 learning year as full running year

Category 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Detector related costs 1,828 1,886 1,671 1,671 1,671Secretariat 278 238 238 238 238Communications   55 55 55 55Off-line computing 446 527 537 537 537On-line computing 1,202 1,406 1,802 1,902 1,902Test beams & calibration facilities 102 95 95 95 95Laboratory operations 310 230 230 230 230General services 520 541 541 541 541Total without Power 4,687 4,978 5,169 5,269 5,269Power 2,592 2,231 2,231 2,231 2,231Grand Total 7,279 7,209 7,400 7,500 7,500

 Operational sub-items total 2,594 2,534 2,534 2,534 2,534Consumable sub-items total 2,093 2,445 2,636 2,736 2,736Power 2,592 2,231 2,231 2,231 2,231Grand Total 7,279 7,210 7,400 7,500 7,500

27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

Sharing of M&O-A budget


Agreed procedure:

• Establish effective 1 September the list of ALICE members by institute• This list will be valid for the next calendar year, and is the basis for

sharing of the M&O A budget, but also:• authorship of ALICE scientific publications• voting rights in the CB• shift obligations

The number of ‘scientists’ determines the sharing of the M&O A budget

27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

Sharing of the 2010 M&O-A Budget (unit: kCHF)

Rebate from 2008 energy

Total Budget 2.592kCHFSpent 341.1 kCHF (13.2%)

2008 Invoiced NMS 662.5 kCHF

2008 Corrected NMS 87.2 kCHF

2010 Rebate 575.3 kCHF


27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

M&O-B 2010 preliminary budget and estimates for 2011-2013


(Unit: kCHF)

M&O MoU:

“For Category B, the cost shall be shared by the Funding Agencies and Institutes concerned in a manner that the Collaboration shall propose to the RRB”


sharing is left to the projects

sharing proportional to investments is the most obvious solution

 Data in kCHF      

System 2010 2011 2012 2013

Pixel 155.3 104.0 104.0 104.0

Drift 195.0 200.0 200.0 200.0

Strip 193.8 193.8 193.8 193.8

ITS-CMA 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5

TPC 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0

TRD 163.4 163.4 163.4 163.4

TOF 148.0 148.0 148.0 148.0

EMCAL 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

HMPID 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0

PHOS 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0

Muons 280.0 280.0 280.0 280.0

Trigger 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0

ACORDE 20.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

FMD 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0

PMD 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0

T0 38.1 48.1 48.1 48.1

V0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0

ZDC 37.0 37.0 50.0 37.0Grand Total 1,878.1 1,831.8 1,844.8 1,831.8

27th meeting of the ALICE RRB - 14 October 2009 – RRB-2009-087

2010 M&O-B sharing (unit: kCHF)